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Addielyn777 is offline
Old 12-17-2007, 11:39 PM

I gave out a soft cry. "No!!!!!" The police and FBI came. I explained to them what had just happened. I told them I was just on the computer chatting with somebody when all of a sudden I heard a crash downstairs.I found out that a alarm had been triggered and that somebody was in the house. I was about to call 911 when this guy just jumped out of nowhere! I struggled to get past him to the phone but he blocked me and somehow we ended at the balcony.I told them that the murderer had accidentally fell from the balcony to the water fountain. My dad soon came running after me sobbing how worried he was when the police told m I was in a crime scene.After when I told the FBI the story they said thank you, took the body to examine it, and left.

I guess I will start at the beginning of the story now. First let me introduce myself. My name is Veronica. My dad is the head of a huge company.I just moved in this town and now someone is trying to kill me!Great! I wish mom was here. She would of never had let me move from California. If only fathers company could just stay in one place for a really long time!In one year I have been in four different cafeterias,five different classrooms and I don't even like have a month to memorize a kids name!Whats next?The cemetery?!?!

Find out what happens next to Veronica!

Dead Account Holder
girl_4327 is offline
Old 12-18-2007, 05:37 AM

There was this guy who believed very much in true love and decided to take his time to wait for his right girl to appear. He believed that there would definitely be someone special out there for him, but none came.

Every year at Christmas, his ex-girlfriend would return from Vancouver to look him up. He was aware that she still held some hope of re-kindling the past romance with him. He did not wish to mislead her in any way. So he would always get one of his girl friends to pose as his steady whenever she came back. That went on for several years and each year, the guy would get a different girl to pose as his romantic interest. So whenever the ex-girlfriend came to visit him, she would be led into believing that it was all over between her and the guy. The girl took all those rather well, often trying to casually tease him about his different girlfriends, or so, as it seemed! In fact, the girl often wept in secret whenever she saw him with another girl, but she was too proud to admit it. Still, every Christmas, she returned, hoping to re-kindle some form of romance. But each time, she returned to Vancouver feeling disappointed.

Finally she decided that she could not play that game any longer. Therefore, she confronted him and professed that after all those years, he was still the only man that she had ever loved. Although the guy knew of her feelings for him, he was still taken back and have never expected her to react that way. He always thought that she would slowly forget about him over time and come to terms that it was all over between them. Although he was touched by her undying love for him and wanted so much to accept her again, he remembered why he rejected her in the first place-she was not the one he wanted. So he hardened his heart and turned her down cruelly. Since then, three years have passed and the girl never return anymore. They never even wrote to each other. The guy went on with his life..... still searching for the one but somehow deep inside him, he missed the girl.

On the Christmas of 1995, he went to his friend's party alone. "Hey, how come all alone this year? Where are all your girlfriends? What happened to that Vancouver babe who joins you every Christmas?", asked one of his friend. He felt warm and comforted by his friend's queries about her, still he just surged on.
Then, he came upon one of his many girlfriends whom he once requested to pose as his steady. He wanted so much to ignore her ..... not that he was impolite, but because at that moment, he just didn't feel comfortable with those girlfriends anymore. It was almost like he was being judged by them. The girl saw him and shouted across the floor for him. Unable to avoid her, he went up to acknowledge her.

" are you? Enjoying the party?" the girl asked.

"Sure.....yeah!", he replied.
She was slightly tipsy..... must be from the whiskey on her hand. She continued,
"Why...? Don't you need someone to pose as your girlfriend this year?" Then he answered, "No, there is no need for that anymore......"
Before he can continue, he was interrupted, "Oh yes! Must have found a girlfriend! You haven't been searching for one for the past years, right?" The man looked up, as if he has struck gold, his face beamed and looked directly at the drunken girl. He replied, " are right! I haven't been looking for anyone for the past years."
With that, the man darted across the floor and out the door, leaving the lady in much bewilderment. He finally realized that he has already found his dream girl, and she was.....the Vancouver girl all along! The drunken lady has said something that awoken him.

All along he has found his girl. That was why he did not bother to look further when he realized she was not coming back. It was not any specific girl he was seeking! It was perfection that he wanted, and yes.....perfection!!
Relationship is something both parties should work on. Realizing that he had let away someone so important in his life, he decided to call her immediately. His whole mind was flooded with fear. He was afraid that she might have found someone new or no longer had the same feelings anymore..... For once, he felt the fear of losing someone.

As it was Christmas eve, the line was quite hard to get through, especially an overseas call. He tried again and again, never giving up. Finally, he got through......precisely at 1200 midnight. He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to tears. It seemed that she never got over him! Even after so long, she was still waiting for him, never giving up.

He was so excited to meet her and to begin his new chapter of their lives. He decided to fly to Vancouver to join her. It was the happiest time of their lives! But their happy time was short-lived. Two days before he was supposed to fly to Vancouver, he received a call from her father. She had a head-on car collision with a drunken driver. She passed away after 6 hours in a coma.
The guy was devastated, as it was a complete loss. Why did fate played such cruel games with him? He cursed the heaven for taking her away from him, denying even one last look at her! How cruel he cursed! How he damned the Gods...!! How he hated himself....for taking so long to realize his mistake!! That was in 1996

Dead Account Holder
girl_4327 is offline
Old 12-18-2007, 05:40 AM

The more hurt and pain you have gone thru in life, the stronger and more
beautiful your heart will be.....

One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley.

A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.

Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said, "Why your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but full of scars, it had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces missing.

The people stared. How can he say his heart is more beautiful?? they thought. The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears."

"Yes," said the old man, "Yours is perfect looking but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart, but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty gouges - giving love is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"

The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with trembling hands.

The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.

They embraced and walked away side by side.

Emmarrr_pirate is offline
Old 01-03-2008, 10:50 AM

[Here's one I wrote a while ago, it's kinda long.]Memoirs of sorrowPrologue…
“I’m winning! You can’t catch me now!” Lyssa yelled, glancing behind her. She was speeding ahead of a middle aged man in his 40s, he smiled, laughter lines crinkling on his temples and crouched a little lower to give him momentum. He was crouched in a squat position so it was impossible to tell how tall he was but he couldn’t have been less than 5ft11, nearly 6. He was sporting a blue pair of skiing trousers with a red skiing jacket, numerous pockets bulging with bits and pieces. Lyssa looked around 14; she had golden curls tied back in a ponytail, and wore a visor over her emerald eyes. She was around 5ft5 and wore a bulky jacket with countless zips.
The mountains were enthralling, huge snow-capped peaks that appeared to sit in the layer of cloud like white sailing boats on a swirling sea of vapor. The pair of them was zooming down the mountainside, swerving with zigzagging parallel turns and spraying fellow skiers with snow in their wake. “Dad?” Lyssa spoke behind her, “Dad?? Dad?!” she yelled and looked back to find that he was a long way off, seeming to be putting skis back on. She relaxed and looked back in front of her, to see that she had veered off the path completely. She was heading down a run she had not seen before, it was a lot steeper and there were jagged rocks blocking her path.
“Dad! Help!” she yelled in desperation, before coming finally to a small sign post stuck in the ground, it read:
Of f piste, careful of rocks.
And in an instance she faced the drop, trying to stop she skidded and lost control of her skis. Lyssa panicked, she was using all her concentration to stay upright on the slope, it was almost vertical and every second she skidded past rocks and trees, thinking that the next one would hit her. Just then she felt the warm arms of her dad wrap round her, and guide her, like when she had just started, when he had held her between his legs and skied with her when she was wobbly. “There there, it’ll be ok Lils, just keep calm” her dad soothed her while steering them clear of the massive boulders and trees that whizzed past them. All of a sudden Lyssa lost her footing, her ski collided with her dad’s and the world went round in circles, colours blended in to each other to create deceiving formations, and she felt a vertigo as a dark shape loomed ahead. And a split second later both girl and father felt an impact that slammed them against a large rock. Lyssa looked dazedly around for her father as she was assisted by a medic on skis, she ignored his droning voice as the world moved in slow motion. She turned her head and watched her father being lifted up seemingly into the sky. She stayed conscious just long enough to see him disappear into the trapdoor at the bottom of a helicopter, as if he was being devoured by a bulky, vivacious creature, and then her sight was thrown into a pitch-black chaos…..

…she could hear voices around, people bustling about but she did not want to open her eyes to the real world … Lyssa suddenly remembered about the accident and jerked her eyes open.
She found herself lying on a pristine bed in the middle of a hospital ward; nurses or doctors of some kind surrounded her.
“Dad?! Where’s my dad? I need to see him!” Lyssa tried to shout but her voice could only manage a whisper. The people surrounding her looked sadly at her distressed face, taut with anxiety. A blonde woman in a nurse’s uniform stepped forward and spoke softly. “Your father was very badly hurt Lyssa, he had to have immediate surgery, but in the end he just had too many injuries” Lyssa realized what she was saying and found her voice. “But you could have saved him, you didn’t just give up did you???” her voice was filled with despair, every word in anguish. A tall man ushered everyone-else out before speaking again. He spoke quietly and professionally though she sensed a layer of pity in his tone, “he would have had a miserable life, immobile and forever wired up to ventilators and oxygen supplies, with not a chance of regaining his health. It’s what he would have wanted.” Lyssa buried her face in her hands, sobbing in angst, tears streamed down her cheeks and blurred her vision. “Do you think…do you think I…could see the body” she whispered and lost heart when the doctor very gravely shook his head. She could tell there was something wrong in his expression; he looked wary and a little uneasy, as if there was something more he had to tell her. “There was something else too Lyssa, you were badly hurt in the accident…yesterday. You are to stay in the hospital, you were lucky to live actually. There was nothing we could do…you lost the use of your legs and…you’ve lost your short term memory.” He trailed off; Lyssa tried to move her legs, her mind still numb from the loss of her dad, but failed and found that she only had stumps where her thighs should be.
“You’re wrong!!” she shouted, “I remember yesterday perfectly, I remember everything that happened!!” the doctor looked at her pitifully. And then he spoke “the accident wasn’t yesterday Lyssa, I told you, you lost your memory, and it’s been a while since it happened…”
Lyssa gulped and prepared herself for the truth “How long?” she whispered. “5 years.” The doctor nervously eyed the floor. Lyssa just sat there, she tried to take in everything that she had been told; tomorrow she would forget it all over again. But she didn’t notice the doctor inserting a needle into her arm until she slipped slowly into a drugged sleep……
Me: "Dad! They've found a new cure for high cholesterol!"
Dad: "What, death?"

I lub my daddy XD

Emmarrr_pirate is offline
Old 01-03-2008, 11:06 AM

[Another one I wrote- more chapters coming later =}]
Sara was shaking as she grabbed the neck of her badly sewn leather bag. She muttered choice curse words, violently wiping her moist eyes with one hand whilst using the other to lug the heavy bag over her shoulder and walked briskly towards her desk. She grabbed a few choice items off the table – A yellowed diary, a pencil with rubber on the end and a flint rock she’d had since her third birthday, but never used. Still cursing she sniffed loudly, pocketing a large handkerchief belonging to her deceased father. Sara stared once more at her room; she noted the bareness of it, worried that someone would notice she was gone. The covers on her bed were filled with clothing she would leave behind and her head was replaced with a pumpkin stolen from the garden, late summer meant that their size was perfect in relation to her head.
Rushing in forced silence, Sara rethought her reasons. They dream meant something. Usually she hadn’t felt, and thought nothing of it. This time though she had been able to sense every breath the man had taken. She had felt him stop, she had felt the jarring of the woman’s heart as it was punctured, and she had felt the slight choke before blood was brought up and dribbled down the woman’s open mouth just as she had left… This wasn’t just a dream, this had happened.
She shook her head and removed all thought of turning back. She ran forward. The night was still dark, but a glow of sunlight had hit the horizon. In 3 hours, she would have at least a 10 league advantage, but that was not enough. Her horse was not the fastest, and once seeing her tracks, her brother would leave immediately on Farqu, fastest horse in the village - they would catch up within the day. She thought about leaving on foot, she would leave no trace but wouldn’t get far enough in any direction to keep away from the numerous search parties that would be sent. She sat down in defeat. Sara hadn’t thought enough, panic wiped her and she became unable to concentrate, only focusing on the point of how badly this idea was and how she would fail.
â€Up a bit early aren’t you?’
Sara whipped her head round. â€Who are you?’ she said to a tall, thin boy. His hair was dark and wispy and his face childish, even though he looked the same age as Sara. He was standing with a net and rod leaning inside a bucket and a small blade. A wily smile hung on his face as he stared down at her, eyebrows raised curiously.
â€You’re from the village aren’t you?’
â€What? I … yes… why?’
â€Just you lot really are late risers, and you don’t look the sort for an early morning jog.’ He laughed hoarsely, as Sara looked down at her large flimsy clothes – hand-me-downs from her elder brother who was nearly a foot taller than herself.
Sara muttered, â€Judgmental … So what’s it to you?’
â€Ha! Just asking snappy one! What are you running from?’
â€I’m… I’m not running from anything!’ Sara looked at the floor. She wasn’t running from the dream, was she? You can’t run from something that’s not going to catch you.
â€You’re a funny one you are! Well if you were to be running from something, we have room for one more in our cart; my sister has decided to stay in this village you see, a young chappy named Bosofer’s caught her fancy. She’ll be back on when we visit this village again in the summer, but for now you can squeeze in her place.’
Sara couldn’t think of any reply to this. The market was leaving at the end of the day, she could meet up in the evening, this would give her a whole day to prepare – something she greatly needed. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this was her escape route. If there ever was fate acting to modify the future, this was it. She was going to find out when and where this dream happened, who those people where, why they died, if her having it meant she could make a difference. Something she knew she had to do, or she would be plagued with these thoughts constantly, it would haunt her conscious until she faced the truth and followed the path it was leading her on.
â€HELLO!!!’ Sara turned in a trance and saw the boy, red in the face panting.
â€You’ll wake the village shouting like that…’
He sighed. â€I’m Hylth. Meet me on the outskirts of the fire if you’re coming. We’re leaving after the bard finishes. Make sure you have everything you want, we have food and supplies for one extra so don’t worry. Pick up some travelers clothes or you’ll be stuck, your fancy village wear won’t be use to you on open road.’
â€Um yeah…’
â€You seem the dim sort, so make sure no one you know sees you leave with us.’ Hylth rolled his eyes and walked towards the southern river arrogantly.
â€I’m Sara!’ She shouted a look of sheer youthfulness about her open mouthed expression.
â€Really? Hm…’ His face grew dark and dubious, yet he continued walking to prevent Sara from seeing this. â€Perhaps…’ he muttered suspiciously to himself before resuming his usual loud tone, â€Talk to my father on our stall. It’s the one selling the finest obsidian jewelry you will find in the entirety of Eusätian!’
Smiling at her new luck, Sara rose to her feet. She shook her head, yet again being filled with disbelief. Slowly walking back to her house, and removing the cheap mock of herself from her bed and lay her head on the pillow and waited for sleep to encase her. When it did it came as an unhappy relief, as the same horribly sweaty dream reached her as had earlier that night. There was no possibility of running from it.
Me: "Dad! They've found a new cure for high cholesterol!"
Dad: "What, death?"

I lub my daddy XD

Son Zack
Son Zack is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 09:44 PM

Short story~

If you have feedback, it'd be fabulous if you PMed it to me because there's a chance I won't be able to find my way back.

Being new sucks x_x

Okay, here's the story.


I've been lying in this burned out basement for a while, taking shelter from both the sun and the enemy's horrific war machines. Although the sun is nearly gone, I know the enemy still lurks. I lay on my back, on the cold cement floor. The sun's yellow haze fills the room, and I can just begin to see the stars now. Yes, New York City has changed.

The war has been raging for five years now, and I don't know if it's luck that I'm still alive. I haven't seen another live person in months. I struggle to my feet, with a sigh, and I wonder how I have any strength left. What looks like the remains of a billiards table lays in the center of the room, and I wonder who this basement had belonged to. What had the house looked like? Had they lived alone? It doesn't matter, they aren't here any more. Nothing is.

I walk past a broken table, with a book on it. It was my journal, until I ran out of pages. I don't have a pen anymore, either. I guess now, I'll just have to keep my memories in my head. Climbing up the stairs, I leave the basement and step onto firm dirt. Everything around me is arid and flat, for miles and miles. Well, perhaps that's not totally true. Massive piles of wreckage stand, remains of the massive skyscrapers that had once stood tall above the city. Besides that, it's flat. Flat, and quiet. Empty, pockmarked streets that had once been bustling with human life and activity are silent, too silent. This was Wall Street.

As I walk further from the basement, along the cracked, wide street, a wind whips up, whistling eerily. As I walk, I pass a long abandoned car, with a dusty skeleton inside. Strange, cars are usually moved and crushed at the side of the roads, to allow passage for convoys and patrols of war machines. They must have missed that one, somehow.

Giant piles of twisted broken metal are strewn about at the edges of these streets, parts of cars, buildings, and people. Everywhere, there is dust, and a yellow haze. The worn hobnails on my boots echo off the frames of buildings that had once stood tall above the city. Yes, I am alone.

The only thing that remains at it's original height and still has it's windows is the Empire's State Building, I can see it from here. I don't know how it can still exist, most governments and their structures have been torn apart by the war.

In the distance, I can see the street is blocked by a skyscraper that had toppled over and not been cleared. It must have been recent, most machines would have taken it by now, and I don't remember seeing it before. The sunlight shines into my eyes for a second as a single piece of glass falls from what used to be a seventy-story building. It's now three stories high. The pane shatters on the ground about twenty feet from I, and the sound echoes out across the landscape. I see a flash of movement from the window's former resting spot, and I grab my pistol instinctively, and move to the side of the street, where I know I am out of view. No, as it turns out, I am not alone.

Even from here, below and to the side of the aforementioned window, I can hear a shuffling and cursing above. My heart catches in my throat. Another human? Sudden feelings I cannot confine rush into me after the initial shock. I am so used to being alone, I'm almost angry at another presence. Yet, I'm relieved that there is someone else left, and also, frightened. Could they be hostile? I only have two bullets left, and I cannot miss. Would I have to negotiate, or placate? I haven't used my voice in almost half a year. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as adrenaline seeps into my veins.

Glass crunches under my feet as I walk, flat against the wall, to the empty doorway. It's just an empty frame, and I slide around the corner into the room inside. There is so much dust and dirt on the floor, my hobnails are muffled as I walk. Quietly, gun raised, I make my way to the staircase across the room. On the ground, I can see leftover footprints that have been only carelessly half-way covered up. Yellow, hazy light shines in rays through the uncovered windows on the West side of the building and from the ceiling. Taking a silent breath, I hold myself against the wall at the bottom of the staircase shaft. The doors are long gone, only the twisted, rusty hinges remain.

Suddenly, there is a clattering noise that bangs it's way all the way down the stairs, and I flinch, feeling a new flood of adrenaline. A small black briefcase slides through the dust out of the doorway, followed, seconds later, by a broken-looking person. In a flash, I have it pinned belly-down on the ground, gun pressed against it's neck.

It whimpers pitifully, trying to turn around to see me, but I don't let it, holding it's face into the dust. Now, I can see it is a man, dressed in clothes that had once, perhaps very recently, looked nice.

He whines for me to let him go, but I don't comply, instead reaching into his pockets and pulling out a beat-up wallet. When I find it's empty of currency, food, and I.D., I toss it aside and continue my search. Somehow, he wriggles free of me and stands quickly, shaking the dust off of him like a dog.

"Someone else." he whispers, holding his hands up, "I didn't know." I grab the briefcase and toss it behind me, where it hits the wall. He winces, and I aim my pistol up at his face. I motion for him to turn around, and as he does so, I pick up the briefcase and try to open it, but it's locked. Dismayed, but without speaking, I lead him out of the room, out onto the street. Leading him down the road, I watch him closely. He wears fingerless leather gloves with a dirty button-up shirt, and faded pinstripes adorn his pants and vest. He turns his head around to look back at me, and his gray-blond hair falls into his face, covering his watery, frightened blue eyes.

"C-can I have my briefcase back now?" he asks quietly, and I shake my head and give him a little shove, and he turns away and walks faster. I'm going to have to practice my speaking voice some time soon, we can't go on like this forever.

As we walk, I can't resist a tiny feeling of hope growing in me. What if there are more? I thought there was no one left but me, in this city. Perhaps then, there are more? Maybe humanity has a last fighting chance after all, a chance for revolution, for life.

The sky starts to darken as we walk, and after several minutes, we reach the basement where I live. I lead him down the stairs, prodding him in the back of his neck with the gun. Something falls off a shelf beside me, and as I turn to look, the man snatches the briefcase from my hand and runs, with startling rapidity. Gun raised, I curl my finger around the trigger, prepared to fire until I notice he's hiding in a corner, hands raised to protect himself. His hands shake, and he drops his arms, chancing a look at me with those pale blue eyes of his. His lips tremble as he picks up that stupid briefcase, and holds it tightly to his chest.

I drop the gun, and it clatters on the cement floor. I sink to the floor beside it, and hold my head in my hands. I can't believe it. I was just about to kill perhaps the only human being I'll ever see again. My god, what have I become?

I'll stay like this for a while, so I 'won't notice' when he makes another dash for freedom. It was foolish for me to bring him here. With luck, he'll forget all about it after he runs away.

When I look up, I'm startled. He sits on his knees, in front of me. Perplexed, I stare at him until he speaks.

"Hi," he says, in a quiet voice, "I don't believe I've had the chance to introduce myself." He holds out his hand to me, with a nervous smile. "I'm Alan. Alan Lott."

Avoiding his timid eyes, I slowly reach my hand out, to touch the tips of his fingers. I don't know why I'm so nervous, why I'm so shy. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I make the motions of speaking, but I don't have a voice. I feel blood rise to my cheeks, and I turn away, embarrassed. Embarrassed? I haven't been embarrassed in.years. It was inevitable that I would have to speak, I knew that. But, I don't know what I was going to say anyways. I think I've forgotten my own name.

The man, Alan, moves his hand forward and clasps it around mine. Shocked at the sudden contact, I turn back around quickly, to look at him. He's still smiling that nervous, meek smile, and I'm suddenly suspicious.

"What's your name?" he asks, his voice steadier this time. I grab the gun and stand, pointing it at him as I start to back away.

"P-please, don't," he trembles, holding his gloved hands up as he cowers there, on the floor. I back up all the way to the little table, and grab the tattered book that lies there, my journal. I lower the gun, but don't let go of it, as I walk back towards him, opening up the cover to the very first page. I sit down in front of him and hand him the book.

"Property of Tom Linstedt," he reads. "That's you?" I nod, and grab the book back quickly, just in case he thinks of reading it.

"Tom," he says, holding his hand out again, "It's nice to meet you." Still wary, I put the gun down beside me and grab his hand. He shakes it gently, then lets go.

"Can you speak, Tom?" he asks, not unkindly.

"Yes," I manage to whisper. He smiles, a real, warm smile that lights up his face. Somehow, I feel. better.

"I didn't know there was anyone left here besides the Empire," he says, and suddenly, all my careful hopes came crashing down. No one else? "I've been living in that building for a week," he says, "I'm glad you found me."

I look away, silent for a minute.

"Where did you come from?" I whisper, trying to keep my composure.

"I work for the Empire. I'm an accountant, see," he says, pale blue eyes looking away, "Or, at least I was. Up until a week ago." My heart skips a beat, and I feel that strange, hopeful feeling start to edge it's way back into my mind.

"You. you did?" I say, incredulously. "When will we win the war?" Perhaps it was too soon to ask, and I wish I could take it back. Alan turns away from me, to grab his briefcase.


The word is like ice, piercing my heart.

"What?" I whisper, not believing him but knowing I had to.

"The empire is bankrupt, and so is everyone else," he explains, "All the bigwigs are getting out while they still can."

I looked down at the floor, still disbelieving.

"They were going to have me shot," he said proudly, "But I escaped."

"We…we won't win the war?" I whisper. I can feel my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. "What's gonna happen, what about the Threat?"

I hear Alan sigh.

"I don't think there ever was a Threat, Tom," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"That can't be true, it was all over the television. No," I said, shaking my head, "No, it's not true." Even as I spoke, I knew I was wrong. I took a shaky breath, and covered my face with my hands. I heard Alan move forward, and he put his arms around me, holding me as I collapsed.

For the last five years, I've been fighting a false Threat, a false war. Even after you died, last year, I continued to believe in fighting. Now, I think you knew, too. Is that why you never told me? I wish you had. Maybe we could have thought of a solution, a plan. We could have escaped before it was too late.

What is that sound I hear, as I bury my face into Alan's shoulder. Is it.? Yes, it is. I'm crying. I'm surprised, but I don't have any intention to stop. I suppose it's about time I came to terms with my emotions. Alan moves away a little, and wipes the tears from my face with his hand. I look up into his face, yes, he's crying, too. I reach out and catch a tear, just before it falls from his trembling bottom lip.

For all of humanity's innovation, it's prowess, and ingenuity, the only thing it ends up competent at is destroying itself. Our intellect is often misguided, and we are blind to long term effects and ramifications. With luck, perhaps we can defuse ourselves, forget about our technological advances, our crucial mistakes. If it's too late, the only thing we'll ever become is interesting cases for the archaeologists of future civilizations. If there are any.

I get to my feet, Alan beside me. I grab my journal and ratty combination cap, placing it on my head. Holding Alan's hand, and my journal, we make our way up the stairs, into the harsh new elements of New York City, and a new feeling awakens itself inside me.

This is going to be a new dawn, for this broken civilization. I understand now. You weren't brave enough, to face the future. In a way, yes, you did escape, but I'm glad you didn't bring me with you. You figured it out, all on your own, but you couldn't handle it, so you escaped. Your choices are your own, but I'm finished with missing you.

Slowly, we make our way up a pile of wreckage, ignoring the sharp edges, unsteady footholds, and the dusty remains of our brothers.

The volatile ebb and flow of world powers have come to an end, along with the periodic wars and the torrents of profit and loss that occurred mere blocks away.

No, it's not time for revolution, it's time for evolution. Yes, we'll start anew. With the lack of electricity, machinery, and running water, humanity will be back to it's starting, vital fundamentals. This time, we'll keep technologic advances moving at a glacial pace, we won't get ahead of ourselves. This time, learned people won't be busy making tools of destruction and pain, rather, they'll be used for construction and humanitarian aid. We've learned a powerful lesson.

Beside me, Alan takes a breath. Finally, we've reached the top of this pile of broken life, to look out at our vast, void domain, a desolate expanse of human destruction and failure. Yes, with time and effort, we could build this place back up. It could be worth it, it could be something to be proud of. Together, we can lead it.

It's not too late.

Suddenly, a wind whips up, and the sound of powerful jets and magnetic fans is audible in the distance. I press my cap firmly down onto my head, and watch as a tiny cloud of the pilotless machines I had learned to fear and hate come arcing through the sky towards me. But I won't back down or flee anymore, and even the trembling Alan holds his ground beside me. Without a second thought, I take my journal in both hands and tear out the pages. Ripping them in half, then in quarters, destroying the only thing that had kept me sane for the past year. I don't need it any more.

At the right moment, I toss the pile of paper up, where it is taken by the wind and scattered by the blast wake of the jets as they streak over us. Alan grabs ahold of me in terror and we watch as the frightening machines fly purposefully towards the only thing left standing, the Empire's State Building. Time seems to stretch and slow as we watch the lead machine do a barrel roll and hurl an object that smashed through the eerily flawless windows, right into the center of the most protected building of the modern world.

Together, Alan and I watched as glass and papers fell from the gaping hole in the Empire's Building, symbolic of everything that had mattered to me as a fighter, as a human. Alan holds my hand as seconds later, something inside it ruptures and lets loose a second sun. The Building shattered, all of it, as the fireball expanded, consuming the building and everything else, blinding me. I feel the heat across my face at the same time I feel the realization.

Son Zack
Son Zack is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 01:54 AM

Here's another short story~


I vaguely remember getting out of bed and trudging across the room to put on my clothes. It was the ninth day in a row that I had woken up late, and I had to skip breakfast. Even though I was late, the sun still hadn’t risen, and the streets were empty. I don’t have a car, so I had to ride my bicycle 10 miles every day to work, all uphill in the morning.

The night before, it had rained, and the mostly unpaved streets were now deep mud. I cursed. I would have to ride my bicycle in the grass the whole way.

Muttering my extreme discontent, I dragged the bicycle outside and started the arduous journey that I’ve taken so many times, I’ve lost count. As I rode, I looked around to try and distract myself from my aching leg muscles.

The skies were a dull grey, and the air was thick with humidity. The front tire on my bicycle suddenly hit a pit in the ground, and I fell sideways, face first into the mud. Cursing profusely, I got up and wiped the mud from my face.

I picked up my bicycle and straightened the wheel. As I sat back down on the seat, the frame collapsed and I fell again into the mud, somehow twisting my ankle in the process. Unable to stand just yet, I rolled over onto my back, glaring into the sky. Oh, how I hate springtime.

After several good minutes of detesting everything that ever had existed save myself, I knew I’d better get going. It wouldn’t get me to work any faster. I picked up the twisted, useless frame of the bicycle and tossed it off to the side, and continued on my way, drenched with mud and very, very unhappy.

About an hour later, I reached the front gates, two steel fences wrapped with razor wire that opened automatically. I approached the guard station, weakly holding out I.D.

“You’re very late, Vanya, what on Earth happened?” asked Nikolai, the stocky, lazy morning gate guard. I could see he was trying not to laugh at me.

“Don’t ask,” I sighed, just waiting for this moment to be over so I could get inside, take a shower, and change into the required safety suit. With a laugh, Nikolai buzzed me in. The giant fences parted loudly, and I quickly walked in. As I walked, I felt my toe scrape against concrete. Without looking, I knew my shoe had a hole in it. Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I continued walking, admittedly a bit more carefully.

I reached the big steel employee entrance door and opened it with my pass card. I took a quick breath, and waited for a moment, preparing myself for the other workers’ reactions to my appearance. I stepped inside, and miraculously, the room was empty. Thanking the heavens, I hurried on to the locker room. You were there, changing into a safety suit.

“Vanya! There you are, where have you been all morning?” you asked, then, after a double take, “My God, Vanya, what happened to you?”

“I was the victim of some very, very bad luck,” I said, with a sigh, “I don’t really want to talk about it. My bike is broken, can I get a ride home with you?” You laughed.

“The acursed Volga is broken, too. I’m getting a ride with Nikolai,” you said, “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you went along. You can spend the night at my house, and help me fix my car.”

“That sounds better than walking home. When is he leaving?” I asked, and stepped over to help you with the zipper on the back of your plastic safety zipper, “Oh, no. It’s stuck. Hold still for a minute.”

You stepped over the bench in front of me and sat on it, waiting as I jiggled the zipper free.

“Can you wait here a minute and help me with my suit? I need to take a shower first, and I can’t do the zipper by myself,” I said, and you shrugged.

“Yes, don’t take too long,” you said, getting up and retrieving your safety helmet from it’s place in your locker.

I kicked my broken, muddy shoes off and stripped off my muddy clothes. I turned on the water and stepped into the shower, with a gasp. The water was freezing cold, taken straight from a nearby lake. I forgot that every time. Shivering, I washed the mud from my face and hair, and quickly scrubbed the rest of my body with just a sponge. Once again, someone had stolen my toiletries. Eager to get out before my lips turned blue, I turned the water off after rinsing, and quickly stepped out and grabbed a towel.

“Energy is not scarce here, it’s a shame they don’t heat the water,” you say, laughing at me a little.

“Yes, we run a higher risk of hypothermia then radiation poisoning,” I said with a grim smile, stepping into safety scrubs.

“Of course!” you say proudly, “Our new RBMK reactors are the best and safest there is!”

“We should know, we watch over them for as long as we can see the sun,” I say, only half-joking. You get up and help me into my safety suit, sliding the zipper up carefully so it doesn’t catch and rip the plastic.

“Perfect,” I said, taking your hand and standing up, “You are an expert, Anatoli.” Still holding your hand, I turn to the locker and grabbed two dosimeters, giving one to you. I tried to pull my hand away to shut the locker, but you still held it and I turned to object.

“Vanya-” you started to say, putting a hand on my shoulder, but were interrupted by a clamor somewhere outside. I looked to you for an explanation, and you just raised your eyebrows and shrugged. Our dosimeters squealed, and I cursed.

We grabbed our safety helmets and ran out into the concourse, where a small horde of engineers scurried about, jostling past each other. The emergency lights turned on, along with a droning alarm.

I stood speechless until the unit manager Sergei Yurov, ran up to us, shouting over the noise of the alarm.

“Vanya! Anatoli!” he yelled, “I have been looking for you all over! Quickly change into your heavy suits and follow me!”

I followed him to the bio-containment unit and grabbed two protective radiation suits, handing one to you.

“What is happening, Sergei?” I asked him, as I stepped into the suit.

“I need you two to go see what happened to the reactor, we think something is wrong. The turbines caught fire, but we have managed to keep it under control, so far,” he replied, helping me with the zipper in the back of the suit.

“Well, where are the mechanics? It’s their job for that, not mine,” I said. He turned to help you with your zipper.

“One of the pipes broke in the turbine room, releasing hot steam,” he replied, his voice breaking a little, “All of them were poached instantly.”

I mumbled a reply, and it was quiet for a while as we put on our protective headgear. Sergei motioned for us to follow him, and we quickly followed him to the room outside the monitoring room, which was above the reactor.

“This is as far I can go. Please hurry, no one has any idea of what is going on. The turbines stopped working, and the computers have shut down,” he said, taking a breath and putting a hand on our shoulders. “And please, comrades… be careful.”

He turned away and left the room, leaving us to our work. I could feel my hands shake as I turned the doorknob into the monitoring room. I felt you touch my hand with yours, and I pulled it away. I thought about saying something, but I didn’t. Instead, I opened the door and walked inside, you following me.

The room was totally empty, which was unusual, especially in a time like this. The huge monitoring computer we called Katya was rapidly printing off piles of paper, with levels and numbers that I didn’t understand. I scowled at it. For all it’s mass and artificial knowledge, it had no solution to subdue whatever obviously massive problem there was. It could only print out irksome, irrelevant numbers as the turbines smoked and our dosimeters screamed incessantly.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed you let out an exasperated shout, throw your dosimeter on the ground and smash it with your boot. I laughed, and suddenly, there was a rumbling noise from underneath the room, and everything shook.

I struggled to stay on my feet. You shouted something out to me, but I didn’t hear it. The room shook again, and I tasted something sweet in my mouth, like I’d just eaten chocolate. Everything seemed sort of blurry, and I saw a shadow move behind me.

I was pushed to the ground, and something of unimaginable weight fell onto my legs, and then I stopped feeling them.

In my peripheral vision, I saw you run over to me. I called your name out, but I couldn’t hear myself speak.

“Vanya…it’s…the computer, Katya, it fell. The reactor is out of control, Vanya, I’m going to get help,” you say, and I can’t hear myself say something back.

“Wait here, I’m going to get a stretcher for you. I’ll be back, Vanya, I promise.”

I feel you squeeze my hand once, but I don’t see you leave. My eyes hurt, and I taste metal. The room shakes violently again, and the pressure on my legs was gone. I looked behind me, and saw that all that remained of my legs were just a flat, bloody mess.
Please hurry, Anatoli. I use my hands and arms to pull myself forward across the room, leaving a bloody trail behind me. Maybe, just maybe, I can reach the door. It seemed like a hundred years had passed, and I had finally managed to go halfway across the room. Then, there was a explosion, louder than any other noise I have ever heard before, and the floor cracked and opened beneath me.

How could that be possible? I thought, as I fell. As I hit the floor, which was a three-foot-thick cement and lead radiation shield above the reactor, I wished I had turned around for home when my bicycle broke.

There was another explosion, and I could almost feel the radio-nuclides pass through me. Again I saw the ground crack open, and a terrible glow consumed me as I fell inside. The heat was so great, I felt my face boil and crisp. Then…I stopped feeling at all.

__________________________________________________ _______

Why did you leave me, Anatoli? I’ve been waiting for you for so long. Can’t you hear me? You promised me, remember? Did you forget about me? How could you forget? Remember how terrible I looked when I came in this morning? I need a ride home with you, my bicycle is broken.

The reactor exploded, Anatoli, and I’ve been waiting for you to come back, with help. I’ve even lost track of the time, waiting for you. You promised me, I’m your best friend.

How could you leave me here? I don’t have anyone to talk to. They covered up this building, Anatoli. I used to be able to see the sunlight, but someone covered it. It’s dark, and probably raining outside. I’m lonely. I can’t believe you broke your promise, I thought you were my friend.

Were you planning this, all along? It’s your fault I’m still here, you know. I blame you for everything, and I don’t want to talk to you. I’m tired of this, I’m tired of you. I would rather walk home then be in the same car as you.

You betrayed me, Anatoli. I hate being here as much as I hate you. I’ll count up to one hundred and forget. Forget you, like I forgot my own name.

Where are you, Anatoli? I miss you.

Toushiro is offline
Old 01-25-2008, 07:49 AM

I made this a thread already but i just HAVE to make people miserable with my bad writing lolz so here we go :

Chapter 1: Starlight

Lying down in the cool night air on the dew covered grass; I gazed up at the stars in a daze. "Starlight..." I murmured. "Did you say something?" I turned, struggling on one elbow to find Kimiko propped up against the cherry blossom tree. "I" I lay back down exhausted after the long day. "Beautiful isn't it?" Kimiko said in a dreamy way. I looked up into her pink eyes and sighed. Cherry blossom petals floated down on top of the crystal clear pool. "Nights like these never come around...." I glanced up at her sad face. She was so beautiful, like her mother, "I know, Kimiko". I slowly got up and crawled to the edge of the pool. Staring at my reflection, I gently touched the surface where the moon glowed in the dark water. When I was little, I used to dream of taking the moon. I would always think I could take the moon for myself, the only light for me, I was so selfish back young. I looked back at kimi, her hair gently flowing in the night breeze, and then looked to my reflection. It was getting awful late and I knew we should have been home, but the stars....the moon.....they were just so beautiful. "It's late, let's go home now, ne? I turned around to face kimi, who didn't look so sad anymore. She had a gentle smile on her innocent face and the moon hit her eyes just right, and she glowed. "Ok...let's go."
My name is Haruhi Iminishaa and I’ve known Kimi for….say about 6 years, because when I met her, we were both 9. Kimiko Fujioka and I have been best friends for that long. Really. Anyway, I have no siblings, but Kimiko has 2, Kina her 8 year old sister, and Ririn her 14 year old sister, one year behind us.
My long dark black hair fluttered in the breeze as I smiled, greeting Kimiko. “Hiya Haru!” “I told you Kimi, don’t call me that.” I said, glaring at Kimiko. “Oh come on Haruhi! You are such a killjoy!” I gave her a funny look, and she muttered something under her breath. Kimi and I have lived next to each other for about 8 years, which was back when Kimiko and I weren’t the best of friends. Now, we meet up with each other every morning and walk to school together. The reason Kimiko and I weren’t best friends was because I thought she was weird just like everyone in the whole school did. There was a reason…Kimiko has…ears. At first it was so odd….until the day I actually talked to her. She was so nice! It was amazing. I thought she wasn’t a good person because of what everyone said. That day I was proved wrong, as well as everyone else. Now I think her ears are just so cute! “Kimi your ears are so cute!,” I said reaching over to touch her ears. That proves that point. “Are not! Everyone hates my ears, and I do to. You of all people should know that by now….” I grinned and snorted, Kimi could be so stubborn! “And what’s that supposed to mean!?” Her long pink hair was in an extremely low ponytail, with two blue bows, one thin one at the top of her head, and another one with more volume, at the tie, as usual. I giggled, and she gave me one of her signature â€you’re so funny best friend’ smiles. Kimi is probably the most peppy, fun girls I know. Today, she was wearing her pink plaid skirt, a baby blue lacy shirt, and some Mary Janes. Although she is peppy…she’s a TOTAL rebel. She never wears the school uniform, and the teachers just let her get away with it because they think she is adorable, which she is.

“Kimi ki! Haru-chan!” UH OH. My worst nightmare. Kimi and I have not always been alone…there was another one. Chizuru Watashi. She is one year younger than us, but since she’s a genius, she gets all the breaks. She meets up with us every day and I love her, because she’s my dork.


lolz well there ya go!

ReynaUsagi is offline
Old 01-26-2008, 04:22 PM

At the moment this short story has no title but any suggestions are more than welcome. <3 I just ask that you pm them to me please~

Who knows~ I may just turn this into a full length story <3


An acrid odor hung heavily in the air, choking out the little fresh air that blew in from the mountains. Above the plumes of smoke, dark forms barely visible rode the dank air. A pair of stormy blue-grey eyes darted to them before returning to the task at hand. Cassadaine Stephens sat on a stool, with her hands shadowing a wound. She wrestles with her inner emotions as she struggled to overcome her helplessness, knowing she could not fight, even if she used â€battle magic’. Dampeners (magical barriers) had been set up all around the city. These made everyone’s lives more difficult. No mage within the city could use his or her â€battle magic’ and even healing had its limit.

Why did human bones, flesh and muscle have to be so stubborn? Cassadaine had mended bones and muscles and now all she had left was the skin, which was becoming extremely bothersome. Exhaling a frustrated breath as the flesh finally mended though not as well as she wanted, the girl rose shaking her thick black curls from her face and stalked out the room. She was tired of healing and from the way soldiers were being brought in, it was obvious how the battle was turning out. Gazing in dismay at the raging fires and the battle itself, she held back a scream of frustration.

“I will serve more use out there than here!” she finally cried out only to start slightly at the rush of cool air behind her. Whirling around, she found herself face to face with a snowy white dragon’s ruby eyes.

“If you’d be serving more use on the battle field, then why don’t you go join them?” the dragon asked lazily as he stared down at Cassadaine.

“How may I ask do you propose I get down there?” she asked glaring at him. “I haven’t a horse you know”.

The dragon’s cool red eyes bore into the girl for a moment before he finally spoke again, “I’ll carry you but only this once”, as he unfolded his wings. “Though do hurry up, I haven’t all day to waste”, he emphasized reading the expression on Cassadaine’s face.

Within moments, Cassadaine sat astride the dragon concealing a grin as she held on trying to keep her balance while holding her bow in the other hand. Finally, she would be of some use even if she could not use her magic. Maybe, just maybe her parents would see her worth in battle and not in healing.

“Thank you, Alexander”, she breathed. Feeling a slight rumble underneath her, she smiled. He had heard her, even if he had not responded verbally. He did not need to.

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salazare is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 01:57 AM

Yeah, so this is my first time here...and my friend told me to post a short story. So, without further ado...

Here it is.

A Little Story From Me to You- Terror of Death

I can feel it, can’t you? The terror, the fear...the constant swirling emotions that come along when your life is in danger. After they come once, leaving is impossible. They occupy your mind...watching, waiting...slowly driving you insane

But they’re not there when you’re born. You obtain them from experience. What I’m trying to say is that I was sane once That was before my life was threatened, and the protection of sanity left me. I saw things that day, Michael. I saw many, terrible things...


That day was normal at first. I was with my â€buddy’, Jonathan (I told you about him before, remember?), and we were just “hanging out”. Heh heh heh...little did we know, on that day four years ago, that we would experience terror that we had only before known in the movies we’d seen. The do I describe it? Oh, I’ll tell it to you as it comes. Well, Jonathan and I were playing that one game...ah, basketball. Heh heh...those days.

As we played, I told Jonathan about a lump in the dirt I had seen within the forest a few days previous. This forest was a deep and dark one, placed next to my house. I’ve lost count of the amount of times we’d dared each other to spend the night there...and the multiple refusals to counter each dare. Heh heh...we were so frightened, and for such a good reason...

Jonathan, upon hearing this, trembled. His body shook with such a fear that surpassed even my own. I could see terror in those eyes of his...eyes the colour of the soil that I saw that lump in. But as I mentioned that I would go in there tonight, with or without him, he stopped shaking. He bit his lip and nodded his head, agreeing to go with me. We both decided to set out at midnight, that night.

And at midnight we met. Together, with two lanterns and a baseball bat. We entered the forest with fear, not courage. What drove us forward was nothing but our pride.

I led the way through the dark forest. The lump was near, I knew. Jonathan and I continued trudging through that damp forest. Within ten minutes we had arrived at our destination.

We nervously laughed about how we should have brought a shovel, and dropped to our knees to dig. As we dug deeper, our fears were realized. A human arm, dirty from the wet mud, was still attached to what was likely to be a body. As I attempted to drag it out further, I noticed that Jonathan had stopped digging. Looking up, I saw the gleaming knife in his hand. Backing up in fear, I raised the bat that was next to my leg. Bringing it up as a shield, I defended against his strikes. But a bat made of wood could only hold up for so long. It finally snapped, forcing me to resort to pushing back from my murdering friend.

I was finally able to stand up, using the remains of the bat to help my do so. But as I was distracted, he attempted to stab me again. He missed, now having to catch his balance. During this split second I had, I snatched the knife from his hand, and kicked him in the shin. Biting his lip in pain, he took a step back. I took this one, final moment in order to use the knife. In blind terror, I stabbed him. The weapon sunk into his flesh, and he twitched. Seconds later, he fell to the ground. As soon as he did so, I took the knife from his wound. He lay there, dying, as I fell back onto ground. Dropping the knife, I screamed. I screamed at what I did, at the horrid vision my hands created.

And that, Michael...that is terror...


“Detective Thompson, sir.”

Michael Thompson sighed, walking away from Henry Eckle. The latter was grinning, sitting in a padded cell. He jumped slightly, movements mostly constricted from the straightjacket he was wearing.

“What is it, Bronze?”

Officer Bronze saluted, looking Thompson in the eye. “Sir. How is Eckle doing?”

“No change.” responded the Detective, glancing back at Eckle. “He still thinks I’m some nonexistent nephew of his. And he still thinks that Jonathan Nickleson was trying to kill him. What a crazy bastard. Only his fingerprints were found on that knife.”

“He had killed Mary Moore and Jonathan Nickleson without provocation, correct?”

“Yeah...” muttered Thompson. “He’ll be locked up there forever. He even still thinks it happened only four years ago ”

The two men walked away. “The remaining insanity of a fifteen-year-old case...”

When the two were gone, Henry laughed.

“Come again, Michael...”

A Little Story From Me to You- Terror of Death
The End

ReynaUsagi is offline
Old 01-28-2008, 10:16 AM

Well here's a little something more of a slight character history for one of my muses. <3


Witch Blood

A shriek filled the air a pain filled desperate despairing sound and collectively the hunters and villagers alike shuddered. No living creature could utter such a noise be it human preternatural or else. Another shriek sounded again this time closer and the hounds whinnied. It wasn't until the hunters closest to the forest cried out that the people realized the creature was already too close for them to have any hope of escape.
Swords were drawn arrows set as they waited. At first it was only a gentle breeze that carried a hint of winter but then the wind picked up in strength until it was a gale that threatened to rip them all apart. Shouting and shuddering the group of killers huddled together as if to seek warmth and confidence from their brethren.
It was then they got their first glimpse of the thing that had stalked the forests for so long...A scrawny girl child possibly no older than six walked no...glided from the woods her crimson locks twisted into an intricate dance of curls. A sigh drifted through them and one of them men dared to laugh.
This was the thing they all feared so much?
It wasn't until the girl had shaken her crimson curls from her face did they see the horrible mistake they had all made by dropping their guard and letting this cursed creature so close.
Her ever shifting eyes held an ancient power and blood lust that no child should know. That no one should ever know. But that wasnt the only disturbing the girl smiled her nearly inch long fangs revealed she lifted her small hand and lifted it palm up in their direction. A soft blooming of icy flowers began there as the fierce winds teared and tugged at the plants threatening to destroy the frail things. It wasn long however until the plants whithered away to nothing nothing but a fine and dangerous powder.
Taking deliberate and delicate care as she lifted her hand and blew the powder in the direction of the group the girl smiled again. Her lifeless shifting eyes glittering perversely as the dust reached them and turned into daggers. Daggers that sliced and pierced every bit of exposed flesh given to them.
The screams and shrieks were back but she paid them no mind as she walked among the carnage. Stopping beside one man she smoothed out her lace and frill black dress carefully before turning her cold eyes to him.
"W-w..hat ...a-are you...?"
Smiling darkly at the question she tilted her head as if listening to something before answering. "I am the child you all condemned. I am the reincarnation of the goddess. The frosted fire that the winter brings and darkest chosen."
The man quivered at the tone of her voice no child had the right to sound that seductive...that deadly but still oh-so-innocent...No child but this one...was this one even a child?
The wicked smile tugged at her lips again and she crouched down beside him careful not to stain or dirty her dress. "Do you know why I came here?" A shake of the head
o. "You killed my sister. You and all those cursed men killed my sister my family. You destroyed my life...and now Ive destroyed yours." Rising she stepped back.
"By the time anyone finds'll be long beyond the reach of any healers...oh they'll try to help you but there won be much for them to help." Satisfied that the man and the others who weren't too busy trying to reach out to healers had heard her and understood their fate she spun on her heel and walked back to the forest.
A soft voice almost too beautiful to be real drifted around them filling them with dread.
"I am the one who bears the witch's blood the one who wields the frosted fire. The Darkest Chosen and the Princess of Ice Lucihya Silyvant.


The last five decades had drifted by in a haze of uncertainty and a primal instinct to survive. But now as she twirled an ice coated dagger and watched one of the nobles prance about his newest "pet" she realized she remembered close to nothing of her childhood save the fact that at one point in time she hadn't been much different from those nobles in there. Now however was a different story. Twirling the dagger a second time and then a third a grim almost unsettling pleasure rushed through her the goddess had stirred and now from the whispers of power running through her she knew something had piqued the spirits curiosity.
Interesting aren't they?
You have no idea frost fire.

Chuckling softly the young woman brushed her crimson curls from her face and once again returned her attention to her prey. Human nobles she snorted. Fools the lot of them. To think...if her parents hadn't died she might had been the one in there flouncing around with that young prince. Wrinkling her nose in disgust she drew back from the window to wait.
No she would have never let her power be subdued by one so weak but cruel as that man. No man would ever command her submissive side. No man would ever get the chance to try. Seeing the lights in the windows and house go out one by one she sat back on her haunches and stared at the high window before her gaze drifted to the full moon and then back again.
It was finally time.

iBlauerMond is offline
Old 01-28-2008, 11:24 PM

Well, I made this awhile ago and am working on a Chapter 2 ^^
I'll probably post a different sotry once I write it up ^^

Part One: Her Heart Awakes

"Ms. Chan, what is your excuse today?" The teacher's voice boomed throughout the whole classroom, causing all students to look by the doorway, staring at the girl. The girl stood straight, her books held tightly against her chest with one arm.

"Just felt like being late," she retorted. The teacher stared at her and resumed back to her lesson. Holly pushed her bang to the side before she walked to the back of the room, where her seat was. Students kept staring at her, like something was different about her. She had sea-blue eyes, a slim body, and onyx black hair.
Her name was Holly Chan. Age of 15. Everyone seems to respect her, yet she doesn't care. Inside her body, she had no emotions. Over the years, her heart gone cold. Why? She had no parents. No love. No care.
The class period went fast, and Holly paid no attention. She didn't care about school. She already knew she was going to become a singer. The bell rang and Holly walked out of the room, ignoring the shouts of the teacher calling for her back into the room. She walked on to P.E. hoping it was something different. Nope. It was just the big Phys Test they have every year. She went into the locker room and changed into a black tank top and knee-high shorts. All the other girls were either wearing pink or green. Holly observed them, seeing every imperfection. One girl saw her staring and shouted,
"Oh well look here! We have a peeping tom in our class!" The rest looked and saw, then started laughing. Holly shrugged it off and went out of the locker room, going to her spot. Suddenly, she felt different, like something good was supposed to happen in this class. Holly looked around to spot someone to observe and her eyes wandered to a boy. Longish brown hair. Hazel eyes. Good body shape. And was looking back at her. Holly got out of her trance as her name got called. The teacher wanted her to be first at doing the test. She shrugged and walked up to a rope. The first thing is to climb the rope in an incredible amount of time.

The teacher shouted "Go," and Holly jumped onto the rope. Using only her arms, she pulled herself to the top. Holly touched the buzzer and the teacher stopped the stopwatch. She let go and started falling. Holly thought she would land on her feet, but somehow, could not get into the right position. Halfway falling, she let out a high-pitch scream and closed her eyes, hoping to survive. Holly felt arms catch her and fall with her. She opened her eyes and saw the guy, again. Her eyes widened and got up, helping him too.

"T-thank you," she said, shocked.

"Welcome. You are..Holly, right?" He replied with a Southern Accent. She nodded and something in her stomach felt weird. Like butterflies? "I'm Zack."
Zack. Why does that name seem so familiar? His name echoed in her head.

"Thanks again." Holly said and stared at his eyes. His eyes showed courage, yet gentle.
"Maybe be careful next time? So I won't have to catch you?" She blushed and nodded.
He lifted his hand and brushed his thumb against her cheek, being gentle and still looking in her eyes. He nodded a simple "Goodbye" and walked away, leaving her frozen by what just happened.

Is it time for her heart to wake?

To wake and feel real love?

All kind of questions ran through her mind.
Throughout the day, she saw him everywhere.

Every one of her class, close where she sits at lunch, even close to her locker.

Has she found...Love?

Cereinae is offline
Old 01-30-2008, 08:08 PM

im reposting in new current post.

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Old 02-11-2008, 02:08 AM

One night Claira a fifteen year old daughter of the executive bank presidant was having a party. She always had them, seeing as her parents did not mind and they could aford it. Well one night as she was cleaning up and getting ready for bed her scrunchy fell from her head and she bent down to pick it up at that moment a knock was at the door. Noteing that Kate forgot her purse she thought it was her to pick it up. Slowly walking over to the door she thought how forgetful her friends can be. Then she opened the door. peering out she saw no one there. 'How strange' she thought. Going to the cleaning agian she noted the back door open. 'hmmmmm what could that be Alice back from the shop?'
"Alice!" Claira called out,thinking the maid would answer. "Alice come here you are not avioding this mess!" Claira shouts not wanting to clean up anymore.
Seeing as Alice would not come Claira went tot her. Opening the kitchen door she turned on the light. 'Why would Alice have it off?' She walked around 'wear could she be?' Going to the to see if she was just getting the groceries from the car Claira opend the door only to see the keys in the door knob and Alice on the ground with blood coming from her throut. "AHHHHHHH!" Claira jumped back with a shreek. 'Why would someone kill Alice and use the keys to get into the house?' Claira thought using deductive thinking sh first thought money or maybe the worst to kidnap her! Her friends had bin known in the past to sneek in and scare her but never kill Alice. Her first thought is to just leave but then she relizes her phone is inside and if she is going to dial the cops it is best to use the closest phone. Slowly walking inside she sees some movement and turns on the light. 'few it's just boris the cat' Then going into the parlor she goes for the table for her phone only to see it smashed. Now masivly scared she is about to turn when a cool blade goes to her nack and a hasky voice says "Don't scwerm princess it will only take one second"

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-17-2008, 09:09 PM

hi i saw this thread and thought i could take my chances



Chapter one: Out the Window and in the Woods

Quill was a fourteen-year-old daughter of a rich man, she had shoulder length brown hair with purple streaks and the most beautiful, sharp ice blue eyes. But she hated her life.

Quill was laying on her bed starring at the ceiling.
"Why does he do this to me?" she asked herself
"Why does he keep me locked up in this godforsaken house like the end of the world is coming?" Quill sighed and got up. She went over to her window and stared out over her back yard and the small forest that was just on the edge of the property. Then it came to her! Smiling Quill went downstairs to the kitchen, quickly made herself a snack to go and ran back up to her room. Quill put her sketch book, a pencil, an eraser, and her snack in a backpack, opened the window and climbed out. Running as fast as she could Quill headed for the forest, her hair flying out behind her. Quill stopped running once she thought she was out of sight of the house. The forest was about ten feet away and all Quill could do was smile and walk towards it.
"Finally, i can be outside and not worry about bodyguards and that kind of stuff. Daddy is way to protective of me." once she was in the forest Quill looked for a clearing that wasn't to far away from her back yard. Finding a nice patch of grass,Quill sat herself down, took out her drawing things and sat there, awaiting inspiration. just about when was going to draw, something moved in the corner of her eye. lifting her head she looked around
"Hello?" she called. Nobody answered. Something snapped a twig. standing Quill looked even move closely at the foliage around her
"Who's there!?" Quill yelled again, still no response.
"Damn. i should've brought my knife." she muttered. Then someone came out out into the little clearing. It was a boy, or at least it looked like a boy. He was about five foot six, with silky dark brown hair, piercing green eyes, and wings, like a hawks. He stopped walking about four feet away from her.
"Hello..." Quill said in a slightly shaky voice.
"Hello. You finally came out." he said a smooth tone.
"What?" Quill cocked her head to one side, confused.
"You left the house. I've been waiting to talk to you." he said with the same tone.
"Wait a sec! You know me!? How?" Quill was now very confused.
"Come with me and I'll explain." he said holding out his hand for her to take. Strangely enough Quill took his and and went further into the forest with him.


and i'm out of thought.....any comments?

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-17-2008, 10:44 PM

*has been struck by story idea* ow that hurt. well anyways here the next part:



Chapter one: Out the Window and in the Woods (continued)

The walk to the strange boy's house seemed fairly short, even though the sun had begun to set by the time they arrived. Taking her inside the boy sat her down on the couch and then sat down next to her.
"So what is your name? So I can stop calling you 'boy' in my head." Quill asked, still confused. The boy smiled
"Thane. My name is Thane." Quill looked at his wings and realized she was staring. Blushing she looked away. Thane chuckled, and lifted her chin. Quill moved her head away from Thane's hand.
"So, how do you know me?" she asked looking him in the eye.
"Well......" Thane looked down, searching for the right words. After a few minutes of silence he looked up again
"I've been watching you. Don't get the wrong idea! I just saw you one day looking out your window, you seemed like an interesting person, and since nobody wants to be around me I thought that maybe one day I could talk to you. That maybe you would like to talk to me...." Thane's eyes told Quill that he had been alone for way to long.
"I'd love to talk to you, but right now I have to get home. My dad is going to get home soon and once he sees I'm not there he'll freak! I mean he'll call the cops and everything." Quill said . Thane just nodded and took Quill to the edge of the forest. It was dark out but Quill could see the house. waving good-bye to Thane she started her walk home.


okay it has been edited ^^

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-18-2008, 11:43 PM

okay new story ^^ hope yall like it


Time Means Nothing


Diamen fell to his knees, his long silver hair falling over his face and tears streaming down his cheeks.
"What have I done?" his voice was cracked and small "How could I have done this? How!?"
Before him on a chair of solid gold a young human girl sat. She couldn't of been older than eleven or twelve. Her name had been Vinnidy. Her Blond hair hung limply on her shoulders, her eyes were closed. Even though she looked alive, her chest was not moving, her lips were colorless, and her skin cold to the touch. Diamen looked up. To him the human girl was not the one he saw in the chair. Instead at slender woman sat. She looked about fourteen, but the strange thing about her was that her skin was charcoal black and her eyes were open. It was her eyes the Diamen stared into. They were glowing violet, the whole eye glowing violet, but the glow soon faded and her eyes too soon became black like the rest of her. Diamen stood, wiped the tears from his face and walked away from that dark place. Once he was about ten feet away from the chair, the room around him seemed to swallow the chair up, girls and all. Now Diamen stood in an the empty room where the young human girl had once slept, but now nobody would ever dare sleep in that room, for nightmares would be the only thing that every slept there peacefully.
"I swear...." Diamen clutched his hand in a fist. 'I swear on your body Akira that i will find the other two and they will not suffer they way you did. I swear i will bring them home alive." with that Diamen disappeared, like smoke in a breeze.


okay please tell me what you think. i know its depressing, but if you "stay tuned" it will get better.

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qeanin is offline
Old 02-19-2008, 03:51 AM

next part! oh for those of you who want updates if i change anything, i edited the prologue. sooo if you want, read it again *smile*


Time Means Nothing

Part One

Winter struggled as the two men dragged her out of the van. She had just been walking casually in the park when those two bully's gaged and hand cuffed her and then threw her in the back of a van with eleven other kidnapped girls. After all the girls were de-cuffed and de-gaged, they were thrown into a big room that looked a lot like a lounge. It had lots of couches, a few coffee tables and a fire place.
"What he hell do those thugs want us for anyways?" Winter ask nobody in particular. Nobody answered. Rolling her eyes, Winter walked around the room trying to get a feel for it, and then she noticed them. The preppy girls.
"Damn. Did those jerks really have to kidnap those girls too?" winter grumbled to herself "This is the worst day of my life..."
Winter plopped down on one of the more softer couches and sank into it at least three, five inches.
As Winter looked at the other elven girls that where huddling together in little clumps around the room, she noticed something. They all were alike. Everybody was at least five foot four, had shoulder length brown hair, and was pale skinned, even the preppys.
"Why go through all the trouble to get girls that all looked the same?" Winter was now sure that someone smart was behind the kidnapping. Ten minutes later more of the men came in, and took all the girls to a big dining room. The table was set and had thirteen chairs. Each plate had a little card on it. When Winter went to examine one of the cards, she found that it had a name on it.
"Jenny..." she said quietly "Who's Jenny?" she asked the group of scaredy cats.
'I-I am....." a frail looking girl came out of the crowd.
"Your seat madame." Winter said giving her the card and waving towards the chair. All Jenny did was nod sheepishly and sit down. Winter walked around the table looking for her spot. finally she found it. Her seat was on the left hand side of where she presumed their host was sitting.
"Lucky me." she muttered sarcastically.
Once everybody had the guts to sit down, the food was served. Everyone got a different dish, and from the many times she heard "This is wonderful!" she guessed every one got their favorite meal. Winter had a delicious looking plate of medium rare, still slightly pink on the inside steak, with mashed potatoes and gravy. Her mouth watered by just looking at it. Feeling very happy, Winter cut herself a piece of steak and bit into it.
"This is the best steak I've had in my life!" she said in her head, not wanting to break the silence at the table. Their host had still not made him or herself present yet and Winter was wondering what was taking them so long. After everyone had cleaned their plates the men came back.
"Not again..." Winter grumbled but she got up and followed them anyways. With one man at the front and the other at the back, the girls were put in random pairs and made to walk side-by-side in a narrow hallway that looked like the men might of not fitted if they were any bigger. Unfortunately, Winter was stuck with one of the more talkative preps.
"Ugh. And Why are they doing this? I mean like, I am pretty and all but what is with the whole kidnapping thing? I mean like, they could've just asked if they wanted a date. Aw man, they broke one of my nails." the girl would not stop talking.
"Okay!" Winter said in a hushed but harsh tone "If you don't shut-up, they are gonna be the ones angry." Winter jerked her head at the man ahead.
"Hmph! Well then!" the prep stuck her nose in the air and crossed her arms but didn't talk anymore. Winter rolled her eyes but was happy once they finally emptied out into an open room.
"Line up against the wall!" one of the men shouted. When nobody moved even more men came out and put the girls up against the wall. Winter pulled her arm away from the man that came up to her, walked up to the wall herself and stood with her back to the to it. Once all the girls where lined up all the men went quiet. Just then a boy came out yet another hallway. He looked about sixteen or seventeen and had waist long beautiful silver hair. He wore a long white jacket that flowed out behind him like a cape, but didn't quite reach the ground, a light blue shirt, she could tell if it was long sleeve or short sleeve due to the jacket, and of course, he was also wearing jeans with black sneakers. The boy went u to the first girl and looked her up and down. then he took her chin in his hand and seemed to carefully inspect her face. he did this to about four girls, and then he came to Jenny. The boy tiled Jenny's head back. He looked longer at her than he did the rest of the girls. Then he smiled, and took her out of the line and put her with the men. Then he came back and continued his inspection. Then finally he came to her. Winter was the last in line and even though she knew what to expect, she still got butterflies. The boy seemed to be looking at every aspect of her body, examining every nook and cranny. When he put his hand on her chin, Winter felt the blood rush to her cheeks. he was so handsome! His eyes looked like a red and purple watercolor painting, and they seemed to read her mind as they meet hers. The boy turned her head and the light hit her eyes, winter squinted slightly, but the boy seemed to have found what he was looking for, because he smiled a smile that seemed more or less like a smirk. Taking Winter over to the men and Jenny the boy spoke in a voice that she could only describe as demoniacally angelic.
"talk these two fine lady's to my house, and return the rest to their homes. Just make sure they don't remember anything." then he smiled devilishly
"Nothing but the nightmares." then he walked out the hallway he came. Winter looked over to Jenny, she was shaking in her skin. Six men took the leftover ten girls out of the building and put them in the same van they came in and Jenny and Winter where put into the back of a limo. Only two men were in the limo and they were up front. Taking advantige of compfy seating, Winter layed down and closed her eyes. It wasn't before long that Winter drifted off into slumber.

End Part One


yayz! i did it! i need feedback. please tell me how you liked it <3 heres the link to where i will be writing the rest of the story.

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Old 03-05-2008, 03:11 AM

The cool wind that swept across the bay was comforting, in a way. To me, it felt like it was chiseling at the hard, stone mask on my face, but only little pieces. It was hardly enough to break through the full body shell in which I had encased myself.
The waves crashed against the shore, sending little beads of water flying into the air like a cloudless rain. Hesitantly, I took a step forward and gasped as the cold water engulfed my foot. What surprised me was how good it felt. I took another step forward, and this time I sighed.
Ever since D has passed away, I had grown solitary. I'd keep to myself all the time and I almost never talked. The bay was the only place I felt comfortable with myself. It was Danny's favorite spot, and thus it became mine.
Danny... Once I thought the name, I regretted it. It brought back too many memories of him. Happy memories. Always happy. And suddenly it'd be a picture of him lying lifeless in a casket---cold...Pale...lifeless.
Unthinkingly, I started to walk forward---deeper and deeper into the water until it was above my waist. The picture of D was burned in the backs of my eyes now, and it wouldn't go away.
Gritting my teeth, I took a few more steps forward. The water was at my shoulders now, and I could barely feel my legs. And yet...and yet it still felt nice. I liked the numbing feeling.
I started to turn as the waves were beginning to drag me out farther into the lake...never to return.
When suddenly, something hit me. It smacked me in the chest and instinctively, I reached out to grab whatever it was. I felt soggy, wet wood beneath my fingers as it drew away with the waves and then smashed into me again, only this time, I went under.
The water seemed to swallow me as fast as it could, and soon as I was twisting through the water, trying to find the surface. The current was too strong, and after a few seconds of struggle,
I just let the current have me.
The pressure in my ears began to increase as I drifted farther and farther down into the water. Had it really pulled me out this far…? I could hear the water rushing by and feel the waves tugging at my limbs, as if it couldn’t decide which direction it wanted to take me. I continued to sink.
I found that, eventually, after the numbness had completely set in, that I didn’t want to fight back. My eyes, which were barely open, closed as I tried to think. The irritating thing was that I couldn’t think clearly. At first, my thoughts had been crystal clear, but now they were as murky as the water I was in. I couldn’t think of anything except whether to fight back or not. Already, I had decided not to, but there was still that small voice in the back of my head telling me to start swimming again.
I didn’t know how long I had been under the water. The burning in my lungs was something I could barely feel, along with every other part of my body. The cold water had managed to drain away every ounce of strength in me.
I heard a small murmur. I knew it wasn’t a fish, or even the waves. But it sounded more like a voice. A burst of bubbles suddenly blew in my face, and something hard wrapped around me.
My eyes drifted open just a fraction, trying to see who it was, but I couldn’t see anything. It was too dark. I became aware that the bubbles that had blown into my face were my own. I had been holding my breath for too long and unwillingly exhaled. I tried to breathe in, but all I got was a mouth full of salt water.
What am I even doing here…? I thought. Danny wouldn’t want this…Danny would…Danny would…. My thoughts suddenly hit a dead end. What would Danny do?
The thing that had wrapped around me began to drag my upward, to the surface I presumed. The pain in my ears was starting to ease up.
Danny would fight… I thought. Surely that’s what he would do in a situation like this: Fight in order to live.
Instantly, the picture of him lying cold and pale in the casket flashed across my mind and I cringed. He fought, but he didn’t win the battle…What if I didn’t?
I tried to breathe again, and again, I got a mouth full of water; horrible salt water that made my eyes sting.
Finally, whatever it was that was pulling me, and myself, burst through the surface of the water. And finally, everything slipped away into nothingness. I couldn’t hear, see, feel, smell, or even move.
I’m sorry D… I thought, before I finally slipped into complete unconsciousness.

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Old 03-05-2008, 03:26 AM

Right...This probably isn't as good as the one I previously posted. It was something I typed up when dealing with writers block. ^^; Sorry for the cruddyness...

“ARGH!” I yelled and groaned as I stared at the empty page in front of me. “I can’t believe it! I can’t think of anything!” I slumped in my chair and started tapping my pencil on the desk.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll come up with something soon.”
I glanced behind me to see Jax leaning against the wall. Halyn was standing not far from her munching on a bagel. Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the blank paper. “I hope your right. I’ve been meaning to start on your stories for a while now.”
“Month’s actually.” Jake said, leaning over my shoulder and frowning. I glowered at him. “Well…maybe even longer than that.
I twisted around in my chair. “Keep in mind that I created you and I can do whatever the heck I want with you guys.” Jake pulled back and walked over to my bed. “Where is everyone anyways? It’s just you three today?”
Halyn started nodding and swallowed loudly. “Yeah.” I couldn’t help but smile to myself. Giving her an English accent was a good idea. “Since your having an off day it’s just us. I’m surprised Kira’s not here.” She looked over at Jax. “You haven’t seen her have you?” Jax shook her head and when Halyn turned towards Jake, he gave the same response. “Who else are we missing?” She asked.
“Let’s see…Jax, Jake, Halyn…” I held up three fingers. “Austin, Kira, Abbie, David, Brody…Uhm…” I frowned.
“It’s kind of sad when you forget your own characters.” Jax said, giving me a crooked grin.
“Shut up…” I growled as I pushed myself out of the chair and walked over to my bookcase. “I have them all written down somewhere…” I traced a line over the spines of several books and files before finally I pulled one out. “I think that might be it.” I frowned. “Oh wait. There’s also Marcus. And Monique and Elaina…”
“Has there ever been a day when we were all here?” Jake asked as he collapsed on my bed. We all looked up to stare at him. “What? I’m just asking. Your rooms not very big.”
“Which is why I try to avoid that happening.” I said as I shoved the file back on the shelf. I sighed heavily and sank to the floor. “I can’t believe I still can’t come up with anything. It’s been what? Three days now…?”
“Sarah, babe. Calm down. You’ve had off days like this before.” Jax said as she took a seat in my chair. She brushed back her brown hair and adjusted her paper boy hat. I kept my gaze on the floor as everyone stared at me. “Sarah…?”
“I may have had off days, but not consistently…” I murmured. “Who knows how long this could go on? What if you three disappear and never come back…?”
The room fell silent as Halyn, Jake, and Jax stared at me. “I’m sure that won’t happen. You’re too broad minded for that.” Halyn said as she finished off her bagel and reached for another. Jake had beat her to it though, throwing himself off the bed and snatching it in the nick of time. “Bugger…” She murmured as He beamed at her and took a bite. Halyn looked down at the empty bagel bag and sighed heavily. “’course, I wouldn’t mind of he disappeared…” She hissed.
Jack started laughing. “Are you kidding!? No way am I disappearing again! It’s all weird….” He shuddered slightly. “I mean…you’re just…there but you’re not doing anything. It’s boring beyond belief….not to mention mind blowing, and not in the good sense.” He frowned
Jax ignored the two and looked back over at me. “I’ll be fine. Eventually you’ll get back up to your normal self and we’ll all come back. Good as new.” She grinned and turned her hat so that it was lop sided. “Besides, being nowhere is actually kind of fun. Even if I’m not doing anything I can still think.”
“Serenity and Valerie…” I murmured.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, nothing. I just remembered two more people.” I said. “Serenity and Valerie. The original characters for the gifted story.” I pointed over to Halyn but she was busy wrestling Jake for the last bagel
“Give it to me, Jake!” She growled through her teeth as Jake held her back with a single hand. “I’ll burn you! I mean it! Give me the freaking bagel!”
“Even if you do decide to turn me into French toast, it won’t do anything.” He took another bite out of the bagel Halyn started screaming at him. Shouting words I didn’t realize she was capable of saying. “Woo! Touchy!” Jake jeered.
I turned back to face Jax. “I still haven’t figured out a story for you. Maybe if I come up with one it’ll help.” I said. With an effort, I managed to stand up and walk over to the desk. I scribbled down Cable “Jax” Lexington= and then waited for her to say something. “I was going to use you in a fan fiction but I decided not to write it. So we need a story.” I looked
over at her to see her staring at the ceiling.
“Hmm…” She closed her eyes and fell silent.
“Oh, c’mon. Don’t fall asleep…” I growled.
“She’s not sleeping…” Halyn said. Jake dropped his hand and she snatched the bagel from him. “She’s thinking. Remember? You made it to where she pretty much shuts down when she thinks.”
I sighed heavily. "Right..."

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evefarrel is offline
Old 03-06-2008, 10:37 PM

The Legend of Yin & Yang
Written by: Evefarrel

Long ago there were two halves to the world. One was Yin, goodness and light was the main thing to see there. It was forever day and the people were always good hearted perhaps to good hearted. Yin was ruled by a Princess as fair and beautiful as one could be. Legend says she had long silver hair and dark brown almost black eyes. She wore a white dress that had a train at least 6 feet long; with it she wore an elegant veil that hid her face from her people. It is said that if you looked into her eyes you would have only seen sadness. She craved to see the moon and the stars; she had heard legends from elders about them but never had seen them herself. The other half was Yang, evil intentions and dark thrive there. It was forever night and the people were selfish. Yang was ruled by a Prince as handsome and brave as any was. Legend says he had spiky black hair and white eyes. He wore a black shirt and black pants; he also always kept a simple red rose in his pocket. His eyes were also very sad looking because he wanted to see the sun for he needed his plants to grow in his kingdom. The Princess of Yin and the Prince of Yang often prayed for balance in there kingdoms. One faithful encounter would change both kingdoms the way they wanted. As if the encounter was created by the dragon of unity himself, the Princess of Yin was traveling the country side when she saw a black speck in the distance. She turned her horse toward it ending up in the land between there two kingdoms which in the future was given the name Twilight. At the same moment the Prince of Yang was looking at the crops and saw a speck of sunlight in the distance as well. He ran toward it hoping he could gather it for the need of his people. He ended up in the Twilight as well. There the Princess and Prince met realizing that they were meant to be because they fell in love at first sight. At the moment of there first kiss, day turned to night and night turned to day in the kingdoms of Yin and Yang. The crops in the Kingdom of Yang just sprang to life and the people of the kingdom of Yin danced the in the moonlight. The human hearts of both kingdoms became as balance as one could of both good and evil. The balance created one kingdom ruled by both the Princess and the Prince but I guess you should call them Queen and King of the one Kingdom of Yin and Yang. The twilight is witnessed every morning and night between the times when we go from night to day or day to night. It is said if you look hard enough you can see the night kissing the day as it shifts causing the pinkish or purple color in the sky at the time of Twilight. The kiss is the moment in time of the Princess and Prince’s kiss repeating to remind us of the balance they created.

Elixssam is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 12:15 PM

I have a short story that i wrote for a contest in school. We had to write a poem of short pros with the starting line, his eyes fixated on the door...

This is what I cam up with.

His eyes fixated on the door…So many others there were in the narrow halls. So many doors with colors more appealing and with whispers of temptation, that seeped from their alluring worlds of laughter and drink. There were doors with foods, with cakes and sweet, oh such a deliciously tempting fragrance that watered his mouth and drew him near, but not now. Now his eyes were locked on this door, this old and broken door with no color but the coals of fires and the life of stone. Only this door spoke to him in tears and screams, but it frightened him as well for beyond it laid truth behind the hazy vision he hid behind.
Behind this door was a monster of a man with unfocused eyes and a nauseating blur of a life. Behind the rotting, chipping oak of this forgotten life was a family. There was a beautiful woman, whose face was melted away by years, and decades of tears. Whose heart had been shattered, both body and mind disfigured by a prince held under a life altering spell, who was trapped in the iron grasp of a mistress deemed Addiction.
There were children, one old enough to know what was happening. One that was drowning in his own confusion and suffering as he saw this monster, day after day, after painful day, strike his mother with closed fist and heard the shriek of her pain with every powerful blow from this stranger.
Behind this door was an escape from all that. There was so much more suffering for himself. It was a frightening place, a dark little room where he would be held against temptation’s alluring whisper and from her sister, addiction. Through this door she could follow, she could pull at his ears, whisper words of want, of pain and pleasure into him, but he would not be able to give in, he would not be able to give rest to the swimming beast inside him and break free from the binds that held his mind from her reach.
Behind this door was hope, there was new life, a chance to redeem himself in his children’s eyes. With only one step into the unknowing darkness he could save the one’s he loved most from this beast that lurked in his heart, and disperse the dark cloud of depression that was there to create it and give need for drink. When he walked past the strong beams of this weak door there would be irons bars locked around the monster that slowly took over his body and in the darkness he will once again become whole.
His eyes fixated on the door, this old, chipping oak that would alter his life forever. Slowly he reached for the cool silver of the handle, feeling the many years of abuse, the painful daggers of screams, all fill him up. He had to face them now. The moment he walked through that door he had to admit to all the pain he had caused and to all the suffering he cast upon those he loved most. He turned the handle and pushed open the door. Before him the darkness became grey, and the grey formed to shapes, to people and chairs and four walls. He walked forward to these blurred shapes, took a seat on one of the gray shaded chairs. Images became clear, people, colors, a floor.
“Welcome to AA.” The man beside him said with a smile.
“Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?”

Cereinae is offline
Old 03-17-2008, 10:33 PM

Im reposting this one, its the final version of A LIFETIME. or at least i hope its the final. i cant kill it anymore.

A lifetime

You came in the middle of the night, wrapped in glowing black. The expression on your face spoke of bad news. When I asked why you were here, you shrugged and said nothing. But I knew already, they had refused. My family would not let us stay friends, let alone anything more. I hurried around, collecting what little I could bring. You stood there waiting patiently, warning me to be quick, with just that one glance. Looking over my shoulder as we left, I felt only a slight twinge. You were there though, to be my support. Later still, not a sound had passed your lips. I know you were worried but they would never find us. You made it that way. Traveling with you is very interesting. You never explained about why you came. You probably never will. You don’t have too. Watching you has become an obsession. But I feel you watch me too. We are in love, and leaving was the best we could do. It’s quite simple you say, showing me how you do things. Sometimes I cry, I miss my family, but I don’t regret it. “It’s going to be ok,” you comfort. You battle and travel and lead. I’m right there by your side. I’ve learned a lot since that fateful day. Waiting, you never say where we are heading. We just keep moving. That night you came, you begged me to follow. You said it wasn’t safe. That it would never be safe, for anyone. Not while it was for bidden for us to be together. That night we left with the clothes and supplies on our backs, ready to live the life of wanderers. Traveling the world with you is absolute bliss. New wonders are found everyday, old civilizations are discovered once a week. I love the adventures we have. A month ago or maybe it was two; you had moved our position over to another continent. Renting a boat, traveling to nowhere, we discovered an ancient race.
They loved you, it was wonderful. They gave us presents more splendid than anything ever seen before or after that time. They ranged in colors from soft subtle creams I’d never seen before to colors that made me ache with emotions. Bright ribbons and spun gold flashed and winked as we had loaded it all. The soft clink of metal on soft metal was a joyous warm sound, which had sent shivers of warmth up my spin. It sounded like the whispers of family and friends. You thanked them, those people of Atlantis, turned and left. You shook your head, muttering “What a pity they had to stay hidden”. I wonder why you say that sometimes. But then again, I can see why they won’t come out of hiding. We have a similar reason. We don’t want to be bothered. Then you moved on. Life was always like that with you, never a dull moment. Once you entered a life, I don’t think you ever left. I know you never left mine. Years later, standing by your deathbed, it’s hard to believe you’re dying; that you will be gone. Ninja you maybe, prince and life long friend, but you are dying. I wish we could have had more time together, to live our life to the fullest. Now I will never get that. Oh how I hate my family. It was a rogue attack, planned by my parents, how could they do this I’ll never know. My family had finally found us. Apparently, they never did give up. We fought well, but you refused to let me fight. I suffer, just as you did when you fought. I just suffer from an internal pain, that of watching you die, and having had to watch you fight. You took a hit; actually, you took many, so many you wouldn’t stop bleeding. So now you are here, dying and tears flow freely. Sobs wrack my body, uncontrollably. “Why did this happen, why, oh why?!?” I scream. One last breath and one more chance. You finally answer that question from

long ago. The reason you came, simply because you wanted to stay with me forever. You had felt that we were soul-mates. All I can do is cry harder. This pain, it feels as if someone is ripping my heart out and feeding it to a mutt. I can’t take this, I can’t. More tears will flow; sadness will crouch for however long it feels. But I will not let this turn into a sad drama. A cough, and you die, younger then you should ever have. Life will never be the same. Goodbye falls on your deaf ears; I’m glad, because the pain in my voice is hard to hide. I don’t want to remember, I don’t want to feel this pain. Your skin grows cold, as I clutch your calloused hand tight. I can’t wrap my head around this. But the blood is there. Splattered across your body, streaming out of the rips in the shirt, the blood pools and dries; a testament to your final battle. Still you will always be that glowing ninja, who came and saved, guided and helped throughout life; who loved me with all his heart. I love you. Now Goodbye my dear friend, my confidante, my lover.

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qeanin is offline
Old 03-29-2008, 05:07 PM

Hi, I'm back.....And trying out a new style of writing ^^"

It all happened on that day, out in space, so many years ago. I was going to my room, my shift had just ended and I needed some sleep. Then Jake, the third person in charge, came out of a connecting junction pointing a laser pistol at me.
"This way." he said in a voice of ice. For some reason, I did as he said. We walked down the corridor to his room. When the door opened I could've hit Jake. There in the middle of the room, Thane sat bound to a chair. He looked up to me, his face weary and pale. Thane had been a good friend of mine.
"What is the meaning of this?!" I asked enraged. Jake said nothing, only went over to the table and pulled a cover off of something I hadn't noticed when I had come in. When he showed me what had been covered, I nearly feel to the ground in pain. Jake had uncovered a tablet. A tablet that described on of my past lives. A life that I hadn't yet finished.


Part one
"Did you hear that?" Dan hissed at me. I shook my head, but I stood still, tying to hear what Dan had. Then I heard it! A sobbing was coming from deeper inside the cave.
"Crying? Who would be down here crying?" I asked Dan in a hushed voice, he just shrugged and followed the sound. I followed him, making sure that my steps were soft and quiet. After about an hour of walking down a steep and rocky path we came into a dark but open space. Dan felt along the sides of the cavern looking for something. He stuck his hands in some water. Wait no, it was oil. I took my torch and held it to the liquid. The whole room burst into light! The sobbing was coming form inside the pillar at the back of the cave. Dan went to look at the pictures and the walls and I went up to the pillar. A beautiful figure had been painted on the pillar. Being me, I reached out to touch the pillar. When I did the pillar started to move. At first I didn't know which way it was moving, but then it started to move up into the ceiling. Dan ran over to me and watched. When the shaking stopped and the Pillar had been pulled high into ceiling and the same figure that had been drawn on the pillar hung chained form the ceiling. She was the one crying but she seemed to not have noticed Dan and I. Quickly we took the girl down and laid her on the ground. She had two huge beautiful wings. Each one was about at long as her and they were colored a dull gray with some red where the chains had been put. Dan and I decided to wait for her to wake up and we set up camp in the cavern. I don't know how much time had past when the girl started to move. Dan had fallen asleep so I went over to her side a cup of hot soup in my hands. Her eyes flickered opened. She looked at me her eyes red and swollen form all the crying.
"Thank you..." She said in a broken voice that seemed to have not been used for years.
"Your welcome." I said, a little confused. Yeah, Dan and I did take her down but something was nagging me at the back of my head.

((both stories share the same plot))

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Ditzy is offline
Old 03-29-2008, 05:56 PM

All of these are really good! Lets see what I can do. It is very long, so I'll put it parts.

One rainy day in Peru, when the sun should have been at its highest point, the average hustle and bustle of the small town continued as if there was no rain. Today was market day, which was when ships from other villages came to trade goods. Merchants were out yelling absurd items for outrageous prices, and the fruit market was booming with the new shipments.

Peru was a desolate town sectioned off from the rest of the world by large, terrifying mountains. The houses were separated by acres of dry land that was barely used for farming and the houses themselves were small rickety wooden shelters that had no real floor. The city wasn't always this poor, though. Once, long ago, when the elders were the youth of Peru and the Neko people were treated as normal beings. That was the time where Peru was populous and carefree.

The Neko people were like any other human, but they inherited the ears and tail of a certain animal. Some nekos even acquired the senses of whichever animal ancestor they had. Most of the Neko people took after cats, although various other sub-races included foxes and wolves. Once when the elders were younger, their chieftain ruled with a Neko leader. The two of them were as close as brothers, but the Neko chieftain attracted evil demons and lost spirits to the village at an alarming rate.

And one day, a truly evil fox demon ripped Peru of its prosperity. The human chieftain blamed the Neko leader for Peru's misfortune and labeled all the Neko people as demons. When the Neko leader's wife tried to prove otherwise, the humans tied her to a wooden cross and burned her alive in front of her husband's eyes. Enraged by his wife's death, the Neko chieftain took his newborn daughter in his arms with beautiful care. Tears in his eyes, he handed her over to his closest human friends whom he knew he could trust to keep his daughter safe. He feared that if he placed his daughter in the hands of his Neko cabinet, she would be killed and he just couldn't live with that thought.

With his emotions overflowing with grief, rage, and the motivation to prove nekos weren't demons, he went out to destroy the fox demon. He succeeded but he lost his life from the injuries he sustained. The human leader, however, refused to accept the fact that the demon was gone. The Neko leader's daughter, whose parting with her father would never be remembered, was sickly and near death at the time when the demon was destroyed.

The demon, seeing its chance to revenge itself, quickly locked itself away inside of the Neko leader's daughter. Its overly powerful soul mixed with the baby's so that they shared one soul. The baby's health improved greatly, and the human elders deemed it a miracle. The demon's plan was to feed of the daughter's soul until it no longer existed. The demon would then have a disposable body for its own use and it could once again rein terror over countless countries.


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