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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 08-30-2014, 09:59 PM

In the small town there is a school where vampires and humans go to school together but doesn't know it. Since one of the students went on the side of vampires it as been different for her so now two new girls come in the school and will learn how of this. Zero hates kaname and was upset when he took yuki from him and now he learns to move on and his brother is in the school with him and Zero must learn to love humans and protect them just like he did with Yuki.

Name: Zero kiryu
age: 17
Bio: Zero is part vampire but he goes to the day class and his family were vampire hunters and he as guns that kills vampires and will protect humans. Zero lost Yuki to Kaname and would hurt him but Yuki wants him to move on and Zero will but close up his heart.

Name: Yukiko Tatsumi
Age: 16
Bio: Yukiko father sent her here to go to school since after her mother died Yukiko helped her father a lot. Her father is a hunter Yukiko wanted to help her father but couldn't. Yukiko father sent her to a school to be safe and Yukiko is in the day class and Yukiko meets new people even two brothers and learns something is wrong in this school but doesn't think about it.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 08-30-2014, 10:55 PM

Name: Ichiru Kiryu
Gender: Male
Bio: Ichiru is Zero's younger twin brother. When they were younger, they were both taught by Toga Yagari to become vampire hunters. Ichiru, however did not seem to have the same talent as Zero's natural ability, as he was often ill.

Name: Sara
Gender: Female
Bio: Sara is a full blood vampire but not a pure blood she is a little weak and she can't get just take the tablets. At first the school won't take her but when Kaname took her side they let her in as long as he watched over her. She needs at least one full cup of blood a day or she'll pass out.

Last edited by finx15; 08-30-2014 at 11:03 PM..

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 08-30-2014, 11:11 PM

Zero was in room and sighing and was in pain to much. Zero got up and went into the bathroom to get ready for school and Zero put on his day class school uniform and got his tablets and his guns in his bag. Zero sigh and saw his brother and just walked past him and heard their was a new students in the school and didn't think about much. Zero got to his class and sigh.

Yukiko was in her room she was new to the school the head master know her father was a hunter but Yukiko never let that bother her much. Yukiko got dressed for her first day of school and left her room. yukiko left her room and was walking and then heard about the students in the school were different but she wants to get along with all of them. Yukiko got to her class and she was in the front and sighing she saw two boys that look the same.

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finx15 is offline
Old 08-30-2014, 11:42 PM

((I fixed fruits basket))
Sara watched the day students head to class before she went back to bed having gotten up to get some blood in her system.

Ichiriu watched his brother passed and sighed there wasn't really any love lost for him. he had always been jealous of his older twin but he wished Zero could see his side of things rather then just his own. With a grumble he went to class and sat as far from his brother as he could.

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Old 08-30-2014, 11:53 PM

Yukiko sigh and then saw the two boys not sitting to each other and thought one of them was cute and looked away and listen to the teacher.

Zero saw his sitting away from him and Zero sigh of course and then heard the teacher say there have a new student and didn't care about it until he saw the girl.

The teacher came in and smiled and said "we have a new student please stand up.

Yukiko sigh and stood up and they were watching her and said "My name is Yukiko Tatsumi." Yukiko sat down and hate people looking at her.

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finx15 is offline
Old 08-31-2014, 10:27 PM

Ichiriu watched the new girl for a moment before he turned back to the teacher while she was cute it was obvious that the girl didn't like people to stare. He knew how that felt most of them wondered how he could be Zero's twin and he hated it.

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Old 08-31-2014, 10:49 PM

Yukiko sat back down and yet hated it and then class went on and kinda felt people know who she is. After the class was over Yukiko got up and got her stuff together and was heading for her next class. Yukiko sigh and then was not paying attention and bump into someone.

Zero sigh and looked at the girl and sigh. After class Zero left quickly he had to keep the night school in line. Zero sigh and was walking and had his hands in his pockets and heard about a girl who is weak in the school. Zero was ordered to keep a eye on her. Zero went in the night class dorm and he went to the room of the girl and knocked on the door.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-01-2014, 01:47 AM

Ichiriu blinked then smiled at the new girl. "Forgive my lady I did not see you there. Are you hurt?" he examined her. "I don't see any damage done." he nodded.

Sara heard the knock and opened the door she was already for class her latest meal asleep on the bed. "Can I help you guardian Zero?" she asked glancing up and down the hall relieved when she saw Kaname keeping a close eye on him. "Class will be starting soon." he warned.

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Old 09-01-2014, 01:54 AM

Zero looked at Kaname and said "i was ordered to be here if you don't like it then tell the head master." Zero looked a little mad until some vampire girls said walking through the hall "did you hear a new student in the day class." one girl sigh "yea but I heard she is the daughter of a vampire hunter." Zero over heard the girls and remember the girl from class. Zero looked at the girl and sigh "she should be careful Kaname." Zero looked at her a minute and walked off.

Yukiko got up and looked at him and remembered him before and thought he was cute and tried to forget about that "I am yes sorry about that wait are you Ichiru Kiryu?" Yukiko remember the Kiryu name cause her father used to talk about the family a lot.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-02-2014, 03:17 AM

Bell pouted then hurried to class nearly smacking Zero when she passed him. She tripped half way past him but caught herself. She glanced at him then rushed off before he could make fun of her.

"For once someone gets the right twin the first time." Ichiriu smiled at her. "Yes my dear I am the weak half of our coupling." he chuckled.

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Old 09-02-2014, 03:30 AM

Zero was walking a bit and then he saw the girl running and it was the same girl he went to her room. Zero saw she caught herself and sigh a bit and followed her and said “Miss you should be careful.” Zero walked pasted her and head for the front of the night dorm and was keeping a eye on the day class girls and guys and he is sighing a lot.

Yukiko looked at him and smiled a bit and then put her hand on his cheek and smiled “I think you are handsome you are not weak to me I think you are strong.” Yukiko let go of him and said “please talk to me later.” Yukiko smiled to him and then she walks for library and studies a bit.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-03-2014, 02:45 AM

Ichiriu blushed and looked down a soft smile on his face. "If you knew." he chuckled the girl would hate him if she knew what his real purpose and thoughts where.

Bell smiled softly and snuck past the members of the day class keeping her head down. When a girl cut her finger her eyes widened and she held her breath glancing at Zero and Kaname looking for help.

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Old 09-03-2014, 02:56 AM

Yukiko sigh a bit and was reading the books in the library and sigh and got bored in the library. Yukiko got her stuff together and left the library and went to walk a bit and went past some people and it was the night class she heard about from her father.

Zero looked at her and the other girl and got to Bell and said "come on i will take you to your class." Zero was holding her hand and walked her to her class. Zero sigh and looked around to see if his brother was around. Zero saw the girl from his class and saw her long black hair.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 03:20 AM

Bell clung to him and hurried to the her class she panted eyes flickering red. "Find Kaname tell him I need someone." she turned to him. "I have to or else." she ran a hand over her face.

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Old 09-04-2014, 03:25 AM

Zero looked at her and stopped a bit and looked down at her and sigh and then took her to the woods and opened his jacket a bit and his neck shows "Drink my blood Bell it will help."

Yukiko sigh and walked back to her room and was walking a bit and sigh and then saw some vampires on the campus and Yukiko didn't like and looked scared. The vampire smirked and went to her neck and went to bite her.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 03:50 AM

Bell whimpered and slowly inches closer she opened her mouth pausing an inch from his neck then bite down. She clung to his shirt and drank from him.

Ichiriu came out of no where and killed the vampire and stared at her. "You alright?" he asked and examined her closely for bite marks.

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Old 09-04-2014, 03:57 AM

Zero looked at her and holds a bit and the pain doesn't hurt him he is a vampire himself. Zero holds her and whispers to her "Don't worry i am a vampire just drink okay."

Yukiko saw the vampires were gone and then saw Ichiru and blushed a bit and he was close to her. Yukiko nodded "yes I am alright why are you here?"

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 04:05 AM

Bell clung his shirt harder drinking till finally she pulled away licking his neck clean. "Sorry." she mumbled feeling a whole lot better then before.

"I was just passing by." Ichiriu lied he had been on his way to see Toga and talk to him about what they should be doing next.

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Old 09-04-2014, 04:53 AM

Yukiko looked at him and smiled and bowed to him "thank you for saving me though I better get going I need to see my dad before he lives town." Yukiko ran off to go see her dad.

Zero looked at her and smiled a bit "Don't worry I am okay really just be careful if you need blood come to me okay." Zero looked at her and he didn't want her to get in trouble Kaname would yell at her or worse.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 09:17 PM

Ichiriu watched her go then walked off to see his master and the master mind behind everything bad that was happening around the school lately.

Bell nodded and hugged him. "Thanks." she smiled and hurried to class smiling softly a blush on her face.

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Old 09-04-2014, 09:45 PM

Zero watched her go and head back to his room and got to his room thinks about things. Zero didn't see brother and wonder where he is.

Yukiko went to see her father and knew he was leaving tonight. Yukiko smiled at her father and then her father got a knife for protection and watched her father leaving. Yukiko walked back and was lost in the woods yet again.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 10:13 PM

Bell sat studying the outside world wondering what Zero was up to with a blush she turned to the teacher refusing to think about the hunter turned vampire.

Ichiriu found his brother next "Shouldn't you be protecting the school?" he asked with a smirk. "Shirking your job?"

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Old 09-04-2014, 10:19 PM

Zero looked at him and hit his head and said "was cleaning up and leaving soon but you like that girl from class." Zero crossed his arms "I heard she is the daughter of a vampire hunter."

Yukiko walked a bit and sigh and was looking at the night sky and saw girls trying to see the night class. Yukiko sigh and went to them and told them to go home and then turned around it was Idou. Yukiko heard about him only from her father and he spoke a bit.

Idou looked at her and smirked "oh so it is true the daughter of Hunter X is at this school." Idou looked at her and grabbed her hand.

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finx15 is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 10:32 PM

"Idou." Kaname stepped from the shadows "Inside know." he glanced at the girl "You too." he stared at Idou as he tried to argue seeing the look on his face Idou hurried off. "You'll have to forgive him he forgets his place."

Ichiriu blinked "I don't really care for the girl either way. She's nice but that's it. Stop butting into my life because it's not what you see." he headed off.

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Old 09-04-2014, 10:48 PM

Zero sigh to him and said "she is one of us brother she might be a hunter like her father and maybe she could help me." Zero grabbed his gun and left.

Yukiko saw a man and thought he was beautiful but shock her head and remembered him and said "Wait you are Kaname I heard about you well my father told me." Yukiko bowed to him.


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