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Suona is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 06:52 PM

Oh, I had just meant everyone in general. There are a lot of people that just dont like things, and sometimes I just find it interesting that they can dislike so much.
Definently not. I wouldn't say that it was an indicating factor.
It was just something I thought i'd ask, because I seriously have never heard of people disliking peanut butter. lol

Ooh. Sounds like it'll be pretty neat. 8D;;
I remember having to do stuff like that for one of my classes. I was always so nervous because I like being in control of the situation, and I hated when other people had to do parts and bring stuff, because I was always nervous that they'd forget or not do it or not even show up. :x And I had the dumb luck to have a group that was all slackers practically, or scared of being in front of a group, so they always tried to get out of stuff. lol

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-22-2010, 01:31 PM

Yeah, I guess some people are very picky. xDD;; I know I for one can get picky on a number of things. ^^;;
And lolz, no worries. XP I've felt that way before, when I realized that there were people who hated and despited chocolate. >.>;; And before that, I seriously thought that everyone loved it. ^^;; Cause it's an aphrodisiac and all. XP <3<3

And haha, I know what you mean. >.>;;
Well, I have a plan figured out now. Actually just finished everything I need to do for that now, even if it's still two days away. xDD;; Well, better for me though, since I have a ton more shizz to take care of aside from that. Just gonna go with the flow~ XP <3<3

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Suona is offline
Old 03-23-2010, 07:13 AM

I can be picky from time to time with things, too. Because there are just some ways I prefer things. Like I get a bit picky with what pizza I eat. I dont care much for pizzas just covered in toppings, and I can't really have pepperoni. Too spicy for me. :x
Isn't that crazy?! Chocolate is so amazing.

Thats good then. Sounds like a pretty good plan and like it'll work fine. :]
Still best of luck on your presentation! And on the rest of your workload, too. You have your hands full, thats for sure.

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 02:01 AM

I get what you mean. XP I actually love plain Cheese pizza the most myself. xDD;; Or, Quattro Formagio (sp?), the one with four different kinds of cheese. :'> Of course, I'll eat pizzas with toppings and all, but I tend to be picky as well. ^^;; For example, I don't care for pineapples or green peppers on my pizzas. xDD;;

I did good in that presentation, I think~ My teacher loved it. XP Even if I was struck with the most unbelievable bad luck during it. @_@;; Like, seriously. xDD;;

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 11:27 PM

I'm exactly the same!
I tend to just prefer cheese pizza, but some toppings are alright, depending on what they are. And pineapples and peppers are totally on my bad list, too. 8D;;

Aaw. Sorry about the bad luck, but congrats on doing a good job. :]

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Rylynne is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 08:23 AM

Woot~! Yay for another thing in common then! xDD;; <3<3
Cheese = <3<3<3

And yeah, bad luck indeed. ^^;;
Thank you though~! :'D <3<3

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Suona is offline
Old 04-02-2010, 03:58 AM

Haha. Added tot he long list.
Cheese is quite lovely. Love all kinds of dairy. :drool:

You betcha. :]

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Rylynne is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:04 AM

Dairy is indeed awesome. :drool: <3<3
And yes, that's quite a long list we have indeed. xDD;;

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Suona is offline
Old 04-12-2010, 10:26 PM

I feel so bad for people that are lactose intolerant. They're missing out on so many amazing things. I think i'd become so depressed if I was lactose intolerant. Its a huge part of my diet.

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Rylynne is offline
Old 04-13-2010, 08:28 AM

Same here. D:
Speaking of that though, we just found out that my brother used to be lactose intolerant when he was a baby, so he had to drink special soy milk. He grew out of it though, and now he's fine. It's funny. xDD;; Right now he's eating lots of cheese and chocolate to thank the heavens that he isn't lactose intolerant anymore. 8DD;; <3<3

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Suona is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 05:30 PM

lol That sounds pretty funny, Ry
I bet that was hard on your guys' parents having him be lactose intolerant. Thats good he'd drink the soy milk, though

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 05:41 PM

Guess what. o 3o I will have a lot more computer time for a very long while. :D

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 05:46 PM

Thats awesome, Nifer! :hug:

How've you been? Haven't gotten to chat with you in forever.

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 05:49 PM

I've been okay. I've moved. Right now I'm staying with my father for a few months until I head out to the college here in Wyoming. Otherwise, I haven't been up to much. How about you? :)

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Suona is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 05:53 PM

Ooh, nice. Are you having a good time?
I have an old friend that lives in Wyoming. He's an online friend, though, and we've lost contact in the last several months. Its such a shame. :'(

I've mainly just been up to school. Nothing too exciting. Feels like just the same old same old.
I applied to get my old job back, but now as a college tutor instead of a high school tutor. I'm currently on list as a sub, but they skirt their ways around having to call in subs. >_>;; I wish I never had to quit. But hopefully i'll get the job.

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 06:08 PM

Where at in Wyoming?

Good luck getting the job back. You're obviously very smart if you're applying for that sort of work. Why did you quit before?

When I was back in Idaho, I was doing volunteer work at the Adult Basic Education center as a tutor. It is in the same building as the Head Start, where I also was a volunteer. I wasn't there that long though, just a few months. Just really wanted to get some good things to put on my resume. :XD

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 04-16-2010, 06:15 PM

Hmm. Some big town, and over by a military base. I use to remember the area he was in, but I can't remember now.

Oh, its just a job with the kids. :] Well, at least thats what I was doing before. The job description says K-12, but I'd really rather just work with the kids. lol I had worked with the Kindergarteners and First graders last time. They were so cute! o3o And I had to quit because for my senior year of high school I was accepted into a program that had me going to our local community college for my whole senior year, and I had a full schedule of college classes, and still highschool homework that had to be done. But I had no way to get back into town in time for work because my only transportation was the bus, and it didn't leave campus for my town until 3:30. :/ So I had to quit because there was no way I could make it back. I was really upset that I had to, also.

That sounds awesome
Did you have fun?

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Rylynne is offline
Old 04-18-2010, 12:20 PM

I'm lost. D:
And lazy. @_@;;

*hugglesquishes JennyStu and Su instead*
I miss you two lots! D:

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 10:46 PM

@ Nifer - I totally just heard from that same friend a few days ago! 8D;;
So exciting. He's been super busy with school stuff and life, but he gets on break after this week. So that should be nice. :]

@ Ry - *huggles* I miss you, too. :'(
Sorry that i've been so preoccupied. Hardly been on Mene the last few weeks, it seems.

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Rylynne is offline
Old 04-27-2010, 03:20 PM

It's okay, I totally understand, Su~ :3 <3<3
What's this I hear about you trying out Ernya now, btw? XP


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