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Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:44 AM

(('Mander, you here?))

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:48 AM

((I'm here.))

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:02 AM

((Good, I'll post intro soon.))

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:52 AM

((Happy New year btw))

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 04:57 PM

A girl in her late teens walk out of a dojo she was dripping from head to toe. Someone had thought it funny to get the "cat" wet. She was used to this treatment. She had gotten it since she could walk. She had no friend the reason the other kids didn't get violent was because she was a weapon of the village but the real reason was that they were scared. Scared of the demon inside of her.

But this time it was deferent she just been named a ninja of the village. Something she had been waiting for for far to long, but not because of lack of skill, (she was probably one if the most skilled nins in the mist.) but because the Mizu Kage was scared of her becoming too powerful.

It turns out he was right. She had expect that once she became an official ninja the constant teasing would end. Her greeting in the dojo was her wake up call in to reality, a cruel reality were she was born to be alone and no one was there for her, the reality of her life. She had been living in a delusion that once she became a ninja every one would have to acknowledge her. She didn't want to face this reality so she hid away, just like she always did and like aways when she went away the other her came out.

She looked back at the dojo one last time. She smirk at the crimson water she could see through the open door. Whenever she let her other self out this was always the result beautiful crimson water the same water that was dripping off her. Who ever said cats didn't like water never met her. She took her new head band off took a kunai and put a line threw the village symbol leaving a red line in its path. She then put it back in it's place around her neck.

She calmly strode out of the village leaving puddles of that crimson water every were she went.

A few weeks later she was passing a village and saw a wanted poster.

Kuroko wanted dead or alive armed and very dangerous

"Oh, look I'm famous." She said with glee and she went on her way.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:17 PM

Ureshii walked into the training room, where Sensei was waiting for her.
"You called? Sensei-sama?" she said, taking a few steps closer to the brown-haired man.
"Yes," he said, walking the many yards to get from his corner to her. He took a strand of her long white hair, and twirled it around his finger.
"You seemed awfully distracted in practice today, what where you thinking about?" he asked.
"Uh, well, just, my brother-" she was interrupted by a powerful blow to the head, knocking her off her feet.
"Never get distracted," said Sensei, as he walked to her, knelt down, and grabbed her face. "Do you hear me?"
"Yes Sensei-sama," she said, forcing tears back from the throbbing pain. He let go of her face, and left. Ureshii waited a few moments, before getting up, the pain made her balance a bit off, but she managed.

The next day she requested to see the Hokage, she waited outside his door for about an hour before she was let in.
"Yes Ureshii-chan?" he asked, shuffling through paper work.
"I, uh, would like to inform you about the abuse Kuro-sama is delivering to his, students," she said, in almost one breath.
"Hmm, really?" he said, writing something down.
"Yes," she said, putting her head down. Was he going to do something about it?
"Good for him," said the Hokage. "That will be all, Ureshii."
"Leave," he interrupted, and with that she did. Ureshii ran, down the stairs, her 5' 4" frame began to slip through the crowd when she got out of the building. He light amber eyes where watery, but the sleeve of her white kimono-like top handled that. She gasped when her tan pants got caught on something, ripping the fabric and sending her to the ground.
"Why am I always falling, dammit?" she said, frustrated as she pushed a person away to avoid getting stepped on. She was about to get up when someone grabbed her hair and pulled her up.
"Hello Ureshii, had a nice talk with the Hokage?" said the voice of Kuro-sensei.
"No, actually," she said, grabbing his hand, pushing it against her head and twisting around, forcing his arm to be in an awkward position, that would break if he forced it. "I'm sick and tired of your abuse," she said. Kuro simply nodded, and pulled out a kunai, and pushed it to her neck. He twisted his arm, to somehow get out of her hold, then turned her around and grabbed her arms, and began to lead her out of the crowd, and to the back of a clothing shop. "What are you doing?" she said, alarmed as his hand began to trail up her stomach.
"Something I've wanted to do for awhile," he whispered in her ear. His breath trailed down her neck, making her feel sick.
"Don't struggle, or I'll kill you," he said. "And that precious little brother of your's too,"
"Teme," she spat, blinking back tears in her eyes. The kunai was gone from the throat and was lodged into her back. She growled in pain, and again when he pulled it out, and placed it back at her throat.
'Dammit,' she thought, once again she was screwed, but this time, it would be literal. Ureshii sighed and just accepted it, she would always get the short end of the stick, so she might as well not get too beat up in the process. So she closed her eyes, and hid in the farthest corner of her mind.

You give up too easily...

She heard as she hid, but still wouldn't come out.

Come on,

"No!" she said, plugging her ears.

Fine then, I'll handle it.

She saw a bright light behind her eyelids, and when she opened them she saw a giant gold cage, with seals locking it, and a massive wolf behind it.

"What are?" she asked, but was ripped away from the cage and sent back to her corner.

When she finally came out, she didn't know, but when she did, she was still in the ally, her clothes where bloodied and torn.

And Kuro was dead.

She suppressed a scream and turned her eyes away from the torn flesh. She stood up, and ran, through the ally, and out of the village. She didn't stop running until the sun went down, and she collapsed in the forest.

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:32 PM

It had been a month since Kuroko had left the village. She had traveled quite a bit leaving fountains of crimson water in her wake. She was now in an unknown to her forest. She saw a figure in the distance crumpled on the ground. As she approached she saw it was a girl her age covered in crimson water. She felt a connection to her at once. The she notice some of the water was the girl's and wanted to help her, only she had never been taught healing jutsu. So she went to the place in her mind where her other self sleeps. "Hello again. Do you know how to heal?"

"Why would you want to heal. That stops the crimson water you know that, right little one."

"Yes but this one is deferent."

"Then let me take control for a second."

She looked upon the child on the ground. She sensed the presence of an other demon. She healed the girl and returned to her cell.

"Little one, I have healed the girl but she would have been fine even if I had not.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:39 PM

Ureshii could hear a voice, somewhere.

Wake up weakling.

"I'm up!" she said, snapping her arms up. She noticed the other girl. "Hi." She sat up. "Uh, who are you?"

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:41 PM

Kuroko jumped a little as the other girl suddenly woke up. "I'm Kuroko, I healed you. Who are you?" She said with childlike innocence.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:43 PM

She smiled. "Thank you, and I'm Ureshii," she said, slowly getting up.

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:47 PM

"It's nice to meet you. But why are you way out here covered in crimson water? Oh pretty name by the way."

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:48 PM

"Uh," she said, a bit surprised by the question. "I, did something, and thank you."

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 05:54 PM

"Oh, okay." She too had done "something". If she didn't want to talk about it was fine. "So do you have any place to go? If not you can come with me. Oh, sorry I'm being so familiar with you I just feel like I can trust you for some reason..."

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:00 PM

"It's fine," she said, pulling off her head band from around her arm. She glanced at Kuroko headband for a moment, before grabbing a kunai from her shoe and scratching triangle symbol on the metal plate.

You can trust her, she's one of us.

'And what is "us"?'


Ureshii smiled. "And yes, I'd love to go with you." She then replaced her headband.

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:10 PM

"Really, that's great" Kuroko offered Ureshii her hand to help her up.

"Um, so... does his mean we're friends" She said this shyly and a bit afraid that Ureshii might say that they weren't. She quickly covered those emotions up.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:13 PM

"I guess so," she said, and smiled. "Uh, I need some new clothes, do you know where the nearest village is? Beside's the Triangle Village?"

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:21 PM

She was over joyed that she had found a friend. "Um..."

She was thinking about the last village she went through it was pretty much destroyed.

"I think there is one on the other side of the forest. But I have some extra clothes you can use till we get there." She said pulling out some clothes.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:31 PM

"Great," she said, and took the clothes.

Five years later...

"Oooh! I like it!" she said, twirling in the new outfit she, attained. A white, top that showed her belly, a red vest that was buttoned once right under her chest, that flared out to show her belly, and a slightly baggy brown jacket over it, plus black pants with a white bandanna acting as a belt. Plus, she had found a cute giant black bow to put in her hair, which was massively bushy in a pony tail. "Ready to go Kuroko?" she asked, stepping over the dead body of the shop keeper.

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:44 PM

"Hold on a second I'm almost done" Came her muffled voice from the dressing room.

She came out with a long sleeve fishnet top with a scooping neck and the shoulders cut off With a red tank top with white cross on the front, Her skirt was a bit longer then a mini and was tight and black with slights up the sides under the she had one leg with fishnets up to her knee the other had fishnets down to Her knee. She had big black boots on. "What do you think?" She said spinning around.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:46 PM

"Smexy girl," she said and laughed. "Want to grab something to eat before we leave?"

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:51 PM

"You too. Sure, but we better go to the east side of town since we already went through the west side."

She grabbed some cash from the register. "Lunch is on me." She said laughing.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:53 PM

"'ight," she said and smiled. "Last one there's a rotten bottle of sake!" she shouted before beginning to run.

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 06:58 PM

"No, fair you got a head start." She laugh-yelled. But started running any way.

Ulani is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 07:05 PM

As usual, Ureshii got there first, because of her longer legs. She had grown quite a few inches, now reaching 5' 10".

Kuroko_Kono is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 07:31 PM

No, it was because she always got a head start. Kuroko got there a few seconds later. "So what do you want to eat?"


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