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Amane is offline
Old 08-11-2016, 01:08 PM

Neptune shenanigans. Those things the world of working adults writes off as magical and superstitious and not real except in the imagination. Because you can't prove them or even see them a lot of times. :S
/in-depth astrology is psychology's spiritual twin, doe
/really interesting to talk about

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 08-11-2016, 08:07 PM

Hello again, everyone. I have returned to write another textwall. How is everyone doing today? I am doing well, thank you. Well, there was a blip in my day today but I will get to that. So the day started off pretty alright. I did wake up really early and feel pretty sleepy, but I guess the adrenaline kicked in soon after I woke up from less than six hours of sleep. And I met someone who gave me a free doughnut, which I thought was pretty fun. But then the blip happened, which was that someone introduced himself to me and yelled at me for a silly reason. That was not fun at all. But thanks to my abundant friends, I have since gotten over it. I still think he should not have done what he did but I have learned that there is nothing much you can do to drastically improve people who have already reached a certain age and are still not nice. And of course, I was very happy to see a lot of friends today, that was wonderful :D and tomorrow we are having dinner together which is also wonderful. I just called in the reservation to the restaurant about an hour ago so we should be all set, and I cannot wait!! And my significant other will be here too because he is such a sweetie pie for driving all the way here. So it will be a good day I hope. I just need to catch up on all of the studying I need to do so that I do not have that looming over my head tomorrow when I could be enjoying a stress-free Friday night, amiright?

Amane is offline
Old 08-11-2016, 10:10 PM

Fiddlest*cks, that was the perfect opportunity for a wall o' text.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 08-11-2016, 10:27 PM

Haha well I can continue talking about it I guess. My friend who witnessed the incident told me not to worry about it, that dude was probably just joking because he was smiling afterward or something. I was mad scared though when this dude I did not meet before decided to introduce himself and start being a yeller while gripping my hand. Yooo man, is that really what you want your first impression to be though, yelling at a stranger about a silly thing while holding their hand o.o Anyway, if I end up having to interact with this dude in some other capacity at some other time then I will treat him depending on how he treats me later on professionally. I do not care for him personally. I assume he is not always a yeller. Maybe he is even a nice guy. I can give him the benefit of the doubt professionally if he turns out to be a nice guy instead of a mean one, but I would rather not associate with him personally. If that makes sense. I have way too many good people I have already associated myself with personally that I do not need a lesser good person there.

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 02:12 AM

No, my post. I could've gone on an astrology vs. psychology rant!

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 02:14 AM

oh I thought you meant my post, oh well. But I would love to read a rant about astrology versus psychology if you are still up for it! it is never too late to post a long textwall, Amane. In fact, I think it would be extremely impressive if you did, as it would show how much knowledge you have in both areas if you were able to compare them that way.

I have two messages pending on my facebook messsenger but I cannot get to them now because I am posting on menewsha. And now that you are back, Amane, I have my work cut out for me because I am falling behind on responding to all of your posts in a timely manner while still trying to post a ton of textwalls.

Echolaia is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 01:44 PM

Hey there Siren! Sorry it took so long to finally join in - I ended up falling sick this week and spending all my time in bed. So now tell me what I've been missing? How's college life? :D

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 03:12 PM

Amane- That's really interesting. I'd love to know more, so go ahead and rant!

Sal-E: Sounds like the kind of person not worth stressing over. :P Just brushing it off is easier said than done, but even so.

Laia: OMG welcome, finally! Btw your nickname- you have it in common with someone
College is becoming crazily busy. But it isn't poisonously stressful. Yet.

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 03:49 PM

I haven't studied psychology, but the field seems interesting. Look what you've done. Your tone's getting all over my post. I have too much Neptune influence for this.

Most people know hardly anything about astrology. They think it's saying, "You were born on this day, and therefore everything you do is because of this astrological sign. It's the magic of the stars. What? That doesn't sound like you? Oh well. People are people, after all. Do what feels right!"
Astrology is much, much more complex than that. Did you know every sign
and every planet affects your personality? Asteroids and stars affect you as well. Astrology is actually saying, "You were born on this day at this time in this exact place, and because of what the planets looked like from that location at that time, you will have experiences mainly in your earliest years but throughout your entire life that will encourage you to develop a set of personalities. Which personality shows depends on the situation."
That thing that you know as your "sign" because of the day you were born is your Sun sign. It's where the sun was when you were born. It's an anchor for the rest of your personality, the same way the planets revolve around the sun. If you don't think your Sun sign fits you, it's because of the other stuff in your astrology. I know I myself don't feel like my Sun sign, yet I have a cluster of core planets in that sign. *rubs temple* I may have figured out why just last night.

If you want a truly accurate description of your personality from an astrological standpoint, you'll need your birth date, time, and city and a birth chart generator. And somebody who knows how to interpret or enough resources to do so yourself.

I did say astrology is psychology's spiritual twin. They are the same in that they're both a study of what makes you act the way you do. They both have a ton of theories that can't be 100% proven. Both are broken down into fields you can concentrate on depending on what interests you. Your learning is never truly done. I could think about this wall o' text later and think I did a bang-up job explaining all of this. Especially since I've never cracked open a psychology book in my life and what I'm saying about it is based on what I've seen others say about it.
The core thing that separates astrology and psychology is that one is spiritual and one is realistic. Astrology
does suggest a greater force is out there directing us and things happen because fate. At least, I think it's fate. Most astrologers I've seen believe in free will, but the more I learn about astrology, the harder it is for me to believe the same. I think psychology is like science in that it seeks a logical explanation for everything. By the way, did you know that if you can't disprove something, it's not science? And in math, if you can't disprove something, it's instantly true?

If you talk about astrology without dropping any terms, it sounds like a logical explanation rather than boiling your condition down to "it was fate."
Here's an astrology thing: I have a Cancer Midheaven, so I want to be treated gently.
Now, if you try to get that across without using any terms: When I was younger, I felt like my value in my family was determined by how successful I was. It was like working for a job and keeping my performance up lest my employer replace me. That's why I'm so cold with my family. They didn't teach me that family had an emotional bond. So now I look for that emotional bond when I go out into the world. I want people who will find value in me just because I'm me. I want them to not expect anything of me; they'll accept and love me no matter what.
Sounds like a psychologist's view to me.

Something I'm working on is being able to explain every sign and planet in a realistic way.
Like what I was saying about Neptune earlier? I absorb thinking and talking styles like a sponge. I can question something I've known to be true since I was seven years old just because some idiot is so insistent that I'm wrong. Taking sides on issues is the worst for me because I can see where every side's coming from.
I'm not sure how to explain my Neptune placement in realist terms yet. The placement, at its core, says I was deceived about how to take in the world around me and how to express myself in it. So deceived that I'm never totally sure how to. As a result, I end up mirroring however other people do those things. I do it without thinking!
There's also the angle that says I'm like that because I'm taking in information on a psychic level. My thoughts seem random and unfocused when really the future is being laid out before me.

P.S. Don't believe in Ophiuchus. Just don't. I'll gladly wall o' text you up again if you want to know why.

Someone on TV just said, "Chicken, bacon…," and now I want to eat. *facepalm*


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 04:48 PM


Such walls. Much text. O.o
Sorry, I saw vada on the previous page an had to post about it. Mmm. Vada

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 04:49 PM

SPUDDIE BUDDIE! You've come!


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 09:05 PM

I was here!
Then I went away!
Now I'm back!
But I must go soon because I'm sleepy

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 09:15 PM

Your avvie looks ready to go to bed.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 09:49 PM

Like me! Just missing my fluffy gown and sockies :3

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 10:21 PM

Sockies. Stop being so cute!


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 10:25 PM

Sometimes I can't help it. it just happens O.O

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 10:25 PM

You cutie pie.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 10:42 PM

Oh, did I mention? I have done something of interest O.O

Amane is offline
Old 08-12-2016, 10:51 PM


hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 08-13-2016, 12:56 AM

That's... beautiful, Ama. I'd say 'cool' but it goes beyond that because it's terribly exciting and not something I'd celebrate right away, or ever, for that matter (the debatable free will thing) and now I'm probably going to be spending some time that I should be using for college studies to explore more on this, instead.
'Spuddie Buddie' is the cutest thing I've heard in a while

Spuddie- I'mma adopt that from Ama. Because so much cute. What did you do OMG?! *nibbles skin around nails and bounces in seat*
Oh yes! Vada is great! And I'm having vada for breakfast today as well- vada with pongal. *licks lips*
I really like your avi. The muted, gilted colours and the atmosphere

Last edited by hanahaki disease; 08-13-2016 at 05:33 AM..

Amane is offline
Old 08-13-2016, 04:11 AM

Yep, and I'm her Blue Buddy.

Ooh, someone enjoyed what I said! I did good!

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 08-13-2016, 05:34 AM

I shall call you Blue from now on, then. *claps* It's perfect!

But of course, that's to be expected. You are one of my favourite word players, Blue

Amane is offline
Old 08-13-2016, 11:40 AM

Like I said, I can't force it, but I can build some high text walls.

Funny enough, I have a Cancer Midheaven, if you didn't realize I was talking about myself there, and we ended up talking about how my family never says "I love you" at dinner last night.

hanahaki disease
hanahaki disease is offline
Old 08-13-2016, 01:55 PM

Yep. Textwalls happen when they're meant to happen. And when they're meant to happen, they just happen.

I see. My immediate family doesn't say 'I love you' either. But my aunts do.
I wanted to go away to college in part to get away from my family. I find my family's nicer to me, and I feel warmer towards them, now that I'm away from them.

Amane is offline
Old 08-13-2016, 02:09 PM

Absence makes the heart grow fonder!


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