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trisscar_cj is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 12:12 AM

Lili walked silently for a moment, but not liking the quiet, she tried to make conversation, " long have you been wandering around Elysse? I mean you look like you're pretty experienced." she said, trying to smile

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 01:22 AM

Elysse winced, realizing what she'd committed herself to for who knows how long.
"Uh... longer than I'd care to admit," she said. "Actually, I have no clue anymore, I lost track pretty quickly. But probably longer than you've been alive."

trisscar_cj is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 04:17 AM

Lili was a little shocked by this. The girl didn't look much older than her, but if she says she was out here that long, well that's how long she's been out here. "Well, however long, I'm still very grateful for your help. I can see that you don't like people very much, and I promise that as soon as I figure out what is going on, I'll leave you alone." she said, making a mental note to follow through with the promise if Elysse wanted her to.

YugoChik is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 07:37 PM

Destiny went out into her closet, bringing out a spraybottle and a big bottle of than-looking liquid-like substance. She smiled, "i used to do this when i was pale, a WHILE ago" she said, smiling. She look at Iaa "you going to wear shorts and like, long-ish sleeved clothes?" she asked, smiling "so that way I know how much to put on and where" she said.

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Morwyn is offline
Old 09-06-2008, 03:08 AM

"Well... uh.. thank you, I suppose," Elysse stammared. She felt a bit flustered and annoyed with herself. "I-it's not that I don't like people... I just figure that they don't like me, and there's no point in being around people who don't like you, right?" she said, getting a bit frustrated trying to explain. It'd been too long since she'd had to carry on a conversation, let alone try to explain herself. "Look, people can be very judgmental and very unforgiving. I found out the hard way that it's better if I'm just by myself."

trisscar_cj is offline
Old 09-07-2008, 10:06 PM

Lili looked down for a moment, "But I'm with you...I don't hate you...or are you saying that its just a matter of time before I do? I hope not...I'll try my best to never make that time come." she said looking back up. Then something hit her..."how does this work? Do we just constantly roam about....or can we set up camp and stay around a few days? Do we have a strict schedule or is it do as we please?" she asked, wondering if one could do this wrong.

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 09-07-2008, 10:24 PM

Elysse just shrugged. "I've only kept moving because I got bored staying in the same place, but if you want to set up camp, feel free to," she said and then looked at her. "Hm... maybe you won't end up hating me since you're different too," she finally said. "But even the best situations come to an end eventually. There's always something that messes things up." She looked sad, remembering the town that she had stayed for a year in.

trisscar_cj is offline
Old 09-10-2008, 03:12 PM

Lili heard what Elysse said, but one thing popped out. "I am different...I wonder how that came into being, I suppose I was born with it." she said looking at her hands. She realised, with a sudden spark of surprise, that her power did not lie within her hands, but rather in her mind. Yet still, she focused on her hands, just for the sheer comfort of being able to attribute the source of her power on a visable object. "This is so strange."

\ (•◡•) /
Morwyn is offline
Old 09-16-2008, 04:41 PM

Elysse looked over at Lili curiously. "Yeah... I know it's weird," she said quietly. "You'll get used to it eventually, though, and you'll learn how to control it. That's the important part. You don't want to be doing it on accident, that's what causes the problems." She sighed. "But you have time to learn, don't worry about it too much."

Cheshire Cat
Tac Erihsehc
Cheshire Cat is offline
Old 09-17-2008, 02:54 AM

Gilles' eyes scanned the approaching planet with distaste. "How long 'till touchdown?" A uniformed man behind replied with "the ETA is approximately 45 minutes, sir." Gilles stepped down from the observation deck and walked to the holographic display where a scale model of earth was revolving on its axis. "Do we have the exact location of the deserters yet?" Another officer answered "We're awaiting a transmission from the Mothership, It should arrive shortly."

Gilles walked back to the observation deck and stared through his goggles at the war torn world below. He turned so he faced the crew. "Upon arrival, you all have orders to kill any one that trys to oppose us. This does not mean, however, that you must kill every single human that you see. Remember, these slaves' owners will want compensation for any broken property and the more that the higher ups have to pay, the less money we get. Do I make myself clear?" There was a resounding "Yes, sir" and the officers went back to work.

Last edited by Cheshire Cat; 09-17-2008 at 08:48 PM..

trisscar_cj is offline
Old 09-17-2008, 06:33 AM

Lili heaved a great sigh and ducked down as she came upon a low branch. Deep in thought, Lili did not notice the sound of running water until the pair were almost to the water's edge. Breaking out of her thoughts, Lili looked up at the large river, it was about a half mile wide, and at this point, full of rapids. "Oh no! In all the excitement I forgot about the river!" she cried in dispair. Turning to Elysse, "I'm sorry, I can't believe I didn't think it this. I don't know how we can cross it, and the only bridge for miles around is through a town, and you have to pay a toll. Do you have any ideas on how to get across?"


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