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Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-10-2015, 01:53 AM

Name: Steve Rogers
Superhero Name: Captian America
Powers: Crazy super strngth.
Bio: After saving the earth...many times,Steve is taking some time to train new Avengers ,while finding his place in the world

Name: Kikimo Redfield
Supername: Yet to be named
Powers: Telepathic ,and can "see things",when she touches someone,even things burried in thier deepest memories
Bio: Klaire, use to be part of the traveling Carnival that Clint was apart of,she had grown found of him, and had nursed him back to health when he had been left for dead. But one night when she was out tending to some of the animals,the Swordsman had returned ,to finish Hawkeye off, but finding Kikimo first,and knowing of her, gift gave her a ,small,bash to the head and took her with him. Aginst her will she was foursed to be bad,and fell deep into the grips of the underworld.Though often thinks of Clint ,wondering if he was okay. She had left him a gift for his bithday the night she was kidnapped ,a custom made bow and arrow set made to suit his style of archery.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-10-2015, 04:26 AM

Name:Clinton *Clint* Barton
Age: 27
Bio:Clint was a former circus worker and criminal who turned hero. He received his archery skills as a young boy through training with a couple of his fellow circus members. He had fallen for his friend Kikimo or Kiki as he call's for short and he has been searching for her ever since she vanished.

Name: Bella Thorn
Age: 23
Bio: Bell is a regular girl who has the sad misfortune to be Tony Starks secretary having joined his company shortly after the attack on New York.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-10-2015, 04:47 AM

Tony smiled as he and Steve entered the tower."So ,Barton finally go a lead?",he asked calmly."good .... maybe he'll settle down",he said with a small smile.Though wondered what it involed that h would go armed.He smiled softly ,smirking as he saw his secritary."Rogeres,this is Ms.Thorn,Ms.Thorn his is Steve Rogers,a good friend",he said camly."whats on the schedual?"

Steve smiled softly to her."hello",he said extending his hand to shake it,staring at her a moment. She was beautiful"

Kiki sighed as she watched a large robics lab and looked over her mission.'such poor security",she said smirking,It was late at night in Hong Kong,but shrugged a bit."oh well",she then fierd a grappeling hook over to the other roof.Then taking a deep dreath as she started to tipe wire across it,she smiled softly."just like the good old days",she said as she got half way acrss

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Old 11-10-2015, 04:59 AM

Bella looked up as the automatic door into the tower open and smiled as he boss Tony Stark entered. "Good morning Mister. Stark." she looked to Steve and blinked. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Rogers...I've heard all about you." she chuckled. "Sad to say it's not all been good." she glanced at her planner. "Well nothing big just a few meetings and Clint is out as you now. Nothing Avenger assemble worthy...not that your going to attend the meeting but that's besides the point." she smirked.

Clint flew the quinjet to the location he had pinpointed Kiki glad that Natasha had agreed to come as his backup. He landed the plan and stared at the lab frowning little. "If this is one of Tony's he's going to be so annoyed." he chuckled and slipped towards the building waiting as Nat broke in then slipped in first bow at the ready.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-10-2015, 05:20 AM

Steve laughed a bit.'Oh if Tony told you about me I'd be surprised if any of it was goo",he said softly.Then blinked a bit."I feel bad that you have to deal with him all day ...."

Tony looked to them."ouch",he looked to Bella."yeah how is he doing by the way?any workd?"

Kiki sighed once she had reached the other side."nothing like the threat of a 1000 ft drop to get your blood pumping",she said and went to the door of an office."and office with a balcony,only Stark would want that",he then pulled out her little gadget,attaching it to the alarm box she wiated and ginned as the door opened up,having deactivated the security alarm. Going in she headed for the main cmputer."perfetc",she said and plugged in a sall device that began to hack and download a program.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-10-2015, 05:40 AM

"That information doesn't belong to you." Clint said from the doorway sounding bored he smirked. "Besides Widow already empty the files." He stepped into the light. "Long time no see."

Bella shifted as Tony asked for a report. "You aren't going to like's one of your labs and older one but it still has classified info. With Nat with him Clint may be able to hack in and get the information out." She blinked as her computer blinked. "Speaking of." She sat down and secured the files.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-10-2015, 05:43 AM

Kiki blinked,nearly throwing a dgger at Clint ,but stared at him as he stood in the door ay.Her cold eyes,sftened and warmed up slightyl."RN'T YOU A IGHT FOR SOAR EYES...."

Tony groaned."why me",he looked ot Steve."not a word",he smiled ."I'll have to thank Romanough after.....andtry not to hte the girl CLINTON'S TRACKING"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-10-2015, 01:53 PM

"Because you tend to not pay attention at meetings you actually go to leaving it up to others to handle. No one thought they needed to up security I mean it's barely used they didn't think anyone would bother to break in...they would have if they knew someone like Nat who just wants the info." Aurora snorted slightly. "Try visiting locations as well might keep this from happening again."

Clint stepped forward sighing a little. "That I may be but I need to being you in. This is breaking and entering, theft and if we have to fight destruction of property." He smiled. "Make this easy and come quietly."

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-10-2015, 11:45 PM

Kiki smiled sofly."It's not that easy Clint",she said softly."Strk diesn;t know it,but the file i was after is in more danger in his comter thenmine",she said softly. Though grinned hearing him mention Nat.Figureing he git hitched or was seeing her or whatever.smiling she started backing up onto the balcony."Im glad to see your doing well",she said hopping p ont the railing and blinked at the bow and wrrow he had."what were you planning on shooting me?"

Tony wnat to come with me then,to wherever this girl strikes next?"

Steve frowned."what makes you think Bartin won't bring her in?"

Tomy smiled."according to his records,well shields records that they kept of him....he's been looking for her for years,if it involved harming her,he wouldnt do it..."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-11-2015, 04:17 AM

"Oh no I leave the fighting to you and the others I'm just a normal girl after all. I take your messages and shoo away fan girls." Aurora chuckled softly. "Take Steve with you...on second thought that would be dangerous." she sighed. "Take Mr. Banner then." she shrugged.

"I'm doing just fine and there plenty safe with Tony." Clint sighed lowering the arrow a little. "I wouldn't hurt you unless you force me to know that I'll always be your friend but I have a job to do and I would rather just take you in." Nat dropped down from the ceiling behind her. "We are wasting time Hawkeye." she gazed at the girl. "Your the one he's in love with huh?" she smirked a little.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-11-2015, 04:32 AM

Tony ust laughed.'lets see how things go",he looked to Steve."well, do what you wnat,im ging to go lay with things in my office",she said heaing to the elivator.

Steve shook his head as Tony left."I will never understand how he has an empire"

Kiki smiled softly to her old nickname,that she would let him get away with.Though she frowned a bit.She couldn't tell him ,of teh women who had dropped behinde her what was going on. "a job...right"she said softly,though frowed as a red lazer dot appeared Nash and Clint.She glanced to teh other window spotting two ,shooters targetting them

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-11-2015, 05:04 PM

Clint sighed. "Can never be easy huh?" He glanced at Nat who chuckled and glanced at the men. "My two and your five." She smiled at the girl as Clint reloaded his arrow. "They don't know who they're messing with." She didn't even flinched when his arrow shattered the window moving faster then any normal arrow had the right to it's type broke in two one hitting each of the men straight in the head. "So can we go now?" She grabbed the girls arm. "Or will I need to use force? And trust me while Clint will go easy I will not."

Aurora snorted at that. "You can blame his father this all started with him...Tony's just carrying it along really. Pepper does most of the work."

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-11-2015, 06:30 PM

Kiki ,grinned a bit when Clint took out the men."yeah,unfourchonitly, i get paired with idiots"she said calmly.Then her eyes widend when Natasha grabbed her arm.She began to see falashes of her life,coming in big burst.Her head almost felt like it was going to explode."Ill come,just please let go of my arm",she said using her free hand to hold her head.

Steve smiled a bit and slowly looked to Aurora."Im about to grab a coffee,would you like one?",he said sftly.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-12-2015, 08:03 PM

Nat let her go but stood close just in case she decided to flee. "You alright?" Clint asked reaching towards her but pulled away at the last second. "We should go." he smiled at her. "Before Black Widow carries us off."

"Coffee sounds great actually." Aurora smiled at Steve. "Jarvis I'm stepping away for moment would you mind manning the phones?"
"It would be my pleasure." Jarvis Tony's AI butler responded. "Good to go." she grinned.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-12-2015, 09:46 PM

Kiki blinked a bit.Glad that it had stopped.She looked to Clint.He was the only one she coldnt read,well not in the way she could read other."fine,lets go",she held up her fists."where are the cuffs?"

Steve smield a bit."Thankd Jarvil",she samiled offered her his arm.Old habbits die hard."then shall we Miss.Thorn?"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-12-2015, 10:11 PM

"Please call me Aurora." Aurora took his arm blushing softly. "We are going to be friends." she smiled as she grabbed her purse. "Lead the way Captain."

Nat placed them on her wrist then headed for the quinjet. "She can be a little..." Clint chuckled. "Well she's a great friend anyways."

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-12-2015, 10:28 PM

Steve chuckeld."call me steve",he said softly and started walking out heading for the local coffee shot.

Kiki followed along boardly and glanced to Clint."thats good,she said softly looking at the cuffs thoughtfully

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Old 11-12-2015, 10:55 PM

"Don't even think about it." Clint warned helping her onto the plane. "We'll be at headquarters soon."

Aurora felt the stare of the woman. "I feel death." she shivered "There kind scary." she looked over at them. "I feel like if I saw your name they may actually kill me."

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-12-2015, 11:03 PM

Kiki took a seat."whatvere",she muttered .

Steve blinked."hey i would rather be called by my name",he said honestly

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-13-2015, 12:42 AM

"Alright...Steve." Aurora was clearly using him as a shield as the girls glared harder. "Meh." she sighed softly and ordered a chocolate, caramel cappuccino with extra whip cream, and a chocolate muffin.

"I know Fury tried to recruit you...why did you run? Did he say something or do something? That man never thinks ahead and no arguments from you Nat." Clint scowled as he go into the pilots seat taking off.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-13-2015, 12:52 AM

Steve smiled a bit."see not that bad",he said and chuckeled at her.'big fan of chocolate?",he asked softly.

Kiki sat quitely for a moment."its hard to explain,but long storyshort,im not to be trusted",she said leaning her head abck sighing.It felt nice to be relaxing,even though she was a prssoner.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-13-2015, 01:20 AM

"Nonsense you'll just to prove him wrong...though you'll spend a few weeks in jail for that break in." Clint sounded apologetic. 'I mean he thought Nat was a lost cause and look at her now."

"I happen to find chocolate relaxes me after a long day of dealing with being a secretary." Aurora flushed a little. "But to answer your question I adore chocolate and everything to do with it. So yes I'm a fan."

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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IchirusVampireGirl is offline
Old 11-13-2015, 01:28 AM

Kiki gave a small smirk."well see about that one Clinton",she said looking to the hanger door."sorry" ,hes muttered as it was sudeen pulled off,and a came in like a small flash he grabbed Kiki and then jumped back out,sliding down a wire onto another jet ,one almost liek Clint's jet.The wire deatacjed and vanished in the clouds,

Queen Phoenix trainer.
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Old 11-13-2015, 02:52 AM

"Oh crap." Clint cursed barley keeping the jet in the air. "Nat are you ok?" he called to the girl who nodded picking herself up from the floor. "I'll kill them." she growled.

"I happen to find chocolate relaxes me after a long day of dealing with being a secretary." Aurora flushed a little. "But to answer your question I adore chocolate and everything to do with it. So yes I'm a fan."

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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IchirusVampireGirl is offline
Old 11-13-2015, 02:59 AM

Steve smiled softly."chuckled."well having to work for Tony has to be stressful",he said as he ordered himself a black coffee and then found them a table."so how long have you been working for him?"<he asked taking a small sip of his coffee.

Kiki sighed as the man who had got her form the jet freed her from teh cuffs.She peered out the widow."they better not get hurt",she said turning to the man glaring.Now Clint would hate her too."im sorry",she said softly hoping they would be alright.

The man pulled off his mask,reveeling it to be the Swordsman.he smerked walking over to Kiki and grabbing her he slammed her into a seat."Clinton will do just for you, you were so willing to go with them,do you think it was that easy to leave?what dod you tell them about outr little operation"


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