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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 02-18-2013, 04:57 AM

"Well, there are some small birds like pigeons and sparrows. Mostly pigeons. Pigeons are kinda small and mostly grey, with a little bit of black. They always have a wide-eyed look, and walk pretty funny, kind of like this." Sophie mimicked the pigeon-walk as best as she could with a straight face, but wound up laughing anyway.

Sophie smiled. "They sound like it. I hope I can get to see one." She paused. "I have seen Peacocks and Flamingos before, but mostly in magazines or in zoos. It's definitely not the same as it is here. This is... Magical."

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 02-18-2013, 05:00 AM

BBR thread!
*dances in and out* 8D

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-18-2013, 05:15 AM

((*laughs at Suona*))

Nate laughed at Sophie’s pigeon walk. He wondered if the pigeons were similar to any of the birds they had here, but he doubted it.

Nate walked happily down the path, leading Sophie. “You might be able to see them when they are out feeding. They fly around above the ocean and then dive in to catch fish.” He smiled when she said this place was magical. “It really is magical. This island is a place where anyone’s hearts desire can come true.” Being a kid he didn’t understand what Sophie really meant, but he would argue with anyone that tried to say his home wasn’t a magical place. He knew of the magic that resided in this island and within Rose. In his mind magic is a real thing, not something that is considered make believe.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 02-18-2013, 11:42 PM

((XD Suona... LOL))

"Ooh, I'll have to keep my eyes open then." She said with a grin. Her smile softened. "Anyone's, huh...?" It was more to herself than to Nate. If her dreams could come true...

A ways ahead, she saw what looked like the entrance to a cave. Sophie blinked, then nodded at the cave. "Is that it?"

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 02-19-2013, 07:43 PM

((Mind if I throw in a little more fantasy to fantasy island? mwahahaaa))

Name: Rize
Race: Cobra Naga (half snake)
Desires: Nice warm rock or sand, anything that smells or looks...tasty ;)
Dislikes: the cold, hunters, ugly things

Rize is a lazy lusty arrogant snake, be careful if he gets you in his coils. He likes a good squeeze. ;)

Things had become more noisy on the island, IT was starting to irritate Rize who was trying to take a nice nap on a secluded beach corner. Rising up from his coiled corner, he yawned stretching his muscled arms as his fangs glinted off in the sunlight. It was hard to miss them. When he yawned his wide mouth opened up onto the terrifying site. As he snapped his mouth shut, he was reminded that he was hungry.

He should have known the humans were up to something, looks like a boat was docking with guests, Mistress Rose was up to silly human shenanigans again. Could be a party at that. He stood, half hidden in the island foliage his coils hidden from view, as he peered out at the new arrivals. Ah there was a site, that little Nate boy was helping out. As usually he looked delicious. Perhaps today might be the day he could have a little fun.

He slithered along the line of trees going further in, while heading toward a used path. If anyone should take a "tour" he was sure to give them a little surprise. He found a good tree and using his long snake body, slithered up the tree to a higher branch. There he could lay in ambush.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-19-2013, 09:46 PM

Nate nodded, “Yup, anyone.” He skipped down the path a bit, still full of energy. They had finally made it the entrance was just ahead. It seemed they made good time as well because it was still light out. Goodie we will have time to explore the cave a little bit. The thought excited the young boy. The caverns truly were one of his favorite places on the island. “Yes, that’s it. Let’s hurry so we can explore before it gets dark.” Nate shouted, being a little noisier than he meant to. His shouting disturbed the birds in the trees, causing them to fly away. “Oops,” he giggled.

Since Nate had scared off the birds they had no way to know they were being watched by one of the Naga that lived on the island. The boy thought the Naga were cool, but Rose won’t let him get near any of them. He couldn’t understand that, but just knew it was for his safety.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 02-19-2013, 11:26 PM

He lazed on the branch almost falling asleep as he waited He had just gotten up from his previous nap so he was still a little sleepy. Voices and birds flying shook him to attention. He had to wrap his hands around the branch for a second while he got his balance. Turning his gaze toward the voices, he spotted his prey. A girl walked along with the young boy. Slightly annoyed that Nate was not alone, he looped his tail over the branch ready to snag the little one away and into the high branches as soon as he passed under.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 02-20-2013, 03:00 AM

Sophie laughed, trying to keep up with Nate. She was filled with new hope. If her dreams could come true, then everything would align itself. She watched the birds take off, loving the sight. Not even the pigeons she'd known (and secretly harbored an affection for) had ever done something quite like that.

Sophie had developed a 'sixth sense' of sorts in the city. It was somewhat like having eyes in the back of her head. Something felt... off. She tensed. She'd forgotten that the jungle here was indeed a jungle, with wild animals roaming. She gripped the machete in her hand a little bit tighter.

"Yeah, let's hurry." She tried to keep her voice as light and upbeat as it was before, but wasn't sure if she'd quite achieved that.

At the rate they were going, they'd get to the cave entrance soon. She hoped that they'd be in the clear, but she didn't quite know if that would be the case. It seemed like something worth bringing up, to be honest.

"Hey, Nate? Is there anything... dangerous we should be looking out for?"

Last edited by CADFND; 02-20-2013 at 03:04 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-20-2013, 04:03 AM

Nate paused near the end of the path to wait for Sophie to catch up. He spun around to face her. “Well there are a few things we need to keep an eye out for. There some venomous snakes and spiders. I’ve heard that the Komodo Dragons can be dangerous, but they are usually not around here. They stick to the western part of the island and we are on the eastern part. There are few others too, but they usually shy away from this area because of all the humans.” The boy basically recited what he had been taught.

Nate wanted to tell her about some of the more magical and mythical creatures that resided on the island, but Rose had forbidden him to do so freely. The only time things like that could be talked about is if they were actually seen. He rocked back and forth on his feet, unknowingly under the tree the Naga was hiding in. “This is going to be fun,” he said smiling.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 02-21-2013, 05:13 PM

(sorry got real busy yesterday)

Rize resisted a chuckle at the boy's comment. This would be fun indeed. He lowered his tail off the branch, aware that the bright orange of his scales would be all too noticeable amongst the green. He needed to be quick, especially as this other girl was with him. His scales were strong and tough, but he disliked pain or fighting in general. Plus she would indubitably go for aid. If so he would use the treetops and slither away, holding his prize to play with once retreated. Still he needed to catch the boy first. Quickly, he lashed out, attempting to wrap the end of his tail around the boy for a good grip. If successful, it would be easy to hoist the little thing back up on the branch with him, allowing to place a few more restraining coils about Nate.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-21-2013, 10:26 PM

((That's ok Silverbeam.))

Before the boy new it something orange had fallen down around him. "Crap," Nate shouted as he tried to duck out of the way. He really hadn't expected that a Naga would be here hiding. From the bright orange scales he knew it was Rize. Rize was always trying to catch him. His ducking didn't help much as brightly colored tail wrapped around his leg. The young boy looked to Sophie for help, knowing he wasn't going to be strong enough to pull out of the creature's grasp.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 01:46 AM

((Sorry for not posting til now. I was busy. ^^;))

Sophie swivelled on her feet and swung at Rize's tail. Nate was small, and Sophie wasn't sure if she could get Rufio's help fast enough. After going for a second swing, she saw Rize in full. She almost dropped the machete. Was he... Human? He looked human, but instead of legs, he had a tail! Sophie squeaked, but swung again, attempting to get Nate free with her other hand. Her confusion could wait until later, but if she survived, she was going to ask Mistress Rose just what inhabited the island.


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