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Old 10-28-2008, 03:54 PM

Open to anyone interested in a Bionicle Original RPG! Just submit your character profile to me in a PM and once you're accepted you're good to go! Very Happy


Plot: In the world of the Bionicle, there is one isle who has never had an encounter with the Toa, and as such believes them only to be legends and myths. The Island of Viya-Nui is secluded farther away from the islands of Metru-Nui and Voya-Nui in the vast protodermis sea. 1,000 years after the revival of Mata Nui, the Great Spirit, and the seemingly final defeat of Makuta and his followers, the island of Viya-Nui is starting to have strange happenings on their once peaceful Island. Now, with the possible revival of Makuta, the Matoran on the island must find a way to defend itself. Six normal Matoran are chosen to be Viya-Nui's Toa and team up with the Toa Nuva to put Makuta's new evil down For Good!

The Island: The island is a mix between organic and city scape, much like New York City, and is about the same and shape. The Island of Viya-Nui is roughly the area of Connecticut.

Matoran: Unlike the other Matoran of Voya-Nui, Metru-Nui, and Karda-Nui, There are females and males of every type of matoran. Although the Ga-Matoran (the water City) is still a majority of females, there are the rare male Ga-Matoran. Viya-Nui is based solely on trade of goods and services.

The Cities: Based closely around the Cities and infrastructure of Metru-Nui.

Ga-District: Mostly female, the water is where the young children are taken to learn the basics of their culture, and for the older Ga-Matoran children, how to work the raw protodermis into a pure usable protodermis.

Ko-District: A more liberal mix of male to female, the city of ice is known for it's history keeping rather than prophesies as in other Matoran island homes. Ko-Metru is in a mountain range but no where near as isolated as Ko-Koro on Mata-Nui. Ko-Metru's trade and services include scribes and book writing.

Le-District: with a fair mix of male and female matoran, Le-Metru is known for it's development of vehicles and transports as well as it's musical guilds. Le-Metru, unlike Le-Koro of Mata-Nui, is based on the edge of a forest, but doesn't intrude on the natrual areas.

Onu-District: Onu-Metru is the home of the mining matoran. having more males than females, they are known for their strength of body and mind. They are known for mining the Light Stones that are known throughout the Bionicle world as well as many minerals needed for making Masks and for inclusion in daily diet.

Po-District: The Artisans of Viya-Nui are both sexes, and are talented carvers and stone workers. Their work is well sought after for both it's artistic and architectural qualities. They try to work the city to be one with the world around them, creating a balance in their world.

Ta-District: Ta Metru is the largest of the six cities, and has a 1:1 ratio of males to females. Ta-Metru is known for their mask making, and their dedication to keeping a guard in all the cities. The city is the farthest inland, and is the warmest by far, not only due to the forges but also because of the hot springs around the city.


The Rules:

1) Obey the Rules of menwsha
2) Romance is allowed but no cybering, keep it to PG-13 at most
3) Keep swearing to a minimum but it is allowed
4) No God Modding
5) Respect the other players
6) What I Say goes! and you are to follow them!
7) This is a game! don't get angry about stuff that's in character
8 )l Keep Out Of Character (OOC) stuff to a minimum
9) Have fun!
10) As for right now, all characters for players will be "Good Guys"
11) No TOA Children. Nataka is the exception because he is an NPC

Character Outlines:

User Name:
Home City:

Accepted Characters:

User Name: Orial
Name: Nataka (Nah-Ta-Kah)
Home Island: Metru-Nui
Sex: Male
Profile: The son of Toa Gali and Toa Tahu, Nataka is a new type of Matoran element, storm. He's a gentle person like his mother, but is also very passionate and protective of those he cares about. He came to Viya-Nui to get to know the matoran there, and to begin trade with them with Metru-Nui.
Description: Nataka is gold black and red, and is wearing the Mask of sheilding like his father. He is slightly taller than normal Matoran, given he was born of two Toa. He also has a little elemental power, but nothing compared to his parents.
History: Nataka was born on Metru-Nui after the revival of The Great Spirit. He was cared for by all seven of the Toa Nuva and the last five remaining Toa Ignika. He was a little pampered but didn't let it go to his head. He is especially close to Taka Nuva, who is more like a big brother than an 'uncle'.
Element: Slight control over rain and storms.

User Name: Sidorak
Name: Cyper (sIgh-pER)
Home Island:Viya-Nui
Home City: Le-District
Sex: Female
Profile: An average craftsman,Cyper spends much of her time in a crowded workshop with other Le-Matoran,making her wares, Truth be told,she's not all that good with most materials,and she's very clutzy,but she can design and build almost anything if she sets her mind to it. She also works as a part-time chronicler,sorting and aranging the many history reccords in the Archives in the Ta-District. She has to travel all the way there to perform that job.

She is green and silver,with a little black and orange in places. Her eyes are silver.

Personality-wise,she is fairly even-tempered and cheerful,but hates fighting and can taunt and battle wits with most anyone. She can be a little brash and occasionally jumps into things,but usually thinks a problem through.
History: As far as she can remember,Cyper has spent her whole life on Viya-Nui. As far as she can remember,which isn't a whole lot. All her life she has been an orphan and has worked as some sort of craftsman. That's all she knows. What she doesn't know is that she came from a place beyond the Matoran world. Her silver eyes are the only indication of this.
Element: Since she is not a Toa,nor decended from one,she has no powers in the regular list. After long hours of practice however,she has discovered that she can manipulate objects with her mind for short periods of time. This is very exhausting if she maxes out this time or if the object is huge,so she doesn't use this power except in small ways.
User Name: Orial
Name: Levazack (Lee-VAH-ZAck)
Home City: Ta-District
Sex: Male
Profile: Cold and flippant Levazack has done a lot to get punished in his life. From telling off his elders to skipping out on patrols and guard duties to go for walks. He doesn't have many friends and that's the way he likes it.
Description: Levazack is average height for a matoran with dark red and white highlights. he wears the mask of illusions. his eyes are purple
History: When you think about Levazack's history, you can understand why he's so distant. abandoned by his parents at an early age to a ko matoran who would rather write than spend time with him, Levazack learned that no one ever really cared on the island. He adopted the same mentality soon after. his schooling was below average but he passed if only to gain freedom of doing whatever he pleased. He joined the guard to have a paying job but it was clear that he didn't care about it as there was ever anything to do.
Element: He has no element but has a high tolerance for heat being a Ta Matoran.

Elders: these are generally shared between Sidorak and myself ^^

Name: Shonan (SHOWN-ahn)
Home City: Ko-District
Sex: Male
Profile: Shonan wears his heart on his sleeve, and tends to go by his heart rather than his head at times. Highly intelligent, Shonan is an avid reader, for recreation, and has piles of scrolls in his icy home that he lends out like a one matoran lending library. It's no secret he holds a very hot flame for Rahlia, the elder for the Ga-district, but he is always afraid that they will never be together as they wish with their positions. He has a habit of focusing on one thing at a time and it tends to put him in awkward situations, especially if something bigger is going on around him. He is a very warm person though and enjoys talking with his people along with sharing a warm cup of cocoa or a good story.
Description: Shonan is just over average matoran height, about five-six, with an ice blue mask and ice blue markings on his primarily white armor. he has warm blue green eyes.
History: Shonan and the other elders have hid their liniage for a long time from the matoran. They are toa-decedents. Descended from the toa of ice, Shonan has always held a great hope that he could be as great as his forefathers. When younger the group left Viya-Nui to assist in the war and got to fight beside their Toa brethren. The war dampened his spirits but not his heart, as they were usually looked down upon even by the Toa. He is a firm believer that no one should be left behind, and Rankar's actions with Koshamia left a bitter taste in his mouth to this day.`
Element: Descended from Ice Toa but has no elemental power.
Status: Alive and well

Name: Napaku (na-PAH-koo)
Home City: Onu District
Sex: Male
Profile: Napaku is older than any other matoran or elder on the island. As such he gets around more slowly than others, and not just because he lost his eyesight. He has an assistant that helps him with some tasks and reads him reports if they aren't written in their version of braille. He is incredibly caring putting others far before himself. He is referred to as grandfather by his district because he thought that 'elder' sounded too impersonal. He has a great love for everyone of his matoran, but has a special place in his heart for his assistant who he thinks of as a son. don't let his lack of eyesight or age fool you though, he can hold his own in a fight, and has more often that not proven to be a prankster at times.
Description: Napaku's once shiny armor is dull and scratched. he was once almost five ten but age has curved his back so he is closer to the average height of matoran. His mask is a silver-gray and his eyes were once a beautiful emerald green but have become cloudy with the loss of his sight.
History: Napaku and other elders are descended from Toa but have kept it from almost everyone. Decended from the Toa of Earth, he was strong for his height. He and the other elders left their home to fight in the wars. in that battle he saved Rahlia's life at the loss of his sight.
Element: descended from Earth toa but has no elemental powers
Status: Deceased, visits Cyper in her dreams

Name: Rankar (RAHN-Karr (slight roll on the second r))
Home City: Ta-District
Sex: Male
Profile: Rankar has been called many things. Cold, emotionless and heartless to name only the nicer ones. He is the leader of the island's Elders, and is at odds with them more times than not. He lives by the code that the end justifies the means, and that has put him in deep water with Shonan, Rahlia and Napaku specificly. Rumors have it that he would sell his own mother if it meant saving the city or island from peril. whether it's true or not remains to be seen. He is known for his stiff hand and his literal translation of the laws. He may seem harsh but he always tries to be fair. although he does his best to hide his emotions away, his anger has been known to put him into deeper trouble.
Description: Rankar's armor is a deep red, and his mask is often covered with soot and ash. he's tall, almost six feet, even for a toa-descendant. his eyes are amber in color.
History: Rankar and the other elders are descended from Toa. Rankar before was always tested by his fellows for his strict mannerisms and lack of creative thinking. When he and the others left Viya-Nui to fight in the wars, it was his decision alone to leave Koshamia behind. Although it may have seemed heartless at the time, he knew that the five of them had little change of taking on several makuta's at once. He has always regretted the descision morally but he still stands by it logically. One to save the life of many. He has given up ever explaining that to his fellows and having them understand. after the battle he took to locking himself away from others, feeling that it would be best if he could stay out of sight and out of mind.
Element: Descended from the Toa of Fire, but has no elemental abilities
Status: Alive and Well.

Originally Posted by Sidorak
User Name: Sidorak
Name: Rahlia
Home City: Ga-Metru
Sex: Female

Profile: Rahlia is a kind and gentle woman,who acknowlages that she is getting past her prime. She is reserved and humble in most matters,but not hesitant to speak her mind when she feels it is right. She can bet stubborn and slightly selfish,and difficult situations often cause her to lose her temper. Overall,she is extremely emotional and does not withold herself at all in this respect.

Description: Like the other Elders,Rahlia is taller than the average Matoran,but shorter than a Toa. She is ever so slightly taller than the Turaga,but only by a little. Her armor is various shades of blue with silver pieces and trimming. She wears a blue Kanohi Kiril(

History: Born into a prosperous familly,Rahlia was raised in the uptight,traditional end of society. She recieved a classical education,which included many 'frivilous' activeties such as dancing and proper posture,and at her 'coming of age' was betrothed to a young Fire Toa decendent named Rankar. Though at first terrified by the thought of being forced into such a proposal,the two soon discovered that they shared genuine affections for one another,and were even excited for the upcoming date...until tragedy struck and they were both called away to aid their sister island,Metru-nui. Alongside their fellow future Elders,they fought against the Dark Hunters,and later a Makuta scientist who wished to take Viya-nui for his own. They were a unified team,fighting under Rankar,and with the added support of Maukin,a full-fledged Toa of Earth.
Rahlia is the reason Napaku lacks his sight. Towards the end of their conflict with the Makuta,he captured her and brought her to his underground laboratory,where he was testing an experimental weapon: Imatation light. Napaku personally rescued her resulting in his perminant blinding. Rahlia has always deeply regretted this.
She also bears a deep resentment towards Rankar,who allowed their Air member,Koshamai,to be left in the Makuta's clutches rather than potentially sacrifice the welfare of the entire group for one member. Despite grievious wounds,Koshamai still survived and was found by the group sometime later. Rahlia nursed him back to health until they could get him propper medical attention. Her trust in Rankar was broken that day and both have remained bitter. As a result,the two have not spoken to one another in years. She still harbors deeps affections for him,and is frustrated with herself for doing so,especially since another teammate,Shonan,also pursues her,and she has always been attracted to him,which has caused more bitterness,arguments,and awkward situations over the ages.
Element: Slight control over water. Rahlia also is a bit of an empath,able to sence the emotions and occasionally the thoughts of others. She reacts very strongly to whatever emotion is the heaviest in a location.

Open Elements


OOC: We now have one! :D PLEASE feel free to head over and give comments ^^

Last edited by Orial; 04-28-2011 at 02:02 AM.. Reason: adding character profiles

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Orial is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 08:09 PM

well! i got my first player! :D i'll open it up so please feel free to submit your character profile if you're interested and if you're accepted feel free to post! :D

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:10 AM

((OOC:*Squeals excitedly* :eager:))

"Whoops,ack,whoop,whoa!" Cyper,a female Le-Matoran grappled with a hot Kanoka disk,fresh from the forge. When she finished with it,it would be a beautiful wall piece. At the time however,the clumsy crafstman would have to settle for burnt hands and an embarrassing moment. For the millionth time,many of her fellow artists and sclupters hooted with laughter at her antics as she frantically tried to get the disk into her small pack.

"Failing again,Cyper? *Snerk snerk*"

"I'll bet she couldn't craft-handle a disk properly,even if it quick-landed right into her hands! Ha ha ha!"

"Hee hee! I'll bet she'd win first place at a fast-dance competition. She has lots of practice!"


Sadly,the young Matoran plodded home,thoroughly humiliated again.

"I'm not really clumsy," she thought. "I just thought-wander too much."

This was probably true,for at that very moment,she ran smack-dab into another,taller Matoran whom she had never seen before. He was red,black,and gold,and wore an unusual mask which she had never seen before. This supprised her,because her mask was the only one she had ever seen that was different from normal masks,except for the masks belonging to the legandary Toa.

"But those are just dream-myths," she told herself as she looked up at the pecculiar Matoran.

"Oh I'm sorry!" she burst out,backing up a few steps. "I...I need to do less thought-wanderen' and more path-watchin'." :oops:

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-11-2009, 01:33 AM

Nataka had wondered around the island for a while trying to keep himself from being glared at by other matoran. he had found that the island was similar to metru nui but with some elements that were similar to the stories he heard from his mother and father about Mata Nui. he had been wondering around and not paying attention to his surroundings, so when he ran into another matoran he yelped as he fell back.

"Oh I'm sorry!" she burst out,backing up a few steps. "I...I need to do less thought-wanderen' and more path-watchin'."
He looked up at the le matoran and chuckled weakly. "Sorry! i need to do the same," he said standing back up and seeing that the le matoran was actually female. another big difference he needed to take note of. "Are you okay?" he asked offering her his hand.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by Orial View Post
He looked up at the le matoran and chuckled weakly. "Sorry! i need to do the same," he said standing back up and seeing that the le matoran was actually female. another big difference he needed to take note of. "Are you okay?" he asked offering her his hand.
"Yes,thank you," she replied awkwardly as she took his hand. Never had anyone treated her in such a polite manner. :sweat:

Dusting herself off a little,and him as well,she decided that introductions should be made.

"My name is Cyper and I'm a crafter here in the Le-District." =3

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-11-2009, 04:44 PM

"My name is Cyper and I'm a crafter here in the Le-District."
Nataka smiled and nodded his head to her. "My name is Nataka," he said and frowned wondering how to explain where he was fun. "I'm actually from Metru-Nui," he said rubbing his head. "it's another island quite a ways away." he said with a smile. "So i'm afraid i don't really know my way around this island yet. what's it called?" he asked hoping that he wouldn't get any more weird looks.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Orial View Post
"I'm actually from Metru-Nui," he said rubbing his head. "it's another island quite a ways away." he said with a smile. "So i'm afraid i don't really know my way around this island yet. what's it called?" he asked hoping that he wouldn't get any more weird looks.
Cyper flashed him a lopsided grin,which ment,"No harm done",or something to that effect.

"This is Viya-Nui," she said,holding her arms upwards. "You are in the Le-District,although if your island is set up in a similar fashion,with all the green-colored Matoran foot-walkin' around,I suppose that part was fairly obvious." :lol:

She flicked a small bug away from her head as she remarked,"You got a place to stay? Fire-spitters don't come here that often,so if you get some queer looks,don't be supprised."

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:06 PM

She flicked a small bug away from her head as she remarked,"You got a place to stay? Fire-spitters don't come here that often,so if you get some queer looks,don't be supprised."
Nataka chuckled at the "fire spitters" comment. he had heard that so much from Matau and Lewa when he was little.

"No afraid i don't have a place to stay," he admitted smiling. "but it seems that it is set up similarly to Metru-nui. It seems that the le-matoran speak the same no matter where i go." he laughed warmly and smiled at Cyper.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by Orial View Post
Nataka chuckled at the "fire spitters" comment. he had heard that so much from Matau and Lewa when he was little.

"No afraid i don't have a place to stay," he admitted smiling. "but it seems that it is set up similarly to Metru-nui. It seems that the le-matoran speak the same no matter where i go." he laughed warmly and smiled at Cyper.
She giggled when he mentioned the similarities between speech when it came to Le-Matoran.

"Of course we do. If we didn't,how in Mata-Nui's green earth could we understand each other? Matoran from the other districts have enough trouble understanding us! Ha ha ha!"

After a few moments of laughter between them,she sobered down a bit.

"Look,as long as you don't mind crazy green Le-Matoran hopping around to do random projects,you can come stay with me."

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-11-2009, 08:10 PM

"Of course we do. If we didn't,how in Mata-Nui's green earth could we understand each other? Matoran from the other districts have enough trouble understanding us! Ha ha ha!"

After a few moments of laughter between them,she sobered down a bit.

"Look,as long as you don't mind crazy green Le-Matoran hopping around to do random projects,you can come stay with me."
"True enough! my "uncle" is the toa of air and he even confuses my parents!" he chuckled, using air quotes when he spoke about his foster uncle Lewa. He smiled at her and nodded.

"Sure, if you don't mind a weird off islander." he said with a smile.


In an old chamber forgotten by most islanders of Viya-Nui, shadows gathered. there were several rahi chattering and growling as the shadows gathered into a form.

"So my think you have destroyed me...?" he asked into the air. two red eyes bored into several rahi before absorbing them to make a form similar to a toa. "I shall show you that i am still as strong as ever." he growled.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Orial View Post
"True enough! my "uncle" is the toa of air and he even confuses my parents!" he chuckled, using air quotes when he spoke about his foster uncle Lewa. He smiled at her and nodded.
"Hee hee. You're funny,Nataka. I like that. Toa of Air! Ha ha ha!"

"Sure, if you don't mind a weird off islander." he said with a smile.
She grinned even larger,elbowing him playfully as she took his arm,leading him down the road. It was a little ways yet,and the stars were coming out,but neither of them minded.

The house itself was more of a hut,although it had several rooms. It was a little messy in places,but nothing extreme. After lifting an unusually large bundle of papers and plans out of a chair in what served as the sitting room,she invited him to sit down. Kneeling down in front of the fireplace,she whistled as she worked,and soon had a cheery blaze going,but not before a large puff of smoke exploded in her face,turning parts of her mask ash grey.

"*Cough cough cough* Fiestly little fella,aren't you?" she chuckled,wiping the soot away.
In an old chamber forgotten by most islanders of Viya-Nui, shadows gathered. there were several rahi chattering and growling as the shadows gathered into a form.

"So my think you have destroyed me...?" he asked into the air. two red eyes bored into several rahi before absorbing them to make a form similar to a toa. "I shall show you that i am still as strong as ever." he growled
The few remaining rahi fled back into the shadows from whence they had come. Their master lived again!

Last edited by Sidorak; 08-11-2009 at 10:47 PM..

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Orial is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 11:37 PM

"Hee hee. You're funny,Nataka. I like that. Toa of Air! Ha ha ha!"
Nataka rose a ridge on his mask and frowned. "what do you mean? you don't have Toa here?" he asked confused. as far as he could reason almost every island had some type of guardian, whether it was toa or some other special being.

walking with her back to her hut he smiled at the mess. his room back on Metru Nui wasn't much cleaner. scrolls of history lessons and other items had lined his room and he had no less than three books out to read at any one time. his mother had given up on keeping it clean.

"*Cough cough cough* Fiestly little fella,aren't you?" she chuckled,wiping the soot away.
Nataka smiled and looked at her before digging into his pocket to hand her a cloth with the sign of Ta-metru and Ga-metru together. "Here, soot is hard to get off."

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by Orial View Post
Nataka smiled and looked at her before digging into his pocket to hand her a cloth with the sign of Ta-metru and Ga-metru together. "Here, soot is hard to get off."
"Why thank you." She took the it and cleaned the rest of the soot away. As she pulled the cloth away from her face,she paused and gaped at the symbols.

"But...but...they're just myth-legends..." :shock: She sat down suddenly on the floor as her legs gave way.

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-12-2009, 12:42 AM

((OOC: i love your hair btw X3 ;)))

"But...but...they're just myth-legends..."
Nataka smiled and chuckled. "Afraid not. my parents are both Toa. That's why i look different," he said motioning to his strange color combination. "You guys have never seen toa before?" he asked curious. "who protects your cities and island from Rahi and everything?" he asked before going over and frowned holding her arm. "are you okay?"


as the sun set and the shadows and stars took over the sky, Makuta reached out in his limited power to some nearby Rahi to begin to take them under his control. he sensed no Toa on the island and this would be a good place to start his rebellion again. His last servants who took his name were weak and fought among themselves. as the saying went; if you want something done right, you do it yourself.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 01:00 AM

Originally Posted by Orial View Post
((OOC: i love your hair btw X3 ;)))
((OOC: Thank you. X3))

Nataka smiled and chuckled. "Afraid not. my parents are both Toa. That's why i look different," he said motioning to his strange color combination. "You guys have never seen toa before?" he asked curious. "who protects your cities and island from Rahi and everything?" he asked before going over and frowned holding her arm. "are you okay?"
:shock: Cyper nodded dumbly,still dazed. Putting one hand to her head,she re-ajusted her mask,trying to shake off her supprise. It didn't help much.

"We...protect ourselves. Sometimes,speech-tales are told to young ones like us about great spirits of the elements,but it's thought to be made up. The elders all say Toa-heroes don't exist."

She staggered to her feet,obviously still flustered,and handed Nataka back his cloth. Wobbling over to a shelf,she pulled down a large container full of scrolls and sat in a chair,motioning for him to come and sit next to her. Each scroll she opened told a story,and showed pictures of different Toa and their brave deeds. She shook her head,staring at them.

"What I can remember of my first moments here...When the elders first told a Toa story,I was thrilled and asked where our guardiens were. They all laughed at me and said,'Child,don't you know? These are only tales of imagination. Such things are not real." She burried her head in her hands.

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-12-2009, 01:32 AM

Originally Posted by Sidorak View Post
((OOC: Thank you. X3))
you're welcome! :D

"We...protect ourselves. Sometimes,speech-tales are told to young ones like us about great spirits of the elements,but it's thought to be made up. The elders all say Toa-heroes don't exist."
Nataka frowned and whistled. "Wow...kinda weird. i mean i know that there have been times where the matoran weren't always protected but they knew that they were real. that's a lot of culture shock." he said before watching as Cyper got up

Wobbling over to a shelf,she pulled down a large container full of scrolls and sat in a chair,motioning for him to come and sit next to her. Each scroll she opened told a story,and showed pictures of different Toa and their brave deeds. She shook her head,staring at them.

"What I can remember of my first moments here...When the elders first told a Toa story,I was thrilled and asked where our guardiens were. They all laughed at me and said,'Child,don't you know? These are only tales of imagination. Such things are not real." She burried her head in her hands.
Nataka gently took the scrolls and read them over. it was clear that the abilities of the toa were exagerated, as many stories were. As he read it was possible that the time between the last toa here and now was greater than probably even the creation of the Toa Mata, the creation of his parents. "i'd imagine probably over 500,000 years since Toa came to this island. but why would they abandon it?" he muttered before looking at Cyper. "I guess it wouldn't help to say that my parents are Toa huh?" he asked trying to ease her shock. "Either way, it looks like you have taken care of the island pretty well." he said with a smile.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 01:18 PM

Nataka gently took the scrolls and read them over. it was clear that the abilities of the toa were exagerated, as many stories were. As he read it was possible that the time between the last toa here and now was greater than probably even the creation of the Toa Mata, the creation of his parents. "i'd imagine probably over 500,000 years since Toa came to this island. but why would they abandon it?" he muttered before looking at Cyper. "I guess it wouldn't help to say that my parents are Toa huh?" he asked trying to ease her shock. "Either way, it looks like you have taken care of the island pretty well." he said with a smile.
She turned to face him,one hand still on her head,and smiled greatfully. A rueful grin crossed her face.

"So your parents are Toa? No wonder you're so tall!" She chuckled at her own bad joke and got up out of the chair to fix dinner.

The meal itself was not that bad,although Cyper did giver herself one or two minor burns,though she refused to admit it. During this time,she told him a bit more about the island and its different parts.

"...And the Ko-District is where we keep our record-scrolls. Any questions?" =3

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Old 08-12-2009, 08:01 PM

"So your parents are Toa? No wonder you're so tall!" She chuckled at her own bad joke and got up out of the chair to fix dinner.

The meal itself was not that bad,although Cyper did giver herself one or two minor burns,though she refused to admit it. During this time,she told him a bit more about the island and its different parts.

"...And the Ko-District is where we keep our record-scrolls. Any questions?"
"Yeah, my father is the Toa of Fire and my mother is the Toa of Water," he said before smiling at the dinner and enjoyed it. it was simple but familiar to Nataka's taste buds.

"It's pretty similar to Metru-nui," he said with a smile. "course there are some diferences but i think i pretty much understand it." he said finishing up and going to put the dishes back into the kitchen. "So I would probably have to go to the Ta-district to start up at least trades and communications with Metru Nui." he said thinking outloud.


Outside at the edge of the Le District, several Ta-matoran guards were taking an easy time as the night aged. They didn't see the shadowy figures slither upon the ground before it was too late.

"MATA-NU-GAAAAH!" their screams echoed across the district as the new rahi made their presence known to both the district and to their master.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 09:52 PM

"Of course. I suppose the Ta-District is most like your home. ":( She seemed hesitant to talk any more about his leaving.

After they washed the dishes,Cyper showed him around her home. About everything from pots to masks could be found there.

"...But I have yet to make any Great Kanohi masks. Another reason why Toa-heroes are concidered myths. No one has seen a Great mask in ages and none exsist as far as we know." ;)

Suddenly,she paused.

"Do you hear something? It sounds like screaming."

Meanwhile,the rahi had entered the district and were wrecking havoc upon the citizens and their surroundings.

"Mata-Nui protect us!"

"What can we do?!"

"These rahi are unstopable!"

"Call the guard!"

But it did no good. Buildings came ablaze and collapsed into ruin as Matoran fled screaming through the streets,forced to run as once-great structures collapsed into ashes.

Last edited by Sidorak; 08-12-2009 at 09:55 PM..

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Old 08-12-2009, 10:44 PM

"A little bit..." he said noticing that she was a bit upset. "Course i could always use a guide," he said hoping that it would ease her worries.

he followed her to the kitchen and admired her work. "Wow, that's really good quality masks..." he said gently picking up one and looking it over. he looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah...great kanohi masks wouldn't have much of a purpose...." his eyes shot to the window and frowned. "that did sound like screaming. stay here...i'll check it out." he said heading to the door to peek outside.

Outside the Rahi were on the loose their long snakelike bodies destroying buildings while their clawed hands left marks of a familiar shadow on anything they couldn't destroy. Things were on fire and the young matoran of storms knew he had to do something, if only to put out the fires.

Rushing outside he closed his eyes and raised his arms calling upon what little elemental abilities he had to summon a rainstorm.

The rahi turned toward him and hissed sensing the deminished power of a toa within him, and something else. something far different laying within. Hissing in terror they fled back to the shadows, their job was done. they would know that Makuta had risen again.

Visorak King
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Old 08-13-2009, 12:12 AM

:o...Following his steps until she stood next to him,she stared out into the night,first at the smoldering remains of her district,then at Nataka.

A sudden snuffling and scratching noise at the other door caught her attention. Motioning to him to be quiet,she cautiously returned to the house and grabbed a mask-melding tool. The door burst open and in stormed a rahi,eyes burning with madness.

It howled and made a lunge for her,knockling her flat. In return she blasted it with the tool,taking by suprrise. It screeched in pain and reared,coming down hard and pinning her. With all limbs pinned,this foolish young Matoran was easy prey. Or was she? Out of nowhere,a pot that had been sitting on the mantlepiece flew off its place,up into the air,and came crashing down on the rahi's head. Though it was dizzy,it snarled at her and pushed down harder,causing her to yelp in pain.

"Aiiiegh!!!" :insane:

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Old 08-13-2009, 12:54 AM

Nataka spun around hearing Cyper cry as the Rahi attacked her. Rushing back into the house he drew his short sword, a gift from Jaller, and stabbed at the creature's face.

The cry of the beast sent chills down Nataka's spine as it clawed at it's eye. Blinded by the attack and by rage Nataka concentrated and raised a hand, calling upon all of his strength to send a lightning bolt to the creature. As it struck the scent of burning mechanics and flesh filled the small hut. The creature slumped to the ground dead. Nataka soon followed it to the ground, exhausted.

" okay?" he asked his energy low from using his abilities.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 06:13 PM

"I...think so," she murmered shakily,trying to get out from under the creature. "But you don't look so good."

Wobbling to her feet,she hoisted him up onto her shoulders and pelted as fast as she could manage up a hill in the opposite dirrection of the disaster zone,towards the silhouete of a giant structure.

"See that building up ahead? It's the central meeting area: Part council rooms,part living quarters,part temple. We can get help there."

Muscles and parts aching,she clambered to the top and up the large stone steps of their destination.

"Open up! Open up!" She pounded on the door with what energy she had left until a kind-looking elderly Po-Matoran opened the door and led them inside. He bade them sit on a bench and wait until an Elder arrived to talk to them.

Lover of Bionicle and Transforme...
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Old 08-13-2009, 06:33 PM

"I'll....i'll be okay," Nataka said as they moved toward the temple. "I..just need to rest." he said already starting to doze as the door opened to the elderly Po-Matoran.

Nataka sat down on a bench and let his head hit his chest as his eyes slipped closed. he had used far too much energy to summon the storm and lightning and was going to pay for it with a long nap. His parents had warned him that until he was older not to use such powerful elemental attacks as he had, but the situation called for drastic measures to save innocent matoran.

Inside a Ta Matoran guard looked up and frowned slightly. he was known as Levazack and also for his cold attitude and flippant remarks to his elders. he glanced at Nataka and Cyper and then others as it seemed an entire small village arrived.

"What the hell's going on now?" he asked grumbling before hearing the thunder outside. Nataka's storm was still going, putting out the fires slowly. eventually it would pitter out into nothing.

Visorak King
Sidorak is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 03:11 AM

Cyper dozed too,until another elder aproached them,noding in greeting to Cyper. She was a Ga-Matoran.

Taking Nataka's hand,she began to speak. Her voice was warm and calming.

"Welcome to the Central Meeting Place. I am Rahlia,Elder of the Ga-District. And I am guessing from your appearence that you are no ordinary Matoran.

We've been recieving reports from around this District of strange rahi running rampant in the streets,causing much chaos and destruction. I am guessing from your injuries that you have had an encounter with these beasts."

As she spoke,her hands moved across his body in a soothing manner, Wherever they touched,his wounds began to heal and a little of his energy returned.


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