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King of the wolves
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Old 01-07-2012, 01:25 AM

Balto movie outlines
Balto is an animated trifle, based loosely on a true story from the 1920s, that may offer some amusement for young children. A live-action intro and outro set the stage for the story of Balto (voiced by Kevin Bacon), a stray who's half dog and half wolf, who is shunned as a half-breed outcast by both humans and his own kind. Balto does have some friends, like the goose Boris (Bob Hoskins) and two polar bears named Muk and Luk (Phil Collins), but he is particularly resented by canine pack leader Steele (Jim Cummings), with whom he is competing for the affections of Jenna (Bridget Fonda). He eventually becomes a hero when he guides a medication-carrying sled to a townful of sick kids in the wilds of Alaska. The film features a number of positive messages (subtlety is not its strong point), but it may not feature enough humor or excitement to keep anyone but the very smallest viewers engrossed (( number one))

Balto and his mate, Jenna have a new family of six puppies. Five of their puppies look like their husky mother, while one pup, Aleu, clearly takes her looks from her wolfdog father. When they all reach eight weeks old, all of the other pups are adopted to new homes, but no one wants Aleu. Aleu stays with her father, Balto. A year later, after she is almost killed by a hunter, Balto tells Aleu the truth about her wolf heritage. In anger and sadness, she runs away, hoping to find her place in the world. (( number two))

Noble dog Balto returns in this direct-to-video sequel to the popular animated adventure that bears his name. Balto (voice of Maurice LaMarche) has retired from his chores as a sled dog, and his son Kodi (voice of Sean Astin) has taken his place. But Kodi's livelihood may be in danger when mail airplanes come to the frozen North, which threaten to make the post office's dog teams obsolete. In order to determine who can deliver the mail faster, the pilot of the carrier plane challenges the leaders of the dog teams to a race; however, when the mail plane is involved in a serious accident, Balto and Kodi must put aside the rivalry to help save injured pilot Duke (( number 3))



Balto is a wolfdog who is rejected by the residants of Nome, (minus Rosie) and teased by Steele and his gang for being part wolf. Balto's biggest dream is for a musher to accept him onto their sled team. Dispite his heritage, Balto never gave up the dream, no matter if anyone doubted him.

Jenna is a dark red husky that fell in love with Balto in the first movie. She is a loving caring husky with a heart of gold. she is also the mother of balto's puppies.

Boris is like balto's father. he has raised balto since he was a pup and has been with him throught everything.

Steele is a husky, and the antagonist from Balto. He is a sled dog, and has been for quite some time.
Little is known for certain about Steele's backstory. It can be said without question that he has been a sled dog for a long time, and has hated Balto perhaps for even longer, though the reason he hates Balto is uncertain; it appears to simply be because Balto is part wolf. He also likes Jenna, even though he knows Jenna doesn't necessarily like him. He has been a racing champion for several years, so it is quite possible that he is at least twice as old as Balto and Jenna.

other charaters include:

Aleu is the daughter of Balto and Jenna. She was born in a litter of six pups, the only one of them that looked grey; as Balto put it, she looked more like a wolf than he did. No humans would adopt her, so she ended up staying with her parents for over a year.

Muk and Luk
two young polar bears with no real care in the world. they are seen with boris and balto almost all the time.


Balto and Jenna's son he works with the Nome mail sled dog team. He looks up to his father and wants to be able to run as fast as his father to do great things.

Blane (( new guy, up to anyone who would like to play him))



The point of this thread is to first and four most have fun. I dont want anyone fighting about what the charaters can and can not do. People have there own thoughts just deal with it. The second point is because i wanted a dog RPG that people would know and enjoy. there is already a story line so it will be easy for people to relate and post replys. Plus i know everyone who has seen all three movies has always wanted to know what happens nexts. I know I do. Here is how we play.

Charater your playing:
Or if your making your own we need there name:
anything else you can think of.

please pm me your profile as we should keep track of who everyone is so that we dont have 5 of the same people floating around. thank you. please send it with the title of " Balto lives on"


Charaters played by the people :3

Username: jahero
Charater your playing: Balto
Age: 3 or 4
Bio:Balto is a wolfdog who is rejected by the residants of Nome, (minus Rosie) and teased by Steele and his gang for being part wolf. Balto's biggest dream is for a musher to accept him onto their sled team. Dispite his heritage, Balto never gave up the dream, no matter if anyone doubted him.
mate: jenna
pups:6 ( Aleu, Kodi, and 4 others)
job: sled down, town hero
relitives: Jenna, Alue, Kodi, 6 other puppies.
anything else you can think of.

He also has Boris and Muk and Luk

Username: Inuyami
Charater your playing: Diva
Age: 2
Bio: Diva is Bolto's sister from a litter born a couple years after Bolto. She is a full blooded wolf and was the last pup born to their mother Aniu. Diva was sepperated from Aniu when she was only two months old and had been on her own ever since, until she met Blane. Diva and Blane live in Northern Canada before the two of them were hunted by pouchers. Blane has since gone missing as he led the hunters away from their den to save Diva. Looking for her mate, she has recently found her way to Alaska where she's picked up Bolto's scent, which vaguely reminds her of their mother's.

Mate: Blane

Pups: none
Job: none
Relitives: Balto

Originally Posted by Inuyami
Name: Blane
Age: 3
Bio: Blane was born to a German Shepard mother and a wolf father he never knew. He was the only one in his litter who was not adopted and after living with his mother's owners for a year, they left him in the wilderness to fend for himself and maybe find a home of his own. Blane met Diva when she was a year old and the two had been inseperable until pouchers found their den. Selflessly, Blane ordered Diva to run for his life while he distracted and fought off the hunters. The battle left Blane blind in his right eye, and he now searched for Diva.
Personality: Friendly, rightous, brave, head strong
Mate: Diva
Pups: None
Relitives: None

Username: Gemini
Charater your playing: Gemini (new)
Age: about 2 years old.
Bio: Gemini is full wolf, born to the pack that Balto's daughter led away.she was young and frightened at the time, and chose to stay.she had just had a pup with her mate, and shortly after the pack left, hunters came.the shots warned her instantly while she was out hunting, but by the time she hot back to her den it was too late.they had shot her pup,the only pup she had ever had, and her mate was dying, having defended their pup.Gemini fought and got the hunters to run away, but her hind leg was crippled in the struggle and her mate died not long after.sad, scared and alone, Gemini limped her way towards Nome hoping that Balto could help her.
Mate: dead
Pups: dead
Job: loner
Relitives: none anymore.
Anything else you can think of: the hunters took Gemini's pup, so she always assumed he was dead.she never knew for sure.sometimes she dreams of him and wakes up howling his name- Todd.

[QUOTE=Shaniqua]Username Shaniqua
Charater your playing: Manphelia
Or if your making your own we need there name:
Age: 7
Bio: an older black and gray wolf with mismatche eyes and long dusty fur, he always travels with hsi friend and only family Draco, looking for a place to call home
mate: none
job: wanderer
relatives: Draco

Username: Draconandeggs
Or if your making your own we need there name: Draco
Age: 2
Bio: a tan half wolf, half dog missing a back leg with deep purple eyes
mate: none
pups: none
job: wanderer warrior
relatives: shaniqua (brother
bio: younger brother of shaniqua he wanders the world, an obvius warrior wolfdog who had seen some rough figths and lost his back leg because of humans. he doesnt like to be babied and wants to think he has it figured out nd all he wants is to rest and have a family.


Balto yawned as he moved from under his blanket and or to the bowl of water. He laped up a few licks before looking at the Nome Alasken sun. The wormth made him shake and put a smile on his face. He looked around. Boris was no where to been seen. " Must be taken one of his baths" Balto thought as he made his way into town for something to eat. Before it was hard for him to get a meal, now because of him saving the town a few years back, people are more open to him and dont mind him around much. Even the local buchter was kind to give him a bone now and then.

Last edited by jahero; 02-25-2012 at 06:17 AM..

King of the wolves
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Old 01-08-2012, 01:12 AM

As Balto moved down the back alley way towards the butcher shop. The smell of the fresh meat made is mouth water. The butcher seemed happier than ever, singing his little tune as he cut meat and bone with one big "chop". Balto sat in the door way for a moment before letting out a small bark. " Well, if it is the wolf- dog balto" he said petting balto's head. Balto licked his hand in reply. The man smiled and looked around the shop for a moment before grabbing a bone and giving it to Balto.

Balto carried the bone into town, towards Jenna's house to enjoy breakfeast

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:17 PM

On the other end of the small town a dispute was beginning to rise amoung the people. Hooting and hollaring rose from the aged lofty homes as more people gathered to see what had started the commotion, and add in their two cents. Behind the hospital, in the alley, The village people had cornored a wolf and were cursing it for the recent dissapearance of live stalk. Get it! one villager yelled as the mob began to close in on the defenceless youngling. She barked loudly, bared her teeth and growled with malice in her eyes. The human's meant to kill her, she may have to fight for her life.

King of the wolves
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:27 PM

Balto heading towards Jenna's when he heard yelling coming from what sounded like the hospital. " What's going on?" He wondered as his natural curiosity had him walking towards the yelling. As he got closer the sent of wolf hit his nose giving him a shock, dropping his bone he was now running towards the hospital, ready to help the people. A wolf had never entered the town before so her wasn't sure what he was going to see, but he didn't care. He was ready.

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:37 PM

The fear inside scared Diva continued to build as the villagers continued to close in. Their hatred filled the air and nearly choked her as it clung to her nose. Scanning her surounding, Diva took notice of a couple of trash cans and made a dash for it. She jumped from the cans on trash, to a low roof and looked back at the crowd that had gathered. A lonely pain struck threw her heart as her eyes passed over the angry faces. A wind from the north picked up and rose a new scent to her nose, one she'd vaguely recalled but she couldn't put her paw on it. And then she saw him, a grey and silver dog? No, he was a wolf... Right? They eyes met for a moment, his cool orange on her hot amber, before a shoe was thrown at her and she took off running for the safety of the forest.

Last edited by Inuyami; 01-08-2012 at 04:46 PM..

King of the wolves
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:09 PM

Balto found himself in the middle of the crowd as everyone was yelling and screaming. Just as he had arrived he saw the source of the smell that made him come running in the first place. " A wolf, a female wolf! " He spoke as the she-wolf jumped on top of a few trash cans and onto the hospital roof. He looked up and found her amber eyes before a man throw a shoe at her, making her run off into the forest, just behind his home, the old boat. " Good riddance to it" one man said to another as the group started there own ways. " Keep a watch out, get the rest of the dogs to the ends of the town to keep watch at night, will get her" the other said. Balto went back for his bone and then headed towards his home. Maybe he would find her before she left the town. :e followed her foot trail which to his surprise, she had the same paw size as him.

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:25 PM

The treck to the forest was a great distance and by the time Diva could see it, she needed to rest and catch her breath. This part of Nome was almost compleatly empty as no one wanted to live on the cold shore front. There was only an old abandoned boat amoung the hills of snow. Panting, Diva made her way towards the boat hoping that no humans where hidding inside. If nothing else, she hoped she could rest here long enough to catch her breath and ready herself for another blitz towards the forest.

King of the wolves
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:37 PM

Balto made his way home. He couldn't stop thinking about the wolf in town, and as he followed her tracks he had already started thinking of questions to ask her. He had reached the shore line in about 3 minutes flat. he was ready to bass the boat when the paw prints stopped right at the draw bridge to the boat. He smelled the air, she was hear. He moved slowly to the deck of the boat " hello?" He called out softly, bone still in his mouth

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:44 PM

Diva had found her way deep into the hold of the boat. She'd been curious to see just what this place was all about and to see if it truely had been abandoned. Threw the darkness, a deep voice cut threw to Diva's ears and made her twitch with a jolt of surprise.

"H...Hello. Please...." She layed on her belly and slowly crawled towards the light comming from the draw bridge door. Her ears where flat to her head when she came into Bolto's view. She looked up at him, it was the wolf-dog from the village. Shaking she continued, "Please, don't hurt me. I didn't do anything to those animals, I swear!"

Last edited by Inuyami; 01-08-2012 at 04:48 PM..

King of the wolves
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:11 PM

Balto placed the bone in front of the scared wolf. " Now I know I'm a big guy but I'm not that scary" balto said with a small laugh. " As far as the live stock, we are looking at a grizzly bear. Must have been trying to feed her family " balto said looking at the shaken wolf. :e looked down at her. " Why did you come into town? Do you not know how humans are with wolves?" He ask

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:33 PM

Sitting up, Diva ignored the bone out of shyness and politeness.

"I don't know where I am. I've been wondering, lost, for a couple days now. I found my way here because... well, I guess it was you who brought me here." She paused and looked down at her paws. Her pads had been cracked from walking across iced over lakes and unforgiving mountains. "You see, I could smell something... well, someone. I thought it was her... turns out it was you."

King of the wolves
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:44 PM

Balto didn't know what to say at first. He recalled the time his daughter Alue was in this same spot and he was telling her the reason why humans didn't want her, that she was different. Alue felt as if she didn't belong. " Why would my smell bring you here? Have we met at some point and I just don't recall?" Balto asked with a caring voice. The wolf was so young, she looked to be the age of Alue which touched his heart. He didn't want to loose her again

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-08-2012, 11:48 PM

"Well this is going to sound kinda silly," Diva's ears fell flat agian as she replayed the last couple weeks in her mind. "Truth is, your smell... I thought it was my mother's. I don't remember her very well... but when I smelled you... all I saw was her white face and something told me this was somewhere I should look for the things I've been looking for." She lifted her eyes from the dirty wooded floor but her snout still pointed at the floor as he looked at Bolto, wondering how crazy he must think she was.

King of the wolves
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:07 AM

"your mother?" Balto thought for a moment. The last time he shaw his mother was the last time he shaw Alue. "Are you saying that we come from the same wolf, the white wolf I call mother?" he asked surprised that his mother had even had more pups. He thought she had died after he was born... but he was wrong

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:28 AM

Diva shrugged her shoulders and hung her head thinking about the last time she'd seen her warm face. It had been so long, and it hadn't been easy learning how to be a wolf on her own.

"It's possiblt I suppose. I don't remember much about anything when I was with her. It seems like she was only ever a dream." She sighed to herself and lifted her chin, shaking her head to remove the sad thoughts filling her mind.

King of the wolves
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:45 AM

"Well, lets put this puzzle together. come with me" balto said as he turned and headed off the boat and to the lake shore

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:01 AM

Diva fallowed Bolto wondering where this male half breed was taking her. He didn't give off a threatening vibe so she didn't feel that her life was in danger in the least. As they walked she noticed that her paws fit perfectly in the compacted snow he left as he walked.

"My name is Diva by the way." She told him as she fallowed a few steps behind.

King of the wolves
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:12 AM

"Dive, take a look inside the water. Look at us, we look so much a like. We both are large, are paws are the same inside the snow. are teeth" Balto said as he gave a small smile " are the same still. Are differents tho are that may father was that of the dog breed, a husky and your father was a wolf. I have the blue eyes of my father and the care of the humans like my father did. You have the amber eyes of our mother....." Balto said driffting of in thought

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-09-2012, 04:27 AM

Bolto was right, Diva could tell this as she looked at the shocking simularities that he was pointing out. She looked at his reflection noting that he was becoming mornful for a mother neither of the was fortunate enough to really have.

"Would it be a problem if I stayed here... with you for a little while. At least until my paws heal? I promise I won't be a burdin. I can't stay to long any how." Diva said hoping she'd have somewhere to rest after constantly being on the move for so long.

Last edited by Inuyami; 01-09-2012 at 04:50 AM..

King of the wolves
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:18 PM

" i dont see why not, there are a few things you have to know" balto said with a smile. " There is a goose that lives here as well, his name is bois. there is also muk and luk the polar bears. Jenna my mate may stop bye fromo time to time and so will Kodi my son" Balto smiled. He had never met on of his siblings before, even tho she was only a half sister she was family.

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-09-2012, 05:21 PM

"Thank you so much." Diva said, lowering her head in a humble bow to her older half brother. He kindness and generousity meant the world to her, especial during in the hardships she'd made it threw so far.

Last edited by Inuyami; 01-09-2012 at 06:15 PM..

King of the wolves
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Old 01-09-2012, 05:39 PM

Balto smiled. " come on, let me show you around." Balto said as he turned toward the town. " i know a guy who can help you with those paws. his human is the vet here in Nome. He should be able to get somthing for you" balto said waiting for Diva to follow

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-09-2012, 06:17 PM

Diva fallowed behind Bolto, hoping she wouldn't be attacked by the humans again. She thought that perhaps they'd known him long enough that they'd trust his decision about a wild wolf being in the town. Nervously she walked three paces behind him, her head low and her ears pulled back.

King of the wolves
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Old 01-09-2012, 06:34 PM

As balto and Diva walked into town people start to stare and talk among them selves. " its that wolf" one said as they walked by. " what is Balto doing with a wolf? has he turned on us? another said with a shocking voice. Balto just smiled, they would stop at some point. Just then balto heard a fermiler voice. "Dad!" Balto looked around to see his son Kodi running towards him. " Well i see the mail finally got here" balto said with a smile and Kodi reached Diva and him. "Dad ..." Kodi started to talk when he seen Diva. " dad who is this? is she a wolf?"

Daughter of Sesshomaru: A Deadly...
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Old 01-09-2012, 11:52 PM

Diva watched as the father and son exchanged hellos, until she was brought into the conversation. She shyed away, lowering her snout to the cold ground. It was only a matter of time, in her mind, until a fight would break out. Either this dog was friendly or he'd be angered by her presence and the claims the humans were making.


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