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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 12-07-2010, 05:23 PM

Rate the Avatar Above You

What to Do:
  • Look at the avatar above you.
  • Give it a rating from 1 to 10, 10 being the best
  • Post a specific reason WHY you gave it that rating. Please make it as CONSTRUCTIVE as possible. Offer suggestions if you have them! ACers appreciate a good critique.
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5) Be sure to post a "Skip Me" note in your post if you're not rating an avatar but simply commenting on something. (Please observe Rule 3)

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 06-15-2017 at 03:49 PM..

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 01-14-2011, 06:14 PM

I'll start this thread off too. :)

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 01-14-2011, 06:44 PM

Whoa, it's been reset! xD

10/10 (rarely are your avis ever NOT a 10/10) :lol:

The bold reds are a perfect contrast to the more pastel pinks and blues. It's ready for valentines day and also still fit for the current chilly season, so the theme works. Also, the layering isn't too complicated so that also earns points.

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 01-15-2011 at 12:44 AM..

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 01-14-2011, 07:17 PM

Oh...I miss you other avatar! D:
But I do like this new one. You really like that purple skin, don't you? Lol!
But I love your always layer amazingly. It's balanced and totally captivating. I can't really complain about anything. Lol.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 01-14-2011, 07:55 PM


I feel there is nothing wrong.
I love the colors and the flow of the avi.
Not to mention the blindfold and ears is sexy

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 01-14-2011, 09:48 PM

10/10 hands down I dont know why but I just love the avvii, its soo simple but yet look soo nice even tho the hair is different colour it gives an awesome tlook to the avii

((wow what a start to the thread all 10/10))

star77 is offline
Old 01-14-2011, 10:47 PM

10/10 I love the fact that you have purple white and gold in your avie. I like how much stuff you have on your avi and yet it doesn't looked cluttered at all.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-14-2011, 11:48 PM

Hmm, I am going to give you a 9/10 here. I do really love your avi, and I think the colours are all well balanced. Honestly I love the simplicity to it as well! :D

Black Phoebe
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Black Phoebe is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 12:41 AM

I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the skirt, but I love the colour scheme featuring my three favourite colours <3

but it is a bit busy in places, so... maybe 8/10

Tranquility is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 12:47 AM

where'd you get the lipstick and eyebrows?

it's kind of... really plain Dx there's no flare in it and the hair doesn't have anything to match it.


Black Phoebe
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Black Phoebe is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 12:49 AM


come on man, you're 'nekked'.

\ (•◡•) /
chronic_heartbreak14 is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 12:51 AM

phoebe, try not to double rate xD it makes the page kind of boring when its only 2 or 3 people.

but yes... he is nekkid. xD

uhm... maybe add some red tights, belt, and some gloves. i would go so far as to say add a third color. its kind of boring and lacking in an avatar :sweat: 7/10

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 02:47 AM

((Yeah, sandwhiching posts is bad. Try to slow it down a notch Phoebe. :rofl: ))


\ (•◡•) /
vampire_bill is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 05:41 AM

10/10 I really like how balanced your avi is, also I like the light colors.
(just to let everyone know I'm entering a contest with this avi)


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 09:13 AM

i think you need some red socks and gold shoes. but other then that its pretty cool. a little boring, but pretty cool.


Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 09:16 AM


The orange colors are a little off but other than that it looks perfect! You always come up with the best color combination's BSW! I really like the dark skin with it to!!

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Old 01-15-2011, 11:45 AM

hmm what can i say about you, other then im lovig this harpie look your going for!
everything is so nicly balance!
i wuv!

Useful Idiot
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Old 01-15-2011, 04:37 PM

I'd say... maybe 6.5 | 10 ?

The reason why is because it seems kinda... off. :\
The purple sticks out in contrast with the oranges ~
(although my 2 fave colours ily for that 8D)
And I think that's really the big problem I have with it. XD

All in all it's nice ~ a little random. But nice ~

McNugget is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 05:06 PM

7/10 It looks intersting, and I always like a good red and blck theme, but it seems quite empty.
You could add more to it. Perhaps another colour?

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 07:28 PM


I just love this one a lot! The color choice is amazing! You did a wonderful job and I never see those pants. I can't believe you matched the hair so perfectly! Just amazing:drool:

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 01-15-2011, 09:34 PM

9.8/10! I love the merkheti legend, and I've seen it used a LOT, and you've used it in a really new and fresh way. I really like it!

The only thing I don't like is the white stockings. I definitely think there does need to be some white there, but a wrap or skirt comes to mind before those stockings. That's personal preference though; it looks great either way :)

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Old 01-15-2011, 10:52 PM

Keyori YAY i got yoouuu
I love LOOOVVE you avi , love the theme the colors everything is so dark. and the expreshion of your avi is simply BAD ARS
i give 9-10
Hey sometimes 2 colors are just enough!

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 01-15-2011, 11:39 PM

8/10 nice colours o.o but i think you need black socks or something for bottom and lose the fox tail, if you can keep just the ears keepthat but the tail just make the bottom look cluttered sowwie

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 01-16-2011, 01:01 AM

10/1o I Like your layering and I didn't notice before, but I like how the gold is pouring out of the cup.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 01-16-2011, 01:47 AM


I'd like to see some more red on the feet, but otherwise, it's very unique and matches fairly well.


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