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sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 04:54 PM

New Beginnings. only Today's most sold Magazine. Always looking for new stories and news to entice readers to buy. known for hiring only the best reporters out there. that is until now. word is that the latest hire is green. meaning he has no experience working at a magazine. what were they thinking hiring a greenie, at New Beginnings?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 05:59 PM

The office was alight with conversation. As soon as Nathan entered, his ears caught the thread of three different conversations. A new guy. That was what they all talked about and as Nathan neared Angie and Pristine's adjacent desks, he learned that whoever this guy was, he didn't come straight out of college. A man with years. Nathan's signature smile spread across his face as he flipped back a few longer strands of his oaky colored hair with far more drama than necessary. "What's the schedule for today?" he asked as he slid into his cubicle toward the back right side of the office. His cubicle mate, Henry, leaned his head over the low wall.

"Paper, desk. Read." With that, he dropped back down and the sound of fingers flying across a keyboard filled the silence. Nathan wouldn't let it go at that though. He stood, leaning both arms against the cubicle wall so he could grin down at the blonde man who was probably in his late twenties. Not that he ever gave Nathan any real information. Would that stop him though? Nope. "Aren't you curious about the new guy though. I hope he's built like a firefighter. Someone where will finally want to go out with me then!" Henry snorted, lifting one eyebrow in response. Nathan just leaned into the other man's cubicle space though, twirling a pencil there will a slow and deliberate motion, flashing another smile. "Since you keep telling me no, Mr Sexy."

Henry slapped his hand away, though without any real violence. After every day of this, he accepted it in a way. Nathan just did not know how to act serious in moments like this. "Maybe you should amend your type to actually include people who are gay."

Sighing, Nathan sat back in his seat. He knew his friend was right, but this in itself--the chase of impossible things--was fun. "Anyway, there's a chance he might be in our grouping since Yerin left and her cubicle is empty," he added, indicating the empty cubicle opposite of theirs. "Or maybe the closed office down the hall? There's Patrick's or the cubicles across it for the editing team. What's this guy do anyway...? If he's a reporter, he'll be in the office for sure, but I hope he get's Yerin's...." Sighing again, he grabbed the paper's already waiting on his desk, submitting himself to the fact that he wouldn't know for sure until the new guy actually showed up and delighted them all.

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 06:24 PM

Issac sighed with one last look in the mirror. he hated wearing a suit, always had. yet it seemed appropriate being that it was his first day at his new job at New Beginnings. he hadn't known what had possessed him to try to get a job in an office. he had no experience. his long chesnut hair was pulled back into a neat bun, hoping that it looked more professional then it usually did while it was down. his scottish roots refused to let him cut his hair shorter then his shoulders though. he just couldn't bring himself to do it. he had gone through the trouble of shaving though.

Entering the office he was shown to the office of Travis, the senior editing manager. Travis was a tall man, with dark hair, and a grumpy look on his face. "you must be Issiah..." travis said. a little annoyed, he corrected him. "its Issac." "yes yes thats what I said, Issiah. let me show you to your cubicle." Travis said, not bothering to correct himself on the name.

Issac walked through the office behind Travis. He hadn't bothered to try to correct Travis again on his name. He could feel everyone's eyes on him, and he felt a bit silly wearing a suit. it didn't seem like anyone else besides Travis was in a suit. he was lead through the office to a small cubicle in the back right of the office. addressing the others in the nearby cubicles " Henry, Nathan, this is Issiah. show him the ropes will you."

Issac went to correct Travis on his name, however the man had already turned and walked away. he didn't see the point now that the man was gone. "Issac" was all he said.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 07:11 PM

Nathan settled in as the morning started. Once he started working, the smile took backseat to the piles of articles and design choices that needed a proper layout before next week's issue published. He may not be high in the company yet, but that didn't mean he couldn't handle as much work as a senior in their department either. And most of all, he liked his job.

When footsteps approached and stopped next to the cubicles though, a voice startling Nathan out of his work, his gaze jumped up. As soon as his gaze lighted on the strange man in a suit that looked like it belonged on a different man, he lost all ability to look away. Love at first sight? That had to be what this was. Sure he tended to fall in love easily, but didn't he just ask for a firefighter? Instead he got a wild warrior from Scotland stuffed in a suit. Maybe he was single.

"Yes, of course we'll look out for him," Henry hummed when Nathan didn't immediately respond. Of course, Travis didn't stay long to chat. Few people loved the man, but then, he also had a particular vendetta against this group that made the feelings mutual. As the senior manager left Henry and Nathan with the new guy, the spell of love finally broke.

Nathan jumped from his seat, offering his hand to the man who introduced himself as Issac. "I'm Nathan. My partner here is Henry. It's really nice to meet you....ah, Issac. I'm really a fan of that name, you know," he added in a low murmur, letting his hand linger as they shook, unwilling to let go before he savored the feel of his new dream come true. He might even lay off trying to win the attention of that ex-cop who worked in archives.

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 07:24 PM

Issac smiled as he shook Nathan's hand. even if the contact lasted longer then he was accustomed to. He really had no idea what he was supposed to do. "its a pleasure to meet you." he said, with just a trace of his scottish accent still present after most of his life living in the united states. he walked over and started trying to get settled in what was now his cubicle. it was so plain and boring, he would definitely have to spice it up a bit with some things from home. just nothing of Araballa, he thought. he didn't need a picture of her on his desk, it would be too hard for he still grieved for her. Henry handed him a piece of paper, and told him that's what needed to be done.

several minutes later Issac stared blankly at the paper unsure where to start. he knew that the magazine was on a deadline to release next weeks edition, and so he decided not to ask for help and bother the others, although decided that if it were offered freely he wouldn't decline the help.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 07:44 PM

Nathan sighed just a little bit when Issac pulled away and went to his own desk, taking a paper from Henry. It was just such a pity. Oh, Nathan understood well enough that he probably had no real chance with Issac. He hadn't even noticed the inviting smile or obvious cue that he swung that way. A gay man would notice, used to reading such things between the lines and finding those like them. Still, it was fun wasn't it? Harmless.

Looking up from the program he had open on his computer, arranging blocks of text in a way that would look good on a web page rather than a physical one, he watched Issac. Did that guy actually know what do do with that piece of paper? Saving his work, he slid into Issac's cubicle. Ignoring Henry's dirty glare, he perched on the other man's desk, grinning at the piece of paper. "Say, what's got you so hung up there? You're kind of a babe so I wouldn't mind helping. Looking for technical errors right?"

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 08:04 PM

Issac gave a deep chuckle. "Honestly i have no idea what I'm even doing here. I have no real knowledge of anything to deal with publishing or journalism. My wife always took care of anything dealing with technology." He got quiet for a moment at the thought of his wife. His sweet Arabella. He turned his head to keep the tears back that began to form. He could not nay he would not cry at work. Especially on his first day. He needed to het control of himself. Maybe this was all a mistake, he thought to himself. Turning back yo nathan, "sorry, I must look like a mess. I dont mean to keep you from your own work."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 08:17 PM

For a second, Nathan's grin widened as Issac laughed at his flirting words. He took them well, not even losing a beat in their conversation. However, the grin faltered a second later. "Wife...?" he managed, trying not to sound downtrodden by something he should have seen coming. Of course all the good looking guys were already taken. Or straight at least. Still too caught up on the word wife, didn't notice Issac speaking about her in the past tense. "Sorry. You can just ignore me if I'm upsetting you. Most people do." Ruffling a hand through his layered brown waves, he did his best impression of a sheepish smile. He didn't normally repent, but he thought he struck some kind of nerve that might get him into trouble later on. "There's some books with figures in it at the library just past senior editors office, or you can ask us for material. You just need to make sure the figures on each piece of paper are fact-checked. Ah, but since you are a babe, I don't really want to leave you alone..."

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 08:25 PM

Issac smiled at Nathan. he didn't know why this guy kept referring to him as a babe. "she passed." he simply said in response to his question about his wife. "and thanks, for the help." Issac paused. "so which books would you recommend?" he knew he needed to get started with learning what he was supposed to do, however there was a strange sparkle in Nathan's eyes that made Issac want to keep talking with him. He didn't understand it. Maybe they could become friends. he thought.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-27-2017, 10:23 PM

Nathan felt the desire to scratch his head. Was this guy actually gay after all or just that dense? Or maybe he understood very well and chose not to acknowledge Nathan's advances. He wasn't even worth a no. Or so he thought until Issac said his wife passed. A slightly pang went through Nathan as his smile faltered. "Sorry again." As he leaned forward to get a good look at the piece of paper that Issac worked on though, his smile returned. "Oh yeah, I think that's similar to the book Henry just had. Hey!" he called across the short distance, drawing Henry attention, which honestly, didn't look like it had been far away in the first place. "Do you still have that book about fertility percentages?"

One eyebrow slightly raised, Henry pulled a book from underneath an impressive stack of papers and supplies that could have formed an entire second book with ease. And yet, so easily he was able to pull out the correct book. "This one?" With a toss, Nathan easily caught it considering they only sat a few feet away. Handing it to Issac, Nathan finally slid off of the man's desk.

"If that one doesn't work, the people in the library know way more than we do. They're help you out. Seriously, sending someone so green here on their first day though...I'm impressed." Shaking his head, he dropped to a seat at his own desk. But it sure was fun wasn't it?

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 09-28-2017, 01:38 PM

"thank you" Issac said. and began looking over his work. it wasn't long before he started getting the hang of it and was able to work for a few hours without needing to ask for too much assistance. before he knew it, lunch time had approched. he had spent so much time getting ready for his first day, that he hadn't even bothered to think about lunch for the day. oh well he did see s burger place not that far away on his way here. he looked over at the other two men. "Hey you guys have plans for lunch yet?" he asked.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-28-2017, 09:05 PM

Lost deep in his work, Nathan startled to hear Issac's voice. The man seemed to work better after a while because they all fell into the work pace of the busy office, conversation becoming nil. With so many other things going on and papers being handed off, and taken, conversations happening as much in the halls as the offices, it was for the best anyway. Henry put music on, so that only left Nathan to hear Issac's question. "Ah, for lunch? A group of us usually go to the tunnels. There are are some places underneath the building, like burgers or chinese. You can take the elevator straight to it," he explained. Issac planned to eat lunch with them? Just the thought alone made Nathan smile.

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-02-2017, 08:46 PM

((sorry it took so long to respond, I had a family event this weekend. ))

Issac nodded thinking he was being dismissed. and Turned to go to the elevators. getting down to the tunnels, he couldn't believe the amount of activity going on beneath the city. it was like a secret world he had never heard of before, but that wasn't true he thought. he did recall Bella saying something about some underground tunnels in the city. they had just not gotten the opportunity to explore them. he sighed. thinking of her mad his heart ache. he couldn't believe that it had been six months. six months without her smile, or being able to hear her voice. six months without her. walking around almost seemingly lost in his thoughts, Issac finally decided on a cheeseburger. he payed for his food and went to find a small picnic table.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-03-2017, 08:45 PM

(It's okay. ^^)

Nathan turned back to his computer, saving the progress so he could stop. He wasn't really done to a degree that he wanted to take a break, but Issac made him think of food and now he couldn't stop himself from wanting to join in. However, when he spun his chair around and opened his mouth, he found the cubicle opposite of him empty. "Eh? Issac left already!?" he exclaimed. How did he even get away without Nathan noticing? And why? A pout formed on Nathan's face and for a second, he sat there in his chair, a true, wilted look on his face. Why did they always walk away so easily? A second later, Nathan pulled himself together though.

"Hey, Henry. Henry!" he exclaimed, snapping his fingers in front of the other man in order to get some kind of response. A few more snaps and he got it. "Do you want to go get lunch? Damn you look busy though. I've got something you may want to eat th-"

"Just bring the usual," Henry cut him off before Nathan could finish the line. With a wave, Henry went back to his work, leaving Nathan to sigh and dash off for the elevators. Once down in the tunnels, he went straight for the chinese place and got two dishes, leaving one in the plastic carry bag as he looked around. Thankfully, it wasn't hard to find what he looked for. Dashing off, he dropped down at Issac's table and flipped a patch of curls out of his eyes with a huff. "That as just mean. Why did you wait so we could eat lunch together, you know?"

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-04-2017, 05:32 PM

Issac looked up befuddled. he had a mouth full of cheeseburger, and didn't want to talk with his mouth full of food. after swallowing his bite he looked at Nathan. the shadows dancing across his face made him look a bit exotic. he shock his head. he had no idea where that thought had come from. "oh I thought you looked busy at work, so I decided to come down myself. I'll make it up to you though, how about we go have a drink after work? I'll buy" he wasn't sure why he had just offered to buy this man a drink. he hadn't been planning on going out after work at all. he was going to just go home and light a candle for his Arabella, Like he had done every night for the last six months. and now for some odd reason he found himself offering to buy a man a drink. he had never done anything like that before. he was straight right? but if so why did he find it hard to get the thought of Nathan out of his mind?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-04-2017, 07:57 PM

Nathan coughed on a Lo Mein noodle, his eyes widening at Issac's comment. A drink? Nathan's face flushed for a second before he gulped down some coke in order to hide it. It was absurd to get embarrassed when he chased after men so much, but the invitation surprised him so much. Especially since he knew Issac meant it in a perfectly innocent way. Damn. Setting his cup down, he flashed the other man a smile. "You should be careful what you offer or I might get the wrong idea you know. You did notice right?" Nathan hummed, that slightly coy smile of his still in place. Issac really did need to notice how gay he was or else this flirting thing would get more awkward than fun. "But since you offered already, I won't let you take it back. Be ready to leave by six?"

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-04-2017, 09:12 PM

Issac laughed. "if you mean did i notice what I think you mean, I do believe I did, but just so we're on the same page. and please don't take this the wrong way." he stumbled on his words, not really sure how to word them. he had thought that Nathan had been joking at first, but throughout the day he had been getting the impression that Nathan was gay. not that he had anything against anyone in that lifestyle. "er. um. just so you know I am not gay." he thought that the best way to put it. "six sounds great."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-04-2017, 10:53 PM

Nathan flushed again, his embarrassment spurring it on this time. He really should learn to keep his mouth shut more often. Henry had told him that about a thousand times, not to mention his own brothers and his mother. "Oh, okay. Yeah!" he added with a laugh. Something meant to break the tension, though his laughter sounded far too awkward for that. His smile softened after a second as he reached for his food again, relaxing. "I know. But I've always thought that if I want something, I should chase anyway. I'll chase anyone and everyone, every single day. And one day, I'll get what I want." He flashed another smile, pride and challenge written like a banner across his face. The word 'no' only ever enticed him. And that was why he was where he was in life.

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-05-2017, 12:00 AM

Issac smiled and nodded. he had noticed Nathans blush. it looked rather good on him. "well that is an awesome philosophy to live by. and go ahead and try, but don't be too disappointed when your advances dont work on me. but I'm giving you the go ahead to try to change my mind." looking at his watch he realized that he should probably be getting back to work. he still had a bunch of facts to check, and the day was only halfway over with. he sighed. he really didn't want to leave at the moment. he was rather quite enjoying his time in the tunnels with Nathan. "well it looks like we should probably get back soon." he said, hoping that he would be given a reason to linger just a bit longer.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-05-2017, 07:31 PM

Nathan's eyebrow quirked up at Issac's words. The more and more he talked with him, the more surprising he got. To openly spur him on despite not being gay made no sense. Like this, Nathan didn't think he would ever stop chasing. Flashing another quick smile, he nodded his head. "Alright, challenge accepted. I think I'm really starting to like you." The words hung between them for a second before Issac checked his watch and the moment shattered all too quick. Nathan's eyes widened and he shot up on his seat, seeing the time flash on his phone screen as well. "Ah crap! I know I should! Henry's working through his lunch so I need to bring him this and I should have done the same thing. Hey, you enjoy the rest of your lunch, kay? I'll see you back up in the office!" Snatched up his food and dropping into the bag with Henry's, Nathan stumbled away from the bench. One last look, a slightly hesitation, then he waved and rushed off.

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-06-2017, 12:27 AM

Issac nodded as Nathan rushed away. he really should get going back to work as well, he didn't want to be late back from lunch on his first day. he gathered up his lunch and tossed away the remainder of it. he wasn't really all that hungry anyway. and he started walking toward the elevator. getting back to his seat he checked the time. it was about 1:00pm still several hours before the day would be over.

a while later Issac rubbed his eyes. he was starting to feel a headache coming on. he had no idea that working at a desk all day could be so tiring. he looked at the clock. 4:30pm. he found it hard to believe only three and a half hours had passed by. it seemed to be taking forever. his mind drifted to Nathan again. he shock his head. he didn't know what was going on, but he actually couldn't wait until the day ended and they could go get a drink together. he wondered if he should invite Henry along as well, and decided to go ahead and do so. "Hey Henry, Nathan and I are going out for a drink after work, do you wanna come?"

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-06-2017, 03:42 PM

When Nathan worked, he worked with all of his focus, so different from his rather floozy attitude toward picking up guys. He spent as much of the afternoon running finished work and notes to other departments as well as sitting at his computer. Even thoughts of drinking with Issac quickly disappeared under his seriousness. It was at one of those moments where he was away from his desk that Issac spoke up.

Surprised at being spoken to, Henry looked up from his work which he was just wrapping up, or at least he hoped so. "Me?" he murmured. Even though he didn't particularly care, he noticed the way that those two hit it off. He for one, did not want to get in the middle of one of Nathan's pursuits. "No thanks. It's me and my girlfriend's anniversary next week and I need to buy...something. If I have a drink, I'll probably never get it done," he admitted. But most of all, he didn't want to be the third wheel any gathering involving Nathan and another guy.

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-17-2017, 07:43 PM

Issac was a little disappointed that Henry didn't want to join them, but he shrugged it off. "ok but it's your loss." he said. he then got up from his desk to take his current findings to Travis's office. the man would want to know of the false information that he had found.

A little while later Issac was returning to his desk. apparently Travis couldn't have cared any less about the false information, all he told Issac to do was to correct it and give it back to the writer so they could make the proper corrections on it as well. after that he got started on another article.

the rest of the day went by fairly quickly and before he knew it, the work day was over. he was tired, and ready to go home. but then he remembered that he was supposed to go out and have drinks with Nathan. for a brief second he thought about canceling, he was tired after all. however he decided against it. what kind of impression would he make if he canceled his first plans with a new coworker just hours after making them?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-18-2017, 06:45 PM

Work really didn't want to let Nathan go, but he managed to slip away nonetheless, using a smile as his escape route. Closing all his programs with a dramatic flourish, he spun in his chair. Even if he sounded like a child letting out a sigh of happiness, he didn't mind it. Five minutes after six, he considered his job well done. Many others in the office already started to leave as soon as five came around and Nathan felt a little bad for encouraging Issac to stay later just because he needed to. Then again, leaving at five was a luxury even the newbies--or especially the newbies--didn't have.

Rolling his chair straight from his cubicle to Issac's across the walkway, Nathan peered inside. "Hey! I hope you're not still working just because you had to wait on me," he hummed. The space was cramped with his chair pulled up close. Nathan breathed in deep, enjoying being near the other man even if he might never win him over. A little oogling never hurt anyone. "Does that offer for a drink still stand?"

sassy and crafty
Dakota is offline
Old 10-18-2017, 10:14 PM

Issac smiled at Nathan. "not at all, I've been busy fixing other peoples mistakes on several different issues. and of course the offer of a drink still stands. I'm not one to back down on my word." he finished saving all of his work and shut down his computer. there was plenty enough time on the morrow to finish up his pile, he had gotten through a lot more of it then he had originally thought he would. and oddly enough he felt satisfied with his day's worth of work. pushing back his chair he stood up and stretched, making his 6 foot frame, look even larger. he really couldn't wait to be able to get home though and change. "do you mind if we swing by my place first so that i can get out of this monkey suit?" he hoped Nathan wouldn't mind, but if he did he could just wait until after the drink to go change.


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