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Old 04-14-2015, 01:27 AM

Hiking in Black Mountain

A modern adventure romance roleplay for Kiyoto and zigbigadorlube

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-14-2015 at 01:33 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-14-2015, 02:08 AM

Name: Chloe Walters

Bio: Living in New York City the past few years, Chloe's 9-5 dead end job sucks the life out of her day in and day out. The only solstice from her disappointing reality comes in the form books. She loves to lose herself in dreamy romances and thrilling adventures to distract herself from the fact that her life isn't what she had dreamed it would be. Ten years ago she imagined herself moving to the city, starting her dream job, and finding the man of her dreams. At the age of 26 she finds herself alone in her tiny studio working at an entry level job with no hopes of advancement. And if that wasn't depressing enough, her parents find every excuse possible to remind her that she has failed to meet their expectations.

Finally fed up with the endless paperwork and constant berating, Chloe takes some time off of work and buys a bus ticket to the most remote place she can find--Black Mountain Campgrounds. Excited by the prospect of a week away from her parents and her annoying coworkers, Chloe packs her bags and heads out for clearer skies and hopefully sunnier prospects for some much needed air.

Personality: Since moving to the city she's become a slave of routine and lives her life on autopilot. She isn't particularly shy but usually doesn't go out of her way to talk to strangers either and usually prefers to stay in on the weekends rather than go out and doesn't have many friends. When reading she becomes intensely caught up in the story and tends to lose track of time and everything else around her. She can get annoyed when interrupted in the middle of the page but is very passionate when talking about the stories she reads if she can get someone to listen.

Likes: Books, thunderstorms, neatness, quiet, flowers.

Dislikes: Her parents, online dating, spiders, losing her page.

Other: Song.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-14-2015 at 02:13 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-15-2015, 11:28 PM

Name: Darius Black

Biography: Born within Paris, Darius has the accent and appearance that has always been able to draw people in, as well as the personality to bend them to his will. He grew up there, going to school and learning the ways of the world as most do. A normal child hood, as far as he believes, his mother remained at home most of the time, while his father worked and traveled. He was brought into the world of business at a young age, the oldest boy of the family, his father believed that he would one day be responsible for the wellbeing of his family. However, something changed within his late teens, causing him to leave France altogether at the age of twenty. Coming to America, he legally changed his last name to Black, and began a new life for himself. He does not speak much of his home and past, little known about that side of him at all other than his accent giving away his origins.

He is the CEO of his own business, keeping ties within various fields from computers, to medicine and more. An intelligent and powerful man, he is often seen as a work a holic to most. He has never had much of a social life, and even less of a romantic one. At twenty-eight now, despite his powerful carrier and status, he has little else within his life. One thing he has retained, is his enjoyment of simple pleasures. Where he does enjoy refined things, he has always enjoyed the simpler ones as well. Including the simple pleasure of nature itself. In order to help him relieve stress and find the answers he can’t buried in his work, the friends he does have, have pushed him into taking a vacation from the city and work, to enjoy this pleasure that he has not been able to in some time.

Personality: Darius is a powerful man, in both status and personality. He has always had a natural air about him in his presence, that commands attention and respect. His appearance tends to draw people in, but his approach can either get them hooked or at times scare them off. He has an aggressive and passionate quality that many at times do relate back to his place of origin. He is not shy at all, a bold and rather blunt man. He hates wasting time, often preferring to get right to the point and not beat around the bush. He is at times colder and more unapproachable, coming off as intimidating to those around him. He does have a fire inside him, that can be both good and bad. If angered, it takes a turn for the worse, causing his aggressive nature to be at its highest.

He tends to lash out and push people away during this time. However, this fire also causes him to be a loyal and protective man, as well as determined and a hard worker. Giving up is not in his vocabulary, a determined man, he often does not take no for an answer and hates being told no. Despite his foreboding personality for the most part, he does have a softer and kinder side that few get to see. He is used to having to keep himself composed and refined, so he is unable to let his guard down most of the time and relax. When he does however, he does have a sense of humor and can often surprise people. He is a smart and capable man, with the ability to be very charismatic and a people person when he wants to be.

Likes: Listening to music and playing the piano, Books, Night time and the stars, Winter, Working out and a good drink.

Dislikes: Those without honor or morals, Being told no, Over arrogance or cockiness, Women who compromise themselves simply for a man, Fakes overall and lies.

Other: TBD


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Old 04-16-2015, 12:42 AM

Chloe's eyes drifted lazily across the page of her book as the bus pulled out of Port Authority NYC. The weaving motion of the bus hardly bothered her as it twisted and turned in the midtown traffic nor did she seem bothered when it slowed nearly to a stop and literally crawled through the line of vehicles awaiting their turn through the Lincoln Tunnel. Eventually they made it through the other side and picked up speed as they fled the city. Unaware of the other passengers in the bus or the cars that flew by outside, her eyes continued to scan the pages and her slender fingers occasionally reached out to flip the page to the next.

• * • * • * •

Eventually an announcement from the loudspeaker brought Chole out of her trance and she set her book down as they pulled into a rest stop. Grabbing her purse, Chloe followed the shuffling line out of the bus. Once out in the open air she took a moment to stretch then made her way into the rest station house. Fifteen minutes later she was back in her seat munching on a rather wilted chicken sandwich. As she ate, her attention finally turned to the scenery flashing by outside her window. It was a nice day and they were far enough out of the city now for there to be trees. All of the green looked weird after the dim gray of the city and a small smile formed as she thought about the week ahead of her. No phone calls, no paperwork, no listening to Martia’s constant chatter or Jack’s crude jokes or her boss’s constant bitching. Add to that list no tourists or jerks on the subway and not having to listen to her upstairs neighbor clomping around or her downstairs neighbor’s screaming kids and she was almost giddy from relief. She hadn’t realized how much it had all been weighing on her.

• * • * • * •

The bus jerked and Chloe snapped awake. She hadn’t meant to drift off. Sitting up she looked around only to realize that the bus was slowing to a halt in a gravel lot. “Last stop all,” the bus driver announced. Rubbing her eyes, Chloe gathered her things and brought up the rear of the short line of people filing out of the bus. Many of her fellow passengers had disappeared at the various stops along the way. Outside, she retrieved her pack from underneath and turned to look around, not quite sure where to go from there until she noticed what looked like a welcome center across the parking lot that everyone seemed to be heading to. Hefting her heavy pack onto her shoulders, Chloe slowly began walking that way, yawning as she attempted to rouse herself from the lingering drowsiness of her unexpected nap.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-16-2015, 12:54 AM

A sigh left his lips. A part of him resented those who were pushing him to do this, while another part of him was relieved. Darius Black, CEO of Solaire Enterprises, a company that made a living dabbling in various areas. He had people working with technology, while others worked on medicine and beyond and he was at the top of it all. Many were surprised to hear of such a young man being in charge of a company as powerful as his. At only twenty-eight years of age, he had the world as some would say, at his fingertips. He certainly had the looks and charm for it. People both revered and despised him, he was sought after by many, whether it be businesses or women. Despite some thoughts of him, he was not a playboy or anything like that. In reality, he prided himself to be a perfect gentleman when it came to women. He could not stand men who simply lived to play women, or women who threw themselves at men.

He had to much respect for himself, and was more attracted to women who had respect for themselves as well. In reality, he did kind of like the chase as well. For now however, he was in the middle of finishing up his packing. For what? He was used to going on business trips, but this trip would lead him somewhere else. He did not fully mind it, for he did love nature, which was where he was headed. His friends were pushing him to take time to himself, to get his heart and mind straight. He was a man of work, ever since he had come to the United States eight years ago. He worked hard to get to where he was, then continued to work hard to maintain it. Many said he was a work a holic, but he saw it more as dedicated and passionate. After some negotiation, he had given in to their wishes to take time for himself. So, he was currently on his way to a camp ground. Out of the way of the city and the public eye. He would have time to himself, to think and relax. It was the first time in quite some time that he was doing so.

He folded his clothing neatly, placing it within the black suitcase that laid open upon the bed. He had not been camping in awhile, so he had had to go and purchase a new tent and sleeping bag. If he was really going to do this, he was going to commit. No half way about it, renting a cabin or anything. He was going to go full on camper. He knew some of those who were pushing him to do this had a bet out on him. Could the pretty french man handle himself out in the wild? He chuckled lightly, they underestimated him. He was more than just a pretty face and a man of work. He did not mind getting his hands dirty, a factor that came to light each morning when he went for his daily run and work out. There was something about physically pushing his body, getting a good hard workout in that he knew he would feel the next day, that excited him. Got his blood pumping and his heart racing. He did enjoy physical activity, something that had never changed with him.

Placing the last article of clothing within, he closed up the suitcase, moving it to sit beside the door. He would have his phone, but it would be off. Emergencies only, that was what he agreed. No work, no stress, just the wide open world and him. His clothing packed, he decided to take a shower, before packing up his food and heading out. The hot water felt nice, giving him time to run over things in his mind. He had another bag besides just his clothes, containing things such as some books and activities that could help him relax and occupy a bit of time out there. He also had equipment, such as cooking utensils, and first aid things. Equipment that would be useful within facing the wilderness. Nothing to extravagant however, since he was serious on putting the more technological world aside for the simple world of nature. Getting out, he slipped on a simple black t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a gray hoodie.

Putting on black boots, he laced them up tight. Usually for work he was a suit and tie kind of guy, but he did enjoy wearing more simple and comfortable clothes like this. A suit would not be much used to him in the dirt and trees. Placing the bags he had already done in his car along with the tent and his sleeping bag, he went into the kitchen. His dog Shakespeare was with a friend, so he did not have to worry about the Doberman. He would miss the dog, he had debated taking him with him. After deciding he would be better off at home, he had allowed a friend to dog sit him. He finished packing the food, placing it in the back of the car as well. Nothing that had to mandatory stay cold, since the ice would eventually melt. It would not spoil on him, things he could work with easily. Gathering up last minute nick nacks that he thought of, he locked up the house. His friend that was watching his dog had a key, to bring in mail and water plants. He trusted them, so he was not worry about his home. He took a breath, getting into the driver seat of his car. He slipped on a pair of black sun glasses, buckling in.

His friends had already been by to say goodbye to him, so now he was on his own. Pulling out of the driveway, he made his way along the road. It would be a bit of a ride, one he would occupy with a bit of music and thoughts of what this would be like. It was peaceful, already allowing him to relax a bit. No work, no people, no stress. He found himself looking forward to it more as he neared his destination. He had been driving for awhile now, making sure to fill up at the lass gas station before the site. That way he was prepared for emergencies or when he left. Pulling into the main parking and drop off or pick up area, his eyes flickered to a few of the people there. Not to many, the place would be big enough for them. He smiled, turning to pull in further. He could not help but glance at the trees and the natural world just beyond the parking. It was already enticing. He had not been expecting the woman from the bus to step in front of his car.

Thankfully his instincts kicked in and he caught sight of her, stepping on the break right as she yawned. He frowned, what had she been thinking? It was not hard from her body language to tell that she was tired, but that had been dangerous. He put the car in park, he was not in anyone's way at the moment. Getting out, he stepped over to the woman. "Are you alright?" he asked, deciding to take a kinder approach, rather than to simply chew her out like some would. As soon as he spoke, his accent would be apparent, it stuck with him, from his growing up in Paris. He traveled at times with work, rarely back to France though, and yet it was still stuck to him. Waiting for the female's reply, he would reach up to remove his sunglasses. He did hope that she was alright.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 04-16-2015 at 01:36 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-16-2015, 01:15 AM

Chloe's hand froze halfway to her mouth as a loud screeching sounded behind her. Her head shot back as the car skidded to a halt mere inches from her body. It was so close she could feel the heat radiating off of it’s hood. The young woman stood motionless until the driver extracted himself from behind the wheel. Shock quickly turned to embarrassment as he approached her to make sure that she was alright. In the city she probably would have yelled at the guy to watch where he was going (even if it was her fault) but her breath caught in her throat when the guy pulled off his sunglasses. Damn if he wasn’t cute, and damn if that didn’t make this even more embarrassing. She could tell from his accent that he was French. Her parents had sent her abroad for a year; apparently it looked really good on resumes. Her French was terribly rusty from disuse now but she could sometimes understand the tourists on the subway.

Pinching herself, Chloe forced herself to smile. “I’m fine,” she said, her voice just wavering slightly. Coughing lightly to clear her throat she added, “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Feeling the pressure of his gaze on her, Chloe blushed and reached her hand up to brush a strand of brown hair away from her face when a light breeze blew it into her eyes then adjusted the heavy pack on her back.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-16-2015, 01:36 AM

He had been told more than once that his gaze seemed to pierce a person. Many found it hard to lie around him, getting the feeling he could tell, even when he couldn't. Though he did have pretty good intuition about people. She seemed a bit uncomfortable at first, his eyes watching her body language as she shifted a bit. She seemed a tad embarassed, causing a slight smirk to tug at the corner of his lips. He had to admit, it was kind of cute, as was the way she tried to casually brush a strand of hair out of the way. She said she was alright, which releaved him a bit of his stress with the situation. His annoyance already gone with her beauty and her simple mannerisms. He could tell that she was trying to hold her tongue, as he was in the beginning. A natural reaction was to lean towards agression more. He smiled once she shifted again, a light chuckle coming from him as well. "I am glad to hear that, it would be quite the short trip if it began with harming such a lovely lady" he flattered her a bit, in a slightly playful way.

The side of him that was just that, playful, surfacing for a moment. He enjoyed teasing, as long as it did not hurt anyone, and he did have a sense of humor. It was good to be flexible, being to stiff and rigid made things more complicated. "Ah" he continued, "I almost ran you over, the least I can do is offer you my name and assistance?" He gently took her hand, his eyes never leaving hers. He gently placed a kiss on the back of her hand, "Darius....Darius Black." His name rolled off the tongue in a way, and he did think it held a bit of mystery. His fingers lingered for a moment against hers, before he released her. "My camp site is up that way" he nodded in the direction she had been headed, "like I said, I do not mind offering my assistance for the trouble. If we are heading in the same direction as well, it merely makes things easier on us both hmm?" Of course he would not pressure her, or force her to have to come with him. He was not trying to make her uncomfortable or unnerved. He meant her no harm, his own body language relaxed and calm for the moment. He made no other advances, letting the next words come from her.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-16-2015, 01:52 AM

Chloe smiled hesitantly at his playful comment, “That it would be,” she said simultaneously thinking about how awful it would have been to have been injured on the very first day of her vacation and how if she was going to be bulldozed by someone, she it wouldn’t hurt for the driver to be as cute as this one. Chloe was almost surprised by the directness of her own thoughts. She usually wasn’t the type to fawn over a cute boy but then again it wasn’t often that she nearly got run over by one.

Chloe stiffened slightly as he took her hand. People in the city usually went out of their way not to touch one another so the direct physical contact was more than she had been expecting. Still, it was a bit charming, even if old fashioned. “Ah…nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m Chloe by the way,” she added, realizing a moment later that she hadn’t introduced herself either. She listened to his proposition and smiled, “That would be really helpful,” she said, “but unnecessary. Besides, I have to pick up a few things first,” she added, pointing to the welcome center, "and I'm sure you're eager to get to your campsite." She had already booked her campsite ahead of time and rented the necessary tent and bedding materials but needed to pick up some food. With her pack as heavy as it was she’d had to forgo bringing along a cooler. She just didn’t have the strength to carry both through the maze of underground tunnels that made up the NYC subway system. Part of her knew that she shouldn't refuse his offer and that it would be a real pain in the ass to carry everything she needed up to her site but Chloe was stubborn like that and more than used to doing things on her own, more often than not the hard way.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-16-2015 at 01:55 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-16-2015, 11:36 PM

He watched her expression as he kissed her hand. She seemed uncertain about it, as many often were. In many ways the saying chivalry was dead was not to much of an understatement. He knew that men now a days, were more concerned with other things. He nodded slightly as she said it was nice to meet him. She then spoke her name, which stuck now within his memory. He would not be forgetting it. She then moved on to his offer, so, she had some business here first.

When she said he must be eager to get going to his own camp, he gave a light wave of his hand to brush off the statement. "It is no trouble at all. I have plenty of time myself...since that is partially what I am here for, is time" he noted the way the pack weighed on her, "besides, I would feel ill of myself if I simply left someone who could use a bit of asistance. I insist, it is no trouble at all. Besides, a plesant conversation along the way would be a nice change of pace from the city business world." He was not the type to simply abandoned someone, even if he was on vacation.

He flashed her another charming smile, "of course I will not force you to accept anything." He did not wish to push her into something that would truly make her uncomfortable. But then again, he was not one to simply give up without a fight. She did look like she could use the help, and he was not very inclined to leave her company just yet. To be honest, she interested him. He did not get to actually speak to to many people outside his circle other than for business or those his friends tried to secretly hope to set him up with. He was not the time to believe in a solidified fate, he believed people could change their future and choose.

However, he was more inclined to believe things happened for a reason, it was up to those affected to choose what happened next or as a result. As it stood, he had nothing to do besides getting to his camp sight and getting things set up before dark. It was not a good idea for anyone to be wandering around at night, even experienced people could run into danger. From the subtle hints, he was guessing she was not to much of an experienced camper if she had so little with her. So it tied back into his desire not to simply leave her to fend for herself.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 01:22 AM

Chloe smiled in spite of herself. It really was nice of him to offer to help. In the city, people mostly left each other to fend for themselves. Sure the occasional good samaritan would help out, but it seemed to be more and more rare these days to see someone go out of their way to help someone else. She studied Darius’ face and wondered why he was offering to help her. Was it his upbringing? She wasn’t sure but the French people hadn’t seemed particularly chivalrous during the few months she had lived there. Maybe he was flirting? Inexperienced as she was at dating, Chloe couldn’t help but guess. Perhaps he was just old fashioned; he had just kissed her hand after all…

Either way, she decided that she would take his offer. ”Well if you’re sure it’s no trouble…” she said acquiescing, finding it almost impossible to say no given the charming smile that he had turned on her. The rational part of her brain told her it made sense to accept his help since she would have a difficult time getting everything set up on her own but she could tell that really she knew she was just looking for an excuse to spend a few more minutes with him. It really had been a long time since she’d had a nice conversation with anyone really. She usually tried to distance herself from her coworkers and didn’t often keep up with her friends. Of course she spoke regularly with her parents out of obligation but those conversations could hardly be considered “pleasant”.

“So I guess I’ll go check in and grab what I need?” Chloe said, adjusting her pack and leaning her weight towards the welcome house. She wasn’t sure if Darius had been here before. For all she knew he was a regular given the amount of equipment that seemed to be packed into the back of his expensive looking car. Then again he had mentioned coming from the city and its would be quite a long drive to come here often. Perhaps he wasn’t coming in from New York City though. City dwellers always assumed that “the city” meant the Big City but there were plenty of cities between here and there. She would have to ask him later.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 02:02 AM

She agreed to his help in the end, which made him happy. He was glad that she was allowing him to help, as well as she seemed to want to spend a bit more time with him as well. He nodded, "I am glad to hear that." She then said she would go grab what she needed, he noted the weight of the pack on her. He nodded towards the car, "you can sit your bag down before you do....probably would be easier than lugging it in with you. I'll wait for you here, then we can load the car and head up to the site." She seemed independant, so he would allow her to retain that. If she needed help loading, he would be at her call. He would also be there to help unload the car. He would allow her to relax and get set up. Part of him wondered a bit how close their sites would be. Either way, their deal was sealed for now. He moved to the back seat door, opening the door. She could sit the bag down, and it was ready for whatever she had ordered in from the camp grounds itself.

There was plenty of room, the car itself was quite nice. Sleek and black in color, the inside was leather. It was the type of car many would probably never bring to a camp grounds, for fear that it would get damaged. He did enjoy the car, but what was the point of having it, if he was never going to actually use it? He could get another if need be, it could always be replaced. Nice as it was, it was a simple car. He had other things he was more attached to than it. Like Shakespeare for example. The thought of his lovable pooch waiting for him back home made him chuckle lightly to himself. He hoped the other was behaving. He was sure he was, so he pulled his attention back to the female. His eyes moving to her for a moment, taking in her beauty once more under the warm sun above. She seemed to be observing him in her own way as well. Did he perk her interest? He must have since she did appear to want to lengthen their time. He gave a slightly warmer smile.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 02:33 AM

Chloe hesitated when Darius mentioned leaving her bag with him. It was silly of her really, it wasn’t like he had drove all this way just to drive away with her bag. Still, one of the things she had learned living in the city was never to leave your personal belongings unattended and it was a difficult habit to break. Darius seemed trustworthy and soon enough he would know where she would be spending her night, holed up in a flimsy fabric tent so she really had no choice but to trust him. Chloe almost laughed at herself and how ridiculous she was being. ’My dear Chloe you need to relax,’ she thought.

Approaching the car door Darius held open, she backed into it’s opening and propped the bag on the back seat to make it easier to ease off of her shoulders. Without the weight of it dragging down on her body she felt extremely light. She hadn’t realized how warm she was carrying it but now that it was gone she could feel the perspiration on her back seeping through her white tee shirt and hoped that Darius wouldn’t notice as she walked away. Brushing her hands on her faded jeans, Chloe smiled again, ”Thanks, I’ll only be a minute.” With that she headed off in the direction of welcome house.

The checkin went pretty smoothly. Her reservation was in their system on the computer and they had only to look at her ID before setting her up with everything. The campsite came furnished with a cooking grill and a picnic table and at an extra cost she had added a tent, a sleeping bag, a cooler, and some firewood for a reasonable price. From the small minimart area they had set up, she selected a bag of ice and a few staple foodstuffs to get her through a day or two. Once everything was checked out, she loaded the food into the wheeling cooler, and balanced the wood on top of it then hefted the heavy tent onto one shoulder and the sleeping bag onto the other.

Though she didn’t look it, Chole was pretty strong for her size. Two years of living on a 6th floor walkup had strengthened her legs as well as her arms from various trips up and down the stairs hefting heavy grocery bags and laundry loads. Still, the load was an awkward one and about halfway across the parking lot she felt the tent starting to slip off of her shoulder. She jerked her shoulder in the opposite direction hoping to hitch it up higher and ended up nearly tripping when the front of her flip flop jammed on the pavement. The tent slid to the ground and she hissed as she felt the skin of her big toe scrape against the blacktop.

Once she righted herself she looked down to see a tiny drop of blood forming and rolled her eyes at her own klutziness. Of course she hadn’t bothered to bring a first aid kit either. Still, it was just a tiny scrape, it would heal over on it’s own overnight. Her pride hurt more than anything. First she nearly got ran over and now she was tripping over herself. She wasn’t usually such a klutz and it annoyed her that she would be so clumsy now with Darius watching. With a sigh she waved to Darius, ”Hey, do you think you can help me with the tent?” she asked, afraid of repeating the same mishap trying to balance everything.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 08:28 PM

He noted the hesitation, she seemed a tad on edge about leaving her belongings with him. He did not think she had anything to hide, she did not seem like a serial killer or anything. It was a bit understandable as well, he was a stranger after all. Watching her move over and relenquish her bag, she said she would return soon. He remained where he was, leaning casually against the back of his car. He crossed his arms, admitadly watching her go a bit as she walked away. A slight smile tugged at his lips. Once she had gone inside, he closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head back a bit. The sunlight felt nice upon his skin, a nice day indeed to be out among nature. His smile grew a bit, as he allowed his body to relax a bit more. He was more thankful now for this little trip, than he had begun with.

Perhaps this really was what he needed, a relaxing outing to himself. Not a spa or resort, a good old fashioned roughing it in the wilderness. He opened his eyes when he sensed movement off to his side, catching sight of her coming out of the check in area. The way she was carrying things, instantly gave him a bad feeling. His smile turned into a frown, as things began to go south. He moved away from the car, already heading over as the objects came tumbling frown. He was not concerned with her mishap, as with her well being. He nodded as she asked if he could assist her with the tent. "Of course, but first..." he gently keeled by her, not caring that it caused him to have to kneel within the dirt. He gently reached a hand out, brushing a finger gently near but not over the scrape upon her footing. His eyes moved up to meet her's, "are you alright?"

He stood, before reaching down to lift the bag holding the tent within. "I have a first aid may be small, but it would still be wise to disinfect it out here" he knew it was easier to gain an infection or trouble within the wilderness than within a city..most of the time that is. She could resist, but he was not going to put health at risk. It would be unfortunate to have to cut her own vacation short for a small injury like this. Better safe than sorry. Lifting the bag with the tent onto his shoulder, he did not miss a beat. He was thankful for the training and working out he did in times like this. He turned, heading back to the car. He propped the tent up against the side of it, before popping the trunk. He knew where the kit was, so it would not take long. A simple spray, and done. He did not think it needed a band aid, so that was good at least.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 03:15 AM

Chloe blushed as Darius knelt down in front of her. She felt his hand brush gently against the skin of her bare foot and immediately flinched, holding in a giggle. "Sorry," she said, her blush deepening, "My feet are quite ticklish." She was grateful when he stood. "It's just a scrape, I'll be fine," she said, trying to assure him that she would be fine. Adjusting the sleeping bag on her shoulder to make sure it was secure, she took the handle of the cooler and followed Darius over to the trunk of his car assuming that was where he wanted her to stow away the rest of her gear.

She was slightly surprised when instead he began rummaging around for something inside. A moment later he pulled out a first aid kit and Chloe realized that he was quite serious about disinfecting her small scrape. Thankfully the disinfectant came in spray form so he didn't actually need to touch her foot again and it didn't hurt in the slightest. "Thank you," she said, "I'm not getting off to a great start today it seems," she admitted, still annoyed by how clumsy she must appear. Still, it was quite sweet of him to ensure that the injury had been properly taken care of.

"What do you say we get going?" she asked. It wasn't that she was eager to be rid of him, she simply thought it would be best to work on getting their campsites set up and settled in before the sun set. Seeing a bit of space left in the back of the trunk, she dropped the firewood carefully down inside and placed the sleeping bag on top of it. It looked like the cooler and trunk would have to go in the back seat though. She lifted her long brown hair off of her neck for the breeze to cool her skin as she awaited Darius' response.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-20-2015, 09:15 PM

She had giggled when he touched her foot. She was ticklish. He would have found it cue, if he was not a tad bit distracted by the location of the first aid kit. She protested a bit, something he could not blame her for. It was a bit odd, and they were stragners adter all. He found the spray, gently kneeling for a moment to apply it to the scrape. It possibly could have felt a bit cold and stung slightly on the fresh wound, but it would pass in time. She thanked him, saying she was not getting off to a good start. He stood, replacing the spray within the kit.

"Not at all, it is perfectly fine" he gave her another light smile. She then asked if they should get going, before placing what would fit within the truck. He nodded, moving to the back seat. He placed the tent within, as well as the cooler that would not fit within the trunk at the moment. Closing the door, all was well. "Yes, it is a good idea to get going before it gets to late" he gave her a slightly more playful smile, like when they had first met. Moving to the door, he opened the passanger's side for her, turning to look at her. "Shall we then?" he had not given much thought to opening the door for her. It was about second nature to him.

Simple manners, it was polite to open the door for another. He would await her to be seated and comfortable within, before closing the door. Once done, he would walk around the front of the car, back over to the driver's side. Opening the door, he slipped into the seat. The chairs were comfortable, the softer kind of leather. He had chosen them for that reason, not liking the kind of leather that caused you to stick to it when it was hot or after a heated work out. Buckling up, he would glance over to her for a moment to observe when she had done the same. He then turned the keys, the engine coming to life with a purr of the engine.

There was nothing more to do down here at the check in area, so they were soon pulling out of it onto one of the designated driving trails. Heading into the trees, the two of them now left alone within an enclosed space. He thought for a moment of what to say, an awkward silence was not something that he enjoyed. Keeping his eyes upon the road, he spoke. "So you are from a big city as well?" he said, a bit curious about her origins, unknowing of her interest with him.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-20-2015, 11:03 PM

Darius agreed that it would be a good idea for them to be on their way but his playful smile assured Chloe that he wasn't eager to be rid of her just yet either. Chloe's stomach twisted slightly--a mixture of excitement and nerves brought on by the idea that his interest in her might be more than of just a good samaritan. Despite her uncertainty, Chloe couldn't help but mimic his infectious smile with one of her own.

She watched as he loaded her remaining camping gear into the back seat before opening the passenger side door for her. Chloe glanced briefly inside. The interior was nice and tidy and smelled fresh, something she definitely appreciated, especially after the long bus ride. Chloe lowered herself into the empty seat and looked over as Darius closed the door softly behind her. The young woman surreptitiously watched as he walked around the car, turning her gaze away as he reached the driver's side door.

As Darius settled in beside her, Chloe reached over and clicked her seatbelt into place. Her hand brushed lightly across the leather upholstery and she was amazed by its softness. Chloe didn't personally care for leather but the upholstery of Darius' car seemed to be of much better make than she was used to. It was obviously high quality and Chloe didn't doubt that the car was probably worth more than a year of her own salary.

Chloe's attention turned away from the car's interior as Darius started the engine and steered them onto a gravel path. Realizing that she hadn't yet given him directions to her campsite, Chloe eased the map the welcome center attendant had given her out of her pocket. "My site is G9," she said. When Darius indicated that he understood, she let the map fall into her lap and looked out the window at the trees that slowly passed by on either side.

Chloe turned her attention to Darius as he spoke up, breaking the silence. She was so used to the quiet that she had hardly noticed when their conversation had lapsed into silence. "I live in New York City," she said, "How about you?" The way he had phrased his question reminded her that he had previously mentioned the city and something about the business world. If it wasn't for that she might have guessed Paris from his accent but it was clear that he was no tourist.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-23-2015 at 08:50 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 05:04 PM

The ride was silent in the beginning. She spoke up, telling him where her campsite was and he gave a slight nod. To his question, she looked over to him. He caught the sight in the corner of his eye. She told him that she was from New York, to which a slight feeling spurred inside of him. Not against her, he had just dealt with some others from New York, to which it had not been a pleasant event. He was not judging her that was not fair. Not everyone from a certain place, ethnicity, etc. were all the same. She asked where he was from, and for a moment he paused. He then answered her, since she had answered him in return. “Originally as you may have noticed, I am from Paris….for the past few years however, my home has been right here within California” he responded.

It was true, he was living along the beach, in a nice neighborhood. This place was quite busy and active when it wished to be. It was a nice change of pace from that place, as well as away from those people. Here was home now, the other merely a memory. “Opposite sides of the continent” he chuckled slightly, for some reason finding this amusing. They were indeed a bit different, perhaps this was one more thing that the two of them had to be opposite about. Then again, the saying was that opposites attracted. Perhaps that was something that was causing them to be drawn together at this moment in time. He did not believe in fate, nothing could be decided for you. It was through your actions and responses to life that things happened. As a result of this, people’s lives turned out the way they did. That was not to say he did not believe in certain points of sayings like that.

He did believe that things happened for a reason. Opportunities presented themselves, it was up to others to take hold of them though. Right now, the two of them had taken hold of the situation they were in, making decisions and choices that led them to this moment in time. What would happen next would be a result of that, as well as a result of future choices. “I have been to New York before” he spoke, deciding to silence the silence a bit more. “I travel a lot in my line of work, so seeing various regions comes with the job.” Thinking back, he recalled his New York experiences once more. “It was quite…interesting, different than many other places I have become familiar with” he put it nicely, not wishing to be rude. Once more, it was not fair of him to lump everyone and everything within the state together, so he didn’t.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-23-2015, 09:19 PM

Chloe watched Darius’ expression as she revealed where she was from but he didn’t even seem to blink at the mention of New York City. She hadn’t really been expecting any specific reaction but she wondered what he thought of it.

Remembering the sign at the entrance of the campground she couldn’t help but respond, “And here I thought perhaps these you lived here,” she said, gesturing to the surrounding forest, “The mountain does share your name after all,” she joked with a coy smile. Still, it was clear from the amount of baggage in his car that he had been traveling in from a neighboring city. It didn’t really matter which one though, she wasn’t particularly familiar with California’s geography. This was her first trip to the west coast.

Despite her joke, Chloe couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit disappointed about the distance between them. She knew she shouldn’t feel that way though, what had she expected, a fellow New Yorker who was just crazy enough to travel all the way across the country just to go camping on a mountain? Highly unlikely. Still, she couldn’t help but sneak glances at him and marvel at his gentlemanly ways. He was so different from the other men that she had met so far in New York …

Darius’ voice pulled her away from her musings as he mentioned his travels. She smiled, “New York is one of a kind, that’s for sure,” she said, her voice neutral. She both loved and hated New York. For now it was a means to an end that so far had been less than productive. Mentally shaking herself, Chloe forced her thoughts away from the downward spiral that usually accompanied reflection on her current situation and future. “I’d love to travel,” she admitted, smiling at the thought of discovering new places. “I lived in Paris a few months as part of a study abroad program,” she said, “It was interesting but I was also glad to come home in the end.” Paris was beautiful but the language barrier always seemed to get her into trouble.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-24-2015, 10:10 PM

He could feel her eyes on him at times, which made him slightly more aware of his actions and appearance. When she made the joke of his name and the mountain, he chuckled lightly. It was a tad corny of a joke, but it was amusing and cute all the same. "Sadly, I live in a forest of steel and glass....though it is nice to get away to one of actual trees and earth" he smiled . When she spoke about her home, he glanced at her this time. Her tone made him ponder a bit about possible meanings hidden behind them. It did not seem like she was particularly fond of the place, but it did not seem like she altogether hated it either. She then went on to speak about travelling.

She had been to his home before as well. "Perhaps one day we might travel together somewhere outside of the urban jungle or the states" it was half a joke of his own, merely for a reaction and to see how she would respond to it. He was not completely serious, but there was a small portion of him that could not help but indulge such a fantasy. She was not hard on the eyes, and so far, they seemed to be doing alright together despite having just met. Nearing her camp, he noted his was not far from hers. "Ironically, seems this might not be the last we will see of one another" he nodded to a small hill, "I am staying just over there by the lake." Pulling close enough to her spot, he turned off the engine.

Once off, he then turned to look at her for a moment. "I'll help unload" he popped the trunk, unlocking the doors as well. He opened his own, before getting out. Making his way around to the trunk, he opened it up. His mind was still slightly on the thought of the two of them together on another occasion. It was foolish to think about it at this time however, they had just met and knew little about each other other than location of residence. The fire wood and sleeping bag were where they had been placed, they would be the first to come out. He wondered if she had thought to ask for a chair or something, but it seemed that she had not. That was alright, if she liked, he could lend her one of his.

He stacked the fire wood next to a pit already designated for it. A rock circle there to keep the flames contained, away from the trees. Placing the sleeping bag next to it, he would look back at the car, to catch a glimpse of her. Curious of how she would react when first put into this natural world, it could make his opinion of her rise. He did enjoy a woman who was comfortable in her surroundings, he was a nature man himself. At the same time, he was growing accustomed to the cute kind of clumsiness that he had about her. It was unique, her own flare. That, was something he liked in a woman as well, someone who was their own person, who was comfortable as themselves.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-26-2015, 02:22 PM

Chloe eyes widened slightly as Darius mentioned the possibility of someday traveling together. From his tone of voice she wasn’t sure whether it was a serious statement or rather a joking one which left her at a loss as to how to respond. “That could be an interesting adventure,” she said, after a momentary pause. Once said, she closed her mouth and looked out the window to hide the blush creeping over her cheeks as she reminded herself that she was dreaming if she ever thought she could afford to travel or that they would eve see each other again once this trip came to a close.

Chloe looked back over at Darius when he mentioned where he was staying. She looked over to where he indicated he was staying. The spot was beautiful just near the lake and was obviously a pricier rental space. Still, as they pulled into her own, she looked out and was please with what she saw. There were green trees in a semicircle around her plot providing a decent amount of privacy and just the right balance of sun and shade. In the middle was a fire pit with a removable grate that could be used for cooking.

Once the engine died, Darius looked over at her and Chloe looked back. His expression was a bit difficult to read but as she looked into his deep brown eyes a little tingle spread its way down her spine. ”Thanks,” she said quickly as he offered to help unload her things. Popping open her own door, Chloe quickly exited the car to help unload her things. Opening the rear door of the car, she hauled out her bag and lugged it over to where she imagined she would pop her tent off to the side of the fire pit where Darius had already deposited the fire wood. Straightening up she took a deep breath of fresh air and couldn’t help but smile. Whether or not she saw more of Darius, this week would be wonderful. The air smelled so sweet compared to the usual smog and smells of the city and the lush greenery, so different than the angular buildings made her feel at ease.

Realizing that there were still a few more things to unpack, Chloe went back for the tent and dropped it off next to her bag before looking back at Darius. ”I want to thank you for your help,” she said, ”You saved me quite a few trips…and perhaps an infected toe,” she added jokingly. ”I have the fixings for s’mores, maybe I can convince you to let me thank you with a campfire one night this week?” Chloe smiled despite the fact that her heart was beating a million miles a minute. She had never been so direct with a man before but she was feeling brave and it wasn’t like she had anything to loose by asking.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-27-2015, 09:27 PM

He noted the way his joke made her react. The way she adverted her gaze soon after her comment made him chuckle, indeed it was once more cute. He was gaining a better sense of her, as well as a better opinion. It was pleasant for him to be able to relax and simply talk to someone. The business world tended to be more stuffy and formal. That was not saying he was not being a bit formal right now as well, being the gentleman he was. She got out, helping to unload. Through these actions, he got a bit better glimpse into her body language. Not like he was a creeper checking out her body, but the way someone moved and held themselves could tell a lot about them. He realized one might find this ridiculous if he said it out loud, so he remained content with the silence and working.

She seemed a bit still new to the world around her, but also comfortable. The slight clumsiness she had shown awhile back seeming to mold into her now. She was a bit quirky, that was not hard to tell, but seeing her take a breath made him smile as he watched by the car. She then turned to come back, and he looked away as they finished the unloading. Once done, he closed the trunk. She began speaking, wanting to thank him. He smiled lightly, his eyes on her for a moment. It was a bit warmer now, since they were out in the air. Without really thinking much of it, he slipped off the sweater he was wearing over his black t-shirt, tossing it on to the top of the trunk. At the mention of the last comment, he nodded to her. "It's a date" he said with a slightly playful smile once more, his tone similar to before of teasing her.

He then gave a more warm smile, inclining his head to her. "It was a pleasure to help, if you need anything...I am not far away, do not hesitate to stop by" part of him hoping she would take him up on that offer. He turned, slipping the sweater off the trunk, before moving to the driver's side. He should not push his presence upon her any more. She most likely wished to get settled and relax. He did as well, the lake seeming inviting. It was cleaned and maintained here in the a swim would not be out of the question once set up. He gave a light wave, before getting into the car. He started the engine, waiting to see if she needed anything more. If she did not, he would slip out of her site, and over to his own.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-27-2015, 11:09 PM

Chloe forced down the urge to fidget as she awaited Darius’ response to her question. To occupy her hands, she slid them into the pockets of her jeans. It wasn’t something she would do normally but she was feeling quite awkward at the moment and the need to do something forced the uncharacteristic gesture on her. When Darius casually took off his sweater, she couldn’t help but glance at his body. He was tan and his arms were well toned, hinting at the fact that he most likely worked out. Heat rose through her body and her eyes quickly snapped to his face when he responded to her question at last. ”Great!” she heard herself respond casually enough before he extended his offer for her to stop boy his campsite if she needed anything. ”Thanks, you do the same,” she responded, mentally cringing at her awkward response. What could she possibly do to help him?

Chloe moved back away from the car to give Darius more space to pull out and waved once as his car got underway. She watched him drive away until his car turned the slight bend before walking over to where they had deposited her things. Sitting down on the grass next to her pack, Chloe leaned back against it and closed her eyes, feeling the quickened beating of her heart and the warmth of the sun on her face. This trip had already turned out to be more than she was expecting. When her mind wandered back to Darius’ response to her s’mores offer, she couldn’t help but blush again. Though his voice had been playful and possibly joking, she couldn’t help accentuate the word “date” in her mind.

Almost laughing at her own naive fantasies, Chloe opened her eyes and sat up a minute later. It was late afternoon and she had quite a bit of work ahead of her. Standing up, Chloe pulled a hair tie from her pocket and did it up in a ponytail before kneeling down in front of the tent. Unzipping the bag it came in, she turned it over and unceremoniously dumped the contents out onto the ground. Rifling through them, she found the instruction booklet and set it off to the side before methodically sorting the contents of the bag into groups of the same object. That accomplished, she finally took a look at the instruction booklet and began the difficult task of setting up her shelter.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-30-2015, 12:54 PM

The car was parked out of the way, giving him enough space to work with. He began by unloading the car, organizing things at least to the general area they would be going. After that, he moved over to the tent. He could have gone more 'easy to prepare', but he had chosen instead to honor the rustic and hoofing it theme. It made him smile, he preferred doing things for himself. He first prepared the frame work, linking the poles together so they would not come apart. After that, the cover part was next.

It fashioned a flooring for the inside, as well as the classic tent covering, so that the elements would not get inside. It was not to hard of work, but it was not simple either. One would have to have some idea what they were doing, or it would be easy to get lost or messed up here. The last portion, included ancoring it to the ground. He doubted the winds would get strong here, but it was better to be safe. The last thing someone needed, was to be sleeping and have their tent blown over, or to be shifting around inside and for it to fall over as a result.

This would keep it in an upright position. Nodding in acceptance of the job done, he moved then to his own fire pit, designed to be safer for the site. He placed the chairs he had brought near it, but at a safe distance for when the pit was active. He also made sure to angle them a bit towards the view of the water. After a few more shifts and finishing touches, the site was looking a bit more home like. Well, as far as a camp sight could. He smiled, before finding one of the books he had brought with him.

He slipped into one of the chairs, allowing his back to relax against the back of the chair. His eyes closing for a moment, his mind dared to take the opportunity to drift back to the woman not far away. He did hope that she was doing alright, he had offered to help her if she desired. He smiled lightly at the thought of their encounter already. He had never been quite so bold or forward with others in his playful nature, but she had seemed to coax it out of him.

He did truly hope though that he had not offended or upset her. She had seemed to go along with it playfully herself, and the reactions had been more of flattery as well as intrigue. He chuckled lightly, opening his eyes to the view of the lake. Perhaps this little trip might hold more than he thought originally indeed.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-01-2015, 08:40 PM

Chloe wiped the sweat off of her brow and squinted down at the paper in her hand. Surely setting up a tent shouldn’t be this difficult. RIGHT??? The letters blurred together under her intensive gaze and Chloe released the paper, letting it float back down onto the material that was supposed to be her tent. Walking over to her bag she rummaged around inside until she found her water bottle and took it over to the shade for a short break. The cool grass felt good against her warm back as she lay down and closed her eyes. The birds above her in the trees chirped away happily and it was so peaceful that despite her frustration with the tent, she found herself easily relaxing.

Chloe lay there for a few minutes before getting up once more to tackle the tent. She had already cleared the spot and lay down the material of the tent. Putting the poles together had been easy enough work but getting them into place was giving her more trouble than it should. Every time she attached the one corner, the other seemed to pop out almost immediately. With two people it would have been a breeze but she was struggling by herself. Darius offer weighted on her mind but she just as quickly dismissed it. She didn’t want to appear to be any clumsier than she already seemed from their previous encounters.

Grasping one side of the pole, she inserted it into the first corner then with a burst of inspiration, she brought her pack over and set it just in front of where she had inserted the pole, giving her something to push against. With this new method, she was able to get the other corner in without much difficulty and repeated the process with the other. After that it was a breeze to lash them together at the top and pull the material of the tent up over it. She tied everything in place and then grabbed the steaks that would keep it in place. Placing the first one through the loop on the corner, Chloe tried to push it into the ground with her hand without much luck. Of course she wouldn’t have thought to bring a hammer.

She could just imagine Darius up at his campsite proudly hammering home his own steaks with a mallet. He seemed to have a Boy Scout spirit when it came to preparedness. Laughing at that thought, Chloe balanced herself on one leg and gave the plastic peg a few good kicks to get it down into the earth. It hurt her heel a bit but the fact that she had managed to accomplish building the tent on her own made her feel good. Once the other three steaks had been successfully hammered down using her stomping technique, Chloe finally zipped the tent open and peered inside. It wasn’t terribly large but there would be enough room for her to sleep inside and a bit of room for her bag as well. The cooler would have to remain outside but that was fine by her.

Once the interior was set up, Chloe’s stomach groaned loudly, reminding her that she hadn’t had much to eat since her wilted chicken sandwich earlier. It was a bit early yet to make dinner so instead she opened a box of granola bars and sat down on top of the cooler, chewing slowly and feeling a lot happier than she had in a long time. Her smile quickly faded when she realized that she had yet to check in with her parents. They were probably going crazy by now wondering why she hadn’t let them know of her arrival. Opting out of a long phone conversation, she stoop up and took a few steps back from her campsite so she could take a picture with her phone. Only afterwards did she realize that the device didn’t actually have any service. “Crap,” Chloe muttered to herself. She was so used to the city networks that it hadn’t even crossed her mind that she might not have service out here.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-07-2015, 04:40 PM

The view was nice, the air calming around him. He opened a bag nearby, in order to gain one of the books that he had brought with him. He had time, no rush in anything. For now, the best thing to do, was to relax. He had plenty of time to go swimming, to go hiking and more. For now, simply sitting down and enjoying himself for the first time in a long time was the best thing. He opened the cover, allowing his fingers to run down the page before him. The book was in french, something that was not a problem for him.

After all,, it was his native language. He scanned the first page, the words flowwing into his mind, being translated and feeding his imagination. Reading was a simple pleasure, one that most had forgotten about over their lifetimes. Now, it was all about technology and social media. He was not one to waste much of his time on the internet. He preferred this simple pleasure. The feel of a solid book within his hands, the words and the scenes that one of them could bring to life. He sat there for a bit, reading.

He managed to get through quite a few pages within such a short amount of time. His focus upon the book, it seemed that the world had passed around him. However, the notion of a voice a ways off made him pause. He glanced off towards the hill that separated the two campsites. Was everything alright over there? He did not wish to simply go over and pop in. He turned his attention back upon the book, trying to focus upon it once more. If she needed help, he hoped that she would come to him for it. He had extended the offer, but it was up to her to take it if she needed.

He allowed his mind to drift back into the book once more, allowing the words the flow across his mind. A nice breeze flowed though the area, and for a moment he closed his eyes. He enjoyed it, feeling it move over his skin and his hair. It really was beautiful out here, which helped him to relax all the more. This place, it was just what he needed. Odd, to think that a man like him would need the reaches of nature and simplicity in order for such things. Finishing another chapter, he snapped the book closed. His eyes closing, he reclined back upon the chair a bit.


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