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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 03:18 AM

Ahh! Does anyone happen to have a Squishy Space Protector I could borrow to ghost and then send back?
It's one of the few CIs I'm missing and I'd love to use the background

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 03:54 AM

My Out of time Entry!
Username: Linnea

Story: This 18th century French fellow, has fallen right out of the Rococo period and right onto a night club dance floor earlier tonight! Why are the women so scantily clad? Where are all these colorful lights coming from? Is this place on fire? So much racket!

Last edited by Linnea; 08-25-2017 at 04:46 AM..

LillieRose is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 04:10 AM

My Merketi Glam Entry!
Username: LillieRose

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 04:47 AM

My Crew Assemble Entry!
Usernames & Crew Rolls: Linnea: hydro technician, Elirona: Botanist, Car'a'carn: Engineer, Woodlandnymph: Scientist, Precarious Fool: Chef
Story: Our ship, the S.S. Lackinclothing, is a refugee ship travelling through space looking for a planet to colonize. The crew of the Lackinclothing are all nudists cast out from their home planets for simply not wanting to wear clothes. They're looking to found a colony of nudists from all races on an uninhabited planet (preferably one with a beach) where they can live without judgement and they asses out all the way.

Our first member is Linnea. She is an expert on water, as she comes from a planet that is entirely made of it. No one really got out much on her home planet, which made it that much more of a scandal when she simply refused to wear the clothes of her species. So with a desire to leave her family bubble pod she sought out others who share the same feelings about nakieness. The S.S. Lackingclothing happened to make berth on her planet to get a fresh water supply. It was meant to be! Linnea uses the coral and waterfalls as natural filters and keeps everyone properly hydrated until they find the planet to colonize, and then the real work begins!

Our second crew member is Elirona, a botanist from Lghthnfer. The Lghthnfernians are peaceful and knowledge-seeking historians looking to document everything in the universe. Elirona is on a mission to collect every form of plant life from every planet in the universe, and posing cutely with them. He was exiled from Lghthnfer for being a little too touchy-feely with the plants. And also being naked all the time while doing so.

Our third member is Car'a'Carn. Car'a'Carn is a... A human?? It looks like one of the crew has secretly abducted a human from Planet Earth and incinerated all his clothing! The last thing he remembers is going to sleep after a particularly stressful work day and then... Carn is an Engineer by the looks of him, only... *ZZZZZPOOOF!* Only it looks like he's a rather incompetent Engineer... Hopefully the poor naked human Car'a'Carn can survive way out here in the galaxy and keep the S.S. Lackinclothing from exploding at the same time!

Our fourth member is Woodlandnymph, who hales from the planet Frextron from the Calisto Cluster. The rigorously strict structure of her society stifled her, and with a longing to be free and study her kind of science, Woodlandnymph set off to study the effects of yarbot saliva on alien skin types. Watch your step around her, she's always slathering saliva when she walks by. That certainly does make being a nudist quite convenient.

Our final and most important member is P. Fool. P. Fool just wanted to be Iron Chef, but apparently it's an Earth only thing, and you have to wear clothes. With dreams crushed he joined the S.S. Lackinclothing, where he intends to colonize a new planet, with a better Iron Chef Position (and hookers & blackjack). Take that, Food Network! Some people might question his methods, surely one shouldn't wear the food before serving it, but who can deny the tasty dishes put out before them? Just don't tell him you don't like his food, you think Piper had it bad? That's got nothing on what he'll do to you with only a turkey baster and a can of green beans.

Xeox is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 04:54 AM


Oh my. That's some crew.

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 05:03 AM

we're a rag tag bunch, that's for sure!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 05:13 AM

My Out of time Entry!
Username: Emma Corrin
Story: Welcome to the Mesozoic!! Our Steam Punk Gal Emma here is testing out her newly built Time Ship. In theory, her Time Ship can sail through time and take her wherever she wants to go. She just has to follow the Time Line on her map there and she'll land in Time whenever and wherever she chooses.

Well, so she thought. Her Time Ship doesn't quite seem to be in working order!

This 19th Century Steamer has just landed herself in the Mesozoic Era in an attempt to travel back to the 14th Century! I think she overshot her destination by a couple.... hundred million years or so.

See that Volcano in the background? See the Pterodactyl? Yup. You guessed it. She just plopped herself into the middle of a volcanic eruption and the dinosaurs are in total chaos. As you can tell from her obvious reaction, she is not happy with the sudden turn of events!! If she doesn't get this Time Ship fixed STAT, she may just end up a Steamer Pancake!!

---------- Post added 08-25-2017 at 01:26 AM ----------

My Menewshan Merketi Entry!
Username: Emma Corrin

I chose Peeblo! I thought he'd have a blast at the celebration, even if he is pretty mischievous and caused a Volcano to erupt just to see what everyone would do... Y'all know he's the best guest at a party!! You never know what he's going to pull out of his Box of Tricks XD;

Xeox is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 06:10 AM

If what Cecilia tells me is true about Peeblo, we would have made more problems than Yumeh did in that age.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 06:15 AM

My Menewshan Merketi Entry!
Username: Suona

Lapis Kem is joinging in the festivities and paying respects to the sun altar, as she is celebrating in dance, and in the history of Celes Paradi it was the sun that supported Dance.

I LOVE that out of time entry, Linny!
So clever and very funny

Last edited by Suona; 08-25-2017 at 06:17 AM..

Xeox is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 06:28 AM

She does look very much like her.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by Xeox View Post
If what Cecilia tells me is true about Peeblo, we would have made more problems than Yumeh did in that age.
I don't even want to think about the damage that could have been done

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 07:48 AM

My Crew Assemble Entry!
Usernames & Crew Rolls:
Nephila - navigator
Roachi - master gunner
Suona - captain
Velvet - quartermaster
bloodstainedwings - chef
Story: We fly an airship known as Dacnis Rising. The Dacnis is a beautiful bird found in rainforest enviornments. Our captain is from a small village where that bird is a rare, but welcome, sight that brings luck with it. Like the Dacnis, the captain wanted to rise up into the sky and fly free. Finding like-minded crew, she set forth with a dream with the Dacnis as their figurehead, to lead them foreward (and upward!) with good luck. To the skies they sailed, and found a profession in star catching. But who could be interested in trading in stars? Rumors led them to the island of Merkhet, where they discovered a beast with a ravenous hunger for stars. Rich in beautiful fabrics and fine, rare gems to trade in, the people welcomed the star catchers with open arms in the midst of their festivites. Reminded of the Dacnis in their vibrancy and beauty, the crew adopted the fine treasures into their uniforms and sailed on to new adventures, promising the Star Catcher they would return again to stave off that pesky hunger.

Where are we going?: To Merkhet, of course! We got wind that there may be some other beings interested in stars or stardust, and we won't miss that opportunity!

The yellow-tufted dacnis :

Xeox is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 07:53 AM

Yes! Another crew!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 08:11 AM

My Merketi Glam Entry!
Username: Suona

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 10:25 AM

My Merketi Glam Entry!
Username: Sadrain
An odd arrival at the great ball... I would be careful of that spear and are those horns?!

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 11:06 AM

All the crews are cutting it close.

Xeox is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 11:44 AM

There has been three crews.

I hope to see one more.

Last hour for Scanning!

Ticking Time Bomb of Titillation
Facade is offline
Old 08-25-2017, 12:20 PM

Amazing crews! Su and company, yours is fantastic.

Xeox, you and your skanks are in the unenviable position to judge.


-slaps Xeox on the butt and vanishes in a cloud of red smoke-


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