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Shimawa_zen is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 04:56 AM

Oooh! I just remembered a very appropriately themed creepy story (even though it didn't actually take place on Halloween).

There was an event at my college, and a fortune teller came. I lingered around until the very end, when it was just me and some friends, and the fortune teller. We get to chatting, and the friends' bring up the story that the dorm building that most of them were living in (and I used to live in) was haunted. So the fortune teller told us that she had experience with spirits, and could see them, so she offered to come take a look.

We walked over to the dorm, and then she walked around looking at around the hallways and bathrooms and such. She then told us that the dorm was indeed haunted, but not by spirits like people had suspected. We had a demon infestation. She then told us that some residents were making it worse by trying to contact the spirits, which was drawing them in (and pointed out the exact room these activities were taking place in). The girls involved immediately fessed up, and they were told to stop.

The room involved was just three doors away from where I had been living a mere two weeks before (although I hadn't been involved in their ouija board activities). The lady then turns directly to me (the until then silent onlooker) and essentially forbids me specifically from returning to that dorm again, saying that the demons were looking at me too intently, and she was worried for my safety. She freaked out even more when I told her I'd been living there recently. She would have had me leave the building that very moment, but I stuck around until she was done with telling things to everyone.

King of Bedlam
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Old 11-01-2008, 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by Shimawa_zen View Post
Oooh! I just remembered a very appropriately themed creepy story (even though it didn't actually take place on Halloween).

There was an event at my college, and a fortune teller came. I lingered around until the very end, when it was just me and some friends, and the fortune teller. We get to chatting, and the friends' bring up the story that the dorm building that most of them were living in (and I used to live in) was haunted. So the fortune teller told us that she had experience with spirits, and could see them, so she offered to come take a look.

We walked over to the dorm, and then she walked around looking at around the hallways and bathrooms and such. She then told us that the dorm was indeed haunted, but not by spirits like people had suspected. We had a demon infestation. She then told us that some residents were making it worse by trying to contact the spirits, which was drawing them in (and pointed out the exact room these activities were taking place in). The girls involved immediately fessed up, and they were told to stop.

The room involved was just three doors away from where I had been living a mere two weeks before (although I hadn't been involved in their ouija board activities). The lady then turns directly to me (the until then silent onlooker) and essentially forbids me specifically from returning to that dorm again, saying that the demons were looking at me too intently, and she was worried for my safety. She freaked out even more when I told her I'd been living there recently. She would have had me leave the building that very moment, but I stuck around until she was done with telling things to everyone.
Wow.... mine was just out of laughs..... Yours is creepy o.o.... Lets hope nothing happens X.x....

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Old 11-01-2008, 04:19 PM

Kay Channah. So. This one time, at band camp..*shot*

Okay okay no that's not my story. xDDD Sorry. Couldn't resist. <<;;

The real story.

Okay. So. I was like..7 or 8 I guess..and my papaw decided I was old enough to go up to the house alone while he stood at the beginning of the driveway (while trick or treating). So I went to ring the doorbell and - no joke - this gigantic grand daddy long legs crawled onto my hand. It'd been sitting on the doorbell thing. I like, freaked out cause I hate spiders, and there was one sitting right on my hand like it was no big deal.

Needless to say, Papaw went with me to the door from then on. xDD

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nvs is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 04:32 PM

I have another story, not form Halloween, though.

I went camping with my friends in a tent in the garden of one of them.
It was around midnight but we were talking the whole time. Then we decided to go out.
So one of my firends starts talking about a horror movie she just saw a few days ago xD
It was reaaaaaaaaaaaaally scary. Then we heard something in the leaves. We were screaming and all and ran inside their house. After hours of waiting we went back to the tent, but each little noise scared us so much we were screaming the whole time xD

Then suddenly we heard this ghost-ish sound.
It was really creepy.
We were in a circle really close to each other and the sound came closer and closer...Then we saw the zipper go down and...
My friend's dad was there xD
He came to say we had to sleep because it was late and because we made too much noise xD
He did make the ghost sounds, but not the noise with the leaves...creepy!

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
Fiziali is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 08:39 PM

I hope our story does not have to be a Halloween story, because this did not happen during Halloween, but it is a true story, hehe. The meanest trick I ever played (along with my brother's and sisters) was during a time when my father, who was in the USAF, was stationed in Spain.

My mother had befriended a Spanish priest there, and he came to visit us quite often. One time he stopped by and my parent's were not home, and we invited him inside and offered him a drink. We then went into the kitchen, poured some Kool-aid into a glass, then proceeded to add other things such as soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, and other edible liquid form type items.

We stirred it all up, then took it out to him and told him it was American Kool-aid and that kids drink it all the time. He took a sip from the glass, made a funny face, then set the glass down on the table and told us how good it was, though we knew he was lying, hehe. It was a mean thing to do, but we were just kids, and kids will be kids, lol.

Dystopia is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 09:24 PM

So here's a story.

Yesterday, I watched The Exorcist with my friend. And at first, I didn't think much of it. Then the creepy face that kept flashing up kept coming up when I got in bed to read. I read something funny to take my mind off it. It works, but as soon as I get out of bed, I freak and crawl back into bed again. This happens three or four times. So I end up going to sleep without brushing my teeth. Ironic thing is, I was afraid of my bed randomly starting to shake like it did in the movie. And I was hiding on the bed. OTL. xD;

Mr. Mayor
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Old 11-01-2008, 09:59 PM

*wanders in*

Is the purple haired peril around? *laughs*

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 10:01 PM

Damn... this year Halloween was stil lame at home, for me T_T...
How is everyone doing?

Dystopia is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 10:12 PM

@ Mark - xD; Oh, that's a horrible thing to say!

@ Artsy - D: No Trick-or-Treating?

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Old 11-01-2008, 11:40 PM

One night, Johnny, a football player had left his home after eating a great helping of liver and headed on his way back towards school for football practice. As he walked along the long, dark street, only crickets could be heard, and the occasional barking dog. Then...a voice...
"Jonny I want my liver back... Jonny Im at your front porch..." Statrled, he turned around back towards his home, wlaking quickly. Then the voice agian..
"Jonny I want my liver back, johnny im in your livingroom, watching your mother..." He began to sweat and ran faster... and heared it again.
"jonny I want my liver back, Jonny Im in the kitchen right behind your mom..." He ran even harder and finally, reaching insode his house, only hearing the last scream come from his mother in the kitchen and nothing but blood splatter all over the kitchen. He looked at her, horrified. The left over liver... was gone.
Noone ever found out what happened that night, and Jonny, til this day, still sits in his prison cell wondering who framed him for his mothers death.

About 10 years later, that the butcher that Jonnys mother had bought the liver from, had been digging up the graves of the dead and using their meat in his meat shop...

The End!

It is only until you see the sun...
LoversEnd is offline
Old 11-01-2008, 11:53 PM

*sneaks in and tries to find Nalin* He's got one more fan girl here, now where is he? xDD

Hello everyone! *waves at the mayor and anyone else who happens to be about*

Cassidy Rose
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Old 11-02-2008, 03:38 AM

Okay so instead of me waiting for others to post after I post a story to post another, I will just explain all in different paragraphs. Make it a little more simple for me and stuff of that sore.

Now I haven't quite pulled a prank on Halloween but stuff we set up at our house one year was quite funny and interesting. So we always use to do a little something with our house but this one year, I think I was in third or fourth grade I think. We dug a ditch beside out driveway on the part that had durt and not grass. We put a lamp in part of the dirt with a red light bulb inside of it. We had stuffed a pair of pants, a shirt and a creepy mask and hung it in the garage behind a sheet the was hung. We had the light flicker on and off, as well as having this big fan of ours on high. We used a CD player to play creepy music as my mom stood next to one of the plastic culdrons we got, full of candy. My dad... *Giggles* He put on this creepy mask, and laid in the ditch we made with the red lamp on. Some kids thought he was fake and some thought he was real. My mom told them to go up to my dad to see for sure or not. He scared a lot of kids. Also at one point, he scared an old man and made him pee his pants.

Worst thing to happen to me happen on Halloween? Well to tell the truth only worst things to ever happen was me getting tired and sore from walking so much but also getting scared and screaming at some houses time to time. Well one year during my Junior year in High School, I was with my friend trick or treating, so what happened was we were walking and I started getting light headed and feeling like I was going to pass out. When we went to a house to get candy, we also asked for some water because I wasn't feeling so well.

Got scared the crap out of??? *Laughs a lot* I always get scared most of the time.
The last time or time before that that I had gone trick or treating, my friend and I were going to a few houses. I KNEW there was someone at this one house that was moving because I saw them move. My friend said it wasn't true and was going to the door. I saw the guy move, again. After I took a candy from the guys little bowl and started to walk away because my friend grabbed one too, the guy ran, jumped and hit the wall beside me, I screamed and then started to yell at my friend telling him I was right that the guy was real. I kept thinking others were real time to time while we were going to some houses.
Every year almost I tend to get scared.. Especially when I was little. This one house had a guy on a motor cycle and scared people time to time. I went and sat on the curb and waiting for my siblings to get candy because I was too afraid to go. I was crying. The guy came over to me and gave me candy. I tend to get easily scared time to time.

And that is all I have to tell. ^^

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Lanackse is offline
Old 11-02-2008, 10:40 AM

Well I have a spooky story, I'm not sure if it's valid since it didn't happen on Halloween but here goes.

It was a beautiful summers day and me and my then boyfriend were having a picnic and having fun. All of a sudden both of our breaths steamed up like it was the middle of December and I had this real horrid sense that something was direly wrong. It was still light as well so we cleared up and high tailed it back to my car parked on the outside of the road.

We got back and I'd closed the boot (trunk) of my car we both heard this scream of sheer horror coming from the direction we'd just came from. We just looked at each other and I drove away as fast as I could.

Cassidy Rose
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Old 11-02-2008, 10:51 AM

Lanackse, That sounds creepy... I wonder what happened back where you guys came from. That would make someone wonder even when they are leaving and scared like no tomorrow.

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Old 11-02-2008, 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Cassidy Rose View Post
Lanackse, That sounds creepy... I wonder what happened back where you guys came from. That would make someone wonder even when they are leaving and scared like no tomorrow.
I don't think I wanted to know what happened. Didn't sound very pleasant to say the least.

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Korrye is offline
Old 11-02-2008, 07:58 PM

Twas' Halloween many years ago. The year does not matter, only the date. A group of eleven children gathered ranging from ages eight to nineteen came together for their favourite holiday. Although the younger ones were not supposed to accompany the older ones they did anyways for one reason; they idolized the older ones. Dressed in costume they met at the park in their housing complex and waited a few minutes should any stragglers come along. As usual the lonely girl was late, skipping along in a princess dress, wearing her mother's makeup. Normally she was clumsy and accident prone, skinning her knees or spraining her ankles. Today was different though because she was able to be someone else. She was the pretty princess like the one in the movies. And as she arrived they all took off. Running in a cluster they bombarded each house screaming at the top of their lungs the precious words that would give them candy as a reward. For tricks they sang off-key Christmas carols and when a house was not giving out candy they would still bang madly on the door. The charade was wonderful to them all. Each one of them was smiling, beaming with Halloween spirit and pride, even the lonely girl. For two hours they went on, travelling further and further away from their homes in search of others that they had not yet visited. The lonely girl began to get worried that she wouldn’t be able to find her way home. The older ones, of course, waved her off and continued on. They claimed to know their way. So they continued on and at the base of a winding hill filled with houses they bet one another: who could get to the top before everyone else? The lonely girl was excited and as usual they were all extremely competitive with one another. The race started as an adult shouted 3, 2, 1, go! The lonely girl took off, dragging her sack of candy on the ground in her left hand while her right held up her dress. She ran to each door and knocked real hard before taking off to the next one. The rules were that they couldn’t cut across lawns so she followed their driveways so that she could stay off of the road. For once she was doing well in the competition. In fact she was winning. But then the unthinkable, one of the older kids came up from behind her and pulled on her candy bag to slow her down. The lonely girl let go of her dress to defend her hoard but she tripped, the fabric catching up her shoe. The older boy took off with a laugh while she fell, scrapping her face across the pavement of a house with no one home. The others passed her and laughed at her too while she lay there crying, shocked at the amount of blood she could feel coming from her face. The lonely girl was left behind; the kids took a short cut home. Lost and afraid she stayed where she was until a neighbour came outside to see what all the commotion was about. In seeing the girl the woman became motherly, scooping her up and asking for the girl to tell her where she lived. Then she was put in a car with a cold cloth and driven home. The kind stranger helped her, took her home to her mother who then cleaned up the cuts and threw away the ripped dress. The lonely girl never found Halloween to be so delightful ever again. Instead she always found herself staying at home away from the horrible group of people who left her to rot behind.

Garnet Phoenix
Garnet Phoenix is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 01:24 AM

Well Channah... To tell you the truth, I have no Halloween story because my family doesn't believe in celebrating that holiday... And it just so happens to be one of my favorites too... T-T

Crystal Helena
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Old 11-03-2008, 04:02 AM

*drops by to say hello* Hello Channah!

Mama Juru
Why you crying?
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Mama Juru is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 04:20 AM

Hey guys,

Channah sent me to let you know that she has fallen a bit under the weather so she won't be able to continue chatting with you all. She did want to let you all know that those of you who posted stories will be rewarded :)

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Lumi is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 04:22 AM

Aww, I hope Channah gets well soon~! Sorry I never had a story to tell. :3

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 11-03-2008, 05:05 AM

*Tackleglomphugglesquishes Juru*

Aww, I do hope that Channah feels better soon. It seems that bug is really nasty this year. Every time we get healthy here at home, one of us ends up catching it again, then we all get sick again, though not as bad as the first bout of it was.

Garnet Phoenix
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Old 11-03-2008, 06:27 AM


Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 06:51 AM

Hellow! I just figured what the new shop item is, I'm so glad I did X3!
And I made a new hangout, too! How is everyone?

Edit: Ah... then send Channah my get well message then, Juru!

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Lanackse is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:56 AM

Hope Channah's eating plenty of of chicken soup and actually resting.

Cassidy Rose
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Old 11-03-2008, 09:39 AM

I hope that Channah feels better soon. It is never a fun thing to be any bit under the weather.


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