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Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 09-14-2016, 02:10 AM

So I still have that second bicycle that I was going to sell, but that is okay. The bike is in perfect condition so I don't mind holding onto it. Ah, I cleaned so much stuff since I last updated this journal that I cannot remember everything anymore. But I did trade in a bunch more textbooks to amazon so hooray for getting rid of some things and also getting amazon credit for it :D I use amazon a lot to purchase things online, so receiving amazon credit for the trade-in is definitely worth it for me.

As an update to my previous posts in this journal, Gazelle works!!!!! They accepted my old liquid-damaged laptop and sent me an amazon gift code for it! Woohoo!!

Also, I recycled a small stack of test prep books that are much too outdated to be of use to students now so I don't think I would be able to sell them. They aren't worth that much anymore either. So those are recycled now. I forget if I mentioned that already.

I had a box in the living room filled with random things and I have emptied that and stored the empty box in the basement with the other boxes now.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 10-24-2016, 10:38 PM

All of my books in my other room were all over the place, and now they are all neatly lined up or in a pile on top of the hutch of my desk, woohoo! The desk just seems so much more spacious now that those are out of the way. Furthermore, I rinsed the dishes, packed my breakfast for tomorrow, wiped the dusty shelves and the tops of the microwave and all-around tidying up.

the one and only

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Old 10-25-2016, 05:45 PM

my living room is destroeyd I'm about to drag the girls in to clean up their disaster. or they're gounded for a week to their room -.- i'm sick of their crap.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 11-20-2016, 11:48 PM

Sorry to hear that Shadami

This weekend, I did so much cleaning and decluttering for my two friends, haha. They are roommates and have an apartment (well, one floor of a house) and we had to make the place tidy for a dinner. It was such a mess! These two sillies had trash all over the place, on the tables, couches, floor, kitchen counters, even in the kitchen drawers! Everything from used napkins to empty boxes and plastic wraps to well as just random things like clothing, ties, belts, books, papers, pens, and just any random object you can think of was lying in a random place. But yo, I did a prettayy prettay good job of helping them clean up everything in like record time, haha! We only had like a couple of hours but we managed to turn the place from a pig sty (sorry friends haha) to an immaculate beautiful living room and dining room. And my friend did all the vacuuming and mopping after I got the place cleared.

Unfortunately I was only able to help a little bit with cleaning up after the dinner but hopefully they will manage <3

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 11-22-2016, 05:18 AM

I cleaned up some clumps of hair that were on the floor today...I guess that sort of counts as cleaning. But not really. Well anyway, I'm going home for Thanksgiving so hopefully I will get some cleaning done at home!

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 11-27-2016, 06:57 PM

So...that idea went out the window. I really did not end up doing much cleaning this weekend while at home. Even though that was my intention. Like, I put some random water bottles into our recycling place. But that is pretty much all I did...well the weekend is not over yet so maybe I can get something else done soon before I have to leave again.

the one and only

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Old 11-27-2016, 08:32 PM

I managed to wash dishes today :D *makes check mark on to do list*

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-02-2016, 05:54 PM

That's good Shadami <3 yay for things being checked off the to-do list <3

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-03-2016, 07:20 PM

I just threw out the trash as well as an empty orange juice container I had lying around! To be fair, the trash was starting to overflow so uh, it was about time I took it out haha. And I put various things back in their proper place, like I put all the loose unused napkins into a box and the food into the proper drawer. And I washed some of the dishes. I am trying to get my life a little more organized.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-19-2016, 09:11 PM

I did a pretty good job of cleaning my other room, haha. All the trash taken out, all the papers organized neatly on my shelf. I do have a bunch of containers and cans I need to take to recycling or bring home, but I placed them all in the same cardboard box underneath my bed so that they are out of sight. I also didn't have space in my bags to bring back my bedsheet and blanket for laundry, but I will bring a clean set the next time I go, so that I can replace them.

I have to clean my house now though.

To Do List 12/19/16

Stuff I still need to do:
clear inbox
go through read later folder

Stuff I finished doing:
laundry - socks
laundry - black clothing
move certain photos from mobile device to hard drive

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 12-20-2016 at 03:54 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-20-2016, 03:55 PM

To Do List 12/20/16

Stuff I still need to do:
organize the rest of the xmas gifts in one place

Stuff I finished doing:
finish clearing inbox
go through read later folder
figure out where to donate my stacks of books

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 12-22-2016 at 11:37 PM..

the one and only

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Old 12-22-2016, 04:05 PM

Stuff to Do:
absolutely everything.
wrap the two presents i was able to get. xD
finish Jolmah's art.
ect ect hehe

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-22-2016, 11:38 PM

I donated some of my old test prep books to our local library a few days ago! :D It was really nice to let go of a stack of books from under my desk and know that they would be used by others, potentially, who need them *nods*

---------- Post added 12-22-2016 at 06:39 PM ----------

To Do List 12/22/16

Stuff I still need to do:
organize the rest of the xmas gifts in one place
clear the coffee table
clear my desk
laundry - my pajamas and other similarly-colored clothing items

Stuff I finished doing:

the one and only

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Old 12-23-2016, 04:31 PM

i should do something like that myself. though its more like architecture books xD and art books.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 07:31 PM

I did a ton of cleaning last night!!! I completed cleared the entire coffee table like I planned to before Christmas morning, and I also organized all of the potential gifts into one place :D I say potential gifts because most of my friends are away for the holidays haha...and I was so busy studying the week before, that I didn't get to give all of the gifts in time. So I just need to wrap and stuff to give them when they come back. I have shiny and cute gift bags and great presents and I'm pretty excited :D

---------- Post added 12-25-2016 at 02:33 PM ----------

To Do List 12/25/16

Stuff I still need to do:
clear my desk
laundry - my pajamas and other similarly-colored clothing items
wrap and bag remaining xmas presents

Stuff I finished doing:
organize the rest of the xmas gifts in one place
clear the coffee table

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 08:39 PM

I had a sort of productive day in terms of cleaning and decluttering. I completed two loads of laundry (bedsheets, pillow cases, and such). Then, I washed a load of dishes. I hand wash all my dishes because we don't have a dishwasher. And we wiped down our dinner table, kitchen counter, and our table in the kitchen as well with detergent and then with water. In the meantime, since we had to move things around in order to wipe down the entirety of the tables and counter, I also got rid of some things or organized stuff.

There is still much to do, however. I have not finished completing my to do list from before, which included cleaning my desk, finishing the christmas present wrapping, and laundering my pajamas and the growing heap of clothing in our laundry hamper. Well, I did mostly finish the Christmas presents. But not 100% yet.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-30-2016, 04:59 PM

Finished wrapping and/or bagging the presents! woohoo!

Also completed three loads of laundry today with my brother. We washed light colored clothing, dark colored clothing, and socks today. We still have towels to wash, but there is no room on the clothesline to hang them up. So I guess we can do those tomorrow.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 12-31-2016, 03:41 PM

Also washed the dishes yesterday and organized some things.

Doing two loads of laundry right now. Well, it was supposed to be just one load of towels, but I somehow forgot to put four towels in. So I am washing those separately in a second load.

I need to clean up my devices today, as in organize the zillions of files on them. And my email inbox and read later folder. I need to clean up the coffee table again, which I had completely cleared a few days ago but somehow a ton of things are on it again. I also need to start organizing things to pack.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-02-2017, 01:04 AM

Washed dishes, dusted, and packed today. Not 100% done packing but at least my suitcase is more organized than it used to be.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-03-2017, 02:03 AM

Finally finished packing my things, and now I am in the other room. I completely organized the place. I replenished my supplies of bottled spring water and toilet paper, dusted the floors a bit, organized my smaller clothing items (socks, underwear, et cetera) into sorted ziplock bags for convenience and cleanliness, threw out or recycled any trash that was lying around, emptied my garbage bin as well...yup lots of cleaning was done!

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-04-2017, 02:46 AM

Just some dusting today. Lots of clumps of hair on the floor o.o

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-07-2017, 04:25 AM

Washed dishes today. Got some laundry to do tomorrow. And cleaning, always.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-07-2017, 02:07 PM

Washed underwear and pants just now. It actually started snowing, so I'll have to go shoveling later. I kind of just want to sit inside in the cozy warmth and watch the snow fall, but we gotta do what we gotta do (i.e. shoveling).

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-08-2017, 02:03 AM

So I ended up shoveling twice today because the snow just kept falling and piling up. And I washed dishes.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 01-11-2017, 10:51 PM

Dusted the floor and cleaned the microwave. Wiped down the inside walls, microwavable plate, as well as the outside. Decluttered my email inbox finally, although there are still some emails to be archived.


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