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Untarael is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 01:25 AM

This is a LONG TERM rp ((I have gotten permission from my friend to re-create this rp. So no stealing.))

The Story

There are two new girls in town and strange things seem to follow them where ever they go. It's not hard to miss in such a small town. When they first moved in students at the high school welcomed them with open arms, but now that feeling has changed as their personalities are revealed. Autumn, she brings death to all happiness when she walks in a room while her sister, Spring, brings joy and happiness to all.

Students secretly begin to meet together to discuss the strange new students and plot a way to reveal that they really aren't human. There was now way they could be, could they?

Could these really be normal girls?

The Rules

-No Godmodding
-Follow all rules!
-Keep it PG-13
-No Cybering (No one wants to have to read that...if you want to do that do it through PMs)
-Please try to be atleast semi-literate (no *'s for actions please)
-If you dont post for 3 days without telling me you'll be gone for a long period of time you will be replaced
-Don't just post a couple of times and then never post again (it's annoying)
-Read the How to Join post before going all profile crazy.

How to Join

~Everyone is allowed to join.~

There can only be four seasons. Below I will post when a season is claimed.

Autumn and Spring are girls (they're siblings)

Summer and Winter are guys.

~Autumn is taken~

~Spring is taken~

~Winter is taken~

~Summer is taken~

~Please PM your profile to me!~
~Summer has a crush on Autumn. Winter has a crush on Spring. But do they like them back?(-insert dramatic theme music here-)

Please include the following information in your profile:
~Plotting= Planning to get the new kids to reveal that they aren't human.

Played by:
Race: (You can choose between season, and human. You may be another race if you talk to me about it.)
Powers (if any): (The powers the seasons have, must go along with their season.)
Favorite class:
Best subject:
Worst subject:

Last edited by Untarael; 06-26-2008 at 03:05 AM..

Untarael is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 01:26 AM


Name: Autumn
Played by: xXToxic_MuffinXx
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Race: Season
Powers: She can slowly drain the life of things and drain happiness
Favorite class: Chemistry
Best subject: English
Worst subject: Geometry
Plotting?: No
About: Autumn is a very sweet girl, but is often quiet and sends out the wrong message without meanign to. She keeps her thoughts to herself most of the time and tries to get along with everybody. She doesn't like heights or small spaces. Autumn loves the color orange and brown. She loves to read and write and doodles constantly on the side of her notes.
Other: Has a crush on Summer.


Name: Winter
Played by: Untarael
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Season
His eyes are a deep crystal blue with a white-ish icy blue spiking out around his pupils.
Powers (if any): Winter has powers over ice/snow, and can suck the life out of living things if he touches them with his bare hands.
Favorite class: Art
Best subject: Science
Worst subject: English
Plotting?: No.
about: Winter can be very cold and distant towards people he doesnt know. But once you get to know him he is actually a kind person who looks out for all the other seasons and his friends.
Other: Winter almost always carries a sketch book and some pencils with him.

Name: Spring
Played by:
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Race: Season.
Powers (if any): Can make anything/anybody happy just by walking into a room.
Favorite class: Textiles.
Best subject: Art.
Worst subject: Algebra
Plotting?: No
About: Spring is sweet and caring. She loves her friends and only wants them to be happy. He sister is the most important thing in her life, they are very close. Spring hopes that one day they will both be looked at as equals and have friends who like them both, silly powers or not.
Other: Spring has a HUGE crush on Winter.

Name: Summer
Played by: zigbigadorlube
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Season
Appearance: Summer has long golden blonde hair that always seems to be falling in his eyes despite the fact that he keeps it tied back. He has wide, bright golden eyes to match his hair. Summer has a very tall and skinny build and his skin is slightly tanned. He usually prefers to wear an opened button up t-shirt with a tank underneath, a pair of tan cargo shorts, and a pair of flip flops.
Powers: Summer has the ability to focus heat from the sun to create fire. He can also manipulate pre-existing fires.
Favorite class: Cooking
Best subject: Physical Education
Worst subject: History
Plotting: No
About: Summer has a very laid back attitude so it usually takes a lot to ruffle his feathers. Summer loves to spend time outside however he absolutely hates when it rains.
Other: Summer has a pet cat.

Last edited by Untarael; 06-23-2008 at 06:17 PM..

Untarael is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 01:46 AM

Now Open.

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 01:50 AM

Autumn finished unpacking the last box."Yes...I did it." Autumn walked outside and took a big breath cool to have a place of...almost my own." Autumn walked back inside and cut up a watermelon."mmm.Watermelon.."

Autumn took a big bite of her watermelon and whiped her mouth because of the juice running down her chin."hm..I wonder where Spring is.."

Last edited by King; 06-23-2008 at 09:13 PM..

Untarael is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 02:02 AM

Winter sat on his couch with his sketchbook in his hand. He was drawing again. So far it was a bunch of lines sitting on a page. The lines would eventually form into a picture, and then he would do the same on a clean piece of paper.

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 02:04 AM

Autumn finished a couple more peices of watermelon . She picked up a book and started to read...

Untarael is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 10:34 PM

After a while Winter got bored and decided to go out and wander the town. Maybe he would see someone he knew. He tossed his sketchbook onto the coffee table and leaves his house. After Winter locked up he started down the street. People were giving him odd looks as they passed. Its like they've never seen someone with pale skin and white hair before.

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sweet..tooth is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 02:46 PM

"Autumn? You Better Not Be Sitting on That Sofa! We Still Have Boxes Up Here" Spring called down to her sister. It was nid afternoon and the sun was high in the sky. It was a hot day.
Spring wiped a hand across her forehead.
"Do You Have A Key To The Window?" Spring shouted to Autumn. It was scorching heat in her room and if they did not have a window it owuld be hell.

Spring and Autumn had recently moved to a lovely little town. It was the kind of place were everyone felt comfortable. You could speak to anyone on the street and get a friendly reply.
Spring had alreaddy made friends with a girl called Samantha. She was lovely.
But the problem was, Spring never knew if the people were actually her friends, or weather they only liked her because her power made them.

"Hello? Are You Even Listening To Me?" Spring shouted down again.

Untarael is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:02 PM

Tired of recieving odd looks from people Winter pulls out his cell phone. He goes through his list of contacts and decides to call Spring. After he had hit the call he button he waited for her to answer.

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sweet..tooth is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:41 PM

Spring heard her cell phone ringing in her brown shoulder bag. She opend the bag and pulled out her cell.
"Hello?" She answered.

Untarael is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 06:49 PM

"Hey Spring, its Winter. Have you and your sister finished unpacking?" Someone looked at him when he had said their names.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-12-2008, 02:03 AM

Summer looked up at the ceiling of his room and sighed. He had slept late once again. Getting out of bed he made his way down the hall to the kitchen where he quickly made up a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon which he took into the living room to eat. Sitting down on the couch he noticed Winter's sketch book on the coffee table and vaguely wondered where his house mate had wandered off to. Winter usually took his sketch book with him when he went out...

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sweet..tooth is offline
Old 06-15-2008, 01:11 PM

Sping wandered out of her room to see what Autumn was doing downstairs. She took a few steps and noticed the front door open. She walked all the stairs then shut the door.
Spring turned round on the spot to see if she could see Autumn. There she was on the couch.
"Hey. Get up lazy ass! We better unpack the rest of these boxes" She shouted to her lazy sister.

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-22-2008, 08:20 PM

Autumn got up .''Jeez,Your so nice!'' She laughed quietly to herself as she picked up another box and brought it up to her room and started to unpack some more..."So Spring i was hoping we could go to the mall later.You up for it?"

Wearer of glow-in-the-dark snowm...
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King is offline
Old 06-22-2008, 08:44 PM

Moved to the Modern/Schools subforum as it is somewhat dealing with school subjects and student conflict.

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sweet..tooth is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 10:50 AM

At last Autumn woke up and began to move the remainder of the boxes. She was walking up stairs when she said something which Spring had been expecting for a while.
"Oh gosh. Is that all you think about?" She giggled.
"Of course we can go. I guess it gives us chance to meet new people" Spring smiled up at Autumn. At this point Spring was on the third step and carrying a heavy box. The box read 'books'. This meant that the contense of the box belonged to Spring as she loved to read.

Untarael is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 05:38 PM

Winter yawned and stretched alittle. There wasnt much to do today. So he decided to head over to Spring and Autumn's house and see if they needed any help unpacking. Once the house came into view he walked up to the door and rang the bell.

((Sorry that I havent posted in a while. I've been busy))

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 05:40 PM

Autumn broke the empy box down and put it n the recycling bin."Yeah.Aslo so i dont have to cook.." Autumn said as she walked behind her sister."I cant believe school is going to start soon...I love school but i dont feel like going that much.." Autumn sighed as she picked up another box when she got down the stairs.It read.''Photo`s''

Autumn heard the door bell ring so she went to answer it."Oh Hey winter.Come on in." Autumn let him in."You wanna help unpack?" She laughed."Yeah probably not.." Autumn started to put pictures in frames and hanging them up.

Last edited by King; 06-23-2008 at 09:06 PM..

Untarael is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 05:52 PM

"Sure I'll help. Thats actually part of the reason why I came over. Theres nothing to do at my place and people keep giving me strange looks. Which isnt anything new." Winter looked around the room and at some boxes.

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 05:56 PM

"Oh i see.Im guessing Summer slept in again?" Autumn handed him a box full of pictures."Make sure the picture is that right size.Oh and Winter later today we are going to the mall.Wanna come?" She took out a Razor knife and cut open another box full of pictures and frames...

Untarael is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 06:02 PM

Winter rummaged through the box of pictures and pulled one out. He examined it before he placed it on the wall. "Sure. I was there a few days ago. The mall is huge."

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 06:04 PM

Autumn picked up a picture of Autumn and her sister at the old house.She smiled as she set it up."Cool i cant wait to go!That was i wont have to cook anything." Autumn giggled quietly.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 11:20 PM

Summer slowly finished off his breakfast before depositing the dirty plate into the sink. Heaving a sigh he made his way back to his bedroom to grab a clean change of clothes. Taking these to the bathroom he undressed and stepped into the shower.

A few moments later he stepped out, clean, and more awake. He quickly dressed and brushed out his long hair before pulling it back into a ponytail. Throwing his dirty towel into the hamper he exited the bathroom and made his way back to his room, contemplating how he should spend his time that day.

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xXToxic_MuffinXx is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 03:25 PM

Autumn stopped what she was doing and flipped open her cellphone.She dialed Summers number."Come on and answer..." Autumn mumbled into the phone...

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sweet..tooth is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:55 PM

Spring could hear Autumn talking down stairs.
"I Hope You Aren't Talking To Yourself Again" She called giggling.
Spring walked downstairs and saw Autumn and Winter unpacking boxes. She smiled. "I Guess Not Then" she said.
"Hey Winter. You Okay? How Come Your Round?" Spring liked Winter. She liked his eyes. She had not know him long but she loved to spend time with him.

((It's fine! I'm just happy things have started up again... ^.^))


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