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Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 04:22 AM


The people of Alagaesia have experienced a century of peace since the fall of Galbatorix at the hands of Eragon Shadeslayer, Saphira Bjartskular, and the rest of the Varden. Eragon left towards the end of the century with Saphira, Arya, and Emeraulde, first allowing the land to repopulated with dragons, both chosen and wild. More brightsteel has fallen among the forest of the Elves in what was the biggest meteor shower in history. Sightings of the legendary Mer people have started to surface from sailors who swear they were about to go under when they were saved and from fishermen working on the lakes. Relationships with the Dwarves and Urgals have declined as the two races feel more and more slighted. And to make matters worse, the Dragonrider Elders and their students have been going missing, only to turn up days later, nearly tortured and mutilated beyond recognition. Rumors that the culprit is searching for the eggs' hiding spot have started circulating among the remaining students, but they all know one thing for certain: dark days are ahead, dark days indeed.


Dragon Riders:

Race: (Elves or Human)
Sword: (Name, Color, Size, Design, etc.)
Dragon: (Name, etc.)
Rank: (student, Shur'tugal, Elder)
Bio: (Dragon's personality, Rider's personality and past)
Appearance: (Picture, or Description, though picture is preferable)
Appearance(Dragon): same as above
Appearance(Sword): same as above

Any others:

Race: (Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Werecats, Urgals, or Mer)
Weapon: (If applicable)
Occupation: (Soldier, Archer, Magician, Witch, Sorcerer, or a Civilian Job)
Bio: (Personality and History)
Appearance: (Picture or Description, though picture is preferable)

1. Follow Menewsha's Terms of Service and other rules.
2. Don't Godmod or auto-hit. If you use magic on someone, let them respond before saying it hit them, or better yet, let them say if it him them, so long as it's reasonably explained.
3. What I say goes. I'm permitted to bend some things, but not all.
4. If you have multiple characters, use multiple colors so we know which character it is.
5. I don't care if you use first or third person, but please keep it the same throughout all your posts. Separate characters can use different narratives though.
6. If you deem it necessary to post from your dragon's point of view, do so. It counts as your character. Just use a different color for the text.
7. You can't post without first having been approved by me.
8. If you have read these rules, put a :yes: in your pm.



Dragon Riders:

Username: Zafiri Drakontas
Name: Tali
Age: 12
Race: Mer
Sword: Kveykva, About 2½' long blade with roughly a 6” hilt, One-handed sword
Dragon: Jemanero (spines are quite a bit larger than in the picture)
Rank: Student
Rider: Was born to abusive parents who eventually sold her into slavery for a quick buck to a land-dwelling slave-owner. Her slave master was worse than her parents. Taking the abuse one step further and committing it more often, it was especially bad if she made even the slightest mistake. He often raped her, or let others rape her for a price, in one of his many drunken stupors, and even when he wasn't drunk, he still did it. As a result, she has Haptephobia and Agraphobia. The fear of touch and sexual abuse, respectively. She's usually a timid, quiet thing, and is unusually kind for a person with her past.
Dragon: Kind and gentle, but extremely protective of her Rider due to her past and slight frame. Gets along well with others, unless, of course, they threaten Tali. Tali and her share and unusually deep connection, even among Riders.
Appearance: Tali
Appearance(Dragon): Jemanero
Appearance(Sword): Deep, bright amethyst blade with a bright pink scabbard. The amethyst in the pommel is hexagonal. The hilt guard is silver and roughly forms a heart pointing down towards the pommel. The hilt is covered in pure golden wire. When Tali says its name, purple lighting dances along the blade, which paralyzes an enemy if they're slashed.

Username: Zafiri Drakontas
Name: Jai'kar
Age: 20
Race: Elven
Sword: Ronchos, About 4' long blade with a foot long hilt, Two-handed sword
Dragon: Nykrosion
Rank: Shade Rider
Rider: Was chosen by his dragon at the age of 13. When he finally started training with magic, he felt a nigh unquenchable thirst for power, one that led him to desert when he felt that they'd taught him all they were going to. He then engaged in Spirit study, learning enough to summon one of the most powerful spirits and subvert him. Now he is attempting to obtain the location of the dragon eggs, so that he may raise his own army, and the hiding place of the Eldunari, so that he may obtain limitless power.
Dragon: Started out like any other dragon, though a tad more temperamental than others. He was quickly subverted by his master, whom he has served well ever since.
Appearance: Jai'kar
Appearance(Sword): Dark crimson blade eerily similar to the color of blood, with a garnet colored scabbard. Black wire surrounds his hilt. It has a garnet for the pommel, and a black hilt guard.

Username: Paramores1Fan
Name: Calaily
Age: 13
Race: Human
Sword: Adurna, 2' long blade, hand-and-a-half sword
Dragon: Aiedail
Rank: Student
Bio: Dragon: Aiedail is kind but fierce, she is very protective of Calaily, doesn't get along with some people, has a very deep connection with Calaily
Rider: Calaily is rather shy, she is kind but fierce like Aiedail, She was abandoned by her parents when she was very young, She lived on her own and taught herself how to fight, she was ten when the dragon riders found her
Appearance: Short black hair, rather pale, kinda chubby, wears pants w/ shirt and black boots, doesn't stand up completely straight, blue/green/gray eyes
Appearance(Dragon): dark blue, looks kind of like Eragon's dragon but with a shorter neck and a longer snout, has silver eyes
Appearance(Sword): dark blue about the color of the dragon, silver hilt, dark blue gem with silver-ish swirls embedded in the hilt
Username: Jadetiger70
Name: Zenl
Age: 26
Race: Elf
Sword: Argent, About 3 1/2' long blade with a 6" hilt, Hand and a half sword
Dragon: Levis
Rank: Shur'tugal
Rider: Zenl was born to a prosperous, noble family. As such, he is well trained in politics, negotiations, and dueling, often being sent on democratic missions. He is a tad spoiled due to his upbringing, sometimes commanding fellow Riders to do some menial task.
Dragon: Patient, hard to get riled up, though he often takes a training match a little too far overboard, usually injuring his partner.
Appearance: Zenl
Appearance(Dragon): Levis
Appearance(Sword): The blade looks like it is made of pure silver, with a darker silver scabbard. The hilt is wrapped in black leather and a jagged piece of smoky quarts is located at the pommel.
Username: Dino_RAWR
Name: Delrya sol'tri
Age: 18
Race: elf
Sword: Clarion
Dragon: Linaria Nimar
Rank: student
Bio: Delrya Sol'tri had just turned 18 when her group of students were taken in for their normal studies as elves, such as defense or medicines, and so forth.
Of course her people thought, that since she was the youngest, that she was the worst possible choice, since she was young and naive and still learning the elven ways.
Appearance: Delrya Sol'tri
Appearance(Dragon): Linaria Nimar
Appearance(Sword): crystale bladed sword, sharp to the very touch. It peirces the very skin it comes in the lightest contact with. the hilt is silver witch a blue diamond on the end and towards the blade it skipes into two sharp points, that are secondary [throwing] blades.
Username: AkiraTepes
Name: Ariana Cruz
Age: 14
Race: Human
Sword: Thringa, approx. 3’ long blade with a 8” hilt. One-handed sword.
Dragon: Starlight
Rank: Student
Rider: Oddly enough, Ariana can’t remember anything of her own past, and she knows next to nothing about the dragon that apparently hatched while she was asleep. All she remembers is falling, and then waking up to find a small pale blue dragon resting on her chest. Everything from there is a mystery, something she hopes to remember, but has little clue where to start looking. Ariana is normally a very fiery-tempered young woman with a very strong and stubborn heart. Though after the loss of her memory, she is very soft-spoken and shy, and a bit unsure who she can and cannot trust.
Dragon: Starlight is still a fairly young dragon, barely even a month old, so she herself knows next to nothing about her Rider, Ariana. Starlight, very much unlike her rider, is strong and brave, hardly ever fearing anything unless her Rider’s life is in danger. She is warm and caring, and a very cunning dragon at that, even for one so young.
Appearance: Ariana
Appearance(Dragon): Starlight
Appearance(Sword): Thringa
Username: AkiraTepes
Name: Lethos
Age: Unknown (technically 300)
Race: Shade
Weapon: A seven-bladed sword named Mortyx.
Occupation: Sorceror
Bio: Lethos was once known by the name Leon, and he had been a sorcerer or many trades. He knew many different types of magic; all except for one, the magic to summon and control spirits. As such, he went along and tried to summon spirits to bring under his control. They were too strong for him, and he became possessed by the malevolent spirits that forced themselves inside of his body. Unlike most Shades, Lethos is particularly clever, and strays from any path that could get him killed. Sure he has many powerful forms of magic on his side, including the dark magic of a shade, yet he steers clear of any and all dragon riders that could potentially bring about his end. He has very little control over his own body, but Lethos still possesses a bit of mind left from his human half, Leon, whose personality is trapped within the Shade’s memories.
Appearance: Lethos

Glossary of Places:

Major Cities:
Uru'baen- Human Capital
Ellesmera- Elven Capital
Doru Araeba- Dragon Rider Capital
Farthen Dur- Dwarven Capital
Aberon- Human
Teirm- Human
Dras Leona- Human
Tarnag- Dwarvish
Orthiad- Dwarvish
Galfni- Dwarvish
Osilon- Elven
Silthrim- Elven
Kirtan- Elven

Villages and Towns:
Carvahall- Human
Therinsford- Human
Daret- Human
Yazuac- Human
Bullridge- Human
Ceris- Elven

Glossary of the Ancient Language (Magic Only):
Adurna: Water
Atra nosu waise vardo fra eld hornya: Let us be warded from listeners.
Blothr: halt; stop
Brakka du vanyali sem huildar insert name here un eka!: Reduce the magic that holds insert name here and me!
Brisingr: Fire
Deloi: Earth
Draumr Kopa: Dream stare; scrying spell
Gath sem oro un lam iet: Unite that arrow with my hand.
Geuloth du knifr: Dull the knife.
Hljodhr: Silent
Jierda: Break; hit
Kalfis: Calf
Kodthr: Catch
Kveykva: Lightning
Letta: Stop.
Letta orya thorna!: Stop those arrows!
Losna kalfya iet: Release my calves.
Malthinae: to bind or hold in place; confine
Moi: Change
Reisa du adurna: Raise the water.
Risa: Rise
Skolir: Shield
Skolir nosu fra brisingr!: Shield us from fire!
Skoliro: Shielded
Thrysta: Thrust; compress
Thrysta vindr: Compress the air.
Waise Heill: Be healed.
Vindr: Air

***As you'll probably have trouble finding a character's picture in the fashion of Alagaesia, please use your imagination. Thank you!:)***
Note: Follow the skeleton, not my characters.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
If you have any questions about God's love for us, you can pm me at anytime.

Last edited by Zafiri Drakontas; 08-11-2010 at 12:25 AM..

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 07:56 PM

((I'm starting this at the time when Tali gets chosen by her dragon. If your character is already a Dragon Rider, s/he could be helping with the ceremony or off training, to name a few possibilities. Also, if you have any questions about the Mer, feel free to ask.))

Tali stood towards the front of the crowds in Uru'baen for the selection of the newest Dragon Riders. The event only came around once every three years when the Elders came down from Doru Araeba, the city of the Dragon Riders with about ten to twenty eggs, some of which didn't choose anyone. Good thing I'm up here, she thought, glancing back at the crowd, I don't think I could stand it being back there, knocked all over the place. She was slight of frame, reaching at about 5' and weighing in at about 60 lbs. She stood watching the Elders as they placed the eggs in a row on the table. The number of eggs was unusually low, having only seven on the table. After the eggs had been placed on the table, the Elders signaled the crowd to start coming up, two at a time, one on both sides of the platform. They were to walk by the table, laying a hand on the eggs and stopping when they felt something move. The Elders would then check the egg and the person, and deem them a match or not. Tali figured that she wasn't going to be chosen, but everyone in the crowd was to participate. She was one of the first few in line, about seventh from the front. As she waited, she saw people stop several times, only to be shooed away by the Elders. Eventually it was her turn, so up the stairs and across the platform she went, laying a hand on the dragon eggs and sliding it across, clearly not taking her time. She had just taken her hand off the last dragon in line, the furthest to the right, as she had been in the left line, when she felt compelled to stop and touch it again. The Elders muttered something under their breath, apparently peeved that another person was trying to get lucky, when their eyebrows shot up and they broke into huge grins. The one, obviously the Head Elder, walked up to her, grabbed her arm, dragged her over to the front of the stage, and raised her arm above her head before she could comprehend what was happening.

"We have the first of the newest Riders!" he shouted to the applause of the crowd, which died down when they heard Tali scream in terror and struggle to break free. He just looked at her oddly before complying with her wishes.

He pointed over to an area set apart, and said, "That's an area where you can relax until the other Riders are chosen." She shakily made her way to the designated area, subconciously grabbing the egg on her way.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:23 AM

Calaily waited anxiously in line to touch the dragon eggs. This was her first time to see if she would be chosen by an egg. When it was her turn to touch the eggs a smile spread across her face. She had been waiting for this for three years, since she was found by the dragon riders. Calaily stepped up to the first egg, a red one, and lay her hand on it. She moved on quickly to the next egg. The second egg was dark blue and Calaily stepped up to it. "This egg.... Feels different...." She placed both hands on it and felt a weird sensation. One of the elders walked over to her and smiled. "Our next dragon rider!" He yelled to the crowd and lifted her hand. A grin spread across Calaily's face as she walked over to the area where new riders waited. There was another girl there that looked kind of freaked out. "Hi. I'm Calaily." She said cheerily.

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 02:57 AM

((Okay, quick question. From your post, I gather that Calaily was essentially adopted by the Dragon Riders, is that right? I got a different impression from your profile, so that's why I'm asking.:)))

Tali looked up when a new person came over. She had been absentmindedly stroking her egg, feeling the presence inside. "H-hey, I'm Tali," she stammered, standing, but not raising her hand, "I suppose you're a new Rider too. I didn't think I was going to get picked." She hoped the new arrival didn't expect her to shake hands. She shuddered, anticipating the worst as she awaited a response.

"Those blasted Elders!" Jai'kar muttered angrily under his breath, cloak flapping in the wind, "Where do they hide those eggs!" He had just finished torturing another Rider who wouldn't tell him what he wanted to know. The man was still alive, barely. His student hadn't had the same fortune though, dying shortly after the first session.

Maybe you can find out by following one of the Elders, Nykrosion stated simply, Or by gaining the trust of one of the new Riders. Jai'kar was forced to admit that it was certainly a valid point. He looked out over the ceremony and saw too potential, unwitting accomplices. He jumped down from his rooftop perch and steathily made his way across the courtyard to the two young women.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 03:29 AM

((Um yeah. Sorry. Haha.))

Calaily smiled. "Nice to meet you." She giggled a bit. "I just knew I was going to be picked. I don't know how, but I did." Calaily stroked her egg. "I love the color of my egg." She stared off into space.

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 04:41 AM

"I love the coloring of my egg, too," she said, clearly, though no louder or less timidly than before, glad to not have to worry about shaking hands. She looked up from her egg to see a tallish man striding purposefully towards them. "U-Umm, C-Calaily," she stammered, getting a bad vibe from the strange man, "I think we should get out of here. That man doesn't look too nice." As she finished, she pointed him out to Calaily with her free hand.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 04:48 AM

"You're right...." Calaily said, looking suspiciously at the man. "But I think I'll confront him. I'm not scared of him. And he looks kind of familiar...." Calaily said and laughed. "You go ahead. I'll catch up with you later."

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:04 AM

Tali looked back and forth between the man and Calaily, before deciding that she would be lookout. She left and walked up to the platform, standing at the corner with the egg in her hands and looking back to where Calaily was, ready to grab one of the Elders in case trouble started.

Jai'kar strode up to the remaining girl, not really caring that the other one had left. "Hello, Ma'am. I wish to congratulate you on becoming a new Rider," he said smoothly, "I wanted you to know that if you ever needed help, that I'm here for you. As you can see," and with this he removed his glove and showed her his palm, "I, too, was a Dragon Rider, but sadly, my dragon died from disease a few months ago. I didn't have the courage to show my face back at Vroengard, so I went into hiding. I couldn't help but notice your potential, so I decided that I would come over and offer my knowledge."

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:07 AM

"Nice to meet you. I'll keep that in mind." Calaily said smoothly. Ulterior motives, perhaps? She thought to herself. "Say, you look familiar. Do I know you?" Calaily asked curiously.

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:18 AM

"I don't believe so," Jai'kar said, mentally cursing himself for leaving those wanted posters go unattended, "You probably recognize my twin's face. He's a wanted criminal, so he has his face plastered in every city."

Smooth, Nykrosion stated in response to Jai'kar's coverup.

Shut up! he shouted back mentally, but on the outside he said, "How about we get to know each other over a cup of tea and a nice meal, hmm?"

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:20 AM

"That would be nice." Calaily smiled. What is he up to? She wondered. "Shall we then?" Calaily said, motioning for the man to lead the way. She winked at Tali as the passed her.


((I won't be on again until probably Sunday after tonight. Sorry.))

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:32 AM

Tali shrugged, figuring that if he'd wanted to do something, he'd have done it by now. So she used something she had only used once a long time ago. She pushed him mentally entering the outer rim of his mind, only to find it completely surrounded with huge stone walls. She decided to see if she could gain entrance through his wall, but cried out in pain when he shoved back, harder then she had done to gain entrance. When her vision cleared, she was on her back, next to a puddle of vomit with the man's silhouette above her.

"Yes, I know the perfect inn to get a great meal cheap," he said as he started walking. He suddenly felt an unsure, and unexperienced presence in his mind. Impotent wench! he shouted mentally as he shoved her outside of his mind and into hers. Outwardly, he ran back the way they came when he heard the cry of pain, past gawking individuals who didn't want to risk losing their place in line. "Are you okay?" he said, tapping her shoulder.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:51 AM

Calaily rushed over to Tali when she heard her cry out. "Oh my gosh! What happened?!? Are you okay?!?" Calaily asked, holding out a hand to help Tali up.

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 05:58 AM

"Y-yeah, I-I should be okay," Tali coughed out, along with a bit more vomit, "I don't know what happened. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my head and then everything went black for a few seconds." She had ignored the offered hand, struggling into a sitting position. The Elders had stopped the line from moving, calling for sanitation engineers to clean up the bile.

"Here, allow me to help," Jai'kar said, putting his ungloved hand above Tali's head, "Waise heill!" A strange crimson light radiated from his hand onto her body, and she seemed to get better because of it. Smiling to himself, he sat back and waited for the girl to be ready to leave for the inn.

((I'm getting off for the night. It's 2:00 am here, so 'night:).))

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 06:02 AM

"You sure you're okay?" Calaily asked with concern in her voice. "Well okay. If your sure." She said to the look on Tali's face. "Shall we be off?" Calaily turned to the man and gave a small smile.

((I won't be on again until probably Sunday. Sorry.))

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 06:47 PM

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tali said, shooting a glare at the suspicious man, "Just a little shaken up." She continued to glare at the man who attacked her, then pretended to heal her. She looked around, noting the Elders' suspicious looks towards him as well, standing shakily and moving out of the way of the sanitation crew when they came over and told her to get out of the way so they could clean up. She continued over to the separate area, ignoring the gawking of the crowds.

"Yes we shall, milady," Jai'kar said, striding through the crowd purposefully, playing every aspect of the gentleman. They eventually came to a small inn, easily recognizable by the ugly black scar on its roof. Jai'kar held the door open for the girl before entering himself, finding a small table in the back corner. When the waiter came for their order, he ordered the roast beef stew with a glass of wine. He and the waiter then looked to Calaily, waiting for her order.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:10 PM

"Umm.... Just a glass of water. I'm not all that hungry." Calaily said politely to the waiter when it was her turn to order. When the waiter walked away she turned to the man. "I'm Calaily, by the way." She smiled and shook the man's hand.

((M dad brought his laptop so I'll be on some. yay!!!))

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 02:33 AM

Jai'kar smiled, seeing that his plan of gaining trust was already well-off. "Kreg," he said in response to Calaily's introduction, proud of his on-the-spot thinking skills. He sat back after introductions had been made, asking, "So, what do you like to do?" as if he was just trying to start a conversation.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 03:08 AM

"Well.... I like to sing. And I love to fight." Calaily smiled a bit. "What's this guy up to?" She thought to herself. Just in case, Calaily put up a mind block. "What about you?" She asked, putting interest in her voice.

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 04:06 AM

"Oh, I enjoy studying the arcane arts myself," Jai'kar replied modestly, though truthfully, "I also dabble in swordsmanship and potion making." He continued smiling until his meal came, having to break it in order to eat. He ate precisely, not even letting one drop of stew fall outside of the bowl. "What kind of fighting do you do? Ranged, melee, arcane?" he asked after he had finished his stew.

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Paramores1Fan is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 04:14 AM

"All kinds. I've been fending for myself since I was very young so I've done all kinds of fighting." Calaily smiled a bit and took a sip of her water. "I prefer things using a sword, but I'm rather good at archery." She looked at the table.

((I won't be on again until tomorrow night, just letting you know. And sorry the post was so short, running off of about 5 hours of sleep.))

jadetiger70 is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 06:18 PM

Zenl stood, watching the massive line walk by. His job was pretty simple: make sure that nothing broke out in the line. It was a job that he hated, but you can't really say no to the Elders. He looked over his shoulder when he heard footsteps to see an Elder making his way over to him. "Zenl, I have a new assignment for you," he said as he came to a stop, "We want you to make sure the new Dragon Rider, Tali, is okay and keep her company."

"Really, that's the best you could come up with?" Zenl asked incredulously, "I ask for a change in assignment and you give me a babysitting job? Whatever." He finished as he saw the look on the Elder's face. He made his way over to the designated area irritable, showing his gedwey ignasia to anyone who stood in his way. He arrived and threw himself onto one of the chairs. Man, he thought sourly, sizing up the small girl, I don't even have Levis to talk to because he went hunting.

Dino_RAWR is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 12:42 AM

[[ Hey, since I didn;t know that you were going to do the egg selection thingy Can you change my bio to where Delrya didn;t find her egg just yet?]]

Delrya Sol'tri walked over to the eggs. She was nervous, even though she didn't show it much, keeping her head held high, her steps measured and graceful and she came to a shimmering silver egg, shining brightly in the light and she touched it, feeling and instant connection with it and a slight smile pulled at the corners of her lips and she wondered where to go next.

she looked at the elders, who nodded to her, before she walked towards where the other riders went and sighed, running her fingers through her hair.

Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 01:11 AM

((Sure, I can do that. Can you reapply the profile with the changes? I don't really know what you want it to say, so, yeah.:)))

Tali looked up from her egg when she heard the footsteps of a person coming her way. From the look on his face, it seemed he was doing everything in his power to not stomp and shout. This was made even more obvious by the way he threw himself into one of the chairs. She heard the applause of the crowd and looked over to see an elf walking over towards the area, carrying a shining, silver egg. She seemed pretty nervous, though, thankfully she wasn't as angry as the man. Once the other girl had made it over, Tali stammered timidly, "H-hi, I'm Tali," and gave a small smile that seemed to light up her face.

"Hmm, archery isn't my strongest area," Jai'kar said thoughtfully, "I was always better with dueling and magic." He smiled, appearing to be pleased about something, which an inner look at his mind revealed to be because his plan was going so well. "Do you have any family? On my way back to Du Weldenvarden, I could drop off a letter, or something."

Last edited by Zafiri Drakontas; 07-11-2010 at 01:15 AM..

Dino_RAWR is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 01:19 AM

[[ just earase the whole thing and say she was the youngest of her race and uber Naive. XD too lazy to do that right now, since I just got done with my new RP and it took for friggin ever! DX ]]

Delrya looked over at her with a blank expression then offered her a kind smile. "Hello, I'm Delrya Sol'tri." she said in a silk smooth, yet slightly shy voice and she looked back at the people who applauded her then back at Tali and hugged her egg gently, stroking the side of it as she did, wondering what her mother and father would tell her when they saw the egg, or the dragon, when she got home.


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