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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-10-2014, 01:15 PM

Yeah. Hopefully one of these days I'll finally be able to get myself a pet snake.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 12:03 AM

Ooooh. What kind of snake?
My parents have a red-tailed boa and a rubber boa (that's a real snake, not an actual rubber one )

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 07:03 AM

I'm thinking a ball python, because they're not too large and seems easy enough to take care of.

lol! An actual rubber one I have a wooden toy snake and two snake plushies since I can't have the real thing yet.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 08:03 AM

Ball pythons are pretty cute. I haven't seen many adults, but the babies are cute. McNugget, if I'm thinking of the right user, just recently got a ball python.

lol Well, often times when I say that people haven't heard of them before and are like "What's so special about a rubber boa?" But they're really and sweet and cute :)

Wow. You must really like snakes. I take it your parents don't?

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 08:17 AM

They're adorable both as hatchlings and grown. o wo<33
And yep it was Nuggets. XD

They do look rather cute. o wo
The tail is a little stubbier than my preferred kind, but the scales look really nice and smooth. <33

I think my dad is neutral on snakes, not sure about my mom. >_>;;
I haven't been able to get a student they say I don't have the money to keep one. After I started work, they keep telling me that I've already got other pets (have a guinea pig named Nibbler right now) and how I need to save up more before I can buy one, and that since they live for really long periods of time I should think about it just in case I ever want to go abroad, etc. etc. etc...-____-;

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 08:34 AM

Which pythons is it that get huge, then? All the pics I've seen of people with ball pythons have them not that large (at least not in regards to what I'm use to since we have a huge red-tailed boa)

lol Yeah, it is stubby like their head so predators can't really tell the different. They're so smooth! Ours my dad and brother found in the forest when they were hiking around hunting. My brother reached down to her and she wrapped around his hand since he was warm. We've had her since, and she just loves being held and is so sweet. :)

I suppose the going abroad bit makes sense.
I just have a leopard gecko, and I've had her since I was 7. I've had some rats, but depressingly enough they don't have very long life spans :'( It makes me very sad, because I love rats so much. I want to get one soo bad right now, but I can't because pets aren't allowed at my home I'm staying in for college I barely got to bring my lizard.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-21-2014, 12:18 PM

Well...for me, anywhere over four meters long is a little too large for the house and harder to get food for. ;;

Aww! I wish I could find a snake to bring home too from the wild. Sadly most people's reactions are to scream at them, run away from them, or kill them with whatever they can find to hit them with.
What do rubber snakes eat?

Yeah, I had pet rodents as a kid too, they never last longer than a little over a year.
I know that back when I was in college, a lot of people would smuggle their pets into the dorms. Though they were mostly those little mice/hamsters since those take up less space and are easier to hide...I had a pet fish back then that I named Genesis. ;;;

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-22-2014, 04:26 AM

lol 4 meters?! Heck yeah, that is a lot! Our snake is somewhere between 8 and 9 feet.

Right? We were surprised. You're not allowed to breed rubber boas, so it's really the only way to get one anyway, apparently. Or unless you're just given one. I know, it makes me soo sad. I have a friend that is a type to want to kill a snake if she ever sees it. That makes me furious! They don't deserve to die. Not unless they're deadly and are a danger to you right then. And we feed her pinky mice. They usually raid mice nests and eat the whole litter, so we give her about 8 at a time.

I had my lizard with me at the dorms too, but she was allowed. But I'm living in a house for rent with some roommates, and no pets are allowed. I know two of mine wouldn't care, but the one that thinks he's the landlord would have a bitch-fit about it if I brought a rat home, I'm sure.

What kind of fish was it?
Yeah, I've heard stories from classmates about hiding a bunch of pets in their dorms. lol One girl had a huge snake tank and a few more tanks and never got in trouble.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-22-2014, 02:22 PM

8 feet long is huge too!

Really? Why aren't people allowed to breed them? Is it because they're not a native species or something?
Yeah. Snakes have a bad stigma they don't deserve thanks to people always using them as villains in things.
Do you buy the mice? If so, how much do they usually cost?

If the actual landlord doesn't mind pets in the house, then the guy can go suck a lemon. I mean, it's not like you'd be letting rats run around the house without supervision, right?

Er...not sure what they're called in English...fighting fish?
They're called that because if you put two males together they'll fight, so they're nearly always kept alone in a tank/cup.
Mine looked like this, but red:

Wow! The supervision people didn't mind all those tanks? Or did they never check?

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-23-2014, 12:21 AM

lol Yeah, she's very big. I like it, though.

I imagine that it's because they can be found in the wild, and they don't want people searching them out to breed them and make money? I am not too sure as to why. I use to know, but now I can't recall. Yeah, my mom just buys them from the store. I honestly am not sure how much it costs. I can't remember. xP

It was in the contract, but I don't know if that's the landlords preference, or if it was that roommate that worked with him to have it set like that, you know?

Those are called Betta fish here, mainly. But I have heard them called that name as well for that same reason. I think they're pretty, and I have wanted to get one, but also don't want one at the same time. I want one because they're pretty and I think they'd be fun to watch sometimes, but at the same time I don't want to have a fish.

They would hide them under the bed and in the closets if ever they checked, I believe. She said they never got caught, and there had been room checks. I lived in the dorms and we actually never had room checks.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-23-2014, 02:04 PM

lol Maybe ask her next time? I kinda want to know what I'm getting into (and then compare them to the local prices around here) if I ever get a ball python since they eat mice too. ;;

Oh...that sucks. At least you've got your lizard I suppose.

I like the Betta fish, they're pretty easy to maintain and always look so pretty. Don't live for very long though...Genesis died after a few months. I usually don't like fish because you can't really interact with them (though apparently you can train goldfish to do tricks...); I prefer having something I could at least touch.

I think there's only been one or two room checks during the four years I lived in the dorms...and they're not really 'checks' either; they're just making sure everyone's returned to their dorms after midnight, not what you have in your room.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-24-2014, 05:18 AM

But they eat grown mice, right? An adult mouse would be more expensive than pinky-mice

Yeah, and she's pretty funny

They have variable life spans, I believe. Depends on how they're cared for and their environment.
My grandma has a goldfish that she's had for years, and he is massive now. It'll play, too. If she puts a bobber in there, he'll grab it and drag it down and let it go whenever he wants to be fed. xP

Yup. They really didn't give a shit in my dorm either. You'll have some CA's that are strict and keep up with that stuff, and then others that you rarely even see at all that really don't give a shit. They're just basking in all the free-ness of being a CA. >_> I couldn't stand ours. He didn't do shit. People in the floors below us and next to us would smoke weed all the time and it'd come in through the vents and stink up our house, and the CA never did shit about it. I think he probably was one of the ones contributing to it. Made me furious.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-24-2014, 06:07 AM

I'm planning on buying a small ball python, so it'll probably start out with pinky mice until it's large enough for the grown mice. I wonder how much grown mice would cost...I don't see stores selling fodder mice often.

lol That's a cool trick! My guinea pig just squeals loudly whenever she wants fresh food. (and she always squeals when we open/close the fridge because she associates the sound with food...we keep some lettuce in there for her)

Ew, that's nasty! Is there any way to get him fired/get the people smoking weed to stop? And what privileges do they have?

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-24-2014, 09:29 PM

Ah, so you want a real young one.
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Often times places have them but they don't have them out. You have to ask. And often when you see mice out at many places, you can just buy those one. Although, I'm sure people raise specific feeder mice too.

My mom use to have a guinea pig, so I totally understand! They can be so funny. Is yours ticklish? Hers would squeal when she was hungry, or whenever she'd hear bags rustling .

I probably could have complained to the housing, but generally anytime I've said anything they'd tell me to take it up with the advisor But the one time I emailed him about something he wasn't a help at all. He really was so bad at his job. And they're supposed to get in trouble if smoking, but it's the CA job to prevent it. Yeah, it was very gross, and extremely rude and obnoxious. I hated it so much. Hmmm. I know they get free living in the dorms and they get a certain amount of food points for campus. I think they may get free or cheaper tuition, but I can't recall if that's true or not.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-25-2014, 02:49 PM

The ones I see in stores are all pretty small, like, about a foot long or so?
Hmm. Maybe I'll ask the store that sells the snakes and see if they have feeder mice, or at least know other stores that do sell them.

Ticklish? I don't think so... She does purr when I stroke her just the right way, usually her lower back near where the tail would be. And she squeals so loudly whenever plastic bags rustle!

...Wow. That's really crappy. If smoking weed is illegal there, maybe you can call the police or something to catch them in the act so to stop them?

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-28-2014, 06:58 AM

Yup! Adorable little babies o 3o I want to hold them whenever I see the in the store
That's a good idea. That may help.

Mhmm, ticklish. lol My mom's guinea pig would squeal soo loud if you touched her sides or stomach. She liked her butt scratched too.

We have campus police, but I doubt they'd care about something so mundane. Everyone up here acts like weed doesn't matter. It's practically normal. I hate it, because it messes with my nose.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-28-2014, 12:24 PM

Me too, I just wanna cuddle them so bad! I love how their scales feel.

Mine doesn't really react from touching her sides or stomach...stroking her butt (that sounds so wrong lmao) was the only way to get her to purr or react that wasn't a sound of distress.

What the hell. I'd hate that too, I hope you'll be able to be free from that with maybe a dorm change or something.

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Suona is offline
Old 01-28-2014, 11:17 PM

Right? But then I would probably want to rub my cheek on them because they're so soft, but that's weird

Haha. Yeah, don't want to distress her.
Rats are ticklish, too. It's freaking adorable. > w< My last rat was super ticklish. He'd squirm around and grab my finger with his hands and give it kisses and push it away. He was so polite. xP My rat before him would squeal when he got baths. lol He was so loud, because I'd have to scrub to get him clean and he was crazy ticklish.

Oh, well that was last year. I'm not in the dorms anymore. So I don't have to deal with that. However, people in my classes reek like it all the time, and I get customers in work that smell so strongly of it, that it makes me sneeze sometimes.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-29-2014, 02:45 PM

Not it's not! XD I wanna snuggle with a snake too. <33

Wow, weird. I had two pet mice before, one a small white lab rat I named Lisa, and one large white lab rat I named Touchy, and neither of them were ticklish at all. o __o;;

So a lot of people smoked weed there? D:

TelstelNSG1 is offline
Old 03-11-2014, 04:06 AM

Hi all, how is everyone doing, i hope the thread is going and i'm truly sorry if i'm necroing, it's been over a month since anyone posted in here, so sorry.

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Suona is offline
Old 03-11-2014, 04:47 AM

I want to snuggle with all animals! It scares me dad, because when I see big cats I saw I want to snuggle and play with it.

It's the most adorable thing. I miss rats so much. I think it's a lot of fun to tickle them. :3 The next time you have a rat or know someone with a rat, you should try tickling it.

Oooh, yeah. Major hippy town. It's not even considered a type of drug up here to people. Most people don't even treat it as being illegal. I don't even think the cops really care.

---------- Post added 03-10-2014 at 09:47 PM ----------

And hello! :)
I'm doing pretty good, but super busy. How are you?


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