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Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-22-2012, 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
A figure inched along the dirt path, the tall trees casting her into shadows. Leaning against the rocky cliff on her right, she made her way with an obvious limp further uphill. In the distance, gunshots and magebolts could be heard. The screaming of dying men was too far away, but her heart felt each shuddering heart beat of those valiant souls. At least, those who had stepped forward so that she might run away to live another day. Stumbling into a small crevice, she fought for a moment to get all the way inside. It was a narrow crack in the cliff that, once inside, widened slightly into a passage way. Her brown cloak threatened to tear on the rocky sides, but she didn't remove it. It was needed to muffle the sound of her armor banging on the passageway walls. Descending into darkness, with only the smallest patches of light filtering from somewhere above, she carefully worked her way to a small circular room.

It was carefully crafted long before her time. Known only to those of her bloodline who were female, it was a safe location from the fighting in the valley below. Her fiance knew of this location as well, but was under a spell that kept the secret safe from all forms of open explaining or trickery. He was her only hope now. She was too badly injured to leave this room. A wooden table sat in the middle with a large candle ready to be lit. A small bunk was on the far wall outfitted with military blankets and pillows. On the two remaining walls were shelves. On one supplies. On the other books and maps. Everything one needed to command an army could be found here. The only problem was that the army was routed and their leader slowly dying.

Struggling to the shelve where the supplies were, she pulled down a bottle of whiskey and some plain bandages. Kneeling on the hardpacked dirt floor, she shakily removed her cloak and armor. Leaving them in a pile beside the shelf to be cleaned, she lifted her shirt and looked down at her slim side. The gash was long but not deep enough to kill. Putting the bandage in her mouth, she uncapped the whiskey and splashed it on her side before she could think about it. Burning pain. There was no other way to describe it. When the urge to scream subsided, she pulled the bandage out and wrapped her side. With that taken care of, she forced herself to her feet.

The loose shirt and baggy pants had to much blood to keep on. Despite her wish to just fall over and let the blackness take her, she forced herself to think sanitary. Pulling off the blood-stained garments, she slipped into a loose brown dress that was stored on the shelf. It had a hood attached which she partially pulled up for warmth. Now free to finally rest, she wearily made her way to the bunk and pulled back the covers. Sliding in and covering herself, she curled up carefully and let sleep finally take her.
The princess' wounds, though disinfected, plagued her in her sleep. Tossing and turning, she dreamed that she was back in the Elven forests of the Imperial City. The nightmare taking place was at her 24th birthday feast. The Great Hall, with the large trees the size of ships creating it's walls, was laden every fruit and vegetable imaginable. Their people was a vegetarian race, horrified at killing the innocent creatures of the forest. This was made up for in the foods that could only be grown in the protective atmosphere of the shielded kingdom. Colors splashed the scene of every imaginable color and bright hue. Tapestries and magic lights covered the wall and ceiling. She had sat there at the side of her mother, proud and dignified.

Then the blood and screaming followed. The betrayal of her uncle against the family led to the deaths of many nobles. Countless supporters of the dynasty lost before the power of his greed. The woman of the realm were the only ones able to inherit property or titles. That he should seek to wipe out all eligible rulers in one blow was unthinkable. Her father falling beneath his own brother's sword. The blood dripping and spreading. The screams and cries of agony. The traitorous archers. The whole nation had been thrown into chaos that day. Here she was, unable to wake from her fevered dream. Trapped in the worst day of her, and the Elven Nation's, history.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-22-2012, 01:11 PM

The young lady walked up the marble steps into the library. A large, sophisticated place of both learning and beauty. Her gaze swept the lobby area, noting the exits on the first floor and the routes to the second. Quiet halls led to the sides and back, bookcases creating a maze on either side. Large, wide stairs circled behind the desk to the second floor as did the glass elevator off to the side. Strolling forward with her briefcase in one hand, she appeared as the perfect professional. Short gray skirt, matching hourglass jacket, and fluffy white blouse complimented the click of her black heels on the cold floor. Reaching the desk, the librarian looked up and asked, "How can I help you miss?" Without missing a beat, the young lady lifted her briefcase onto the counter, turning it so one end faced the door and the other faced the librarian. Click.

Gunfire poured out of both ends. The librarian flew backwards in a spray of bullets and blood. College students ran for cover amid their surprised screams. The young lady could see her reflection in a mirror behind the desk. The bullets streaming out behind her hit the corrupt police that had been sneaking up on her. She tossed her briefcase over the desk and into the aisle leading towards the back, then ducked down in front of the large wooden furniture piece. An explosion rocked the place. Despite the ringing in her ears and dust swirling around, she leaped forward with her heels conveniently left behind. Taking the stairs two at a time, she rose above the maze of bookshelves below. S.W.A.T. members lay unconcious or confused from her briefcase bomb all throughout those shelf aisles. Crash.

Glass shattered from the elevator as a sniper bullet flew out hitting her in the shoulder. Only the shoulder. She kept going. To stop was to die. To fight the pain and run was to live. Reaching the top, she worked her way expertly towards the back. Not to the fire escape. That was too easy. To be expected. Instead she went to a dusty corner that most likely was used frequently as a make out spot. Jumping and climbing a bookcase, she reached the window ledge of a high but small window. She would not be able to go out unseen. However the ledge of the window dropped down, creating a shallow space her slim body could rest in unseen. There she lay. To wait.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-22-2012, 01:31 PM

A girl rode her black horse with epic music playing dramatically into the night. As she reached the hilltop, the sun rose in golden glory displaying before the world a silhouette of this fearless rider on her rearing stead.

"And cut!" the director yelled. He stood up from his chair and went over to look at the playback from the camera feed. Over by the green screen, a girl sat looking dispassionately at her boss. If they had to redo that one more time, she would show them what the hooves of this beast could do to camera equipment. Maybe give him a reason to need plastic surgery.

He turned and motioned with his hands to redo it. She mentally groaned and reined Romeo around to head to the starting place. Of course thinking and actually doing something violent were two difference things. Still, it gave her something to think about that got that intense look onto her face. A secret she kept closely guarded whenever asked.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-23-2012, 01:00 AM

The rider raced to the sound of galloping hooves down the dirt path. Pine branches brushed past her face leaving stinging scratches behind. She ignored them, her eyes glancing to the right at the swirling rapids below. All her senses keyed to pick up any sign of her fiance. The black stead beneath her jumped over a fallen tree and easily resumed his mad dash. The urgency of his rider apparent to his sensitive bond with her. Katherine and Romeo sped along the high river bank for what felt like an eternity but was really only a matter of minutes. Desperate to save the man whose city life left him defenseless in this mountain setting, she screamed his name.

Finally a bob of red showed just behind them. Realizing they were ahead, Katherine began looking for a good jumping place. For a moment, there was an open cliff with no rocks below. She took it and Romeo swerved towards the edge with the agility of experience. His powerful hindquarters bunched and launched them out into the crisp open air. For one second they were flying, then they plummeted down into the icy river. The temperature alone shocked Katherine's nervous system. Like reality being forced upon a dreamer.

Surfacing, Romeo quickly began swimming. Trying to fight the current in order to find something for his feet to stand on, he turned sideways. His rider, twisted in her saddle, legs in a death grip on her Romeo while her eyes blinked against the spray of the rapids. Seeing Jim floating by, she leaned over and grasped his collar. For a moment, she thought she would lose Romeo, but the hand on the saddle horn helped her balance. Dragging him towards her, she wrapped an arm under Jim's shoulder and around his chest. Just enough to pull him with the current over her lap.

The river was widening now. As it widened, the river became shallow. Romeo stepped up onto the rocky bed of the river and stood there gasping for air. Katherine felt herself shivering in the cold mountain air, icy water dripping from her hair and clothes. They needed to get back to camp where the ranch hands could help them. Fast.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 11-23-2012 at 01:03 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-23-2012, 11:51 AM

Leaning against the bathroom wall, Stacy listened to the sounds coming from the motel room. The female officer staying with her was ordering pizza on the room phone while the bodyguard cleaned his gun. She closed her eyes, wishing this hiding was a part of the past. It wasn't though. Straightening up and walking to the sink, she looked at herself in the mirror. Blood splattered her tan face and braided hair. Reaching up, she gingerly let out the french braid. It's auburn locks cascading down past her shoulders. It would all be gone before sunrise. Still, she should be thankful it was just hair and not her life that would be lost today.

Turning, she moved towards the shower. Undressing before she reached it. Dumping her clothes into the trash, she started the water and set it to a good hot temperature. Stacy slipped under the pounding stream and let it wash both blood and tension away. How did her life end up like this? How could one literally be in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up being the only witness alive? If only she had stayed home and played with her younger brother. Yet her family couldn't know that she was alive. Her friends and teachers had created a memorial in the school hallways with her art. It was assumed no body was left enough of to bury. They didn't know the truth. She was right here. She was alive and well. Why couldn't they just know that much?

Finally turning off the shower, she swallowed past the lump in her throat and grabbed a towel to wrap her hair in. No time to cry. No time to regret. She would have to live, testify, and then run. It was as simple as that. Getting a bigger towel, she wrapped herself in it and tied it on. Opening the door so that the steamed room could vent a bit easier, she went out and sat on her bed. The woman officer was gone, presumably to pick up the pizza. Her bodyguard looked up from the small table he sat at, still cleaning a handgun. "You ready to have your hair cut?" he asked nonchalantly. She decided then and there to stay matter of fact and keep the emotion out of her until this was over. "Yes," she replied resolutely.

Jake searched her face for a moment, then put his feet down and stood, "Alrighty then." He put his stuff on the table and went to a bag on the floor, "I'll get the scissors." He dug them out and then ushered her back to the bathroom. She turned and numbly walked back, her live slowly leaking out of her. She must become numb. If there was nothing else Stacy could do, there was always that goal. Leaning over the countersink, letting him chop it short before applying the red hair dye, she refused to look in the mirror. That mirror on the wall, it would undo her resolve. He finished and started cleaning up. She turned and walked away. No need to see the loss of her pride and joy. It was vanity. She still had paper and a pencil. Art would always exist. The challenge to focus on tonight would be to create a new art style that would not be recognizable.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-26-2012, 01:18 AM

The horse lady rode hard into the camp, her leather armor covered in blood. Rolling off the side of her trusted stead, she blacked out before she could hit the ground. However waiting arms caught her. Her childhood friend held her in his arms as he carried her quickly to the medicine woman's tent. The medicine woman was an old lady, almost as old as the spiritual adviser. She had seen Etain riding in and had already prepared a bed for her. Laying her down, Paul stepped back to let the medicine woman begin the healing.

Etain floated in darkness. A warm darkness that held no fear for her. She simply floated there, adrift from pain and horror. A mental touch forced her to sit upright in this empty space. Looking over, she saw the lighted lady who had chosen her as a child to be one of her warriors. "Child, come, do not stay in the dark," the gentle figure said. Turning, she started to walk on. Etain's darkness suddenly seemed lonely. She got up to follow, a dim lighted path forming beneath her feet. It glittered with thousands of tiny white stars. As she walked forward, the darkness around her started to glow in larger softer hues of color: purple, pink, yellow, and blue.

Outside her mind and body, the medicine woman finished wrapping the last of the bandages. Paul knelt beside her and took her hand. Pressing it to his heart, he poured the unspoken love into her with every will of his being. Like the final touch of medicine, it seemed to give her life. The rose color returned to her cheeks and her body seemed to relax. A gentle smile filled her face. He sadly wished that her way of life had not taken her so far from him. For her commitment to the one she followed allowed no room for a lover. Indeed, when she woke up in the morning, it was as if she had experienced something so real and physical that nothing he ever did for her could replace. Not even physical intimacy. One of the joys of following the lighted one.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-26-2012, 06:55 AM

The girl walked softly down the steps towards the old tree. Grown large and huge, it seemed timeless as it sheltered the entire lower patio area. Walled in by old stones and moss, this place gave you the feeling of stepping into another time and place. For Jean, that was very much the case. Resting at the base of the tree was glass stone glowing a light blue hue. It had always been here. The first time she had touched it, she had been transported back to ancient times. Among the many adventures there, she had always been able to come back to this tree. She had saved humanity through many hardships by being supported by her unique and priceless friends. Before she could tie up all the loose ends, the evil mage had sent her back with his dying breath.

Now she stood here, breathless with anticipation. Jean had every intention of going back. She had her backpack ready. Just had to do what she did last time. Taking a deep, steadying breath she reached out a trembling hand and pressed firmly on the blue stone. Nothing. No swirling lights or sensation of floating and power. No change or build up of magic. She was still here. Shocked Jean, touched it again. And again and again. Desperately she began pounding on the rock, her anguish filling her soul. She would never see him again. Her beloved and one true love. Finally slumping down, clutching at the glowing blue, she began to sob.

As Jean lay there, the hours passed. Her tears slowly slowed and stopped. Moist trails running down her cheeks. In that moment, time seemed to still. It was like suddenly she was surrounded by the heavens that were blooming with golden white clouds. Looking around her in shock, she wondered what this was. It wasn't like before and she felt that part of her remained at the base of the tree. A soft whisper coursed through her as the wind picked up lifting her higher. It was as if she could see back through time. Back a thousand years. All the love and feelings she wanted to tell him seemed to lift up from her and form wings of hope and love. Flying from her into those golden clouds, the light therein seemed to burst as the sunrise filling her with joy and accomplishment. He would know. He would know she loved him too.

She felt herself slipping out of that glory. Her arms still wrapped around the blue stone. She could hear the wind in the leaves around her. She had returned. Except something was different. Her arms were not wrapped around a rocky surface but the strong waist of a man. Jean opened her eyes and looked up into the man cradling her in his arms. She didn't need to travel back, for he had come to her. He pulled her up for that hungry kiss as their reunion hit their reality. They were together and this time they would never have to part.

((Inspired by the song below.))

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-28-2012, 02:24 AM

((This story was inspired by one of my students. She wanted to share what bullying can lead to and the thoughts that a bullied person has.))

You Hate me, I Hate you.

Walking down the hall, she felt so miserable. Today was just like any other day, but it wasn't a good day. Just like everyday. It was a complete mystery to her why no one liked her. Looking out the window but not seeing the soccer field below, Elrain was lost in her thoughts. She didn't annoy anyone nor seek ways to anger others. In fact she did just the opposite. Elrain was always trying to be considerate. Countless times she went out of her way to not embarrass or hurt those around her. If only she wasn't so shy.

Hearing laughter below, her eyes adjusted. There was a group of friends outside playing around. She wished she could make friends. If only she spoke better, then maybe she could be more liked by others. Sighing, she turned away from the window and kept walking. Speaking well wasn't her only problem. Those in her class were competitive and all strove for As. She had a B, and it wasn't good enough. Just another aspect about her to pick on. Add that to the list of things she didn't do well: art, music, sports.

Truly she was a normal student. It just seemed like if there was something to pick on, others found it. That was the final question of life. Why did others hate her so much. Rounding the final corner, she headed down the long hall towards her homeroom. It was like the entire class was cheerleaders, urging her to mess up. She hated it. If only she knew she could talk to her teacher. Elrain had thought about that. Still, if she did, what would follow would be embarrassing trips to the principle's office. That would give them more ammo to tease her with. She couldn't do it.

As she walked, a "Hey!" interrupted her thoughts. Elrain started to turn around when a flying blur smashed into her. Falling, pain lanced through her knees. Laying in a crumbled heap on the ground, she looked at the boy who had bodyslammed her. Another classmate. Grimacing, she tried to get up and saw her stockings. They were torn and her knees were bleeding. Tears welled up but she bit them back. The boy turned to her and accused, "You purposely got in my way. Apologize to me for that." Elrain bowed her head to hide the inner pain his words caused, "Sorry." The whisper wasn't much, but it was all she could manage.

The group that had been outside came around the corner. They were still laughing. He got up and dusted himself off. As he joined them, the girls skittered away laughing about poor person germs. Another boy pointed out, "You touched her. Now you are contagious with a bad disease." The boy laughed with them and turned back to Elrain. Shoving her back down from her half risen position, he left with them. She sighed. The penalty for falling in the first place.


Elrain slowly walked into her house. There was stew cooking in the kitchen, it's delicious smell filling the whole house. Her mother called out to her, "Welcome home Elrain." She didn't respond. Her mother poked her head out of the kitchen and saw Elrain's ruined stockings. Frowning, she asked worriedly, "What happened to you?" She looked at her mother, a moment of wavering. Then she realized how worried her mother would always be for her. She couldn't tell her. "I fell down," she said simply. Better that than the truth. "Oh, well try to be more careful," responded her mother as she went back to work in the kitchen.

Heading into the bathroom, Elrain pulled off her ruined stockings and threw them away. Then she got down the first aid kit and cleaned up her knees as best as she could. It wasn't a great job but they would scab over and heal. Turning, she went to her room. Her bedroom had always been a place of peace for her. She could hide here from the rest of the world. As she was growing up, she didn't go to the library to study or the mall for pleasure. Instead she always came here knowing that those kids at school could not reach her here.

Her cell beeped. Crushing stress filled her at the sound. They couldn't physically still come, but someone had gotten and shared her phone number. Pulling out her cellphone, she looked down and saw she had a message. Just one message thankfully. It was still the same though. Like it always was. Opening it up, she clearly could read "You are so ugly. Why a stupid person like you exists, I'll never understand. Why don't you die already?" She snapped it shut, the tears still held back with a fierce stubborn determination.


Walking into homeroom, Elrain looked down at her desk. There were fresh scribbles there. She knew they were fresh because she always erased them. These ones were no different from the old ones. The same thing that she was texted. Bad words and phrases like "You are the most stupid girl in the school" and "you have to die." Groaning mentally, she pulled out her eraser to erase them yet again. She didn't want to look at them any more than she could help. Yet even after they were erased, the words burned red in her memory.


Heading to lunch, the boy who had pushed her the day before her yells at her, "Hey!" Elrain turned towards him hesitantly. He accused, "Don't look at me. You will get me dirty with your gaze." She tried to be brave while she said, "Please don't tease me." He shot back arrogantly, "Why not?" Gulping, she struggled to say more but it was beyond her. No one would listen to her.


It was after lunch when Elrain discovered her wallet was missing. Standing before her homeroom teacher, she had explained to him it had disappeared. His worry was evident and he responded, "I'll find it for you Elrain. Don't worry, it has to be around here somewhere." She nodded and turned to leave. It wasn't that she doubted his sincerity. It was that she knew it had been in her bag. It wasn't misplaced, but stolen.

Needing a break from everyone, she went to the only place she could hide. The bathroom stall. Slipping in and closing her eyes, she took deep breathes. Her peace was shattered by the sound of laughing girls. Several came into the bathroom talking loudly. One she recognized gloated, "I have her wallet. He stole it and gave it to me." Another responded, "Wow, but what if someone finds out? Won't you be the one in a lot of trouble?" The first threatened, " No, not as long as none of you say anything. If you do, you will be an outsider just like her!" They quickly promised their silence and left.

She waited until they were gone before slipping out. She could say something. However it would only cause a lot of problems and most likely would lead to more teasing. She didn't want to make them upset any more than she could help it. Also, it seemed like too much trouble. Besides, there was only some money, a membership card to a food place, and coupons in the wallet. Nothing truly important. She could lie, again, and tell her mother she simply lost it. Everything would be okay.


Finally school was over. Elrain walked outside. She wasn't heading home. Not today. This time she was on the roof of the school. It was four floors high, and the view was a little dizzying to her. "See that!" One of her classmates was below and pointing at her. Another pulled out her phone. Elrain wondered briefly if she was calling the police or getting more friends to come watch. It didn't matter. They would be happy she was going to do this. How many times had they said they wanted her to die. So there was no reason for them to worry or be surprised. Why would they? They most likely were telling people she was outside about to commit suicide, to come and watch.

A teacher rushes outside and sees Elrain. Her eyes grow wide and she ushers the students back inside. Hearing running feet on the stairwell and the door opening to the roof, she glances back. Her homeroom teacher is there with concern on his face. Behind him are several girls, including the one who had her wallet. She felt breathless and uncertain before them. His concern she understood, but the girls had wanted this. They had tormented her. Why were they here? The girls began pleading with her. "What are you doing? Please come here!" "Please, don't. Stop." Words and more words. Elrain didn't understand. Just that they didn't want her to go near the railing.

One of the girls said, "Listen to our words. Come here." Listen to their words? Elrain felt disgust and anguish when she heard that. Why should she? They had never listened to her when she asked them to not tease her. They were the ones who had given her messages full of bad words. They were the ones who left horrible words and phrases on her desk. They were the ones who wrote abuse on the blackboard. They were the ones who put trash on her seat. They were the ones who laughed at her and teased her. They were the ones who pushed her around. They were the ones who stole her wallet. They were the ones who threw trash at her, laughed at her, made fun of her, shoved her around, and stole her wallet.

She always had to say she was sorry. She was always apologizing. Why should she when she never did anything wrong?

They kept saying, "Please! Don't do that!"

She just wanted them to be quiet. They were so noisy. But of course, they wouldn't hear her voice.

So it was her turn.

"I hate you." Elrain said the words clearly and strongly, then turned and grabbed the railing and slipped over it. Standing on the ledge, her voice and life were finally hers to control.

---------- Post added 11-28-2012 at 11:27 AM ----------

In regards to the story I had just written. The student who inspired it is safe and didn't try to kill herself. However, she is very serious when she says that bullying can kill. I agree with her. Humans kill humans. Words might not break bones like sticks and stones, but they can emotionally and mentally destroy a human life.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-01-2012, 12:57 PM

Mary Sue Character Clip

The elven fairy mage lightly ran down the path towards the cliff, her glittering white wings spreading out and lifting her into the air. Her blonde long hair flowed gracefully behind her complimenting her pearly white skin. It had been a wonderful week.

She had spent every night dancing and feasting with all the energy of her eternal youth. During the day, she used her magic to save the realm for the dark terrors that would threaten if she didn't exist. She didn't need to sleep or rest because her supply of energy was endless. She was so skilled in every form of magic, that she could summon weather, create mountains, or wield any element with the blink of an eye. To compliment this magical ability, she could also mind speak with any animal, read the thoughts of any human, and heal a person on command.

When she traveled to realms by teleportation or flying that did not allow the use of magic. She used her impeccable sword playing skills, or ranged weapons perfect aim, to slay the beasts of hell. Her unicorn, pixie swan, meeko cat, and large giant sabertooth were very helpful as well.

She was never lonely because she had friends traveling with her of all races: mermaids, sprites, dwarves, elves, fairies, and the common human. She was so popular because she was beautiful and because she was royalty. The reason she wasn't at home with her family is because for some reason she was outcast. She never quite elaborated on that.

Looking below her at the villages miles below, she was able to see with her excellent eyesight that they needed rain for their crops. Despite using her magic constantly for days without rest, she generously used more from her eternal supply and send perfect sized rainclouds to rain only where it was needed the exact amount needed.

Gracefully she flew on.

(Whew, that was actually comical to write. Would be very boring though to turn into a roleplay. Glad it is out of my system for now. Will be more sarcastic later if I need to vent without hurting feelings. Hope you got a laugh out of it.)

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-01-2012, 01:05 PM

Mary Sue - Sailor Moon
This is just an amusing idea I got. Might draw such a picture someday to compliment it. Yes, you can laugh.

Name: Angela Royal
Age: 21
Description: Blond hair, blue eyes, tall, slender, strong, fair complexion, and graceful in all her movements.
Sailor Name: Milky Way Galaxy Scout
Sailor Outfit: All white with transparent rainbow lace edging. White glittery wings. A swirl design of white as her emblem on her transformation item, on her neck, and on her forehead.
Sailor Abilities: Has a crystal more powerful than the silver crystal, is stronger than all the scouts combined, can fight, can heal, can teleport, and can fly. Has eternal youth, can sing, dance, play any instrument, create any masterpiece of art, and has spiritual prayer power. Top student in Japan in all subjects. Top strategist.
Sailor Pets: Has a unicorn friend, has a cat friend, and has a swan.
Bio: Has lived longer than all the sailor scouts. Was tragically orphaned and is searching for her one true love who will heal the trauma of losing her parents and being betrayed by someone she loved who was the evil person of her life until she killed/rehabilitated/froze/trapped that said villain.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-01-2012, 01:17 PM

Anti Mary Sue

This is getting rediculous. I feel now that I really need to write something, anything, that is the complete opposite of a Mary Sue. Something somewhat realistic but with the elements I favor writing with. Let's see... mage or blades... hmmm... blades!

She raced down the narrow trail and ducked behind a tree. Leaning against it and gasping for breath, Leah wondered if she had lost him. His cursing and footsteps were proof that she had not. Gripping her hand onto her sword, she waited in anxious anticipation. The adrenaline had long ago worn off and now she was on the last of her reserves. Her long banes damp with sweat stuck to the sides of her cheeks. The forest went quiet so that she could only hear her thudding heart. Suddenly there was a yell!

He whipped around the tree, his metal armor a stark contrast to her leather outfit. She blocked and parried the blow of his rapier and stumbled backwards. With a swift comeback, he twisted her own blade out of her hands and sent it flying. Looking after it and swinging back around to stare at him with wide eyes, she didn't have time to react as he brought his sword down. She brought her arm up reflexively and felt pain shoot up her wrist.

Burning, molten pain. Screaming and pulling her arm close, she stared in disbelief at her left hand laying on the ground. Blackness creeped in around the edges of her eyes and her legs went numb. Falling to her knees, she looked up at him wordlessly as he brought the hilt of his sword down onto her head.

Mary Sue would never lose a limb, and if she did then she would be positive about it and still manage to do everything perfectly with her genius/creative mind.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-02-2012, 11:08 AM

Avengers Alliance - Battle

The agent stared down the wide alley at the other two. Mere criminals armed with only a club. Granted the clubs they wielded had a red crystal in them. Still, it was nothing she couldn't handle. She rushed them, pulling out her sword Grief and attacking. She managed to get blood drawn on both. One of them rushed her as she leaped back returning with two strong blows of his own. Ghost Rider drove in parallel with her and used his chains to beat the man back. Fire smoldering on the jail bird's sleeve. Phoenix arrived and hovered in the air between the agent and Ghost Rider. Quickly she set up a mind link between the three of them so that she would absorb any more attacks the two criminals might impose. Feeling more focused, the agent watched as the second jail bird tried to attack Phoenix. She laughed as she fly out of his reach.

The agent pulled out her special mirror, Flashing Eye, and used it on Phoenix. If Phoenix was going to be taking the incoming attacks for them, then it stood to reason that she might like the backup. Just as she used it, the first criminal tried to attack Phoenix again. Phoenix didn't dodge since she knew what the Flashing Eye could do. As the man's club hit her, instead of hurting her, it healed her. She grinned and winked a thanks to the agent. Ghost Rider shook his head and whipped his chains around again, striking the first criminal a second time. This time, instead of more flames, the criminal got a slightly glazed look in his eyes as if he was being pulled mentally into a dark void. Phoenix quickly pulled up a large chunk of debris and hurled it as his villain friend. The second criminal used that moment to follow up her attack with one of his own, catching her in the side with her club. She fly up out of reach holding her side.

The agent used Grief again, her blade igniting sparks on both the men. The first finally overcome with burns and injuries fell to the ground unconscious. Ghost Rider used his Penance Stare on the remaining man. The remaining criminal saw his attacks on these heroes of justice and felt remorse for it. Phoenix used that moment to attack him with a psychic blast of energy, knocking him out cold.

Two more criminals ran into the alley. The agent took a step back and pulled out Grief. Swinging her sword, she hit them both. The first one swung around and pulled a knife on Ghost Rider. Connecting steal to fiery flesh, he managed to knick Ghost Rider before Ghost Rider's chains could knock him away. Stumbling back, the mans clothes began to smolder while a glazed look came to his eyes. His partner used that distraction to attack Phoenix. He got close but left only a scratch before she kicked him back. She quickly sent a psi blast at the first one, knocking him out cold and moving out of the way so that the agent could attack the second criminal.

The agent pulled her FireEater Gun and shot, leaving burn injuries and a poison on the second criminals clothes. Ghost Rider whipped his chains out as soon as she was clear and gave him a good whipping. He got several good hits in before the man retaliated. However his soul was on fire now too and he fell over in agony, giving in to the darkness.

The three stared at the criminals catching their breath when two Jotun came running into the alley. They straightened up but the agent was out of breath and stepped back, trying to get some of her energy back together. Ghost Rider covered for her. Though he was growing weary, he pulled his chains out and gave as good as he had been. Ignoring him, each of the Jotun attacked one of the girls. Phoenix fell back taking only a few scraps as did the agent.

Phoenix quickly blasted on of the Juton unconscious while the agent used the Flashing Eye mirror on her to help her heal from her injuries. Ghost Rider used the last of his energy to wearily swing his chains around and hit the large remaining Juton. The ice monsters skins blistered where his hot chains hit. Phoenix blasted him with all she had and the agent jumped forward swinging Grief. They stood looking at the down men that they needed to haul to the brigg wondering how they had managed to only just survive the encounter. They were used to easier battles with this lot.

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Old 12-03-2012, 11:51 AM

The little girl floated in darkness. Nothing surrounded her grief-stricken form except the void. That and the strips of film. Thousands and thousands of pictures could be seen on the strands that circled and tied her body in place. Not that she had anywhere to fall, run, or otherwise go. Up and down didn't exist here. Most of the strands cut into her skin, allowing small droplets of blood to slowly pool. Many more that circled her were piercing her heart with blue lightening sparking, like a bag electric outlet, from her chest. A few were glowing a soft green and seemed harmless. They were too few in number to ease the pain or slow the damage.

The strips and strips of film surrounding the thirteen-year-old were her memories. They were filled with the people, events, and emotions of her life. The green ones were of loving and enjoyable times. People who cared and memories that could bring a smile to her face. The ones buried into her heart inflicted tears. They outnumbered the green easily and the blue lightening kept her attention focused on them. The strands of pictures, moments, people, and pain that wrapped around her, cutting her deeper and deeper were numerous beyond count. The many small words and actions that could not be remembered but harmed her daily. She was trapped in this web of brutality, unable to see anything but the anguish deep within.

A voice, no, a lullaby of a melody dear filtered into her silence. The void had a dim light drawing slowly near. An older woman, with eyes so sweet and kind, flew near. Looking at the horrible memories that were slowly killing the child, she tenderly gathered the girl into her arms. Whispering encouragement and understanding, she stayed with the child. Though the child seemed beyond redemption, she didn't let go or cease in her vigil. Slowly, bit by bit, she was able to turn the reels of memories that were cutting the girl into mere black and white. Their imminent color lost in the woman's fierce determination.

As the surface wounds began to heal, the woman turned to the injuries of the heart. More understanding flowed from her. More desperately, she worked to save that which was herself. For hindsight is 20/20. She was unable to turn back time. However, she could heal the 13 year old self within her. So that someday, she could move on and enjoy the abundant blessings that were trying so hard to be a part of her life.

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Old 12-08-2012, 02:38 PM


The situation that requires an ethical decision is really simple. Kate works nights as a nurse on the weekends. She is in her 40s. She has a tendency to start projects but never finishes them. She is a Christian. Her husband Bob is currently unemployed, takes care of their three children, and generally stays at home taking care of the chores.

Kate one day walked in to the home office to discover that he had an internet girlfriend. An Asian lady overseas whom he had been seriously talking too for several months. Outraged, she kicked Bob out of the house.

Kate's mother, Jill, helps take care of the kids over the week if Kate has appointments to go to. Bob returns on the weekends to help with the kids while Kate goes to work.

Bob decides after awhile that a separation is not going to cut it and gives Kate divorce papers. He quietly warns her he wants only one thing, the youngest child. He has no job, no place to live, with only his parents charity. His parents are millionaires who give him an allowance until he can get back on his feet. He will fight tooth and nail for half the house, furniture, horses, and vehicles in order to bargain for the youngest child.

Here is a kicker. The two oldest children are biological brother and sister. They had been wards of the state and were taken in by Bill and Kate for foster care. Their biological mother signed the them as her children's legal guardians. For all intents and purposes they belong to Kate and Bob. The youngest child was adopted as a baby boy and loved dearly by the elder sister. The two older kids are devastated that their adoptive foster dad wants nothing to do with them, particularly the oldest brother.


Laws regarding abortion, adoption, child custody, and foster placement vary from state to state and may be interpreted differently in various jurisdictions and by different judges as well as change over time (Kaslow, 9). There are key concepts that apply to divorce and child custody cases. Some of these are psychological parents, attachment theory, need for constancy, loyalty bonds, and the balancing of rights of parents and rights of children. It is traumatic for children who are separated from the parent who they were closer to including foster or adoptive parents (Kaslow, 10). A principle developed by Chief Justice Brandeis in 1925 is that the judge is the ultimate authority but should consider where the child wishes to reside (Kaslow, 10-11).

It is important to advocate the right of the child to have a healthy relationship with both parents instead of focusing on which parent is the better parent. If the latter is chosen, it needs to be because a relationship is one parent or the other is not safe (Kaser-Boyd, 2). It is important that the voice of the child and what the child wishes is heard and taken into consideration. This and the consideration for the educational needs and opportunities for the child are considerations that must be taken. Guidelines have been set up as follows: child's preferences and needs, ability of the parent to meet needs, ability of arrangements and parents to provide a stable environment, allowing the other parent to maintain a good relationship, and finally prodding any special needs (Kaser-Boyd, 2-3).

There is a Code that must be followed by healthcare providers in custody battles. In secton 3.04 it states that if necessary then an evaluation must be done in a case where a judge must determine if one of the parents has to relinquish rights for the safety of the child. (Ackerman,2).

It is necessary for families to understand all the aspects involved in getting a divorce such as child custody. They need to understand and be educated in the personal effects and challenges that will be faced with a split family (Patterson, 1).

During divorce and custody battles, wounds are created and stress is endured that can cause emotional and mental trauma. That is why should one decide to force children to live through a divorce, they will need mental health professionals to be their neutral mediators and evaluators. The parents will also be forced to work with those professionals in order to help figure out that best good situation that can be achieved for any children involved (Lee and Nachlis, 1).

Ethical System Views

Divine Command Theory is basing its ideas on theology. For those in the United States, and them, this would be Christianity. The Bible says that when a man and woman come together, that they are one flesh that should not be separated. Bob, though he had a girlfriend on the side, never actually met her. Technically he and Kate are the only two in this union. The Bible also says that if one commits adultery, then the other partner can divorce and remarry. So this now leads to one asking what adultery is. Is it intercourse, a kiss, or a long distance relationship? The Bible says in the New Testament that if one even thinks of another, that he has committed adultery. So Divine Command Theory gives Kate the right to divorce Bob. Yet it was Bob who served Kate divorce papers. So if you were to use this theory, they should not divorce, but work out their differences unless Kate were to divorce Bob.

Kantian Ethics is about what one's duty is. Bob has a duty to his family to continue to take care of them as well as give them the stable environment needed for the nutriment of the kids. Kate has a duty to look past Bob's mistake and work to keep the household united and stable for the kids' sake. This particular system would play devil's advocate at most normal human being's reactions.

Situational Ethics is all about love. Caring for the individual. In this case Bob would care about Kate's workload and the kids' need for both care and a father. Kate would love Bob even if he finds companionship with another woman. They would both love the children and work to help them have a stable home.

Situation Expanded

Bob has a quick temper. When frustrated or tired, he has been witnessed yelling and cussing at all three of the kids. The oldest brother, and eldest of all three, seems to be on Bob's bad side constantly earning some physical violence against him. Though there are many witnesses to the verbal abuse, only a handful of Kate's relatives have seen the physical abuse.

Kate feels her family and church are less than supportive, pulling them out of the youth group and taking them to another church an extra half hour away. She hasn't the time to care for the kids by herself with her job, so is depended on friends and family most of the week for child care.


After going through the research, for the children's sake the divorce should go forward. The safety of the children should be top priority, when getting them away from Bob would help ensure. It would be Kate's duty to get a divorce for this very reason. Her love for the three children would outweigh the love for the one husband. She also have Biblical reasons of Bob committing adultery. As such circumstances can bring, this takes us to another question altogether. With the two older children still in the foster care system, would they stay with even Kate? Such circumstances could send them back into the shuffling of the foster care game. Again the research provides that answers. Take the children's wishes into consideration, any bonds that may have developed, as well as what would provide the best stability for their lives. It seems since they have developed roots with a new family, that staying with Kate is still the best option. That is, however, up to the judge. Still, divorce truly is an ugly thing. Is splitting a family really a good idea? There is even more emotional and mental trauma that occurs.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 12-09-2012 at 09:23 AM..

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maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 09:36 AM

Tubular Bell Inspiration

The child played along on the playground with her broken doll. Alone in the sunshine, she created within her a joyful story. As only an innocent child can do, she lived life happily. A man walked along and smiled when he saw her. He turned and crossed the playground to kneel beside her. She turned her radiant smile to him. He grinned back and patted her knee. Then with a wink, he stood and was gone. In his absence her doll was no longer broken. Nor was the doll a doll any longer, but her new little sister.

Another child balanced on the edge of the bridge as he crossed. A trumpet in one hand and a story book in the other. The trumpet had cracked. The story book was full of tales of a trumpeter who had the ability to make people happy. The boy wanted to be just like the trumpeter and, lost in his thoughts, didn't notice the man watching him. As the boy reached the middle of the bridge, he looked up and saw a sad puppy near the river. Hoping off the edge and hurrying down to the puppy's side, the boy scooped it up and carried it home.

That evening the man knocked on the door of the boy's house, asking if he might spend the night. The surprised mother looked over at her husband who shrugged. Sure. At the supper table, the man observed the training the boy was already taking the initiative to teach the new puppy. Responsibility at such an early age was a good sign of character. The boy looked up and knew the man's thoughts as their eyes met. It wasn't until morning when it was time to go to school, that he found his trumpet mended as if it had never been cracked.

Throughout the neighborhood, the young children soon were relating to each other tales of how the mysterious man worked magic in their lives. Those who had problems found that they were fixed. Important things like stuttering, incredible shyness, and a broken arm were healed. Those children who were spoiled and cruel found no joy or peace with him. However, they wanted what the other children were finding in their hearts and changed their actions and thoughts. They too found the joy that had always been for them.

One evening, the man simply left. He walked out of the small hamlet up the dusty road. As the stars came out, he was gone into the hills and slopes beyond. The children all stared out their windows or on their porches. Missing him was natural for the innocence and joy he brought to their lives. Yet he had left another gift for them. For those who wished it, as they listened into the night they heard a most wondrous sound. The sound of beautiful bells peeling away melodies so sweet that tears would spring to your eyes.

Inspired by this youtube video. The music grows slowly until you are lifted into a magical world inside of yourself.

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maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-10-2012, 09:05 AM

Snow fell lightly under the moonlit sky. The brunette walked slowly along, forcing herself to feel past the chilly night air. Looking out over the glittering crystals, she stopped and listened. Listened as only you can when you are alone beneath the midnight sky. The snow falling created a musical sound that can only be heard in such silence. A sound like the twinkling of fairy bells. Small and delightful. She couldn't close her eyes to focus just on this peaceful sound, for the serene sight that met her eyes lured her into their hypnotic depths. Soon it was as if she had become the winter and the winter dwelt in her. The cold no longer mattered as that white and blue paradise welcomed her to it's crystal lair.

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Old 12-17-2012, 01:38 AM

Reaching the school's administrative office, Mr. K looked worriedly at the secretary. Her face was red and forehead creased with concern. He nodded encouragingly to her to keep talking on the phone and stepped over into a side office. The principal was on the phone talking to the police. He leaned against the wall to listen in.

The principal nodded in answer to the officer's question, "Yes, here is the phone number on the caller ID." As she rattled it off to him, she felt herself hoping that they would catch the person who was making the bomb threat. They were trying to keep the young girl on the phone, but the secretary was struggling to keep the conversation going.

On the other end of the line, the officer was running the number through his computer. A match came up. It was public phone booth. He cringed at the implications of catching the girl in time and opened up a list to check the address associated with this phone booth's number. What he saw surprised him. Turning, he yelled, "She's at the phone booth across the street!" About ten uniformed police officers started from where they had been sitting or standing into a complete sprint towards the doors.

Outside, an old man was walking his dog when he saw cops running out of the police station, drawing their guns as they sprinted to the curbside. What little traffic there was stopped on sighting the blue uniforms racing across the two lane street. Circling the phone booth with weapons drawn, they yelled at the girl to put her hands up and come out.

((This is actually a real story a co-worker shared with me.))

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 12-19-2012 at 02:35 PM..

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maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-19-2012, 03:54 PM

Her heart had been broken repeatedly. She was only 14 yet had endured the bitterness of her parents' divorce, the crushing pain of her boyfriend leaving her, and finally the absolute betrayal of her best friend. She had felt she could handle it. The personal problems were nothing she couldn't get through. Then over the last week, some students had started bullying her. It had been right before the spring finals. Today she had systematically failed each of those tests. Humiliated, she had left school at rock bottom.

Walking through the rain with thunder gray above her, she wondered why everything had gone wrong. How could things get so bad with no checks in place to slow or stop them. Reaching the park she had played in just a year ago, she turned automatically and walked inside. Past the picnic tables, playground, and towards the duck pond. Kneeling down there, she stared at the beautiful birds and colorful fish that seemed happy even though they lived with the raindrops. They were happy. Why couldn't she be so too?

A particularly beautiful swan swam up to her and waddled onto the bank. She looked numbly at the bird, so crushed that she didn't try to run or wonder at the possible reasons a wildlife creature would approach her. This feathered one looked at her and tilted his head as if evaluating. Then it came up and pressed it's head against her chest while opening it's wings to encompass her. For a moment time stopped.

Then suddenly time broke and shattered all around her in crystal clarity. Her eyes opened and focused. Lights flooded her soul, swirling warmth all around her inside and out. Numbness gave way to an empowering strength. Faces of loved one cascaded her thoughts as a desire to live on filled her being. She would get through this and be stronger for it. Fresh air filled her longs. HEr skin, no longer plastic but something full of sensation as each drop of rain splattered and ran it's course down her face and arms. Her legs felt the blades of grass beneath her. Looking up into the sky, it was as if the chains of pain were gone allowing her to finally fly free.

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maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-21-2012, 06:11 AM

Walking along the waters surface, with gentle waves lapping at her ankles, the princess felt peaceful within. The blue sky danced above her the nighttime color lights. Their beauty reflected all around her. It wasn't everyone who could walk in such a surreal scene. Perhaps because she was the moon kingdom's princess and her biological structure more light than that of this world's normal humans. Whatever the cause, water was thick enough to her to hold her water while standing. Giving her the opportunity to be on a sea with no obstructions from the beautify around her.

Pausing so that the water stilled, she listened to the melodies dancing towards her. It was a sweet harmonic sound that was pleasing to her ear. Her face skin reflected the moon's light just as her eyes sparkled in mirth. Yet despite the blue hairs and soft blonde hair, she wasn't the prettiest sight here. Not even her delicate dress with it's intricate designs could compare to what was floating all around her. No human could create works of art that even came close. It was the work of nature through the Creator's design that made what she saw possible.

Under the dark blue sky of star lights was a glittering sight of frosted ice flowers. Each petal forming a bloom of chilling delicacy. Their crisp freshness giving the air a breath of life that seemed to come from heaven itself. Their beauty unparalleled in the world around them, they caused all who looked upon them to become still in awe. Hearts seemed to beat faster, then quieten in the presence of such wonder. Each sliver so small attached to thousands more to create one treasure. The meadow floating all around the princess truly created a crystal sea. A sea of cold glass and sparkling life.


Recently NPR posted an article about ice flowers out in the ocean. That inspired this story with the help of a beautiful song by Nightwish called Meadows of heaven. Here are two more pictures of these very real flowers.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 12-21-2012 at 06:13 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-21-2012, 06:20 AM

The girl struggled along, her body frozen but still alive. The winter's cold held it's tight grip on her. Still she refused to slow down. Refused to give up. She had a brother waiting for her. He would take care of her. His love was all she needed. The rest of the world might be a mess, but life was worth everything if she could just be with him. Someone to love and be loved by in return. Wasn't that the motto she learned and lived by? Who needed anyone else when you had a best friend and family wrapped into one person? She would not be beaten!

A large clump of snow hid a fallen log. She stumbled over it and fell head first into the frosty depths. Her breathing increased and she numbly tried to move. Her body didn't answer her brain's desperate please. Everything was so sluggish. A part of her wondered if just a few minutes rest would be okay. Another part screamed no. She had to get up. As if by magic, hands reached under her and turned her over. She looked up into that dear face and could have cried had she the strength. Her brother picked her up effortless and carried her home where everything was alright.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 02:17 AM

The young female walked into school, the start of another day. The music try outs were coming up. She joined her group of 4 other friends and talked about their band. She was the main guitarist and eager for the big day to come. Looking at a poster on the wall, she felt excitement. They had worked so hard for this coming weekend. Her four friends were planning when they would meet next to practice. Mai was distracted a moment though. Her long brown hair swept over her shoulder as she turned and watched a young man walk past.

His name was Terry. He had been on her mind a lot lately. A quiet and average looking guy, he had not caught the attention of many other girls. Still, in this high school, she was certain he was the one. Their senior year was built on a motto, "Live life to the fullest." She had her guitar and friends. Still she couldn't help but think about him.


It was lunch time. Finishing early, Mai walked quietly, her school uniform blending in with the halls. Reaching their homeroom, she checked inside. Terry was sitting by the window like he always did, staring out. She casually walked in and headed up the aisle as if going to her seat. As she passed him, she dropped a note on his desk. Smoothly she kept going and left the room via the back door. She saw out of the side of her eye that he had started when she dropped the note. Hoping he would meet her, she headed to the home ec room.

It was but a few minutes later he followed. Terry wasn't entirely certain what she wanted to meet with him about. Still, he found he liked her company and didn't mind this unexpected request. Walking inside, he asked, "What did you want to talk about." She nervously glanced down, clenched her fists, then looked up him and with courage declared her feelings, "I really like you. I enjoy the memories we have together of this school and want them to continue past graduation. Will you go out with me?" His face didn't change much, but inside he liked the idea of spending more time with her. He nodded yes.


At lunch Mai and Terry were sitting under a tree. He was quiet, as always, and contemplating a new concept the teacher had taught that day. She broke his reverie with a joke while happily, yet daintily, eating. He couldn't help but feel a bit secure in her friendship. Finding the way she ate endearing and relishing the sound of her laughter, he smiled.


Later that afternoon, they met up after school at a coffee shop. Terry was sitting there bored when the door opened and she walked in. Mai was all smiles and it made the room seem less lonely. Smiling, he waited while she skipped over and sat down. Her joyfulness seemed to contrast with his silent demeanor, but he felt complete.


It was getting towards evening. Mai had her guitar strapped onto her back and was heading towards the meeting point where her and four friends would practice for the try outs that weekend. She looked up and saw Terry standing on the other side. He was smiling at her with a handful of flowers. Still, it was his smile and friendship that made her so eager to reach him.

Above her, the traffic light shorted out. Turning green for oncoming traffic while also turning on the crosswalk light, life continued with no sign of anything wrong. Mai saw the light change and in her joy ran out to cross the street. As she ran, her eyes were on her dear friend Terry. Bam!

A large truck smash into her and flew past. Her body, propelled by the momentum of the truck, crashed into the pavement broken and bleeding. Terry dropped the flowers, horror filling him as he ran to out into the street towards her, feeling like he couldn't get there past enough. Blood was pooling everywhere. He reached for her, blood staining his hands as he felt for a pulse. Glass glittered everywhere. Feeling his soul break, he screamed in agony.

There were emergency lights flashing. Medical teams arrive. He could only bow his head in grief as he waited. Waited in suspense as she was rushed to the hospital. Rushed down the halls through double doors after double doors. Her blood seeped through the sheets as she was rushing into surgery. He stood waiting as the hours passed. Hours of silence while the doctors tried to save her.


Pain laced through her. It was everywhere. Her entire body was burning and throbbing with it. Slowly opening her eyes, Mai looked up at the hospital ceiling. Turning, she saw Terry sitting beside her hospital bed with worry in his eyes. She tried to move, but her weak limbs barely shifted. She could feel the bandages covering arms, legs, chest, neck, and head. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a wheel chair waiting for her. Images of her friends, the band, flashed through her mind as she stared at that wheeled device.


It was another day gone by, another day she missed practicing with the band. Looking out the window at the sunlit lawn below, she sat in her wheel chair frustrated. It was hard to be out of bed, but she had to get out of the hospital if she hoped to ever be a part of the band. Still, it hurt to think that this weekend's opportunity to become pro would be missed. Without a lead guitarist, her band would be stuck waiting yet another year.

Terry walked down the hospital wall corridors worrying about Mai. Her dreams and hopes for life rested on her guitar. He wished that she could at least play it for herself, but her fingers didn't seem to want to obey her. Wishing that there was something he could do to help, he opened her hospital room door and looked inside. She sat by the window, turning forlornly to look at him when he entered. There was a sadness, a deadness to her once lively eyes, that concerned him as he walked to her.


As the weekend neared, everyday was filled with therapy to relearn the art of walking. She struggled through painful hour after pain-filled hour with her therapist. At the end of the day, she sat in bed tired and worn out. Her fingers caressed the guitar's strings. Music had been her goal her entire life. Was it now over? She still had the band though. They could try again next year. She had to be strong for them and keep working on getting back on her feet.

Terry came in to sit with her awhile. He saw how worn out she was and let her rest against him for awhile. If only there was a way to bring the light back into her eyes. He looked down and gave her a present. She took the box slowly and opened it. Inside was a beautiful glass star. He told her how someday, she would reach her dreams and be a music star.

She looked up at him in astonishment. He believed in her! She could do this. He got up, gently laid her back down and turned to leave. She squeezed his hand. He turned surprised and looked into her face. There was a glimmer of life in her eyes once again. He quietly reach down, brushed a strand of from her cheek and bent down to kiss away the pain.


Sitting in her hospital bed, the picture of her four friends playing in the band while she led out as lead guitar, Mai watched the latest news in the music industry. They had an announcement about a rising star. She saw a picture of her best friend, playing lead guitar, taking the spotlight. Eyes opening wide, she stared in complete shock as her place in life was usurped by someone she trusted.

It was as if her vision had gone red. Numb and no longer thinking clearly, she felt only pain and a deep inner hurt. The faces of the other members of the band appeared one by one behind her. It was too much to process. Her phone buzzed. Looking at it, she saw it was from one of her friends. Throwing it angrily to the ground, memories of all five of them practicing hard past through her mind. Leaning forward she broke into sobs.

As she sat forward crying, more memories of them together on stage during rehearsals filled her. She pressed her hands to the sides of her head trying desperately to make the memories stop. She was supposed to be the star. She was supposed to be with them!

Opening the door, Terry saw the glass star he had given Mai hit the floor and shatter. Surprised, he ran to her grabbing her hands. Trying to get her to stop her wild tirade. Yelling past her screams, he begged her to talk to him. Sobbing, she looked at her bandaged heads. The TV still played scenes of her friends on national television. She broke into tears and tried to get out how betrayed she felt. That just two days earlier those same friends had visited and promised to wait for her.

He was shocked, not sure how to believe their passive cruelty. This was her dream too. He stopped fighting her and simply held her shuddering frame close to him, sending as much comfort as he could. Outside it started to snow, small flakes gently cascading to the earth.


Later that night he sat out in the snow, letting the icy flakes fall around him. Feeling completely helpless, he wondered how he could be a better friend. How he could help this person he cared for so deeply. Endlessly, hour after hour he sat. A precious box with a ring resting in his palm. Terry had wanted to give it to her. Yet she couldn't see him past her pain. He wanted his dear friend to be his best friend. If only he could help her somehow.


Back in the hospital, Mai rolled in her wheelchair through the silent, dark hallways. There was little point to life. It felt like everyone had abandoned her. Without her dream to sustain her, what reason did she have for life anymore? She couldn't know that outside her dearest friend was walking in agony for her. She numbly kept going, each push on the wheel taking away more of her ability to feel. The idea of never hurting again very real.

Outside, she kept going. Her arms gaining strength from her purpose. Despite the snow, she made steady progress along the streets. Her eyes dead to the Christmas lights and pretty shop displays that lit up the sidewalk. She could only think of one thing. Her friend on TV becoming a rising star in her place.

Crossing slowly along a large stone bridge, she made her way towards her final destination. Reaching the end, she stared down at the long cold steps descending before her. She wasn't thinking anymore, simply acting. Moving her hands to the front of her armrests, she paused automatically as her brain tried to work and failed. Tears started slipping rapidly down her frozen cheeks. Her heart was breaking. Was broken. Unable to bear it any longer she angrily flung herself in despair out into the open air before her, the wheelchair cluttering down the steps.

Time stood still as she hung suspended there in time. Her body half falling, stopped by one strong grip on her wrist and another hand supporting her back. Looking up in shock at Terry, Mai felt time that had been frozen to her for so long stand still. Then her heart began to beat again as he pulled her to him. Holding her close in a death grip, quietly sending out his love to her in the only way he knew how, Terry refused to let her quit her life and his love.

She felt blood rush to her cheeks. Her eyes could finally see the sparkling Christmas lights. He let her down just enough so that she could look in wonderment into his serious eyes. He cared about her. He loved her.

He got her wheelchair pulled back up. Her determination to get out here showed that she could still use her hands. Music was not a lost cause. As midnight struck, under the large city Christmas tree lit up with thousands of lights with a glass angel on top, he took her hands in his and then slipped a ring onto her finger. She felt life returning in her. There was a reason to live. To love and be loved by Terry. She smiled, happy for the first time in what felt like a lifetime as she looked up into his quiet gaze. Then he bent down and kissed her, leaving only her heartbeat to fill the air.

---------- Post added 12-24-2012 at 11:35 AM ----------

here is the inspirational amv on youtube... watch it all the way through without distractions of any kind... gives the music a magical quality when he saves her...

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 12-24-2012 at 02:36 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 01:52 PM

The teenager slowly walked along the sidewalk. The late afternoon sun was shining brightly, but her eyes couldn't see it. She was just so tired. Always tired and worn out. Another failed test. Another aspect of her life she should have been able to control and failed at. Reaching home, she unlocked the door and went inside. Her mother still slept, her snores coming from the back bedroom. Feeling worn out, she went into the kitchen and dropped her bag on the floor beside the counter. Looking at the snack cupboard, she couldn't see anything she really wanted to eat. Nothing was appealing. Turning away, she trudged upstairs to the play room. It was called that because that was where all the toys were kept. She sat on a bean bag and pulled the radio close to her. Turning it on to her favorite radio station, she felt relief at that sounds of the familiar music. Still, commercials would come on. How she hated those commercials. Another aspect of her life she couldn't control. Turning it off, she sat there staring into space. The sun lowered closer to the horizon. She turned and blankly stared out the window. Looking down at the edge of the window was splittered wood. She pulled out a large piece of that wood and stared at it. Then hesitantly held it beside her shoulder. Suddenly her heart was pounding. Adrenaline rushed through her system. Uncertainty at what she was doing filled her. Then before she could back out, she pushed it against her skin and pulled. The sound of flesh tearing reached her ears in the silence of that room. She watched in fascination as blood pooled along the scratch. The feeling of skin stinging. She could control this, kept this, and not feel so lonely again.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-30-2012, 01:52 PM

The young female walked across the corral. It was still early morning and the wranglers had gotten the horses caught, haltered, and chained up. Now each was walking around, grooming and examining each horse individually. She was making her way to one in particular. Her baby that she was training specifically this summer.

Last summer she had trained the brother of this horse. That had been an eye opening experience. The brother was a stubborn horse who bucked when angry or frightened, backed up instead of walking forward, and was bullied by the other horses. She had learned last summer that the two of them had a more similar personality than she could have guessed.

Now, she was working with the sister. A beautiful horse that was the complete opposite in personality and behavior, yet also similar to herself too. She tended to jump sideways when scared, was easily intimidated, and did her best to please. One thing made her different than all the other horses. The one thing that brought out tender feelings in the girl for the horse even when she was frustrated. This horse had a very narrow vision range that was quickly dwindling.

Walking near Peanut, she softly called out to her, "Hey Peanut, good morning. How are you doing this morning Peanut? You ready for today?" She reached out slowly and touched the horse gently. Walking up beside her, she continued talking while she curried and brushed the mare's coat. This was her time alone with Peanut. Her time to get things off her chest, to tell of her hopes and dreams, the people who were hurting her, and the friends she was making.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 12-30-2012 at 01:59 PM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-30-2012, 02:48 PM

It was the first ride of the day. The young female wranger took lead on the trail ride. Looking back to check on the kids and to see if another wrangler was mounted, she hoped that today would go better than the day before. Yesterday at noon, under the glaring hot sun, she had suffered several asthma attacks one after another. Hiding behind Peanut in the corral, she tried to keep it to herself. It hadn't quite worked.

Now was a new day and a new ride. Leading the ride down the road and cutting onto a side trail that was parallel with the road, she called back instructions to lean back while going downhill. The kids obediently copied her movements. Entering the trees, Peanut suddenly stopped. She looked down at Peanut's alert ears and felt her tense beneath her. Training did have it's troubles. Clicking with her tongue, she urged Peanut forward. Peanut refused to budge. She tried again and Peanut took a hesitant step forward and stubbornly stopped again.

Suddenly a deer jumped and dashed through the undergrowth. The noise startled Peanut. Pulling a 180, Peanut tried to dash back the way she had come. In that split second, the wrangler saw another horse, Tikki. At this rate, they would pass that horse. A memory of Tikki kicking her the summer before came to mind. In that split second, the wrangler put aside her own skittishness in the resolute decision she didn't want to be kicked again. Pulling Peanut to a rough, hard stop as she had never done before, a surprised Peanut stood there panting and alert. Alert now to the rider instead of the surroundings.

Turning Peanut back around, the rider urged her back down the trail. Hesitantly but more compliantly, Peanut started using her brain instead of her instincts. The start of a new trust had formed. The near blind horse started to respond to the minute signals the rider gave through the reins, her knees and calves, and in the position of how she sat in the saddle. Both found the experience remarkable. Through trial came a sense of accomplishment that they cherished the rest of the summer.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 01-01-2013, 05:22 AM

Walking through the hall toward her door, Steph unlocked her apartment and walked wearily inside. It had been a long day. Work had been a rough day. She had been expected to do some new things that she hadn't done before, and messed up. Even though she fixed her mistakes, the delay had annoyed those around her. Standing there in the door, she looked at her unkept place. She simply had had no time.

Dropping her bag at the door and locking both locks, she made her way to the kitchen. Dishes undone, cupboards empty. Too tired to eat or even get a glass of water, she turned and went to her room. Bed was all she wanted. Get away from her deceitful boyfriend. Not even think about her party-go-happy roommate. Avoid the phone calls of her mother nagging about her father. Just not live life anymore.

Opening her bedroom door, she stepped inside and closed the door. Looking around, she gulped and wished once again she had picked another degree. Another job in another city. Anything but this life she now lived. Something glittered in her mirror. Sighing, knowing she was now feeling the effects of exhaustion, she went and stood in front of the mirror. Behind her, outside, a breeze drifted through the trees and down towards her window. Steph looked past her dead eyes at the figure in the mirror. Her business casual clothes, makeup, and carefully styled hair. Past that into her dying soul. The mirror flashed.


It was as if she had closed her eyes only for a moment. A warm breeze brushed around her, supporting her while the sunshine flowed down in gentle rays across her body. Opening her eyes, she stared in wonder around her. On a mountaintop meadow full of green flowing grass and wildflowers, she was finally alone. Yet not along and very much feeling more and more refreshed by the moment. The bright blue sky above was filled with fluffy clouds. Birdsong drifted along the breeze, the breeze that helped her to stand up.

Turning around in a circle, then looking down at herself, Steph found her hair unbound from it's styling gel and clips. Her clothes were no long form fitting but loose and flowing. Her skin felt fresh and free, as if freshly washed. The breeze twirled her around and set her off skipped ahead of it. She laughed. Truly laughed and the sound created a lighthearted feeling in her. It was as if she as found rest, was given back life, and allowed now to finally be able to enjoy what her body could do. So Steph broke into a run and lifted her hands. It was as if the mountain itself was a runway. Wings formed behind her, lifting her high and into the sky.


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