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Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 09:59 PM


Hi all, this is an official announcement from Biscuits and Truffles! The shop is being moved to a new building, meaning the front page is being redone, the pets are all being finished up and sent out, the petpets or minipets are being recreated so they're not so hostile, and my new assistant is in training... (( Truffles: On her first day she threw a clock into a pot of chocolate... I'd already added the secret ingredient that brings it to life and it started moving. ;-; Maybe an auction soon?)) Biscuits got a new tablet that works on her computer with photoshop. Cool right? Totally! PS pets will likely generally be auctioned off and available custom through bribes only.

Anyway, Biscuits is setting up the new shop to house all the pets, journals, and roleplays. It shouldn't take her too long, but you know how she procrastinates. n.n;

Anyways, she's having a great time getting things together, and she's got several prizes in store for you all!

Undergoing construction

"Hello, I'm Truffles! The shop is undergoing some maintainence! <3 Please be patiant."

I ask that you read the rules and the rest of the front page BEFORE posting.

Thank you!


~*~{[ Follow Mene's rules above all else.
~*~{[All artwork in this shop, unless stated otherwise, is mine.
~*~{[ DO NOT steal, edit, alter, or take claim for my art work. Few exceptions might be made.
~*~{[ And fighting or bickering will be ended IMMEDIATELY.
~*~{[ Please post "Pineapple", I want to see how many people actually read the rules.
~*~{[ Truffles, Deviant, and Burnt Biscuits are the same person. I have permision from Eroy and the rest fo the staff to have Deviant as a thirdmule for use in a plot directory project in a seperate thread, unrelated to this shop.
~*~{[ Rules may be added, removed, and edited as I please.

Navigation will be at the bottom of each post. ^-^

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Last edited by Truffles; 05-27-2008 at 05:09 AM..

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:02 PM



~*~<{ The shop will OFFICIALLY open on the fourteenth of February, 2008.
~*~<{ The first ever flatsale will begin on the fourteenth of February, 2008, at 9am pacific time.
~*~<{ 2/19: I've reduced the prices of fs pets to 500g, and I will be adding custom slots for 700g!

Also, the flatsale will be ending on the 29th of this month.

If the pets aren't sold by then they will be given away to people I like. XD If you don't get one it doesn't mean I don't like you, so don't be offended.


‘Chocolate Is Love’ is the chocolate lovers dream shop. The pets are breedable and roleplayable, and all born from… CHOCOLATE! Every be is custom done, there are no bases here! There are several different ‘races’ including Biscuits, Truffles, Caramels, Fruits & Nuts, Ganaches, Pralines, Solids, and Mints. Each holiday will have themed chocolates such as chocolate rabbits for easter, chocolate roses for Valentines day, Advent chocolates and chocolate santas for Christmas… you get the idea.

The pets will be roleplayed in the shop, although you’re welcome to roleplay privately elsewhere.

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Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:12 PM



Pets may be done in any medium, including tablet, like the examples, copic, pencil, colored pencil, hell, I might even use clay. XD

Candy: Wow, what a delectable treat! But don’t eat it! You don’t want to lose your pet. ;) Your pet can’t roleplay, move, talk, or do much of anything else yet. Give it time why don’t you.

Birth: OMG! It… it… MOVED! Your pet’s still pretty useless, but you’re getting closer!

Crumpet: Your pet’s a kid now! S/He can roleplay! The only thing your pet can’t do yet is breed. Keep an eye on that kid, their handfuls children are…

Cookie: Well would you look at that. They grow up so fast, but not fast enough! You’re pet’s a hell raising teenager now. Or perhaps a responsible soon to be adult? Your pet’s personality should really show by now. They still can’t breed though. Come on, be a good kid.

Cake: Your pet it at it’s final stage. Fully grown, and ready to go out into the world. That it, if Mama can let it go. Your pet is now breeable, roleplayable, and every other ‘able’ you can think of. Congrats!

ALSO!::: You WILL receive a larger version of your pet if requested!


You must do three things to breed:

Have an adult pet.

Have a willing partner with an adult pet.

Buy a breeding pass.

The person to purchase the breeding pass gets the child.

You may buy one breeding pass per person. Meaning if you both want kids out of the relation ship, you must each purchase a pass.

Breeding passes are 300g each. ((Essentially, you’re saving 200g on a pet.))

I don’t care how you split gold, you CANNOT co-own a pet. I will give the pet to whichever parent sends the trade.

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Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:15 PM

Story/About Truffles


Truffles mixed the ingredients carefully, pouring his heart and soul into what would become a batch of the world’s best chocolates. The chocolates he sold in his store on a daily basis. Finally finished, he set the batch on a rack to dry, watching the smooth surface of the chocolate begin to set before closing up the shop and retiring to his room on the floor above.

The next morning the passionate baker woke early to sounds coming from his shop. He hurried down, wearing only his robe, and found small children everywhere, and nothing remaining of the truffles he’d made but the chocolately shell.

By pouring so much of himself into his work, he had created life. He couldn’t take care of all of them though! So the quest began to find loving homes for his creations.



Truffles is an NPC for this shop.

Name: Maurice Truffles
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Devine Chocolates.
Likes: Chocolate of any sort, sweets, people, animals, art, roses
Dislikes: Being called by his first name or any variation of it, burnt food
Bio: Truffles’ father wanted him to become a lawyer, and kicked him out at sixteen when Truffles informed his father that he was going to make chocolate instead. His mother’s been dead for years, she abandon them to start a new life with a new man when Truffles was a toddler, so he doesn’t really have an opinion on her or her death. He’s already finished college, and he’s pursuing his passion.

Truffles really likes it when people draw him. n.n

Name: Biscuits
Gender: We aren’t sure. >>
Orientation: Not too sure on that either. XD Bi I guess, although I hate the label.
Likes: Sweets, people, sweet people, pretty people/things, cute things, food, animals, drawing, art of all kinds, writing, roleplaying, chatting, debating, coming up with characters, music… ect.
Dislikes: Foolish people, dishes, repetitive sounds…
Bio: I’m a college kid, I live with my parents, and I’m currently drinking tea. As usual.
Biscuits loves avie art too!

~*~Opening/rules~*~News/About~*~Stages/Breeding~*~Story/About Truffles~*~Events/Current~*~Lists/Affiliates~*~Shop/F.A.Q~*~

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:22 PM




Flat sale pets will be a first come first serve deal for 500g a pet.

Auctions: Auctions will begin at 500g with a minimum bid increasement of 30g.

Raffles: Raffels will have as many ticket slots as I can sell. If I have a fixed number, and on some events I will, you may purchase two different clues for 100g each if you wish that will double your odds. First, is high/low. I'll tell you if the winning ticket/s are above or belowthe half way point. The second is even/odd, I'll tell you if the winning ticket is even or odd. If there are multiple winning tickets you may specify which prize you're aiming for. Ticket prices will vary.

Custom Pets:

Custom slots:

1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

To get a custom pet you must either win one, or buy one. They sell at present for 7oog-1k, depending on the pet's complexity. To purchase a custom pet you must fill out the form, discuss it with Biscuits, and when asked to, send the trade.

Originally Posted by Custom Form
User Name: [obvious]
Pet Name: [obvious]
Pet Type: [What sort of chocolate? Or should I choose?]
Pet Age: [This is the age you want your pet to END at, the age of the final stage.]
Gender: [the pet's]
Race: [in other words, skin color, eye color, hair color, and specific featurs like narow eyes, flat nose, ect.]
Body Details: [Facial hair, scars, wieght, height, build, horns, feathers, ect. Here.]
Clothing: [image references are well loved. n.n be specific and detailed. ]
Expression and/or pose: [you don't have to fill this out, and as an artist, it's sometimes easier not to follow this sort of order, but if you have a specific pose in mind let me know. If I feel I can't draw it I'll discuss it with you. ]
Other: [Anything I've left out or that you would like to add goes here]


None at the moment

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Last edited by Truffles; 05-12-2008 at 06:30 PM..

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:24 PM


Pet List:

These will eventually link to a journal for each pet. <3

Black list:

White list:


~*~Opening/rules~*~News/About~*~Stages/Breeding~*~Story/About Truffles~*~Events/Current~*~Lists/Affiliates~*~Shop/F.A.Q~*~

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:26 PM




Sugar makes people grow, but it will make your pets grow too!
In stock: none
Price: 200g


Ice will freeze your pet at the stage it’s in.
In stock: Always in stock
Price: 50g


Q: May I co own a pet?
A: No. No you may not.

Q: May I own multiple pets?
A: Yes you can. As many as you want. n.n

Q: Can I HAVE a pet? Like… free?
A: If I think your super awesome I might gift you a pet, but in short, NO.

Q: What if I beg really hard?
A: I’ll tear your spine out through your anus then make you eat it. Don’t beg.

Q: Are you a girl/guy? You said you don’t know, are you transgendered or whatever?
A: … No. e_e I’m one or the other physically, and sort of both mentally. Quit pestering me.

~*~Opening/rules~*~News/About~*~Stages/Breeding~*~Story/About Truffles~*~Events/Current~*~Lists/Affiliates~*~Shop/F.A.Q~*~

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:27 PM

~*~{[This Post is here by reserved by Truffles for future use.]}~*~

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:35 PM

~*~{[This Post is here by reserved by Truffles for future use.]}~*~

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:35 PM


Send a message via Yahoo to Iheart801
Iheart801 is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:45 PM

Very cool idea. They look cute. I might have to buy one when I get more gold. (I am currently questing a pricey item or I would now.) Good luck on your pet sales.

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:47 PM

~*~{[Ah, thank you very much! I understand, everyone's questing around Valentines day. XD I should probably mention the flatsale will last through February with a chance of extension. ^-^ I look forward to one day having you as a customer.]}~*~

Send a message via MSN to Vappor1 Send a message via Yahoo to Vappor1
Vappor1 is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 10:53 PM

So I heard you like pineapples. :-)

Looks good for the pretty stages! ^-^
I'd buy one, but I'd have to save up a bit for that. @w@

Anywaysssss, how are you? :3

Truffles is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 11:52 PM

~*~{[Yes, yes I do. XD Sorry for taking so long to reply, I had to get home. n.n ]}~*~

Angel XIII
\ (•◡•) /
Angel XIII is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 05:59 AM

Posty for you!
Good lucks! <3

Truffles is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 06:17 AM

~*~{[Ah, thank you very much. n.n

So, now that you've been in the shop, aren't you just craving sweets? XD]}~*~

Angel XIII
\ (•◡•) /
Angel XIII is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 06:19 AM

No problem ^.^
And yes, I have the desire to eat my Valentine Chocolates now D=

Truffles is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 06:24 AM

~*~{[XD I ate a bunch of mine, but I stop wanting to eat after about ten.

~pants hunting~]}~*~

Angel XIII
\ (•◡•) /
Angel XIII is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 06:39 AM

Yaaaaaay, hunt for the elusive pair of pants!
Truffles are yummy ToT

Truffles is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 06:42 AM

~*~{[Indeed. n.n

Ohhh.... have you ever had white chocolate Lindor Truffles?

They're heavenly...]}~*~

Send a message via Yahoo to Iheart801
Iheart801 is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 08:38 PM

Ooooo good to know. I will have to keep an eye on what is happening here then.

Truffles are good. I know I have had some sort of white chocolate ones by Lindor, but I can't remember which ones.

Eroy is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 09:51 PM

These are cute!

Good luck with your shoppu!! <3

Truffles is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 11:59 PM

~*~{[Ah, thank you very much Eroy. n.n I'm trying very hard with it. I'm working on an Egyptian pet now, based off of Lindor Truffles, because their coloring is right. ]}~*~

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 02-19-2008, 04:41 AM

Sorry to post twice, but it's been several days. I would like to get this thread in the post history on my main account so I don't lose track of it. n.n;;

Arie is offline
Old 02-19-2008, 06:57 AM

Cute art, I love how you drew the chocolate cakes! xD

If I don't reply, then sorry, I gotta go very soon =C


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