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Old 01-01-2017, 06:40 PM

Memory Jar 2017

I didn't do one of these last year so I'll give it a go for 2017. Please feel free to join me and chat about my memories/goals/etc.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-02-2017 at 02:17 PM..


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Old 01-01-2017, 06:40 PM

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Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-02-2017 at 06:03 PM..


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Old 01-01-2017, 06:40 PM

Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's a rather chill day today getting some stuff done and relaxing. I'm so happy for the long weekend!

• • •

My number one resolution for this year is to find a new job.
My current company does not have a healthy environment and it's stressing me out, making me unhappy and sick. I've made my first steps towards happiness, moving out of my previously bad home environment, now it's time to take the next step.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-02-2017 at 02:24 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 01-02-2017, 02:01 AM

I wish you the happiest and healthiest of new years, ziggie <3


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Old 01-02-2017, 04:19 AM

Thank you hummy! The same to you!


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Old 01-02-2017, 02:41 PM

Monday, January 2, 2017

Today is my last day before going back to work. I'm really glad for the 3 day weekend. I tried to put up my new curtains yesterday but was disappointed that after all my sewing efforts to hem the bottoms, now they are too wide. So now I'll either have to sew them by hand to see if I can't get my coworker to either do it for me or bring me her sewing machine.

The agenda for today is to make sure my resume is up to date and then relax and maybe do some coloring or play some video games and watch Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. I love General Grievous!

• • •

For this one I can only pull avatars of my own since those are the only ones I've really kept track of through the year. This was my favorite avatar from 2016:

A cute little ninja girl! I got some help with the background from Car'a'carn. ^_^

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-04-2017 at 01:58 AM..


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Old 01-04-2017, 02:02 AM

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

I had a seriously difficult time getting out of bed today. I had some nightmares last night and woke up feeling exhausted. It probably didn't help that I didn't really want to go back to work. The day went relatively well though and this evening I managed to update my resume and search for some jobs. I didn't really find anything French related that I seemed suited to though so tomorrow I will look at some other things. I played a bit of SWTOR afterwards as a reward.

• • •

Hrm, I feel like 2016 was an eh sort of year. There aren't a lot of memories that I'm really in the mood to relive really, happy or sad. I guess my favorite memory though would be playing in the leaves in the back yard of my dad's house after my grandmother's funeral. It was nice to do something sort of fun and happy/silly after such a serious/sad event.


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Old 01-06-2017, 04:05 PM

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Crap, I’m already forgetting to update this. That’s why I didn’t do one of these last year, I have such a hard time remembering to keep up with it! Anyway, on Wednesday I had a little Christmas extension! I received a package from a friend and we skyped while opening each other’s presents which was fun. ^_^ I got lots of crafting stuff including this cool cutting/embossing machine and a hand crocheted pineapple bag! For my friend I got a hand made mug with a moustache guard! XD

• • •

Favorite movie 2016… I didn’t really go to the movies much this year so I’m having a hard time remember which ones I actually went to see, LOL! The one that sticks out in my memory is X-Men: Apocalypse which I quite enjoyed. I’d really like to go see the new Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie though and Star Wars Rouge One. I was also interested in seeing The Girl on the Train since I read the audio book. I guess I’ll have to wait for them to come out and rent or buy them then.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

I was oddly not very hungry today. It was kind of weird since I have really been eating a lot lately. On the plus though my cat finally got her appetite back! I was starting to worry since she hadn’t been eating much…

• • •

Going forward. I guess this could mean a lot of things? I’m going to say that I hope to move forward with my life this year in line with my resolutions. I really need to find a new job for my physical and mental health and want to work on stressing less and being happier. Let’s hope I can go forward with these goals!


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Old 01-08-2017, 02:32 PM

Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday was a bit of a mess. I'm having issues with my eyes and wanted to see an eye doctor. I had called the eye doctor I went to previously a few weeks ago before I started having trouble and they had informed me that because the doctor I had seen last time was a specialist that I couldn't see her again without a referral but that there was another doctor in the office that I could see without a referral. I called them back to ask what the name of this other doctor was only to get put on hold then finally have my call taken back by another receptionist who told me that I could see any doctor and didn't need a referral which I was pretty sure was incorrect as the person I spoke to the last time I called was the insurance/billing person who I am sure knows more about that stuff than the bitchy receptionist (she was nasty with me the last time I went in there...).

Anyway the lady wouldn't listen to me and the billing guy was out for lunch so I hung up and called my insurance which was another nightmare. Apparently with my insurance I'm not entitled to an annual eye exam. I can't even see a doctor who isn't my primary care doctor or my OBGYN without a referral. So they told me that I would need to contact my doctor to get the referral before I could go to the optician. So then I make a third call to the doctor's office who tell me that it's just a script and I can come pick it up. So then I go to the doctor's office thinking I'm just going to be picking up a sheet of paper and the receptionist makes me fill out all the paperwork again for a simple change of address and redo all my insurance stuff. I was like seriously? I thought I was just supposed to be picking up a paper... Then she calls me back up and says it'll be $80 for the visit and I'm like you're kidding right? I'm not even seeing the doctor I'm sure as hell not going to pay $80 just to get a flipping piece of paper, are you out of your mind? So then she goes back to ask the doctor and he finally gives her the referral script.

I seriously thought the whole thing could be accomplished in 15 minutes on my lunch break but then it ended up taking an hour. @_@ Anyway I was finally able to book my eye exam online and was super glad because there was only one appointment on Monday which would be the last appointment before the end of the month. Except I ended up missing 2 calls later in the day to tell me that apparently the appointment was not available and that I needed to call them back. Which I didn't notice until 5 minutes after they closed and they're closed this weekend as well. *table flip* So who knows when I'll finally be able to be seen. Probably not until February at this point. And in the meantime I get to deal with a month of eye pain. Very disappointing after all that work I put into just being able to even go see the doctor. I'm so fed up with the health care system in this country.

• • •

So this summer I moved to another location and I really like the feel of this area. It's more homey, more houses (I seriously didn't know those existed in New York City), more convenient, and people seem friendlier. This summer I took quite a few walks around the area. It's calming and peaceful here.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Today we had like a blizzard. I took down my Christmas decorations except the garland around my wall because I can't reach it and the step ladder at the hardware store is really expensive. I'll have to figure out what to do with that later.

I put on my new iphone screen protector and was sooo mega proud because I got it on there perfectly! No bubbles, no dust! I've had some pretty terrible luck the past few times that I've tried to do them so I'm sooo happy.

Later on I tried making a card with the new card making stuff I got for Christmas. I had a hard time though, I had an idea in mind but just couldn't seem to execute it the way I wanted to. So instead of spending like an hour or two making a bunch of cards like I had planned I spent a good couple of hours just to make one card. @_@

After that I cleaned up all of the mess and played some SWTOR online with a friend until bedtime.

• • •

A is for...alpaca! I love alpacas.


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Old 01-09-2017, 05:04 PM

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday was a bit up and down for me. I had some fun making cards and playing a little Pokemon Sun but I also wasn't feeling so well most of the day though I'm not really sure why. At least I got to relax a bit.

• • •

Honestly I'm not much of a YouTube person. I don't really follow people or go around watching video after video. Mostly I use YouTube to look up songs that I don't have, though I don't really have to do that much anymore since I can get a lot of them on Spotify. If I had to pick someone though I'd say Smooth McGroove. I follow him on Twitter so I see whenever he releases a new video. He does these awesome acapella versions of video game music. Check it out, it's pretty cool!


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Old 01-10-2017, 03:04 AM

Monday, January 9, 2017

Today was alright. My coworker got back from her trip to France. I'm definitely happy to have her back. And she brought my the shirt I ordered! I can't wait to wear it! It's a really pretty Japanese pattern. The day went by pretty quickly, I had quite a bit of work to do so that kept me busy. We had a short break later in the afternoon for the "King Cake" party which is something that's celebrated in France but not here. They have a special cake with a little ceramic piece hidden inside and whoever gets it is supposed to be king for the day. This evening I've been searching for jobs. I applied to one job that seems kind of eh before finding another one that seems like a good fit. I'm applying to it this evening and I'll keep my fingers crossed. It's pretty late so I guess I should be heading to bed but I really wanted to get that application out.

• • •

Hm, I feel like there are so many yummy recipes out there that I'd like to try but sometimes I get so lazy when they require too many odd ingredients that I don't usually keep around. I was cooking quite a bit after I moved into my new apartment but lately I haven't been trying as many new recipes. I'll have to get back to the schedule I had set for myself before which was trying to cook a new recipe every Sunday!


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Old 01-11-2017, 09:41 PM

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Today was kind of weird. I woke up with my arm feeling numb/tingly from my shoulder down. It was very frustrating dealing with that all day. It was a pretty busy day, I had a lot to do at work, and then I ran around all evening trying to get a huge load of laundry done. I haven't done laundry since Christmas! @_@ Anyway, it's quite a relief to have that done now even though I stayed up suuuuper late to do so.

• • •

My grandmother passed away in October and this Christmas my dad and stepmom sent me a Christmas card from my deceased grandparents with $100 from them. It was super sweet feeling like I got something special from them, almost like they were still here. It made me cry but I guess it was a good sort of a cry.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-12-2017 at 07:41 PM..


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Old 01-12-2017, 07:50 PM

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I was super glad to wake up and have feeling in my arm again. That was definitely a relief. Work was pretty crazy. I had so much to do and I was running around trying to work on a million different things at once and it was the same story getting home from work too. On a better note though I got a baguette and some ham and cheese and made a really yummy melted ham and cheese baguette sandwich for dinner. Afterwards I skyped and played SWTOR with a friend who taught me how to do this crafting stuff to get some cool new decorations for my stronghold. I also decided to buy one of their cartel packs that has a bunch of luxury decorations! I can’t wait to use them!

• • •

Well since I’m an adult now I don’t really have “chores” so much as life things to take care of, lol! There’s cooking and cleaning and house upkeep and the like. Every morning I make the bed, though it’s really just pulling the blanket back into place since I don’t toss and turn a lot. Then I make breakfast, usually just some toast or something like that, and feed the cat. Then every evening I have to feed the cat again, make dinner, and do the dishes. I also like to pick things up and put them back in their places before I go to bed so everything is neat and tidy. There are other things that I do though not every day. I try to vacume at least once or twice per week because my apartment is really small and the cat food crumbs and litter tend to get all over the place. I take out the garbage and recyclables as often as necessary, usually once a week or so, and I do the laundry every two weeks or so. As for cleaning, I do it as needed, usually once every few weeks I mop and wipe down the counters and things. I’m a pretty clean person and maintain my space really well so it’s a lot easier to clean than when I was living with a room mate.


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Old 01-15-2017, 02:07 AM

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Today was one of those days where everything just seemed to go wrong. On the plus side the weather was a bit warmer than it has been recently.

• • •

Haha, when I think of things inside of boxes I think of kitties. XD They always love to play inside of boxes!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Today was Friday the 13th. I was pretty tempted to just stay in bed. I was super tired from staying up late all week and was hoping that my black cat would be a good excuse to stay in bed on this unlucky day but alas I had to go to work. And what a day it was indeed. Definitely a day I would have preferred to stay in bed for but I survived and now that work is over I can enjoy the weekend.

• • •

The weather lately has been very cold. It was unseasonably warm before Christmas but now we are starting to get our share of the cold air and snow. I did quite enjoy the milder weather but it is winter so I guess I can deal with some of the cold weather too in moderation. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-15-2017 at 03:52 AM..


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Old 01-15-2017, 11:58 PM

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Today was a good day. I slept in and got some stuff done then went out in the snow for some groceries. I got a big bag of kale and a bottle of Olive Garden Italian dressing and it was so yummy! Later I played some SWTOR and finally got to put up some of my luxury decorations. My stronghold is starting to look pretty awesome! The only eh part of the day was finding a big cockroach in the bathroom. >.<

• • •

B is for...blankets! It's been so cold lately I just want to snuggle up in some nice warm blankets.


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Old 01-16-2017, 06:33 PM

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Today I went up to Queens to my coworker’s house to use her sewing machine. After I moved into my apartment I had a really hard time finding a pair of curtains that worked in the space. Finally I ended up getting a set that was too long so I took them home with me for Christmas and hemmed them only to realize after I got back that they were too wide too.

So anyway I met her and another coworker for brunch and had a yummy breakfast burger then we went to a bakery and I got some chocolate chip pastry twist thing which honestly wasn’t that great. Finally we went back to her place and I sewed the curtains and then headed back home. I got a few things done then played a bit of SWTOR before bed.

• • •

I tend to kind of stick around the same threads a lot. One of my favorite places to hang out is the Howl’s Moving Castle Charity.


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Old 01-17-2017, 01:42 AM

Monday, January 16, 2017

Today was the Monday morning blues. I woke up super tired and cold to the bone. I just couldn't warm up today... Work was pretty busy this morning and then I had a phone interview in the afternoon which I don't think went very well. After I got back from my lunch break shit hit the fan. The President unapproved the mailing that we were starting to send out and we ended up having to redo the letters and throw a bunch out. Then she approved and unapproved it again so I had to redo the letters yet again. A bunch more work got added to my already way overflowing workload and I really have no idea how I'm going to get everything done. It's just craziness. I ended up staying like 40 minutes late trying to get stuff done. I did get to relax a little bit on the train home though and played some Happy Home Designer on my 3DS for the first time in forever. I've got a few things to take care of this evening but hopefully I'll get a couple minutes to relax. I really should be looking at other job stuff but after the crazy day I had I really need to unwind a bit. @_@

• • •

One happy childhood memory was getting my first cat! I had always wanted a cat and had begged and pleaded my mom for the longest time. Finally she relented when I was in 3rd grade I believe? We got an orange tabby from a yard sale named Todd. My dad thought we should call him Garfield but we kept the name. That first night I had made a blanket fort to sleep in and Todd attacked my legs through the fabric. I remember being really upset by it at the time but thinking back it was rather silly. I have so many good memories of playing with Todd. He was pretty patient, he even let me dress him up in doll clothes and put hair clips in his fur!


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Old 01-18-2017, 09:38 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Last night I discovered a fun show on Netlix called "The New Girl". The main character is super adorkable but I love it. I ended up staying up later than I should watching a second episode because it was just too cute/funny. I had a really hard time sleeping last night though. I woke up at like 4:30am and laid away for about an hour. Finally I fell back asleep and then the cat went absolutely bonkers running around like crazy and tearing across the bed. Definitely wasn't happy about that and woke up feeling awful.

I went to the eye doctor on my lunch break to have my eyes checked. I wasn't able to see the doctor that I usually see because she was fully booked until February so I went to see one of their other doctors. It was crazy cold in the office because they had all the windows open and I had to wait like a half hour after my appointment time to be seen. The doctor was really awkward. Like super OCD but at least my vision hadn't changed too much so I don't need to get new glasses. They talked again about my glaucoma risk but I think it's kind of weird because the other optician I saw last year didn't think it needed extra testing or anything. I think I'm going to hold off on that for a year and maybe go to someone else next time for a second opinion.

It rained pretty much all day and it was yet another super crazy day at work. I ended up staying late again and I got distracted playing SWTOR when I got home so I didn't really get the things I needed to done and ended up having to stay up late to take care of the dishes and a few other things.

• • •

One bad childhood memory is when my best friend Christina was supposed to come over for a sleepover on the weekend but I forgot my spelling list at school and couldn't study for the test so my mom cancelled our playdate. I remember being so mad. It seemed like way too big of a punishment for something so small.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Yet another super crazy day at work today. I swear this place just gets exponentially worse with time. I seriously can't wait till Friday. Anyway, hopefully I'll actually leave on time tonight and have some fun playing SWTOR with a friend later and get to bed on timeish. I've been staying up way too late lately. >.<

• • •

Hm, that's a tough choice because I really read some good books in 2016! I would have to say my favorite though was These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman. I wasn't really grabbed at the beginning but it really made things rather scary and suspenseful in the middle. I don't usually do scary/creepy but it was really well done! I can't really say the same for the sequels though unfortunately. Here's my entire 2016 book list if you want to check it out: • ziggle's 2016 Book List •

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-18-2017 at 09:51 PM..


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Old 01-20-2017, 06:33 PM

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today was the craziest day of the week by far. I was in a meeting from 12:30pm to 5:30pm straight. @_@ Talk about sensory overload… At least the day itself wasn’t too terrible. After work I went to Target to do some shopping which was fun. It wasn’t too busy so that was definitely nice and I got to try out their new self checkout system. Once I got home I made some bagel bites for dinner and got on do to a bit of crafting in SWTOR before bed. I really need to work on getting to bed earlier though, I’ve gotten into a bad habit of going to bed way too late the past few weeks. >.<

• • •

Favorite restaurant of 2016... Hm… Well it’s not really a restaurant per say but I would say Panera. I went there for the first time this year and fell in love with their Napa Almond Chicken Salad Sandwich. It’s delicious! I love that you can get half sizes or mix and match two items to create a meal. And I discovered that if you are a member you can get a free bagel every day of the month for your birthday month, how cool is that?!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Today I woke up feeling like I had a hangover even though I didn’t drink anything last night. @_@ I called the vet first thing in the morning to make an appointment for Yuna. She’s had a few odd symptoms lately but lately she hasn’t been eating much so I think it’s time to take her.

The day itself hasn’t gone too bad so far. Things are a bit more relaxed in the office today and someone even brought donuts! I’ll hopefully be able to leave a half hour early because I’ve done too many hours on my previous days this week. That would be nice… I’ll probably stop at the store on the way home to get a few things that I didn’t pick up at Target yesterday and then play some SWTOR which should be fun.

• • •

Haha, it’s fitting that today’s topic is my pet since I was just saying how I have to take her to the vet. I have a little black cat named Yuna. We have a bit of a love/hate relationship, LOL! She can be very sweet and loving and then she can be super evil, like biting my ankles while I’m getting ready for work. >.< All in all I love her though and would be sad if she wasn’t there when I came home from work. We always have to have our little evening cuddle time when I get home. ^_^

Here’s a pic of my little panther:


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Old 01-22-2017, 02:29 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2017

So I took my cat to the vet today. I rather felt like a jerk but she wasn't eating properly and I was worried. They think it's feline HIV? So I have to give her some powder in her food now to treat that. Hopefully it'll make her better. I was worried that she had lost weight because she wasn't eating but it turns out that with the few kibbles I've been giving her with her wet food she's actually gained weight. After that I came back home and got some Chinese food for lunch because it was really late and I didn't feel like cooking anything. I was planning on going out to the store after that but by the time I was ready it was dark out so I decided not to. I worked on sewing my curtains instead. I'm so happy to finally finish them! They look great! I have to fix the one window though because it's letting in too much light at night but hopefully it should be an easy enough fix. I watched more Yuri On Ice while I sewed. I'm so in love with that show. Ice skating hotties...bromance references...beautiful animation... *drool* After that I played a bit of SWTOR and got to bed later than I should have.

• • •

C is for cat whom I took to the vet today and for Chinese food which was yummy and for curtains! What a very C day!

the one and only

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Old 01-24-2017, 03:44 AM

I wish you the bestest of luck on getting a new job this year <3 I'll chat more tommorrow and actually read more when i get the chance. ^-^ I love the memory jars they're so nice to have! Glad you get to do one this year.


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Old 01-24-2017, 11:52 AM

Thanks for stopping by Shadami! I'll definitely take all the luck I can get!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

I didn't get a whole lot done yesterday after going to the vet so I had a lot of stuff to catch up on today. I managed to get a lot done but procrastinated what I really should have been doing--job hunting. At the end of the evening I got caught up watching more Yuri On Ice and ended up watching the show to the end. So many feels! I love that anime... I ended up getting to bed late again though. I really really need to get back into a better sleep pattern.

• • •

LOL, my fitness is pretty nonexistent these days except from running to and from work. Usually in the winter I go ice skating on my lunch breaks but I've only been twice their year because they switched around stuff in the employee handbook based on the new labor laws and now if I want to take my usual 1 hour break I have to stay an hour later which just isn't feasible given how late I would get home. Watching Yuri On Ice makes me really want to get back into skating though. Maybe I can bring my skates home and go to the rink around here one weekend. It's more expensive but it might be fun.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-24-2017 at 12:00 PM..


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Old 01-24-2017, 05:30 PM

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday woes… I never sleep well on Sunday nights. I guess I’m subconsciously stressed about going back to work on Monday. It was a crappy weather day. Cold and rainy all day long. I had train delays in the morning and took a longer lunch to go to Petco to get something for Yuna so I ended up having to stay late. I tried to get some stuff done after I got home but it was just so cold and I wasn’t really in the mood so again I didn’t get to my job search stuff and again I got to bed late. *sigh* I really need to get better about getting to bed on time. My annual Valentine’s Day cold is coming up soon and I don’t need to up my chances of getting sick, LOL!

• • •

It pretty much seems like a consensus that 2016 was really a crappy year for everyone. There were so many bad memories for me this year… Tons of crappy work memories, bad room mate memories, sad breakup memories, the death of my grandmother and just after the death of the family dog, Trump getting elected, etc. I have really been hoping that 2017 would be a better year but so far that hasn’t really been the case. Here’s to hoping it’s just a slow start and things will get progressively better.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Today is another crappy weather day. More rain and cold and wind. I woke up with my right arm numb again. I’m really not sure what to make of it, whether it’s stress or carpel tunnel or a pinched nerve but this is the 2nd time it’s happened recently. It’s really quite unpleasant and the sensation lasts all day. V_V

Everyone seems rather testy today. I think I’ll blame the weather. It’s been so depressing lately, cold and wet and crappy day after day. I really haven’t been in the mood to work but I’m trying to get some stuff done. This week has thankfully been less crazy than last week so far.

My new sheets came today, I think I will try to do laundry tonight and wash my bedding so maybe I can use the new ones. They’re coral with white cactus print. Maybe the cheery color will help brighten my mood.

• • •

Honestly I didn’t eat out much this year. I don’t really like going out to eat on my own so I mostly just cook myself. So I guess you could say the worst place I ate at this year was my own house, lol! There were a few times that I tried to throw some things together for a meal and it ended up turning out a bit weird… That always makes me think of those “weird dishes” you make in the Harvest Moon games when you fail a recipe, LOL!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-24-2017 at 05:36 PM..


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Old 01-27-2017, 05:55 PM

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I've been pretty frustrated at work the past few days. We'll be launching our new website and new CRM very soon and everyone's freaking out and there are people chit chatting/venting/bitching in front of my desk all day long. I seriously can't hear myself think. >.<

• • •

I wish I could seriously escape from my desk this week. I need a decoy to sit in my place and then I can sneak out and go home. XD

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Another annoying day with people talking in front of my desk all day. I have been trying to work on event organization stuff the past two days but it's really hard to focus with all the noise. Halfway through the day I decided that I would go ice skating tonight. It was a very impromptu thing as I was wearing a dress and didn't have a hat/scarf/gloves. It was really windy but skating actually warmed me up. Even though I arrived right after the ice cut it was really rough, probably because there were so many people. I stayed for about an hour, it was really fun! My step ladder was also delivered today so I can finally take down the rest of my Christmas decorations, lol!

• • •

For my dream vacation I would love to visit Japan. It would be totally awesome to go, see the sights, do some shopping, etc. It's always been my dream to go someday. I just need to find someone to travel with me first since I'm not sure I'd want to make that trip alone. ^^;

Friday, January 27, 2017

Today has been going okay so far. I woke up feeling a bit better than I have recently, probably because I actually managed to get to bed a bit earlier than I have been. The day has been going okay so far. I had a training on the new website that we'll be launching next week and called my mom for a few minutes on my lunch break. I've still got about four hours to go but I have some fun to look forward to tonight playing SWTOR with a friend. I can't wait!

• • •

I think I would love to live in a Japanese dojo style house! I've always found the aesthetic quite beautiful! Given that I'm living in a tiny apartment about the size of a dorm room at the moment though almost any house would be awesome! Something clean and bright, warm and homey but well designed is what would fit my style best.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-27-2017 at 05:59 PM..


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Old 01-29-2017, 09:11 PM

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I got a bit distracted playing video games so I didn't get everything done that I was hoping to but I did finally manage to get the last of my Christmas decorations put away, score! I got pretty sleepy in the evening so I took a short nap and ended up waking up grumpy. I played a bit of Pokemon Sun and defeated the Elite Four then played some SWTOR with a friend after that and then went to bed.

• • •

D is for Danielle! My name IRL!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I got super distracted with SWTOR today. I totally meant to get up and get some stuff done but ended up finishing a few things up on Pokemon and then playing SWTOR pretty much all day. My bad! I had a bunch of things I wanted to get done too. That game is way to distracting! Now if only my PC wouldn't act up all the time... >.< Time to get some stuff done!

• • •

Behind me cat! She's just sitting there staring at the wall. I wonder what she's thinking?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-29-2017 at 09:14 PM..


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