09-27-2017, 03:56 AM
September 26th
Wow so much has happened since January. Too much to get into, really. I'm going to start using this as mainly a place to document things like media I'm consuming, nature adventures, and creative ventures. With maybe some daily anecdotes thrown in for flavor. I don't know.
Today's Nature Adventure
I went on a five mile hike with an almost 600 foot climb in elevation. A fairly moderate hike, but the views out into the surrounding mountain ranges were still breathtaking. I even had to do some light off roading to get to the trailhead, and that's always a good time in my book. Spent some time sitting at the base of a giant sequoia, undisturbed by any other hikers for the entire afternoon. 10/10 would do again.
In the Media
I finished the second half of the first season of the podcast Tanis. This podcast definitely feels like it escalates much faster than Pacific Northwest Stories' other podcast, The Black Tapes, while at the same time... the climax of the first season felt like it could have gone harder. Regardless, it made some great listening for my hike today. Especially since it involves unsolved mysteries located in the woods.
I also watched Netflix's Neo Yokio yesterday and it was better than I expected? It definitely was a parody/love letter to a very specific era/type of anime and it almost had an Abridged Series vibe to a lot of its humor.
The D&D Campaign
So that campaign I mentioned I was working on in January? I finally got a chance to do a first run through with a group this summer. And it was a glorious, hilarious trainwreck due to the players I had in my adventuring party. We played for about 40 hours total and they only got through a small part of it because of all the shenanigans. But my god, what beautiful shenanigans.
Playing with them did accomplish something though. I've since sat down and reevaluated a lot of that first part of the campaign, making changes to the worldbuilding and notes that'll have a lasting impact on the rest of the campaign. The next time I run through this it'll be almost completely different from this first iteration, whiles still maintaining the heart of it. That, and several of our improv side adventures have become actual sidequests I'm keeping because they were too good to get rid of.
This adventuring party will live on in my heart.