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Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:14 AM

Welcome to Beyond the Rabbit Hole 2.0!! So it finally happened... We've grown too big for our old thread!! It's a good thing we didn't try and get to our page 2000 goal (some of you'll remember) and so here is a fresh brand spankin new one! Try to keep it shiny and nice please! Our charity has been here a long time (Over 3 years!) and seen 3 different owners too! In this place, expect simplicity and sillyness. All kinds are welcome! Except droids... We don't serve their kind... >.> Come in, chat, have a spot of tea, enjoy yourself and create good times with good friends! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

All of a sudden I feel all nostalgic and sad. This thread has changed so much from when I knew it and I've changed so much since I became a part of it. I love what it is now but I kind of miss how it used to be and the people who used to visit. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten quite a few of the people who I used to call friends here that have moved on to different things. I miss all the things it reminds me of like when I was a wee little newcomer with nary a CI to my name and I had to rely on the charity of others! The good ol days! Ok... Someone stop my before I get carried away... Suffice to say, here's to the good ol times and here's to the fun yet to be had!


  • Be kind to your fellow Menewshans!
  • Follow Menewsha's TOS
  • You must have at least 10 posts in this thread before applying for a donation
  • Chat to Your Hearts Content
  • And Have Fun!

Table of Contents: Introduction & Rules | Charity Mule, Host & Founders | Charity Utilities | Games & Prizes | Other Stuff | Link to Us

Last edited by Calcifer; 03-31-2015 at 08:18 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:15 AM

Charity Mule
Introducing Mr. Stravaganza:
Meet ME! Mr. Stravaganza! I will be your entertainment for tonight and also the mule for this charity! If you need anything answered in regards to this thread just ask me!

Host Introduction
Introducing Car'a'Carn:
Hi, I'm Car'a'Carn! But you can call me Carn, Car, Carnie, Carl, or anything else new or creative you might think of! I like to read books and Manga too. I like watching movies but usually only with other people. I'm on my computer WAY more than I watch TV. I love to play games on my PC too! And of course I love the outdoors. Also, Alaunt is crazy :roll: Long walks on the beach are totally fun! though I've yet to have one... >.> Anymore questions just ask! :)(update: I still like this intro but you can tell how old it is cause I used the old Emote tags! Also, Something I just realized... I've been around this charity since page 50 of the original thread... )

Founder Introduction
Introducing Our Founders: LoveRoyally & Alaunt

I'll tell you a little story, as best I know it! Some time ago, two girls decided that they wanted to give back to their menewshan community. So together they created a place called BEYOND THE RABBIT HOLE.

In this place, wonderful games and contests took place! All thanks to Love Royally and Alaunt! (I bet Alaunt comes back someday, reads this and goes "WTF?? o.O??" )
While I have no introduction from Love Royally, I do have Alaunt's! Here it is!
Hello I'm Alaunt! People like to call me Alaunt, Ala, Alla, . . . stuff like that. I like books, movies, music, hiking, rafting, and long walks on the beach (not really). Oh and wolves; they're my favorite. Nari-Kai actually introduced me to Mene :heart:. For more questions just ask. :]

And a view of LoveRoyally & Alaunt!
So now you've met everyone!

Table of Contents: Introduction & Rules | Charity Mule, Host & Founders | Charity Utilities | Games & Prizes | Other Stuff | Link to Us

Last edited by Calcifer; 09-15-2013 at 05:37 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:15 AM

Charity Utilities

Ping List
Want to be on my ping list? Just post this form and I'll be sure to add you! I only ping people for important Charity announcements like Event Threads and what not. In other words, if you are on my ping list, I'm not going to be pinging you ever day. Maybe once every couple of months if that!
SO! If you DO want to be on the ping list simply use this form
[SIZE="5"]@Mr. Stravaganza ;

Don't have a scrap of clothing to your name? Don't have enough gold for that special Item you've been dreaming about? Apply for a donation today! Here's how!
  1. Read the RULES section carefully.
  2. Post the application bellow in thread.
  3. Receive Gold!

@ Mr. Stravaganza ; {Delete Spaces After the "@" & before the ";"}
[COLOR="#878ED4"][SIZE="5"][b]Can you spare a dime?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[b]Item Questing:[/b]
Easy as Pie, so Apply Today!

Table of Contents: Introduction & Rules | Charity Mule, Host & Founders | Charity Utilities | Games & Prizes | Other Stuff | Link to Us

Last edited by Calcifer; 09-15-2013 at 09:09 AM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:15 AM

Games & Prizes

Page Prizes
Every 10 pages I will give out 150g to the first poster on that page. If Car'a'Carn or myself land on that page prize post, then the prize will be given to the next poster on that page. Also, if I can remember, I'll try and give out some goldies every page but I make no promises!

Page Prize Post List & Past WinnersX

10 Page Prize List & Past Wnners:
Page 1: Zigbigadorlube
Page 2: Vanora
Page 3: Zigbigadorlube
Page 4: Vanora
Page 5: Vanora
Page 6: Zigbigadorlube
Page 7: Vanora
Page 8: Linnea
Page 9: Zigbigadorlube
Page 10: desiertdessert
Page 20: Zigbigadorlube
Page 30: Zigbigadorlube
Page 40: hummy
Page 50: star2000shadow
Page 60:
Page 70:
Page 80:
Page 90:
Page 100:

As you may already know, there are five "ships" which must be "sunk". Now, instead of using ships, I'm going to do a hide and seek version using various themes, of which are listed below.

Theme to be determined
You must find:
1/2 Point: Empty Square
1 Point: (5 Hits)
2 Point: (4 Hits)
3 Point: (3 Hits)
4 Point: (3 Hits)
5 Point: (2 Hits)
We'll be playing in rounds where a round consists of one completion of the game board. The winner of the round will be the person with the highest score of the round and they will receive an item of value up to 500g or multiple items valued to approximately the same. And the next three runner ups will also receive prizes as well.

Forms to submit guesses:
[size=3][B]MY BATTLESHIP GUESS IS!: [/B][/size][Insert Guess Here]




Previous WinnersX


Occasionally we will be holding raffles to auction off CIs!! To enter in the Raffle you'll need to purchase a ticket. Each ticket costs 50g. The more tickets you buy the higher the probability that you'll be picked! I love math! Just send your gold to Mr. Stravaganza! Please be sure to note what the gold is for so i know you're entering in the Raffle! Otherwise I'll just think you're donating to the Charity ;) Each raffle will have a specified time frame and you will be able to purchase tickets from 12AM of the first day to 12AM of the last day (according to my time, PST. Here's a link to check what time it is in my state)



Past Winners:____

Last updated 1/30/13, 7:15PM

Table of Contents: Introduction & Rules | Charity Mule, Host & Founders | Charity Utilities | Games & Prizes | Other Stuff | Link to Us

Last edited by Calcifer; 11-19-2013 at 09:00 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:16 AM


Donations & Contrbutions
I am always grateful to those who donate to our Charity here. We do our best to honor people who have given to us (though I admit I have missed writing down a few names along the way >.>...) At any rate, If you should want to donate to us here at Beyond the Rabbit Hole, your name will receive a special spot here in the list of Donors and Contributors!

Item Donors____
Someone gave me Raven ankle wings a while back and I can't remember who >.<
Gold Donors____

Weekly Inspiration:

A weekly inspirational message updated every sunday (aka almost never... ) Want to Submit One? If so, PM me the Pic. Image can be of Inspirational Messages, Funny Pictures, & More. Please send some feedback on how these weekly pics affected you. Whether it is lifting your spirits or changing your life! I will post the feedback here!
(Last Changed on 10/10/12)

Roleplaying Offers:

So, an idea was thought up to support the Charity in another way. You know how you all start RPing with someone and that other person has the first post, thus acquiring .10 gold for each post you make? Well, so that it is all fair we're offering to use the charity mule as the thread opener. Thus, each .10 gold that is made from each post, will go towards the charity and thus all is fair between the RPers.

There are a few rules though. Because this is to support the charity, we must know that you won't leave the thread alone for more than three months. If there is not post within three months, we will PM the RPers and ask if there is a reason for inactivity. If there is no response from either RPer, within a week, or you're just not interested in the RP anymore, we will ask that it be locked.
Links to Roleplays:
Clair Voyant & Alaunt

Car'a'Carn & Zigbigadorlube

Table of Contents: Introduction & Rules | Charity Mule, Host & Founders | Charity Utilities | Games & Prizes | Other Stuff | Link to Us

Last edited by Calcifer; 01-13-2014 at 05:26 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:16 AM

Links To Us

Would you like to submit a Graphic for a Sig Link? Contact Mr. Stravaganza and let him know! It Will Be Greatly Appreciated|!


Links To You

Table of Contents: Introduction & Rules | Charity Mule, Host & Founders | Charity Utilities | Games & Prizes | Other Stuff | Link to Us

Last edited by Calcifer; 09-15-2013 at 05:38 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:17 AM

Dice Tests. Nothing to see here. MOVE ALONG *whispers* I'm watching you!

Page Prize Madness!
Here is how I will hand out the prizes. I will roll a 25 sided dice 4 times for each page and the person with the corresponding post will win that prize! If the dice should land on either myself or Car'a'Carn, Then I will roll again in a new post!

Let's Roll Those Dice!!

Page 32!
First! The 25-sided dice lands on 14
Second! The 25-sided dice lands on 21
Third! The 25-sided dice lands on 20
Fourth! The 25-sided dice lands on 13

Page 33!
First! The 25-sided dice lands on 15
Second! The 25-sided dice lands on 16
Third! The 25-sided dice lands on 8
Fourth! The 25-sided dice lands on 9

Page 34!
First! The 25-sided dice lands on 2
Second! The 25-sided dice lands on 17
Third! The 25-sided dice lands on 9
Fourth! The 25-sided dice lands on 10

Page 35!
First! The 25-sided dice lands on 22
Second! The 25-sided dice lands on 14
Third! The 25-sided dice lands on 17
Fourth! The 25-sided dice lands on 11

Page 36!
First! The 25-sided dice lands on 12
Second! The 25-sided dice lands on 4
Third! The 25-sided dice lands on 6
Fourth! The 25-sided dice lands on 20

Last edited by Calcifer; 01-04-2014 at 07:27 PM..

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:17 AM


Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 04:17 AM



Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 05:02 PM

*Gives the thread a house warming present*

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 05:33 PM

Thanks Zig! I suppose I should open this now that I've got people comin in!

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:01 PM

/Rolls around the brand new thread while covered in mud/
Yay new thread!

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:08 PM

AHHHH!!! MUDDD!!!!!! What happened to keeping the new thread shinny and NEW?!?


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:12 PM

*Mops up the grime*

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:18 PM

Thank you Zig! At least SOMEONE wants to keep it clean... *Glares at Vanora *

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:19 PM

/Helps zig mop up /


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:27 PM

*Puts up streamers and throws around confetti*

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:42 PM

See?? Confetti and streamers are so much better than mud!!

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:42 PM

We must have hundreds of balloons!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:42 PM

I don't wanna go work! Somebody do my work for me!!

---------- Post added 09-15-2013 at 11:42 AM ----------

Ooo! AND BALLOONS!!! Great Idea!

Fire Demon
Calcifer is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:47 PM

... I brought Balloons... >.>

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:51 PM

It's not a party without'em!


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:53 PM

Can you make us some balloon animals?

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 06:55 PM

Balloon animals!
I want a Yoshi!!


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 07:00 PM

A yoshi? I can't imagine how much work it would take to make him. ^^;


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