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The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:35 AM


Long ago there were six kingdoms, water, flower, fire, wind, thunder, and light. For many years they have lived peacefully without many wars, aside those for the minimal reasons, or conflicts. Each of these kingdoms held a princess that held the power to either save or destroy her personal kingdom in the future that is to come. Although these princesses are good friends with each other there have been underground struggles within the kingdoms that they have not yet heard. A resistance has been made to take them down and form the kingdoms as one and not have to worry about the balance that so easily can be destroyed. Although this one is well known in the commonlands another group is now starting it's way out in the open. In the seclusions of each kingdom live six princes, brothers even, who have been raised in resentment of all the kingdoms and royalty alike. They have each chosen a princess to their liking that they will marry and, through this bounding, destroy the kingdoms all together. Those that remain loyal to the kingdoms have kept the knowledge of the resistance from the royalty, silently guarding and protecting the princesses from any harm. These three groups have never met face to face but soon all will be known to everyone, even the princesses, but how long will it take.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 03-20-2012 at 12:34 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:55 AM

The Water Kingdom

The Princess -
Originally Posted by Forever_Trapped
Username: Forever_Tapped

Name: River
Age: 18
Role: Princess Water

River is the princess of water so whenever she can sneak out and go swimming, walking, or even just dip her feet and face into water - she takes it. Even if it means putting temporary dye made from her flowers and eye drops to change her eye color. River is the eldest, born to her mother and father, and is therefore - the busiest.

Side: Royal Family


Other: Her personality really defines her as the princess she is and, like Kaiya, she is hardly ever outside of the walls.

Pets: Her room has one wall that is made out of a fish tank - filled with many, many, many fish. She also has an ‘aquariam’ room in the castle, filled with many critters of the sea. It makes her comfortable.

Direct Family: -leaving this blank for others-

Posting Colour: Deep Sky Blue
The Royal Family -

The Loyal -

The Resistance -

The water kingdom is a very peaceful land that usually starts no wars, unless completely nessasary. They are the ones that will usually stop disbalance before it can happen. The kingdom itself is pretty sucluded, but completely untouchable. It's located on a lush island that, although quite cold, is very usable by those that live there. The citizens of the water kingdom are primarily fishermen, but there are other professions too. The king and queen have ruled silently, rarely taxing or giving discomfort to their citizens. Although the other kingdoms find this week they also honor it as a reason for them to stay together.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 08-19-2010 at 03:09 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 03:18 AM

The Flower Kingdom

The Princess - Username: LilMissMollyPutz
Name: Princess Kaiya
Age: 16
Role: Flower Princess
History: She was born into the royal family but the queen and her first husband. She's the oldest of all her siblings and half siblings and therefor heir to the thrown. She's kind to everyone, especially her brothers, and is very fair when it comes to solving things. She doesn't have a particularly large history but she is pretty good at making friends with other kingdoms. She's very reclusive though and spends most of her time in the secret garden she made herself, noone even knows where it is.
Side: Royal Family
Other: She is almost never seen outside the castle walls unless with other princesses
Pets: She has five Cats, Lilly Pad, Marigold, Iris, Violet, and Blue Berry as well as three dogs, Oak, Maple, and Dogwood.
Direct Family: The Queen, her first husband, and their children together. (to be named as they are added)
Posting Colour: Dark Green

The Royal Family -

The Loyal -

The Resistance -

The flower kingdom is a very strong but level headed kingdom, even in their hotheaded moments. They typically start a few fights, but they are over the nessesity, and are known to win them all. They don't typically choose a side, but most of the time they are neutral. The princess is well known for her singing voice and unseen beauty, but she is usually hidden in the shadows of trees that she does sing to. She likes to stay in the castle garden, but it isn't the only place she'll be found.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 07-11-2010 at 06:00 PM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 12:13 AM

The Fire Kingdom

The Princess -

The Royal Family -

The Loyal -

The Resistance -

The fire kingdom is a very headstrong society that will typically start the wars between the kingdoms. Although they start the most there are good reasons for it. Because they live by a valcanoe they frequently need to fight to get what they are in need of. Their hard-headedness comes from the heat that usually will build up inside of them, but they all have nice souls for the most part. They're well known for their inventions that, although not bad for anyones health, are typically denied by the other, more natural, kingdoms.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 07-08-2010 at 01:55 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 01:50 AM

The Wind Kingdom

The Princess -
Originally Posted by kazehaze
Name:Tobit Starr
Role: Princess Wind
History:She is a royal blood with no concern for her family heritage. Known to be feisty and rebellious she would always find a way to sneak out of the palace and disguise herself quite well enough to pass of as an ordinary peasant. But she had a soft spot for humanity and is pretty soft on the inside.
Side: royal family
Other:She has a wide array of talents but she's to lazy to improve on one. Loves to cook and bake
Direct Family: queen and king Wind
Posting Colour: purpley
The Royal Family -

The Loyal -

The Resistance -

The air kingdom typically moves around according to what they need, helping them to stay out of the wars that other kingdoms will start. They are most known for the fact that they have not been in a war for over 20 years. They are very air headed though and are also known to zone out on occasion.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 08-11-2010 at 01:40 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 02:14 AM

The Thunder Kingdom

The Princess -
Originally Posted by Miley Cyrus
User name:Miley Cyrus
Role: Thunder Princess
History: Alexa was quite shy as a child, only trusting her parents and family members. Then slowly as she grew up she started to talk to princesses from other kingdoms,and became friends with them. She is the best in her kingdom at Gymnastics, but doesn't preform often as she gets stage fright.
Side:royal family
Other:She is good at maths, when she applies herself
Pets:Lola and Momo
Direct Family: King And Queen Thunder, and their children.
Posting Colour: Yellow
The Royal Family -

The Loyal -

The Resistance -

The thunder kingdom is well known for it's hidden brightness. They will typically shine for brief moments but afterwards they stay hidden until charged to strike again. They don't start wars but are often challenged by the other kingdoms who start wars with them, but thunder has never lost a battle. They go full out when it comes to shining for the brief seconds and nothing is ever planned for them, it's always live in the moment not in the past (Or the future.)

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 08-19-2010 at 02:59 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 02:20 AM

The Light Kingdom

The Princess -
Originally Posted by xserenityxninax
Username: xserenityxninax
Name: Serenity Light
Age: 16
Role: Light Princess
History: She does not know who her real family is, or even how she ended up in the palace. She was found by the queen just after the corination so became the technical first born. She took the queens first husband as her father, from the moment the wedding ended to now. During the wedding a family friend had given her a white kitten, and she named it white, so that she could have a friend at five years old. She is well known to be kind and is often seen outside of the kingdom, her kitten following closely. She's always reading and singing, although she still looks to the Flower Princess for help in improvement.
Side: Royal Family
Other: She's known to sing and read regularly.
Pets: A kitten named White, her best friend for years.
Direct Family: Queen Light and her first husband and their children, to be named later.
Posting Colour: Light Blue
The Royal Family -

The Loyal -

The Resistance -

The light kingdom is well known as the orgin of all that is. They were the first to create a kingdom and were the ones who encouraged the making of the others. They're never struck by war, but will start them in order to keep the balance together. They know when things are going to go bad or good in the seasons to come, but their kind is slowly growing rare. Their city has grown while the population sinks, but the library is what keeps them alive.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 07-12-2010 at 10:40 PM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 02:28 AM

The Dark Alliance

The Princes -
Originally Posted by robinhoodfan13
Username: RobinHoodFan13
Name: Orian Zoran
Age: 25
Role: Dark Prince (Flower)
History: Raised by his family, who are a part of the Dark Alliance, he was chosen as one of the six princes. He found his pet snake Taj, when he had been injured by a hungry bird. Suprisingly with love and care...the cobra grew...a lot. And he has chosen, after much consideration and watching, The Flower Princess as his bride.
Side: ...Dark Alliance?
Other: Can understand snakes
Pets: Taj, (the Snake)
Direct Family: His Parents, Father: Edric, Mother: Ilona
Posting Colour: Sea Green
Originally Posted by CottonCandy Raccoon
Username: CottonCandy Raccoon
Name: Hikaru Takashi
Age: 22
Role: Dark Prince
History: Hikaru, or as many call him, Karu, was raised by his mom and dad until his teen year. Around that time his parents were killed in some small battle. Since then he has become a part of the Dark Alliance, where he was soon picked to become a prince, one of the six. Soon he knew the time would come and he needed to pick a princess. Karu spends most of his time watch them in secret, though his mind he can't seem to pick. He is a romantic at heart and wished he could do this the right way.
Side: Dark Alliance

Other: He loves to try and be that knight in shinning armor for the girl of his heart.
Pets: A dove he saved and raised for a few years now. Karu calls him Yume
Direct Family: Mother and father, both dead.
Posting Colour: Light Slate Blue
The Darl Family -

The Followers -
Originally Posted by Miley Cyrus
User name:Miley Cyrus
Name:Moana (means Ocean in Maori)
Role: commoner/peasant of Water
History: Moana lived with her parents, who where secretly members of the dark alliance, since she was born. She has lived on Water kingdom for all her life, and knows practically everyone. When her parents told her that they where part of the Dark alliance, she was shocked for a bit, but now, she is on their side as well, as she thinks that males make better leaders.
Side:Dark alliance
Other:she can control water by playing the harp
Direct Family: her Mother and Father.
Posting Color: Aqua

The dark alliance has lived silently "underground" in the shadows of all six kingdoms. They have stayed hidden training their young to hate the kingdoms, and balance that they bring. Their visions are unknown but completely bad. They have raise six princes to each choose a princess to chase and eventually marry and soon after the six princes will take over in the princesses place.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 08-19-2010 at 03:01 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 03:07 AM

Rules, Profiles and Reserves


1_ I am the ruler what I say goes, I'm fair so if something is bothering you feel free to pm me about it even if it's about me or another person.
2_ Only one main character per person, I want everyone to have a fair chance at a prince or princess, and after that a royal family member. These are limited so if you take more than one it causes troubles for those who also wanted be a main part in this.
3_ Everyone is important, this means don't leave someone out. For example if someone starts a fight close to you make sure you are part of what happens, even if your character isn't completely noticed. This helps to keep everyone in the roleplay fairly.
4_ With the everyone is important thing, read every post no matter what. If you're talking to someone specific you should still read everything because, even if going on a limb, if two princesses are talking and a resistance attacks one but lays ignored than he has make a new post to fit to that, noone wants to do that.
5_ This is semi lit, that means two or more sentences everyone. This is important because if you don't do that the roleplay might die because nothing can happen due to lack of text. An easy way to do this is to include everyone around you and to add details to everything so the reader can get an idea of everything around them and build from it themselves.
7_ When you start try to read everything that has happened. If you can't do so than just read the last two or three pages so you know what's going on and don't start on an awkward note.
8_ When you make your profile or want to reserve a person please pm me any profiles or reserves posted will be deleted and you won't be able to join until you pm me.
9_ Last rule until I add more, Don't post nonrelated things or questions here, this is strictly for the roleplay, if you have something to say or just want to talk go to the OOC thread
Profile Skeleton

Role: (Princess, Prince, King, Queen, or commoner/peasant of Water, Flower, Fire, Wind, Thunder, or Light)
Side: (Princesses will be the royal family and your side may change as you go so just pm me if it does so I can edit your profile.)
Picture: (Anime please)
Direct Family: (This means all that are directly related from the same mom AND dad as it is possible for more than one wife or husband for people.)
Posting Colour: (Try to make this different from any other colours there are more than what the colour square shows so keep your mind open)
Fire Princess - Zetsumei Bara.

List of Characters:
Princess Kaiya Kai - Official Flower Princess
Princess Serenity Light - Official Light Princess
Princess Alexa - Official Thunder Princess
Princess Tobit Starr - Official Wind Princess
Princess Water - Official Water Princess
Orian Zoran - A Suitor of the Flower Princess (Dark Prince)
Hikaru Tikashi - Looking into the princesses (Dark Prince)

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 08-19-2010 at 03:08 AM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 03:14 AM



We are looking for banners now so please try to see if you can get one or two for the roleplay.

NOTE - There can be more than just the dark princes trying to become a suitor of the princesses and also if you want to try for anyone tell me so I can add that.

This roleplay originally made by xserenityxninax, with a few changes to add to it. I can't take full credit because I didn't make the original plot.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 07-12-2010 at 10:30 PM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 01:43 AM


The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 06:01 PM


robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 11:18 PM

(Just a quick question...What do you mean by Reserved? And should I start?)

Orian grinned in anticipation, looking up at the Royal Castle of the Flower Kingdom. Soon, so soon he would rule these people milling about the rest of the street. He looked down at Taj, "What should we do today, my friend?" he hissed, careful to make sure no one was withing hearing distance. Taj looked up at him "Well, considering the last bit of chao's we caused got us kicked out of that theatre....Nothing to drastic, I don't think your parents would be pleased if you did something to call attention to us, this close to the takeover." he hissed back, tightening his body slightly around Orian's arm to show that he was serious.

Last edited by robinhoodfan13; 07-14-2010 at 02:17 PM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 12:49 AM

((Just start those are going to be the black/white list and banners I'm not making an ooc for this one))

Kaiya sat on the rock bench of her garden, the one place she could be alone. Her pets pooled around her feet as she sang quietly. She played a small guitar, the small sweet sound moving the entire room. Although it was underground the garden was by far the most beautiful in every land, but noone but Kaiya would see it. She made sure it was that way carefully, the door was only openned by her and it was in her private chambers where noone would see her retreat. She knew that people knew when she wasn't in her room or out and about she was in the garden, but found comfort that they didn't know where it was. She sighed as she though of the meeting she was to have with the Light Princess. She stopped playing the music when Marigold mewed as if to hear something. She smiled as she pet the small kitten when she heard it, the sound of footsteps in her room. Obviously they were looking for her so they could take her to the Light palace.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 07-13-2010 at 12:05 AM..

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 01:09 AM

( oh k...)

Orian sighed in frustration, This place was so boring some times! "And did you hear? The Princess is going for a visit the Light Kingdom today...Something about a meeting with the Light Princess...." Orian's head snapped up at the words of the passing group. So...She was going to the Light Kingdom today? Well then...Maybe he should follow along...Make sure nothing bad happened to her and her least nothing he didn't want to happen. Who knew? Maybe he could be a hero for the day and save her life...That would certainly put her and the rest of her family in a grateful position to him, and give him access to the castle. After all, what rescuer wouldn't check up on the rescuee? That was just immoral! Orian grinned and headed closer to the castle, wanting to be there when she left.

Last edited by robinhoodfan13; 07-14-2010 at 02:17 PM..

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 05:26 AM

(wow this is better than I did it I would like to join)

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 01:38 AM

Hearing the footsteps leave her room she finally stepped out of her secret garden, her pets following closely. She looked out the window quietly, a faint breeze going into her hair. She noticed a young and handsome man standing at the gates. "Who is that?" She asked herself unsure as to what to think of everything that was happening.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 03:54 PM

Orian grinned up at the castle, noticing the wary way that the castle guards were watching him. As if they knew he meant trouble for them and their peaceful way of life. Taj peeked out from under his jacket, "Is this wise? Letting them see the rescuers face before the rescue?" he hissed at him cautiously. Orian grinned "Not like they could stop me if they tried." he whispered back.

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 08-13-2010, 07:54 PM

Just as she turned around there was a knock on the door. "Your highness we need you for the departure now?" A young soldier said, great they were going to escort her. She stepped out flawlessly, taking the breathe of the three men sent to get her. "Fine but don't get in my way once I'm there." She said quietly but politely. She was taken outside and to her own private couch where she stepped in alone and was taken off. They stopped at the gates as usual to wait for the gates to open.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 08-13-2010, 08:55 PM

Orian smirked as the couch stopped at the gates, He slipped into the shadows so that no one would notice him and looked up as one of his families servants lead his horse towards him. A beautiful black stallion with a temperment that rivaled the devil himself...suprisingly or not he got on really well with Orian. He nodded and took the horse who autimatically blended into the shadows that the early morning sun cast his way from the gatehouse.

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 04:59 PM

((What am I supposed to pull out of that))

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 09:08 PM

( a summary? A servant brought him his horse and they're waiting in the shadows to follow the princesses couch?)

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 08-16-2010, 02:04 AM

Serenity was in her room like always and feeling that she was alone in the world her father was too busy her mother too busy with her father.

The only friend she had is her cat her cat and her have been friends for so long and she loved the cat they play with each other and she doesn't want to lose her friend the cat ever.

One day she thinks about seeing the princess of flowers but she knows she can't her father told her they are in war right now and she needed to be safe and all serenity needs is to have friends right now.

(is this good enough)

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 08-16-2010, 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Serenity was in her room like always and feeling that she was alone in the world her father was too busy her mother too busy with her father.

The only friend she had is her cat her cat and her have been friends for so long and she loved the cat they play with each other and she doesn't want to lose her friend the cat ever.

One day she thinks about seeing the princess of flowers but she knows she can't her father told her they are in war right now and she needed to be safe and all serenity needs is to have friends right now.

(is this good enough)
((NO THAT'S NOT!!!!! You have bad grammar for one add punctuation to those runon sentences and also read the other post the flower princess is going to the light princess so they aren't at war. The light kingdom doesn't get into wars as well read about your kingdom atleast. I said I'm going to your castle at the beginning don't make some stupid plot twist that goes against EVERYTHING that has gone on for the rest of the roleplay idc what you think but you are not the center of attention what everyone else says before you should influence what you say in your post fix it now))

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 08-16-2010, 05:58 AM

(that is all I can think of and she is not in the war I am tell you how about what she is doing right now)


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