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Old 03-15-2008, 02:21 AM

Tea sighed softly as she walked out side her house. It seemed just like yesterday when her and all her friends were running around dueling. But since they banned city playing. And if you want to either you had to go to Duel academy or go to Kaiba land to play it. Even the normal schools had banned it. At first she thought Yugi was going to throw a fit about not being able to play. Though she was glad he was fine with it.

Now they were all out of high school and off to collage or running there own business. Though Tea didn't know how Kaiba had gotten Yugi to agree to play against the student's when they graduate top of there class. She figured it had to do with money. Though they did get together every Sunday night to watch yet again Seto dueling Yugi. Mostly since Mokeuba had gotten sick and Seto wanted to cheer his brother up.

Though in the end there was nothing that Seto could do to save his brother. Everyone of her friends tried to make Seto feel better. Saying that Mokeuba wanted his brother to live his life though Mokeuba's was cut so short. Here she was the last of the group to go try to pull Seto out of him self. She smirked softly at what her mother called her this morning. 'The last of the dragon tamers.' She shook her head slightly as she looked up at the Kaiba building and walked in then.

Tea looked over at her mother who was sitting behind the desk working away for Kaiba. She sighed softly as she got into the elevator and pressed the top floor button. She was surpised that the seceruty didn't try to stop her. But Mokeuba had once told her that Seto has feelings for her. But he him self had stated that you were always aloud to go up to see big brother and him. She smiled softly as she walked down the hall to see Kaiba. Though she knew in her heart and little Mokeuba did as well that Tea still loves Seto Kaiba the one she always called the dragon. She pushed open the door then and walked in. "Hello Kaiba."

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:22 AM

Seto looked up from his desk and his face went into a deathly glare that was so common for him anymore. "What do you want Gardner? Can't you see that I am busy." He was sitting behind his desk staring at a blank computer screen with stacks of paper around him but nothing more then that. He picked up his coffee up and took a drink from it to find that the cup had gone empty.

Tea sighed softly as she looked at Seto. "Do you think your little brother wants to see you like this Kaiba. Your just going to waste your life away behind that desk there if you keep this up. And besides I can tell that you have nothing going on that computer screen of yours. So don't start with that. So start acting like you did when he was alive or else." She said with her hands on her hips.

Seto glared at Tea as he stood up then. "Don't think you can walk into my office and tell me what to do Gardner. I own this building or have you forgotten that little fact. It says out front Kaiba corp not little miss goody too shoes." He stated as he came around his desk to face her more fully. "So do me the good favor of turning around and walking out of here now before I call my guards to kick you out of here for me."

Tea stood there standing tall as she kept her glare as it darken as she looked at him. "If your brother was still alive Seto James Kaiba he would be ashamed of how your acting and letting every thing that was good in your life walk away from you and out of your life. Your just going to turn out just like your adoptive father if you don't ship up or your going to go out a bitter old man all alone. That even your real parents would hate to be around when there in heaven and your in hell."

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:23 AM

Seto Kaiba stood there still keeping his glare at Tea. "Don't say that to me. You don't know nothing Gardner nothing what so ever about my life. So get out just get out." Tea walked towards him more. "Your brother would be very shamed of you Kaiba." Everything went quiet then but for the sound of a slap that was heard threw the room then.

Seto didn't even notice that he had raised his hand when he smacked her. He lost his temper forgetting that the person in front of him is a girl. Tea stood there glaring at him with tears welling up in her eyes as a hand went to her face then. "You just lost the one person who still believes in you and loves you." And before Seto could even move or say anything Tea had turn and left leaving behind her heart and her hope for him as the tears fell down her face then as she ran.

Seto stood there stunned as he watched her go. He could almost hear his little brother's voice beside him say "Why is Tea crying big brother? Did you make her cry? I like her she's good for you big brother." He turned his head to see just an empty spot were his brother had been before he died. "I'm a fool." He said to the empty room. "Yes you are sir." Came a voice from the door way.

Seto turned towards his secretary he remembered then that the women is Tea's mother. "I miss my brother so much." The women nodded her head slightly as she walked into the room more. "Your brother once told me sir that if there had to be someone in your life to keep you tamed then my daughter could do that. She may call you a dragon but she loves you just the same." Seto sighed softly as he went to sit behind his desk then. "I have work to do." And that was it for now.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:24 AM

Seto spent the next three hours working when Tea's mother came back in again. "I'm sorry to bother you sir but I thought you should know something." Seto looked up he was over half way threw the paper work part and was working on the computer now. "What is it?" He said as he looked at the women.

She sighed softly. "She hasn't went home yet. Nor does any of her friends know were she is either." She was worried about her daughter but couldn't leave work to go look for her. Seto knew he was harsh towards Tea but really she did like to get on his nerves more then Joey did. Wait that is the other way around. He shook his head slightly then. "I will go look for her. Besides this is getting annoying." He was talking about the paper work and the computer work.

The women smiled softly. "Thank you sir." Seto nodded his head slightly as he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the office then. "Hold all my calls until tomorrow please. And call Yugi and tell him to stop sending people to bug me." And with that he headed out to look for Tea on foot with a couple guards as well. He was going to have to make it up to her and everyone else to he knew it.

It was some time later when Seto stopped and sat down on a park bench then. 'Were did that girl run off to?' He didn't think she could get very far for in three hours if she was walking. They had mostly scoured the whole city in that short about of time and they haven't found her yet. There was still a few spots he hadn't checked yet but he really didn't want to go to the cemetery right now. "Mokeuba were is she?" He asked aloud. But his question was unanswered then.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:25 AM

But even his brother's spirit didn't seem to answer him. It was as if Kami and everything else hated him. He seem to sit there for a long time before he heard a voice speek. "Are you going to hit me again Kaiba?" Seto blinked slightly and looked up as he sat Tea standing there before him. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying for a long time. And her make up what little she had on before was gone.

Seto blinked slightly a couple of times. "Your mother was worried about you Gardner." He said noticing how red her one cheek was compared to the other one. It was breaking his cold heart seeing Tea like this. And it wasn't something he liked seeing on her normally cheery face. "I told her were I was after I came back in for my purse I dropped. I was sitting out in my car this whole time."

Seto's glare turned dark as he looked at her. "My men looked in that parking lot and they said they didn't see you there." Tea rolled her eyes slightly. "If I was hiding then yes they wouldn't see me. And anyway why should you care anyway. Your still the heartless man you were when we were in high school together." Seto stood and looked at her. "I am not that cold and I'm not that heartless anymore." Tea placed her hands on her hips and looked at him. "If you want to regain my trust again Kaiba then your going to have to prove it. The best way you know how."

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:26 AM

Seto blinked slightly. "And how do you expect me to do that Gardner?" Tea sighed softly. 'Some people never change.' She thought to her self as she shook her head slightly at him. "Tell me what you want Kaiba in life?" Seto blinked slightly and sighed. "I don't want to end up like my parents did leaving behind childern to deal with the world them selfs. With out having some family member that was close to them to not be around. I want that person to be around."

Tea nodded her head slightly. She was about to speak when Seto spoke again. "And I want the girl I fell for in High school to love me again." He whispered softly. Tea blinked slightly as she looked at Seto then. "Then you shouldn't have smacked her then." Seto flushed softly. "I didn't mean it. I lost my cool and my hand let loose." He said with his head bent slightly. "So how can I regain your trust?" He asked again.

Tea smiled softly having him admit a few things about him self did help a little. "Admitting one's feeling's is a start Seto." Seto looked at her and gave a soft little smile. "Don't tell me the other way is to be nice to your friends. I can't be nice to all of them Tea thats just asking to much from even me." Tea giggled softly. "Just being snivel to those you can't be nice to thats fine. Even the great Kaiba can do that I think."

Seto sighed softly and nodded his head slightly. "I can try. But dating me if you decide to would be hard." Tea smiled softly. "One day at a time. And right now you should get out more often from behind that desk of yours. Your pale and thin. So your eating dinner with me and my mother tonight." She said nodding her head slightly. Seto glared down at Tea. "I will not." Tea looked up at him and stated rather firmly. "If you can face your past life and live to tell the tale then you can have dinner with my and my mother. And thats final." Seto grunted as Tea walked him back to work.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:27 AM

They walked back to Kaiba corp to see Tea's mother sitting there shaking her head slightly at the pair. "Whats wrong with you Mr. Kaiba?" Seeing how he had his head bent and was shaking it some as he looked at her. "How could you give birth to such a bossy female?" He asked her knowing that said bossy female was still next to him.

Tea glared at Seto. "Hey!" Tea's mother laughed softly. "I think it had something to do with her friends. Though her half brother is totally clueless. But that is besides the point I think." Seto blinked slightly "Her half brother?" Tea's mother nodded her head slightly. "He lives with his father when he isn't at Duel Academy. He may be known as the Slifer Slacker but Tea thinks he could be the next King of Games."

Tea smiled softly. "Jaden Yuki wants to be King of Games. He ran into Yugi once. And in some ways he reminds me of Yugi to." Seto looked at Tea and smirked softly. "What ever happen to you and your little boyfriend the midget?" Tea looked up and glared at Seto as they were walking to his office then. "He was never my boyfriend besides after Atem went to the underworld with all the other past life's. Yugi started to date Rebbecca Hawkins. You remember her the one always holding the teddy bear up until our secound meeting with her." Seto nodded his head slightly. "I heard about her. She might have been at one of the duels Yugi went to."

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:28 AM

Tea nodded her head slightly. "Yes. Um I will leave you to finish your work then." Seto nodded his head slightly. "Tea." Tea stopped to look at him. "I really am sorry about slapping you." Tea nodded her head slightly. "Next time the person coming after you will not be me. But will be my friends." She smiled sweetly as he glared at her. "Come on you know they would." He had to admit they would. Tea walked up to Seto and kissed him softly on the lips. "Seven thirty." She said blushing as she quickly left then.

Seto stood there blinking slightly. 'She kissed me.' It was shocking he didn't think she ever would kiss him. Smack in or hit him yes but a kiss no. He sat back down behind his desk and started to work again. He didn't hear his people leave until six when Tea's mother entered. "I will be heading home now sir. I'm sure Tea will need my help with dinner some. I will see you at Seven thirty sir?" Seto looked up and nodded his head some. "Yes at seven thirty."

Seto looked down and shook his head some. "Mokeuba really if you wanted me and Tea together you should have said something before. Or hit me with a soccer ball at some point." He looked down as he signed the last paper. "I did tell you big brother. You just didn't listen to me." Came a voice out of the shadows. Seto looked up as it seemed a ghost of his brother had entered the room. "Mokeuba?" The ghost boy nodded his head slightly. "Yes its me big brother."

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:29 AM

Seto sat still as he looked at his brothers ghost. "Why are you hear little brother?" He asked him as he couldn't move from were he was at. "Because your trying to mess with fate big brother. Tea was meant for you in the past but you fell for another back then. And her own father then didn't like the priestess in love with a priest. And now here you both again. But this time its your job keeping you both a part. And your own self to."

Seto sighed softly. "Tea is mine little brother. I will not let them or anyone else take her from me." Mokeuba smiled brightly at his brother. "Good cause you better not. Besides you should be a seven to five man anyway like all the others." Seto smiled softly. "She is my life now. You were before her." Mokeuba nodded his head slightly. "You will see me again big brother."

Seto blinked slightly and watched his brother vanish before him. "I will come back again. In a new life as your son." He said as he left. Seto smiled softly and shook his head. "Giving me and Tea heck I bet to." Seto glanced at the clock and went to get ready for dinner. He brought with him when he went to visit Tea and her mother two things of roses. Pink ones for Tea's mother. And blue ones for Tea since the blue ones matched her eyes.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:30 AM

Tea's mother opened the door for Seto and smiled softly at the pink roses. "Come in Mr. Kaiba." Seto made a funny face then. "I think out of work and not haveing to deal with work you can call me Seto. Other wise it sounds like I'm an old man." Tea's mother laughed softly as she saw the flowers. "Are these for me." She said asking about the roses. Seto held out the pink ones to her and smiled. "The pink one's are yours. The blue one's are for Tea."

Tea's mother smiled softly. "That is another thing you have in common with my daughter. Her love for blue and her love for dragons." Seto blushed softly as he walked in to the dinning room area. "Its lovely. Did you do all this or Tea." A giggle sounded behind him. Seto turned to see Tea in a sexy blue dress with her long hair pulled back in a bun then. "I helped. Though mostly mother did it. I did the cooking."

Seto blushed softly as he stood there checking Tea out. "I didn't know you could cook Tea." Tea smiled softly as she saw the roses. "Thank you for the roses Seto. There lovely and blue is my favorite color." She leaned up and softly kissed him on the cheek then. "Oh yes besides dancing I'm great in the kitchen. My dance teacher always yelled at me and say I was going to die from my own baking."

Seto chuckled softly. "Your figure hasn't been effected." Tea blushed softly. "Thats only cause of Joey. I swear if you make three dozen you will have done left cause he ate them all. Your better off making over four or five dozen. Then you will have some left over for everyone else." She smiled softly. "Can I get you something to drink A Pepsi or something?"

Seto smiled softly at her. "Pepsi with ice." He said as they all went and sat down at the table then. "It smells great Tea." Tea blushed brightly as Tea's mother sat quietly watching the pare. "You two almost seem like a married couple." Tea and Seto both blushed bright red then as they looked at her. "Mother!" She said looking at her own mother. Tea's mother smiled at the two as she started to eat then. Seto shook his head slightly and took a bite and smiled brightly. "Its great Tea." Tea blushed softly. "Thanks Seto."

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:32 AM

They ate the meal in quiet before Seto spoke up. "I must be really out of it today. Or I really did see my brother's ghost today in my office." He shook his head slightly. Tea looked up and smiled softly. "Well it is normal after all the things that happen when you kept dueling Yugi after the whole Duel kingdom thing." She half told her mother about that.

Seto thought about it and nodded his head slightly. "And when all those dragon's and creatures appered in the sky didn't help matters either did it?" He said almost smiling at her. Tea shook her head slightly. "Nope not that either. Or the time we went to America." Seto nodded his head again. "True or three years ago when we went to Egypt about your past self Teana." Tea stuck her togune out at him then. "Yes the women who jumped to her death when her husband forgot about her leaving behind her son. Yes I remember that."

Seto smirked softly then. "Yes and we both remember who her husband was." Tea nodded her head slightly. "Yes you and your big head." She said giggling softly. "Though the son did look a lot like Mokuba. You have to admit to that though." Seto nodded his head slightly. "Yeah he did." He said smiling sadly. "Mokeuba told me once he wanted to be a soccer star." Tea smiled softly. "He told me he wanted his dragon brother tamed buy his brothers lady love." Seto blushed brightly then. "Yeah um he meant you Tea." Tea blushed brightly in return.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:33 AM

Tea's mother smiled softly at the pair. "So does that mean I get dragon hybrid grand childern. Or just plain normal grand childern then?" Tea blushed brightly as did Seto but he was smiling when Tea turned and looked at her mother. "Mother." Tea's mother smiled at them. "What can't say I don't blame you two to start off having childern right away." She said as she stood and left the room then.

Tea turned towards Seto. "I'm sorry about my mother." She said softly. Seto smiled softly at Tea. "I don't mind. She's right though. Well mostly I should say." Tea looked up at Seto then blushing still. "What do you mean Seto?" She asked him. "We should try dating first before the childern. And being married first at least before that." He said nodding his head slightly. "Besides your the sunlight in my always dark life."

Tea blushed brightly. "Seto." She said softly. Seto smiled softly. "Thanks for dinner." He said softly as they stood and walked towards the door. "Can I help you wash the dishes?" He asked her. Tea shook her head slightly then. "Not its ok Seto I think I can get it." Seto nodded his head slightly before kissing her deeply on the lips then. Seto pulled back and plushes softly. "I will have to kiss you more often then." He said before he kissed her bruised cheek from were he had slapped her before he turned to leave the house.

Seto got into his car and smiled up at Tea as he pulled out of the driveway and started to drive back home. Tea turned and closed the door she lightly placed her fingers on her lips before she sighed happily. Tea's mother came out of the dinning room then and smiled at her daughter. "I guess that is a happy sigh?" Tea nodded her head happily. But that happy smile ended when she heard a loud sound out side. "CRASH!" Tea eyes went huge as she ran out of the house. "SETO!" She ran like her life depended on finding out how Seto was.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:35 AM

Tea ran up just in time to see what appered to be Mokeuba's ghost standing there. She didn't want him there to take Seto from her. Mokeuba turned towards her sadly and shrugged his shoulders some. She ran up to see the medic team pull Seto out of the car. He looked rather well but he was knocked out cold. "Oh Seto please wake up. Please my love wake up." But he didn't stir once.

She watched as he was loaded into the back of the truck as the media came in. She ignored them as they started to ask her questions. She didn't answer any of them. As she ran to follow Seto. 'Please wake up for me Seto. If you really do love me you will wake up.' It was some time later when Tea got there. His guards were already outside his door. The one knew who she was and was the only one to be let into his room besides the doctors and nurses there.

She looked at the normally proud man laying there like a lump in the bed. "Seto." She whispered softly. But he didn't stir then as she walked quietly towards his bed. "Oh Seto please don't leave me. I don't think I will ever get over that." She whispered softly as she leaned in and softly kissed him on the cheek. His fingers twitched slightly then. She whispered softly into his ear. "Your mine. And I'm never going to let you go Seto. Its what your brother wanted in life. He wanted you to be happy. So grant me my wish Seto." She softly kissed his cheek again. "Wake up." She softly kissed him on the lips then.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:37 AM

"Your to loud Gardner." Came Seto's gruff voice from the bed. Tea looked up as tears fell down her cheek then as she hugged him. "I'm so glad that your still alive." Seto tried to sit up then. "Were is Mokeuba?" He asked her as he looked at her. Tea blinked slightly. "Don't you remember what happen to him Seto?" Seto thought about it for a secound and shook his head slightly. "Were is my brother Gardner?"

Tea looked a Seto and glared some. "You stopped calling me Gardner yesterday Seto." Seto shook his head slightly. "The day I stop calling you Gardner is the day Yugi turns out to be gay. Or gets married to someone other then you." She glared at him some more. "He is married to one Rebbecca Hawkins." The doctor came in then. "Oh Mr. Kaiba your a wake thats good to see. So how are we feeling today?" He asked as he walked towards him.

Seto glared at the doctor. "Yes I'm awake now let me out of this place. Why am I here?" The doctor shook his head slightly. "Hmm you don't remember getting hit while you were driving Mr. Kaiba?" Seto glared at the man. "I don't drive I have people who drive me you fool. Now were is my brother. I want to know he is alright." The doctor looked at Tea they looked back at each other for a bit before Tea spoke. "Seto your brother died over a year ago. He died from being ran over buy a car." Seto just sat there not speaking to anyone. He stared at his hands as they laid there on his lap.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:38 AM

Tea went to touch Seto's hand but he moved it away then. "Seto you should rest." Seto shook his head slightly. "I have to much work to do." He muttered softly. He tried to get out of the bed then. The doctor and Tea worked to put Seto back in the bed. The doctor gave him something to sleep then. "There we go now you will rest." The doctor said before leaving the room.

Tea sat next to Seto on the bed. "Really sleep will help you regain your memory's you silly dragon." She said looking down at Seto. Seto glared sleepily up at Tea. "I'm no dragon Gardner." Tea shook her head slightly as she looked at him. "You are a dragon Seto. Thats why your brother always put us together." She smiled softly down at him. "I'm your dragon tammer." She smiled softly. "The last time Mokeuba was alive. Remember he locked us both in your office."

Tea smiled softly as she stroked his cheek slightly. "When we finally got out of that room. You yelled at your brother. But really Seto he just wanted you to be happy. You told me once you love me. So please remember this. You two fought so bad he ran out of the house and in front of that car. We both watched like in slow motion as he both ran to save him. But either one of us or the guards to get to him in time." She kissed his forehead slightly. "Give that little boy his wish Seto. Let him be happy. He doesn't blame you Seto." Tea looked down at Seto as tears fell down his cheek in his sleep.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:40 AM

It was later the next day when Seto woke up the next day. He turned his head knowing were he was right then. He turned towards the chair that was next to his bed and saw Tea sleeping in it. He reached out and ran his fingers across her cheek lightly. Tea shifted slightly in his sleep as she moved her face more towards his hand and fingers. Tea opened her eyes and looked at Seto. "Seto?"

Seto just looked at her. "What happen. I remember I was so happy about us. And some one came not stop towards me. I couldn't get out of the way in time when they hit me head on." Tea smiled softly. "Well you woke up here yesturday forgetting that fact. And forgetting the fact your brother is dead. And were on a first name bases. The doctor put you back to sleep then just so you would stop trying to get out of the bed then." Seto blinked slightly. "Did I hit you again?" He asked her.

Tea laughed softly and shook her head. "No but you did hit your doctor." She giggled softly before she leaned up and softly kissed him on the cheek. "Mother and your other employees will be glad to know your alright Seto." She smiled softly as Seto pulled her into the bed with him. "Just so you know that at work I will be the dragon. But when I'm not at work and were alone. I will let you starch my stomach." Tea blinked slightly before she got what he meant. She giggled softly. "Alright but if you start purring I'm going to check to see what your favorite card is again." Seto just pulled Tea closer to him then.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:42 AM

It was a few days later though Seto wanted out of there sooner. The day he woke up again. But Tea made sure he stayed. With differnt types of promises even baked goods to. But anything to make sure he would recover to were he could returned to work. The day Seto went home the doctor said to make sure he went right up stairs and took a nap. At least take it easy his first day back home.

Tea giggled softly knowing that was going to be a hard thing to get him to do. But after his third try of getting out of bed she had called her mother in to help her keep him there. She was very tempted just to tie him to his own bed. Though she told Seto that and he just smiled at her. "I like to see you try Tea." Though in the end thats what they had to do. Just so he would get his rest. And Tea stayed right there in the room with him. "Tomorrow you can go back being your dragon self to your workers Seto. Today you rest right there like that."

Seto sighed and didn't say anything he just laid back in his bed like he was. "Your enjoying your self aren't you?" Tea looked over at him and smiled brightly. "What gives you that clue. Though I might you up again after we get married." Seto shook his head slightly. "Nope I think turn around is fair play. I'm just going to have to tie you up Tea. Right here in my bed." He said grinning at her. Until she threw a pillow at his face. The only sounds that was heard was his laughter.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:44 AM

The next day Tea was on her way home. "Today you can go back to work Seto." She kissed him softly before she had left. When Tea had got home she mother had already gone to work. She headed up to her room to shower and to change cloths before she had to go to work. She walked in her room and blinked slightly. All her stuff was gone she rubbed her eyes slightly and looked again all her stuff was gone.

Tea looked in the other rooms of the house and her things weren't there either. She called her mother up at work then. "Mom what did you do with my things." Tea's mother smiled softly. "Hold on one second I'm putting you threw to Mr. Kaiba." Tea blinked slightly. She didn't understand what Seto had to do with this. The next thing she heard was Seto's voice. "Hello Tea." he said softly into the phone. "Seto do you know what my mother did to my things?" She asked him.

Seto chuckled softly. "She didn't do anything. I had all your things moved into my house. Into the room right next to mine. Since she wouldn't let me move your things into my room right away. Well not until were married. I just put it all in that room until then." He said simply. Tea blinked slightly. "Shouldn't you have talked it over with me first?" Seto sighed softly. "I was going to but you were a sleep and you left rather quickly this morning. And your mother agreed it was a great idea. My driver is coming to take you home now. I will talk to you again when you get back from work." And with that he hung up. Tea sighed softly as she left her mother's house. 'I'm so going to kick his butt when he gets home.'

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:45 AM

Tea took the limo back to Seto's house and went and was shown her room. Her things and a few other things. She was later told that Seto had picked out for her room. She showered and changed cloths for her normal day of work. She noticed in her cloths that some out fits were added as well. Those were very skippie outfits that made her blush from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

She headed into work a short time later to start her morning dance class. Followed buy her short lunch to for for her noon and then evening classes as well. The limo driver picked her up later after she was done locking up for the night. She owned the dance studio her teacher had left her. She was driven back to the house to find Seto waiting for her. "I figured we could at least have dinner together. Since I was busy today at lunch time to come see you."

Tea smiled softly as they headed into the dinning room and sat down. "Its alright Seto. I was rather busy my self." She said smiling at him. Seto nodded his head slightly. "How do you like your room?" Tea knew sooner or later he would ask her this as they brought out dinner for them. "I love the room Seto. You know at first I wasn't happy you moved my things with out asking me. But seeing as you added your impute the other items that went into it. And the cloths I noticed as well I forgave you for it. Though next time you will ask me first?" He nodded his head blushing slightly.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:46 AM

They dealt rather well together. And if one or the other one didn't have to work they would always visit the other one just to eat there lunch together with them. Tea even went so far as to bring a picnic lunch to Seto's work. She even brought her mother something for lunch as well. Since she was that type of a daughter. And they both worked in the same building together as well.

Seto loved the fact that Tea was right next door. Though once during a really bad thunder storm. Tea slipped into bed with him. But that had only been one time thing. And that was shortly after her moving in with him. After that one night Seto stopped sleeping naked. Since the next morning when they noticed that little fact. They were blushing bright red. Though all in all everything worked out for them. That is until they had to tell her friends and the rest of the world that they were going to get married. Ok they hadn't set a date yet. And Tea wanted it to be a quiet affair with just friends and family. And Seto just wanted to make her happy. Besides a bride plains a wedding. The men just fall into place.

They told the reporters they were going to get married in the first Friday in June. But Oh they were going to full the reporters. Since the week before they were going to go get married then. And let Seto's men report to them that the couple was married last week in a private place. With just all her friends and her mom there. As well as her half brothers and her mother as well that were going to be there. Though Seto didn't know Tea had any step brothers what so ever. "Who are your step brothers Tea?" He asked her one evening.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:46 AM

Tea smiled softly as she looked at him Yugi and Ryou Bakura. As well as one happens to be a student at your Dueling academy as well. His name is Jaden Yuki." She said as she smiled softly at Seto. "Thats why I never dated Yugi." Seto just sat there staring at her for a bit. "When did you find this out?" He asked her when he could speak again. Tea smiled softly. "After Atem passed on into the after life." He nodded his head slightly. Everyone was different after that. And it just wasn't him or his brother.

It was three weeks later when everyone was on the plane quietly. No one told the reporters were they were going. They didn't want them to know until Tea and Seto were married. They flew on two differnt planes to Hawaii were they would be married. Everyone was there all of her friends and her mother was there as well. Tea's mother was sitting since Tea wanted to walk down alone. Her and her father weren't on very good terms still. But it was just how she wanted it to be anyway. Seto turned from were he stood wearing black tuxedo pants, a white shirt and his normal white jacket.

Seto smirked softly know his brother was there giggling at why he was wearing his jacket. The one that his brother said made him seem more evil almost. Tea said it suited him. And his dresser agreed with her on that as well. He saw Yugi sitting there with his date Rebbecca they seem really happy. The mutt Joey was there with his sister Serenity and his girlfriend Mai. His sister had also seem to bring Tristan and Duke as well. Ryou Bakura was there sitting beside there father. With his own date some girl who he didn't catch the name of.

Marik was also there with his new bride Tabitha. But he was told buy Tea once that they started off even rockier then they did. He didn't know how that could happen but to each is own. He looked over to Tea's younger brother Jaden. Who was there with his date Alexis they seem to be a perfect match. If the boy got a clue that the girl likes him. He looked up as the wedding march started and his jaw dropped. I mean if it wasn't on his face it would have hit the floor hard. He couldn't believe what he was seeing coming towards him.

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Old 03-15-2008, 02:47 AM

Seto was watching an angel coming towards him. An angel wearing pure white. Tea smiled brightly as she blushed some at the look Seto was giving her. She was wearing a tight fitting white wedding dress that had some lace over it in some spots. She smiled softly as Seto kissed her softly. "Hello handsome." Seto smiled in return as the wedding started then.

Later on that night after the partying they all did she lay beside Seto and whispered softly. "Thank you Mokeuba. He was what I always wanted." She smiled softly before she fell sleep against Seto. Seto smiled softly at Tea before looking up as well. "Thank you little brother. For giving me an angel that will always tame this dragon. Always watch over us up there. And make sure I don't mess things up squirt." And with that the happy couple fell sleep in each other's arms.

Mokeuba stood there watching them and smiling. "Your welcome big brother and Tea." He couldn't help the tears that fell down his face then. "At least this time around they can have love." Mokeuba turned and looked at Ra. "Last time was your fault." Ra nodded his head slightly. "True but I let her mother fix things this time with your help." He patted him on the head slightly. "Your parents are waiting." He said as they went there own ways then. Mokeuba turned and saw his family he almost forgotten about. "Mommy and Daddy." He said as he ran towards the parents he hadn't seen in years. Everyone was happy now.



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