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Old 06-08-2011, 06:26 PM

"RoseWood High"

Name: Zito Nacht (Night=German)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Mage
Like: Dangerous adventures, sneaking out, creeping up on others, and baking (XP)
Dislike: Goody Two shoes, show offs, bullies, annoying people, and seeing others hurt.
Welcome to RoseWood High School as you are invited to become a student. Different races exist soley upon this school, many are yet unknown but those here, are everything but plain humans. Humans are not allowed here, because they would not understand what most go through and we wish to lessen any bullying possibly known.

There are many classes to chose from, depending on your race, main courses are a must and everyone takes them. Then there are minimum ones: flying, healing, energy usage, transformation, and so forth. There are more than 20 unique classes. Please enjoy as you do get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you stay at our dorms.

Last edited by Kia_; 06-08-2011 at 09:01 PM..

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SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 06:58 PM

Name: Beyond Love
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Incubus
Like: Sweets, animals, books, children, bitter food, meat, his cousin, Lillet and Angela
Dislike: Spicy Food, jerks, bullies, injured animals, being called by his cousin's name, Lillet and Angela fighting
(Lillet and Angela his shoulder demon and angel)

"EEP! Let me go! Boss, help!" Angela screamed as a bully held her by the wings. "Let us go! Boss, help us!" That was her sister Lillet also being held captive. "Let them go, Nathan!" The bully turned to see a very angry Incubus glaring at him. He knew he couldn't win this fight. "Fine, you can have your little playmates back!" He threw the small girls at the wall and ran. Of course Lillet and Angela avoided the wall and glided to Beyond's shoulders. They hugged his neck in gratitude. "Boss!" The two girls were in training to become someone's conscious or sense of good and bad. However due to people being born with a conscious they were almost unable to find someone to practice with. Beyond Love had been born with consciouses that could attach to another though so the girls could train with him. They also learned valuable information from the real shoulder devil and angel Beyond had been born with. "You guys hungry?" Beyond asked and the girls nodded. "Great, lets eat!" Beyond headed towards his dorm to get the three of them some food. "I wonder if your roommates there boss. Have we even seen him besides when he sleeps?" Beyond shook his head at Lillet's question. "I've only ever seen him asleep and I've never seen his face." He walked into the dorm and started to make some soup.

(I hope you don't mind Lillet and Angela. I had an erg to give him a shoulder angel and devil. Tell me and I'll get rid of them)

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 07:18 PM

(Nah its kewl, I am wondering how you came up with the name for Angela tho, do you like that name?)

Zito had already had his things in the room with his room buddy. Most of the time he would sneak out or would be anywhere but at the school. It was his little hobby though, he would always do what he wanted without getting caught most of the time but no one could outsmart him thanks to his dark blood from his father. His mother was just a mage of healing and always worked at a hospital.

Zito was in the shower, he just got back after walking around for awhile, 'Damn it' he just remembered he left his clothes on his bed in their neat little stack. He didn't have OCD when it came to neatness he just was raised to be somewhat neat. You never would've thought that with his personality since it seemed to demonic almost. After finishing up, he turned off the shower and hit the switch for the heating lamp on the ceiling. It was a red light that would heat up the area he was in and dry off anything wet. (They have 'em in Florida XD)

Last edited by Kia_; 06-12-2011 at 09:27 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 07:28 PM

(Wicked! And no profile for Seiya? *looks at you sadly with a pout* Angela is the name my sister uses for role plays and we were talking about it. My name is Lilith and I played a game were the main was Lillet so Lillet. My sister likes the name Angela and said shoulder angel shoulder Angela. I hope you get the shoulder Angela thing. It's the spelling.)

Angela flew up the stair case and saw no one in the separate bed but instead clothes. She looked at the bathroom door and it clicked. She grew to normal size before picking up the clothes and knocking. "Hello, are you in there Boss's room mate. I have your clothes." She would be nice to Beyond's room mate. She had to make Beyond happy. She waited by the door. Down stairs Lillet was playing a video game also in her normal size. Beyond answered the ringing phone. "Hey! What's up Beyond?" He asked his cousin. Both he and his cousin were named Beyond the only difference in their names were the middle and last name. Beyond Last Love and Beyond Final Hope. They were strange names but the parents were to blame.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 07:53 PM

(Sorry changed the name to my bf's name lol XD He's gonna kill me later for this. Also I like and understand the name. I thought it was funny because Angela is my name :D)

Zito had heard the girl outside the door, 'thats odd, I thought this was a boy dorm?' he spoke opening the door shrugging "oh, yea thanks" when Zito opened the door he only had a towel around his waiste but it was a big one, so at least that covered down to his knees. Zito took the clothes and said "Seeya" closing the door so that he would get dressed. he got his looks from his father and the attitude to go with it. His powers were from his mother and apparently he was supposed to be called Seiya (like his mother wanted him to) but his father thought it was too girly. So they decided on Zito Seiya Nacht. He was a bit german and thats why his last name was 'night' in german.

Last edited by Kia_; 06-12-2011 at 09:27 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 07:58 PM

(I was serious about the profile. Zito doesn't get one? How the hell do you pronounce Zito? Excuse my language. Angela is a pretty name! What does Angela mean? Lilith means belonging to the night or something along those lines. Never mind found the profile. Does it have a picture?)

Angela wasn't shocked at the door being closed in her face but a bit sad at it. She returned to normal size and flew down stairs getting Beyond. "Go sit on your bed boss!" She basically ordered him and he shrugged stopping his conversation with his cousin to do what she said. He sat down and waited not understanding what she had wanted to happen. Lillet and Angela talked about what happened but Beyond couldn't here them being upstairs.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 08:11 PM

(Also, Z-toe) (Angela, depending on which language, in english means angelic and yes it should have a picture)

Zito had to get dressed, he stepped out in kahki pants and a white buttoned up t-shirt with the color down but the shirt was only buttoned up half way. He stood about 5"9 and looked athletically fit thanks to his father's odd training. He noticed his room mate was sitting on his bed "Who are you?" he was asking more for the name. (brb)

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 08:21 PM

(Picture isn't showing nor does there appear to be one.)

Beyond stared at him for a second. He was much taller then Beyond since Beyond was only 5'4. "I would ask you the same thing if I was a fool but I'm not. My name is Beyond and I'm your roommate. It's nice to meet you. Now that you have my name, what's yours?" Beyond was smiling at him and although unknown to him his powers were instinctively drawing out and targeting Zito. He hadn't fed off any emotions lately so this was the consequence.

(okay. Poor Beyond doesn't know when he's using his powers. XD)

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:06 PM

(Does it show now? Uhm...I haven't done a rp with an incubus before, what are they exactly?)

Zito's expression much like his emotions was kind of blank and replied "I'm Zito Nacht" he spoke walking over to his side of the bed drying off his hair and throwing the towel in his clothes basket. "So whose the chick that handed me my clothes, the blonde one" Zito asked putting on a pair of white socks and then his shoes. Zito normally didn't mind talking but hated being in one area long.

Last edited by Kia_; 06-12-2011 at 09:28 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:16 PM

(Yep, it shows. A correct Incubus apparently sleeps(the dirty sleep) with woman while they sleep. In common roleplay they've broken it down to beings that control hormones and stuff like that to be more appropriate. The Incubus image has been destroyed in role play but I like the destroyed version better. On another note, I can't get the correct word for it so conscious will have to do.)

"Oh, that was Angela. She and her sister Lillet are training to become consciouses. My consciouses can attach to others so I'm basically their training partner. They sleep in the room next door." The boys basically had a dorm to themselves because the dorm they were in only held 4 people. Since Lillet and Angela had the other room no one else was able to stay with them. It felt like a house to Beyond. "You hungry? I made dinner." Beyond decided to ask the question. He had always noticed the food put up neatly and some missing the next morning. He could only guess it had been his room mate.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:33 PM

(okie dokie)

Zito ties his black tennis shoes with white laces and nodded "Sure, what did you make?" He was curious, its not like he was allergic to anything, he just knew what he liked and didn't like. Lately he's liked anything setting out for anyone to eat. He didn't eat very much, never really cared for it when he was always out wondering. Standing up he looked over to Beyond, he was curious, with this being a school for the gifted only to what this kid's power was.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:40 PM

"I made beef and vegetable soup. My Grandma's special recipe." Beyond said it with a smile but that smile made his powers stronger. Of course Beyond still hadn't noticed his powers were activated. Beyond had noticed every time he made his Grandmother's soup most of it was gone by morning and there was always a bowl by his roommates bed. He had decided to test his roommate's reaction. Of course he had made the soup too. He didn't want to be lying if his roommate wanted some.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:48 PM

Zito smiled a tad, that was one of his favorite things to eat. Soup, usually vegetable but any kind really. He had so many thanks to his mother who thought it was a good healthy habit for him to pick up.

Last edited by Kia_; 06-08-2011 at 10:08 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 09:57 PM

Beyond laughed a little at Zito's small smile. It was cute. Another wave of power was let off in the other boy's direction. Doing normally friendly things was something that triggered Beyond's power to work more effectively so it was bad when he didn't realize he was using them like now. "So I take it you want some huh?" He was smiling but it fell. He was getting hot. "Is it hot in here to you?" he asked. Heat was a side effect of his power. If Zito had been exposed to enough of it he would also get hot. If he didn't Beyond would finally get what was happening and save himself if needed.

(Yay for escape plans. *pushes funny or awkward situation button repeatedly*)

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:07 PM

(lol :D)

Zito nods "Yea" saying yes to his question and then when the other boy asked about the heat Zito just shrugged, "Nah, I think its fine" Zito walked over to the boy and placed his hand on the other boy's forehead and asked "Are you feeling okay?" Zito was only concerned about others no matter if he knew them or not.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:18 PM

(*dances to music* Beyond you moron! X3 Learn to notice things! Oh yeah! *pushes button some more* I give my people hell. I need to stop huh?)

Beyond finally figured out his powers had been working and tried to turn them off. Of course not feeding on emotions for three weeks gave him a hard time doing so. He let himself fall on his bed the heat increasing. "Yeah, I don't feel so well. I might be catching a cold. You should go before you catch it too!" Beyond needed to wait through his fit. His powers were going after the closest target and intensified the closer Zito got to him. If Zito left and closed the door his power would be stuck in the room and unable to go after him any more. Angela and Lillet were completely immune to his power so they would be fine if any slipped out of the room.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:29 PM

(lol I am so loving this and I just realised something. Your avatar is wearing black just like mine. The difference is mine has blue hair ^_^)

"Are you sure?" with that asked, Zito walked out of the room and into the kitchen putting some soup and a glass of ice with some light soda (sprite or 7up you chose) and sets it on a tray going back into the room. "here" Zito spoke setting the tray down on the fold up table he brought with him. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything" Zito added and walked out. People being sick or upset was something that usually stopped him. It was a simple but powerful weakness for him. He closed the door leaving and walked into the kitchen sitting against a counter on the floor.

Zito was the only one of his kind that was so weak towards others, thats why he would always appear to be cold or mean or never around people very long. It doesn't help very much either that he could see the boy wasn't feeling well. After a couple moments he sighed standing up. Beyond made soup and other food for him each night and yet Zito hadn't repayed him yet so he got to work.

(Gonna enjoy this later on ^_^)

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:42 PM

(Besides the ears my avatar looks like a normal kid. Do you know how hard to find a good shade of red hair is on Mene? I hated doing it!)
"Thank you so much." Beyond's words were kind but he really needed Zito to leave. He didn't need a guilty conscious. He sighed when Zito left and sat up drinking the 7up. Zito thought he was sick. The lie worked. He would have to explain later that he hadn't been sick and that his powers were acting up and he was not looking forward to it. An Incubus could feed off of any emotion they chose but what fed them the most was lust. Their powers subconsciously worked to feed off of that emotion. Only skilled Incubus could train their powers to feed off of other things. Beyond wasn't that skilled yet.

(*stares at you questionably* Will it be funny?)

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:52 PM

(yea I do, I quit trying to get my red hair I have now and gave up going back to blue, its easier to get the shade I like :P)

Zito had began baking from a recipe he knew very well, it was his mother's. Homemade chocolate chip cookies with a hint of cinnamon for flavor. Once the cookies were done he set the cooled batch of the 2 dozen cookies on the table in the middle of it and cleaned up his mess in between waiting for batches to be done. He sat at the table putting his head down and thinking how the boy could get sick so easily.


Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 11:05 PM

(They need a red in the basic colors but nooooooooooo. Just this pink and brown.)

Lillet and Angela eyed the cookies in their smaller forms. They could easily split a cookie despite the cookie being bigger then themselves. They quickly stole one of the cookies and split it in two. They both ate on half. The cookies were good. "Why'd you make the cookies Boss's Roommate?" Lillet asked curiously. Up stairs Beyond had a feeling Lillet was about to make his life suck. She always did something bad sooner or later. Her longest break period was 2 weeks. He groaned.

(Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees pleeeeeeeeeease? *dances to evil theme music*)

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Kia_ is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 11:08 PM

Zito had no idea what was going on, he heard talking but had went to sleep sitting at the table. The cookies could have been eaten by anyone but he thought it would be a great thank you and a get well sort of deal. That and whenever his weakness kicked in he had to keep busy so he would always bake.

Last edited by Kia_; 06-12-2011 at 09:28 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 11:11 PM

Lillet who didn't like to be ignored flew up in front of his face. "Hey! I asked you a question! Why did you bake cookies?" Angela flew to her sister and tried to pull her away. "Don't be so mean Sis! He won't like you!" Lillet huffed and crossed her arms still unmoved despite her sister's pulling. She waited for Zito's answer. Up stairs Beyond ate his soup waiting for the inevitable. His fit was still active.

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Old 06-08-2011, 11:27 PM

Zito stood up so suddenly and quickly looking at them "Back off pixies" he pretty much almost yelled and walked to the room opening the door. He kicked off his shoes without saying a word as he pulled off his shoes and dropped onto his neatly made bed. He sighed and closed his eyes facing the wall away from where Beyond was. (when you walk in the room his bed is on the left as you walk in while Beyond's is on the right)

Last edited by Kia_; 06-12-2011 at 09:28 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 03:26 AM

[COLOR="Purple"]Lillet huffed. "We're not Pixies!" She yelled after him and Angela almost cried. She had been compared to a pixie! Beyond wanted to scream when Zito entered the room again. More waves attacked Zito of course the boy seemed oblivious to them. "Get out." Beyond wanted to stop his powers but they got stronger./COLOR]

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Old 06-10-2011, 03:38 AM

Zito plopped down on the bed and ignored what the other one had said, he was exhausted for some reason and the room they were in seemed like someone turned off the air conditioner. He closed his eyes, his annoyance had shown, he no longer cared what would happen. He waited to be drifted off into a land of sleep.

Last edited by Kia_; 06-12-2011 at 09:29 PM..


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