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Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 01-01-2013, 07:20 AM

The young child scampered over the tree's large roots and raced for dark looming cavern. Howls just seconds behind her sent her adrenaline filled body propelling towards it. It was rumored that something dark lived within the recesses of that cave. Many had ventured into it's depths in search of fame and treasure. None had ever returned. Still, the creatures of the ancient forest never entered so it was Yumi's only chance of survival. Reaching it's threshold, she tripped and fell inside. Turning over onto her back and scooting backwards, the young brown-haired girl stared with terrified eyes up at the snaring faces of her pursuerers. Large direwolves with venomous teeth snapped at her. However true to the rumors, they didn't enter the caverns borders.

She slowly stood onto her shaky legs and brushed off the dirt, smearing blood across her tan knees. Backing away from them, she turned and stumbled into the darkness. It was incredible dark, and grew so with each turn. Forced to reach out with her hands, she felt along the wall as she inched along. Her heart pumped at the thought of accidently touching a skeleton, or something not so dead. Still, wolves barred the exit she had come through. That left only this direction. Stale air and humid coolness circled her and entered her lungs. It was getting colder too as she made her way down. There had to be an end to this. Maybe the reason no one returned was because the earth itself swallowed them up.

Ageless later, or so it felt to the young child, a blue glimmer met her eyes. Eagerness and trepidation fought over her as she hurried her pace. Reaching a corner with a strong blue glow, she hesitated, then took the final step. Beyond was a vast chamber with blue glowing crystals covering the floor below and the ceiling so high above she couldn't make out the details. Among them dripped crystal water in sparkling little drops. Flowing rivers and streams crisscrossed the cavern, creating pools in some places. She almost walked forward again when her eyes saw the thousands of bodies and bones littering the floor. Countless others had been here before her and it appeared they had found neither wealth nor fame. Turning, she tried to run back, but was met by a barrier. Feeling trapped, she turned and apprehensively started to walk down the path into that cavern.

Thoughts filled her mind with each step, like questions. Wouldn't this crystal be worth something? How about those white stones? Surely a fortune could be made? Was it worth it? Maybe she could buy a nice house? Pay for the death of someone? Own armies and palaces? Such thoughts raced over and over in her mind. She had to agree with them, she could. Still, she hesitated to touch them. She just kept walking, careful to step over the small streams of multi-colored water that also glowed. For there were crystals resting beneath the water's trickling surface.

Finally the questions seemed to cease and she thought this madness was over, when all the questions joined together in a unison. "This is all yours. You are free to do as you please. Will you?" She thought so. Why not? They answered, "Even if just one life must be sacrificed for you to gain this wealth and power?" She felt revulsion. It was too much like the mage guild that ruled her settlement. Their selfish desires harmed others and caused so much misery. Their judgmental attitudes, though making themselves seem glorious, was horrible on those beneath them. She refused to be like them and closed her eyes to the beauty around her. There was no lying to herself or these voices circling her mind.

They tried another tactic, more straightforward and blunt. "Why did you come here if not seeking fame and fortune?" Her memories gushed forth, more vivid since her eyes were closed. The wolves chasing her, the words of the safety of the cavern, the disappearances, the desperation to live. Finally they left her. Everything went quiet. The pressure was over. She felt herself fall to the ground without their hold over her. The human bones she expected to crush with her weight weren't there. Opening her eyes, she looked and saw that the bones seemed to have been swept aside. For she sat on the only cleared area of the cavern. Blinking and trying to not fear what she couldn't understand, that blue glimmer caught her eye again.

Turning, she saw a small white stone almost blinking at her with a blue light. It rested beneath a larger creek's surface. The blue light came from the crystals. The crystals themselves no longer seemed so sharp and dagger like. Instead them were simply comforting now. She focused on the small white stone, a mere pebble. Reaching for it, she slipped her hand into the cool stream and paused. Yumi felt like her sky was being nourished somehow and felt a desire to simply slip into the water herself. Still, the white stone seemed to call her out of that trance. Yumi looked at it a moment, then she picked it up. Warmth flowed into her hand and almost instinctively, as if filled with a desire to kiss the stone, she gently brought it to her lips. Like a butterfly entering a flower, it slid into her mouth. It flowed like honey over her tongue and down her throat. For a moment nothing happened. Then the world dropped away and there was nothing in existence but her and someone precious.

Yumi blinked. How many minutes had passed. It was as if she had been in a trance. Looking around her, she saw glowing blue crystals and small white stones. Only now it was evident that the crystals protected the stones like nests of younglings. Where had that knowledge come from? "I told you dearheart." Yumi gasped and focused inward. Someone was inside of her. With a flurry of white energy, a being of incredible beauty unfolded out of her and floated before her. White skin of marbled smoothness, white satin clothing covering her in folds of soft light, hair like silk strands falling past a majestic face and over her bare shoulders, and glowing eyes of pure white light. All this was before her, framed with large white wings featuring the largest feathers she had ever seen. Yumi could only stare in fascination and love.

"My name is Hikari. I am your inner guardian, granted to you out of necessity. Only those innocent of evil intentions who care for others are granted an angel. It has been eons since a worthy one has entered. The schools that used to prepare children must no longer exist. I'm here for you, Yumi." The voice in her mind so sparkling clear brought tears to Yumi's brown eyes. Suddenly bursting into tears, the child launched herself into the welcoming arms and held on with all the longing for love and protection she had wished for for so long. The angel held her, soothing her hair until the tears subsided. "You won't be alone anymore dear heart. You must eat though. It has been awhile since you entered this place." Gently picking up the young girl, she flew up and through the corridors leading from the cavern. Her skin and especially her eyes lighting up the way.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 01-05-2013 at 02:48 PM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 01-06-2013, 11:32 AM

The child stood there, on the threshold of a life changing event. Either the world would be saved or it would be destroyed. She was a young thing, alone before the villain and his hostage. The villain was a manipulative man in a trench coat. His hostage a boy her own age, who had the secret password that could stop the nuclear explosion. He was the hero in dire trouble, and she the one destined to save him.

It was an old story really. Long ago, a little princess was born with the ability to break through hypnotized patients, reach through broken hearts, and mend those whose minds had been betrayed. She was a fair-haired baby with bright blue eyes whose caring heart and ready smile stole the love of all those around her. She was meant for great things. A destiny to fulfill and world to bring to salvation.

Now she stood here, staring in open shock at the dead villain. His plans put into motion but his body no longer a threat. Yet the damage he had done was catastrophic emotionally for the boy who could save the day stared with dull eyes, not noticing or responding to the events now unfolding quickly around him. Fires were approaching the toxic barrels. The numbers on the control panel were counting down to zero and nuclear explosion. It was that final moment when her talents could release him from the spell of fear and pain that had been forced upon him.

Yet the villain had foreseen her involvement in his plans and had prepared. Years ago, right after her birth, he had hired one of his own minions to infiltrate the princess' life as her nurse. Same went with the castle cook and the governess. No one suspected the subtle damage they had wrought in the young princess's life. The lowered self-esteem, the weakened immune system, or the sense of not being meant for this life. Everything needed to create a self cycle of doubt that would destroy the princess's ability to help others.

The young girl walked slowly towards the boy, her words uselessly falling on shut ears. Her eyes shielded from connecting to his pain. So tainted and ruined was she, that her ability was no longer useful. No longer able to help ease others or encourage them forward. She could not reach the boy, the hero, and help save the world. He had planned well. The seconds would reach zero. The world would be obliterated. For if the villain could not rule it, no one should.

A tear drop fell onto the boy's cheek. He blinked in surprise. This wasn't a part of the story. This wasn't a part of who it was to be the hero or the princess. She stood before him, her face looking wearily over his shoulder. Everyone had hidden pain. Everyone doubts themselves and had been misused by others. Not looking at him, simply accepting that they were both less than perfect, she acknowledged him and stayed with him. Ready to simply be there for him, and only him, until the end. The manipulation shattered as his eyes cleared. It was not too late.

It is never too late.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 11:40 AM

((My signature at the creation of this post was found on Google Images and I will include that picture at the beginning of the story too. When I saw it, it touched me. So I decided to create a story based on this picture. It is not my picture but I appreciate the artist who took the time to create and share it.))

The humid tropical air seemed stuffier than normal under the relentless sun. Still, this did not seem to stop very many tourists from enjoying the beaches or comforts of their hotels and resorts. One such tourist energetically left the lobby and headed outside. Her destination a short walk away from resort. Heading down the narrow winding streets toward a more rural and less populated section of the island, Miranda saw the start of the wooded path appear. It was her habit to go hiking and one she thoroughly enjoyed indulging in now.

On vacation with her cousin's family, it had not taken long for Miranda to feel like an outsider. Higher class of living than she was used to among relatives she didn't know well, Miranda had pined for something familiar or somewhat normal to fill her time. That was what the hiking had been for her, a relief in paradise. Now starting up the trail, her damp skin became an easy surface for her long blonde to stick to. She didn't mind though. In the shade where there was no breeze, her fair skin didn't burn so easily. Miranda's entire family was fair-skinned with some shade of brown eyes. Hers were easily auburn while her cousin's were hazel.

It was because her cousin, Treena, was so close in age that their parents had assumed this would be a great trip for the two. They could get to spend time together and become friends. That hadn't worked at all. Slightly winded but still upbeat now that she was well into her walk, Miranda didn't mind musing on the differences between herself and her cousin. While she had long hair, Treena had short. Where her skin and eyes were lighter in color, Treena has a slight tan and dark hazel eyes. When she preferred light-hearted chatting to figure out another person's personality, Treena seemed more eager for silence. Actually, Treena hadn't been around at all that Miranda could tell. Except at meal times, her cousin virtually disappeared.

Approaching a bend in the path, several dark figures stepped out from the undergrowth. She stopped and stared at them startled. Then they charged her. Reflexively, Miranda twisted and sprang to the side. Darting past their grasping clutches, she took off at a dead run. Where could she get help out here? Seeing a fork in the road, she fled down the one she never took before. Maybe they would assume she went the other way. It didn't work. They were close enough to see which way she had gone and followed. Heart pounding faster than her feet could pound the ground beneath her, Miranda spied a building.

There was a large house with a dainty path leading up to it. Angling off to cut through the yard, she reached the front door and banged with her firsts. No one answered Miranda's desperate yells. Hearing them shouting at her and seeing them crossing the yard, she tried the doorknob. It turned. She slipped inside and locked it behind her. Turning and surveying the fancy place, she saw a gentleman step in from what appeared to be a livingroom. He grinned, "I was waiting for you." Horror filled her and she raced away from him. Sounds in the kitchen had her swerve towards a door. Opening it, she saw a staircase leading down. Feeling trapped, she started to turn when rough hands shoved her from behind.

Half falling and half stumbling, Miranda reached the bottom of the stairs. Looking up from the last step, she saw a wooden crate flying through the air at her. Ducking against the railing, she felt it give way beneath her. Tumbling to the ground, Miranda slowly tried to sit up while coughing from the dust. Her heart seemed to beat louder than before. The gentleman with three others following came down the stairs and formed a semi circle at the bottom. Standing there grinning at her helpless situation, Miranda felt despair for the first time. Her entire body started to shake from fear and the desire to whimper filled her throat. Running footsteps overhead caused the men to turn and look up.

A familiar figure raced partway down the steps, vaulted over what was left of the railing, and landed beside her. Then men stepped back in surprise as a barrel of a handgun aimed in their direction. Miranda looked up at the white haired figure bent beside her. It was her cousin Treena, and she looked ready to rain hell on the men across from them.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 01-10-2013, 05:09 AM

A child walked through the dark void. Nothing surrounded her. This place people came to, surrounded but alone, whenever they closed their eyes at night. She didn't like such darkness. Such lack of life. There had to be a way to change this. Still how could that happen? Years after lifeless years, the world of sleep remained barren and empty. It was rather depressing. Lately it had also been seeping into the world of the waken. People went about their days in a robotic fashion. She felt a tear slid down her cheek at the memories of her loved ones living with no life.

All her wishes must have been in that single tear drop. There is no other explanation for what happened next. It suddenly took on a life of it's own and grew into a large glowing orb. The single source of light, it's pure brightness both blinded and drew all towards it. The girl couldn't see the others here, for her eyes wanted only to gaze into that comforting warmth that was emanating from the orb. The rays of creativity and dreams. Then in her supporting hands, the orb bursted into thousands of colorful ribbons that went soaring in all directions. The orb never got smaller, but continued to send these dreams out in its explosive birth.

Different people attracted different colored ribbons or combos of ribbons. They would fly closer to them and some would even swirl around an individual before continuing it's outward flight. The birth of fairies in the pink swirls, of leprechauns in the green ribbons, of Bambi and Simba in the golden rays, of heroes and villains with suspenseful plot lines, of music with flutes to the rumbling triumphs of drums, of artful strokes of paint to the light caress of fingers on clay... The World of Dreams was born.

((This was inspired by a song I was listening to. I doubt you would see the connection. It is there for me though. I'll include the link here in case you wish to listen.))

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 02:48 PM

The lady walked up to the conference office and knocked. Opening the door, she glided in gracefully. Acknowledging those who sat around the table, she took the last open seat herself and sat. It had been a long two years at this company. She had given it her all. The sacrifices in her time and relationships had led to this moment. The promotion that she had hoped would be her reward. No one had the combination of skills that made her valuable. It was rare to find someone who developed their team under them into the good working group they were as she had.

Now sitting here around her were the people who could make her dreams a reality. Dressed for success and poised with the attitude that they wanted in their leaders, she looked to her bright stars respectfully. Her role models. Her mentors. Her supervisors and employer. They had encouraged her and praised her every step of the way. Her main supervisor looked over at her and smiled, "You have done a wonderful job at our company. However we feel that we are not a good fit for you. So unless you feel that you should really fight for this, we want to let you go."

The bright stars in front of her suddenly when black. Voids that drained her feelings right out of her. Shocked, the employee stared at them in silence. This was her world. They were able to work so well because they depended on each other. Now the company didn't want her. It was a sudden shift that left her reality teetering on the edge of reality. Her eyes glazed as the walls of the room started to crack. Chips of the table started breaking off and floating into the air. Then with a crash, the building and furniture busted into crystal pieces and whipped around her reality. The people were still there, black holes of deception and disgrace. Then they too faded away. The life she knew was gone, part of a mindless vortex that swirled in a whirlwind around her.

((Inspired by a combination of a new song by Lincoln Park and the recent movie Les Miserables.))

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 02-28-2013, 06:52 AM

I have a story to tell you. Not in my usual third person format either. No, it will be more fun for you to listen in and experience the thrill and terror I felt as I relive those moments once again. For this story I tell is a story true.

It was a simple town trip. Living overseas, I don't have my own car. I rely a lot on public transportation. It was after dark, just after 8pm, when the bus I was riding pulled into the bus station. A small town bus station, there was no one else around. I slipped into the store that was there to pick up some water, then went next door to the taxi office. Open to the public, it had couches and a TV to hold your attention while you waited for a taxi to return.

Figuring it might be a long wait, I had gone inside and just settled down when movement on the video feed above the TV caught my attention. Looking up hoping it was a taxi, I was surprised to see a man walking across the parking lot. Probably another person who wanted to get a ride in a taxi. The man came inside and sat in the leather chair next to the couch I was relaxing in. The smell of soju engulfed the very air I breathed warning me of his intoxication. I smiled to be polite and turned back to the TV.

Strange words in a language I don't speak nor understand came out of his mouth. He asked me a question and I turned confused eyes to him. Suggestively I tried, "English?" He grumbled for a moment and then pulled out his phone. He kept point to his phone, saying something, making gestures with his hands, and then pointing to me. I shrugged in confusion and waited. He called someone on his phone, but they didn't speak English. So he tried again.

More questions in his indiscernable language followed with many hand gestures. I gave him the most perplexed expression and apologized for not understanding over and over. I was figuring out what he wanted, but now dared not let him know I understood. He was drunk. He wanted me to come with him for one night. That was not something I was willing to experience. So it was with relief that I saw a taxi come.

Pointing at the taxi, saying "taxi" and then leaving should have ended it. Or so I thought. But as the taxi driver was putting my stuff in the trunk, the drunk man followed me outside. Fighting down my nervousness, I let the two of them talk. I heard the taxi driver tell the drunk man the name of my school. My breath caught. The drunk man turned and climbed into the front seat. Giving the taxi driver and uncertain look, I crawled into the back.

As we headed down the road, my mind began racing. I shot a prayer in the dark pleading for a solution. I didn't want this man trying to come home with me. The image of another teacher at the school came to mind. As the drunk man continued to try to have a conversation with me, I listened to my cell ring. The other teacher picked up and said, "Hello?" I gladly replied, "Hey, I need a favor." Surprised by the suppressed fear in my voice, he asked, "What is that?" The taxi stopped and the drunk man got out. Thankfullness rushed through me, until he opened my door.

He motioned towards a dark building and I heard the word "cheap" used several times. I shook my head no and spoke into the phone, "nevermind." The teacher urgently pressed me, "Tell me what is wrong." I assured him, "Later." He told me to call him back and hung up. I pulled my door shut and the taxi pulled away. He motioned that the man had wanted to drink with me. I figured it was supposed to lead to more than that if the drunk had had his way. Arrival at school had never been so welcome. My shaking hands were glad to turn the lock to my closed door, safeguarding me from the realm outside.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-15-2013, 12:53 AM

The young being floated there, in her space. It was a world of bright colorful lights so small that you couldn't see any individual one. However, they illuminated her whole world and brought a smile to her face. She was resting, enjoying just being, when another creature floated into her reality. Pushing several little blobs of souls before her, the creature suggested she nourish and care for them. Happy to be of service, the young being smiled in joy.

Spinning her world until there was a wash of gorgeous patterns swirling around them, she stepped back so that those little souls could see. They looked around bored, then turned in towards each other. Surprised, she slowed her colorful world and looked at it. Perhaps they preferred something else. Thinking of what they might like, she tried another tactic. Setting it up so the lights danced and played, something that generally made her smile, she focused hard to ensure that the lights played and danced in harmony. Turning, she gestured at the little souls to look. One or two glanced up, but otherwise they ignored her.

Feeling a bit uncertain now, and rather discouraged, the young being let herself spread out. Turning herself with all her energy into music and flowing into the lights themselves, she started a symphony of music that spiraled high and around. It was her greatest talent and took all her energy. Sending the lights in to dance with the students, she upped the tempo and invited the little souls to play.

One of the little souls listened to her music, taking her energy as she played, and simply threw it away. Another laughed and followed suit. In horror, she felt herself tiring and slowly deflating, her lights going out one by one as the little souls took her energy and threw it away. Soon her world was simply gray. No color remained. The last light extinguished ... darkness filled her world.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
The young being floated there, in her space. It was a world of bright colorful lights so small that you couldn't see any individual one. However, they illuminated her whole world and brought a smile to her face. She was resting, enjoying just being, when another creature floated into her reality. Pushing several little blobs of souls before her, the creature suggested she nourish and care for them. Happy to be of service, the young being smiled in joy.

Spinning her world until there was a wash of gorgeous patterns swirling around them, she stepped back so that those little souls could see. They looked around bored, then turned in towards each other. Surprised, she slowed her colorful world and looked at it. Perhaps they preferred something else. Thinking of what they might like, she tried another tactic. Setting it up so the lights danced and played, something that generally made her smile, she focused hard to ensure that the lights played and danced in harmony. Turning, she gestured at the little souls to look. One or two glanced up, but otherwise they ignored her.

Feeling a bit uncertain now, and rather discouraged, the young being let herself spread out. Turning herself with all her energy into music and flowing into the lights themselves, she started a symphony of music that spiraled high and around. It was her greatest talent and took all her energy. Sending the lights in to dance with the students, she upped the tempo and invited the little souls to play.

One of the little souls listened to her music, taking her energy as she played, and simply threw it away. Another laughed and followed suit. In horror, she felt herself tiring and slowly deflating, her lights going out one by one as the little souls took her energy and threw it away. Soon her world was simply gray. No color remained. The last light extinguished ... darkness filled her world.
It had been a long day. Assuming a day is what it was. No light flickered or dimmed. The air was still as even the teasing laughter that had cruelly torn this now gray world apart drifted away. The peaceful space had become an abyss - a void. There was little that remained except for the numb figure curled in on herself. Hugging her knees to her trembling body, the young being wept behind her curtain of hair. Now sound could be heard, but the tears floated out and into what had once been her world.

A gentle hand rested on her shoulder. Embarrassed by the life that she now was as well as too exhausted to raise her head, the young being kept her forehead on her knees. The gentle hand wasn't demanding nor did it leave. It just stayed there, supporting the once vibrant young being. It was that hand that seeped unknowingly energy back into the world. A flicker began beating in the wretched heart, slowly and dimly, but beating nevertheless. A heartbeat that was the pulse of a new song.

Wearily the young being looked up through her tears and strands of hair into the face of the creature from before. The one she had failed when she had been unable to teach the little souls. The face that looked compassionately back at hers was not one of anger or distress. Simply love and understanding. The tears that floated around them turned into various colors of blue, filling them with it's deep and dark color. An improvement from the gray, but lonely just the same. The creature felt her own tears joining the young being's as she gathered the girl into her arms as the grief turned to the healing sobs of a new start.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 09:23 AM

((When I write, sometimes it is a song or a musical composition that inspired me. I'm a fan of Lindsey Stirling. She had one song that she played called Shadows. She asked another youtube artist to turn that violin song into a nightcore rendition. Hearing it, I was inspired by both the music and the single picture that is used. So here is the link to the music as well as the resulting story. Please enjoy.))

The world was a blue world. Filled with ruins and ancient buildings in an otherwise still landscape, you wouldn't think there was much life to be seen. However the ghost town of long ago is but an illusion. Proof of the illusion dances in the distance, lighting the blue night sky with it's sang as it draws nearer.

Weaving through the rays of moonlight that stream down, the figure dances in her black dress gaily through the marbled pillars and past last glass windows. The large halls of long ago echo her mysterious but lively violin's tune. Feet moving in a delicate pattern in an ever fleeting routine, she glides in half circles all around the room. Blue wisps of twilight twirl in time to the music and flow with her lightly swirling dress.

The music lively soul awakes the small creatures of the place. Their small, curious eyes peek like small lights from the shadows. Hidden from the night time's lights, they observe in safety as the pale skinned female continues her debut in their stone cold home. From building to ancient building she goes. Never stumbling over cracks nor minding anything but her smooth violin. Satin air becomes one with her movements and it seems that the moonlight takes on a new sparkle of it's own.

The world once thought gloomy and dead is now the private music hall of the young dancer. Changing the world into one of magic and fantasy, her music breathes life into all the once hidden life that is springing up around her. Blue flowers bud and bloom letting their pollen glitter heaven world on all sides. The shadows are no longer black but a deep rich blue of peace. The shadows become part of her swirling entourage that dances on all sides. The stars join in high above until the world scene is one joyous harmony.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
((When I write, sometimes it is a song or a musical composition that inspired me. I'm a fan of Lindsey Stirling. She had one song that she played called Shadows. She asked another youtube artist to turn that violin song into a nightcore rendition. Hearing it, I was inspired by both the music and the single picture that is used. So here is the link to the music as well as the resulting story. Please enjoy.))

The world was a blue world. Filled with ruins and ancient buildings in an otherwise still landscape, you wouldn't think there was much life to be seen. However the ghost town of long ago is but an illusion. Proof of the illusion dances in the distance, lighting the blue night sky with it's sang as it draws nearer.

Weaving through the rays of moonlight that stream down, the figure dances in her black dress gaily through the marbled pillars and past last glass windows. The large halls of long ago echo her mysterious but lively violin's tune. Feet moving in a delicate pattern in an ever fleeting routine, she glides in half circles all around the room. Blue wisps of twilight twirl in time to the music and flow with her lightly swirling dress.

The music lively soul awakes the small creatures of the place. Their small, curious eyes peek like small lights from the shadows. Hidden from the night time's lights, they observe in safety as the pale skinned female continues her debut in their stone cold home. From building to ancient building she goes. Never stumbling over cracks nor minding anything but her smooth violin. Satin air becomes one with her movements and it seems that the moonlight takes on a new sparkle of it's own.

The world once thought gloomy and dead is now the private music hall of the young dancer. Changing the world into one of magic and fantasy, her music breathes life into all the once hidden life that is springing up around her. Blue flowers bud and bloom letting their pollen glitter heaven world on all sides. The shadows are no longer black but a deep rich blue of peace. The shadows become part of her swirling entourage that dances on all sides. The stars join in high above until the world scene is one joyous harmony.
Watching the twirling dancer as she created magic with her sweet violin throughout the cool night, a tigress felt it's luring pull on her. It was more than the tempting charm or fragile dance that caused her interest. For though that in itself should have been enough for any other creature, it went far beyond that for the powerful feline. Eyes watching observantly while her ears took in the sounds of the violin, the tigress tried to decipher what caused the undercurrents that this musician unknowingly created.

For behind her lay a little lamb, with wool soft and white. It's alert eyes straining to see past the Tigress. It's complete attention drawn towards that musical sound that fleetingly pulled at them all. Not even five minutes before the music had reached them, the lamb had laid dying at the Tigress' feet. The Tigress had taken the little lamb as her adopted daughter. To be completely unable to help the feverish baby left her helpless. Then the sounds of music had come and life seeped back into them both.

However it was happening, the music caused those injured to heal. Those with seeds of life to grow. The music gave energy to the dancer and a glow to the blue air. Life in such stillness had not seem possible, yet she was drawing them all out one by one with her lively footsteps and quick swaying form. Who could resist such a sweet allure after centuries of silence?

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-11-2013, 12:56 AM

A boy sat with his head resting in his hands. His mind was a crashing with thoughts as emotions threatened to tear him apart. It had only been a few days ago that he had been walking through the library. He had been looking at books when someone had called over to him, “Terry…” Turning he had looked through his brown bangs to see Runa walking towards him. She had been smiling, her long brown locks flowing back behind her. They had talked about the book she had just returned to the library; discussing the conflicts and characters in the book.

It had just been a matter of time. How could have he had known that such a simple activity as going to the library would be the beginning of the end of his life. All his joy and hopes for the future crushed beneath the grinding wheels of disaster. Terry had left the library with Runa, parting ways in the parking lot. She lived one way, he lived in the opposite direction. He never heard the cars crashing, trapping his love in twisted metal and broken glass.

Now he sat by her side at the hospital. Her broken body on life support. Looking at her bruised form, growing paler and paler despite all the work gone into saving her, he felt despair. Terry wanted so badly to just hear her voice. To talk to her again. Yet the only sounds in the room was the machines that kept her alive. If alive was even a word that could be used to describe her now. Runa showed no signs of brain activity. She couldn’t even stay alive without the aid of what was hooked up to her. It was all a horrible nightmare.

Reaching out and clutching her hand, he felt sobs tearing at his throat as he tried to talk. Tried to bed, plead, convince her to live. He hadn’t told her how much he loved her, and now it was too late. He expressed his love and regret that he had waited. Exhausted pulled him down. After another hour of crying, he eventually fell asleep with his head in her lap. It was then that he heard her words in his mind. Through the endless talks that they had had, they had talked about many things including their dreams, hopes, beliefs, advice, and encouragement they truly believed in. Now those words came pouring back through him, her voice full and strong with life. “Don’t take for granted the time you have with loved ones.” “Be grateful for the family and friends around you.” “Cherish those moments that you have now and don’t focus on what has happened and can’t change.” Waking up, he slowly opened his eyes, her echo still fresh in his memory.

Eyes popping open, he turned to stare at Runa. She was still breathing, the monitor tracking her heartbeat. Yet she was no longer alive. It was too little to bring her back. She was gone. Tightening his hands on hers, he whispered, “I’ll see you again someday. When it is my turn to go, we will meet up together in paradise, my love.” He didn’t leave her even then, but continued to hold on until the plug was pulled. As she flew away, he was there.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-11-2013, 07:30 AM

Marietta felt the flames licking at her hands as she struggling to reach the... in that moment she woke up. Gasping for air, she looked around her bedroom. Calm and silent, with the moonlight filtering through her open window. Looking around and seeing no flames, she frowned. It had been so realistic. Slipping out of bed and slowly making her way to the window, she leaned on the sill to look up at the moon. It's light beckoning to her. Suddenly the moon flared to life, it's flames engulfing around her. Marietta gasped as she heard someone screaming her name beyond the flames. The knob was still before it. If she could just turn it, she would save that person screaming her name. Reaching once more for it, she stretched until finally she grasped it. It burned into her skin, but without letting go, she turned it. Instantly welcome water flooded the room bringing with it oblivion.

Waking up slumped on the floor, leaning against the wall, Marietta stared in wonder around her. Her bedroom, calm, with moonlight drifting across the floorboards. Pushing herself up and looking down at her unblemished hand, Marietta felt confusion and turmoil swirling inside of her. What was happening? Suddenly the scars from the flames appeared on her skin. She was floating in water, supported by strong arms. Her long hair drifted about her body as a man dragged her towards... her room. Dry and in one piece. Marietta could have cried. Not so much for this increasing vivid visions as much as losing the feeling of those arms around her. Desperate now for something that was missing, she stumbled to her feet and fled the bedroom.

Making her way down the stairs, she reached the bottom and bolted for the door. Unlatching it and racing out into the night, she ran to where she did not know. Only away from that house of lies. This wasn't her life and these legs that carried her away belonged to another. She ran on into the night. Feeling a tingling sensation at the base of her skull, she came to a sudden stop. Another vision filled her senses and pulled her into a campsite. The same moon shone down on her restless form as she sat by a fire. It's crackling flames a small comfort to the pain of her injuries. Someone was still holding her, humming softly a lullaby she had once known. Then she was back in the dark. Standing still with numb loneliness. What had happened to her? The lullaby filled her ears. She closed her eyes. Was she still dreaming? Arms wrapped around her, and a husky voice asked, "Do you remember?"

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 10:58 AM

What would it be like, to be a flower? A small bud feeling the morning rays warm the cool dew away that had crystallized around me in the night? To feel the tree I am resting on giving me nutrients while the sun provides me with life giving light? What would it be like, to be a flower? Having that sense of change, opening up to a whole new world. Blooming forth with petals of silk in complete trust. Trust that despite showing all who I am on the inner most part of me, that nothing that I can't handle will hurt me. What would it be like, to be a flower? Feel the summer breeze, and refreshing rain chill. To know that who I am by just living day to day influences and helps others who had stopped by on their way. What would it be like, to be a flower? Letting my petals drift down for those far below to enjoy. Going to sleep with my tree. Trusting that what was once me will bear fruit sweet enough to eat. What would it be like... to just be a flower?


Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-16-2013, 11:54 AM

A young woman walked slowly down the hall. The long day at work had been almost tiring, but not quite. She had enjoyed it, or would have if she had had more energy. Reaching the exit, she stepped into the dying sunlight and headed for her car. There had to be something, a way of some sort, to turn this day around. To make it better. The wind picked up, throwing dust about with the pollen that already was assaulting the sinuses. Gladly unlocking and climbing into her car, she closed the door to the world outside. A way to turn this day around? How could she go about that. The drive home was daunting by itself. Turning the ignition and letting her car purr to life, she looked down at the radio. Heck, why not? She extended a tapered finger out and pushed the power button.

Music swelled and rolled around her, filling the car with it's calming yet energizing substance. Unseen but definitely felt, a thunderstorm grew until it couldn't stand the confines of the small frame. Bursting past her car in a fury of melodies, she felt herself relax as musical rain pounded on the windows and ran down the glass. Lightening cracked in the distance and it's echoing cry bounded and rebounded on her ears. Feeling alive in it's intensity yet soothed by the music's familiarity, it was with new strength and life that the young woman shifted into gear and pulled away, gliding on wings of treble and bass.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 05-05-2013, 12:50 PM

Melody felt another crushing blow hit her. Collapsing to the pavement, she struggled to stand up but her knees and elbows trembled so badly that Melody wasn't making much progress. A movement on the side gave her little warning as a steel-toed boot nailed her in the ribs. A grunt that would have been a scream had she the air in her was all that announced her fall into the hard ground. The cool sidewalk was little comfort for the pounding in her temples or burning covering her body. There was no way she was getting out of this without bruises. Some had already begun to form, of that she was certain.

Her tormentor stepped away from her, "finish it boys." The voice, distinctly feminine, betrayed the identity of the gangster in the trench coat. Even as she walked away, Melody was already remembering the face of her bullier and what would have brought this about. Silver flicked above her and a golf clubs came swinging down. Pure pain paralyzed all the rest of Melody's thoughts and the world went black.

Running a package between offices, the 18 year old errand boy grinned as he entered his boss' office. "Morning Ma'am. This just came in for you." Ignored, Terry set the package on the side table and stepped out. The boss was cold towards everyone. It wasn't personal. He was used to it. Still, he knew trouble when he saw it and went out of his way to make sure not to give her a reason to look at him. Heading towards the records office, he went to find the new intern.

Terry walked down the hall and knocked on the counter, "Hey is Melody around?" One of the ladies looked up and shook her head distractedly. Still not in? Terry frowned and moved on. Melody had been missing all morning. Still, Terry was low on the social ladder around here and not one to make a nuisance of himself. He kept going and kept further comments to himself. No point in aggravating anyone with his thoughts. Melody was an intern. By not showing up, even one day, she was fired. So why wouldn't she show?

Inspiration struck. Melody must have gotten sick and knew she wouldn't be allowed sick days. So knowing she would lose her job, she had forfeited and just stayed in bed. There was no doubt. Otherwise, if she could move, she would have been here. This was her plan for becoming a politician after all. Intern's were a step above errand boy, though not by much.

((To Be Continued))

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 05-22-2013, 04:07 AM

((Inspired by an essay written by one of my students))

A girl sat curled up in the darkness. She was alone and felt nothing at all. This is how she went through life and she knew no better. It was just the way things were and she didn't care for them to change. Why would she when she had no feelings. Aware that others did, she kept her distance on purpose to avoid the drama that would follow when they felt despair, anger, or regret.

Then one day, the Light approached her and held out a hand. A voice pierced the darkness and asked, "Will you take my hand? I can take you out of here."

She looked up at this gentle person and asked, "I feel no feelings. Are you okay with having someone like me who feels nothing?"

He nodded and begged, "I don't care about that, just please, take my hand."

She sighed and took his hand. Suddenly she was in a bright and light-filled world. Sitting there under a tree, she blinked and looked around. Birds flew over head and flowers bloomed beside. It was a pretty place, but she felt nothing.

The days continued to pass by. She spent her days sewing. Every day the man would come by to see her and ask her to hang out with him. She just shook her head and stared blankly around her.

After a year or so, one day she looked up at the sky. There were birds flying overhead. She randomly wished that she took could fly like those birds. Then with a start of surprise, she realized that she had wanted something. That was a feeling.

Over the next several days, she noticed that she felt many things. A sense of pleasure when he came by and a sense of loneliness when no one else was around. It was strange and she was uncertain how to handle these emotions.

Still she made up her mind. She would be his friend. So the next time he came by and asked her to hang out, she somewhat hesitantly responded, "Sure." His look of pleasure at her acceptance of him made her feel good and pleased too.

They remained friends and eventually she confessed her love to him. Learned he had loved her from the moment he first saw her. Finally they married and lived happily ever after.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 01:00 AM

There was once upon a time a kingdom ruled by a most fair and merciful ruler. The King worked hard all day long listening to his citizens requests and praises. The King worked hard all night long, making sure that records were well kept and organized. He was a good king and all of his citizens loved him.

One day he sat in his throne room accepting his citizens' presence. One lady cam up, "King, there was a mudslide near my home. Can you please clear the roads?" He responded, "Of course!" and sent some of his men to clear the roads.

Another approached, "Thank you King for sending seeds for my farm. I wasn't sure what I could do. You have been so kind and generous to me. Thank you so much. I will tell everyone how you have helped me."

A little girl approached and looked down shyly. Her mother hesitantly looked from her earnest daughter to the King. The little girl asked, "King, there is a girl at my school who isn't always very nice. Can you do something?" He motioned her closer so she could whisper the bully's name in His ear. Then he winked and she went trustingly from the room. He turned to a scribe to make a note that he look into the bully's life and see why there was trouble and how he could change things.

An elderly man approached. "King, remember those of your country who moved away. They moved to that country across the sea which is ruled by a Dictator. Help them." The King frowned, "I would if I could, but that is a very general request. Which of those people needs help? There are so many. What is the problem? I can't do much if I don't know what is wrong." The elderly man persisted, "You know who is over there and what troubles they face. Do something!" The King replied, "I can't just barge into a foreign land uninvited. It would cause trouble. Though I know who is over there and what lives they live, I can't help them unless a request is made." The elderly man repeated, "I am requesting. Go help them." The King sighed, "Which ones and with which problems. I must have specifics to do much of anything. Getting through the embassy and talking with the diplomats of that country will require more specific information than that."

Note: This seems to be the way prayer is. We pray all the time for general things and God sits there wanting to help and does what He can. Still, working through the right channels to do much must be hard since humanity rebelled and let the Devil be prince of this world. If we pray more specifically, I think God can do more.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-25-2013, 06:38 PM

At my dad and mom's place, we have been finding long nails out in the yard and driveway that the roofing crew didn't pick up properly when they were done. Talking and joking about this, we discussed how a lawnmower could spit one of those out and it could hit a car or a person. I wondered if one was made of wood and hit a vampire. Thus the inspiration for the following story.

Buffy jumped onto a grave stone and back flipped up and over the vampire chasing her. This one was fast though. Just as she thought she had cleared him, he swung around backslapping one of her legs with his hand. It wasn't much but enough to shake her balance as she landed. Stumbling, she didn't have her ground when he twisted to punch. Blocking it, she avoided a blow to her face but fell the rest of the way to the ground. The vampire leaped on top of her chest and sat straddling her with his evil grin. He didn't stop to monologue as some villians did but leaned right down for the bite. Her desperate fingers brushed something in the grass. Surprised at the feel of wood, she acted on instinct to grab and drive it into the vampire. Just as his teeth started to graze her skin, he blew away as dust.


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