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Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 10:23 AM

Have you ever seen a clip of a movie or TV series that really got your attention? My brain is full of them! Only I made them up. I get excited about them and eagerly plan to have it go into an RP soon only to have the RP take a turn I didn't see coming, have the RP die for some sad reason (I always respond to RPs because it makes me sad when they die, or I forget my glorious thoughts before I can use them.

Solution time! Take my wonderful clips and scenes that play gloriously in my mind and write them out here! The only sad part is that the characters my main character interacts with isn't controlled by another Menewshian, therefore it won't react. I love reactions so much.

Solution! If you read one of my short clips and feel inspired to have a character reaction to her (or him) then quote that lovely clip and put in a response. Again, I love reactions. Just ask my family. I am forever bugging them to tell me what was said or how another's face looked to hearing about something.

With that all said... let the clips play out in words before your eyes :D

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 10:40 AM

((This one had been begging for me to redo. I attacked a Menewshian in a hang out thread months ago and I felt sad that I never was able to repeat the performance in a roleplay where it belonged. Solution, take my idea and place it here where I can at last be able to read and reread it whenever I want. Obviously more embellished and enjoyable to read... of course.))

The mage walked in her billowing red cloak up the steep dusty road. The wind was picking up as her anger increased. Reaching the top of the hill, she stood there glaring at the scene before her. Her red skirts whipped around in a fierce breeze that had been building. A breeze that even now tore the hood of her cloak from her head. Hazel eyes quickly took in the small settlement below her. The rickety wooden buildings and slim palisade wall were hopeless defenses for those huddling inside.

The dust started to pick up in small swirls around her. Their light grainy texture burning up in small flames, leaving behind a red residue. Harnessing her anger into vicious energy, she raised both hands palm up above her head. Immediately the strong breeze turned into a force of wind that knocked nearby branches down from their lofty perches. She snarled an unheard threat into the wind and the dusting rising around her transformed into a solid red circle of energy.

The circle was composed of thin red lines. Each hot enough to leave scorch marks in the air. She began gathering her hatred to her to form the energy for her attack. The red circle glowed with her maliciousness. The wind's speed only increased, sending her hair whipping wildly in their twisted path. The red circle of lines increased until the edges began to rise in a pent up energy of flame. Then like a dam held back too long, they burst forth all around her in spirals of blood red high into the sky. Far higher than the hill was tall, they bloomed out like a lotus. The petals turned to wings, the wind turned into a horrific scream. A phoenix was born.

Down in the poor village, standing in the middle of the street, was a calm young man. His blue robes of healing rippled in the wake of the young mage's fury. His calmness in contrast to her vicious desperation. He looked up at the sky that seemed to be filled with this bird of prey and raised one hand. The hand that held his staff. Etched with the names of his family, he trusted in their strength even as he knew his own alone was worthless. Forming a cool, clear shield around the village to protect it, he firmly braced his body and mind for the onslaught ahead. And as sure as the sun rises and sets, so the phoenix screamed it's defiance and slammed down to engulf the entire valley.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 07-09-2012 at 02:26 PM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 02:25 PM

((If any of you have ever seen the anime Ah! My Goddess! then you are familiar with the main characters who have angels that live inside of them, sorta. Anyrate, I have wanted many times to do a roleplay where my OC had her own angel living inside of her. My first RG actually was such, but my role playing skills must have not been on par at the time. Tried again later on, and that person also left after a few posts. That leaves me with wanting, desperately, to write at least a fight scene with this wonderful concept. Now that I have this thread set up, I can fulfill that desire.))

Serenity walked down the road. The cherry blossoms were finally in full bloom. For this one precious week, the ground appeared covered in snow. She paused to look up through the gently falling petals at the moon. It's gentle glow filling the scene with a soft light. Sighing, she continued her walk through the night. The peace and beauty that graced this place was meant for lovers. The falling petals meant for the young at heart. Yet she walked this road along. Looked among the moonlight night by herself. A soft, warm breeze tugged at her cheek like a lover's caress. She wasn't alone.

With a whirl of wind and feathers, thin wisps of cloud unraveled from behind her as her guardian emerged forth. Hovering above her in splendid glory, the guardian looked down with grace and royalty. Serenity looked up at her only friend, a lonely tear trickling slowly down her cheek. The guardian's long white wings bent slightly and she leaned down. Picking up Serenity in her strong, steel arms to fly into the night, she took her away from all the reminders of what should have been but never could be.

((What happened to my fight scene!! I hate it when my characters take control of the story. But for what it is worth, I like that scene a lot too. Perhaps I just need some sleep. Will try to get my fight scene in later. Night all!))

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-10-2012, 01:13 AM

((Okay, I want my fight scene... but not feeling very mage/angel/magic ish right now. So my fight scene will reflect something more, dark.))

The streets in the late afternoon hummed with a mass of humanity. The humid air stank with the reak of human filth. In the shadows a dark gray figure sat. She was covered in a clothe that helped her blend into the shadows. Her hair was cut short so that her head covering and mask hid that identifying mark. Her chest bound so that she appeared genderless. Her movements silent so that her victims thought a nightmare was overcoming them. An assassin of terror, she stayed in the alleyway waiting. Her target was a predictable man who always followed the same routine. Routines were both savior and sacrifice. In someways they were good, but in other ways they could kill you. This was one of those death moments, and she was the creator of it.

A man came striding down the street. He held a small bag in one hand and a cane in the other. His hat cast a shadow across his face while his long coat flapped in the wind. Careless of the danger near him, he took his time. Little movements ran up behind him. Children. They were laughing and talking with the priest, who opened his bag of candy. Each child received one and happily scampered away. He resumed his walk, leaning on his cane as he came. She paused and felt each heart beat. He passed by her.

She calmly stood and stepped out behind him. Her hidden blade in his side would do the trick. Just as she started to pounce, he whirled. Realizing her cover was blown, she brought her blade down towards him. He blocked with his cane and with unpredictable force twisted her blade away. As it flew from her grasp, she leaned in to throw in her own punches, aiming for nerve points. He stepped back with surprising agility to the side. Thrown off balance, she let herself fake drop and come around. They both blocked, and found themselves in a locked arm grip with each holding another blade.

He solemnly took in her young eyes and asked, "Who hired you?" She gritted her teeth and shoved away, taking the nick of his blade. This was not a priest. He countered her every move as well as her masters. He watched her and saw the moment comprehension took root. "Aye, I used to be an assassin like you." With those last words ringing in her ears, she felt her wrist go numb moments before her body collapsed. Laying in the dust, watching the priest resume his daily walk, she wondered what poison he had used on his blade?

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-10-2012, 01:27 AM

She leaped from the balcony and fired her green energy in a rain storm on the group of men below. Their angry voices turned to screams of terror and confusion. As she started to descend from her skyward flight, a man flew from the hectic smoke and burning flesh below her. Aiming his sword for her stomach, he tensed for the impact. She twisted and elbowed his back on her way past. His grunt of pain was quickly refocused. Landing on the balcony she had been on, he looked down. She was gone.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-17-2012, 03:17 PM

Riding hard, mount and rider thundered down the path and into the forested canyon. Pulling up suddenly, the rider leaned back as the horse screamed in defiance and sliding to such a sudden stop. Pawing a moment, he reared up and flashed the air with his hooves. His rider, a shadow of brown, sat nimbly on his back watching the woods in front of them. Black figures slunk out from behind the thick oak trees while more dropped from the branches above. An evil laugh started to emanate from the black cloaked figures. The slender female drew her delicate sword to agilely slice at any who came near. Her stallion joined in the mindless slaughter of the constant coming black figures. They blood dripped black and their wicked advance endless.

The moon rose higher and higher as she continued to fight behind her facial mask. Her eyes, though alert, were worn from the hours of swinging her sword. Would this onslaught never cease? It was as if these brainwashed minions were spawning twice the number that she slay. They were now slowly pushing her back towards the trail. At this rate she would never reach her lover in time. Desperate fueled her with renewed energy as she tried to win the race against the sun. Yet it was to no avail. The moon was sinking. The predawn gray slowly lighting up the sky. The dead lay piled in barricades around her. Now this plague of mindless ones had the higher advantage. She retreated up the path and yet still they came.

The sun rose. As it's rays touched the creatures before her, they screamed and seemed to melt away. She looked across the battle ground that she had fought all night to get through. The sun's rising presentation meant she had mere seconds to go a distance that required minutes. Even as her heart beat, a bell tolled in the distance. Despair filled her weary body as the signal of the execution sounded and resounded throughout the valley. Letting out a scream of rage, she sent her horse flying over the dead and into the forest. Holding on with that last desperate hope, she galloped towards the only reason she had to live. Her heart felt like it was breaking.

Reaching the settlement that surrounded the castle, she burst into the main street and pulled to a stop. The church had it's platform erected. The priest stood there over a dead body. Looking upon the battered and bruised form of her beloved, last drops of life bleeding from the wounds covering his body, she felt her heart shatter. Tears of bitter sorrow and rage filled her eyes and raising her blade, she sent her stallion galloping towards the smug lord that laughing over her only love. To meet death here was her only wish now.

Cold water splashed across her sore body. She came to gasping, still strapped to the wooden chair with her hands tied behind her. It had all been an illusion. They were still trying to break her. They were still trying to turn her. It wasn't real. He was still alive and safe as long as she didn't say anything. As long as they didn't win. Glaring up at them, she breathed heavily in pain. He was still alive. It was an illusion. She had never escaped this prison. Then her breath hitched inside her. Two guards walked in carrying her beloved. Was she still under their influence? Was this too an illusion? She couldn't be sure...

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 11:06 AM

Mags hovered up in the air, out of physical reach of the three angry soldiers below. She grinned at the anger and desperation on their faces. Two of them were almost hysterical with fear, while the third faced her squarely with the resolve that never had withstood her before. At the moment, her magical minions that resembles human-sized bats with claws and fangs circled them attacking. They were her minions supplied by her magic power, yet it was their imaginations that created them.

When Mags had been a little girl, she had studied mind-creation magic. She had heard of ice-make and rock-make magic. However she wanted to surpass any before her. This forbidden art was dangerous to both the user and those she went against. The user's own magical energy was used to create whatever her opponent's thought she might send at them. If that energy ran out, it sucked the life right out of her. There was no off switch without severing her ties altogether. Obviously her reputation to control the most devastating monsters had surpassed her. It didn't take much for those who she came across to fear something, and then have it become a reality.

One of the three before her thought of a large poison-gas giant. Instantly it materialized in a whirl of flames. She laughed as despair took the last of their reason. The giant destroyed them in an instant. With their deaths, so their thoughts ceased and the creature vanished. She knew how her magic worked. She thought she was safe, so therefore she was. Looking over the smoking ashes, she smiled and slowly sank to the earth. Her journey was not over. There was a mage guild she was trying to reach. Fairy Tail was at the end of this road.


Natsu walked along the road confidently with his hands resting against the back of his head. "No one can take us on. We are Fairy Tail. Our guild is the best. I'm all ready for this fight." Gray looked over at the hot head annoyed. "Perhaps you should cool off a little there. You are starting to irritate my nerves." They butted heads and started exchanging insults. Erza groaned, "I'm going to be the grown up here. I'm not going to get involved in their petty bickering."

glanced down at the young girl by her side. "Mindy, are you alright?" Mindy looked at Erza, her mentor. "Yeah, but why are we going to meet this villian instead of letting her reach Fairy Tail where our whole guild can help fight?" Erza answered, "This villian, Mags, has a strange power we do not entirely understand. It seems like the more people there are, the more monsters that she can summon. Perhaps she feeds off living energy. We don't know. It is just best if this happens out in the countryside where there are no townspeople to get hurt." Mindy nodded in understanding.

Suddenly a shadow blocked the sun. Natsu and Gray stopped fighting and looked up with questioning expressions. Erza instinctively stepped in front of Mindy, her hand going to her sword. Mags hovered above them, arms crossed, while smiling at them seductively. "Well well well, what have we here? Has Fairy Tail decided to save me some trouble and come to me like flies to a spider's web?" Erza drew her sword and held it out in front, "You will not hurt anymore people." Mags laughed, "Too late!"

Immediately Natsu attacked with Roar of the Fire Dragon. Gray likewise sent ice spiraling towards Mags. Erza let their attacks fly ahead as she transformed and used Heaven's Wheel, a circle of swords around her armored body and wings, fly towards Mags. A barrier formed around Mags and protected her. She smiled, "So simple of you. Now my turn. I'm sure you heard the rumors." The group paused, each remembering a specific rumor that hard particularly scared them.

Instantly black imps with claws appeared in the air and started towards them. Erza frowned. This wasn't summoning magic. She glanced at the others. Gray threw up an ice shield while Natsu sent out waves of flame. She glanced back at Mags, who was smiling victoriously. Erza thought about butterflies... nothing. Mindy saw Erza's face and knew she was thinking. Reaching up, she held Erza's hand and smiled. Erza was trying to think of butterflies again when she felt Mindy's small hand in her own. That brought strong feelings of love and affection for the girl. Instantly the whole area was filled with harmless butterflies too. Erza's eyes widened.

Turning she yelled at the others, "Her magic is imagination. Whatever you imagine with strong feelings is what will appear." As she said that, Natsu turned at looked at her to ask, "So if I think of gooey men..." Suddenly gooey men came at them. Natsu yelped and sent flames towards them. Gray stepped back from Natsu, "Idiot! At least you didn't pick something we have encountered before." Suddenly the large monster that destroyed Gray's home and his master, Ur, was there. His face paled. The only way to stop that monster was certain death. They backed up back to back, looking at the gooey men and the large monster in determination. Each guarding and refocusing their thoughts.

Suddenly a white barrier formed around them. They stared at it, and watched in amazement as the monster began beating on it to no affect. Erza turned and looked down at Mindy. The young girl was kneeling with her hands folded, a loving smile on her face. She looked up at the older guild members and smiled at them, "I love you. I love Fairy Tail." They blinked back at her. She continued, "Erza, why did you scream at breakfast this morning?" Erza baffled answered, "There was a spider..." Instantly thousands of spiders were around them, crawling all over the barrier. Erza screeched and jumped, a loot of disgust crossing her face.

Natsu asked Mindy, "I didn't know you could create barriers." Mindy just smiled, the destruction and chaos outside seeming to not affect her. She closed her eyes and focused some more. Then she added the last touch, "At least there isn't anything like what caused you all to be sealed for seven years." The other three froze, the memory of that large dragon returning causing them to shudder. Then horror filled them as they realized that they remember it, even as above them the dragon's horrible roar filled the air. Large than the town of Magnolia, undefeated
since written history. This dragon of gray scaly hide descended from above. Gray yelled, "Why Mindy! Why?!"

It brought a paw down to engulf and crush their force field. Mindy focused on her love for her friends and guild, imagining that the barrier around them shone a bright white of strength. The barrier held. Above them Mags looked down in concern. Her magic was being used against her. The child Mindy was drawing out her magic energy at an alarming rate. If it was used up, Mags wasn't certain what would happen. It seemed her weakness had, after all this time, been discovered. She yelled down to the group, "If he sends down his inferno blast, you will never survive. It will leave a crater larger than that precious island of yours."

They three veterans looked up in horror, their thoughts already fueling the monster for it's final attack. It created it's inferno, but instead of merely sending it down towards them, the dragon joined the inferno with the intention of crushing them as well. The attack hit their shielded group and the earth shook with earthquakes. The only light was from Mindy's barrier, lighting the inside with white light despite the fiery red inferno outside or gray mound of flesh as the dragon continued to push them down. The ground beneath them began to crack and split.

Mindy's shield encircled them so that they were floating inside a ball. The dragon's intensity increased even as her barrier around them strengthened. She said in a strained voice, "I love Fairy Tail." The other three got the message. They joined her, adding their own love and imagination to hers, "I love Fairy Tail." The shield around them expanded, consuming the evil that had tried to devour them. Mags felt the last of her magic energy drain from her. Then to her own horror felt her life force also go into feeding those attacks.

The air cleared. The country side was a battle ground of scorched earth. The group looked and saw Mags laying nearby. Death claiming her exhausted body. The battle was over. More importantly, Magnolia and the entire region was safe. They smiled at each other and, holding hands, turned to walk back to Fairy Tail. This was one for the books.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 08-11-2012 at 05:29 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 08-27-2012, 07:00 AM

The teacher looked around the classroom. The boys were done with their assignments and were quietly talking among themselves. The girls were studious trying to get the worksheet filled out. She glanced at the clock, just 20 minutes left of class. The worksheet needed to be completed. Even if it became homework. Voice rose. She glanced in the direction they came from, not because they were disruptive as talking was allowed, but because it wasn't English. The first classroom rule was English only. The best way to learn a new language was to use it.

What she saw surprised her. The Korean assistant was wrestling with one of the boys, showing him how to block being flipped over the shoulder. Raising her voice, she warned, "English only. No rough housing. Have a seat, now." The student complied, but the Korean assistant moved onto another student. Time passed in a frustrating whirlwind as the teacher struggled to keep the smooth atmosphere she liked for class from falling apart amid the antics of the Korean teacher.

Finally the bell rang. Kicking everyone out, she pulled out the sanitizer spray to scrub down the tables. Taking her anger out on the tables, she ran over the warnings from the office about not touching the students. Three of her own rules were broken: English only, No roughhousing, and Obey the teacher. She didn't want to, but she might not have a choice. Next class she might very well kick the Korean assistant out. How else was she supposed to do her job?

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-01-2012, 04:18 AM

The teacher strolled into the room. The students would be here any moment. She quickly ran through the lesson plans for them and the next three class periods. Her co teacher wanted a party with an ice breaker to open things up. She also had said something about music. The teacher cringed. She didn't like to sing in front of others. She would just stay out of the way for the music part. Pulling the story notes out and walking to the chalk board, the teacher began to prepare for the second part of class. The part she had planned. Placing boxes with their vocabulary side by side on the chalk board, she grinned. After a story, one should always take a break. She had asked that snacks be brought for just that occasion and assured that the snacks would be here. With her notes done, she turned to the shopping bag to pull out the clay. The kids were going to make animals with the clay during the third and final period. She was rather excited about that. Art was a favorite hobby of hers.

The sounds of childrens' voices rang down the hall. Shuffling feet came closer. One of her middle school students poked his head in, "Teacher, which grade level are you teaching?" The teacher grinned despite the sinking feeling inside her, "The youngest elementary group." He quickly called over those three grades and ushered them inside. He was a good kid and trustworthy as a translator. Her smile became more genuine when he followed them in. She could count on him to help. Her co teacher arrived and quickly joined her at the front of the room. She said, "Alright teacher, please start." That genuine smiled faded. The teacher blinked and asked, "What about the music? Weren't you going to do that?" The co teacher paused, then nodded okay and hoped onto the computer to pull up youtube.

From there the three classes passed by in a flurry. The little kids learned a new song, the middle school translator found and brought in the snacks, the teacher told her story, and the craft was a success. The teacher felt admiration for her co teacher's ability to work with such young kids. She wished though that this was only two hours long instead of three. It was too much for such young kids.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-10-2012, 03:54 AM

A slim mermaid slipped through the blue shadows towards school. Blending in, she easily bypassed her sister and the friends surrounding the elder sibling. Waiting to eat breakfast until after Athena left, Diana had been the last to leave their house. She had stayed up late studying the history of the now submerged Atlantis and at the inventions of the Atlantians during that time in human history. Her own city was just as advanced as they had been, but with a magical element that the science of humans couldn't understand. Unless you were a part of the culture of the sea, there was no room in your mind for what the mermaids possessed.

Reaching the cave at the edge of the crater, she customarily slipped inside and to her place. A sand bed towards the back of the cave but not in shadow. Of all the places she didn't want to be in shadows, it was here. For her teacher had a love of the unnatural. Something not seen normally could sometimes become more than obvious if glowing in the dark. The experiment with glowing dust had proved that just last week. Now she carefully set her supplies down beside the flat stone shelve beside her and prepared herself for another day of class. Voices near the entrance reached her ears. Turning she saw her sister smiling indulgently to one of her friends who was saying, "...for once you are going to beat her here. I swear she is like a..." The voice trailed off as the one speaking saw Diana already there. Athena turned and took in her sister, sitting innocently in her place ready for school. Someone hesitantly said, "I thought you said you left before her?" Athena glowered at Diana before swimming to her own seat, "I did." Another commented, "Well that is creepy. Good thing you two aren't twins." Their giggles stretched across the room.

Diana turned and let her hair fall to float between her and them. A shadow. Both a blessing and a curse. She could remain unseen by those who said such thoughtless words, but that was the very reason for her hiding. A paradox she couldn't escape. Easily nervous by sudden or loud noises. Preferring small groups to large groups. Her calm, gentle demeanor was sharply contrasted with the loud, out-going classmates she lived her life with. How could she compete in their world when being the center of attention was not her desire or wish?

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 09-10-2012 at 04:22 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-10-2012, 04:22 AM

Sharana looked out over the cliffs. Behind her was the outpost that had served as her home for the last several years. Protecting the mountain trail that led into the mountain range itself, the outpost was sturdy and stood the test of weather and wild animals both. Below her was the beginning of the foothills and her home settlement. She patted Shakespeare's neck and a simple shift on his back had them both heading away from the cliff and towards the mountain trail. Rugged and steep, it was a challenge by itself. However she kept her blades free. The terrain was the least of her problems in these rocky cliffs and crevices. Beyond the slippery moss and dripping pines was predators with fangs and claws. Some a mere scratch poisoned you to a certain death.

Unlike the others at the outpost, she was the only mounted Nircoti here. The rest were proven warriors who had lived and trained youngsters for years. It was unusual for a mounted to be apprenticed here. She had learned raising, training, and fighting with their famed horses, however she had taken on a career choice few envied but everyone knew was necessary. She was to be an ambassador and guide that traveled regularly outside the Nircotian Wilderness. She would keep tabs on their spies and ensure that if any plots or invasions against them were forming, the Nircoti would be warned and ready. That is, if she survived her final year.

At the age of 15, she was almost done with this part of her education. The brutal survival and fighting tactics necessary to live near, much less travel through, the mountain ranges that surrounded their valley. Eager to join her master that would take her on as an apprentice, she had one final test. Getting to, through, and from the mountain pass. Her master waited for her at the outpost on the other side partway down the mountain. If she could reach him, then she would be ready to start the next part of her life and education.

Shakespeare was doing remarkable. When they had arrived 5 years earlier, they had both been out of breathe quickly. Now they were stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. Tales of what the other races were like guided her in her passion to protect her people. The repeated betrayals and attempted invasion fueled an anger at her. An anger that was about to be fed as she met and experienced for the first time the greed of others for her home and it's resources.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 11:13 PM

Jolene placed the last of the extra office supplies into the bottom drawer. Reorganizing and cleaning the office was taking a lot of time and effort, but completely worth it. She looked up at the desk that had once been cluttered with paper, boxes, and random art supplies. It looked like a brand new place. The window view would be nice for her new assistant. Someone she had met briefly and was eager to have working by her side. She stood and dusted off her hands as Mr. L walked in.

"Hey Jolene, I'm really sorry. Seems that our assistant doesn't like you. He blames you for the list of responsibilities he now has to do," informed Mr. L.

Jolene frowned, "But those are responsibilities our assistants did last year. That isn't my list, it is the list they made for me for the new assistants."

Mr. L shrugged as he turned to go, "Just thought you should know. He doesn't like the idea of not being able to sleep anymore. Not sure why he is upset. He doesn't help any of us except for the old man anyways."

Jolene watched Mr. L leave, a frown creasing her forehead. The assistant they had right now tended to whine and complain a lot. He really didn't work at all. She sighed and went to lock the door on her way to lunch. As she was closing the office, another teacher popped his head in. "Jolene, the new assistant is gone. Like gone gone. Seems our assistant was talking with her and she suddenly got scared and took off." Jolene's mouth dropped open.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-21-2012, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
Sharana looked out over the cliffs. Behind her was the outpost that had served as her home for the last several years. Protecting the mountain trail that led into the mountain range itself, the outpost was sturdy and stood the test of weather and wild animals both. Below her was the beginning of the foothills and her home settlement. She patted Shakespeare's neck and a simple shift on his back had them both heading away from the cliff and towards the mountain trail. Rugged and steep, it was a challenge by itself. However she kept her blades free. The terrain was the least of her problems in these rocky cliffs and crevices. Beyond the slippery moss and dripping pines was predators with fangs and claws. Some a mere scratch poisoned you to a certain death.

Unlike the others at the outpost, she was the only mounted Nircoti here. The rest were proven warriors who had lived and trained youngsters for years. It was unusual for a mounted to be apprenticed here. She had learned raising, training, and fighting with their famed horses, however she had taken on a career choice few envied but everyone knew was necessary. She was to be an ambassador and guide that traveled regularly outside the Nircotian Wilderness. She would keep tabs on their spies and ensure that if any plots or invasions against them were forming, the Nircoti would be warned and ready. That is, if she survived her final year.

At the age of 15, she was almost done with this part of her education. The brutal survival and fighting tactics necessary to live near, much less travel through, the mountain ranges that surrounded their valley. Eager to join her master that would take her on as an apprentice, she had one final test. Getting to, through, and from the mountain pass. Her master waited for her at the outpost on the other side partway down the mountain. If she could reach him, then she would be ready to start the next part of her life and education.

Shakespeare was doing remarkable. When they had arrived 5 years earlier, they had both been out of breathe quickly. Now they were stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. Tales of what the other races were like guided her in her passion to protect her people. The repeated betrayals and attempted invasion fueled an anger at her. An anger that was about to be fed as she met and experienced for the first time the greed of others for her home and it's resources.
The snow slammed like ice picks against her. She kept her hood up and hunkered down low over Shakespeare's neck. Both of them were trembling from the cold. Despite his strong muscle tone and her thick clothing, the weather near the pass was unmistakably vicious. She wanted nothing more than to pull her hands across her chest, but memories of her first few months in the mountains kept them where they were. One hand gripped a sword hilt, ready to draw. The other, with leather armor on the back of her arm, had a knife that extended from beneath the wrist and across the palm. Her vigilance seemed more tiring to her, but experience warned her of the necessity.

Just as she was thinking this, from the blur of snow jumped a large white form. A Reacting out of habit, she swung her sword around to strike along the form without allowing it to be knocked away. In addition to this, she leaned off to the side so that she could control her own fall. Landing on the rocky ice below, the wind was knocked out of her. Groaning, she lost a few precious seconds struggling to stand despite the dizziness. Shakespeare covered for her with his hooves. Then she let a dagger fly. Not waiting for it to hit, she leaped on the large white cat and sank her hidden danger from her wrist into it's brain via an eye. It howled before sinking down. She sat on it's neck a moment longer, then stood to clean off her blades. Her breathing came heavily and she looked at Shakespeare. He stood guarding her as she collected her emotions and was again alert to her surroundings.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-25-2012, 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
Feels a tug on her heart. Something or someone wants her. Maiden pauses as she eats her ice cream, wondering who could want her. Suddenly the tug increases exponentially. Dropping the ice cream with a grasp, Maiden stands up looking skyward with eyes unseeing. A wind picks up around her whipping her clothes and hair away and twirling it up. Without thinking, her mage circle forms under her with streaks of powerful energy bolts shooting up on all sides. Through instinct alone, she is guided through celestial time and space.

Landing with disorienting suddenness, Maiden stumbles into DaisyKeehl:'s waiting arms. Looking up, Maiden grinned. "You summoned me?"

---------- Post added 09-25-2012 at 12:52 PM ----------

Another tug pulls at her heart. She blinks as it diminishes away. "Um, Daisy, you summoned me twice dear."
Loved what I wrote and figured I better save it here ^_^

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Old 09-27-2012, 03:41 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
((If any of you have ever seen the anime Ah! My Goddess! then you are familiar with the main characters who have angels that live inside of them, sorta. Anyrate, I have wanted many times to do a roleplay where my OC had her own angel living inside of her. My first RG actually was such, but my role playing skills must have not been on par at the time. Tried again later on, and that person also left after a few posts. That leaves me with wanting, desperately, to write at least a fight scene with this wonderful concept. Now that I have this thread set up, I can fulfill that desire.))

Serenity walked down the road. The cherry blossoms were finally in full bloom. For this one precious week, the ground appeared covered in snow. She paused to look up through the gently falling petals at the moon. It's gentle glow filling the scene with a soft light. Sighing, she continued her walk through the night. The peace and beauty that graced this place was meant for lovers. The falling petals meant for the young at heart. Yet she walked this road along. Looked among the moonlight night by herself. A soft, warm breeze tugged at her cheek like a lover's caress. She wasn't alone.

With a whirl of wind and feathers, thin wisps of cloud unraveled from behind her as her guardian emerged forth. Hovering above her in splendid glory, the guardian looked down with grace and royalty. Serenity looked up at her only friend, a lonely tear trickling slowly down her cheek. The guardian's long white wings bent slightly and she leaned down. Picking up Serenity in her strong, steel arms to fly into the night, she took her away from all the reminders of what should have been but never could be.

((What happened to my fight scene!! I hate it when my characters take control of the story. But for what it is worth, I like that scene a lot too. Perhaps I just need some sleep. Will try to get my fight scene in later. Night all!))
Serenity ran after the gunman. His bullets had hit innocent children. She just couldn't let him escape. Despite her heels, she managed to keep up with him. Soon he reached a deserted parking lot and raced towards an old car. She yelled after him, "Hey!" He swung around and fired at her. She lifted a hand in front of her, a magic circle forming as he pulled the trigger. The bullets bounced off harmlessly. She stood with her feet spread apart, breathing heavily. He grinned.

Pulling out what looked like a stick a police officer might carry, he charged her. She stepped sideways out of the path of his swing, but a beam of powerful energy extended out catching her across the mouth. She twirled and fell. Rolling over onto her knees, she looked up at him visibly weakened. He laughed, "I have magic too. Maybe not inside of me. That is what toys are for." He started to walk towards her.

A flurry of feather unraveled above her back as her guardian came out. An angel of beauty and fierce power, Serenity felt the protective feelings of her friend extend over her. The man staggered back in surprise. Her angel extended her hands out on each side and leaned forward. Fire balls formed. Straightening and she swung her hands together straight out in front of them both, she sent a pulsating spiral of fire to engulf the man.

Later, when the police arrived, they found only charred bones and ashes. DNA results confirmed his identity. His fingerprints covered the car, the murder weapon and were also at the crime scene. Justice was served.

(Finally, got my fight scene^_^))

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Old 10-09-2012, 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
Sharana looked out over the cliffs. Behind her was the outpost that had served as her home for the last several years. Protecting the mountain trail that led into the mountain range itself, the outpost was sturdy and stood the test of weather and wild animals both. Below her was the beginning of the foothills and her home settlement. She patted Shakespeare's neck and a simple shift on his back had them both heading away from the cliff and towards the mountain trail. Rugged and steep, it was a challenge by itself. However she kept her blades free. The terrain was the least of her problems in these rocky cliffs and crevices. Beyond the slippery moss and dripping pines was predators with fangs and claws. Some a mere scratch poisoned you to a certain death.

Unlike the others at the outpost, she was the only mounted Nircoti here. The rest were proven warriors who had lived and trained youngsters for years. It was unusual for a mounted to be apprenticed here. She had learned raising, training, and fighting with their famed horses, however she had taken on a career choice few envied but everyone knew was necessary. She was to be an ambassador and guide that traveled regularly outside the Nircotian Wilderness. She would keep tabs on their spies and ensure that if any plots or invasions against them were forming, the Nircoti would be warned and ready. That is, if she survived her final year.

At the age of 15, she was almost done with this part of her education. The brutal survival and fighting tactics necessary to live near, much less travel through, the mountain ranges that surrounded their valley. Eager to join her master that would take her on as an apprentice, she had one final test. Getting to, through, and from the mountain pass. Her master waited for her at the outpost on the other side partway down the mountain. If she could reach him, then she would be ready to start the next part of her life and education.

Shakespeare was doing remarkable. When they had arrived 5 years earlier, they had both been out of breathe quickly. Now they were stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. Tales of what the other races were like guided her in her passion to protect her people. The repeated betrayals and attempted invasion fueled an anger at her. An anger that was about to be fed as she met and experienced for the first time the greed of others for her home and it's resources.
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The snow slammed like ice picks against her. She kept her hood up and hunkered down low over Shakespeare's neck. Both of them were trembling from the cold. Despite his strong muscle tone and her thick clothing, the weather near the pass was unmistakably vicious. She wanted nothing more than to pull her hands across her chest, but memories of her first few months in the mountains kept them where they were. One hand gripped a sword hilt, ready to draw. The other, with leather armor on the back of her arm, had a knife that extended from beneath the wrist and across the palm. Her vigilance seemed more tiring to her, but experience warned her of the necessity.

Just as she was thinking this, from the blur of snow jumped a large white form. A Reacting out of habit, she swung her sword around to strike along the form without allowing it to be knocked away. In addition to this, she leaned off to the side so that she could control her own fall. Landing on the rocky ice below, the wind was knocked out of her. Groaning, she lost a few precious seconds struggling to stand despite the dizziness. Shakespeare covered for her with his hooves. Then she let a dagger fly. Not waiting for it to hit, she leaped on the large white cat and sank her hidden danger from her wrist into it's brain via an eye. It howled before sinking down. She sat on it's neck a moment longer, then stood to clean off her blades. Her breathing came heavily and she looked at Shakespeare. He stood guarding her as she collected her emotions and was again alert to her surroundings.
They trudged their way down the path. Getting through the pass and it's dangers had been exhausting. She was nearing the fork, famous among her people, that was above the way station. The trail she was on was treacherous and steep. No horse save those the Nircoti raised could manage it. Even on foot, a human would find it difficult. When acting as a guide, this trail was usually rejected by outsiders. They opted for what their guide called a shortcut. Choosing the shortcut was certain death for those who knew not it's dangers.

Reaching the fork, she momentarily glanced up the broad and smooth path. It seemed safe and appeared to head for the pass. Few knew of the terrors that haunted the path further in where fang and talon tore any living creature that dared enter their domain. She would probably send people that way in the future, those suspected of being spies or criminals. Turning, she continued her journey down the mountain and its icy range of wind whipped rock.

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Old 10-09-2012, 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
((This one had been begging for me to redo. I attacked a Menewshian in a hang out thread months ago and I felt sad that I never was able to repeat the performance in a roleplay where it belonged. Solution, take my idea and place it here where I can at last be able to read and reread it whenever I want. Obviously more embellished and enjoyable to read... of course.))

The mage walked in her billowing red cloak up the steep dusty road. The wind was picking up as her anger increased. Reaching the top of the hill, she stood there glaring at the scene before her. Her red skirts whipped around in a fierce breeze that had been building. A breeze that even now tore the hood of her cloak from her head. Hazel eyes quickly took in the small settlement below her. The rickety wooden buildings and slim palisade wall were hopeless defenses for those huddling inside.

The dust started to pick up in small swirls around her. Their light grainy texture burning up in small flames, leaving behind a red residue. Harnessing her anger into vicious energy, she raised both hands palm up above her head. Immediately the strong breeze turned into a force of wind that knocked nearby branches down from their lofty perches. She snarled an unheard threat into the wind and the dusting rising around her transformed into a solid red circle of energy.

The circle was composed of thin red lines. Each hot enough to leave scorch marks in the air. She began gathering her hatred to her to form the energy for her attack. The red circle glowed with her maliciousness. The wind's speed only increased, sending her hair whipping wildly in their twisted path. The red circle of lines increased until the edges began to rise in a pent up energy of flame. Then like a dam held back too long, they burst forth all around her in spirals of blood red high into the sky. Far higher than the hill was tall, they bloomed out like a lotus. The petals turned to wings, the wind turned into a horrific scream. A phoenix was born.

Down in the poor village, standing in the middle of the street, was a calm young man. His blue robes of healing rippled in the wake of the young mage's fury. His calmness in contrast to her vicious desperation. He looked up at the sky that seemed to be filled with this bird of prey and raised one hand. The hand that held his staff. Etched with the names of his family, he trusted in their strength even as he knew his own alone was worthless. Forming a cool, clear shield around the village to protect it, he firmly braced his body and mind for the onslaught ahead. And as sure as the sun rises and sets, so the phoenix screamed it's defiance and slammed down to engulf the entire valley.
Originally Posted by Superstition View Post
The wind whipped through her long black hair and flowing white cloak as Shanira clung desperately to her steed Almanzo. The black stallion’s muscles rippled as he flew over the hidden pathway, leaping over fallen trees as if they were twigs on the ground. She had to get to the village, stop her sister. What was happening to her wasn’t her fault.

The dark Wizard, Normand, had been pulling her strings like a puppet master for weeks, sending demons to haunt her dreams, torture her relentlessly. Normand had sent her to the village, his hatred for the peasants and of the healer mimicked in her sister’s heart. Her rage was not her own, she must see this!

In the distance, Shanira saw a phoenix rise into the air, the ultimate sign of her sister’s power. No! she silently screamed. She was too late! Her sister’s rage had taken form and would now devour the village and its kind people.

Shanira pulled back hard on the reins, bringing Almanzo to a sudden stop on of top the hill where she could see her sister’s fiery red cloak. The harsh wind beat in Shanira’s face as she raised her hands into the air, commanding nature to her presence. The wind swirled around her, clouds formed in the sky above her. Moving her arms as if stirring a cauldron, the clouds turned black, rotating as if threatening to unleash a twister on its creator. A cold rain began to fall, drenching the young mage. As she brewed the storm to its fiercest point, she slowly pushed it toward the settlement – and the hill on which her sister stood. Her sister had been bombarding the settlement with fire for almost five minutes and yet it was still there, untouched by the flames. Shanira would wonder why later. Her only concern was saving her sister from her own needless fury.[/COLOR]
Her anger and her hate burned her soul. She fed the fires of her phoenix with every ounce of magic within her body till she was trembling. The glowing red of the churning fires below her created blasts of uneven wind currents - oxygen - to feed the flames where her magic could not. With the last ounce of her energy, she screamed in defiance and willed nothing but ash to exist below her. Her phoenix was one massive pillar of fire, no longer any form except that of a deadly fire. It seemed almost alive with a rage of it's own.

In the next few seconds, she collapse to her knees and fell forward onto her forearms. Before her the burning fire of her emotions disintegrated, leaving nothing but smoke and ash behind. Her hair fell in waves around her face, hiding her trembling muscles and the sound of her gasping for air. Stubborn pride made her seek to look up just enough to see her work below. Eyes widening in surprise, she stared in incomprehension at the village - safe - below her. It couldn't be?

So great was her shock that she didn't register the storm cyclone twisting straight towards her. It's winds and rain beating out the small fires left in the surrounding countryside. Sitting back on her heels, she looked unseeing before her as that storm hit. It's rain soaking her hair and skin while hiding the tears that had begun to fall. The village was safe beneath it's light blue shield. A shield that almost radiated white. A lone figure could barely be seen beneath it, small and faraway as he was. Who had stopped her?

Stepping out of the village that he had kept shielded, the blue-robed monk paused to observe the cleansing rains. He himself never felt a drop touch him as eternal sunshine circled about him. Leaving the shield up, a simple task with the phoenix gone, he walked serenely from the town and along the stone paths. Rivelets of rain water flowed past, taking with them the ash of the fields and trees. Not even the bones of wild animals remained from the onslaught.

Working his way across the valley, he began his climb up the steep hill. Despite the storm that fell all around him, he could still clearly see the shaking form that knelt hunched on the hill top. He felt more than saw the pain inside her. The pain that she alone bore. Pain inflicted by the anger, bitterness and hate that had engulfed her body and soul for days on end. He could help with the healing if and only if her stubborn pride could be set aside.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 10-09-2012 at 10:10 AM..

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Old 10-09-2012, 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
She leaped from the balcony and fired her green energy in a rain storm on the group of men below. Their angry voices turned to screams of terror and confusion. As she started to descend from her skyward flight, a man flew from the hectic smoke and burning flesh below her. Aiming his sword for her stomach, he tensed for the impact. She twisted and elbowed his back on her way past. His grunt of pain was quickly refocused. Landing on the balcony she had been on, he looked down. She was gone.
The man continued his search for girl who had intruded his house the night before. No luck in the marketplace. She was no where to be found. How could he have missed another with talents similar to his. At the least, he should have been able to sense her. Lately he had been preoccupied. His attention on the trades and economy. If he had only paid more attention to the people in his life, he wouldn't have missed the fact that the new maid wasn't a maid at all.

Across town, a young girl carefully walked across the street. He wouldn't come here, for in all her observations of the man, this wasn't a part of town he had ever visited. Leaving the library for another of her sanctuaries, she opened the door to the church and entered inside. Quietly walking towards the front where she could pose in prayer without suspicion, she waited for her contact to find her. The bag of jewels around her waist heavy from guilt.

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Old 10-24-2012, 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
She leaped from the balcony and fired her green energy in a rain storm on the group of men below. Their angry voices turned to screams of terror and confusion. As she started to descend from her skyward flight, a man flew from the hectic smoke and burning flesh below her. Aiming his sword for her stomach, he tensed for the impact. She twisted and elbowed his back on her way past. His grunt of pain was quickly refocused. Landing on the balcony she had been on, he looked down. She was gone.
Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
The man continued his search for girl who had intruded his house the night before. No luck in the marketplace. She was no where to be found. How could he have missed another with talents similar to his. At the least, he should have been able to sense her. Lately he had been preoccupied. His attention on the trades and economy. If he had only paid more attention to the people in his life, he wouldn't have missed the fact that the new maid wasn't a maid at all.

Across town, a young girl carefully walked across the street. He wouldn't come here, for in all her observations of the man, this wasn't a part of town he had ever visited. Leaving the library for another of her sanctuaries, she opened the door to the church and entered inside. Quietly walking towards the front where she could pose in prayer without suspicion, she waited for her contact to find her. The bag of jewels around her waist heavy from guilt.
Originally Posted by Superstition View Post
That had to be her, kneeling in front of the altar with her head lowered. Praying for her sins, no doubt, she thought with disgust. None of them had chosen this occupation but they had all accepted it without complaint. Clutching the tiny purse filled gold coins in her hand, she made her way toward the young thief, slipping up behind her silently. The gold wasn’t her reward but maybe the kid would get wise and start tasting the fruits of her labor. Leaning down to her ear, the woman whispered sneeringly, “Praying for your sins, my dear?” Laughing quietly she moved to kneel beside her, keeping up appearances so no one would be suspicious, though few asked questions in this part of the city. “Did you get them?”
Not looking up or even glancing sideways, she continued her apparent prayers. The slightest nod of her head confirmed that she had them. Inside though, betrayal was drowning her. The master of the household she had infiltrated and eventually robbed had been one of the rare men that could be labeled as decent in this world. She wished she had stayed and not just played the part of maid. Her long brown clock concealed the maid outfit she still wore. The soft, but starched, black and white cloth comforting to her skin before now felt like chains. It had been her job. It was what she was good at. Her talent was good for little else. So why did she feel like she had committed treason?

Outside and out of the poverty zone, the man of her thoughts ambled along. He was wistfully wishing there was a way to prove that those with Talent had another option in life. They didn't need to hide for fear of being outcasted. Their abilities could be used for good. Almost to prove his point, he paused outside an alley and glanced down it.

A girl youngling was struggling as an older man tried to drag her further into darkness. Stopping crime instead of being crime was such a position in society. He turned and stepped into the shadows of the alley, walking swiftly but with the sound of silence. Unseen by even those who might have been looking for him, he simply walked through the shadows until he reached the whimpering child and callous thug.

With a few well-placed kicks and punches, he dislocated vertebra leaving the man paralyzed in a heap. The child struggled free from the lifeless grasp and ran. He didn't pause for her to turn around to search for her rescuer. He leaped into the air. Pausing briefly in that momentary hover, he surveyed around for witnesses. None. Returning to earth, he landed on the rooftop and casually strolled away.

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Old 11-12-2012, 02:39 AM

The maid entered the room of her young charge. The boy was playing with his toys instead of her studies. She shook her head and began to tidy up the room. "Come young master, time to walk out to the gardens." His 14 year old eyes frowned at her, but respectfully he stood and led the way outside. She frowned. The young master, Clef, was a good kid. Truly. Still she could see his agitation with his studies and those who stood for authority. It wasn't hard to understand where it came from. His father was a busy man. Whenever Clef saw him, he only told his son to study and settle down. She knew that it bothered him that he was expected to go into business. Feeling it her duty as his guardian, she had secretly set up a street thief and former assassin to train him. It appeared to have been a meeting of chance to Clef, but she had organized it with the greatest of care. Now he would have the training he needed.

Reaching the gardens, Clef dutifully went to his tutor to start studying philospophy while she stood in the background like a proper maid. Maid. That was perpetually her name. It seemed that no matter what she did, that title would stay with her for life. At least now she was in a role she preferred. Protecting someone. No one knew except his dad. Her little secret was her past. With the full blessing of those she needed it from, she took on protecting Clef the heir to an influential family and corporation. He must be raised right in order to avoid a tyrant in power. He needed to learn that his secret studies were for good and to be for good only. Not revenge or petty fights.

A movement off to the side caught her eye. Without turning her head, she noted the shadow behind some bushes. Not an amateur to have gotten this far, but not a professional either. Another movement. A guild? There were more than ten! Without pausing, she calmly turned and walked around to where she be between them and her charge. Swiftly turning and lifting her arm, she let a knife fly. As it was still in the air, her second arm followed releasing the second throwing knife. Both shadows crumpled. The tutor and Clef looked up surprised at her. 8 men came crashing out of the bushes. She leaped forward to meet them, releasing two more throwing knives. Two more fell. Then four circled her while two ran past. Her heart leaped into her throat.

They had swords. Her hands each had a knife. She switched to defensive tactics as they began to propel her with attacks. Looking for an opening, she focused on taking these ones out. Finding one, she slipped under his arm and slit his stomach. Backing up and blocking a blow, she used the same knife and drilled it into his neck. Letting him drop and jumping away, she faced her remaining two. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Clef desperately trying to parry the two before him. His lessons were only at one opponent. Two were very much out of his league. Her own two opponents saw her distraction and dived in. She ducked and side-stepped, scoffing at their over-confidence. Without wasting a moment, she stabbed one in an artery and then let the knife fly at the last of her attackers. They fell. She turned and ran for Clef.

Reaching, she grabbed one of the men from behind and put him into a choke hold. That gave Clef just one. Clef, his face white but determined, parried and drive his point home. She broke the neck of the one she held and let him fall. Clef turned to look at her with surprise and asked, "Who are you?" She responded, "Your bodyguard. How did they get in here and how did they know your schedule?" He angrily shot back, "I haven't breathed a word!" She gritted her teeth, "Someone..." and leaped at him to shove him out of the way. His tutor caught her with his sword. She landed hard, slapping a hand over the wound to stop the bleeding. Looking up furiously at the traitor, she fought against the pain. The tutor stiffened and fell, stabbed from behind by Clef. She looked up at him as he rushed to her side, concern filling his eyes and words as her world went black.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 11-12-2012 at 05:54 AM..

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Old 11-12-2012, 05:54 AM

The teacher walked out of the auditorium towards the cafe. The question burning at the back of her mind. Did she like any of the teachers here? Were any of them cute? Not that she had seen but she hadn't been looking. Still, none of them really caught her attention. Grabbing her tray of food, she sat at table and watched the teachers coming in. Normal. Average. Not a thing remarkable about any of them to get her attention. She sighed and picked at her food. It didn't change anything. She wasn't going to date after hurting her last boyfriend so badly. Hearing laughter, she slowly looked up at one of the average men. He smiled and her world dropped away.

Last edited by maidenroseheart; 11-12-2012 at 07:18 AM..

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Old 11-12-2012, 07:18 AM

The music was pleasant. She smiled as she listened to it. Smooth with a beat. It seemed almost alive and lifting her off the ground. Closing her eyes, she felt the harmony floating around her as the notes blended together to create a wall between her and the world. Letting the music soar, she felt as if she could fly. Lifting her face to the heavens in a world of her own, she wasn't surprised to look out and about to a sea of endless stars all around her. Home long gone with the quiet of space giving way to her music. Lost in that beautiful place, she floated at the whim of the tempo. Wrapped in the glorious colors that made her new world.

Behind her on her patio walked her brother. He looked at his sister in confusion. She was leaning on a railing with a look of utter contentment, staring into space. He waved a hand in front of her face. No response. He turned her and shook her. She didn't respond. He slapped her. Like a doll, her head fell sideways, but she remained an empty body. His scream tore the air as fear of losing her forever filled him.

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Old 11-13-2012, 12:28 AM

Jeanna tensed, her arms hugging the man laying on her lap in front of her. Looking up through the rubble of what was left of the building, she gritted her teeth determinedly. She wasn't going to run. She had spent her whole life running. Now Jeanna was going to stand by the one person who had stayed for her. Keeping one arm around his chest, she reached forward and picked up the gun from his limp fingers. Another blast nearby rocked the ground beneath her. Checking the safety to make sure it was off, she raised the weapon towards the opening in the wall. The rebels could be heard yelling as groups passed. None thought to look inside the banquet hall she sat in. Still she stayed prepared. If she could save just this one person, she would try.

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Old 11-17-2012, 06:41 AM

Riding through the hills, the blue-cloaked rider admired the woodland life around her. She was a mature 24 brunette with only one goal. To find a suitable companion for her life. Lady Chrystalina was about to start a school with the parcel of land her patron had gifted her. In order to run a school though, she needed some help. It was a project she didn't want to undertake alone. Her auburn eyes lit on a small cottage set back from the trail. It had a pretty stepping stone path leading up to and through it's small yard. The smells coming from it were a divine invitation to lunch if she ever smelled one.

Signaling her mount to a stop, she dismounted and led him behind her up to the fence. A small, white-picket fence wouldn't really work as a place to tie a horse, however Romeo was ground trained. Dropping the reins with every confidence he wouldn't so much as shuffle his feet, she went through the opening into the nicely kept yard. Carefully groomed flowerbeds bordered the inside of the fence and along the house. The pleasant rainbow of colors were pastel in nature, similar to the light green grass. Chrystalina made sure she kept to the stepping-stones in respect for such a beautiful place.

Reaching the front of the cottage, she knocked lightly but firmly on the door. Hearing voices and the scraping of a chair within, she took a step back so as to not be interfering in the space bubble of her soon-to-be hostess. The door opened to reveal a young lady who looked to be about 21. Her surprised expression said that she recognized her visitor. "My lady, how can I be of assistance to you?" Smiling in understanding, Crystalina gently asked, "I was riding past and wondered if I could have lunch here?" She doubted anyone could refuse her, the patron's adopted daughter.

True to her thoughts, the girl nodded and stepped back to let her in. Chrystalina walked inside and stood in the main room. Like many of the cottages in the woods surrounding the castle, it was well-built and kept clean. Most families boasted complete parents with several children. This was one of the few where the owner was the grandmother who cared this her youngest grand-daughter. She didn't want to take the lady's only companion from this house. She would have to make double sure of this choice. Sitting down with the young lady in the dining room, she asked, "I've seen you about the main village down in the plain. What is your name?" The girl looked up in all innocence, "Serenity, ma'am."

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Old 11-22-2012, 12:40 AM

A figure inched along the dirt path, the tall trees casting her into shadows. Leaning against the rocky cliff on her right, she made her way with an obvious limp further uphill. In the distance, gunshots and magebolts could be heard. The screaming of dying men was too far away, but her heart felt each shuddering heart beat of those valiant souls. At least, those who had stepped forward so that she might run away to live another day. Stumbling into a small crevice, she fought for a moment to get all the way inside. It was a narrow crack in the cliff that, once inside, widened slightly into a passage way. Her brown cloak threatened to tear on the rocky sides, but she didn't remove it. It was needed to muffle the sound of her armor banging on the passageway walls. Descending into darkness, with only the smallest patches of light filtering from somewhere above, she carefully worked her way to a small circular room.

It was carefully crafted long before her time. Known only to those of her bloodline who were female, it was a safe location from the fighting in the valley below. Her fiance knew of this location as well, but was under a spell that kept the secret safe from all forms of open explaining or trickery. He was her only hope now. She was too badly injured to leave this room. A wooden table sat in the middle with a large candle ready to be lit. A small bunk was on the far wall outfitted with military blankets and pillows. On the two remaining walls were shelves. On one supplies. On the other books and maps. Everything one needed to command an army could be found here. The only problem was that the army was routed and their leader slowly dying.

Struggling to the shelve where the supplies were, she pulled down a bottle of whiskey and some plain bandages. Kneeling on the hardpacked dirt floor, she shakily removed her cloak and armor. Leaving them in a pile beside the shelf to be cleaned, she lifted her shirt and looked down at her slim side. The gash was long but not deep enough to kill. Putting the bandage in her mouth, she uncapped the whiskey and splashed it on her side before she could think about it. Burning pain. There was no other way to describe it. When the urge to scream subsided, she pulled the bandage out and wrapped her side. With that taken care of, she forced herself to her feet.

The loose shirt and baggy pants had to much blood to keep on. Despite her wish to just fall over and let the blackness take her, she forced herself to think sanitary. Pulling off the blood-stained garments, she slipped into a loose brown dress that was stored on the shelf. It had a hood attached which she partially pulled up for warmth. Now free to finally rest, she wearily made her way to the bunk and pulled back the covers. Sliding in and covering herself, she curled up carefully and let sleep finally take her.


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