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BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-17-2008, 04:02 AM

096. Writer's Choice - Untitled Jason Todd Drabble

Jason walked down the street, mask in his pocket. He wasn't working, he was heading back to his hideout. It had, miraculously, survived the last months of his absence unmolested, and he wanted to sleep in his own bed again. *Be nicer if it was Donna's bed...* he mused, then crushed that thought. Rayner had made it perfectly clear that he would be an annoying prick to keep them apart, and Donna hadn't seemed terribly interested in HIM once Rayner had shown up. He never did like green lanters. Hal was so...yeah, maybe it was because Green Lanterns made people smile. He was used to getting results through violence and fear. When the GLC showed up, everyone cheered. Jason Todd? Pants shitting fear. "Maybe I should go join the Sinestro Corps." he mused, turning down a dark alley.

Jason lifted the manhole cover, and dropped into the tunnel. Several feet down the passageway, he pressed a brick, and it beeped softly, responding after a year to his touch. The wall slid back and to one side, and he entered his red hood lair. He hadn't been there since the night after Duela Dent had died in his arms. Everything was covered with a layer of dust. Sighing, Jason took off his stolen coat, and hung it on a chair. Then he went to the closet, and prepared to clean house.

BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-17-2008, 04:07 AM

014. Green - Oathbound

"In brightest day, in blackest night..."

Breathe in, hold, breathe out. Like a ritual. It is a ritual.

"No evil shall escape my sight!"

This is a little humorous for a ritual engaged in by thousands of very solemn people.

"Let those who worship evil's might..." is a ritual, and must be observed. Respected. Finished.

"Beware my power.. Green Lantern's light!"

There. Now that that's out of the way....Let the whuppin' commence.

BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-17-2008, 04:12 AM

097. Writer's Choice - Returning

She knelt slowly in front of the cardboard box. She hadn't opened it in a long time. Too long, perhaps. It was just a dress box, taped at the sides. Slowly, she pierced first one piece of tape with her nail, then the other. Seal broken, she stared at the lid.


She started, and looked over her shoulder. Brown eyes gazed at her from the attic trap door.

"Yes, sweetie?" she asked. The little girl came a little farther into the room, visible to her waist on the ladder.

"Isn't that the bad box?" the tiny girl asked timidly. She was four. Her mother gazed down at the box, it's lid begging to be lifted.

"Yes, it is." she replied. The little girl came up the ladder all the way.

"You said we're not 'asposed to open the box. That bad things happen when it's open." she said, as solemn as only a four year old can be. The woman nodded.

"Bad things are happening already, Kara. I have to open the box." she stated.

"Won't more bad things happen?" little Kara asked. Her mother nodded again.

"Some bad things. Lots of good things. There's something special in here...Mommy tried to hide it away. It's a secret...a real important one. Lots of people got hurt because Mommy had this secret." she placed her hands on the lid, and lifted it slowly.

"It's just clothes." Kara said in a tiny voice, confused. She reached down, and lifted it out, shaking the garment loose.

"It's just a shirt and a skirt and a sheet and boots." she listed, pulling each out. She stopped at the bottom, and her mother lifted the last Item out.

"It's a wig, hon. Just a wig...But I don't need it any more." she smiled, and laid it back in the box. She took the boots, and the cape and shirt in hand.

"That won't fit me any more." she sighed, tossing the small skirt back into the box. Slowly, she rose, and took her daughter's hand.

"Is the secret the reason I don't have a daddy?" little Kara asked suddenly. Her mother stopped, staring at her in surprise.

" don't have a daddy...because he's gone, sweetie. He's dead." she sighed. Kara nodded slowly.

"So...he's in heaven? With God?" she persisted.

"Yes, he's with God now. Come downstairs, Kara." she said, and helped her daughter descend the ladder. Back on the main floor of their small home, Kara dashed off, secrets forgotten in favor of play. Her mother went to her bedroom, to find something to finish her old costume.

In the livingroom, Kara played with her doll. She was about to conclude the rousing tale of how Polly had saved the city from the evil villain, as yet unnamed, but probably just stupid Greg from school, when there was a knock at the door. Eager and innocent, Kara opened the door. Two women stood outside. One was a plain looking woman with short dark hair, and then other was exotic, with long white hair and dark skin. Kara stared at her innocently.

"You gots funny eyebrows." she stated to the exotic woman. The short haired woman chuckled.

“From the mouths of babes." she siad, and ruffled Kara's black hair gently.

"Sweetheart, is your mommy home?" she asked. Kara hesitated.

"Are you the bad things that mommy kept a secret?" she asked suspiciously. The two women shared a bemused smile.

"No, poppet. We are the good things your mother kept a secret." said the exotic woman solemnly. Kara nodded, and dashed off to find her mother.

Her mother was in the hall. She smiled. “Andy…good to see you.” She said.
“Time to go.” The exotic woman said firmly.

“I know. But I need to find someone to look after Kara for a while.” She stated, and held her arms out. Kara ran into them, and her mother lifted her up.

“She’s cute, Linda.” Andy said. Linda Danvers smiled, and hugged her daughter.

“Isn’t she?” she chuckled, and shouldered a backpack, locking the house.

BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-17-2008, 06:14 AM

041. Shapes - Communication

The lips move, sounds coming out. The sounds are words, but I do not understand them. The mouth makes shapes, the eyes move, but the sounds mean nothing. The words come not from the sounds, but from the motions. The shapes of the words, the meanings, come from the tilt of the head and the crease in the brow. Frustration.

The One-Who-Does-Not-Walk wishes Me to understand something. She gestures with her hands, trying to illustrate her point, but the motions are meaningless. I shrug, a curve of my shoulders that says 'I Do Not Understand'. She sighs. Frustration again.

The One-Who-Does-Not-Walk picks up a pencil, and makes a symbol on a paper. It is a vessel for for food. I nod, because this I understand. She draws a little man with slanted eyes. She touches the little man, then the food picture. I understand. I nod. She throws her hands up, and I sense that The One-Who-Does-Not-Walk is relieved. I tap her shoulder, and she looks at me. I cup one hand, and make an eating gesture with my other hand. She sighs, and the look on her face is the 'I Feel Stupid' face.

I smile, and it is my 'I Feel Stupid Too' smile.

BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-19-2008, 07:24 PM

033. Too Much - Kit Conn & Teen Titans Part Seven

Ginger made her first official public debut two weeks later, in a battle against one of Robin’s former foes, a man called Crazy Quilt. He’d been trying to steal a painting while Kit and Starfire were shopping. Being the closest to the scene, Robin sent them ahead, the rest of the team following from their island tower home.
“Crazy Quilt? That’s your super villain name?” Ginger asked, dodging a ray of light from the man’s eyes. “I thought the Quilts were made by nice old ladies?” Starfire asked. “Yes, but I am creating a Tapestry of EVIL!” The man cackled madly. “Rob, your pal is crackers.” Ginger reported, backflipping to avoid another light ray. “I’m well aware. Unfortuately, that’s partly my fault.” Robin stated. “Oooh! I love stories!” Starfire beamed, distracted. A ray smashed into her, putting her firmly into a concrete wall. She groaned, and slid to the ground, but landed on her feet. “That was my friend!” Ginger said hotly, and drew one of her sais. She threw it, and the weapon sped across the street, finding a new home in the meat of Crazy Quilt’s own thigh. He screamed, a high, keening sound, and fell to the ground. She winced. “Ugh. It’s so creepy to see them cry when they get hurt.” She stated, and crossed the road, punching the man once, into unconsciousness. She examined the leg wound, then looked up at Robin. “I missed the femoral artery, but he’ll have a limp to go with his silly outfit.” She reported. He sighed. “We talked about lethal force, Kit…” he said softly. Kit stared at him from behind her own mask, her face expressionless. “You know, nobody says anything when your boss puts a batarang into somebody’s hand. No one said anything when GA pinned Tom to a wall with arrows through his shoulders. Nobody says anything when you can hit a man so hard you can put him in a coma. Why is everything I do…wrong?” she asked, and bent, yanking her weapon free. “Next time you help a girl be a hero…make sure you arm her with stuffed animals and rubber duckies.” She stated, slapping the bloody weapon into his palm. She turned, and walked down the street, before turning a corner, and vanishing from sight.
As Crazy Quilt was loaded into an ambulance bound for Belle Reve, Cyborg looked at Robin. “Shouldn’t we go after her?” he asked. “No. I’ll talk to her when she comes back to the tower.” Robin said, and went to his bike, taking out his helmet. “If you see her before I do…don’t let her leave the tower, Cy. I want you to put her in a level six containment field if you have to.” He said. “Kit’s…our friend. Isn’t she?” Beast boy asked worriedly. “Sometimes, I wonder.” Robin sighed. Raven glared at him. ‘I don’t. I NEVER wonder. I know she’s our friend. I don’t know how long it will take you to see it Robin. As much as Kit is like you…and wants to be like you…she’s NEVER going to be you. You make her feel dark. Dirty. Tainted. I understand how she can feel that way.” She stated. Then she turned to the others. “And if you even THINK about trying to cage her…I’ll break her out myself.” Raven scowled, and vanished into a portal.
Kit stood in Robin’s little Trophy room, the Xenothium belt in her hands. “That’s not yours any more, or so I heard.” A voice said softly behind her. Kit smiled, and slowly, she buckled it around her waist. “I think I’ve flunked out of hero school, Rave. I’m taking my belt…and I’ll have to settle for being an Anti-hero. No one can live up to his standards. Every time I think I’ve almost touched the stars…he pushes me back into the dark.” She said quietly. “I’m still here.” Raven offered. Kit turned, and hugged the other girl. “I know, honey.” She whispered, and Raven returned the hug. “Where are you going?” she asked. “East. I thought maybe I’d go to Steel City…hang with Roy for a while.” She admitted. “Robin is going to come find you.” Raven warned. “That’s his prerogative. He’s made it clear…that I don’t belong here. That I’ll never be Good Enough for him.” Kit shrugged, and pulled away. “How will you get there?” Raven asked. “I’ve still got my Xbike.” She smiled. “Good luck. Call me whenever you want to talk.” Raven said solemnly, and kissed her cheek. “You too.” Kit nodded, and left with a final quick hug, teleporting away with the belt’s improved technology.
Aqualad looked up as the intruder alarm went off. He was halfway off the couch when a slender figure in black, with short copper hair, appeared in the middle of the room. She glanced around, then smiled at him. “Hi, Aqualad. Is my Sweetie here?” she asked. “Woah! Ginger! Speedy never mentioned that you were a teleporter.” He laughed. “New tech.” she shrugged, and he rose. “Welcome to Titans Tower East.” He offered, and she smiled, taking his hand. “Thanks. Robin was getting a little bent out of shape over me being in the other tower…I thought I’d come visit while he gets his head straight about me.” She stated. “Aqualad, what’s the situ….Kit?” Speedy stared at her, shocked. She turned, and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. “Oh Roy…” she whispered brokenly, and he looked at Aqualad. “A minute, please?” he asked, and Aqualad nodded, walking out of the room through the other door.
“Kit, baby, what happened?” Roy asked softly, rubbing her back gently as he held her. In a sad voice, Kit told him of the fight against Crazy Quilt. Then she spoke of her words to Robin, and he held her tightly, kissing her tears away. “No one will judge you here, baby.” He murmured, and she gave a trembling smile. “That offer still stand?” she asked softly. “Damn rights. Aqualad doesn’t run this team alone.” He smiled, and took her by the hand, leading her from the monitor room, towards his resident quarters.
Robin paged Speedy again, and it was ignored. Finally, he gave up on that, and paged Aqualad instead. “Aqualad…has Ginger called Speedy today?” he asked, when the other answered the call. “Called? Man, they’ve been shacked up in his quarters for like two hours.” He chuckled. “She’s there?” he asked. “yeah. Teleported…said she had new tech. Is something going on we should know about, Robin?” the aquatic telepath frowned at him. “Kit’s tactics are…less than heroic. She almost punctured Crazy Quilt’s femoral artery today.” He stated. “So you threw her off your team?” Aqualad asked flatly. “No! I just…I reprimanded her for using potentially lethal force.” He admitted. “Dude, I could drown you without even making an effort. Speedy could take out somebody’s eye, Starfire can cave in a skull with her fist. Raven’s permanently traumatized Dr. Light already, and you yourself once worked for Slade. Terra tried to kill all of you, on more than one occasion. Bumblebee and Cyborg BOTH worked for HIVE. Kid Flash is dating Jinx. We ALL have issues. And almost all of us have enough power to kill your average human. So…where’s my lecture about Lethal force, Boy Wonder?” the titans heartthrob asked plainly. Robin stared at him for a long moment, then ended the call.
Aqualad contemplated the door to Speedy’s room, then sighed, and knocked on it. “Come in.” Speedy called. The door opened, and Aqualad stared uncomprehendingly at them for a moment. “Uhhh…Hey. Um. Wow…I’ve never seen you without the mask before.” He stated. Speedy grinned. Ginger smiled. “What’s up?” she asked. “Robin called…he was looking for you.” He stated, leaning against the door frame. “And?” she asked, raising a ginger brow. “I said you were here. He told me you almost punctured Crazy Quilt’s femoral artery today in battle.” He added, returning the raised brow. “And?” Speedy asked. He smirked. “I asked him when he would be giving me MY lecture about Lethal Force. If you should get one…someone without powers…shouldn’t all of us?” he asked. Ginger smiled. “I like you, Aqualad.” She said plainly. He grinned. “Thanks, Ginger.” He stated. “You can call me Kit.” She told him. He smiled slightly. “Garth. My name is Garth.” He admitted. She smiled. “I like it.” Kit stated. Speedy smiled slightly. “Roy.” He added. “Well…now that we’re all on a first name basis…you guys wanna go grab some pizza?” he asked. “Do I?” Kit laughed, and they rose. Then she looked at herself, still in costume. “Can we change though. I hate going out in costume. Pizza sauce is a bitch to get out of Kevlar.” She wrinkled her nose. “Uhh…I don’t actually have any civvies.” Garth admitted. Roy chuckled. “You can borrow something of mine…and maybe Kit will help you pick out something of your own?” he asked. Kit beamed. “Shopping isn’t just an activity…it’s an adventure!” she said brightly, and they laughed.
The Fifty Book Challenge! FINISHED! Next up? Finish my 100 DC Drabbles! 30/100 and still typing!

BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-19-2008, 07:27 PM

083. And - Kit Conn & Catman/ Teen Titans (part Eight)

Three teenagers sat in a pizza parlor, teasing each other and laughing. A young man with long black hair and dark sunglasses poked fun at the pair of redheads, who laughed at his jokes, poking fun at him in return. For all intents and purposes, just three friends eating a pizza. But across the road, a robust man in a khaki trench watched them. Specifically, the female redhead. He himself sported red hair, mostly unstyled, and a little on the long side. He was well tanned for a white man, and well muscled. Finally, he crossed the road, and approached the table. He was ignored until he stood beside the table, and the dark haired young man looked up. “Can we help you, sir?” he asked. She looked up then, and their eyes met. She stared at him, her smile fading. “Tom.” She said softly. He didn’t smile. “I’ve been looking for you, Kitten.” He said, using her old name in fondness. “I’ve got a new life, Tom.” She said solemnly. “I know. So do I. I just…wanted to make sure you were good.” He stated. She smiled slightly, and touched Roy’s shoulder lightly. “I am good, Tom. Really good.” She stated. “Can we…talk? For a minute?” he asked. “Kit?” Roy said softly, and she smiled, kissing his cheek. “I’ll be just a minute, hon.” She told him, and slid out of the booth. Slowly, she followed him away, and they sat at another table, out of earshot.

“I missed you, Kit.” He smiled. “I missed you too, Tom. But we knew ages ago that our partnership was over.” She reminded him. “I know. I just wanted you to know…I took some time. Went back to Africa…I was living in the wilds…with a pack of Lions.” He grinned a little. “Wow.” She said, honestly impressed. Thomas Blake’s smile faded. “Deadshot killed them all. I had nothing left…and then I remembered that I had you…and if someone would go to the effort to kill my lions…I wanted to make sure you were okay, Kitty.” He said, and covered her hand with his. She smiled. “I’m a Teen Titan now, Thomas. They call me Ginger. That’s my boyfriend over there.” She nodded to the table. “He looks familiar.” He commented. She hesitated. “It’s…Speedy. GA’s partner.” She said gently. His hand tightened on hers for a moment, then relaxed. “If it weren’t for GA…I’d still be a loser.” He smiled, and leaned across the table, kissing her forehead. “I just wanted you to know that I’m here if you need me, Kitty.” He stated. “I always knew that, Tom.” Kit smiled. He rose, and cupped her cheek gently. “I love you, Kit Conn. You’re the only family I’ve got left.” He said solemnly. Kit rose, and hugged him firmly. “I love you too…Dad.” She whispered. He hugged her back, and kissed the crown of her head, fighting tears. FInaly, he let her go. “Go be Good.” He said hoarsely, and nudged her towards the boys again. “You too.” She replied, and returned to her seat as he walked out the door.

Kit took a shaky breath, and wiped her moist eyes with a napkin. “Oh, that was hard!” she whispered, and Roy took her hand. “You okay?” he asked worriedly. “Yeah. He just wanted me to know that he loves me.” She smiled. “He…what?” Garth blinked. “He’s like my dad. That was Catman…he raised me like a daughter…made sure I went to school…he even packed my lunches for me.” She smiled fondly. “You always talk about him…kinda like he was a bit of a loser.” Roy admitted. “He was. But he’s pulled himself together…I’m proud of him. And I still love him. We’re all the family either of us has ever had.” She pointed out. Roy kissed her cheek. “Now, you have Titans East.” He said firmly. “And Raven.” She added. Garth grinned. “She’s something, isn’t she?” he chuckled. “Oh, she has such a crush on you, Garth. She’d kill me if she knew I told you.” Kit laughed. Garth blushed. “You could invite her out, you know. Any time!” he added. “Do you…oh my god! Can I set you two up? Like…you could come on a double date with us!” Kit gushed. He flushed. “Uhh….I dunno…” he evaded, and Kit waved the reply away. “Don’t deny my Raven her dream, Garth.” She said firmly. “Uh…sure.” He sighed, and slumped. Roy grinned. “Don’t worry…Raven’s even cooler than I thought she was.” He promised, and Garth blushed again.

Penny is offline
Old 06-20-2008, 11:04 AM

I'm just a nerd enough to understand these.
You rock. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.

BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 08:29 PM

YAY. My first comment!

I was worried no one was reading them, but I knew I couldn't be responsible for two hundred and fifty odd page views all by myself just posting and editing...


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