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Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-24-2016, 03:19 AM

thanks to Nephila for the banner! :>

Happy Pumpkin Day, everyone! Here we are again for another Haunted Halloween!
In the past you've had to avoid ghosts, fight monsters, solve murders, escape serial killers and defeat aliens. But y'know, this time we're taking it nice and easy. All you have to do is deliver a package.

What could be easier?

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-27-2016 at 03:02 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-24-2016, 04:10 AM

Once every 24 hours, you may:
  1. Look at Today's Map ( Here ).
  2. Choose an action from the list.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with your action added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 10 PM Pacific for the results. (Click here for current Pacific time.) We will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," here. If you miss a day, you can find results for past maps further down the page.
  5. Return to Today's Map for the new map. Rinse, and repeat!


Only one account per person may play.
Exception: Staff-approved charity mules are welcome to play for their charities.

You must accept any trades within 30 days.
We'll cancel long-unaccepted trades and reroute those items to active charities.

Q. Swanky maps there, pal. Where'd you get 'em?
A. All maps were made at

Q. I'd like to choose a new area on the map. Can I?
A. Sure. Before the round ends, post the form again with your new selection and ping either Captain Howdy or BellyButton, and we'll make note of it as soon as we can. Obviously you cannot change your mind after the round ends.

Q. I missed the first day, can I still play?
A. Of course, feel free! :)

Q. Oh no, i've gone missing! What does that mean?!
A. Sadly, it means that your journey is at an end. You've been taken by someone, or something. But you may continue to support your fellow delivery people in spirit, as well continue to play the game and win goodies.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-31-2016 at 03:46 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-24-2016, 04:05 PM

Arthur Abernathy
Lead delivery man for the Moonlight Delivery Service. Arthur is a good-natured, average Joe. He's a hard worker, loyal and a damn fine leader.

After Arthur, the MDS' most trusted delivery person. Belly is an intelligent and level-headed lady. She can be a bit gruff sometimes, but is kindhearted through and through.

Howdy showed up at the MDS one day and they gave him a job. He jokes around a lot, but don't let his quirky, self-deprecating sense of humor fool you: Howdy is honest, hardworking, and just might be the smartest guy in the room. The others may not realize this, but they'd be lost without him.

Mrs. Margarite Honeysett
Owner and manager of the Moonlight Delivery Service. Mrs. Honeysett doesn't mind being the motherly figure in the office, as long as you know who's the boss. She don't want none of your sass.

Last edited by BellyButton; 10-28-2016 at 07:37 PM.. Reason: ;)

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:06 AM

evilcupcakecat: Criminy, I haven't been in a church since I was 13.
evil_samara: Your family stopped going?
evilcupcakecat: My family never went. My friends and I robbed one when we were kids.
evil_samara: [shocked] What?! Y-you're kidding?... Aren't you?
evilcupcakecat: [ignores the question] ... Well, Odell ain't here.
evil_samara: If we get out of this alive, maybe I should start going to church.
evilcupcakecat: You wouldn't be able to sleep in.
evil_samara: That's true. I really like sleeping in on Sundays. And then snacking all day long.
evilcupcakecat: You know what doesn't make a very good snack? A giant bag of stolen communion wafers.
Masked Figure: Tsk tsk. Very naughty. I think it's time you atoned for your sins.

Arthur tried, he tried so hard to keep his team organized. They had lost so many tonight, and it was only logical that they stayed together. But those lugnuts, they were wont for wandering off. It’s like they were determined to search every room. What did they expect to find? Gold? Prizes? That’s a laugh.

Belly: [annoyed] Can we stop with the cool and relatively dry business?
Howdy: But it’s a running joke. It adds humor to the g…
Belly: [menacingly] I swear to god, Howdy. If those robed freaks don’t catch us, I will finish you off myself.
Arthur: C’mon, cool it you two. The situation’s bad enough without your arguing.

Once again employing the flashlight, they snake their way along the pitch black hallway, before heading down the staircase into the basement.

Belly: [to Arthur] So, you think we can trust this guy?
Arthur: Odell? I don’t know. After the good sheriff, I'm cautious. But I pray we can. Cause like it or not, right now he’s our only hope.
Belly: [sighing] If only we could find Father Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Howdy: Wait, do you guys here something?

They stop and listen. Nothing is apparent at first, but then there is a curious thump. Then a second, and then a more audible one. The trio are left confused until suddenly all hell breaks loose! The air is filled with a cacophony of shouts and movement. The trainees appear, racing down the steps, urging Arthur, Belly and Howdy to run. The cultists are in the church!

Sprinting down the murky hallway, a hand suddenly reaches out from the boiler room and pulls Arthur inside. The others follow. It’s Father Odell, miming for them to stay silent. He moves, almost catlike, to close the door, then hurries across the room. There are a row of shelves built into the wall. In the dim light, it’s hard to see exactly what the priest is doing, but then surprisingly the shelf opens inward to reveal a corridor.

Father Odell: [in a hushed tone] Quickly, this way.

Without argument, they proceed. The passage is dark as midnight, but Father Odell retrieves an oil lantern from the wall and lights it.

Arthur: Where are we?
Father Odell: [closing the corridor entrance] It’s secret tunnel beneath the church. It leads to the old mine.
Howdy: Oh boy, we’re having an adventure like the Goonies!
Belly: Father, we need to know what this is all about. We need answers.
Father Odell: And you will have them, shortly. But for now we must continue.

On and on they walk, minute after minute. All is still, save for the muffled footsteps on the dirt path. Arthur became aware that once again their numbers were fewer. evil_samara was gone. evilcupcakecat too. As much as he'd like to know their fate, he couldn't dwell on what may have happened to them. But he promised himself, if by some miracle they survived this night, he would find his friends, one way or another.

The team had assumed they would be descending deeper into the mountain, but at some point it became clear they were instead moving upward. Finally, they reached the end of the tunnel and came to a rusted metal door. With some effort Father Odell pried the door open, ushering the MDS crew through. Once inside, he shut it again, then locked it with a key retrieved from his pocket.

The air was stale. The darkness permeated this place too, but in the lantern’s glow they could tell the room was large, with rough hewn rock walls. This was the mine proper.

Arthur: [to Odell] What do we do now?

Slipping the key back into his pocket, the priest strangely ignores Arthur’s question, and instead calmly asks…

Father Odell: Who brought the box into Devil’s Peak?

An odd question. The delivery crew throws quick glances at one another.

Arthur: [confused] Wh-what? I… I told you, we did. We were making a delivery.
Father Odell: [a bit more forceful] But which one of you actually brought the box into town?
Arthur: [totally dumbfounded] I don’t understand what you mean.
Father Odell: [sighing, but smiling] No matter, we’ll know soon enough. [clasping his hands] You asked what we do now. Well, now we wait for the others.
Belly: [eyes widening] What others?
Father Odell: [pleasantly] You’ve all put us through so much trouble tonight. Running through the forest like chickens with their heads cut off. This would have been so much easier if you had come quietly and simply given us the box.
Howdy: I uh, don’t want to alarm you guys, but I have sinking suspicion that Father Fright’s one of them masked weirdoes.
Father Odell: Yes, I’m afraid so. And now there’s nowhere to run. My brothers and sisters will be joining us soon. Do try to relax, escape is impossible.
Belly: What do you want from us?!
Father Odell: You will see. Don’t worry, it will all soon be over.
Arthur: And you just expect us to go quietly?!
Father Odell: [still smiling] What other option do you have?
Arthur: Well… I’ve always been a fan of plan B.

And quick as a flash, Arthur sprints forward and kicks Father Odell square in the nuts.

Father Odell: [howling, as he falls to the floor] My thingies!
Arthur: Remember our motto: The Moonlight Delivery Service: F**k you!
Belly: [smirking] Now that is one hell of a motto. Let's get outta here!

Scooping up the lantern, Arthur and his team run off, plunging further into the old mine. They scurry, this way and that, never quite getting their bearings. As much as he’d like to stop and assess the situation, there’s no time to think. Odell isn’t gonna stay down for long, and the other cult members will certainly be here soon. It’s difficult to tell if they’re going in circles or not, but suddenly they’re at a dead end.

Arthur: Crap, there really is no way out of here!
Belly: No, wait! Arthur look!

Pressing him to shine his light further in, there on the opposite end of the room are a series of doorways, each walled up by bricks, and each numbered from one to eight.

Arthur: Do you think they lead somewhere?
Belly: Who knows. But it’s better than staying here.
Arthur: But how do we get through?!
Howdy: [just a few feet away] Hey guys, look at this! I found some conveniently placed pick axes!

Mouth ajar, Arthur looks at Belly and she looks at him.

Belly: [with a shrug] Heigh-ho!
Arthur: Everybody grab an axe and get to work!

Location: Old Mine

Search Options:
-- Doorway 1
-- Doorway 2
-- Doorway 3
-- Doorway 4
-- Doorway 5
-- Doorway 6
-- Doorway 7
-- Doorway 8

Paste this form into the thread to play
[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][B]Today is Day Six. Let's get outta here![/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I'm knocking down: [write map area here]

Which doorway did you pick?X

-- Doorway 1
Kamikaze Kendra - ooo

-- Doorway 2
hummy - ooo
Naisou - ooo
sadrain - ooo
Vox - ooo
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - ooo

-- Doorway 3
DivineHeart - ooo
dragoness129 - ooo
Eastriel - ooo
Kent - ooo
M i n u x e - ooo
Prismatic Llama - ooo
Razak - ooo
Roachi - ooo
xoxoAngiexoxo - ooo

-- Doorway 4
Hunter Ash - ooo
~LONGCAT~ - ooo
shinigamikarasu - ooo
SuperZombiePotatoe - ooo

-- Doorway 5
Hadsvich - ooo
Inspiration - ooo

-- Doorway 6
Kay - ooo
Mageling - ooo
Mimmu - ooo
Miscreant74 - ooo
Popcorn Gun - ooo
Precarious Fool - ooo
Rochiel Silverfire - ooo
woohoohelloppl - ooo
Xogizmoox - ooo

-- Doorway 7
Damia Flagg - ooo
Divacita - ooo
evil_samara - ooo
*Hime* - ooo
HIM_ROCK - ooo
mdom - ooo
Velvet - ooo
Yamka Jaden - ooo
zigbigadorlube - ooo

-- Doorway 8
blueblackrose - ooo
Elirona - ooo
GummyBearKisses - ooo
musasgal - ooo
Nema - ooo
Nephila - ooo
salvete - ooo
Shadami - ooo
wish - ooo

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2016 at 04:36 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:07 AM

Location: St. Teresa's Church

Boiler Room
You find Father Odell in the Boiler Room. Quickly, as the cult members crash overhead, he ushers you through the secret passage. As you move past, your eye catches something just above the doorway. A quick glimpse of five strange symbols. You've seen them more than once tonight, and here they are again. And suddenly you're filled with dread.

Your grandmother used to say that after every church service, she'd head to the chapel and pray in solitude. And that this would refill her spirit and help her face the days ahead. You've never been the church-going type, but if you've ever needed help, it's now. You kneel for a minute, but don't know how to start or how to find the words. So instead, you ask your childhood cat, Mickey, for guidance. And instantly, somewhere in the back of your head, you hear a 'meow'. Which you take to mean, 'Buck up. You're gonna be okay.' --- You smile and stand, knowing there's a fuzzy little angel looking out for you.
(Angelic Blessing +1 Raffle Ticket)

Choir Room
Father Odell isn't in the choir room, but there is a pretty impressive looking piano. Cracking your knuckles, you take a seat and let your fingers fly across the keys. You start to belt out one of your favorite tunes, and really get into the moment. With a big smile, you finish, take off your hat and bow before your coworkers. They begin to fill your hat with cash. Wow, you musta been really good. ... No, they're actually paying you to stop. Philistines.
(+700g )

As it says in the good book, "You're screwed."
(MISSING - See F.A.Q.)

Out of everywhere in the church, you'd swear that Father Odell would have been in his office. But no luck. Oh well, no need to stay here. --- But wait, what's that? A small box labeled 'Collection Plate Earnings'. Now that's interesting. But certainly you couldn't. That would be wrong. But... who would know? ... So caught up with your own avarice, that you fail to notice the photos on the wall. Pictures of Father Odell with his parishioners . Look, there's Mrs. Etherington! Sheriff Henderson! Ms. Sadler, and everyone you've met tonight. ... As well as a certain someone.
(+800g )

Now, you're not exactly sure what a 'sacristy' is, but by the looks of it, you'd guess maybe a religious wardrobe. Which means... MAKEOVER! But rifling through the closets, it's pretty slim pickin's. --- This is kinda cute, but maybe a little too big in the hips. Ugh, the hemline on this one is so last season. The only good piece if a lush red cloak. Not exactly something you'd see on the catwalks of Milan, but it'll do.
(Garnet Fur-Trim Cloak)

Storage Room
The storage room in a church basement is just as interesting as you'd think it would be. Just a bunch of whatsits and whoits and doodads. In a far corner of the room you find a few boxes marked 'Play - The Story of Solomon'. Out of curiosity you look through them. Definitely nothing special. But in the get up for Bathsheba's character, you discover a diamond tiara. My goodness! It's so stunning, you'd swear it was real.
(Gold Decor Tiara - Diamond)

It's been your understanding that a vestry is a sort of meeting room in the church, but why would one be hidden underground? You're in a holy place, and yet there is something sinister about this room. And what makes you the most uneasy is the mirror hanging on the opposite wall. Aesthetically it's very pretty, but looking into its reflection stirs a sense of fear in you. And all you want to do is run.
(Antique Mirror)

Where is everybody?X

-- Boiler Room
Damia Flagg - xxx
Hadsvich - xxx
Precarious Fool - xxx
Shadami - xxx
shinigamikarasu - xxx

-- Chapel
Angel Spirit Girl - xxx
Dystopia - xxx
HIM_ROCK - xxx
Inspiration - xxx
Kamikaze Kendra - xxx
Mimmu - xxx
Nephila - xxx
Nema - xxx

-- Choir Room
GummyBearKisses - xxx
pollik17 - xxx
M i n u x e - xxx
Rochiel Silverfire - xxx
salvete - xxx
SuperZombiePotatoe - xxx
Vox - xxx
Woofie267 - xxx
xoxoAngiexoxox - xxx

-- Classroom
Divacita - xxx
evil_samara - xxx
evilcupcakecat - xxx

-- Office
DivineHeart - xxx
mdom - xxx
Prismatic Llama - xxx
star2000shadow - xxx
woohoohelloppl - xxx

-- Sacristy
Elirona - xxx
~LONGCAT~ - xxx
Mageling - xxx
Midian - xxx
Popcorn Gun - xxx
Roachi - xxx
sadrain - xxx
Velvet - xxx
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - xxx
zigbigadorlube - xxx

-- Storage Room
dragoness129 - xxx
Hunter Ash - xxx
Kay - xxx
Roxxxy - xxx
wish - xxx
Xogizmoox - xxx
Yamka Jaden - xxx

-- Vestry
Arinia Dreamdancer - xxx
Eastriel - xxx
*Hime* - xxx
Kent - xxx
Miscreant74 - xxx
Naisou - xxx
Razak - xxx

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-03-2016 at 04:01 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:09 AM

Day One
- Angel Spirit Girl
- Arinia Dreamdancer
- blueblackrose
- Demetri
- dragoness129
- Dystopia
- Hadsvich
- Kamikaze Kendra
- LizzyCollinsDearc
- Mageling
- Naisou
- Nema
- Precarious Fool
- Rochiel Silverfire
- star2000shadow
- SuperZombiePotatoe
- Velvet
- Woofie267

Day Two
- Divacita
- Nephila
- Roxxxy
- Vox
- wish

Day Three
- Miscreant74
- musasgal

Day Four
- Prismatic Llama
- Woodlandnymph

Day Five
- evil_samara
- evilcupcakecat

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-03-2016 at 04:03 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:14 AM

Raffle Ticket HoldersX

Cora: 1
Damia Flagg: 1
Hadsvich: 1
*Hime*: 1
Hunter Ash: 1
Inspiration: 3
Midian: 1
Nephila: 1
wish: 1
woohoohelloppl: 1
Xogizmoox: 1
xoxoAngiexoxo: 1
Yamka Jaden: 1

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-01-2016 at 04:26 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:15 AM

Day One StoryX

It is just past ten, on a sultry Halloween night. All evening the air has been thick with the boisterous chatter of trick or treaters. But now their mirthful shouts have lessened, every good boy and girl having returned home with their bounty. The odd costumed party goer can still be seen haunting the streets, but for the most part all has quieted. And within the confines of one downtown office, the crew of the Moonlight Delivery Service is getting ready to call it a day.

Howdy: Boy, it sure is a sultry Halloween night.
Arthur: It sure is. [stops and ponders] What does that mean exactly?
Howdy: [shrugs] I dunno. But that’s what it says in the introduction.
Belly: It means it’s hot and humid.
Howdy: Oh... Well, then it’s not really sultry at all. It’s cool and relatively dry. Someone should change that.

Ugh… It is just past ten, on a cool and relatively dry Halloween night.

Howdy: Thank you.
Arthur: What do you guys have planned for the rest of the evening?
Belly: Not much. Just gonna go home, eat whatever candy’s left and hit the hay.
Howdy: I was hoping to catch the rest of that Ghost Quest marathon. How ‘bout you, Arty?
Arthur: My girlfriend wanted to hit some party in Haverfield. So since we’re gettin’ off early, I thought we’d drop in.
Mrs. Honeysett: Not so fast. Change of plans, kids.

Mrs. Margarite Honeysett, the owner/manager of the Moonlight Delivery Service, enters the locker room from the back office. She’s a sturdily built woman in her late 40s. Everyone at the MDS sees her as sort of a motherly figure. But like many mothers, she’s not someone you want to cross. Mrs. Honeysett is no shrinking violet.

The Moonlight Delivery Service was started years ago by herself and Mr. Honeysett. If one were to ask Margarite the current whereabouts of her husband, she will tell you that he’s dead. When in truth, four summers prior the man had run off to Pensacola with a gogo boy almost twenty years his junior. If further presented with this truth, Mrs. Honeysett will reply, “Well, he’s dead to me.”

Howdy: How’s it hangin’, Honeybee?!
Mrs. Honeysett: [stony faced] Boy, don’t make me throw my shoe at you. … Now I know you folks were lookin’ forward to an early evening, but we got ourselves a last minute delivery.
Arthur: [sighs] Are you serious? We were almost out the door. Can’t we pass it off to one of the daytime companies?
Mrs. Honeysett: [crossing her arms] Arthur, what is our motto?
Arthur: [concedes] The Moonlight Delivery Service: When it absolutely has to get their at night, so no one can see what you ordered.
Mrs. Honeysett: That’s correct, so the package goes out tonight. And if the box starts to vibrate, just ignore it.
Belly: Where’s it headed?
Mrs. Honeysett: Devil’s Peak.
Arthur: [flatly] I gotta drive all the way out to Devil's Peak?
Mrs. Honeysett: Afraid so, and here's the kicker. The address is smeared. Can’t make out a word of it. All we got is the town, the zip code and the name of the recipient, a Mr. [reading the package label] Aegis Echo Wolds.
Belly: Aegis Echo Wolds? His parents choose that name out of a bag of Scrabble tiles?
Arthur: Wait, how do you expect me to deliver this without an address?
Mrs. Honeysett: Easy. Devil’s Peak is already a small town, and this zip only covers a fraction of it. Take Belly and Howdy…
Belly & Howdy: [groans]
Mrs. Honeysett: ...Take Belly and Howdy, and the trainees, and just go from house to house until you find the right one.
Howdy: Gee, I hope we all fit in the van.
Arthur: Wouldn’t it be easier if we split up to search for this guy?
Mrs. Honeysett: Perhaps, but that would entirely throw off the mechanics of the game. Plus poor Howdy would have to make all kinds of maps.
Howdy: I would have to make what now?
Belly: Can we stop breaking the fourth wall, please?
Mrs. Honeysett: Now you all quit your jawin’ and get out there. The sooner that package is delivered, the sooner you can enjoy the rest of your Halloween.
Arthur: [relenting] You heard the boss, gang. Let’s get going.
Belly: Damnit, just when I was about to take off this dumb hat. [muttering] I hate this hat.
Howdy: See ya later, Honeybee!
Mrs. Honeysett: [throws her shoe at Howdy]
Howdy: Ow!

Outside the Moonlight Delivery office the night is crisp, in addition to being cool and relatively dry. None of them are exactly looking forward to this run, but time is important. They may have to spend hours scouring Devil’s Peak. The crew had just reached the van, when a mysterious figure darts out from the shadows. It is an old man, dirty and disheveled. Without warning, he grabs onto Arthur’s arm.

Arthur: [shocked] Woah! What the french, toast?!
Mysterious Man: [wide eyed] Beware!
Howdy: Hey, nice costume.
Belly: I don’t think it’s a costume. Doesn’t smell like one at least.
Mysterious Man: Beware! Abandon your foolish errand! The contents of that box will only bring doom! There is evil inside!
Arthur: [pulling back his arm] Yeah well, evil’s got somewhere to be tonight.
Mysterious Man: This is no idle threat! That box will be the end of us all! You are in danger!
Arthur: [hopping into the drivers seat] Not for nothin’, pal, but I think we’ll be just fine.
Mysterious Man: Heed my words, all of you, before it’s too late!
Arthur: [smiling] You have a happy Halloween!
Howdy: He seemed nice.

And the Moonlight Delivery van pulls away from the curb. …

Pizza Guy: Did someone at this address order a large pizza?
Mysterious Man: Beware! The contents of that box will only bring doom! There is evil inside!
Pizza Guy: Really? The receipt says pepperoni.

-A half hour later.-

Arthur: [on the phone… while driving. For shame.] Yeah, I know, hon. I will. --- Mhmm. --- Okay, I’ll see you when I get home. [hangs up] Well, Sandy was disappointed, but I think she understands that’s how work is sometimes.
Belly: Driving out to Devil’s Peak wasn’t how I expected to top off my evening.
Howdy: Sounds like a cool place, though. Is it on an actual peak?
Arthur: Oh, you’ve never been. I forget you’re not from around here, Howdy. --- Well, much of it is located on a mountainside, but there is an actual peak that overlooks the town. Nothing really devilish about it though. --- You know how Devil’s Peak got its name? [Howdy shakes his head] It’s an old legend that’s been around forever. They say that almost three hundred years ago a mysterious religious cult moved out here from back east. Supposedly, it was Satan himself who told them where to go. Their plan was to open a doorway to hell using a magic key, so that the devil and his minions could enter our world and flood the earth with darkness. [Arthur laughs]
Belly: [taking none of this seriously] But then, as the tale continues, the cult was thwarted by a nameless stranger, one of pure heart and virtue, who single-handedly defeated the evildoers, closed the doorway and sent Beelzebub and all cronies back to the fiery underworld. The cult members were banished, never to be seen again, and the key was destroyed. After that, the nameless stranger founded the town that would become known as Devil’s Peak.
Howdy: Ohhh, neat story.
Arthur: Yeah, but of course it’s nothin' but a buncha bunk. Just something to tell the kids of Devil’s Peak on Halloween nights. Speaking of, we should be where we need to be. Belly, pull out that property map and point us to the nearest house.
Belly: [studying the map] Lemme see… If you take the second left, there should be a house up the road.
Arthur: Cool. Let’s hope this doesn’t take all night.

Minutes later the delivery van pulls up in front of a worn, diminutive home. The place is dark, but even in the dim moonlight, one can tell the house has seen better days. The siding is tattered and pocked with holes, broken roof shingles hang from the eaves. Certainly not very inviting.

Howdy: This place seems nice and homey.
Belly: If you like spending your holidays with the Manson family. I think it's abandoned.
Arthur: You might be right, Bell… Wait, I just saw movement in there.
Belly: You sure?
Arthur: No, but it don’t hurt to find out. C’mon, guys.

The Moonlight Delivery crew leaves the van and approaches the rundown abode. Arthur knocks. Once. Twice. Calling out to anyone who might be home. Instinctively he reaches out for the knob and is surprised to find the front door unlocked.

Arthur: Hello?! Is anyone home?! … Mr. Wolds?! Hellooo?!
Howdy: [frowns] I'm gettin’ the heebie jeebies.
Arthur: Me too, but we gotta do what we gotta do. Let’s see if anyone’s here.

Day One ResultsX

Location: Etherington House

Dining Room
Looking around, you wonder how anyone could eat in this dining room. Aside from the ketchup stain on the floor, it's not that the room is filthy, but the atmosphere that pervades the entire house is so dour and ominous. Enough to put anyone off their meal. And the creepy painting that hangs on the wall doesn't help.

Not something you'd wanna stare at while eating your Spaghetti-O's.
A small plaque reads 'Gates of Hell - Fernando Botero' And there, on the frame, is etched a strange symbol.

What does it mean?

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. And it looks like this house needs a transplant. There's retro, and then there's just plain ol' out-of-date. The grim blue kitchen doesn't exactly inspire hunger, but you haven't had a nosh all day. You open the cookie jar, hoping the confectioneries inside aren't too stale, but inside find a small wad of cash. That's even sweeter!
(+300g + 1 Raffle Ticket)

Libraries are for smarties. And if you'd been smarter, you'd have booked it right outta there. Looks like this story doesn't have a happy ending.
(MISSING - See F.A.Q.)

Master Bedroom
You don't know who lives in this house, but you're definitely getting a granny vibe. The decor is what you would call old lady chic. Doilies, dust covers, and fringed pillows, with a hint of lavender wafting through air. But some of it is nice. On the dresser is a set of old floral hairpins in the shapes of lilies. Charming, until you remember that lilies represent death. x_x
(Lily Hairpin - Red, White & Purple)

While the entire house seems to be in a pretty rundown state, the nursery looks like it hasn't been touched in decades. A thick layer of dust coats every surface. As you move through the room, a feeling of dread builds inside of you. If this were a horror movie, the audience would be shouting at you to get out. By far, the worst is the top of the wardrobe, which is crowded with old porcelain dolls. Their dull glass eyes seem to follow every move you make. You can just imagine them saying, "Come play with us. It's been so long."
(Living Doll)

Sewing Room
Well here's a surprise. Everything in the old house looks like it's a thousand years old. But in an upstairs room, you find a thoroughly modern and quite complex looking sewing machine. Someone must be really serious about their craft. In a basket, tucked away in the corner of the room, you find a set of handmade fabric purses. They're rather well done. And looky here, there's even some cash in one.
(+400g )

Sitting Room
Being in this house is like moving through a time warp. It reflects an era long past. From the old marble fireplace, to the Louis XV sofas, to the hand carved sideboards. It's like the Antiques Roadshow exploded all over the room. Even in the umbrella stand you find a vintage parasol. Now if you only had a bustle, you could go for a stroll.
(Bunny Spring Breeze Parasol - Taffy)

Storage Room
Wow! Whoever owns this house could open an antique shop with all the odds and ends crammed in the storage room. This stuff is positively ancient. In a nearby trunk, you spot a hat that must be at least fifty years old. Trying it on, you step back and give yourself a gander in the mirror. Not bad. It's definitely you. But what's not you is the spider that suddenly swings down from the brim!
(Spider Rain)

Where is everybody?X

-- Dining Room
Cecilia - xxx
Miscreant74 - xxx

-- Kitchen
Hunter Ash - xxx
Inspiration - xxx
Yamka Jaden - xxx

-- Library
Angel Spirit Girl - xxx
Arinia Dreamdancer - xxx
blueblackrose - xxx
Demetri - xxx
dragoness129 - xxx
Dystopia - xxx
Hadsvich - xxx
Kamikaze Kendra - xxx
LizzyCollinsDeArc - xxx
Mageling - xxx
Naisou - xxx
Nema - xxx
Precarious Fool - xxx
Rochiel Silverfire - xxx
star2000shadow - xxx
SuperZombiePotatoe - xxx
Velvet - xxx
Woofie267 - xxx
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - xxx

-- Master Bedroom
Elirona - xxx
Gmwolflord - xxx
Kent - xxx
xoxoAngiexoxo - xxx

-- Nursery
M i n u x e - xxx
musasgal - xxx
Prismatic Llama - xxx
salvete - xxx
Shadami - xxx
Xogizmoox - xxx

-- Sewing Room
Cora - xxx
Damia Flagg - xxx
Divacita - xxx
Eastriel - xxx
*Hime* - xxx
Kay - xxx
Mimmu - xxx
sadrain - xxx
wish - xxx

-- Sitting Room
~LONGCAT~ - xxx
Roxxxy - xxx
shinigamikarasu - xxx
zigbigadorlube - xxx

-- Storage Room
DivineHeart - xxx
GummyBearKisses - xxx
HIM_ROCK - xxx
Nephila - xxx
Razak - xxx
Roachi - xxx
Vox - xxx

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-31-2016 at 03:37 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:25 AM

Day Two StoryX

-In the Library-

Precarious Fool: I still don't know why it was necessary to drag us all out here to the middle of nowhere.
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: Agreed. I mean, I could be at home, eating a TV dinner over the sink and thinking about my past failures.
star2000shadow: And so much for my party. I was gonna be a sexy supreme court justice.
blueblackrose: Where do you keep the gavel?
Dystopia: I... don't think I wanna know.
Mageling: Well, i'm glad for the overtime. I'm trying to save up three grand.
Nema: You gonna buy a car?
Mageling: No uh, a fursuit.
SuperZombiePotatoe: But Halloween's almost over.
Mageling: It's... not for Halloween.
Arinia Dreamdancer: There's too much dust in this house. It's gonna kill my allergies.
Rochiel Silverfire: You should have left your allergies at home. Like me.
Velvet: [observing the bookshelf] Wow, all of these books are ancient. Look at some of these titles.
Hadsvich: [reading] "Get to know the 46 States" ... "Mercury: Nature's Greatest Curative" ... "The Hysteria of Women and How it can be Tempered"
Naisou: [frowning] I'm done.
Woofie267: We're just wasting our time here.
Angel Spirit Girl: And there sure are an awful lot of us in here.
LizzyCollinsDeArc: I can't wait to get home and have some pumpkin spice everything!
Demetri: Hey star, why're you wearing your costume?
star2000shadow: [confused] Wha? I'm not.
Kamikaze Kendra: [eyes widen] Then who's this?!

Belly: Seriously, you need to stay away from that chat room.
Howdy: [shrugs] I don’t see why. They’re all really nice to me.
Belly: [with emphasis] Your screen name is HowdyBoy13.
Howdy: So, it’s my lucky number.
Belly: Never trust anyone who wants to come to your house and bring you wine coolers.
Arthur: [entering the hall from a back room] Hey guys, any luck?
Belly: Nope. We’ve searched this place from top to bottom and not a soul to be seen.
Arthur: Yeah. I guess it’s time we moved on then.
Howdy: Say Arty, do you think it’s suspicious if someone wants me to send them pictures of myself in a cub scout uniform?
Mrs. Etherington: [pleasantly] Why hello.
Arthur, Belly & Howdy: AUUUGHH!

Everyone in the group hits ceiling when, from seemingly nowhere, a wizened old woman appears. Her hair is grey, her face deeply lined with wrinkles. We’re talking ancient. She seriously looks like she could have babysat the dinosaurs. She is impeccably dressed, though… for someone attending a funeral in the nineteenth century.

Mrs. Etherington: My, what a lively group of visitors.
Arthur: [still a bit shaken] I’m sorry. We… didn’t think anyone was home.
Mrs. Etherington: Oh, I apologize if I didn’t hear you knock. I was in the kitchen, you see, and I tend to lose myself when I’m cooking. [she chuckles]
Arthur: [confused] But we just checked the kit… [deciding to drop the subject] Um… My name is Arthur Abernathy.
Belly: Belly. Belly Button.
Howdy: [shaking the old woman’s hand] It’s Howdy. Miss Jackson if you’re nasty.
Mrs. Etherington: A pleasure to meet you all, I’m sure. I’m Mrs. Ophelia Rose Etherington.
Howdy: Tha’s a lot of syllables.
Arthur: We’re from the Moonlight Delivery Service. We’re looking for a Mr. Aegis Echo Wolds. Would anyone by that name happen to live here?
Mrs. Etherington: My goodness, no. It's only myself and my husband Boswell, I’m afraid.
Belly: Would you happen to know if Mr. Wolds lives nearby?
Mrs. Etherington: I don’t believe I know anyone by that name. But at my age, one does forget these sorts of things.
Howdy: You’re tellin’ me, sister.
Arthur: Then the search continues. I’m sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Etherington. We’ll show ourselves out now.
Mrs. Etherington: [abruptly] Must you leave so soon?! [regaining her composure] It’s a rare occasion when Boswell and I have guests. And i'm certain you all must be very tired after such a long day. Doesn't sitting in front of a warm fire sound inviting? I'll even make sure your package is stored safely here in the hall closet. [her eyes slightly widen as she mentions the box]
Arthur: [politely] While that would be… lovely, I’m afraid…
Belly: [looking around] Wait, Arthur… Where’s Kamikaze Kendra, Mageling, Hadsvich, Velvet, blueblackrose... and unexpectedly a whole bunch of people?!
Mrs. Etherington: [smiling, just tad unnaturally] Oh, your other little friends. They’ve gone.
Arthur: What?!
Mrs. Etherington: Yes, uh, they’ve left. They wanted to go back into the city and so my Boswell was good enough to give them a lift.
Arthur: Are you sure? [perplexed] That’s awfully strange. Why would they do that?
Mrs. Etherington: [still smiling] I’m sure I couldn’t say, deary.

There is a slight pause in the conversation. The only sound in the room comes from the tick tick ticking of the old, dust-covered grandfather clock. While she still seems like a nice, elderly lady, there is something about Mrs. Etherington that isn’t sitting quite right with our heroes.

The silence lasts only a moment, but in that time the group becomes very aware of their surroundings. The dark wallpapered walls, the musty smell that saturates the house, the cracked chandelier dimly shining above them. But most of all they notice Mrs. Etherington’s smile. The teeth are worn, as would be expected with age, but there is also a slight sharpness to them, giving her visage an eerie quality that belies the woman’s pleasant nature.

Belly: [uneasy] I think we should be going, Arthur.
Mrs. Etherington: Are you certain I couldn’t persuade you to stay? It’s such a cool and relatively dry night, it would be criminal of me to send you out without a little something to warm your bones. I’ve made a big pot of chestnut soup. Then afterwards we could all relax in the sitting room with some warm milk and a plate of chocolate digestives.

Instinctively, the Moonlight Delivery crew begins to inch toward the front door.

Arthur: That is a gracious invitation, Mrs. Etherington, but we do have work that needs to be done. But if we’re ever in the neighborhood again, you can be certain we’ll be knocking at your door.
Mrs. Etherington: Let’s just hope I hear it this time.
Arthur: Ha ha ha… ha ha… ha… [and as he closes the door, his fake laughter stops] Let’s get out of here.
Belly: Wait a sec. Do you buy that story about the others going back into the city?
Arthur: I… I dunno. But, I mean, where else could they have gone?
Belly: [furrowing her brow] I don’t know, either. But there’s something not right about that lady.
Howdy: I think it’s her pre-digested chocolate. Yuck.
Belly: And did you see that painting in the dining room? Seriously creepy. Something is definitely off here. I think maybe we should drive back into the city and see if Angel Spirit Girl and the others are really there.
Arthur: Look, I’d like to, but we got a job to do. Remember our motto. The Moonlight Delivery Service: No package goes undelivered, even if some of our delivery people mysteriously disappear.
Howdy: That’s an oddly specific motto.
Arthur: I think we’re all getting a little worked up over nothing here. Mrs. Etherington is just a sweet, albeit somewhat strange, old lady. And I’m sure the others are fine. Now, let’s get back in the van and find the next house.
Belly: I wish I felt better about this.
Arthur: Believe me, you’ll feel better after we’ve found this Aegis Echo Wolds, and you’re curled up in your warm bed.

Inside the house, Mrs. Etherington stands at the window, careful not to be seen. She watches as the delivery team converses and then drives off in their van. Reaching for the receiver on a nearby end table, she quickly dials.

Mrs. Etherington: This is Ophelia. It’s as we thought. They have it with them. --- No, there are more of them than we estimated. Boswell and I managed to take care of a few, but they are still a sizable group. I’ll contact the others. --- Yes, they’re heading in your direction. And they still have the box.

The town isn’t very large, but the mountain roads in Devil’s Peak twist and turn, adding unnecessary time unto the journey. Ten minutes later the Moonlight Delivery crew has reached their next stop, a small cluster of buildings tightly grouped together. It’s difficult to see those at the back, but the main building is prominent. The moon is brighter here, but adds nothing to the architecture. It’s only serves to highlight the ravages of age on a structure that has seen better days. --- Out front the sign reads: Anthony Levine Elementary.

Howdy: Oh good, my mom always said I should go back to school.
Belly: [looking the place over] I’d have sooner dropped out. [to Arthur] You think anyone’s here?
Arthur: [resigned] Only one way to tell.

It may have simply been his imagination, but it seemed to Arthur that the further up they went on the mountainside, the darker the night became. Beyond the moon’s scope, everything was pitch black. One also would think being surrounded by forest land, you could hear the rustling of animals, scurrying amongst the trees. But all was deathly still around the school. It unnerved him, but he pushed the thought aside.

Up the rough stone steps, Arthur is about to knock when the school doors fly open. Everyone jumps.

Ms. Sadler: [shocked] Oh goodness! You gave me fright!

Before them stands a tall woman in conservative dress. Bespectacled and hair neatly put up in a bun, she’s living the full librarian fantasy, making her look years older than her actual age. But beyond the attire, her face gives the impression of someone in their late twenties or early thirties.

Ms. Sadler: My, don’t you all look scary. But I’m afraid we’ve run out of candy.
Belly: [frowning] Damn.
Arthur: Um… We’re uh, not trick or treaters, ma’am. We’re from the Moonlight Delivery Service. I have a package here for Aegis Echo Wolds.
Ms. Sadler: [quickly] Oh yes, that’s me!
Arthur: [raising an eyebrow] You’re Mr. Aegis Echo Wolds?
Ms. Sadler: [nervously laughing] No no, of course not. How silly. What I meant to say is that yes, I know who that is. Heh heh… My name is Ms. Sadler. Polly Sadler, the fourth grade teacher.
Belly: [suspiciously] So is Mr. Wolds here?
Ms. Sadler: [energetically] Yes yes, he is. He’s on the school grounds… somewhere. If you hand the package over to me, I will make most certain that he gets it. [reaching toward Arthur]
Arthur: [taking a small step back] Sorry, that’s against company policy, Ms. Sadler. We need Mr. Wold to sign for this personally.
Ms. Sadler: [slightly pursing her lips] Well, as I said, he’s here somewhere. [hearing footsteps behind her, she turns] Oh, here comes Mr. Gutierrez.

A man appears at the open doorway. He’s a friendly enough looking chap, with a mop of shaggy black hair and light brown eyes.

Ms. Sadler: This is Mr. Gutierrez, the bus driver.
Mr. Gutierrez: How do.
Ms. Sadler: Kevin, these nice people are her to deliver a package to Mr. Wolds. You saw him inside, right?
Mr. Gutierrez: [momentarily puzzled] Who?
Mr. Sadler: [smiling, but through gritted teeth] Such a joker. Now be serious, Kevin. You saw Mr. Wolds, the kindergarten teacher.
Mr. Gutierrez: Oh… Oh yeah! Sure! I passed him in the hall… Mr. Wool.
Ms. Sadler: Wolds!
Mr. Gutierrez: Wolds! That’s… what I meant. [giving the same odd smile]
Arthur: [incredulously] Grrreat. So uh, could you take us to him?
Ms. Sadler: [hesitant] Well, I’d like to, but I have a room full of… p-pumpkins I need to load into my car. We carved jack o’lanterns in class today, and I have to get them home so I can grade them.
Belly: You’re going to take home a car full of pumpkins? Why not just have them draw jack o’lanterns?
Ms. Sadler: Then how would the children learn their knife skills?
Howdy: I know I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.
Ms. Sadler: But the school isn’t very big. You shouldn’t have any problem finding him. [to Mr. Gutierrez] Kevin, will you help me load those… pumpkins?
Mr. Gutierrez: Ah, sure thing Polly!

And before the delivery team can say another word, the two are down the steps and disappear behind the school.

Belly: Are we sure this isn’t Twin Peaks?
Howdy: Wow, Belly, Wow!
Belly: You keep your knife skills to yourself.

Day Two ResultsX

Location: Anthony Levine Elementary

You always felt a bit envious of the children who brought their lunches to school. They were allowed to sit out in the quad with their friends, and enjoy the fresh air. Kids like you, who bought their lunch, had to sit in the stuffy cafeteria. But there was always that one special day when you had the upper hand, when you were the envy of every student with a lunch box. And that's when birthday cake was on the menu.
(Birthday Celebration)

Fifth Grade Class
You've learned a valuable lesson tonight. Always watch your back, cause you never know what... or who will sneak up on you.
(MISSING - See F.A.Q.)

Well, it appears the kindergarten teacher isn't in his classroom. Too bad. But it's kinda neat seeing the class, anyway. All the tiny chairs and desks. It's funny. Were you ever that small? It reminds you of those fond, carefree days. The only thing that's different are the toys. This newer generation sure has some swanky stuff. But hey, there's some feathered faces you recognize. It's good to see some things stay the same.
(Ducks in a Row + 1 Raffle Ticket)

Sometimes you wish you had spent more time in the library as a kid. But chasing your friends around the playground just had so much more appeal. Plus Mr. Cromley, the school librarian, didn't make the library too inviting. Any little peep and he was on your case. And heaven forbid if you were even a day overdue. A smile would spread on his creepy face and he'd jingle that late fee jar at you. So on second thought, maybe staying on the playground was good for your wallet.
(+400g )

Second Grade Class
Being in the second grade class brings back fond memories of your elementary school days, especially around Halloween time. Decorating the classroom, wearing your costume to school, sitting in a circle and listening to spooky stories. It warms your heart to see all the little bits and bobs the children have made. Here's a spider made of puff balls. And here's a wax paper ghost. And just look at this homemade hairpin.
(Departed Souls Hairpin)

Storage Shed
You guessed the chances of finding Mr. Wolds in the storage shed was low, but it couldn't hurt. And searching, you found what you expected to find. Sporting equipment and gardening supplies. Standing against the wall you spot a pitchfork. It puts to mind a horde of angry villagers on their way to storm Frankenstein's castle. You giggle, as you think of you and your friends doing the same. Hey, who knows what's at the top of the mountain.

Teachers Lounge
There's isn't much to be found in the Teachers Lounge. Not even in the mini fridge. Just an old pastrami sandwich and some expired hazelnut creamer. On the staff table you notice a stack of papers. They're children's drawing. Cute Halloween pictures of pumpkins and witches and mummies and such. But at the very bottom of the stack, one drawing is definitely off. It's a highly detailed sketch of a demonic creature, winged and eyes filled with wrath. It's unnerving. The paper is unsigned, but there are two odd symbols at the bottom of the page. The kid who drew this needs serious help.

Third Grade Class
Some kids lived for the playground, but your free time was spent with your nose in a book. And inside the third grade classroom, you find an old friend. The book order form. It was so exciting every season when your teacher would hand them out. You'd pour over it, picking out everything you wanted and then begged your parents for the cash. And they happily paid up, knowing that it only fostered your love of reading. Money well spent.
(+500g )

Where is everybody?X

-- Cafeteria
Eateriel - ooo
Elirona - ooo
mdom - ooo
Prismatic Llama - ooo

-- Fifth Grade Class
Arinia Dreamdancer - ooo
Divacita - ooo
Mageling - ooo
Naisou - ooo
Nephila - ooo
Roxxxy - ooo
Vox - ooo
wish - ooo

-- Kindergarten
Cora - ooo
Damia Flagg - ooo
*Hime* - ooo
Inspiration - ooo
Xogizmoox - ooo

-- Library
Angel Spirit Girl - ooo
dragoness129 - ooo
Kent - ooo
musasgal - ooo
Nema - ooo
Shadami - ooo
star2000shadow - ooo
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - ooo

-- Second Grade Class
Gmwolflord - ooo
Mimmu - ooo
Razak - ooo
shinigamikarasu - ooo

-- Storage Shed
HIM_ROCK - ooo
Hunter Ash - ooo
salvete - ooo
SuperZombiePotatoe - ooo
woohoohelloppl - ooo

-- Teaches Lounge
Dystopia - ooo
Hadsvich - ooo
GummyBearKisses - ooo
Kamikaze Kendra - ooo
Kay - ooo
Miscreant74 - ooo
Rochiel Silverfire - ooo
sadrain - ooo
Velvet - ooo
Yamka Jaden - ooo
zigbigadorlube - ooo

-- Third Grade Class
~LONGCAT~ - ooo
M i n u x e - ooo
Utopia - ooo
Roachi - ooo
xoxoAngiexoxo - ooo

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-31-2016 at 04:09 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:28 AM

Day Three StoryX

Divacita: [sarcastically] Surprise surprise, the mysterious Mr. Wolds isn't here.
Nephila: I don't think he's here, period. That Sadler lady is shady as heck.
wish: [sighs] Great. So just another place to waste our time in.
Roxxxy: Looks like it. Wish i'd been smart like star2000shadow and the others, and gotten off this stupid mountain.
Divacita: You didn't actually buy that line, did you? I'm telling you, something happened to them.
Vox: Please, you sound like Belly. You think the old lady chopped them up and put 'em in her chestnut soup?
Nephila: Don't joke, it happens. My great aunt ran a boarding house, and she was convicted for grinding up some of her tenants and serving them to her other tenants.
Vox: Oh c'mon, that can't be true.
Nephila: It is! My grandpa told me! He said she was a grade-A wacko... but made a pretty good meatloaf.
wish: What a tender family moment.
Roxxxy: Well, we're not making any progress here. Let's split. [throwing open the classroom door, her jaw drops] Guys... we have a problem.

Belly: I love the guy, I really do. But I said to Benjamin, you can’t just expect me to drop everything at a moment’s notice. I have a life outside of this relationship. You’re a grown man, stop acting like a child.
Arthur: Yeah. Y’know, Sandy’s usually good about giving me my space. But sometimes she expects me to be a lot deeper than I really am. When I come home from work I ain’t got anything philosophical on my mind. I’m just tired.
Howdy: Ugh, I know what you guys mean. It’s like I tell my cat, “No Franklin, you can’t have the shrimp and salmon deluxe everyday. That stuff is $2.99 a can! I’m not made of money. The tuna delight is just as good.”

Exiting Anthony Levine Elementary, the delivery team finds Ms. Sadler standing at the bottom of the steps, the same suspicious smile plastered on her face.

Arthur: Well Ms. Sadler, we checked the entire school but didn’t find Mr. Wolds.
Ms. Sadler: [giggles] Well of course you didn’t. He left.
Arthur & Belly: What?!
Ms. Sadler: Yes, just a few minutes ago.
Belly: He left?! [holding her temper] Did you try to stop him? Did you say we had a package for him?
Ms. Sadler: [oddly chipper] Oh yes, I certainly did. But he was in a terrible hurry, I’m afraid. Quite urgent. Said he needed to get home as quickly as possible.
Arthur: [rubbing his forehead] This night… [to Ms. Sadler] Could you tell us where Mr. Wolds lives?
Ms. Sadler: Are you sure it wouldn’t be easier to leave the parcel with me? I could give it to him in the morning.
Arthur: As I said, it’s against company policy. But if you could point us in the direction of his residence…
Ms. Sadler: About that… You see, Mr. Wolds is currently renovating his home. So while the construction is being done, he’s been staying at the Devil’s Horn Inn. If you continue following the road up the mountain, you can’t miss it.
Arthur: [with a degree of exhaustion] And you’re sure that’s where we’ll find him?
Ms. Sadler: As sure as rain.

As the others were talking, Howdy stood at the back counting to himself, but now he stops and says…

Howdy: Um guys… I think we’re missing s’more people.
Belly: What?!
Howdy: I don’t see Nephila or wish or Vox. Divacita and Roxxy too!
Arthur: [with some alarm] Are they still inside?
Ms. Sadler: [at ease] No need to fret. They’re safe and sound.
Arthur: What do you mean?
Ms. Sadler: Mr. Gutierrez and I ran into them outside my classroom. They said something about wanting to check up on your friends back in the city. Kevin was driving the bus out there tonight, so he offered them a lift. I assumed they had told you they were leaving.
Arthur: No, they didn’t!
Ms. Sadler: [almost condescending] Well, that was very naughty of them. But, it is a night for tricks or treats. --- Now if you’ll excuse me, I must lock up the school and be on my way. Those pumpkins won’t grade themselves.
Howdy: It would be scary if they did.
Ms. Sadler: Oh you!

Ms. Sadler locked the front entrance and hastily made her exit, almost as if wanting to be away from the group. Arthur and his team stood there for a moment or two in front of the school, dumbfounded. What should have been an uneventful delivery had turned into something much more.

Belly: [to Arthur] You still think we’re getting worked up over nothing?
Arthur: [initially at a loss for words, he says] I’m gonna call the office, see if Mrs. Honeysett has heard from any of them. [he pulls out his phone, but then curses] Damnit, I’m not getting a signal! Belly, how ‘bout you?
Belly: [taking out her phone. she frowns.] Me neither. Howdy?
Howdy: My phone’s not real. It’s full of gum.
Arthur: Crap, there’s no reception up here! [frustrated, Arthur begins to pace. He’s quiet for a moment, then says…] This is what we’re gonna do… We’ll get back in the van, find the inn, and see if Wolds is there. If not, we’ll drive back to the city. This is getting out of hand.
Belly: [almost chastising] What about what you said at the old lady's house?
Arthur: I know what I said! But remember our other motto: The Moonlight Delivery Service: We never give up, unless shit gets weird.
Howdy: [whispering to Belly] When did we get all these mottos?
Belly: [shrugs]

Piling back into the van, nothing is said as they soldier up the mountain. As he drives, Arthur ponders the events of the night so far. Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding. Maybe the missing team members really had gone back to the city. It’s true he doesn’t know any of the trainees too well, but it still didn’t seem normal. Then you have the people of Devil’s Peak. They had only met three, but there was definitely something off about each of them. It left Arthur with an unease that his mind didn’t wish to explore. All he wanted was for this Halloween night to be over.

Just as Ms. Sadler had said, following the road led them to the old Devil’s Horn Inn. Like their two previous destinations, the lodging is run down and unfriendly. Doesn’t anyone in this town take care of their buildings? Stopping the van, Arthur turned to his crew.

Arthur: Let’s all make a promise right now. No one leaves with out telling the others. Understood?

Everyone agrees. --- The inside of the Devil’s Horn Inn brings back echoes of Mrs. Etherington’s house. The lighting is considerably better, but the dingy red walls and threadbare carpet almost make the ability to see clearly a downside. Behind the check in desk stands a neatly groomed gentleman with a very prominent mustache.

Concierge: Welcome! Can I help you on this cool and relatively dry night?
Arthur: [wearily] I really hope so. [taking a breath] We’re from the Moonlight Delivery Service. We’re looking for Mr. Aegis Echo Wolds. We were told that he resides here.
Concierge: [happily] Well look no further, you’ve found him! [patting his chest]
Arthur: [surprised] You’re Aegis Echo Wolds?
Concierge: In the flesh!
Belly: [flatly] The kindergarten teacher?
Concierge: [thrown off, but quickly regains] Uh… y-y-yes, that’s me. The kindergarten teacher. Helping to guide the youth of America. Ha ha. … I um, help out here part time.
Arthur: [with a sigh of relief] Well it’s finally good to meet you, Mr. Wolds. We've been trying to get this package to you all night. Now if you could just show me a driver’s license or ID, I’ll have you sign on…
Concierge: [abruptly] ID?
Arthur: Or any other proof of identification.
Concierge: [stuttering] Well I… That is I… Uh… Could you show me again the name on that package? [Arthur does so] Oh. Oh! Aegis Echo Wolds?! Forgive me, I misunderstood. [chuckling] I thought you were saying my name. They’re both very similar.
Belly: What’s you name?
Concierge: Daniel Balliwick.
Howdy: Ohhh, it’s uncanny.
Arthur: [reaching his breaking point] Now, come on! You don’t expect us to believe that?! I don’t know what is up with you people, but everyone in this town has been giving us the runaround. We know something is up, and believe me, we want no part of it. So please, tell me straight out: Is Aegis Echo Wolds here or not?!
Mr. Balliwick: [taken aback by the outburst] Yes, I do believe I saw him come in about ten minutes ago.
Arthur: [regaining himself] Good. Can you please tell us his room number?
Mr. Balliwick: I seem… to have misplaced the registry.
Arthur: [frowning] Of course you did.
Mr. Balliwick: But there aren’t very many rooms. I’m sure if you had a look around, you’d find him.
Arthur: I kinda thought you’d say that. [turning to his team] Okay gang, let’s spread out and knock on some doors. If we find him: Great, we can leave. If not, screw it. We’re ditching this town.
Belly: Both sound good to me.

With new motivation, the delivery team splinters off to investigate the inn. Mr. Balliwick waits in the front. Making sure the coast is clear, he reaches for the phone and dials.

Mr. Balliwick: It’s Daniel. They’re here. --- No, the plan isn’t working. They still have the box and they’re threatening to leave. --- Yes. I agree. Time to step things up.

Day Three ResultsX

Location: Devil's Horn Inn

Honeymoon Suite
If the Devil's Horn Inn wasn't so run down, the honeymoon suite would be almost romantic to some people. Not to you though. You've lived the life, baby. One failed relationship after another has taught you that love is an elusive beast, an untamed creature you're tired of hunting. But hey, cheer up. You have your cats. That's fulfilling, right? ... Right?
(Honeymooners Retreat)

Room 101
Room 101 appears to be one of the inn's economy rooms, which is a nice way saying that it's small as heck. Not even enough room to think. So unless Mr. Wolds is invisible, he is definitely not here. You have a quick lie down to test the mattress... for scientific purposes. The bed is pretty hard, and there's something crinkly under the pillow. Investigating, you discover it to be cash. Wow! The Tooth Fairy's really paying out these days!
(+600g )

Room 103
Hmm, compared to the rest of the place, Room 103 isn't too bad. Comfy, even. If you weren't so busy looking for this Wolds guy, you'd want to curl up on the window seat and take a nap. Oh well.
(Comfy Corner)

Room 104
Well clearly Mr. Wolds isn't in Room 104. No one can say you didn't try. But since you're here, there's no harm in looking around. The room is pretty clean, you suppose. Nothing much to it. Opening the night stands, you're surprised not to find a bible inside. In the wardrobe, you make a unique discovery: A rather suave looking dressing gown. The cut on the robe is pretty high. You wonder if all the rooms have this saucy little number.
(Dressing Gown - Red)

Room 201
The old adage of 'if these wall could talk' is so fitting about now. Room 201 isn't much to look at, with it's garish yellow carpet and clashing purple bed. But hanging from the bathroom doorknob is something that gets your gears turning. It's what appears to be a golden fetish collar and chain. Oh my! You didn't think this was that kinda place!
(Golden Slave Collar)

Room 202
The seventies are alive and well at the Devi's Horn Inn, judging by the decor. At least the TV looks pretty new. You plop down on the small sofa and switch it on. And wouldn't you know it, static! Not even basic cable. You turn the television off, and put you hands at your side. They slip down into the couch cushions where you make a pleasant discovery. Money! :D
(+500g )

Room 203
Remember that old roach trap commercial? "Roaches check in, but they don't check out." That's sounding mighty familiar right now.
(MISSING - See F.A.Q.)

Room 204
The Devil's Horn Inn may not be in the best shape, but at least it attempts a level of cheerfulness. Not Room 204, though. The place looks like it was decorated by an angsty teenager. Black on black on more black. It's so morbid, a coffin would seem to fit better than an actual bed. You're about to leave when something catches your eye. There's something scratched into the wall behind the TV. It reads: XI I MMXVI. And beneath it are three unusual symbols. What could that be about?
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Where is everybody?X

-- Honeymoon Suite
Angel Spirit Girl - xxx
Divacita - xxx
DivineHeart - xxx
Eastriel - xxx
GummyBearKisses - xxx
Kamikaze Kendra - xxx
Naisou - xxx
Razak - xxx
Roachi - xxx
Rochiel Silverfire - xxx
salvete - xxx
Shadami - xxx
star2000shadow - xxx
Yamka Jaden - xxx

-- Room 101
Dystopia - xxx
*Hime* - xxx
Kay - xxx
mdom - xxx
Nema - xxx
zigbigadorlube - xxx

-- Room 103
~LONGCAT~ - xxx
M i n u x e - xxx
Precarious Fool - xxx
SuperZombiePotatoe - xxx

-- Room 104
Damia Flagg - xxx
evil_samara - xxx
Hunter Ash - xxx
Mageling - xxx

-- Room 201
dragoness129 - xxx
Elirona - xxx
Mimmu - xxx
Vox - xxx
Xogizmoox - xxx

-- Room 202
Kent - xxx
sadrain - xxx
shinigamikarasu - xxx
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - xxx

-- Room 203
Arinia Dreamdancer - xxx
Miscreant74 - xxx
musasgal - xxx
Velvet - xxx

-- Room 204
Hadsvich - xxx
HIM_ROCK - xxx
Inspiration - xxx
Midian - xxx
Nephila - xxx
wish - xxx
woohoohelloppl - xxx
xoxoAngiexoxo - xxx

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-01-2016 at 04:23 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 04:29 AM

Day Four StoryX

-In Room 203-
musasgal: I stayed in a place like this once.
Miscreant74: Poor you.
musasgal: It was when I was a kid. My dad was cheap.
Miscreant74: Couldn't have been as cheap as my dad. One summer he said, "Get in the car, kids! We're driving to Disneyland!" Four days we were on the road. When we finally got there, we sat in the parking lot for three minutes and then left. When we tried to protest, he replied, "I said we were going to Disneyland. I never said we were going inside."
musasgal: Wow, that is the ultimate dad joke.
Miscreant74: Funny thing is that it's cost me years and years of therapy.
musasgal: While that was a warm and fuzzy jaunt down memory lane, let's just do what we gotta do and get out of this place.
Miscreant74: I second that. Everyone in this town is off their rocker.
musasgal: Do you think Mr. Wolds is even here?
Miscreant74: He's obviously not in this room?
musasgal: [playfully] Well hold on, we didn't check the bathroom. [opening the door] ... Uh oh

Arthur: It’s days like this that make we wish I had stayed in college. If I had spent more time studying than going to keggers, I could’ve had me a comfy 9-5 office job by now.
Belly: My old man wanted me to take over his butcher shop. Still does. He says I have a natural talent for slabs of meat. I’ve never been sure if I’m supposed to take that as a compliment.
Howdy: My mom wanted me to be an optometrist. She said with my brains and my god-given gift for helping others, I coulda been the best eye doctor ever. I think she just wanted free glasses. --- But I had other plans. Bigger dreams. Bigger aspirations.
Belly: What did you want to be?
Howdy: Scooby Doo.
Arthur: [cracking a smile] I guess we all had goofy dreams when we were kids.
Howdy: Yeah. Cause then I turned 19 and realized that wasn’t going to happen.

The cheerful air between the three is suddenly cut by the lights going out.

Arthur: [exasperated] What fresh hell is this?

Arthur, Belly and Howdy begin to head toward the front hall, but are stopped dead by a scream coming from the upper floor.

Belly: What the heck?!
Howdy: That sounded like musasgal!

Past the double doors and back into the reception area, they’re soon joined by the rest of the delivery crew. Thinking fast, Arthur retrieves a small flashlight from his pocket.

Arthur: Are we all here? [taking count] Wait, where’s Miscreant74 and musasgal.
Belly: [frightened] That had to be her we heard upstairs!
Arthur: Then let’s find out!
Ominous voice: There’s no need to hurry. You’ll soon be joining them.

Fear quickly floods the veins of the delivery crew. Shining the beam of his flashlight upward, three terrifying figures appear at the top of stairs. Arthur gasps. The figures are masked and cloaked in black robes, their hands hidden by white gloves. Not one inch of skin is revealed. Slowly they begin to descend.

Arthur: [trying to keep his voice strong] Who… who are you?! What do you want? Where are our friends?!

Masked Figure #1: Who we are is not important to you.
Masked Figure #2: What we want is simple. We want you… and the box!
Masked Figure #3: As for your friends… Come quietly and we’ll take you to them.
Arthur: [eyes wide and near frantic] You gotta be kidding! This is some kind of joke!
Masked Figure #3: [in frighteningly calm voice] Yes, that right. This is all a game. A joke. So why not come with us and we can all laugh together. [reaching out his hand]

Movement can be heard from the corridor beyond the reception area. Arthur shines his beam in that direction, only to find more of the robed ghoulies slowing closing in on them. His mind races. What the hell?! This can’t be happening! This is a bad dream! Arthur’s heart begins to beat faster and faster, shifting the flashlight from left to right as the two groups close in. Words lodge firmly in his throat until…

Howdy: Ruhroh, Raggy! Ret’s get out of rere!

In the blink of an eye, the MDS team is off and running. The front entrance is locked, but the sheer force of them pushing against the weather-beaten door forces it to give. Escaping the inn, they spill out into the night.

Arthur: Everybody get to the van!

But Belly is the first to see the fault in this plan.

Belly: Oh no, where is it?! The van’s gone!
Howdy: Not the Mystery Machine!
Arthur: [angry] Those f#%$ers!
Belly: [looking back] Arthur, they’re right behind us!
Arthur: Everyone, into the woods! Run!

Moving through the darkened forest is no easy feat. It’s hard to distinguish the obstacles in front of them, but Arthur takes the lead, helping the others maneuver through the blackness. But as fast as they run, the masked figures keep a steady pace behind. Soon, they began to lose their breath, their lungs burning in the cool and relatively dry air.

Belly: [panting] Just… give them.. the package, Arthur! And then maybe… they’ll leave us alone!
Arthur: No! … Remember our motto! The… Moonlight… Delivery Service: … We never give up… your package… even if we’re being chased by satanists!
Belly: Oh come on! You made that one up!

Somehow, perhaps through sheer will to survive, Arthur and the others press on into the inky woods. Eventually the footsteps behind them lessen, until the sound disappears altogether. They stop and listen, still cautious, but are relieved in the knowledge they’ve gotten away.

Arthur: Take a breather, guys.
Howdy: [worried] And then what, Arty?
Arthur: We’re gonna get off this mountain and get out of this town!
Belly: [thinking] …even if we’re being chased by satanists. [her mouth drops open] Oh my god. Guys, remember the story about Devil’s Peak? How the group of devil worshipers came out here from back east? Maybe this is that same group!
Arthur: [incredulously] Seriously? What, you think they’re going to open a doorway to hell?
Belly: [irritated] No! But maybe they think they are! [grabbing the package from Arthur] And maybe they think whatever’s in here is going to help them. [she shakes the box, but it makes no sound]
Arthur: Hey there! [taking it back] Handle with care, mama. --- Look, it doesn’t matter what motive these looney toons have. Getting out of here is our number one priority. 'Cause they’re not just after the box. They’re coming after us too. They’ve been picking us off all night. Who knows what they’ve done with the others.
Howdy: [trying to sound positive] Maybe they’re keeping them cozy and giving them snacks and chocolate pudding and stuff.
Belly: [grimly] Or maybe their bodies are hanging on a hook somewhere.
Arthur: [giving her the side eye] A natural talent for slabs of meat, eh? [he stands] Let’s keep going.

After a few odd minutes of walking, the team finds their way back to the road. Moving in silence, they freeze as a vehicle appears, coming up the mountain. Unsure whether to retreat back into the trees, they’re promptly relieved to see it’s a police van.

The van slows, then stops. Behind the wheel sits an officer with chestnut brown hair.

Sheriff Henderson: Something wrong, folks?
Arthur: Oh god, you don’t know how glad we are to see you. This is going to sound crazy, but… My name is Arthur Abernathy. My team and I are from the Moonlight Delivery Service. We came out to Devil’s Peak to deliver a package, and somehow… we got mixed up with this group of people. They’re like a cult! And now they’re after us!
Sheriff Henderson: A cult, huh? [suspicious] You people been drinking?
Belly: It’s all true, officer. I swear. They took our delivery van. They took some of our friends! And we don’t know what they’ve done with them!
Sheriff Henderson: [stone faced] You’re not pulling my leg?
Howdy: We can talk about your kinks later! But please, you gotta help us.
Sheriff Henderson: [he thinks for a moment] Alright, hop in.
Arthur: Thank you! Thank you, Officer…
Sheriff Henderson: Sheriff Terrence Henderson. Look, I’m not saying I believe this story. But something’s obviously got you people shaken up. So let’s take a little trip to the station and see if we can get this cleared up.
Belly: Anything you say…

They begin to drive, the van traveling further up the mountain. The team begins to breath easier, thankful that the nightmare is finally behind them.

Sheriff Henderson: And where did you see these cult members?
Arthur: At the Devil’s Horn Inn. But I think everyone we met here tonight may be part of the cult.
Sheriff Henderson: And what did they look like?
Howdy: Real spooky. These weird lookin’ masks and long black robes.
Sheriff Henderson: Well like I said, as soon as we get to the sta… [his words are cut off as the engine begins to stutter] What the?! [suddenly the engine dies and the van rolls to a stop] Gosh darnit! I can’t believe this! I just had this thing serviced last month. --- You people stay here.

Leaving the safety of the van, Sheriff Henderson moves to the front and pops the hood. Arthur, Belly, Howdy and the others sit quietly, almost afraid to make a sound. They were home free, and now this had to happen. Not a word is spoken, but silently everyone prays for Sheriff Henderson to hurry. Abruptly, he calls out.

Sheriff Henderson: I think I found out what the problem is!
Arthur: [responding] What is it?
Sheriff Henderson: The problem is… [he slams down the hood] …you thought you could get away.

Shouts fill the van! Standing there, in the darkened road, is the masked visage of Sheriff Henderson. “He’s one of them!” Arthur cries. The crew claws at the doors, scrambling out of the vehicle. Without hesitation, each sprints off back into the forest, running for dear life.

Sheriff Henderson: [tauntingly he calls] You can run, but we'll find you!

Darting through the trees, the group is once again gripped by terror and despair. They needed to get down the mountain, but they had allowed themselves to be taken further up. Arthur could feel the hopelessness begin to creep in, but he couldn’t surrender. Not now.

Belly: What do we do?! They’re going to be behind us!
Arthur: Just keep running! We’ll figure something out!
Howdy: Look! [pointing] To the left!

There, a few hundred yards away, is what appears to be a ranch sitting in the shadows.

Arthur: [without a second thought] Let’s go!
Belly: But what if they’re there?
Howdy: It looks abandoned.
Belly: Every place in this stupid town looks abandoned!
Arthur: We’ve got no choice. There’s no where else to go. [calling out] Find a place to hide, guys! And stay safe! We’re not going down easy.

Day Four ResultsX

Location: Abandoned Ranch

Moving through the barn, you follow Howdy past what was once a workshop and into a dusty storage area. Crouching down, you sit silent, listening for movement. But then Howdy exclaims, "Hey, I found some kind of book!" You say shhhh, and wonder how someone like him could be your senior at work. --- But you gotta admit the book is interesting. It's old and cryptic. And on the back are four strange symbols. You don't know why, but something about them puts a knot in your stomach.

They say that exercise aids digestion. And you certainly got plenty of exercise running through the woods. The toilet doesn't look exactly clean and you're sure the water's not running anymore, but hey... any port in the storm. You lift the lid and make a puzzling find. There in the bowl is a stash of cash. --- There's got to be story here. Maybe you can think of one while you're doing your business.
(+600g )

The minutes tick by as you hide in the den. Your mind wanders, and you begin to wonder what kind of family may have lived in this house, once upon a time. Were they close? Were they loving? Did they all gather in this room, round the fireplace and talk, or tell stories, or play games. You wish you had had that kinda closeness with your own family. Your parents aren't very demonstrative people. On your 18th birthday, you came home and found your things packed. "Happy Birthday," they said, "Here's some money. Now get out." ... And that was them being nice.
(+700g )

Hen House
It's cramped and smelly in the hen house, but hopefully it's safe. The ranch seems abandoned, but yet there's evidence that chickens have been in here recently. Just as you ponder this thought, a sudden noise frightens you! Is is the cult members?! No... it's a lone chicken peeking it's head around the corner. That's a relief. ... She's a pretty little thing. You'll call her Peanut.
(What the Cluck...)

Mrs. Etherington's rundown kitchen looks like a five star resort in comparison to the one in the abandoned house. The floor is filthy and the counters chipped. You don't want to even imagine what's in the ancient fridge. The only thing that isn't covered in grime is the tablecloth on the kitchen table. But on closer inspection, you find that it's not a tablecloth at all. It's a skirt! How curious.
(Folklorico Skirt - Spring Moon)

Master Bedroom
Initially, the footprints in the master bedroom floor freaked you out, but on closer inspection they don't appear to be fresh. Still a bit suspect. As you wait on the all clear from Arthur, you have a quick look around. Tucked in the corner is a card board box. You open it, and odlly find a bunch of old clothes. The mustiness hits your nose and you put them back. Who would wanna take those?!
(Peeblo's Laundry Heist)

As frightened as you are, and as much as you'd like to leave Devil's Peak altogether, you have to admit it's kinda neat in the smithy. You've never been a blacksmith's shop before. And while the place is mostly empty, the anvil and forge remain. Realistically you know they probably only made horseshoes here, but it's fun to imagine that they made spears and axes and swords. Badass swords! Yeah!

You sought safety in the stable, which turned out to neither safe nor stable.
(MISSING- See F.A.Q. - +1 Raffle Ticket)

Where is everybody?X

-- Barn
hummy - ooo
Miscreant74 - ooo
Nema - ooo
Shadami - ooo
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - ooo

-- Bathroom
dragoness129 - ooo
Inspiration - ooo
M i n u x e - ooo
wish - ooo

-- Den
Angel Spirit Girl - ooo
Damia Flagg - ooo
Divacita - ooo
Kent - ooo
musasgal - ooo
shinigamikarasu - ooo
star2000shadow - ooo

-- Hen House
evil_samara - ooo
evilcupcakecat - ooo
Hunter Ash - ooo
Kay - ooo
mdom - ooo
Midian - ooo
Mimmu - ooo
Nephila - ooo
Precarious Fool - ooo
Razak - ooo
Roachi - ooo
sadrain - ooo
Xogizmoox - ooo
xoxoAngiexoxo - ooo
Yamka Jaden - ooo
zigbigadorlube - ooo

-- Kitchen
HIM_ROCK - ooo
~LONGCAT~ - ooo

-- Master Bedroom
DivineHeart - ooo
Dystopia - ooo
Elirona - ooo
*Hime* - ooo

-- Smithy
Arinia Dreamdancer - ooo
Eastriel - ooo
GummyBearKisses - ooo
Kamikaze Kendra - ooo
Mageling - ooo
Naisou - ooo
SuperZombiePotatoe - ooo
Vox - ooo
woohoohelloppl - ooo

-- Stable
Hadsvich - ooo
Prismatic Llama - ooo
Rochiel Silverfire - ooo
Velvet - ooo
Woodlandnymph - ooo
Woofie267 - ooo

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-03-2016 at 02:56 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-25-2016, 10:52 PM

Day Five StoryX

Prismatic Llama: [frantic] Why would I want to work at the Dairy Queen, I said to myself! Why, when being a delivery person offers travel and excitement?! Travel, yes, but I didn't expect this much excitement!
Woodlandnymph: [in an aggressive whisper] Llama, quiet down and get a hold of yourself!
Prismatic Llama: [continuing] But why settle for delivery person?! I could have aimed so much higher! I mean I was in the Future Leaders of America club in high school! We went to Washington! I met Dick Cheney! ... He smelled like sulfur though, and I was afraid to shake his hand.
Woodlandnymph: [after a pause] ... I was in the poetry club in high school.
Prismatic Llama: [calming down] Really? What kinda stuff did you write?
Woodlandnymph: It was all so emo. It's embarrassing.
Prismatic Llama: No no, share some. I wanna hear.
Woodlandnymph: Geez... um... [thinks, then recites] 'My love for you was like a drop of molten lead, fiery and hot. But it dripped through the chilled waters of your rejection and sunk. It sunk, hard and cold and alone, weighted down by it's broken heart.'
Prismatic Llama: [stifling a laugh] That.. was special.
Woodlandnymph: Hey, I know it's bad. At least I can make fun of it now.
Prismatic Llama: I think we all can.
Masked Figure: Yes indeed, thank you for the laugh.

The ranch, thankfully, was abandoned. The group crept onto the property, carefully at first, hoping they wouldn’t be seen. But there were no lights. No signs of movement, human nor animal. It was at this point they begin to splinter off, running in different directions. Arthur had wanted everyone to stay together, but fear and panic proved to be the stronger influence.

Arthur chose the dilapidated ranch house. Unlike the previous locations, where there always seemed to be at least a hint of life, the building was deathly still. No one had lived here for years. He, along with a few of the trainees, hunkered down in the back bedroom. The place was filthy, and even had what appeared to be dusty footsteps crossing the carpet. Glancing down at his watch, he realized Halloween was over. It was near two in the dead of night. So late. Someone had to have noticed they were missing by now.

They sat without speaking, listening for any little sound. Maybe they had lost Sheriff Henderson and the rest of those masked freaks. Maybe they could hold out here until daylight. Arthur didn’t know why making it to morning would ensure their safety, but something about it felt right. Those hopes were quickly dashed though as a series of shouts could be heard coming from outside the house.

Without hesitation, he and the trainees abandoned the bedroom and were out the front door when, sprinting at breakneck speed, Belly grabbed Arthur by the wrist and shouted, “Run!” He was only able to glance back for a moment, but was horrified to see some of his work mates had been caught by the cult members and were now being subdued. A large part of him wanted to go back and fight, to rescue his friends, but the more logical parts of his brain knew he couldn’t win. Under his breath he whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Running with every ounce of their might, Arthur, Belly and the others ran past the barn. Just then Howdy popped out carrying something under his arm. Joining the group, they veered off once again into the woods.

Howdy: Lighthearted banter! Lighthearted banter! Lighthearted banter!
Belly: What?!
Howdy: It’s how we always start off these game days! You guys say something lighthearted, and then I make a joke and everyone in the forum has a good time!
Arthur: What the hell is he going on about?!
Belly: [growls] You’re doing it again, Howdy!

All plans to make it down the mountain were once again ruined. They were now, unfortunately, being chased further up. The cult members certainly knew their town and its geography better than the MDS crew, as our heroes were finding it hard to shake them. But through quick maneuvering and a bit of luck, they were finally able to break free. Given his druthers, they'd have continued on, but Arthur was exhausted and so was his team. Finding a small, moonlit clearing, they all lowered themselves down onto the grass and caught their breath.

Belly: [frustrated] What’re we going to do?! We can’t run all night! Shit!
Arthur: [trying to keep his spirit up] There’s got to be a way. There’s got to be someone in this town who can help us.
Belly: [sourly] I have a feeling that Devil's Peak is pretty short on fairy godmothers.
Howdy: Well, I don’t know if it’ll help or not, but I found this. [and he holds up a battered, leather bound book] It was in the barn. It’s got all this weird writing in it. I think it’s Latin, but there’s some pictures too. See? [handing it to Arthur]
Belly: [peering over Arthur’s shoulder] This looks old. And what are these drawings? … Oh my god!

Belly’s shock is fitting, as there on the page is an illustration of the cult members. The same dreadful masks, the same ebony robes. They stand in a circle, hands linked, and in the center sits a figure, bound by his hands and feet.

Arthur: What are they doing?

He turns the page, to find another drawing. The cultists stand, their arms raised. And before them the same figure, this time untethered. A massive door looms behind them, and there, hovering at the man’s chest, is a small glowing key. Belly shakes her head in disbelief.

Belly: A doorway to hell… opened by a magic key…
Arthur: [dumbfounded] There’s no way. It can’t be real…

Arthur turns the page again and is horrified. The open door fills both sides of the book, demons, devils and others agents of evil spilling forth.

Arthur: You don’t think… [looking down at the package] What’s inside is…
Belly: There’s only one way to find out....

Arthur: [strengthening his grip on the box] No, we can’t! Remember our motto: The Moonlight Delivery Service: We’ll never open your package, 'cause that would be naughty… and a federal offense.
Howdy: How many of those mottos do you have memorized?
Arthur: A lot. I’m not head delivery man for nothing. … But still, we can’t. We came to Devil’s Peak with one job. We have to find Aegis Echo Wolds.
Belly: [annoyed] Oh come off it!
Arthur: I mean it. Something tells me that this guy is at the center of this mystery. We have to keep looking. --- Belly, do you still have that property map on you?
Belly: [still a bit aggravated, she relents and pulls the map from her back pocket]
Arthur: [looking it over with her] Now where the balls are we?
Belly: Well here’s the road we started on. This has to be the old lady’s house. And this must be the school. And yeah, this is the Devil’s Horn Inn.
Arthur: We veered off this way, drove up this way and… [searching] Yeah, I think this is the ranch! Cripes, look how far up we are. We’re almost at the top.
Belly: So if this is the ranch, and we came from this direction, I think we’re right here. Well crap, there’s nothing up here, except…
Arthur: [pointing] This one small building.
Belly: [sighing] What do we do?
Arthur: We’re too far up the mountain. They’ll find us. … I think we have to check it out.

Howdy, who’s been sitting a few feet away, studying the book, suddenly becomes animated. He rushes over to show the others.

Howdy: Guys, look!

Presenting the book, they find a page with a list of dates. Howdy begins to read.

Howdy: November 1, 516. November 1, 816. November 1, 1116. 1416! 1716! And lastly, November 1, 2016
Arthur: [taken aback] That’s… today. That’s right now!
Belly: But… [fear creeping into her voice] It can’t be real…
Arthur: [standing] We’ve sat here long enough. Let’s go.

Using the property map, the MDS crew heads toward what they feel will be their final destination. No where else to go. The walk is solemn, with little spoken. Fifteen or so minutes later, they emerge from the woods to find something that leaves all of them speechless.

Arthur: A church!

Not only is it the fact they’ve found a church, but perhaps more so it’s condition. So far, all the buildings they’ve seen in Devil’s Peak have been rundown, worn and neglected. But in the glow of the moon, the church stands almost like a beacon, clean and pristine. They’re wary, but it fills Arthur and the others with a small sense of hope.

Moving up the steps, lights can be seen shining through the high windows. The door is unlocked. Pushing inside, they find a priest, kneeling at the altar. He’s an older man, with glasses and neatly combed white hair. The priest is surprised, but quickly rises and greets them with a smile.

Father Odell: My word, late night visitors. Please come in. All are welcome in God’s house, no matter the hour. I’m Father Odell. Calvin Odell.
Arthur: [sheepishly] Good evening, Father. I hope we haven’t disturbed you.
Father Odell: No no. I’m a bit of a night owl. It’s All Saints Day, you see. So I thought if I’m up, I may as well prepare for mass in the morning. – And what about you folks? [smiling] It’s not often I receive so many new people at my church, especially at this hour. What brings you to St. Teresa's?
Arthur: Well, it’s a long story…
Howdy: Hold on to your collar, padre. This is gonna be a doozy.
Belly: [smacks Howdy upside the head]
Arthur: [continuing] We’re from the Moonlight Delivery Service. We came to Devil’s Peak to deliver this package. [holding the box up] We were hoping to find a man named Aegis Echo Wolds, but… we found something else. [taking a deep breath] This is going to sound crazy, but we’re being hunted by a cult. Do you know the legend of Devil’s Peak? We think… we think it’s the same cult. I don't know how. I don't know why. But now they’re after us and the package. … We think it’s a key.

As Arthur spoke, the smile melted from Father Odell’s face, replaced by a look of deep concern.

Father Odell: [serious] What did this cult look like?
Belly: Long black robes and these awful masks.
Father Odell: [ponders for a moment] And you swear you’re telling the truth?! You wouldn’t lie before the eyes of the Lord?!
Arthur: It’s the truth! They’re after us! They may almost be here.
Father Odell: [to himself] I never thought it would, never in my lifetime, but it’s happening again. Oh God, protect us. [rushing to the church doors, he bolts them tightly]
Arthur: Wait, do you know what going on?!
Father Odell: Yes, I do.
Belly: Then you have to tell us!
Father Odell: [impatiently] There’s no time! [just then the lights go out] Damn, they’re already here! [to the group] All of you! This way!
Arthur: Wait, Father Odell!

Arthur tries to call after him, but the priest disappears into a back room. Quickly following, the group is surprised to find a hallway that breaks off into more than one direction. There is no sight of Father Odell.

Arthur: Father! [he calls, but receives no answer] What now?!
Belly: No time to think. We have to find him. Let's go.
Howdy: [panicked] Cool and relatively dry night!

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-03-2016 at 02:58 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 02:27 AM

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-26-2016 at 06:49 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 02:45 AM

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-26-2016 at 06:50 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-26-2016, 03:22 AM

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-26-2016 at 06:50 AM..

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:40 PM

Oooh, I remember this <3
Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: Sewing Room :3

Hope I'm not soon to post!

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:52 PM

The map link in the second post directs us to last years archived event.

This looks like so much fun.

Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: NURSERY

Come on creepy baby!

Yamka Jaden
Yamka Jaden is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:54 PM

Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: Kitchen

Kay is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 10:55 PM

Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: Sewing room

These games are always so much fun

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:04 PM

Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: Nursery

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:09 PM

Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: Master Bedroom! I hope our boss doesn't mind me taking a slack-nap.

Divacita is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:13 PM

cool time to play But Div is late as usual
Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: [Sewing Room]

Last edited by Divacita; 10-28-2016 at 11:16 PM..

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:15 PM

Diva, the event just started! You're not late at all! :p

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:15 PM

You are not so late Div. We are just early xD

Can't rain all the time
Naisou is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:29 PM

Today is Day One. Who's inside the old house?
I'm searching the: Library

Ahhhh, I love the smell of old books.


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