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MintyRey is offline
Old 12-26-2011, 10:19 PM

Stop 0: Menewsha Central Station

*Clatter* *Clatter* *Shut*

It's already been a good hour since I got on the train but I only managed to find my compartment now. I got lost and accidentally stumbled into Seito's and Iro's cart and ended up stuck in their company for a while. The fact that they had star-shaped fruity cookies did not help me at all!! :gonk:

Anyway, time to start this thing.


"Yo journal! What's up? :)

Today is day X(?) of the week of Christmas 2011....
Haha, just kidding. Well, I'm not really sure what day it is...uh...must've been something in that tea...
All I know is that it's the day of the maiden voyage of the Spirit of Calesco. I'm so excited! We haven't left Menewsha Station yet, still waiting for the rest of the passengers to get on. I heard there would be hundreds of people arriving for the trip on the new lines. Luckily this place is really big. I can see a lot of kids frolic about recklessly and never bump into anyone. That's just how much space there is in the station!

The floor is polished nicely too. Even shinier than Peeblo's butt! :XD Even though a lot of travelers pass through here, I've never once seen shoe, wheel, nor hoof cast streak or scuff upon the marble tiles of this grand building.

Much to my surprise, the Calesco was also very spacious. I didn't expect the interior to be this extravagant. Not that I'm complaining. It's just that you wouldn't expect this much room to exist judging from the train's exterior. But I suppose Menewshan magic and craftsmanship isn't world famous for nothing. What I love most about it are the seats! The nice, soft, cushiony seats!"

I stop writing for a moment to enjoy the plushness upon which I sat. Oh gosh, so comfy cozy!!! And the seat's wide enough that I could just roll around on it!!! :squee:

Urk! But I better watch it. If someone passes by the compartment and sees me... >///<

B-back to writing...

"There's also a mild scent of strawberries wafting through the air. I'm not sure if it's the compartment or just all those cookies I pilfered from Iro's and Seito's, but it sure is making me hungry again. I'll probably nibble on some after the train gets moving.

Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you why I'm on this trip in the first place! You see, I've always been interested in dragons and ever since I heard that there were some living at Icy Peaks I've always wanted to go! Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to on account of various things popping up here and there. The Space Station somehow always seems to run out of tissue paper so I have to constantly order a new cargo load twice a week. How much do aliens use up anyway?

Also, some of the flowers I ordered from Nalin's shop have grown to a monstrous size and are threatening to crush my humble apartment. I've been trimming the overgrowth on a daily basis to keep it from spreading but it gets a little tough when you have flowers snapping at you with sharp teeth.
Strangely, the monster plant stopped growing and the flowers have all closed up. I guess it's hibernating because it's already Winter, but who knows? All that matters is that now I have some time for myself and I'm spending it on the Spirit of Calesco!

Dragons here I come!!!"

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-28-2011, 06:35 AM

Stop 1: Garland
*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Clatter* *Thump* *Shut*

Whew! That was a long day! I should probably put all this stuff away before getting started....

Doh! I knew I shouldn't have bought this gigantic wreath! Now where am I gonna put this? I guess I'll just tie it to my suitcase and...Ah crap! The knot's all tangled up! Might have to cut it off if I wanna remove it =_=; where was I?

"Yo journal! What's up?! :)

Now that my head's all cleared up I can definitely tell you that it's already the 24th. Can you believe it?! It's Christmas Eve!!! Can't wait until Santa gets here!!! :squee: Ah, but can Santa deliver presents to a train? I hope so.

We finally left the Menewsha Central a little after brunch I think, and arrived in Garland at half past noon. They weren't kidding when they said a trip on the Calesco is guaranteed to exhilarate. This train really is first class!

There was somewhat of a wait getting to the exits. Everybody wanted to get down and see the sights already. After all the hustle and bustle of getting off the Calesco, I decided to check out the famous lake. There was an island in the middle of it where the chapel and the grave of the unfortunate bride and groom sat. I wanted to see it, but the boat that ferried guests across the lake was already full by the time I got there. So I had to wait for the next round. In the meantime, I'd be taking a trip around the town.

Just like in Menewsha, Garland was already prepared for Christmas. Wreaths of balsam fir, holly, and poinsettia hung on almost every door. The trees that lined the streets were decorated with colorful lights, and tinsel graced the windows of many shops. One store in particular that caught my eye was the candy shop. It didn't surprise me that it smelled like chocolate. Most of the customers coming in wanted a warm cup to stave off the nippy outdoor air. I, too, ordered a cup of cocoa. As I paid for the drink, to my surprise the owner handed me a something wrapped in red and green wax paper. I tore open the festive wrapper and found that inside was a bar of peppermint bark, fresh from the latest batch! I wasn't the only one who got one though. All the other people in the store were given some on the house too. Wasn't that nice of him?

When I was done having my fill of chocolate and candy, I moseyd on over to the other shops. I bought some four-sided and twelve-sided dice to use in my next table top game. The ones I had before got lost somewhere at the bay. Then I bought a brainteaser book, a bottle of sparkling apple cider, a cheese sandwich, a bouquet of lilies to bring to the grave, and a baked potato....

I dunno, I was hungry?! o_O

Finished with my shopping spree, I headed back to the lake to see if I had a chance at reaching the island yet. Two boats had already come and gone since I had first left, but fortunately another one was due to arrive in a few minutes. While I waited for it to dock, I began work on the brainteaser book. I thought I'd try my hand at some of the riddles.

'I have two arms and four legs. I am not a person. What am I?'

I scribbled down : 'Something I'd like to sit on right now.'

It was close enough.

Soon, they were accepting passengers and I hopped on and immediately took a seat. Compared to the trip getting here, the boat ride was slow. I might've fallen asleep from the lull of the waves if I wasn't so interested in looking for fish in the water. Once we reached the chapel the passengers seemed to split into two groups: the tourists and the wedding attendees.
I had forgotten that Garland was a popular place to get hitched.

While the wedding guests and some of the tourists went to the chapel, the other sightseers, including me, went to the lovers' tomb to pay respects. There was already a huge pile of flowers lying around the grave, and compared to some of the more grandiose bouquets of rare blooms, mine was a mere twig. Nonetheless, I placed my lilies on top of the pile and made my wish.

Afterwards, I snuck a peak at the wedding. Of course, I couldn't stay for the whole thing. As soon as the next boat came, I was off. I bought one last souvenir, this darned wreath, before calling it a day."

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-28-2011, 11:59 AM

Stop 2: Reinsend

*Thwomp* *Clatter* *Clatter* *Thwomp* *Tak* *Tak* *Shut*

Oh man! All those reindeer! tired....



"Hey journal, sup? :)"


"So sleepy.

Today we arrived at Reinsend. But before that, guess who stopped by yesterday?

Santa, that's who!!!

I now gots me a brand new camera! And what better place to test it out than here? :D

Reinsend is a little higher up in elevation than Garland. Almost every farm in the village was a reindeer ranch. I found myself spending the first twenty minutes of my stay petting reindeer. And boy were they tall! :O

When I was done, I went around scoping out the local shops on another quest for souvenirs, hehe.
There were a good number of woodwork shops in the area. Most were dedicated to crafting sleighs. There were some small, practical sleighs for local use and other larger, decorative sleighs for occasions such as the Sleigh Parade.

As awesome as they are, I can't bring home a sleigh. So I had to locate some place that specialized in smaller wares. After a while, I found one that sold hand carved clocks and smaller knick-knacks. I originally just wanted the cool totem-pole pencil, but after asking one of the workers why they had a kiln in the back, I left with something extra. They told me that sometimes, when they want a piece of work to have a certain look, they cover it with multiple layers of varnish before heat drying it. That was where the kiln came in.

Then they asked me if I'd like to try my hand at baking some of the already-varnished crafts. Eagerly, I agreed. And with proper supervision, I loaded a tray of animal figurines into the large oven. It wasn't exactly a volcano in there. The heat that accosted my face when they opened the steel doors was actually pretty mild. While we waited, the store clerk showed me what a finished carving would look like. She held up a small sculpture of a reindeer in mid trot. The way it gleamed in the light, you would almost think it was made of glass. I decided then and there to buy it as well.

I happily left the store with pencil and reindeer in hand. Now that I found my souvenirs, it was time to take egregious amounts of pictures like a proper tourist. After taking photos of the village buildings and random passersby, I headed for the nearest farm. I had enough reindeer photos so now it was time for other animals. Perhaps a piggy or a chicken. Maybe I'll even be allowed to feed them.

Since the road between barns was considerably wide, I didn't expect to bump into anything along the way, let alone a cow. The force of me walking right into its furry side almost knocked me off balance. My confusion as to what just happened was quickly followed by a disembodied 'MOO'. It took me a while to realize there was a bovine parked in front of me. After walking about with arms constantly checking around for other unseen obstructions, I figured there was probably an invisible herd of them around me.

Getting past them was an interesting experience. Still a little confused by it all, I moved on. Soon I saw a tubby little kitten sitting on a broken fence. A part of it was temporarily kept stable by a rake. I wasted no time in trying to get the kitty's picture. First, I had to set up my camera. I planned on getting a pic of me holding the kitty, with the camera getting the shot from the fence. The fence was a little warped and I thought I might need to glue my camera on if I wanted it to stay put. Once I got it to stop falling off, I set a test shot so I could see what it would be getting from that angle. I stepped back a couple of feet just in case.

Just then, I heard a rumbling sound. Before I knew it, I was trampled on by at least a dozen reindeer stampeding through. Who'd have thought I'd need my insurance cards so soon? :gonk:

At least I got my kitty picture."

*yawn* Just...two more days until we head for *yawn* Icy Peaks :sleep:

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 09:22 PM

Stop 3: Icy Peaks

*Whirr* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Whoosh* *Shut*


"Yo journal! What's up? :)

Sorry I can't do a proper dialogue-y intro thingy. I'm munching down on some of the leftover cookies. Lucky they haven't gotten moldy yet, ehehe :sweat:

You know, when I saw what Mr. Mayor posted about no dragons having been sighted at Icy Peaks yet, I freaked a little. I had really been looking forward to seeing some. It was the reason I wanted a ticket.
That and the chance to talk to Lance, teehee~:heart:

I was kinda mopey for most of the trip getting here. But the slow and scary ascent up the crags did provide me with a distraction from my mild depression. Heights kinda scare me, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the scenery to be found at such an altitude. I just have to hope the train doesn't go haywire and derail itself :(

We got to the town safely, though my knees were still a little shaky from the climb. I felt I should try to put this whole dragon business behind me. Just because one part of the journey wouldn't be up to my expectations doesn't mean I can't enjoy the rest of it, right?

So I looked for other ways to spend my time. I heard that the town celebrated a popular figure every Winter Nights Festival, the Ice Queen. When I asked a local where I might find a portrait or a sculpture of her, she pointed to one spot, then another, and another. So basically, everywhere :I

I thanked her all the same and went on my way. Despite being found all over Icy Peaks, there was nothing banal about them at all. Some of the statues were made of stone. Others, of ice. They varied in size, poses, and color too. It took some hiking to see them all, but it was worth the work. Before I knew it, I had forgotten all about wanting to spot a dragon.

But with one thing forgotten, another is remembered. My camera!
I accidentally left it back in the Spirit of Calesco. I hotfooted my way back to the train to retrieve it.

Horror upon horror! In my haste, I failed to spot a black, furry tail in my way. There was no crunch when I stepped on the poor guy's tail, but I still worried I might have broken something. Yumeh wasted no time scolding me for my transgression. Though I tried to offer a solatium of tuna, Yumeh would have none of it. After the vicious hisses and yowling came the furious shredding.
Then he left with a final hiss.

I stood there at a loss for what to do with my torn gown. The skirt up to my knees was in tatters. Part of my left sleeve was extensively frayed as well. I tried duct taping the bits and pieces back together as soon as I got to my compartment, but to no avail. In the end I just changed into my spare winter dress.

With my camera in tow, I returned to town. I went back to all the Ice Queen sculptures I found really interesting to take pictures of them. I also bought a book detailing the legend of the heroic lady and how she saved the town a long time ago. Supposedly, people still saw her patrolling Icy Peaks to this day.

The latest sighting of her was by a railing-lined cliff, a popular tourist spot nearby that also had a statue of the queen watching over it. I was just there a few minutes ago! So I turned around. Maybe I'd see her, maybe I won't, but there was no harm in revisiting a place.

When I got there, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The air was much cooler but I chalked it up to the sun being lower in the sky. It was already late afternoon and the lights in town were already being lit. I leaned over the railing and looked down. Definitely a steep drop if anyone ever fell over.

Then I looked to the horizon. The parts of the island I could see from there glowed in the orange light of the setting sun. I was about to turn away when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was just a bird, but when I checked again, it was something much bigger. The airborne creature was soaring over one of the other mountains nearby. It had a large wingspan, glistening scales, a long, spiny tail, and sharp horns. I did not need anyone to tell me that it was a dragon! Instinctively, I raised my camera and took the shot.

Journal, today was magnificent!"

Munch munch munch...

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 09:56 PM

Stop 4: Saint's Pole

*Clunk* *Clunk* *Clunk* *Shut*

Urk! TOYS......SO.....HEAVY!!!!! *Huff* *hUFf*

Just gotta....shOvE 'em...uP...HErErrRaAaghrghhhaahhhh!!!


........I'll, uh, clean this mess up later.....

"Hey journal! What's- OUCH!!!

Ugh, my back is killing me from carrying all these toys. I know it's a bit much to have brought back so many, but I'm just incorrigible when it comes to toys, fufufu~

Today we arrived at Saint's Pole. Just one more night until New Years. Has this year flown by fast or what? :shock:

I've never actually heard of this place until I checked the site yesterday. I should really read up more on the stops :P I thought we would be going further North for it but it turns out it's more towards the South, back to the foothills.

I didn't wanna leave Icy Peaks so soon, though. In the past two days, there were more sightings of dragons than anybody had expected. That was all we talked about on the train for a while. Seeing my reluctance to leave, Mr. Mayor reassured me that I could come back again next time, what with the new tracks making the town more accessible and all. Thanks to him, I found myself far from lachrymose when we departed.

I could not believe my eyes when we arrived at Saint's Pole. TOYS!!! EVERYWHERE!!!!

Well, not just toys. There were other cool stuff too! I hit the jackpot when I walked into a building where they made an array of awesome hats. Large bonnets and petite fezzes, stylish fedoras, kepis, jaapis, tricornes, and tam o' shanters! There were plenty with feathers, ribbons, and bells. Some even had a whistle. I found an interesting one and tried it on, an ushanka. It would look the same as what my Little Big Planet guy has if I just add a couple of stickers on it :eager:

I asked around if I could buy the ushanka. One of the craftsmen there said it was okay to do so, but why not also try to make something? I took a liking to the idea and inquired as to what I could do. He told me that I could try making a hat here, a toy a building over, a bike or scooter down by the plaza, or pins, necklaces, and earrings at the jeweler's. I went for toy.

When I got there, I was given a station to work at. My attempt would be for something simple. I'd be making a Baby Yan puppet! I've been seeing these little guys all around Menewsha and I thought it was about time I got one myself.

To help me out in case of trouble was my work partner and table mate. He was highly skilled with needle and thread. A friendly fellow, although his sharp eyes made him appear irascible to strangers. With his help, my Yan puppet's head did not end up looking like it was filled with jelly.

While we both sewed away, we began swapping stories. I told him of my adventures with the Spirit of Calesco and he told me about his stay at Saint's Pole. His dream was to become a master plush toy maker like his grandfather, who had come to Saint's Pole before him. Both of us whiled away the hours talking. I neared the completion of my one puppet, he neared the completion of his fifteenth stuffed animal. Soon I realized that I wanted large white buttons for Yan's eyes. We had none of the sort at our table so I had to look elsewhere for them. Eventually I found what I needed and headed back. But as with Icy Peaks, I was too in a rush to take note of what was ahead of me. A malicious toy car had gone out of its way to send me flying. I twisted my right ankle thanks to that, and could not walk on that foot for a while. As I waited for my ankle to get better, I continued working on my Yan.

Before long, I was done. My ankle was feeling better, too. Even though I intended to keep the Yan puppet for myself, once my sewing tutor gave me a stuffed bunny he had worked on, I just had to give him my Yan as thanks.
Damn you spirit of giving!!! :illgetu:

Just kidding, I luffs the bunny :hug:

When I felt that I'd be able to walk around just fine, I thanked him and went off to begin my shopping spree. With all the toys I wanted to buy, I needed to bring around a calculator just to make sure I didn't go over my budget. Despite my carefulness, I ended up bringing back a sackful of them."

Huh. It's getting a bit crowded in here...

MintyRey is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 06:26 PM

Stop 5: Rochelle Harbor

*Sploosh* *Squelch* *Sploosh* *Shut*

Yeesh. I should've brought wellingtons and swimming gear...

"Hey journal! What's up? :)

Well, we're at our final stop before heading home, Rochelle Harbor.
The temperature's warmer here compared to the past three stops. We arrived on the first, but I could only update you now since I caught a weird illness that night. I'd keep falling asleep at random times and end up sleepwalking to odd places. Also, pink rings and spots ran down the length of my limbs. I was told it was because of the Brittlebugs that were native to this area of the island. I must've gotten bit when I had that mini picnic by the reeds.

Aside from that, I got to go to the Sugarplum Village fair. Gah!!! Everything was so yummy!! They had so many sweets, I could barely decide what to try next! :drool:
Each confection would inundate my mouth with exquisite flavors. They didn't just have good food, but good drinks as well. A beverage that I had a few servings of was something like a strawberry milkshake. From its elaborate glass to the delicate, white chocolate lace that adorned the rim, nothing about it wasn't fancy. I almost couldn't bring myself to touch it!

Following that, I felt it was time to work off the sugar. A walk around the harbor would do me well. Too bad I didn't pack the right shoes for wetlands. I later found myself a foot deep in bog water when I mistakenly took a patch of watercress for solid ground. Ignoring my ruined shoes, I continued my trek until I reached the coastline. I spotted a group of angling enthusiasts occupying a pier. Unable to contain my curiosity, I walked over to ask how things were going.

They told me they've been there for hours now and have caught lots of fish between the four of them. The two coolers they brought along to hive up their catch were now full. Even so, they wanted to nab one last fish before they called it a day. I asked if I could stay and watch some pros at work. Maybe I'd learn a thing or two for when I played Harbor Fishing next. They said they didn't mind.

A while passed before the youngest of the fishermen reeled in the last catch. I helped carry some of their things back to town since it took two people to haul each cooler. As thanks, they invited me to join them for supper. I gladly accepted. Once we reached the start of the dock, I jumped off the edge of the first step all the way down. My ardor for a savory fish dinner to ameliorate my soggy day got the better of me.

As it turns out, the four fishermen were all siblings who were staying with the eldest at Rochelle Harbor for Winter Nights. All of us worked together to prepare the meal. We had grilled fish garnished with lemon and some acerbic herbs.
For dessert, it was back to the Sugarplum Village. I hung out with the brothers and sisters until the moon was high in the sky. Then it was time for me to return to the Calesco.

However, it was when I was heading back that the symptoms began manifesting. I can't remember falling asleep, but I remember waking up while I stood on top of the train. With help, I got down. Then I noticed the pink markings. I was advised to see the nearest doctor about them. There was nothing to do but to wait it out, she said. The disease was bothersome, yes, but it wasn't permanent. A day or two and my immune system would get rid of it.

Relieved, I went back to the train again. With an escort, of course. Sadly, my sleepwalking would persist throughout the night. I woke up next morning more tired than when I went to bed! :cry:

Undeterred by my new affliction, I headed off to begin a day of shopping. As much as possible, I wouldn't let my narcolepsy and somnambulism define the finale of my holiday! I made sure to visit the fair once more to stock up on bonbons. Afterwards, I visited a tattoo and body piercing parlor. I wanted to get myself inked, but I chickened out in the end and settled for some helix piercings instead. It's tricky with my ears, but not as painful. I met up one last time with the siblings back at the pier, not to fish, but to swim. 'Course, I needed to make do with a shirt and shorts instead of a swimsuit. We parted ways at sunset and it was back to the Calesco for me."



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