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It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-15-2016, 06:24 PM

Welcome to Magicae High (Magicae is Magic in latin). Any time a child is dubbed with the label "special gifted" they are sent to Magicae. This is a coed boarding school for exceptional children who have extraordinary abilities.

-Anyone is allowed to join, just please make a bio (include your characters special gifted ability) and join the fun!
-Be respectful of everyone and please follow the rp guidelines!

...And of course, Welcome to Magicae High!

---------- Post added 05-15-2016 at 02:34 PM ----------

Name: Mavis Argos
Age: 13
Year: 1st year
Physical Description(A photo is acceptable here):Long auburn hair, bright blue eyes, about 5'5 feet tall.
Ability: Photographic Memory (or so it seems)
Disability: (Your character doesn't have to have this but I think its interesting to incorporate one) Selective Mutism
Bio: Mavis is quite young for a 1st year at Magicae, but she certainly has the brains for it. She was born with a Photographic memory. She would probably be in college already now if it weren't due to her only set back, her selective mutism. When she was young she had no problems talking to people, she was very good at holding conversations with adults when she was only five; but then she entered middle school and things changed. Due to her intelligence she was often bullied, mostly by children who were bigger than her and though that since they were older they should be the smarter ones. The teachers supported Mavis's gift, but the students wanted nothing more than for her to fail.

Due to a very humiliating act in the end of her first year of junior high Mavis refused to speak to anyone. The summer of that year a teacher referred Mavis to Magicae High, and her parents thought it was the perfect idea so they shipped her off.

---------- Post added 05-15-2016 at 02:37 PM ----------

Mavis arrived for her first day of classes, her belongings had already been shipped to her dorm room earlier that day. She found herself staring the large, intimidating building in front of her. This was a place filled with children who were much older than her, she would be the youngest student to ever come here. She didn't know how she felt about that, she was hoping that she could find a friend here...

Last edited by MercyGrim96; 05-17-2016 at 12:47 AM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-17-2016, 04:39 PM

Name: Caden; Aria
Age: 15; 15
Year: 1st Year

Ability: Healing Touch; Destructive Touch
Disability: Worries constantly about his sister; Refuses to touch anything without some form of barrier
Bio: Caden and Aria were required to attend Magicae by their Aunt who happened to be a teacher at the school. The reason being was that they were now old enough to attend and she would be able to keep a closer eye on the two of them. It wasn't so much Caden she was worried about it was more so Aria. When the twins were younger Caden had experienced his powers first and his parents sent him to his Aunts for the weekend to learn more about it. That same weekend was when Aria first experienced hers as well, long story short the house was engulfed in flames and when her parents tried to help her they also died. Later that day their Aunt took full custody of them and Caden refused to ever leave his sisters side. From there on in Aria has essential been living in a bubble with only her brother by her side. Both the twins are really out going however Caden has grown very protective of his sister and wary of every situation. While Aria has continued to be very happy as she has learned to live with the way she has to live her life.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________

Aria was currently dressed in a fashion that her face was the only non-protected part of her body, her brother also dressed in a similar fashion as he thought it helped his sister feel less of an outcast. Caden was extremely nervous, when they arrived he had found out that he would not be staying in the same room as his sister but instead she would be with another girl due to the fact that the dorms were not co-ed. Considering he had not left her side in several years he was afraid of what might happen, his Aunt had tried to calm him down but the fear was still there. Aria on the other hand was excited, she didn't have to stay with her brother twenty-four seven anymore and she felt confident enough to do things more on her own.

After being dropped off by their Aunt earlier that day Caden and Aria were now exploring the grounds. They had both already visited their dorms and had unpacked most of their things. Now they were standing in front of a rather large building where many of the other students were arriving. Aria was looking around excitedly at everyone and everything where Caden watched Aria to make sure nothing bad was going to happen.

"Caden look, there are so many people and so many friends to make I think I might...","No just stay by me it will be safer" Caden inturupted. Aria turned the other way saying "But I'm fine, I've learned, can't you just trust me". Caden sighed saying "Just stay by me its our first day we don't really know our way around here and I don't want to lose you." Aria huffed a little before returned to looking at everyone passing by and arriving before saying "I want to make friends, and you can't watch over me forever". Caden paused before saying "We can walk around more, but your not leaving my side until its time to go to the dorms." Aria rolled her eyes saying "Yes, brother".

The twins began walking around again, Caden slightly in front of Aria just in case. Aria had grown used to this, at first it was comforting, as she was afraid something might happen but now it was just another thing that was apart of her life. As they walked they slowly began to make their way to the front doors.

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-17-2016, 08:46 PM

As Mavis made her way to the the front doors of the school building she saw two students walking in unison ahead of her, they appeared to be twins by their almost identical looks, and they were very pretty with their white-blond hair. Sometimes Mavis wished she had brighter coloured hair instead of her long, frizzy monstrosity. She heard the first warning bell go off so she shook her head of her current thoughts and hurried inside of the building.

Once she was inside she looked down at the piece of paper that had her schedule on it and then frantically looked around her. There were so many people, and she had no idea where she was going! She wished so badly that she could ask someone where to go, but she knew that if she tried to speak nothing would come out. She had tried countless times, but nothing, not even a syllable.

She hung her head down low and stared at the paper in front of her face, this building was so big and she hadn't had the chance to look at the floor plan the day before. If she had just looked at it she could have had the entire building memorized. That was her gift, and curse, the doctors called it Photographic Memory, but Mavis thought it was more than that. When she could still talk she explained that it felt weird when she memorized something, it was more than just looking at it and reciting it whenever she needed to by memory; it was much more than that, and it made her feel even more like a freak.

She leaned back against the wall and slid to the ground, this really sucked, she finally came to a school for gifted people but she couldn't even get to her first class.

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-17-2016, 10:27 PM

Hearing the bell Caden looked back at Aria, "Time to get to class, don't need Aunty to get upset", looking sad Aria shrugged saying "We got here early and I didn't make a single friend Caden.", Caden rolled his eyes "Let's go", they made their way into the building after looking at their class slips, Caden had made sure to be in all the same classes as Aria even if they weren't exactly the ones he wanted to take. They also had the advantage of visiting the school so they knew their way around a little.

Once inside the school Caden began making his way towards their first class, he could feel Aria just behind him and was glad that she wasn't drifting off. The halls were busy and full of other students he didn't know where they were all going but he had his own mission. Half way to the class Aria say a younger girl lean against the wall and slid down, she paused a little as Caden continued to walk on. She thought it odd for someone to just stop on the way to class.

Aria slowly made her way over to the girl and sat down beside her beside her making sure to leave a little distance between them. The girl appeared to be younger than her so Aria assumed that it was her first day as well, "Are you afraid of your first day too?" she paused before saying "My name is Aria its my first day here, nice to meet you.". At that moment Aria saw the sheet of paper which she assumed was a class list and got really excited "Is that your class schedule! Maybe we have some classes together! Wouldn't that be great!" she began to reach for the sheet of paper.

Caden had continued to walk and when he got to the classroom he started to turn around "Now when we get in here I want you to sit closer to a wall and I will sit beside you, just to be... Aria? Aria!". He looked up and down the hall, how could he lose her. By now the hall was beginning to empty out and he could catch glimpses of Aria sitting on the ground next to another girl. He began walking towards them when he noticed Aria's hand beginning to move then he began to sprint. He stopped in front of the girls and grabbed Aria's hand saying "Aria are you crazy!"

Aria looked up at her brother when he grabbed her hand then bit her lip saying "I am not, I just wanted to help her and see if we had any classes together. I was being really careful Caden". Caden looked between Aria and the other girl before reaching for the sheet of paper and letting go of his sisters hand "May I please look at it". He took the paper carefully before reading it quickly. He looked at the girl again saying "We have first class together, if you want to follow us we should probably get there soon class is about to start.", with that he pulled his sister up before beginning to walk to the class room. Aria paused for a moment before saying "This is great! Sorry about my brother through he is a little over protective at times." she then turned to follow her brother saying "Come on".

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-18-2016, 12:35 AM

Mavis was so happy that this nice girl, Aria, happened to notice her suffering on the ground. She was super nice, and very talkative, her brother on the other hand seemed quite agitated that his sister had help her. She guessed that the boy had his reasons though. She really wished that she could say 'thank you' to them, but it was impossible.

As she followed them down the hallway to the classroom, the homeroom, and entered, she was immediately overwhelmed but the full room of students. They were scattered everywhere, some of them in small groups and others already sitting alone, they had claimed their desks. The brother and sister who had so kindly helped her took their seats, and she slipped into one right behind them. She pulled out her notebook and her pen and quickly scrawled a 'thank you for helping me'. She tapped the shoulder of the girl and showed the page to her.

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-18-2016, 01:37 AM

Aria was seated by the window just as her brother requested and he sat on the outside of her. Both of them had their pens and notebooks out ready for the class to begin. Caden was focused on what was going on in front of him as class was ready to begin. Aria on the other hand stared out the window while she waited for the class to begin.

Aria felt the tapping on her shoulder and immediately stiffened, she knew that she was coveredbut it was not something she was used to. Turning her head a little she saw the note and smiled before taking out her class schedule saying "Here check if we have anymore classes together and maybe we can walk together to them." and handed her the sheet of paper.

Caden saw the movement out the corner of his eye and slightly elbowed Aria saying "Class is starting". Aria smiled at the girl and said "Put stars beside your classes and give it back to me at the end of class". Turning back around Aria and Caden listened to what was going on.

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-20-2016, 01:44 AM

Mavis was grateful when the girl, Aria was it; gave her the piece of paper with a smile. Also the fact that she didn't even question how strange it was that Mavis had communicated with her via a notebook, most people thought that was strange. Maybe this school was the right place for her?

She looked at Aria's paper and was very pleased to see that they shared quite a few classes together, including the next one. She marks them all with stars using her orange pen, and then decidedly rips out a piece of notebook paper and writes her name along with a greeting and another thanks. She quickly passed it back to Aria and then pays attention to the teacher.

The teacher started with introductions, unfortunately that involved having each student say their name and something about themselves. She was one of the last people who had to go so when it finally came to her, all eyes on her, she froze in her seat and looked down at her desk... What was she going to do?

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-21-2016, 05:37 PM

Being given the sheet of paper Aria smiled seeing that they shared a few classes, she also noticed that she had written her name on a sheet of paper, Mavis, that's a unique name. She tucked the paper into her pocket when the other students started introducing themselves. When it was her turn Aria stood up smiled and said her name as well as that she really enjoyed listening to music before sitting down. Caden on the other hand proceeded to stand up introduce himself and state he like reading before also sitting down.

They listened to the other students and turned around to face the students who were behind them. When they reached Mavis, Aria watched as it appear Mavis froze looking down at her desk. This slightly confused her but soon came to the assumption that Mavis was just shy. Caden watched the girl waiting, he didn't really understand why she wasn't just introducing herself like everyone else had.

Aria slowly stood up again saying "This is Mavis, she is a bit shy, I don't blame her, its our first day at a new school." then sat down again. Caden was looking at her weirdly, he knew that the two of them hadn't really talked but how did Aria know the girls name. Seeing as the teacher let it pass he turned around again to once again pay attention.

Aria took a piece of paper out of her notebook and wrote a note on it saying I hope what I did was alright, it just looked like you were afraid. I know what that feeling is like and I just wanted to help. Aria then passed the note back setting it on Mavis desk before facing forward just like her brother.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 05-21-2016, 08:53 PM

Name: Amanda Silvern
Age: 13
Year: 1st Year

Physical description: Amanda is a youthful teenager with blonde hair, ruby red eyes, and pale light peach skin. She sometimes wears contacts to change the color of her eyes. She is about four feet ten inches tall with a slender body and subtle curves. Her hairstyle varies with the weather; sometimes it will be curlier and frizzier, whereas sometimes it will be straight.
Ability: Amanda can use magic, morph into a bat, raven, or mist, and has the ability to see in the dark, which is certainly helpful for late night studies and going on adventures around the campus when it's pitch black out.
Disability: Chlorine irritates Amanda's skin. She is also somewhat sensitive to sunlight so prefers to stay in the shade if possible or wear lots of sunscreen and sun protective clothing.
Bio: Amanda is a friendly first-year student at Magicae High who is smart for her age. Her ancestors include both vampires and witches. She has a gentle and sensitive soul. She is charismatic, smiles and laughs a lot, and makes friends easily, but also has an introverted side to her.

MeIshCutie is offline
Old 05-23-2016, 09:35 AM

Name: Rachel
Age: 15
Year: 1st year
Appearance: Medium length dark brown layered hair with bangs, 5 feet in height, chubby, dark brown eyes.
Ability: Changes form into a wolf.
Disability: Needs to carry or stash extra clothes in a secure location to change into.
Bio: Rachel was around the age of 13 when she first discovered that she can transform into a wolf. It was when her mother and Rachel were fighting over curfews and broken rules which her mother had laid out of her. It was also the time when Rachel had enough of the rules and wanted to break free from suffocation. She was so enraged with her anger that when she scream it gradually turned into a deep loud howl and started to transform in front of her mother. Although, her mother was stunned she tried to calm Rachel down to transform Rachel back into human. As soon as Rachel calmed down and loud howling stopped, her mother reached for a blanket to cover Rachel's body.

Her mother then explained to Rachel that she is half wolf which she inherited from her father who had already passed away. Rachel then realized why there was so many rules prohibiting her from doing anything that may increase her adrenaline. Her mother could see the worry in the eyes of Rachel and comforted her by saying "just bear with rules for 2 more years, then I can send you to Magicae High where they can fully help you control and teach you more about your ability. I'm sorry I had kept this deep secret you, your father had told me that you won't have the ability to change until you're 15."

It was the first day of school and Rachel is incredibly late. She was used to her mother waking her up in the morning to get ready for school. It struck her that she is now free and can be truly be herself without being self conscious and suppressing the eagerness to change into a wolf. Rachel looked at her watch and saw that she is already 15 minutes late. She hurriedly brushed her teeth and changed into her uniform. 10 minutes later, Rachel dashed (with caution) out of her room to her class in building B. As soon as Rachel reached the classroom, she stopped right in front of the door to calm herself down and fix herself a bit to look at the least presentable on the first day. Then Rachel knocked on the door...

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-23-2016, 03:16 PM

Mavis was so grateful when Aria introduced her for her, she forgot to inform the teacher that she was mute. She smiled a thank you smile at Aria when the girl turned around and left a small note on her desk. She picked it up and the note read:

I hope what I did was alright, it just looked like you were afraid. I know what that feeling is like and I just wanted to help.

It was in nice and neat handwriting, which made Mavis feel a bit embarrassed about her own handwriting; it was just a glob of messy scribbles on a paper. She wrote back to Aria in the nicest handwriting she could:

Thank you so much for doing that, I would have never been able to speak because I can't, I'm Mute so we would have been sitting here forever and nothing would have come out. I really appreciate what you did!

She quietly and discretely slipped the note back onto Aria's desk.

MeIshCutie is offline
Old 05-23-2016, 11:10 PM

After a minute or two, a teacher opened the door and welcomed Rachel in. She quietly thanked the teacher and looked around the room. She could see everyone is settled in and all eyes were on her. She suddenly felt embarrassed for showing up late. "Hi my name is Rachel, sorry for being late, I'll do better next time and I hope to get along with you all", she said to the whole class.

Rachel noticed an empty seat at the back of the room right beside a seemingly younger student with a long auburn hair who looked pretty shy and friendly. Rachel then decided to sit right by her. As she sat, she looked at her side and smiled at the girl.

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-23-2016, 11:46 PM

Mavis looked at the new girl, Rachel, as she decided to sit next to her. The girl gave Mavis a smile and Mavis returned it with a ghost of a smile and then quickly averted her eyes, in favour of looking at the teacher and the whiteboard as the teacher began explaining class procedures.

After a few minutes she took out a notebook and started doodling, looking at the board was starting to give her a headache; too much information overload. She had a photographic memory, but there was just something about it that made it different from the textbook definition. One of the symptoms of her ability was that sometimes too much information at once is a sensory overload that causes her to get severe headaches, to alleviate this problem she has to focus all of her attention on drawing or so other simple task that isn't as taxing. It's not like she won't remember everything the teacher says, for some reason her photographic memory expanded to hearing as well, she could recall conversations whenever she wanted to. Anything she heard or saw. These were the intriguing things about her ability, the things that no one seemed to believe.

She kept on doodling as she waited to see if Aria would respond to her note.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 05-25-2016, 02:56 AM

Amanda was sitting near the middle of the classroom and looked up from her notebook as another new student entered the classroom. She introduced herself as Rachel. Amanda smiled at Rachel as the new student made her way to the back of the room, where there was an empty seat. Amanda had gotten to the classroom just a tiny bit early on this first day of classes but she hadn't really spoken to anyone yet. While normally an enthusiastic, cheerful girl back at home, she found herself quite shy in the midst of all the new people she had never met before. This was her first time living away from her hometown at a boarding school, and she had had to leave her family and friends behind to do so. She secretly watched the people around her as she scribbled notes in her book.

MeIshCutie is offline
Old 05-25-2016, 06:36 AM

As the teacher was lecturing and writing on the board. Rachel was following through the lesson until her mind got distracted by her thoughts. "Hmm, I wonder if there's someone else like me in this school. Am i the only one? I don't think mother mentioned any wolf relatives. Will I ever make new friends? Will someone like a wolf like me?" As soon as Rachel realized that she can't answer her own questions. She immediately transitioned herself again on the lecture.

Little by little, Rachel got bored on the lesson. As she was looking around the class to try remember the faces of her classmates, she got curious. "If all the students here are special, I wonder what their abilities are and will we maybe all get along?" she thought. As she looked around the room some more, Rachel noticed a paper fell from a desk in the middle of the class. It looked like it fell as she turned the page over. Rachel first observed if someone else notices it but no one around the blond haired student bothered to tap her. Since Rachel saw the paper fell, she has the urge to notify the person but she has no idea how. She pondered for some time then finally she decided to tap the person in front of her and said "hey, can you do me a favor and maybe pass along a message that the girl sitting in the middle with blond hair dropped her paper? It may be important to her, thank you."

Rachel watched as the message was passed along and thankfully the teacher hadn't notice anything weird going on.

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-25-2016, 08:49 PM

Aria saw the sheet of paper slip onto her desk and opened it on her notebook, she read through the note and had to re-read it. It was surprising that Mavis was mute, she had never met anyone mute…well Aria hadn’t really met anyone to begin with. Aria took note that there was a difference in the writing style from Mavis’ first note and this one and smiled. Writing back Aria wrote It isn’t a problem at all, I didn’t know you are mute, but I am really glad that I could help you. I saw that we have class together after this would you like to walk together? the folded it up and passed it back on the Mavis desk.

Caden looked over at Aria and frowned a little before whispering “Aria, the teacher is lecturing now, please focus” Aria looked over at her brother and then turned to the board and began taking notes.

When the new girl walked in Aria and Caden looked up, and listened as she introduced herself as Rachel and a little about why she was late. Caden went back to watching the board and Aria watched a little as the girl went to go sit behind Mavis. Aria just turned back to the teacher and wrote down notes as she waited to Mavis’ response.

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 05-26-2016, 01:36 AM

Mavis finally got the note back and read it:

It isn’t a problem at all, I didn’t know you are mute, but I am really glad that I could help you. I saw that we have class together after this would you like to walk together?

She smiled and responded with:

That would be great, thank you so much. Honestly you're the most understanding person that I've ever met, most people think that I'm weird for being mute and then they ask me why. I hate it when they ask that, so thank you for not doing that.

She folded the note and slipped it back onto Aria's desk, and then went back to her doodles. She was so glad to have found someone here who was so nice and understanding. As she doodled her mind began to wander and she started to think of what Aria's 'gift' might be. It could be anything, but Mavis wanted to believe that was something that made her a nice person.

MeIshCutie is offline
Old 06-03-2016, 08:05 AM

*Bell rang*

Rachel slightly jumped on her chair when she heard the bell rang because she was dozing off a little. Then, Rachel watched as students were leaving one by one. She looked at her schedule and see that it's her free period. "Oh, I don't have anything scheduled for the next hour". She also left the classroom and just wandered the halls thinking where to go because she haven't really explored the campus yet. Just before stepping out of the building to the hangout areas where there are benches, tables, trees, grass, etc. She was astonished at what she saw, there are students flying with their brooms, levitating, teleporting, mind reading, and all kinds of powers that can't be shown to the open world. She looked around to see if there are also wolves or at least those who might give off a scent or sign that they are. But she wasn't able to find any. "Maybe I'll meet one in any of my classes soon :)" she cheered herself. So, Rachel looked around for a spot that she can hang out alone then decided to sit by a tree where there's a shade. "Ooohhh, I wish I'll gain new friends soon."

Shania583 is offline
Old 06-16-2016, 03:32 PM

Aria smiled at the note before putting it in her notebook for later. When the bell rang she stood up, packing her bag and turned around to Mavis and smiled saying "Come on, next class is on the second floor." Caden had packed up his bag and stood waiting for Aria by the door, he noticed that Aria was waiting for the girl they had walked here with. He just assumed that they had the same class again. He sighed a little, Aria was making his life more difficult than necessary. He walked back over to Aria and Mavis saying "Come one Aria, thee halls do fill up sill." He then turned and walked out the door and towards the stair case.

Aria smiled at her brother then back at Mavis saying "Don't worry about him he is just being protective, that is what he as good at anyways." She then turned and moved to follow her brother.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 06-19-2016, 06:11 PM

The class went by so quickly that the bell rang before Amanda even realized it was time for the next class. She looked at her schedule and saw that she had a free period and wondered what she should do with her time. In her middle school, she had never had a free period before. They always had class back to back. And now, she suddenly had a whole block of time during which she could do whatever she wanted! She started to pack up her books while other students were already leaving the classroom.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 06-28-2016, 03:48 AM

Name: Christie Kay "CK" Wilkins
Age: 16
Year: 2nd year

She's short and boyish with tawny hair, layered, going down just past the shoulders. Eyes are dark brown and clothing tomboyish.
Ability: communicate with animals. They can even lend her limited power (ie: a bird's sense of direction or the fierceness of a wolf) or she can 'borrow' their senses like a fly on the wall.
Disability: animal language is confusing and she has to go looking rather than just hearing voices or an animal starting the conversation. It's difficult to borrow power and it's very limited. Passively jumping into an animal is easier. Much of it is limited by getting permission and being near or good friends with the animal
Bio: Her mom cheated on her dad a lot and she knew about it long before he did. She used to keep it to herself, but now her mom is out of her life. She's never approved of any of her dad's girlfriends since then either. Though they're close, boarding school was such a relief to both of them. She has had her power since childhood, but it's gotten stronger as she aged. At first, she could just communicate with a childhood pet or shift to an animal for half a second. Most people considered it a child's creativity, but it became obvious eventually that she was different, not that she told anyone but her dad.


CK kicked back from the wall she's been leaning again, popping a bubble of gum just as the bell rung. She'd been late, without a lick of care. Her schedule was stuffed in a jacket pocket and her backpack hung sideways off one shoulder. It was the first day of school and she'd already skipped a class. 'talk to you later dude,' she projected. A second later, a beetle flew off from her shoulder, leaving some other poor girl who'd just stepped into the hall screaming as a half image-scent thing, half beetle speech flashed in her mind. Years of experience told her it meant agreement. Bug types seriously didn't communicate anything like humans.

After letting the crowd of students exit the room left, she entered for her second period. She was used to the school and the easy grin on her face showed it. Everyone else better watch out for her, because CK Wilkins did not back down from any challenge, magic or otherwise. Boys feared her, girls didn't like her, which was fine because she didn't like them back, and the teachers didn't know what the hell to do with her. Besides magic, she didn't give a fuck about anything, but she get away with it because she excelled. Sitting in the back corner of the room, she propped her feet up on the desk in front of her and closed her eyes to wait. School seriously sucked.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 06-28-2016 at 03:53 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
SilverKnightHawk is offline
Old 07-16-2016, 07:59 PM

Name: Dylan Crocaro
Age: 17
Year: 2nd
Physical Description: Standing at an intimidating six foot five, Dylan is more of a monster than of a person. Much of her body is covered in scales, and her teeth resemble those of a crocodile more than a human. Her eyes are yellow-orange slits, and she speaks with a rasping croon. Due to her repitilian appearance and masculine name, she is often mistaken for a boy.
Ability: Superhuman strength, ability to breath underwater
Disability: Difficulty eating cooked foods, obvious inability to blend into regular society, eyes are sensitive to light. Cold-blooded tendencies, if she stops moving, she has trouble keeping her blood temperature up.
Bio: Dylan is a full-time resident of Magicae High, and has been since her ability first manifested at puberty. She's been working with the school's councilor to hopefully unlock the ability to transform back into a more human form, but after years of practice she has only managed to suppress the primal urges to hunt and kill. She's been taking private lessons, but this is the first year she's felt confident enough to join the main class. The last time she let her instincts overwhelm her she lost someone very close to her, and that loss weighs heavily on her mind at all times.

She might have a fearsome appearance, but she can be incredibly shy and she's very aware of her overwhelming strength, doing her best to keep herself under control. Contrary to her usual shyness, she's also incredibly inquisitive, wanting to know everything about everyone else. She's envious of what she views as others 'perfect lives' and craves normality.


Dylan watched the girl enter the class, perfect picture of a delinquent, and settle into the chair just a few feet away from her. She seemed...interesting, and Dylan was sure that there was some sort of story to be found there. Considering the girl's cocky attitude and the confident grin plastered on her face, Dylan was pretty sure the girl would be able to...if not be a friend, then at least someone that she could interact with on some sort of normal level. Well...nothing to lose if I fail I guess, Dylan thought to herself before reaching over and tapping the edge of the desk, passing over a note she had just written.

"Name's Dylan. How long you been going here?" It was simple, and she hoped it wouldn't do anything to alienate the other girl.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 07-22-2016, 02:42 AM

CK vaguely noticed the sound of another person entering the room, but she was busy searching for another animal nearby to pass the time with. Her beetle friend didn't seem within her range and they weren't really friends anyway. Not enough to just start a connection over long distance. She figured if she practiced hard enough, she might one day bypass that little limit on her power. It was only when a tap sounded from the corner of her desk that she opened her eyes again.

"What?" she grunted loud enough for only the person next to her to hear before she actually landed her eyes on them. Well, that was interesting. Her gum bubble popped, accenting the silence. The other person, she really wasn't sure he or she and didn't care, looked impressive. A faint hint of distaste passed over CK's face, but she disliked everyone on principle. If she had to give this person an honest opinion, she fount the scales entirely too flashy and bothersome, but she liked that. If she hated people that stood out, she would have to hate herself.

"Yo. This is my second year. You?"
she asked, totally disregarding the subtlety of the note as she sat sideways in her desk chair.


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