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Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 09:22 PM

:insane: I guess I should start off by saying "hello". So, hello! :insane:

:angel: Okay, the story is this... :angel:

=3 One day, Mom said that if I could get the recipes, she would buy the stuff so we could have a Japanese dinner. =3

:o But I don't know what to pick for a Japanese dinner!! :o

:angel: Plus, I'm trying to convince Mom that we should have all three meals that day planned with Japanese food. So, like, maybe if the dishes aren't just supposed to revolve around each other, but also around what else the person has eaten that day, maybe I can use that to convince Mom to let us have a whole day of Japanese meals. I just don't want to bring the idea up and lose if it's not that way at all, or even use my ace idea when I'm not sure. :angel:

:sweat: So, could I please get some ideas? Thanks!! :sweat:

EDIT: :cry: I tried using google, but the only things I found were meal plans you have to pay for (can't and won't pay for one) and recipes. While yes, I need the recipes, I don't know which ones to pick for the meal. :cry:

Last edited by Zilithandria Moonlight; 09-19-2009 at 09:47 PM..

Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 09:24 PM

Make SUSHI!! :drool: Sushi is amazing!

lightkanna is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 09:30 PM

Why not search it up on the computer? Google is free, you know. o.o

Zilithandria Moonlight
Zilithandria Moonlight is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by Bartuc View Post
Make SUSHI!! :drool: Sushi is amazing!
=3 While I'd love to, sushi isn't a whole meal (unfortunately), much less an entire dinner. But thank you for your input - I probably will try to make sushi to go with the dinner. =3

Originally Posted by lightkanna View Post
Why not search it up on the computer? Google is free, you know. o.o
:cry: I tried using google, but the only things I found were meal plans you have to pay for (can't and won't pay for one) and recipes. While yes, I need the recipes, I don't know which ones to pick for the meal. :cry:

Last edited by Zilithandria Moonlight; 09-19-2009 at 09:47 PM..

Jess is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 10:09 PM

I found this place using bing on the first page. (I will keep my grudge against Bing though) I did'n read them all but you might find some you like :D

Princess Pippity-Pip Pip!
xSaixChanx is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 10:19 PM

I have planned a Japanese lunch and I even had a bento~ It was yummy. I went to a site that has many recipes on it~
Maybe you could do Teriyaki chicken for dinner... some sort of bento for lunch and for breakfast you could have a traditional meal like Rice, miso soup, sunny side up eggs and Japanese sausage if it isn't to much~
Hope I could help :P

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dianakitsune is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 11:08 PM

Soba, it's the best and easy to make. Just get some soba noodles, boil them, then let them cool down (soba is cold noodles) and then get some Soba Sauce (or noodle sauce) and eat away!

nike13 is offline
Old 09-19-2009, 11:23 PM

I've made curry japanese style before and it was really really tasty ^^ I think the site I got info for it is but it turned into a 'add what we've got' style of dinner.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 01:02 AM

Ooh... >> << if I find my Japanese meal book I might just have to name some stuff :drool: there's a few family meals that just look delicious...

@ nike - ooh my sensei for my Japanese class made us Japanese curry... :drool: I may hate curry... but that stuff is good...

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 01:15 AM

For a school assignment i had to prepare a 2 course meal from around the world. I chose Japan to do. My mains was a soup, it had udon noodles with shitake mushrooms (2) chopped into strips, chicken (1 breast cut into small strips), prawns(4), dried seaweed (two leaves or w/e) , fish flakes (10g) and a squeeze of lime juice (quater). Its really simple to make. Just throw in the chicken, prawns and noodles, add about a cup of water (not actually sure if thats the right amount) and boil until the chicken and prawns are cooked through. Then add the rest of the ingredients to the saucpan than bring down the heat and simmer it for 15 minutes. Stirring occasionally. Thats all from memory lol

Jezriel is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 01:23 AM

I had Japanese curry for dinner last night.

A 'traditional' Japanese breakfast has to have miso soup. I'd suggest just getting the instant packages at the Oriental market near you. A small bowl of rice, or a slice of toast, and you can add a side dish of a small amount of veggies. Stir-fried green beans with sesame probably wouldn't freak out your family too much.

Lunch, you can go the bento route, or make rice balls with whatever filling you like. Search for Onigiri on google and you'll have a ton of ideas tossed at you.

For dinner - you could pick and choose from the recepies you've found online. Just make sure you have rice, veggies, and a small amount of meat. I'm told a Japanese meal isn't complete without some form of pickles. What the Japanese consider a pickle is a lot wider a subject than just vinegar and dill cucumbers.

I like making curried rice, or a really fancy Ramen dinner.

Hope that helps give you a start!

edit - rather than google 'meal' - try 'Japanese Breakfast' then 'Japanese Lunch' then 'Japanese Dinner'.
I found a lot looking for just breakfast.

Last edited by Jezriel; 09-20-2009 at 01:31 AM..

fat rabbit
fat rabbit is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 03:30 PM
if you go to the recipe sifter tool, it will let you choose the culture/country you want the meal to be from.
I use it alot.

Also, as an appetizer,
you should make miso.
it's the soup of the gods, i swear.

Anii is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 05:16 PM

Noodles/ramen? x3

Hello, chu.
Jiriyanu is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 08:11 PM

Udon? It has much thicker noodles than ramen,
and it tastes great when you mix in shrimp.

cranky casey
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cranky casey is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 03:19 PM

Rice Bowl
A bowl of plain cooked rice is served with most Japanese meals. For breakfast, it is sometimes mixed with a raw egg and soya sauce (tamago kake gohan) or enjoyed with natto or other toppings.
Sushi more information
Sushi can be defined as a dish which contains sushi rice, cooked rice that is prepared with sushi vinegar. There are various kinds of sushi dishes.
Domburi more information
A bowl of cooked rice with some other food put on top of the rice. Some of the most popular toppings are tempura (tendon), egg and chicken (oyakodon), tonkatsu (katsudon) and beef (gyudon).
Onigiri are rice balls made of cooked rice and usually wrapped in nori seaweed. They are slightly salted and often contain some additional food in the center, for example an umeboshi (pickled Japanese plum), katsuobushi (dried bonito shavings), tuna or salmon. Rice balls are a popular and inexpensive snack available at convenience stores.
Kare Raisu
Kare Raisu (Curry Rice) is cooked rice with a curry sauce. It can be served with additional toppings such as tonkatsu. Curry is not a native Japanese spice, but has been used in Japan for over a century. Kare Raisu is a very popular dish, and many inexpensive Kare Raisu restaurants can be found especially in and around train stations.
Fried Rice
Fried rice or chahan has been originally introduced from China. A variety of additional ingredients such as peas, egg, negi (Japanese leek) and small pieces of carrot and pork are mixed into the rice when stir fried. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice.
Chazuke is a bowl of cooked rice with green tea and other ingredients, for example, salmon or tarako (cod roe) added to it. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice.
Kayu is rice gruel, watery, soft cooked rice that resembles oatmeal. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice and is often served to sick people because it can be digested easily.

Last edited by Sizzla; 09-21-2009 at 06:37 PM..

Izumi is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 06:47 PM

I think more importantly is to pick what meat you're working with, and go from there. I don't know how much your mom is giving you to shell out on the meal, but what is a yummy and easy dish to make is Tonkatsu.

My husband loves it when I cook him his pork chop like this, and it's relatively inexpensive. It's origins are from the Portuguese, but Japanese have adapted it into their own and made some really yummy dishes.

Also, doing up some fried vegetables in batter is yummy and would probably be something you could try to serve with it or with a separate meal. You can make the batter you coat them in as well from basic ingredients. Also, Panko (for the pork chops) is easy to find in your grocery store and cheap...versatile as well. (Don't have to worry about 'never using it') Serve it up on a bed of rice and you have a meal. :)

I would be hesitant to do sushi, unless you're doing California rolls. For a start it is expensive, time consuming, and you have to worry about using raw fish. (I hate fish to begin with...but go figure!)

Also Japanese curry is very mild and yummy. It's also fairly easy to make, and my local grocery store carries the Japanese curry blocks that you just simmer in a pot with your vegetables and meat. Once again, not originally Japanese but with a 'Japanese spin'. :)

Yorihiko is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 07:36 PM

This site is pretty cool, but you'll have to figure out what some of the ingredients are, or where to get them, if you have no clue.

The site is, My Lunch can Beat up Your Lunch It has recipes for main dishes to deserts.

For more, see the wiki cookbook, Cuisine of Japan.

Dead Account Holder
Sakura_no_hanabira is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 08:58 PM

Soo.... japanese food? I eat japanese food every day! :D I saw that someone said sushi and sushi is indeed a meal! but I'm talking about the sushi where you
1. Get a peice of big nori(dried seaweed)
2.lay rice in a layer, but not too much or you can't roll it...(sticky rice)
3. put some stuff in(what ever you see inside of it.... eel?)
so ya... or you can do temaki, where you get nori and cut it in fourths. then you get a big bowl of rice in a big bowl and mix it with viniger and white sesame seeds if you have some. the you get some stuff to put inside. I'd say,
-some kind of raw fish, salmon or tuna

after you sit around and pass the nori aound and take turns putting rice on your nori and stuffing it with stuff!:sweat:

If not, remember that most japanese meals are centered around Fish and rice. The most basic one is fried fish, A bowl of rice and miso soup! XD I have no clue if that helped, But I hope it did and will try to post more suggestions later on! good luck! :)

Lady Luck Infinity
Lady Luck Infinity is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 09:53 PM

An authentic ramen might be nice for lunch. It'll have slices of whatever meat you choose to put in it, veggies like snap peas, carrot and I suppose whatever else you want toput in it and you could even add a boiled egg.

The Water Sprite
Saiyana2 is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 10:10 PM

You can make miso soup and seaweed salad for an appeitizer.

TheNena is offline
Old 09-22-2009, 02:43 AM

This is going to be an unhelpful post but I'm going to give it anyhow....

I love Japanese food! I'm going to have Thai food tonight though! Me and my girlfriend are going to walk two blocks to get it but it's soo worth it! Ha! <3 Sushi is amazing. Whatever you do--add some white sticky rice to it. :D Yum! Don't forget your kikoman soysauce! That's the best. lachoy is for Chinese fastfood. Kikoman is Japanese ;o

Caustic_Chunx is offline
Old 09-22-2009, 05:12 AM

Curry Rice or Omelette Rice sounds good,,...but they're not really traditional jap. dishes,..
So, you should stick to miso soup and rice,..together with grilled fish and pickled side dishes.
^_^ YUMM-O~

Akutenshi Uke
The Weird Otaku Girl
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Akutenshi Uke is offline
Old 09-22-2009, 09:42 AM

Teriaki Chicken is great, if you search Teriaki chiken + recipe you will probably be able to find something ^^ The trick on google, is to know what to write... and most often the name of the recipe you want to find...

fireflame900 is offline
Old 09-22-2009, 11:00 AM

Try Tonkatsu, You may even add it to noodles to make Tonkatsu soba!
Its quite yummy!

Buckwheat Noodles
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Old 09-23-2009, 03:19 AM

Might I recommend something called okonomiyaki? It's more of a lunch meal from what I understand, but the majority of the ingredients are easily bought from any grocery store. The food's name pretty much means "grilled as you like it", so there's a lot of variety in what to add.

Also, onigiri (rice balls) are nice for a snack, or can even replace a meal if you like.


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