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Old 04-17-2011, 08:43 PM

The Haunted Tavern

Where the Monsters Dine

The Haunted Tavern, a haven for supernatural come to talk, eat, fight, gamble and enjoy themselves at the tavern. The Tavern itself is full of secrets and surprises that even the monsters don't know about. Humans are encouraged to enjoy in on the fun...that is if they can survive the journey through the Haunted Woods...

Tavern Rules:
1.) No goddmodding
2.) You can have as many characters you can handle
3.) You can be a human, but you must start at a village and travel through the Haunted Woods
4.) Romance, fighting, gambling is allowed but keep it PG-13...unfortunately
5.) 6 and up are allowed in the Tavern, Human and Monster alike.
6.) 6-16 must go to the Kid side of the Tavern
7.) PM me your profiles
8.) Half-Breeds are welcome
9.) No Wolves or Bats allowed, they bring back omens

Village Names:


The TreeStone peopleive is the far in the west and are a peaceful people who live in the trees. The only time they are on the ground is when they are farming or going to the Tavern. They don't like fighting and enjoys climbing the tree and keeping them healthy


The WaterBright people live way in the east and love the water and clean the waters clean. They don't have weapons to protect themselves but they have a barrier around the village to protect them.


The Snomania People live deep in the north and keep to themselves but are trained warriors. They live in the rule of a King and Queen. The men are the ones who hunt for fodd while the women tend to the houses or help hunt. They believe in peace but will use violence if they have to.


The Deseria People live in the South. They are brute fighters and smugglers for foreigners. They also keep to them selves and love being in the sand. Water is scarce in the desert so they travel to WaterBright and get water from there.
Roles For The Tavern:
Owner: Andraus
Waitress 1: Gothika_Knight
Waitress 2:
Waitress 3:

Human Skeleton:

Monster Skeleton:

Age (days or years):
What are you:
Pic (Human and Monster):
Accepted Profiles:

Originally Posted by SecretIenzo1
Name: Anissa Snow
Age: 7
Village: Used to reside in WaterBright
Bio: Anissa has always known her brother Beyond was an Incubus and won't accept that he isn't her real brother. Since her mother died of Illness she is taken care of by Beyond.
Name: Carpathia Romania
Age (days or years): 1900
What are you: demon
Bio: Carpathia Romania is the Princess of the demons and goes to the tavern every once in a while to meet new people. She loves being in her human form and often lies about being the princess since she sometimes likes to hide from her subjects.
Pic (Human and Monster): human demon

Name: Satan
Age (days or years): since the beginning
What are you: a powerful demon king
Bio: Satan is the father of Carpathia and the King of all demons. He lived in the bowels on Hell and goes to earth to visit his daughter. Satan can get angered easily if anything happens to his daughter and loves eating dead humans.
Pic (Human and Monster): human

Name: Blood Heart
Age (days or years): 3000 years old
Bio: Blood Heart is the ruler of the Nexus of Hell. He is suppose to marry Carpathia but due to his abusive nature to her, Satan banned Blood Heart from ever seeing Carpathia again. Blood Heart went insane and now tries to get Carpathia back and kill Satan to take his throne.
Pic (human and demon): human demon

Originally Posted by Holleh Knight
Name: Arianna Black
Age: Unknown
What are you: Honey, I'm a Demon
Bio: There's not much to her life. She was never rejected or ignored, Arianna was the one everyone wanted to know and be with. She's one of those people who like to be the center of attention. That's something good to know....She's never been trustworthy even as a child. At this very moment, in Human years of course, she is 25 years old.

My Monster Form:

Human Form: Just take off the Horns and Wings.
Originally Posted by momochan
Name: Len
Age: 20,000 (looks 20 years old)
What are you: demon
Bio: Len had (and still does) a wonderful life. He lived with his rich father and can do what he pleases. He saved some half demon girl from his father, who was going to kill her, since he felt bad for the poor girl. He threatened to kill her if she wouldn't be his slave. Which, he did because he had/s a crush on Hime. He has had her ever since, and will kill her if she tries to run away from him.


Name: Hime Mcnight.
Age: 18 in human years 18,000 in
What are you: half demon half human..I guess you could call her a half breed
Bio: Hime is Len's faithful slave. She has worked for him for most of her life. Her parents were killed by Len's father, who was going to kill her next but Len made him stop. In return, Len made her his slave. She has been with him ever since. If he even tries to escape, she will be killed. Surprisingly, Len let her learn how to use her powers, which is to control ice. She can freeze things and create ice out of most liquids.
human form

demon form

Originally Posted by happydeath
Name: Akio Daishi
Age (days or years): 3015
What are you: Fallen Angel
Bio: Akio was born as a angel since the beginning of his life; during that time while he was born in heaven, he lived a pretty good life with his mother and father. They treated him with the best of their own abilities, and he knew for a fact how hard they tried to keep him happy. He was grateful for it all. Though, on another day Hell and Heaven broke out into a war once more; things were both chaotic in Hell as they were in Heaven. When the war had started, his parents had kept him inside the house while they fought in the war since God had demanded them to. Since Akio was really young at the time, he didn't understand much; but when a demon had arrived at their home to kill the angels, he targeted Akio first off. His parents denied God's order to leave Akio to die and continue to fight to make sure Heaven wouldn't lose the war. Due to them denying God's will, they were both killed by the demon; but the demon was killed by God. With all this happening, Akio had to watch it all in front of his very own eyes. So feeling pity on the child, God had sent Akio to earth to become a fallen angel so he wouldn't grow up with no parents in Heaven; so maybe if he grew up on earth than he could forget about it all. But that didn't work out too well, he grew up; remembering everything and soon learning that he wanted revenge on God, and the demons of Hell for killing his parents; even if he was one himself.

~Fallen Form~

Originally Posted by netherdancer
Name: Divine Seduction
Age (days or years): 1310 yrs old
What are you: Succubus
Bio: Having been cast out from her people what seemed eons ago, Divine wandered... Met many people, a witch in particular that cursed her to bear the scars of people she cared deeply for... And bears but one scar across her left eye and right eye. So she has become cold. So she wanders and somehow finds her way to this tavern.
Pic (Human and Monster):

Name: Judgment
Age (days or years): 1310 yrs old (appearance of a 10 yr old)
What are you: Incubus
Bio: He is Divine's newly resurrected brother. Though the appearance of a 10 year old bothers him as well as his non-existent physical prowess, he can share or take abilities from his sister, learning some of them. He has been brought back by Azrael for who knows what reason, but he's glad all the same. Now he can live and die with his sister as he should have before...
Pic (Human and Monster):

Originally Posted by SecretIenzo1
Name: Beyond
Age (days or years): 19-years-old
What are you: Incubus
Bio: Beyond's parents died when he was an infant and he grew up around humans. He is an excellent theif and that is how he has made a living. His human 'mother' died from illness and now he remains with his human 'sister'.
Pic (Human and Monster): He only has one form.
Originally Posted by SecretIenzo1
Name: Anissa Snow
Age: 7
Village: Used to reside in WaterBright
Bio: Anissa has always known her brother Beyond was an Incubus and won't accept that he isn't her real brother. Since her mother died of Illness she is taken care of by Beyond.

Originally Posted by dragonjake
Name: Drake Darkos
Age (days or years): 1994 years old
What are you: demon
Bio: Not much is known about Drake, other then that fact his familey was killed when he was young, he also has a deeper seceret, that is he has feelings for Carpathia, his best friend although he knows she is already taken, he wants to tell her that he has feelings for her but fears every demon, most likely Satan, would kill him for saying so and she would reject him, so insted keeps everything to himself making him a mysterious demon
Pic (Human and Monster):
Originally Posted by LonelyOtaku97
Name: Mika Lee
Age (days or years): 500 years old
What are you: Shifter (mostly turns into a cat)
Bio: Cursed to walk forever because of gypsy's. she has wandered most of her life for a way to get rid of it. She was accused of killing one of their people that she was in love with. Shes also trying to find the true murder of her one true love.
Pic (Human and Monster):
Human form:

Monster form:

Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 06-29-2011 at 08:09 PM.. Reason: Changing

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 03:21 AM

Name: Azrael
Age : Sense the beginning of death
What are you: angel of death
Bio: Azrael, Owner of the Haunted tavern, Keeps to himself mostly But Offers Good Drinks at affordable Prices, Has Recently made the Tavern Liveable for people to stay at. Only Friend is a Little Tabby named Swicune
Pic (Human and Monster):

Last edited by Andraus; 04-18-2011 at 03:24 AM..

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 04-19-2011, 03:51 PM

Carpathia flapped her wings as she flew in the sky towards the tavern that she thought was a second home to her. Carpathia is the princess of all demons and she sometimes wished that could have a few days to be herself and not how everyone wants her to be. "Now where is that tavern?" she said to herself. Blue saphire blue skin glowed in the sunlight also with her royal warrior princess armor. Swaying her tail, Carpathia spotted the tavern and landed gracefully on the ground and walked to the big heavy door. She opened it and walked in seeing humans and monsters coexisting with one another, which made Carpathia smile, she walked to the counter and sat on stool and started to decide what drink she was going to get. 'What drink can I get that isn't alcoholic?' she thought to herself as her tail curled and swayed behind her.

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Old 04-19-2011, 04:57 PM

Azrael looked at the girl and Thought for a moment, Flapping his wings"Hmmm....Do you Like Soft Drinks?" He asked, Petting his little Tabby, then he said "Cuz if you do, I just a large shipment of a Soft-drink Called "Pepsi" From the Treestone Village, Would you like to Try? First Taste is free"

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Old 04-19-2011, 06:45 PM

Carpathia looked at the angel man and gave a small giggle, "I'd love to." she said smiling curling her tail and looked at the cat then back at the man, 'He's cute, I wonder if he's single?' she thought to herself. "May I pet your cat please?" Carpathia asked gently reached out to give the cat a gentle pat on the head.

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Old 04-19-2011, 07:25 PM

"Ask Him, Just put your hand by him and let him Sniff ya, if he dosent hiss then you can pet him" He said, then He poured a Small Glass of the Strange human Soft drink and put it in front of her "Here you go miss....Now Swicune "He looked at the Cat "No biting, I dont want anymore Complaints about my Violent cat ya hear?"

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Old 04-19-2011, 08:06 PM

Carpathia looked at the drink and gently picked it up, "Thank you." she said then took her hand other and placed it near the cat that the angel man named Swicune. Carpathia drunk some of the drink and nodded her head gently, "This drink has an odd flavor but it is still delicious. Hail to the human of TreeStone that has created such a drink." Carpathia giggles as she continued sipping the drink and curling her tail more. "Why don't you drink some yourself, I am sure no one else would mind." she said with a gently smile then looked back at the cat hoping that it would like her.

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Old 04-19-2011, 08:20 PM

Azrael looked at a man Drunk off his ass then Raised his hand "3..2..1" he waved his hand and then the man started vomiting and then layed on the ground motionless. Azrael then looked at an Hourglass thats sand is run out " has 2 childern...good crime....Problem drinker though.....Sigh, Fine" He added more Sand to the Hourglass and then man started breathing again

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Old 04-19-2011, 08:56 PM

Stella was in her dragon form flying up above the tree's of the woods. She wasn't in the mood to be walking around in there so she was flying. It was always a pain to walk, at least Stella thought it was a pain anyway. When she was only 17 feet away from the tavern, she landed and changed back into her human form. Stella opened the door and walked inside. She looked around before walking to the counter and sitting down. She then started to think of something to drink. She knew she couldn't drink anything with alcohol in it since she would start puking as soon as she drank it. She sighed, "Can I have some water, pleas?".

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Old 04-19-2011, 09:05 PM

Carpathia watched in amazment then looked at the angel, "You're the angel of Death, aren't you?" she asked him as she gently placed her hand on the cat's head and gently petted him. "I've heard of you but I never guess that you would be the owner of the Tavern." Carpathia looking at him and a soft smile appeared on her face. 'This will be and interesting person to know.' she thought to herself as she waited for his response.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 10:53 PM

"Azraels the name, Deciding peoples fate is my Game " He said as he placed a Glass of Waterbright Water in front of the women "here you go, thats one Copper Piece if you please"

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Old 04-20-2011, 12:47 AM

Carpathia took her hand and placed it on her chest, "Pleased to meet you Azrael, my name is Carpthia and just between you and me, I'm the princess of all demons. Please don't tell anyone." she whispered clamping her hands together and looked in Azrael with worriness in her black and gold eyes. "If you don't tell anyone, then I shall give you anything you want." Carpathia said again as she took her drink and drunk some more of the soft drink.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 01:56 AM

"I know all about you Your Majesty, Remember I can Read Peoples lifes like a Book, all I need is there Hour Glass, Yours is...Right here "He pulled out an Hourglass filled with Black sand

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Old 04-20-2011, 02:49 AM

Carpathia looked at her hourglass then back at Azrael and smiled nervously, "Isn't having hourglasses all over a tavern dangerous and why is mind so close to you?" she asked tilting her head slightly as the drink started to make her hands cold and wet.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 03:28 AM

"Your majesty, I dont leave them lieing Aroud, I can Litiritly make them pop out of thin air, Besides even if a human got a hold of one of them, it wouldnt do a thing, Only I and the Reaper know the Art of the Life-clock"

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Old 04-20-2011, 05:56 AM

Carpathia rested her head on her hand as she listened to him explain. "That makes sense but for some reason, I don't mean to go off-topic, but I find you so adorable. But I should be careful, an angel like might have a girlfriend." she said with a small smile then drink some more of her pepsi and moved her hair from her face.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 05:03 PM

"No, Im single, had a girl once, but that was a long long time ago" He looked at the Dragon girl "Excuss me, miss are you going to pay for that?" He asked her. then he looked at swicune "hungrey little guy?" He reached under the counter and pulled out a Can of tuna and opened it for him. Then he placed it by him

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Old 04-20-2011, 07:19 PM

Carpathia smiled then looked the angel man and slouched over the counter and continued talking. "Ahh so I do have a chance. May I get to know you if you let me seen you know so much about me." she asked tapping the counter with her claw.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 08:17 PM

Azrael Smiled "Princess, Though I like you, and your a Respected Customer, I doubt your Family would let me Court you. Im just a Simple angel, Owner of this Tavern, I have No high Title or Stature Except that Im the Angel of Death, though I dont consider it a Title. Besides with a High title like yours, you are imprisoned with your Dutys. I prefer to have quiet life like this, I was Offered a High rule in the Realm of the Dead but I choose this"

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Old 04-20-2011, 10:17 PM

Carpathia looked at Azrael and gently place her hand on his arm, "Ahh poop, I don't think that's a good thing. I mean your probably know what my bra size is and all I know is that your the Angel of Death. Besides, I have many years until I become the Queen of the Demons and until then I would like to have some fun. May we act least give it a try?" she asked curling her tail and folding her wings as she smiled at the angel man. "I promise to make it worth your while." Carpathia giggled as she took her drink and drunk the rest of the soft drink.

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Old 04-20-2011, 10:26 PM

Azrael looked at her, wanting to but knowing better "Understand the id like to, i just dont think its a good idea....if you want us to spend time togather, I just build an Inn connecting to here and I need a Waitress here, if your intrested"

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Old 04-20-2011, 11:27 PM

Carpathia smiled widely and hugged Azrael tightly, smovering him in her chest, "I'd love to, I'm be in my human form so my wings won't knock anything over." she said waving her tail left and right then looked down at Azrael and her eyes widen slightly. "Oops, srry, when I get over excited, I have a tendency to hug people." Carpathia said as she turned into her human form and giggled a human giggle before looking at Azrael, "So what is it that I am suppose to do?" she asked out of curiousity.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 11:57 PM

"Basically, You just give people food and Drink and pick up the Dishs. Also feed little Swicune here when im busy, he has the tendency to scratch me when I dont give him food fast enough. "He said patting her head and Smiling "Oh, and heres your room key, you have can have the Honeymoon suite in room 666 " He said then handed her a Small skeleton key

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Old 04-21-2011, 01:13 AM

Carpathia gently took the key and kissed Azrael on his cheek. "Oh thank you Azrael, I promise you, you won't regret it. When can I start?" she asked looking at the kep and tries to remember her room number.

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Andraus is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 01:41 AM

"you can start today if you like dosent really matter" he said, then turned to the dragon girl "Miss,are you in the Twilight zone? could you please pay for your drink, its only one copper piece"

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