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Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:14 PM

Welcome to Wonderland.....

It is a dark age in the once magnificent Wonderland..the red queen has broken out of her slumber chamber where she had been sent centuries ago. Alice has been gone for a long time now and there was no one to fight the queen when she broke out. Like her queen the evil Alice had been locked away and when the red queen broke out she took her warrior with her. The white queen fled the castle so that her sister couldn't kill her, squashing all hopes of restoring Wonderland back to it's former glory. Now she hides in the white forest, sending out scouts to find the new Alice. Only she can save the day and get rid of the red queen and Alice once and for all..

Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 01-27-2012 at 03:27 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:18 PM


If the rule is a different color then blue its important! Not to say all of the aren't important!!!!
~Please follow the TOS
~No being God or perfect
~PG 17! Please.
~Uhhh have fun!
~Rules could change. I will let you know if they do!
~You can have up to three characters
~Please be semi-literate at least make sure to give the other person something to go on.
~PM all profiles to me please and I will give you the ok to post. Title it Dark, dark times
~Make your posts pretty but not to pretty. Just a different color works if you have multiple characters. Also it would be nice if you put talking in bold, easier to read that way. You don't have to though if you don't want to. Just an option:)

~I want this rp to be a slow paced one. I don't want to be gone for a day and have five pages to catch up to. That's not fair to everyone. So just take your time. But also don't be gone for a week. If you are going somewhere tell me. We will figure out something with your character!
~Everyone please read each post carefully before you reply so no one gets skipped over!
~Grammar is a must! Please everyone use periods and commas. It's hard to read a post when sentences run on.

~We are no longer accepting any more characters. Though you may ask to be placed on a list for when and if we are accepting again. If we are I will contact you and let you know!

Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 01-27-2012 at 03:28 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:20 PM

Character Skeletons

Wonderland creature: (red queen, mad hatter, ect)
Character Name:
White/Red Originally:
White/Red/Neutral Now:
Your job:
Appearance: (it can be a description or a picture)

Most characters are pretty old since in this wonderland you pretty much never age. Unless you want to! So if you want to be young you can be the "child" of your character. So like the Mad Hatters daughter or something. Or you can be the original.

note to self- PM menwesha when we are accepting again

Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 01-27-2012 at 03:26 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:29 PM

The Character's

Roles Taken
Crimson- White Queen and Red Alice
Amani- White Alice and White Rabbit
Asca- Neutral Cheshire cat and Red Rabbit
Codette- Red Cheshire cat
Papillion- White Hattress
Kya- Red Queen and Red Hatter
Lens- Red March Hair

Username: CrimsonShadow
Wonderland creature: White Queen
Character Name: Katerina Winter
Nickname(s): Kat, The White Queen
Age: Unknown but looks to be about 24
White/Red Originally: White
White/Red/Neutral Now: White
Your job: Ruler of wonderland, now hiding in the white forest waiting for Alice to come save their world
Personality: Kat is soft and gentle just like a snowflake. She loves her people and would do anything for them. She is very kind and is well loved. But when she or what she loves is threatened she can be just as nasty as her sister, the red queen.
Bio: When she was young Kat and her sister were the best of friends. Being older by a few years the kingdom fell to Kat when her parents died in an attack. Wanting the crown for herself her sister turned on her and became evil. Kat sent her away to the dark forest where the red queen made her own castle and her dark and twisted subjects followed.
Appearance: Her hair is the whitest of white's. It falls to her hips in soft waves. Her skin is pale, like the snow. Dark lashes frame her dark blue eyes and her lips are the color of fresh blood. She's tall and elegant, coming to about 5' 11"
White Queen
White Queen 2
Other: She is hiding in the white forest with her most trusted people. There were tree houses made just in case something like this may happen.

Username: CrimsonShadow
Wonderland creature: Evil Alice
Character Name: Alice Dark
Nickname(s): Alice, Queen's Assassin
Age: Unknown but looks to be about 18
White/Red Originally: Red
White/Red/Neutral Now: Red
Your job: To kill the white queen and the other Alice
Personality: She's dark and twisted like her queen. Alice is sadistic and a bitch, she will do what she want's whenever she wants. Watch your head when your near her..
Bio: Alice remembers nothing of her past. All she knows is the red queen found her and brought her over to her side where she has been for centuries. The red queen is the mother she never had. In fact she actually loves her queen and would do anything for her
Appearance: Alice's hair is black as night, long and straight. Her skin is pale and her eyes are an electric green. She has a smattering of freckles across her nose and her lips are blood red. She is very tall, about 6' and very slender.
Other: For piercings she has two lobe piercings in each ear, diamond studs in each. Plus her tragus is pierced on her right ear and her anti tragus. For her tragus she has a diamond stud and her anti is a small black hoop. On her left ear she has her conche and industrial pierced. The conche is a large black hoop and the industrial is a black zigzag bar.
She has 9 tattoos.
right side-
left foot-
right foot-
behind ear right side-
right wrist-
left wrist-
(not pictured) on the left side on the key on her left wrist is the words written just breath in cursive. On her right ear the word love is written in cursive just below the top rim of her ear.

Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi
Username: Kya Katsumi
Wonderland creature: Red Queen
Character Name: Morticia Dark (Real name is Nanette Winter)
Nickname(s): Prefers "Your Majesty"
Age: Unknown but looks to be about 22.
White/Red Originally: White - until her sister became Queen.
White/Red/Neutral Now: Red
Your job: To continue controlling and ruling mercilessly over Wonderland that she now calls "Unwonderland", and kill the white queen.
Personality: The Red Queen is brutal, nasty and full of hatred. All beings are terrified of her, as her favorite thing to do is order for executions. Fortunately, they always end up pardoned. She is beautiful but years of evil bitterness has given her a twisted and cold appearance. She has a very bad temper and is very full of herself.
Bio: When she was young, her parents died in an attack on Wonderland. The Kingdom fell into the hands of her older sister, Katerina. This infuriated her as she was filled with jealousy and hatred, turning her evil. She knew the only way to rule the kingdom for herself was to kill Katerina, but Katerina sent Morticia away to the dark forest, where she built her own dark castle and vowed to take back what she believed to be rightfully hers.

Other: She currently has control of both the Red and White castles. She resides in the Red castle but has the White very well guarded while her Alice searches for the White Queen so she can kill her and allow Morticia to rule freely once and for all.

Username: Kya Katsumi
Wonderland creature: Mad Hatter
Character Name: Merrick Lederer
Nickname(s): Hatter, Mer (pronounced Mair)
Age: Unknown, but appears to be around 26
White/Red Originally: Red
White/Red/Neutral Now: Red
Your job: To help stop white Alice from reaching the White Queen.
Personality: The Red Hatter appears to be calm, he doesn't speak too loudly or too quietly, and doesn't get excited about things, or upset. He is indeed mad though, as no matter what time it is, if you were to ask him he would respond with six o'clock. He is a connoisseur of tea and can concoct any type of tea as it is needed, including teas that would make one sleepy, mad, or even, dead.
Bio: The Hatter hasn't always been mad, but he'd always been a fan of all that the Red Queen did. When she took over, he followed her loyaly. What pushed him to the edge was the number of times she'd sentenced him to lose his head at six o'clock. Luckily for him, she always seemed to pardon it, but days and weeks and months of being locked away in the dungeons has made him very mad.
Originally Posted by AmaniIshtar
Wonderland creature: Good Alice
Character Name: Alicia Corrine
Nickname(s): Ali, Cor, Ali-Cor
Age: 16
White/Red/Neutral Now: White
Your job: Save wonderland?
Personality: Alice is a rather sweet, friendly, upbeat girl. Lost in her daydreams more often than not, it tends to have others view her as an outcast, as the weird strange girl.
Bio: Alice came to live with her uncle and her grandmother after her parents were caught in a house fire one day while she was at school. Many times after, her grandmother would tell her stories about visiting a magical, a wonderland, where she made rather interesting friends.
Other: She loves bunnies, and draws a lot. Also knows how to fight.

Wonderland creature: White Rabbit
Character Name: Peter White
Nickname(s): Bunny, Pete
Age: 23
White/Red Originally: White
White/Red/Neutral Now: White
Your job: Find Alice, the White Queen's Advisor/Ambassador.
Personality: Peter is rather skittish, absent-minded, and always on the go. Peter is also rather kind, friendly, and generous.
Bio: Peter grew up, alongside his sister Beatrice, knowing that eventually the pair would soon work for the royal sisters. That day had come sooner than planned after an attack had left Katerina the new White Queen, and her sister becoming the Red Queen. Things had been nice with the Red Queen locked away, but in that time he'd also been picked on by his little sister, her excuse being that she was bored all the time.
Other: Can open portals to Alice's world and change into a rabbit.
Originally Posted by Ascadellia
Username: ascadellia
Wonderland creature: White Rabbit
Character Name: Beatrice Lapin
Nickname(s): Bea Beatrice.
Age: 22
White/Red Originally: Neutral
White/Red/Neutral Now: Red
Your job: It's not exactly specific. She just makes sure things are done right and on time. If not, she'd personally be sent to take care of things. She's a jack of all trades.
Personality: Beatrice is a bit sadistic and extremely O.C.D. Things have to be her way or the die way. If you don't do it right the first time, you might have no 'time' left and she'd end it. She adores anything to do with butterflies and of course, has a knack for clocks. The more different they are, the more she'd likely take them and keep them for herself.
Bio: She hated the time when the white queen was in charge. Too much time on her hands and she couldn't cause any sort of trouble. When the red queen came back, she was happy enough to return to her aid.


And this.
Other: She has a heart tattoo on her left thigh. She adores messing with her other counterpart. He's just such an amusing one to get reactions out of at times.

Username: Ascadellia
Wonderland creature: Cheshire Cat
Character Name: Wren Cheshire.
Nickname(s): Wren.
Age: 23
White/Red/Neutral: Neutral
Your job: Freelancer.
Personality: He's a 'go with the flow' kind of guy. Likes to be amused and does things only for his own entertainment. If he's bored, then more than likely he will make something happen and enjoy the show.
Bio: He worked at a store selling antiques before the red queen returned and took over everything. Now that everything is different, he tries to keep a down-low and Not get killed. Flips sides to see which one has a better shot at winning. Of course, he's not a snitch. He will, on occasion give clues or hints, but for you to figure out what he means is a bit of a hassle.

For now, he works as whatever he wants. If he even wants to work. Is on somewhat decent terms with both sides. So long as he doesn't catch much of their attention, he's free to roam around.
Other: He likes to smoke on occassion, and nobody knows if he really doesn't have an eye, or if he just likes to wear the eye-patch.
Originally Posted by Codette
Wonderland creature: Cheshire Cat
Character Name: Sessa Kat
White/Red Originally:red
White/Red/Neutral Now:red
Your job: I'm the purrfect spy
Personality: Quick witted and mischievous, I enjoy causing problems for my Queens enemies, and for my 'neutral' counterpart.
Bio: My Queen found me when I was just a kitten, she must have seen my potential, because she had the servants take me to the castle, to take care of me. They groomed me all nice and pretty and my lessons began. I had a knack for only being seen if I wanted to be. Between that and my extraordinary hearing, I naturally became a spy for my Queen. I find out who's really with her, who's pretending, and who's against her. Then I tattle to my Queen and her guards, and they take care of the rest.
Other: right under her right eye she has a red heart tattooed.
Originally Posted by Lens
Username: Lens
Wonderland creature: March Hare
Character Name: Ulrich I. (Isaac) Ferdinand
Nickname(s): Ul, Hare, Mad March Hare
Age: looks around 24
White/Red Originally: Red
White/Red/Neutral Now: Neutral
Your job: tries to sell tea to those who wander in his home but besides that he tries to stay out of things.
Personality: Ulrich has a hard time staying still, always rocking back and forth or twitching his ears, and because of this he breaks things rather frequently. He tends to be paranoid and overly dramatic at even the simplest of things. These traits are most likley due to the large amounts of sugar he consumes or his own insanity. But after all he is -- ” As Mad as a March Hare.”
Bio: He used to work under the Red Queen before Alice had first 'defeated' her and his experience working for her was probably what caused him to lose his mind in the first place. The second the Red Queen was 'defeated' he declared himself Neutral as a chance to escape before the White Queen took over. Now that the old Queen is back he is more paranoid than ever.
Other: He has a huge sweet tooth and under his over-grown shoes is a pair of rabbit's feet instead of those of a human.
Originally Posted by PapillonCameo
Username: PapillonCameo
Wonderland creature: Mad Hatter(ess)
Character Name: Belladonna Amelia Rodriguez
Nickname(s): Lia, Bella, Donna,
Age: Unknown, but appears to be twenty-four
White/Red Originally: White
White/Red/Neutral Now: Neutral
Your job: Creating hats for the people of the court, most specifically the white queen
Personality: Lia was never quite in her right mind form the very beginning. It was one of the reasons why her creations were oh so unique and awe inspiring. She's a fun loving trickster, with a paranoid side and a thirst for adventure.
Bio: She grew up in the courts under the rule of the good king and queen. Escaping the massacre of the wonderland attack, it was then that her mind began to crack. It only worsened when the battle between the siblings began, and even with her love of adventure, fear and paranoia took the day. Now Donna Lia Bella sits hiding away in her home within one of the forests, quite between the two really, sipping tea quietly and eying her surroundings suspiciously.
Appearance: Always dressed in a ladylike manner, in corsets and long floor lenght skirts, a crazy hat always adorns her head. Whether it be made with fruits, live animals, felt or flowers, it crowns her golden hair magnificently. Lia's amethyst eyes hold her paranoia within them, as well as her joyous thirst for life. Full coral lips twist and turn with every comment, and her soft features hide not an emotion as they move expressively. An elegant neck, then glows down to sturdy shoulders and a curvy body which hides an artistic ability for battle. This hatteress learns from her mistakes.

Originally Posted by Graxdon
Username: Graxdon
Wonderland creature: Human
Character Name: Nathaniel Mortimer
Nickname(s): Snicker Snack, Blade Baron
Age: 16 in appearance, 24 in reality
White/Red Originally: White
White/Red/Neutral Now: Undercover White
Your job: Spy for the White Queen, Baron and Champion of the Red Queen
Personality: Kind, well mannered, the perfect gentleman except to those he considers an enemy.
Bio: Nathaniel was the son of a young lord who accidentally found a portal to Wonderland. When he arrived, he vowed to never return to his boring world and instead, sought to make a name of himself in this one. He gained a name for himself as a swordsman of great skill in the White Kingdom, but became truly legendary when he managed to defeat the dreaded Jabberwocky without the use of the vorpal blade, gaining him the nickname of Snicker Snack. For a while he served as a nobleman in the White Kingdom, seen by many as unusually fight prone for the court, but still welcomed by the queen. When the Red Queen returned, she had Nathaniel fake turning traitor, ordering him to inform the Red Queen of several other Noble's escape routes during the attack which he then told the Red Queen, resulting in their capture and later execution. For such fine work, the Red Queen awarded him with a rank in her court as a Baron where he listens, and feeds his true queen information while playing the part of a bloodthirsty and devoted member of the Red Kingdom, waiting for the opportune moment to show his true colors, when it would assure victory.
Other: A shameless flirt who really, really, really hates broccoli

Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 01-24-2012 at 09:28 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:30 PM

This is the link to the actual RP thread. It is not open yet though I will state when it opens:)


Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 12-24-2011 at 07:16 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:30 PM


Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:33 PM


Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:33 PM


Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:33 PM


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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:36 PM

First post? <.<

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:37 PM


p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:46 PM

Ok, SO, there is a lot of talk about who is interested in what characters, but have any actually been called? I'm having a hard time figuring out what's left and what isn't. :sweat:

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:51 PM

Crimson has the White Queen and Evil Alice
Ascadellia is a neutral cheshire cat
I'm an evil cheshire cat
Imanishstar is good Alice
Pap wants the good hatter (but she's off visiting family right now)
and thats all I'm sure of...

I don't think I've heard anyone for the Red Queen, the Red Hatter, or the dormouse(s), or the caterpillar(s), or the march hare(s)... or about a bazillion other characters ^.^

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:52 PM

Hmm, there really are SO many to choose from lol

Thanks Codette!

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:53 PM

yep ^.^ heres a site with most of the characters from the book.
Alice in Wonderland Characters

and remember theres good and bad versions for the characters now for this rp.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:53 PM

Mine is a boy. <3

Might get one of the rabbits. X.x

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:54 PM

Thank you! I know the book well though. I just finished reading it to my daughter this past week! This RP is such an awesome idea!

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 06:14 PM

my cheshire is a girl ^.^

oh sorry *blush* but yeah....

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:06 PM

Thank you Codette^^
I'm glad you all like this idea!! I've been dying for an Alice rp for so long, so I decided to create one lol.

Do you think I have enough information up? Should I add something/change anything? I want everyone's ideas! This rp needs to have a bit of all of us in it!

Send a message via Yahoo to AmaniIshtar
AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:10 PM

I may not be much help...I'm still searching pictures ^_^

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:12 PM

Hahah that's ok Amani:)

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:46 PM

So I found a couple pics...

1, 2

I may try to find another...but this is what I got atm...not sure which I like better.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:47 PM

Is there a queen of hearts in this story?

I want to be someone mad too. :yes:

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:50 PM

Maybe this one? here

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 09:00 PM

Ohh I like all of them Amani!!



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