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Old 11-29-2016, 04:49 AM

~OOC Thread~

Elemental Calamity
~*Shake off your slumber. Take seize upon the truth. Take with you the elements in hand and awaken. Awaken and slay your enemy.*~

In the beginning, before there was anything. There were four swords, four demon swords with the power over the elements; Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. With their powers, they created the earth, animals, trees, supernatural creatures, and the humans. For centuries, they had lived in peace. Maintaining the elements and the people who lived on it, but in 462 B.C. this was starting to strain the four demon swords. There too many elements to control at once and it was only going to get worse. It wasn't until the idea of having other demon swords control the other elements.

With great hesitance, the four demon swords created ten other swords, each one controlling one element. After the results of this, they created the rest of the swords, each one given an element and remained under the command of their creators. The ones in charge of the elemental swords were the Sword of Light and the Sword of Darkness. Thousands of years would pass, all the elemental swords and demon swords lived peacefully as well as the humans. Things seem to be going great, until 1042 A.D. The sword of Darkness became jealous of the demon swords, believing the Swords of Light and Darkness had the right to be the rules of the elemental swords. Because of this, a great war broke out, the believers of the Dark sword and the loyalists of the Demon swords. The war lasted for 15 years until it came to an end with the sword of Darkness being sealed away in a mountain in 1057 A.D.

As the years continued to pass, the demon swords would ask their Sacred Blacksmith to create a strong sword every 20 years to replace the old blade. The sword would then be placed in the seal by one of the demon swords. Within the 5th rotation(meaning after 400 years) it was Demon Sword Water's turn to place the new enchanted sword within the seal. However, something went wrong and the Water Sword never turned home. Demon Swords Earth, Wind, and Fire were both furious and terrified by this information, their youngest sibling had no returned home. Fire, the second eldest of the Demon Swords was the most furious due to the fact Fire and Water had a closer sibling relationship since Water was the only one who could calm Fire down. Unfortunately, since Water wasn't able to place the enchanted sword within the seal, the sword of Darkness was released back into the world, far more corrupted than before. When Light felt The Dark sword's presence on the Earth, Light knew it meant trouble, especially towards the Light sword. The Light sword has to find a way to help the Demon Swords find The Sword of Water and keep things from getting worse.

On top of the other problems of the Elemental and Demon swords, due to the absence of the Demon Sword of Water, the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams have started receding, retreating towards an unknown place where only The Demon Sword of Water knows. Because of this, the humans started causing wars left and right over land and what little water is left. The Demon and Elemental Swords must keep the humans from fighting each other, keeping the Dark sword from harming the humans, finding the Demon Sword of Water as well as keeping as much water as they could on earth. The problems will only continue to build if nothing is fixed quickly.

So, it's up to you, what will you do?


Demon Sword
A Demon Sword is being who can turn into a sacred sword with divine powers. The very sword and being hold all the powers pertaining to their element the represent. Even within sword form, the Demon Sword's power can seep off the blades as they sit in the throne room or around other people. Then can also speak within their Sword forms. While they can use their own sword forms, It takes a lot of energy to do so, and it can be described as painful when fighting with them. Thus why they use other weapons to defend themselves.

There are only four Demon Swords; Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. But they are still a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, Demon Swords can never have a normal life because of their powers and what they must do. Wielding a Demon Sword is a bad idea, because of the power pulsating from them, this can be dangerous to those who touch them. Meaning, the person could be ripped apart before of the power

Elemental Swords
An Elemental Sword is a being who was created by the Demon Swords. They are also beings who can turn into a sword with the ability to control the elemental granted to them by the Demon Swords. While they aren't as powerful as their Master and Mistresses, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Unlike Demon Swords, Elemental Swords can't be held on their own, they have to have a Wielder.

The Wielder can range from a human to a mythical creature. However, it can't be held by another Elemental Sword. The Elemental Swords answer to the Sword of Light and the Sword of Darkness who reside on Earth. Elemental Swords are immortal, but they can live normal lives.

Temple of the Swords
The Temple of the Swords is a place for the Demon Swords to live since they been on Earth for too long. The Temple of the Swords resides in a place between Earth and the Sanctuary. This is where the Demon Swords also watch over humans, Mythical creatures, and the Elemental Swords on Earth. Within the Temple sits four thrones with a large pedestal in the middle. If someone wants to go to the Temple to see the Demon Swords, they will have to go to the Main Temple and pray there.

The Seal of the Dark Sword
Created back in 1057, the Sealed Door was engineered by the Demon Swords and their Sacred Blacksmith, the Seal was held to a sword crafted from materials that grow once every twenty years. This means the seal has to be strengthened once every twenty years. The Seal is located deep within a large Mountain called Mountain of the Heavens.


  1. No godmoding
  2. No killing off characters without permission.
  3. Follow mene ToS and rules
  4. Follow my rules
  5. To make sure you have read the rules and story, put and PASTAAAA~ at the top of your profiles
  6. You can have one Demon Sword.
  7. Demon Sword Title - 'Awaken and Protect'. Elemental Sword Title - 'Awaken and serve'. Mythical Title - 'Save us'
  8. Romance and fighting are allowed.
  9. If you are going to be gone for a while, then let me know and place your character where the RP could continue. If you leave without letting anyone know and it has been at least a week and you have ignored my warnings(you only get three, they will be either on your profile or PMs) without a notice, you will be kicked out.
  10. Post at least (you don't have to) once a day. We don't want this to die so quickly.
  11. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. I don't bite. ^^
  12. If you want to add anything to the plot, or to your character, feel free to ask and tell me about it, please don't just do it. -.-
  13. Have fun.
  14. More rules may be added or removed.


Demon Swords:
Earth(Eldest) - Gaia - Kilia
Fire - Gemini - ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Wind - Kiyoto - Karasu
Water(Youngest) - Anemone - Gothika_Knight

Elemental Swords
Light - Open
Darkness reserved for happydeath

Sacred Blacksmith - Lucas Stone - Gothika_Knight


Demon Sword Skellie
How do I look?: (Human/True/Current race/Sword/Whatever else you want)
Hello, my name is:
I am:
If you cannot tell, I am a:
My Sub-Race is:
I am the Demon Sword of:
The Symbol of what I am is:
Symbol Location:
The Weapons I carry:
My powers are:
Even though I am a Demon Sword, I still have my weaknesses:
I have been told that my personality is:
My story is:
A few more things you would like to know:

Elemental Sword/Mythical Creature Skellie
How do I look?: (Human/True)
Hello, my name is:
I am:
If you cannot tell, I am a:
My Race is:
On Earth I am a(n): {Elemental sword* or mythical}
The element my master and mistress gave me is*: (only applies to Elemental swords and be creative)
Other weapons I have:
I have sided with: (Elemental Sword of Darkness or The Demon Swords)
My powers are: (Don't go too crazy.)
Even though I am strong, I have my weaknesses:
I have been told that my personality is:
My story is:
A few more things you would like to know:


Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 12-12-2016 at 06:02 AM..

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Gothika_Knight is offline
Old 11-29-2016, 05:11 PM

Accepted Characters

Demon Swords

Anemone Silver Lockhart


How do I look?:

Mermaid 1
Mermaid 2
Resting Sword Form
Sword Form at full power

Hello, my name is:
Anemone Silver Lockhart

I am:
As old as water, looks about 17 -18

If you cannot tell, I am a:

My Sub-Race is:
Mermaid Empress

I am the Demon Sword of:

The Symbol of what I am is:
Symbol of the Water Empress

Symbol Location:
Her symbol is located on the center of her chest

The Weapons I carry:
- Calm of the Ocean
- Water's Bane
- Snow

My powers are:
The Water and its components
Voice of the Ocean
Mermaid Physiology

Even though I am a Demon Sword, I still have my weaknesses:
ξЖЗ Unfortunately, due to the immense power Anemone has, this can cause a great deal of pain throughout her body.
ξЖЗ Moving large bodies of water such as lakes, river, and oceans can exhaust her to the point of passing out.
ξЖЗ If she is not careful, Anemone's entire body can be ripped apart with her own power.
ξЖЗ She has to keep her emotions in check if she doesn't the oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams will vanish or worse, drain the entire earth.
ξЖЗ Because of the immense power in her body, Anemone must remain in her sword form at the Temple of the Elements as well as around humans and Mythical creatures while she is sleeping.
ξЖЗ Anemone's biggest weaknesses are fire, extreme heat, and a lack of moisture in the air.

I have been told that my personality is:
Before Amnesia
Anemone is very sweet and gentle towards her older siblings, humans, and mythical creature. She can have her moments of naiveness since she is younger. Easy to entertain, Anemone is rarely bored since she is sometimes with her older siblings. She is childish at times and can't help but to play pranks so no one is said. She is respectful towards everyone she meets, even though she is still a little naïve at times. Anemone can have her moments of anger which causes the water to stir greatly, however she calms down once things go right. Anemone isn't spoiled and loves to share anything that she has, this includes money that she has; giving some of it to random strangers who are less fortunate.

After Amnesia
Anemone is still sweet and gentle to everyone she meets, but unfortunately, she is more naïve that she is. Due to her accident, Anemone can't remember anything about herself, not even her own name. Anemone is extremely shy and would refrain from talking to anyone, she doesn't even tell anyone about the pain that she experiences since she doesn't know why she has it or where it come from. Anemone fears people who look like bullies or mainly, she is afraid of the auras that she can see as well as who they truly are. The young girl also suffers from headaches due to her Empathy powers not being under the proper controls as well as her water abilities slowly but surely getting out of control as well.

My story is:
Anemone is the youngest of the Demon Swords, it is still technically unclear if they were created or born with their powers. However, it is still interesting stories to tell the young humans and mythical creatures of their creators. Anemone's birth/creation is considered one of them. It is said to be storming when she appeared. This was also around the time Demon Sword Fire's flames were burning the trees. After the rain had stopped, the three older Demon Swords ran towards a meadow where they seen a young girl with knee-length light blue hair and alabaster skin. She was surrounded by Anemones, fearing she would get sick the Demon Swords quickly to her home. However, it was strange since she wasn't wet to the touch despite for the heavy rain and the wet flowers she was on. The young girl slept for days until she failing awoke, seeing that she was surrounded by the Demon Swords. At first, she was terrified, not wanting to be around the Demon Swords as she often hid from them. This would cause the Demon Swords to try to find her quickly, despite their busy jobs of maintaining the world.

After about 6 months, the Demon Swords were surprised when the young girl finally warmed up to them and started speaking with them. When asked where she was from, they girl couldn't remember. When asked about her name, she said she didn't know one. Whether she was human or mythical, she couldn't answer. The Demon Swords became worried, they were too busy to watch over a young girl with no name or identity. Demon Sword Fire then told it's siblings that it will take the young girl to a village, the world was still quite young but the humans around were still able t take care of the young girl. As Demon Sword Fire took the young girl to a nearby village, the sword gave her the name Anemone, due to where she was found. After being taken to the village, Demon Sword Fire bid Anemone farewell and left quickly.

Anemone felt lonely for a long time after that, she spent her time with the humans or mythical creatures but she didn't wish to be with them because she feared something would happen. Unfortunately, she was right. In 3746 B.C. the water had receded because of Anemone's hidden loneliness and sadness. The Demon Swords came and thought it was weird the water would recede, they tried to bring the water back but it wasn't coming back until one evening. A human and mythical noticed a large wall shaped thing coming towards them, at first, they thought it was just a bad storm...until it was revealed to be water. A Tidal Wave, a wave big enough to wipe out the village if not destroyed. The Demon Swords tried to destroy or at least slow it down long enough to allow the humans to move to higher ground.

However, no matter what they did, the water continued. Demon Sword Earth was about to raise the land when Anemone ran out to the edge of the shore. The Demon Swords tried to stop her until they saw her glowing. Her eyes glowed a bright blue, she was angry and the waters of the Earth could feel it. Taking a deep breath, Anemone screamed at the top of her lungs, commanding the water to stop. Soon after, the water fell back into place, smacking against the cliffs sides with a force which cause the beings to fall. Anemone, on the other hand, stood her ground but fell unconscious and fell into the water.

Anemone was then taken back to the Temple of the Elements, there the Demon Swords checked her body, she bore the symbol. The symbol of the Demon Sword of Water. Once the mark was discovered the other Demon Swords kept Anemone with them, teaching her how to control her powers and shifting in between human, true form, and her Demon Sword form. Recently, Anemone had been attacked by the Sword of Darkness's minions and has forgotten who she was. Anemone has since been wandering the Human world, her powers slowly but surely getting out of control and it has to be fixed soon.

A few more things you would like to know:
Anemone has sparkling light blue eyes with a natural spark to them. She also speaks in an old English language, but she will speak normally if she has to. Compared to the other Demon swords, Anemone is quite short, being only 5'4" in human form and 5'7" in true form. Even not using her Siren Song, Anemone has a beautiful singing voice. One of the two necklaces Anemone wears is a key with sapphires on them. She considers this a treasure item. The other necklace is connected to her, it's said to help with her power.



Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
How do I look?:

Demon Sword Form
Dragon Form

Hello, my name is:

I am:
As old as fire (looks about 20-25)

If you cannot tell, I am:

My Sub-Race is:
King/Queen of Dragons

I am the Demon Sword of:

The Symbol of what I am is:
Symbol of the Twin Dragon

Symbol Location:
Along the length of my spine and spread over my shoulders.

The Weapons I carry:
Dragon's Twin Biting Fangs
Dragon's Reaping Wing
Reverse-Blade Flame

My powers are:
Fire and everything related to it, all abilities associated with dragons.

Even though I am a Demon Sword, I still have my weaknesses:
My greatest weakness is water, though earth can also douse my flame. Each of my forms come with limitations. In my sword form, I must be locked away and guarded or else I risk losing control of my power. In dragon form, I must be mindful of my destructive tendencies. My true form is the weakest, and most prone to emotional outbursts.

I have been told that my personality is:
Proud, passionate and volatile. I can be a gentle, welcoming warmth, or I can be a raging inferno. My mood changes quickly, my temper is short. Only my sister, Water, can calm me at my worst. I am a flirt, a tease, but deep down I truly care for my loved ones, and I take my job seriously.

My story is:
I have lived since time unknowable, though I am younger than Earth. My first memory is of a spark. Earth later told me that I was born when lightening struck a tree, and a blaze erupted. Apparently, that had never happened before. I stepped out of the blaze, naked and angry, and proceeded to destroy everything my gaze landed on. I remember the heat, the anger, the struggle for control. Earth managed to subdue me, and took me in after seeing the symbol on my back that marked me as a Demon Sword. Earth taught me how to control my powers, though I still have trouble to this day. Earth and I tend to argue, so our lessons never went well. That was how the first volcano was created. When Water first appeared, I felt a terrible sense of weakness around her. I hated it. But she calmed one of my rages soon after coming to the temple, and from there on we became close. I brought her to the human village in those early days, and I gave her a name. She has become the only sibling who can calm me without force and I love her dearly. Now that she has disappeared, I am determined to do all I can to find her- no matter what it takes. I will rescue my baby sister.

A few more things you would like to know:
I remain in my true form most of the time. I speak many languages, but Japanese is my default. When speaking to my siblings, I tend to use thought rather than words, as it is easier.



Originally Posted by Kilia

How do I look?: Human:

Animal Form
Current race
Male Form
True Form

Male Nymph-ish form
Resting Sword Form
Sword Form at full power

Hello, my name is: Gaia
Nickname: Gai/Guy or Ai
I am: As old as the land. I look 18-26 years old
If you cannot tell, I am a: Appears mostly as a female, once in a while as a male if it makes the person more comfortable
Hair: Dark brown that it appears to be almost black
Eyes: Emerald Green
Height: Four foot Eight inches (female form) 6 foot 7 inches (in male form)
Weight: One hundred pounds
Build: Petite but also athletic, which is hard to tell because of her hourglass shape
My Sub-Race is: Wood Nymph
I am the Demon Sword of: Earth
The Symbol of what I am is: Tree Of Life
Symbol Location: base of her neck
The Weapons I carry: bow and arrows, throwing knives, and two curved daggers
My powers are: Is every skilled at throwing knives and using the bow and arrows, she is decent at hand to hand combat. She is also skilled with her curved knives but it is clear that they are still awkward for her to use. Can control, manipulate, and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain, landscape, and earth at will. Can manipulate minerals and crystals. Can make golems out of inanimate materials like rocks, wood, plants, etc. Can manipulate and control the powerful forces of nature itself. Can also heal.
Even though I am a Demon Sword, I still have my weaknesses: Fire, using her certain aspects of her powers can leave her tired and vulnerable. The more powerful the power, the closer to death she gets.
I have been told that my personality is: I am kind, caring, emotional...I am considered a mother to most or that really fun-loving, a caring aunt that you would rather hang out with.
Likes: Nature obviously, nighttime, rain
Dislikes: snow, fire, new moons
My story is: The only elements that are older then Gaia is Life and Death themselves, as they were the first and were the ones that were there for her when she was created/born. She is not exactly sure how she came into being in this world, though there are plenty of stories about it. Some say she was given life when Life grew the first tree, others say she born from the first island that was created. Whatever way she was born/created doesn't really matter and when asked, well she leaves it up to their imagination.

It was many years before she felt the pain of fire being created/born. When some dry lightning struck one of the oldest trees that existed at the time, burst into flames from the impact. Naming her sibling after the star constellation Gemini as fire seemed to have two personalities that could be seen with the flip of a switch. For years she trained him to control his ability so that he may better protect those that he loved.

More years passed before Wind arrived as well. She named wind just like she had named fire, and proceeded to teach them how to control their element. Training them both and showering them with love. Gaia being the eldest out them all and able to feel the presence of her fellow elements far better as her own element covered the world. She knew each moment when the were brought into being, having worked hard to find each one of them to bring them home.

The most difficult element was when water was born, as it had stormed greatly, leaving Gaia to feel extremely tired as this was the first time it has ever rained in such a way. It was Gemini who had discovered Anemone first, all of them caring and loving her as if she was family but feeling that she was far better off with the humans considering they still needed to travel the world to find their dear youngest sibling. You can only imagine their surprise when they discovered that the young girl they had found was, in fact, the water element. She didn't even mind when she found a blacksmith and brought him to live with them, as long as her dear baby sister was happy then so was she.

Even though Gemini was closest to Anemone and was far more devastated that did not mean Gaia was not. Sure she had to hear about how she was a cold and heartless person as she did not show how the loss of the youngest affected her but that was only because she had to stay calm and rational about it. She could not show the pain, or the sorrow that she felt. No, she had to be the rock for her family, had to hold them together, to continue to protect the world to the best of her abilities as she tirelessly tried to search for the young girl so that they may defeat darkness and lock him away once more.
Clothing Style: It depends on what I feel like. I could wear little to nothing or I could go all out and dress up in a nice elegant gown. Though if I had to say it would be a white chemise, a corset and capris and that is about it.
A few more things you would like to know: The burned paw print scar, I have on my chest I got from my fire sibling. I also speak many languages, animal included. I also have a pet Dragon Fly.



Originally Posted by Kiyoto

How do I look?:
Preferred Form

Released Light Form
Released Dark Form
True Light Form
TrueDark Form
Dormant Sword Form
True Light Sword Form
True Dark Sword Form

Hello, my name is:
Karasu "Kar" Hishō

I am:
As Old As The Air, Looks About 20-26

If you cannot tell, I am a:

My Sub-Race is:
Mid Forms are closer to Harpies in nature, while released forms are more Gryphon or Dragon in nature.

I am the Demon Sword of:

The Symbol of what I am is:
The Symbol Of The Skies

Symbol Location:
On the back of the right shoulder

The Weapons I carry:
Being a sort of "Bird Man", both his preferred form and released forms hold many natural weapons, such as: prehensile tail, Wings, Talons/Claws, and a Third Eye

Besides natural weapons, he carries with him:
Dual Barrel Guns
Razor Whip
As well as a series of small projectile weapons that look simply like feathers but the edges are razor sharp. They can be released from wings, or from hidden places on his being.

My powers are:
Gas Manipulation
Raptor Physiology
Aura Reading
Aura Generation
Able to use birds and other winged creatures as an extension of senses. (Meaning, he can see and hear through them, even if they are not in the immediate area as him. He can also in a sense "read their minds", getting information from them)
Able to manipulate creatures of the sky, including birds and other winged creatures.

Even though I am a Demon Sword, I still have my weaknesses:
- His emotions can cause his power to fluctuate. To much emotion at once can whip up razor winds or tornadoes, tearing apart the very world around him. He needs to remain in control of himself, or risk losing control.
- He is affected by his inner battle of good and evil. As a result, his form and power are influenced by this.
- He has a weakness for colder conditions. A common weakness to birds, he risks his wings locking up and if it gets to cold, he falls into a hibernation state until he warms up.
- His enhanced animal like senses can make him more sensitive to the world around him, because of this, he does not do well in crowds or with to much stimuli all at once.
- He hates enclosed spaces, preferring to be free.

I have been told that my personality is:
Neutral. Being more of a balance force, Kar comes off as aloof and a bit uncaring most of the time. He can be called brooding and stoic, often hard to approach. Many at first glance find it easy to believe he has no emotion at all, feeling nothing but indifferent towards the world and much around him. He is fiercely protective and loyal to those he cares about, self sacrificial to the point of putting himself in harm's way for them. It takes quite a bit to get to him, but once done his temper can be worse than even the best storm.

He cuts sharp and deep with his words and actions, seeming prone to hitting the weaker points of an object or person when triggered. He is typically calm and patient in nature, able to keep his calm and be level headed in most situations. He typically is more mature and composed in nature as well. This leads when he is angered, that he is able to take his time and wait patiently for harm to come. On the flip side, when he is triggered in a light way, he can be happy and care free in nature. He is more flexible in nature, able to work with the flow and people around him, able to adapt to the situations around him.

He is strong willed and hearted, despite being a man of wind where people might believe he is a pushover. He is more of a rock in this care, he refuses to give up, especially on people he cares about and things he is passionate about. He does have an affectionate and passionate side, especially in love. He can be as intimidating as his presence can give off, typically more if he is angered or unhappy. He typically stands as the voice of reason in things, the one often to diffuse the tensions in situations and try to keep the peace and calm. He is also an excellent tactician in life, due to his ability to remain calm and level headed in situations. His reflexes, instincts and overall ability to adapt to the world around him helps in this as well.

At times, he finds himself unable to deal with bolder personalities. A naturally passive and calmer being, he can get pushed aside or put off by them. He can get flustered, especially when it comes to getting caught off guard by things. Those with bolder personalities often attempting to overpower or overtake the air, to obtain them on their side. This conflicts him, leaving him to often keep turmoil and emotions on the inside to deal with himself. He is not to good at talking about himself or his feelings, often putting himself aside or on hold for the greater picture and others around him.

My story is:
Leading up to creation, the winds across the land picked up greatly, creating a vast wind storm. A massive tornado passed over the land, the center of which was closer to the eye of a hurricane, calm and peaceful while the outer shell of the winds were chaotic and rough. From the winds and the storm, came the winged form of Karasu. At first he was a blank slate, neither happy nor sad or angry about his existence. A calmness about him, he met the pair of Earth and Fire. He fell into an easy harmony with them, for the natural ebb and flow of how each naturally relied on the others within the wild.

Truth was, for much of his existence, Karasu felt like he had a lack of identity for himself. Air is something that is all around, often taking the shape of the space around it. It is constantly in motion and can take on many different forms each unique in its own. Earth and Fire always seemed to be sure of who and what they were, despite the typical pull of good and evil within them and the world around them. For him, mastering not only his powers, but himself was something neither of the two could teach him fully. He would need to discover and learn for himself. Because of this, he'd often spend periods of time alone, curious of the world around him and simply looking at the sky.

Being of air and able fly, such was an escape for him. He never felt more alive or at peace than when he was in the sky. His wings stretched out and the wide vastness open before him, he felt free and unweighted by the world and expectations around him. As the world grew around him, he'd find that other creatures of the sky would join him on these flights, naturally attracted to him. He saw both the life air could bring, as well as the destruction and pain as well. Much like the ever shifting nature and form of air around him, he noted a similar change within himself. Karasu could be calm and docile, or chaotic and destructive depending on the stimuli around him. Seeing how such affected the others and life around him, he opted to take on the more neutral side of things.

Balanced and at times in between, he became familiar with being a stable force most of the time for the others. However, this often caused him to be overspoken or acted by the others. He learned well to hold his tongue and himself at bay, though such could cause the outbursts when they did happen to be more ferocious. When water surfaced, he was curious about her, much as he had been about the others. He related more to her silence and uncertainty than he cared to voice to the others. When it was decided to send her away, he could feel an emptiness spur within him. He would often check on her during his flights, draw to her for reasons he could not explain to the others. He often did not know how to voice his true feelings, or found himself more easily pushed aside and overlooked.

Against probably the will of the others, Karasu often found himself spending time with and talking with the swords of Light and Dark. He was aware of something beginning to slip with the Darkness, though in hoping to help it and that things would pass, he did not outwardly assert his thoughts and feelings to the others. War and chaos were something that he never desired, especially against someone of their own family and kind. It seemed like everything was falling apart and changing to him, though he did his best to hold it together for the better of all of them. He knew it was not easy on any of them either, not wanting to worsen things on them.

Sealing away darkness was a painful time for him, it made him question all that was going on around them, though voicing against it was frowned upon. The other was a danger, though he refused to simply give up on the other of Darkness. He continued to think of ways to assist and hoped to settle things for the benefit of all. That is until the attack on Water and her not returning. He could not deny he was angry about what happened. As Fire moved himself, Air did what he did best and took to the skies. He was determined to help locate the female, to return her home safely and to right the balance around them. However, the balance within himself remains questionable as well.

A few more things you would like to know:
In his preferred form, his eyes are unable to be fully seen. They seem to glow and burn like fire behind the shielded plate on his head. When in any other form, their a whispy green in color. In his preferred form, human form and released forms, he always stands at a height of several feet. His form shifting representing the always changing air, the possibility of it being both good and evil as well as unpredictable and uncontrollable. He surprisingly has a beautiful singing voice, like the birds and wind, though he doesn't often sing around people. He can also whistle better than anyone.


Elemental Swords


Supernatural Creatures

Lucas Stone


How do I look?:


Hello, my name is:
Lucas Stone

I am:
Looks about 23 - 24, at least around 1,000

If you cannot tell, I am a:

My Race is:
Wisp Elf

On Earth I am a(n):

Other weapons I have:
Fate and Destiny
Daggers of the Wisps
Blacksmith's sccorn

I have sided with:
the Demon Swords

My powers are:
Second Sight
Elf's fire
Elfic Mindlift
Will-o-Wisp Physiology
Elf Physiology

Even though I am strong, I have my weaknesses:
x. As a blacksmith, Lucas needs to have his tools with him in order to make a sword that will last.
x. Lucas is easily intimidated by the Demon Swords, be he is more than happy to help and stay with them.
x. If Lucas is away from his tools, he can fix and/or make a sword by stabbing himself in the heart. The sword will be good as new, but Lucas would be in great pain, causing him to be immobile for almost 15 - 20zminutes. He can stab himself in the heart no more than 5 or 6 times before he passes out.
x. Lucas fears the Elemental Swords Light and Darkness to the point he will not move an inch.
x. His fire is connected to his emotions, so he has to be careful or he could burn someone.

I have been told that my personality is:
Lucas has a submissive personality since he doesn't want to fight unless he has to. He can be sweet, caring, gentle and can be afraid of almost everything. He has a fear of the Demon Swords because he can since their power within then. However, he does have some confidence, if he sees his mistresses or masters getting hurt, he will defend them long enough for them to escape. Lucas is very attentive and listens to all of his orders, no matter how absurd it is, however, he does sometimes question it. But he doesn'tzfear the Demon Swords will harm him. He has an extremely soft spot for Anemone; and a good friendship with the other Demon Swords.

My story is:
Where Lucas came from is a complete mystery. He doesn't know where he use to be, but he knows he is from a race of Elves who were part of a long dead race. The Wisp Elves. It is a little unclear where they are now, but he was found by Anemone when she was walking through the woods. Lucas was taken in, hiding him in her room so her older siblings would know about him. Once Lucas came to, he was completely surprised by the surroundings he was on. All he remember was walking through the woods and he had collapsed after that. Once he saw Anemone she quickly scooted into a corner of the bed, he could sense the power within her and it frightened him. Anemone reassured him that he was in no danger. After he had calmed his nerves, he had decided to explore the area he was in. Anemone was with him. Lucas was no more than shocked to find out that Anemone was none other than a Demon Sword. This, of course, caused Lucas to become more frightened of her and ran away.

When running he would have bumped into the other Demon Swords, who would have loved an explanation to why there was a mythical in their home, The Temple of the Elements. Anemone explained that she had found him while she was out and about, she was worried about him getting more hurt or worse, dying. The Demon Swords allowed Lucas to stay but he had to earn his keep. Lucas had no problem with this. He had learned quickly how to cook, clean, take orders, and attend to the needs of the Demon Swords. However, he had noticed the Swords didn't have any good weapons. Even with their great strength, they couldn't use their own sword forms that much since it was draining to them. So Lucas took it upon himself to fix their weapons in no time. The Demon Swords were surprised to see their new weapons laid out to them by Lucas himself. Anemone was especially impressed by the craftsmanship of the blades. Lucas was very happy to be very useful for his masters and mistresses.

Lucas was soon given the tile of Sacred Blacksmith, a title he would cherish greatly. Lucas would work on many more blades for Demon Swords, Mythical creatureszand humans; he loved his job and he wouldn't give it up no matter what. Lucas loves his new family and would do anything to protect them. After few hundred years, The Sword of Darkness was sealed away after her rebellion against the Demon Swords for leadership. After that, the Demon Swords asked him to make a sword to keep the doors locked for forty years. Lucas produced a sword with 10 days of the assignment. For the next 400 years, he created swords to help keep the Sword of Darkness from escaping. Recently, he had heard of Anemone not returning home with the sword he created to keep the sword of Darkness sealed away. He blamed himself for not going with her, but wishes to make up for his mistake. He helps the Demon Swords try to find her and quickly before it is too late.

A few more things you would like to know:
The reason why Lucas is afraid of Darkness and Light is remain a mystery since he can't remember his past. Lucas also has a large tattoo on his back, it may be connected to his past. Lucas likes having small animals around him, this is due to him being an elf. His senses and reflexes are more enhanced than his other elven brethren.


Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 12-12-2016 at 05:57 AM..

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Old 12-12-2016, 06:06 AM

Characters that are taken:
Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water


Darkness(might be opened again)

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Old 12-17-2016, 12:54 AM

Lucas Stone

Within a place not really considered Earth, but place in-between, sat an elegant looking temple. It was very large, big enough to house a few dozen people. Within the Temple, sitting in the Grand Hall were four thrones. Each throne was made differently to best suit their tenants. The thrones sat in a circle as a large pedestal in the center, carved out of the smoothest ivory and glowing. From there it stood, waiting for their Masters and Mistresses to come and use it.

It wouldn't be long until the sound of footsteps echoed through the beautifully carved halls, soon a young man emerged from behind one of the thrones and he looked around curiously. His body still trembled a bit, he was still nervous being around some parts of the Temple, fearing he might accidently break something. Within his hands, he held a small bucket with a cleaning cloth in it. He tiptoed towards the pedestal in the circle as he started cleaning it.

The young male was lacking in clothes at the moment, he was shirtless but had a golden sash crossing diagonally around his torso. It was loose, but he still liked wearing it. His pants were black and very bagging, almost described to be puffy with gold accent on them. He also wore clothed shoes which came to a point at the toes, they were surprisingly comfortable and very useful when it came to cleaning. His hair was a mess, well the bangs and sides were. The long braid was actually very neat and sometimes can been seen bouncing to his emotions. Most could say he was very animated. His frame could had been described as medium build and almost very jumpy at the littlest sounds, so it would be surprising to most who hear he is the Demon Swords' sacred blacksmith. The young male's name was Lucas, Lucas Stone the Wisp Elf.

His dark red hues scanned over the pedestal closely, a faint sigh escaping his lips before getting back to his feet and looked into the pedestal. He wanted to help find Anemone. That and also fascinated by the magic within the ivory object before him. He had seem his Masters and Mistresses use it before, but he never fully understood how it worked. He placed his hands on the rim of the bowl-like top, seeing the swirling mists and small stars twinkling outside it. Lucas chuckled a bit, watching it happily as he started tapping against the edge of the bowl-like top. "I-I hope Lady A-Anemone is ok." He said with a soft shaking tone.zHis braid bouncing slightly as he turned his head left and right, looking at the thrones of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. Each sitting there regally, with the Throne of Water still untouched and waiting for its Mistress.

§ Anemone S. Lockhart §

Earth. Home to the supernatural creatures, animalszand the humans. Where they learned to live in peace, or try to, sharing the land with each other. In some places of the world, it worked like a charm, in others...not so much. But they tried, that was all that really mattered. The world was protected by the Four. The Demon Swords. This was one of the many names they had adopted. They carried this name with pride and held justice within the land. They and the Elemental Swords kept the world in check. Sadly, things didn't stay like that.

Recently, the waters of the world had started disappearing. Water was one of the most important elements needed for things to live. But now, there was barely any of it. There was an explanation to this. It was very simple, but many didn't want it to be the actual problem. Something was wrong with the Sword of Water...more specific, she was missing. Her last known whereabouts were unknown, but where she was going was obvious to her siblings, the Dark Sword's Sealing Site. However, she never returned. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to almost a months. Her location is still unknown.

Things were slowly dying, but thanks to the Elemental Swords, the Earth wasn't in too much trouble. Not too far off from a small field of withering flowers swaying in the gentle breeze, a young looking girl wandered out from the Jungle of Scales. Dried blood traced along the side of her head, her clothes were dirty and a bit torn. She held her left side with her right arm, her other arm slouched and limp at her side. Her hair was slightly matted and covered with parts of her head. Her hair was very long, stretching to her thighs and appeared to be very flowy almost like water. Her feet dragged against the parched dirt as she wandered out. In her hand, she clenched a strange sword.

The sword released a strange aura from it, an icy-like one. The tip of the blade scrapped against the ground, the female continued walking. In the current state she was in, it was a miracle she was still alive. Many would find it hard to believe this young woman was the one the water relied on. The Demon Sword of Water, Anemone Silver Lockhart. The youngest sister of the Demon Swords of the Elements. However, something wasn't right about her. Something was off. It was as if, something had been taken from her...but what was beyond anyone's guess.

Anemone continued wandering until she got to the outskirts of the village of Draford. the black haired female lifted her head towards the village, her eyes appearing dead, inside of their usual lively, happy, caring light. 'O-Oh, may I can get some clean clothes from there...' She thought to herself. She wasn't really thinking straight at the moment. With the current form she was in, no one would have thought she would really be Anemone. She wasn't acting like herself nor in her true form but within one of her many human forms. She continued walking towards Draford, her feet still dragging on, her heels grinding against the dirt with each step.

Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 01-03-2017 at 08:36 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 12-18-2016, 12:56 AM


In a place tucked away from the world, even tucked away from the rest of the temple sat a very unique and private garden that only two people knew how to get into it. Gaia, the demon sword of Earth, who had created the place, and Lucas Stone. Who went to the place to help care for it, to get flowers to decorate the temple with, but also to collect the materials that he would need to create weapons with. Gaia, who stood in the middle of the of the place, had a very melancholy look upon her face as she gazed at the pond that had been placed there. There is almost no water left in the pond, some concern, worry, extreme sadness crossed her face as she bent down to feel the slightly damp mud that sat there. Sighing slightly before she looked up at the sky, deciding o make her way towards the grand hall.

Which wasn't as far as one would think considering she just needed to go up a flight of hidden stairs, and wait for her throne to move out the way before she could exit the hidden garden. The throne silently slid out of the way, as she just as silently came up from the steps, stopping just in front of her throne after it slid closed behind her. Her green eyes landing on Lucas Stone, as he cleaned the pedestal. She watched as he cleaned, smiling softly at how gentle he was with it and cleaned every detail that he could.

She wore a simple-ish dress, with her small stature she could not wear very puffy or long dresses because they make her look far smaller than she really is. She smiled as she carefully moved closer to the male, looking over his shoulder at the water inside. "I am sure that Anemone is doing okay, Lucas. Do not worry, we will find her before things are badly damage." she said to him softly as she placed a hand on his shoulder, reaching a hand down to the misty like water and swirling it around. Chuckling as she watched him look at the thrones again, hiding the sadness she felt every time she looked at Water's throne.

"Thank you, Lucas. For everything that you do for us. You would think that we could take care of everything ourselves." she said to him in a soft voice that was fit for her size, being so small she tended to be easily over looked, which was no surprise to her.

Last edited by Kilia; 12-18-2016 at 01:06 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 12-22-2016, 04:11 AM

A cry from the skies above broke the quiet atmosphere in the temple. Swooping in, a large dragon landed on a special ledge designed just for such an occasion. Within moments, the fearsome creature shrank and transformed into the shape of a human. It was impossible to tell the gender of this person, who had a mixture of both masculine and feminine features that seemed to flicker and change with their mood. Golden eyes, fierce and glowing, peered out from behind a curtain of long, bright red hair. This was Gemini, the demon sword of Fire, and by the look on their face they were less than pleased. Of course, that was their usual mood these days. They walked farther into the temple, towards the thrones where Gaia and Lucas were. "Still no sign of her." They said, in a voice that also couldn't be assigned to any gender. They had been searching for Anemone nonstop since her disappearance, and today was no different. "I don't understand. I can see so much in dragon form, I should be able to find her." They looked close to a meltdown, as they usually were, but held back for the sake of the poor blacksmith who would probably faint if Gemini were to let loose.

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Old 01-03-2017, 09:08 PM

Lucas Stone

Lucas continued looking into the pedestal, watching the mist-like substance swirl about, he tilted his head slightly. It was interesting to watch and hoped that maybe Anemone's small necklace would send a sign or something. Maybe she lost the necklace? That was a scary thought to think of. The small Wisp Elf sighed to himself, hanging his head as he continued cleaning. Trying to distract himself before he heard a voice behind him and something touch his shoulder. His eyes widen slightly before turning his head towards the source of the noise. It was Gaia, the Demon Sword of Earth herself. Lucas straightened his posture, bowing to her in respect before looking at her. "He-hello M-Mistress Gaia, I didn't he-hear you come in." He stammered, realizing he almost spilled the small bucket of water. He kneeled down, taking the bucket and continued cleaning the pedestal, "I-I have faith within you all that we will find her. A-And I'm sorry for worrying, it's just a habit." He said as he continued cleaning.

Lucas's eyes would widen more, turning his attention back to Gaia as she thanked him. He was treated like a person around the Demon Swords, but it was still surprising to hear them thank him. He just smiled shyly towards the smaller female, scratching the back of his head. "I-It's the least I can do, I-I mean, you all we-were so nice to me." He stuttered as a sheepish giggle escaped his lips. It wouldn't be long until he heard a roar. His eyes widen slightly, turning his head in the direction of the sound. It had to be Gemini. He blinked once, tilting his head slightly and seen a person walking towards him, blinking once, he seen who it was. It was Gemini. Lucas was still confused about the actual gender of Gemini, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to call them master or mistress. So he just called them master, as well to balance things out. When he heard Gemini said they still didn't find her, his face showed a sad expression.

Lucas could see Gemini was visibly distraught. He thought for a moment and spoke after them, "D-Don't worry M-Master Gemini, w-we will find her. I-I just know it. I-I'm sure we will get a sign from her. M-Maybe Master Karasu wa-was able to get a clue." Lucas said reassuringly. It was the best he could say, he wanted to help. His grip tightened around the rag in his hand, a faint gasp escaped his lips before looking towards both Gaia and Gemini. "I-I'm sorry, how rude of me, w-would you like for me to get you two s-something to eat? Y-You must be t-tired." He said, bowing his head low towards the Master and Mistress.

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Old 01-07-2017, 12:25 AM

"Please, don't bow to me. Your like family."
her words were warm just like her hand as she used it to stroke the hair on his head, finding his studdering adorable. "I was in the garden." she said simply to explain why he did not hear her, it also helps that being the element of earth, she can be as quite as she wanted. "It is okay to worry. It shows how much you care and that will never upset me." she was honest with her words, her thoughts, she loved how, well for lack of a better word, human he was.

Upon hearing the cry, Gaia's eyes turned towards the ledge where she was sure that Gemini was coming from. She moved back out of the way to give them some room, not the least bit phased when the dragon took on a human shape. "Gemini, if she wanted to be found then she already would have been found. Considering Darkness escaping and the unknown of how it happened and what happened to Anemone...she could be hiding and taking time to herself considering how she might feel about it all." she said to him as a soft smile grazed her just as soft features. She was trying to be reassuring and let him know that there are reasons that Anemone could possible not been found yet. She unconsciously rubbed at the mark on her chest, full aware of the mental state of her sibling.

"I am fine. Thank you, Lucas." she said to him, chuckling as he seemed to feel like he made a mistake, she shook her head. She didn't comment on him thinking he was rude since there was nothing she could say to change his mind about something like that. She really did appreciate everything that he did for them and she tried to let him know as often as she could. "My dear sibling, please get some rest. After all you have been going none stop since she went missing." she moved towards Gemini, placing a hand on their shoulder before softly stroking their cheek in a lovingly way.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 01-16-2017, 03:51 AM

"I am fine, Lucas, but I appreciate the offer." Gemini gave the elf what they hoped was a reassuring smile before turning to Gaia. Taking comfort from her touch, they leaned their head, catlike, into her hand for just a moment. Their eyes closed and they gave a sigh that seemed to come from the pits of their soul, then pulled away from their older sister. "I know you speak true, sister, but how can I rest? With the waters slowly receding and no sign of our dear youngest sibling...especially if Darkness is out there as well. Rest is nearly imposible when I cannot stop imagining what may have happened." They said. Despite their words, their voice was tired, and they clearly longed for sleep. "No, I will remain awake, at least until we hear word from the others. If they have found anything, I must be awake to hear it."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-05-2017, 07:27 PM

Karasu "Kar" Hishō

The feel of the air on his open wings, it was calming the storm threatening to spill over from inside. Remaining composed on the outside was one thing, though he could not fool himself. A frown etched itself upon his lips, his eyes scanning the ground below. Even from so far up, he could make out every detail that passed by beneath him. An advantage of having vision that surpassed even the best aviary being.

This was doing nothing, a waste of time. He should head back, before he ended up upsetting everyone even more than they already were. The last thing he needed, was them believing he had vanished as well. Turning in one fluid movement, he headed back to the temple. Boots touched down on the ground, no sound coming from the landing, as his wings curled behind him and vanished into his back. He was not looking forward to stepping through the doors, coming to see the other's but he couldn't avoid it forever, especially now. As a result, he pushed forward and headed within the temple itself.

He could hear their voices, discussing beyond the doors to the throne room. A hand lifted, taloned fingers hesitating for a moment, before pushing it open. He took a step within, seeing three faces already inside. He knew each one of them well enough, he knew why they were there. Despite entering, he made no move to speak up right away.

They were in the middle of their own conversations, he did not care to interrupt them. Eyes turning on one of the windows, he already felt the pull to be back out there, stretching his wings and in the sky. Up there, he was truly free. No one could see him and few could reach him. Though for one born of the skies, he had so many ties to the ground below him. Ties that kept him bound to returning to it, returning here...

He let a soft sigh escape his lips, his mind shifting to the missing party out of all of them. Where was she? They needed to find her, and he knew he was better use out there. Here however was also where he should be. Those ties tearing him in many different directions at times. A light itch fluttered down the back of his shoulders and down his back. His wings itched to be released, but he kept them bound and hidden for now.


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