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Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 05-23-2014, 06:54 PM

The well grants your wish. It seems to like you.

//drops coin in

I wish I knew how to speak and read Korean.

Crazy Little Bunneh ~ ♥
Thumper is offline
Old 05-24-2014, 05:35 PM

//the coin clinks down the well
The well has decided to grant your wish and you can now speak and read Korean but you no longer know how to use or understand any other language, including your native language. Sorry about that.

//tosses down a nickle
I wish I had more of my grandmother's homemade banana pudding. =u=

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 05-24-2014, 06:11 PM

어, 난 그냥 다시 영어를 배울 수 있습니다. xD

위싱웰 은 당신의 소원을 부여합니다~

/ / 동전 토스

나는 GD를 충족하고자!

Crazy Little Bunneh ~ ♥
Thumper is offline
Old 05-24-2014, 06:16 PM

The wishing well grants your wish and you get to meet GD he even seems to have taken a liking to you and quickly becomes a great friend!

//tosses down a coin

I wish I would be able to feel more confident about myself and my appearance.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 05-24-2014, 06:27 PM

//has learned English again
That was quick!
//huggles GD

The well grants your wish, and out pops a magic mirror that sends positive messages whenever you're feeling down.

//tosses coin

I wish I was more punctual.

Zira Angel
Zira Angel is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 06:08 AM

Congratulations, you use more punctuation now. It seems this well isn't very good at knowing what you mean.

/drops in a coin/ I wish I wasn't throwing up.

SUPERKICKS is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 06:16 AM


The wishing well heard your wish and granted it. Your body can no longer throw up. However, it will also not allow you to eat for 24 hours.

Can't get that sustenance back.

-Tosses a few coins in the well-

I wish I were able to make friends easily, like everyone else.

Crazy Little Bunneh ~ ♥
Thumper is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 01:10 PM

//the coins plink to the bottom

The well has granted your wish but soon after making tons of friends you discover that maybe too many is indeed too many and you can't seem to shake them resulting in a situation very similar to our poor Mr. Mayor.

//tosses down a oddly colored bag that feels too heavy to be just pocket change//

I wish that my separated parents would stop putting me in the middle of things.

Zira Angel
Zira Angel is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 01:34 PM

/The bag makes an odd thunk sound, and then the bag, not what was in it, gets thrown back at you/ You are granted your wish, now they don't put you in the middle, they shove you to the side, in an attempt to get you away from the other, unwilling to share you.

/Drops in fifty three marbles, one at a time, just to hear the sound as they land in water/ Oh, right, wish. Uh. I wish I had more marbles o3o

Crazy Little Bunneh ~ ♥
Thumper is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 01:41 PM

//The well spits the marbles back out at you. Literally spits them back, like something out of an old cartoon. I guess that's your wish granted... huh.

//tosses in some fresh french macrons

I wish I could fly. (/>u<)/

Zira Angel
Zira Angel is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 01:49 PM

SON OF A- /dodges the marbles so they don't hit me in the face, or anywhere else for that matter/

/There is a burping sound from the well, and you get wings. Not large wings, though. Little ones, the size of your spread out hand. You can't exactly fly around, but if you beat them hard enough you get just enough lift to go an inch above the ground. SO there's that. No moving around, though./

/Cautiously peeks into the well, then moves away, only leaning as far away from it as she can before dropping in a dollar coin/ I wish for a necromancer. Like, the drink. A good one. I really want one, since they're my favorite now that I've finally had good gin.

Crazy Little Bunneh ~ ♥
Thumper is offline
Old 05-25-2014, 02:01 PM

//The well hiccups causing you to blink in confusion. When you look at your hands again you dink that you have the drink you've fallen in love with in your hand in a fancy glass and everything. However, after drinking it you die and are brought back against you're will by the well to forever help it grant wishes.

//throws down a silver dollar

I wish that I could transform into any living thing I want and then back to human on command. :D

Arialys is offline
Old 05-27-2014, 11:35 PM

Your wish is granted, with no strings attached! Lucky you!

*drops a coin*

I wish that I was a multimillionaire.

Crazy Little Bunneh ~ ♥
Thumper is offline
Old 05-29-2014, 02:45 AM

The well shakes and rumbles emitting a thick black smoke. That's odd... After you finish coughing you look around and find a crumpled lottery ticket on the ground. Thinking it's a dud or empty since it's already been scratched you drop it back on the ground only to find out later that some lucky little punk picked it up and brought it in and won a million dollars off of it. That bites. :(

//throws in some coins//

I wish I could get my appetite back. ;n; //sadly floats around//

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 08-05-2014, 02:47 PM

The wishing well deemed your wish worthy and you got your appetite back.
Although, you are hungrier than ever before.

//tosses coin in

I wish my life weren't so complicated.

Did you know the sparrow flies s...
Skulduggery is offline
Old 08-05-2014, 03:38 PM

The wishing well decides to grant your wish, and it starts to fade away. As you look around, you notice everything is turning to white, and soon you're trapped in a world of nothingness. At least it's not complicated, right?

(Drops a penny! ...Because that's all the money I have! D:)

I wish I starred in a show!

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-06-2014, 08:09 PM

Your wish is granted. You are now the star of a Medical Mystery show as they try to figure out how roses keep growing up out of your stomach, up your esophagus and sprouting out of your mouth and nose. So far, they've dropped watermelon seeds down there to see if that would grow too and infested you with ladybugs to take care of the aphids that keep crawling up your nose.

*drops in a quarter*

I wish that snow would shovel itself in the winter. Can we please arrange that? :D

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 09-06-2014, 11:11 AM

The wishing well grants your wish, only now it seems the streets are haunted for there are surplus shovels moving about alone.

/tosses coin in well

Oh wishing well, please grant me my wish!
I wish I had a better sleeping schedule!

Segnifs is offline
Old 09-06-2014, 02:34 PM

The wishing well grants your wish but, your now in the army with a drill sergeant yelling at you and forcing you to do push ups at 4 in the morning, on the bright side your sleeping schedule is better.

/ tosses coin in wishing well

I wish for immortality!

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 09-26-2014, 11:15 PM

Well...there's a catch. You live on, but your body still ages.

//tosses coin

I wish for FREEDOM

Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sic...
Uniplex is offline
Old 10-03-2014, 12:55 PM

Freedom you shall have. All the freedom.

*Tosses de penneh*

I wish for some good fried rice...

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 11-04-2014, 06:10 AM

*cooks up some fried rice for you*

*tosses a coin into the well*

I wish...for two adorable puppies!


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