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Natt` is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 01:00 AM

I'm an atheist:angel:
It is my belief
However, I don't ever tell anyone who is religious that being an atheist is the right thing
I never tell them that their religion is wrong
Yet when anyone finds out I am atheist, I always get this:
"I'm sorry for you"
"You're gonna go to hell"


Whats so bad about my belief
Where I live we have a church that goes around and hands out fliers
My girlfriend is part of it
I don't hate her for it, I just don't like having religion chase me all the way to my house
I just stay at home and don't run around preaching my ideas to others
Its what I want to believe
Don't mean I want everyone else

What do you all think about the religious paranoia that seems to take hold of alot of religions :sarcasm:

Last edited by Natt`; 04-29-2008 at 01:02 AM.. Reason: Forgot something

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a_shy_girl_1999 is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 01:38 AM

I am catholic and I was raised that way as well ... I went to catholic school during elementry and my views of other religions may be different, but I dont mind what your religion is ... everyone has their own beliefs and I don't see why people should put you down for that, just because you have a different belief system then them.

darkwolfofthemoon is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 01:42 AM

I don't know exactly what I'm called, but I am not religious. I do believe there was a Christ, but he was Mexican and was called Hey Zeus. When people found my friend was the same as me, people threw a fit. He didn't care, naturally, but it bothered me. Why should people care if we're religious or not? I don't see a piont in being religious, after all, how many wars have been fought because of it? I believe there's an afterlife (kinda), but that's different.

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FAGGY CHAN is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 01:51 AM

I feel your pain.

I'm atheist as well.
And my bf is Southern baptist Christian.
But he's not a douche like a lot of religious people are.

He just gets sad cause he thinks I'm going to "hell".
And I don't really know what to say to him about it cause I don't even believe in it.

I don't hassle people for what their religion is.
I just prefer not to be apart of it.
Religion its self makes me very uncomfortable and scared.

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Old 04-29-2008, 02:07 AM

i know what you mean. >w<
i'm actually very offended by the christian religion.
this is because they are against gays.
so, i suppose i can be seen as negative towards it.
i'm not all "merr. christians are dumb." though.

however, my friend used to tell me
"you're going to go to hell if you don't believe in god."
then i'd just turn to him laughing and say
"i don't believe in hell either, y'know."

only really religious people would say that, though.
that or they're really immature. >_>
like, seriously, i don't tell them they'll...
burn in some place they don't believe in.
geeze, man.

Kah Hilzin-Ec
The little creep with the weird ...
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Kah Hilzin-Ec is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 02:26 AM

Pssh, it's called a stereotype. Oh! If you're atheist then it does mean you:
- Have no morals.
- Are some kind of prostitute.
- Or "sexually desviated" [gay/bi/lesb]
- Believes in Satan! [You seriously don't know how many people have asked me this >_>'']
- Must be stupid.
- Takes drugs.
- Have parents that aren't christians. [However, mine are o.ô]
- Hate the world [I just hate close-minded humans :D]
... it could be the reason why my [ex-] best friend stopped to talk to me, "Christian Formation" teachers look at me as if I were some kind of retarded alien, and Jehova's Witnesses stay away from me xD
But seriously, those same people claim humanity should not discriminate people for race, nationality, gender, etc. [however, they never mention religion o.ô] I never tell those people they're stupid for believing in an imaginary "friend" that can send you to hell whenever he wants ^^' In fact, I try not to bring this disscussion up because I know they won't convert to atheism anyways, even if I had the reason or not. However, they always seem to try to convert me whenever the topic comes up at classroom xP
It's like as if I went up to a christian, and told them "Convert to the Jedi side, or Anakin Skywalker will shoot you! D:!!!" ... who would believe it? xD

PS: Not offending christianity itself by my comment... just the members who act like that xP

Jesslynne is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 05:59 AM

I am too an atheist and am not ashamed to admit it to many. I haven't really been raised to follow the part and do not really believe in anything that is said. I too don't try to turn others the way of my beliefs but again if someone's going to argue with me I do point out conceptual flaws that I've noticed within just the very basic of knowledge.

My parents are Christian, my Dad moreso than my mother. He doesn't know I'm atheist and neither do my grandparents on his side. I have no problem admitting it just when it comes to them I don't want to see the explosion that is to follow.. seeing as Christian heirlooms are going to be passed down to me... I'd probably pass them off to my brother who does believe in the religion, because I'd have no real use for it other than putting it in storage.. after that well future will tell.

I think people have problems with it because of how they're raised. If they're raised to be Christian that's the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of things. I have a good example of this but as my friend is on Menewsha I'd rather not speak of the example.

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Old 04-29-2008, 06:05 AM

I understand that... I used to be called a Satanist at my school a while back because I said that I was AGNOSTIC. Of course I hung out with the "goth" people that wore black and such, but that was because they like black and one of them was color blind and black was his favorite color/shade. (I just liked the sound of the chains)

Anyways I digress. I was called some horrible things in some of my classes because I chose my fights poorly and was in a room full of very religious christians and catholics. When they started preaching to me, I simply said, "I used to go to a catholic school, but right now I don't really believe in God, I question his existence as a whole, but I'm not saying that he isn't real." And they went off on how because I didn't believe in God that I was some sort of Satanist and that I worshiped satan! Gosh... I respect religion because I understand it's purpose... some people I know just wouldn't be them without their religion because of how much it supports them. People rely on their religion sometimes so heavily that they forget that it's not the only belief in the world sometimes. I hate thoes who are so close minded that they can't try and see through the eyes of another... That they can't seem to try and understand how hurtful it is when someone can't accept you because of what you believe in. Let it be another religion or nothing at all.

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 04-29-2008, 06:14 AM

Ugh. I feel for you...I live in a town full of Bible thumpers, myself. It sucks, I know. >.<;

I'm agnostic. I DO believe in a higher power (what CAUSED the Big Bang, anyway? Theory never covered that...nor how it created something from nothing, and that's VERY DEFINITELY against the laws of nature), but I have no idea whether or not it's an actual sentient entity or just an omnipresent force that regulates the world. On the one hand, things like karma DO seem to exist for those who trust it, pointing to the fact that it might be sentient and watching out for those who deserve it...but on the other hand, it does seem a little absurd (not to mention slightly creepy, in my personal opinion) that we somehow have someone constantly watching our every move. But that doesn't mean I think it's impossible.

But, when MANY strongly religious people hear that I'm agnostic, first thing they do is cram their Bibles or other holy books down my throat. Saying I've rejected God's love, or some other nonsense like that.

All I have to say to them is, try talking to someone I've been in a theological conversation/debate with. They'll tell you otherwise.

It's funny...when I get into an intense theological discussion, a lot of people can never really tell what my beliefs are until I'm specifically asked. I tend to just follow along with the other participants using my personal observations...since I don't actually have a firm set of beliefs. But what's FUNNIER is that I've even made a few Christians see some things in the Bible differently. It's because I read it the same way I would read an alchemical text - I treat it as purely metaphoric. And when you look at it that way, and have someone mention that x could be a symbol of y...suddenly, something might make a lot more sense. ;p

I'm anything but anti-religious. In fact...religion fascinates me. Terrifies me sometimes, but really...fascinates me. But of course...until I SHOW that to someone, ESPECIALLY a religious radical/extremist/fundamentalist, people will assume.

Remember kids, "assume" starts with "ass" for a reason. ;)

Last edited by Fullmetal Phantom; 04-29-2008 at 06:17 AM.. Reason: Accidentally hit submit button before sticking in closing points! ^^;

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Blondheart is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by Kah Hilzin-Ec View Post
Pssh, it's called a stereotype. Oh! If you're atheist then it does mean you:
- Have no morals.
- Are some kind of prostitute.
- Or "sexually desviated" [gay/bi/lesb]
- Believes in Satan! [You seriously don't know how many people have asked me this >_>'']
- Must be stupid.
- Takes drugs.
- Have parents that aren't christians. [However, mine are o.ô]
- Hate the world [I just hate close-minded humans :D]
... it could be the reason why my [ex-] best friend stopped to talk to me, "Christian Formation" teachers look at me as if I were some kind of retarded alien, and Jehova's Witnesses stay away from me xD
But seriously, those same people claim humanity should not discriminate people for race, nationality, gender, etc. [however, they never mention religion o.ô] I never tell those people they're stupid for believing in an imaginary "friend" that can send you to hell whenever he wants ^^' In fact, I try not to bring this disscussion up because I know they won't convert to atheism anyways, even if I had the reason or not. However, they always seem to try to convert me whenever the topic comes up at classroom xP
It's like as if I went up to a christian, and told them "Convert to the Jedi side, or Anakin Skywalker will shoot you! D:!!!" ... who would believe it? xD

PS: Not offending christianity itself by my comment... just the members who act like that xP're stereotyping the people who you don't want to stereotype you...:? Well there is some irony for you. :sarcasm:

All religions, or in this case lack of them have stereotypes. In fact all groups period have stereotypes cast upon them. It's a simple part of life to compartmentalize things so we know how to catalogue them in our brains without them exploding from information overload. It makes it easier to get through the day and do the simple things we have to do.

Ultimately if stereotyping and/or negative comments bother you, keep that part of your life private and people won't see you in a negative light over it. People only judge us by what we put out there, especially online. However if you truly believe in something, or the lack of something then what other people say to you shouldn't bother you really. ;)

.ieatkitties. is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 06:25 AM

Some people just get very touchy when it comes to religion and I think a lot of people who are religious just get scared by the thought of not believing in a god, and what the consequences of that might be.
I'm not totally an athiest, but I'm not religious and the family on my dad's side of the family however is, so I get that shoved down my throat sometimes so I know how unpleasant it can be. I just keep my religious views to myself mostly, so I don't have to worry about that. :]

Last edited by .ieatkitties.; 04-29-2008 at 06:28 AM..

serafim_azriel is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 07:00 AM

I'm not atheist personally, but it happens a lot. I personally do do some stereotyping and assume that atheists believe in evolution. (Which, personally, I don't understand. Then again, I'm not into science in the least.)
But t happens with other religious views as well. Mostly focusing around christians (non-Christians against Christians and Christians against non-Christians and other Christians.)

I don't really judge much based on religion, but I hate it when it happens. I went to highschool in Utah for a bit and they usually ask what your religion is. When I went to Utah elsewhere, religion was rarely brought up.
I hate that religion is such a big deal in America more so than anywhere else. Especially since this is supposed to be the land of the free.

Lejic is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 07:23 AM

As sorry as I am for you for the treatment that you get just for your beliefs - I come from a 90% Muslim country. You have no idea about the looks I get when people here where I'm from. "Terrorist country" is what my friends jokingly call it but I know that in fact that's what most ignorant people think. Muslim = Terrorist.

So yeah - you and I both shall meet in Hell I guess since, you know - the whole atheism and the terrorism things!

Zoroastra is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 11:29 AM

I completely understand. I'm not very religious either. I don't believe in any of the religions, none of them make any sense at all to me. The Only one that even comes close to doing it for me is Buddhism. Think nothing of it, it's not your problem, it's theirs.

\ (•◡•) /
Lanackse is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 11:41 AM

I'm a weird one in that I actually believe in Mother Earth as well as God but I never really make my beliefs public.

Thankfully people don't press me about it because they know I won't accept that and will just completely blow their arguments out of the water and/or walk away from them.

I'm glad the JWs don't come around after I argued the Bible semantics with them. Christians should be helping others not trespassing on other people's properties and annoying them when they might be doing something important.

I don't mind religion just don't force your beliefs on me. Just because you're not religious doesn't mean you don't have faith in something.

Beff With An F
Beff With An F is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 12:20 PM

There are some people that don't understand that everyone can have their own belief. They assume, because they do 'the lords work' or whatever the alternative is, that if they are right and that everyone who doesn't believe is going to hell. They are just ignorant and it's best to just agree with them and leave. xD Or you could get into a debate with them and try and prove them wrong, but I doubt you'd get anywhere.

Personally, I don't really care what someone chooses to believe as long as they are a good person.

What I do hate is when people come to your door with leaflets and ask you to change your religion. D= If I wanted to know more about the bible, I would go and read one!

D-Yoop is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 01:51 PM

God and Evolution created humans,
a Believer and an Atheist.

The Believers created God,
the Atheists created Evolution.

What difference does it make?
Everything has an opposide, even God has.
I like my world colorful ^-^

Last edited by D-Yoop; 04-29-2008 at 01:53 PM..

Sagitar is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 02:33 PM

I know.. I'm an atheist too and my boyfriend is too. I don't tell it to my family since I know how they'd react.. :roll: I don't believe in heaven or hell so it doesn't bother me if someone says "you're going to hell" to me.. xP but it IS annoying when someone feels sorry for you or tries to convert you D:

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Livia is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 03:03 PM

Dunno what to say about that but all I know who gets very paranoid on the religion... Gets a little rude at the end of day....

I belief in God but I don't go around people and claim them bad people by not believing in God x.X That is just a waist of time and words. xD

In general who goes to church loves to give me a lecture for nothing...



They just simply tend to force me to hear the same stuff over and over again... :/
And they don't have an open mind :insane:

Toruk Makto
Pearl is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 04:08 PM

It's ironic that you say it's your belief. Atheism is about the lack of a belief.

I lack belief.

I don't believe, I have to see something - so I know it to be true.

Lsaylor is offline
Old 04-30-2008, 03:19 AM

I Agree With that Strongly.
Who knows if theres a hell. or something like that.
What your telling me some one Went there and came back to life?

Has anyone Ever took Time and Read the Book?
i think theres something like;
If your Mom/dad Arnt Married when they have you you go Stright to hell.
All your kids do for 10 Gen's.
I Think theres another if you dont beat your kids you dont love them.
LOL. Im An atheist And Very proud. o_O.
If Anyone Does Worship God and makes fun of an atheist is Wrong in my book.

Go Ryu-Tan!
Go Ryu-Tan! is offline
Old 04-30-2008, 03:38 AM

Protip: Say you're satanic.

H_e_a_r_t is offline
Old 04-30-2008, 03:57 AM

Honestly, this swings both ways. I have met atheists who put down religious people and call them "weak and stupid". It's all about how people think you know? Some are just bitter and haters. Some are open like you and me. Some are obsessed.

Nesseh is offline
Old 04-30-2008, 04:18 AM

Well I was raised as a Catholic. But as I learn new things I have started to ask questions. But I believe that ALL religions leads to one God or supreme being. And as a Catholic, I don't really care what you believe in. And I don't really believe in Hell that much.

Lilith the Ill
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Old 04-30-2008, 06:27 AM

I'm actually a Catholic Atheist.
(I was raised in a hard-core catholic family, and then chose my own way)

Sadly, I get the same thing quite a bit. It's as if people loose respect in me as a person when they find out I don't share their same beliefs. I'm not saying this is everyone by any means, there are many kind and tolerant souls out there. However, there are just as many ignorant and bible-blasting fools as well. I don't really talk about my beliefs unless the topic has already been brought up. Even then, I simply state my views. I don't tell others that they're wrong or whatnot for believing in a god. Normally it's the other way around. Thats when I'll defend myself and my beliefs until my dying breath...

Yeah, that's quite true. Where is the love? xD

I see what you're saying, but it's really just a matter of playing with words. It's my belief that there is no god, ect ect.


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