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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 07:31 PM

Dawn curtsied once more before the Queen of Faeries with a nod of her head, "Yes, your majesty. I accept your conditions and understand them fully. However, I'm afraid I cannot give you that tear now.. I have no reason to cry tears of any kind at the moment. However, if you would like to send one of your faeries with me, I promise to protect your faerie and give him or her a tear of your description as soon as I am able. I know you probably will not trust me, for I am a human and goodness knows most of us are untrustworthy.. But I give you my word and swear to you upon my honor and my life, that I will provide your faerie with a tear as soon as I am able."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 08:18 PM

Javitha rolled her eyes in a way that was clearly meant to express exasperation at the foibles of humans. However, she nodded her head. "You are the first human to come by here in a while, if you did not already know. It is too good of an opportunity to waste. Ladies, men?" She turned her head to either side to survey her entourage. "You know that I would not force any of you. Would any of you go with this human, to collect her Heart's Tear as soon as it is shed?"

Silence, as the fairies gazed at each other apprehensively. Then, almost simultaneously:

"If I may, Your Majesty!"

"Your servant, my lady."

The two fairies who had spoken glanced at each other in surprise. Their queen surveyed them: the handmaiden who had betrayed the location of the door, Yami, and one of her most trusted bodyguards, Raman. Quickly, she weighed the advantages of sending either of them in her head. Yami was a flitter-head and a gossip, but obeyed every command given to her with an almost sycophantic eagerness; Raman was stoic and quite capable with the saber that was ever on his hip.

"Raman, you have my permission to accompany this human," Javitha stated at length. "Yami, I wish you to remain with me."

"As you command, My Queen," Raman bowed from the waist in a most gallant manner.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the handmaiden whispered, bowing her head dejectedly.

The fairy who held the crystal jar handed it over to Raman. "One of our fairy-spelled Capsules," Javitha educated Dawn. "No matter how much it is handled or abused, no matter how many years pass, it will never break or decay. Such is the value of your tear."

Gesturing with one slender, pale arm, the Queen of the Fairies directed Dawn's gaze to a large, ornate wooden door set in the wall beside them, where before there had been only stone. "Remember this, human, for it will serve you well: not everything is what it seems in the Labyrinth. Ramal, guard her well, for her tears and for your people."

Again, the small fairy-guard bowed. "I vow to do my best to protect her. For her tears and for my people."

With that, Ramal flew up to hover beside Dawn's shoulder, careful not to touch her. Javitha herself turned without another word and flew away, her entourage forming a trail of iridescence behind her.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 08:37 PM

As Javitha left her, Dawn curtsied once more before turning her head slightly to smile at the faerie above her shoulder, "Raman? That is your name? My name is Dawn, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry I've gotten you into my predicament, I'll do my best to protect you from whatever lays ahead of us.. Jareth warned he'd try to stop me from reaching my goal, so who knows what we'll have in store. It will be quite the adventure, will it not?" she added with a chuckle as she slightly picked up her skirts and headed for the door.

"When you return to your Queen, please thank her for me," she continued as she opened the door. Closing the door behind her, Dawn put her hands on her hips and surveyed the Labyrinth. Sighing, Dawn looked left, and then looked right, before looking left again.

"Well, there's only one way to settle this. Raman, you'd best fly back a bit," Dawn warned as she stepped so that she was in the center of the small Labyrinth tunnel. Spinning around with her pointer finger out, Dawn closed her eyes and came to a stop. Left. "Left it is. We'd best quicken our pace if we're to get there in twelve hours," Dawn said with a laugh, having a bit of fun for the first time in her life as she practically skipped down the corridor, her movements light and precise like a dancers'.

"You may rest on my shoulder or in my hair if you get tired. I know it probably sounds degrading to you to sit upon a human, but if you do get tired, I won't mind you taking advantage and sitting upon me until your strength returns. It is the least I can do after all, having forced you into tagging along like this."

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 08-01-2009 at 09:27 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-01-2009, 10:14 PM

"That is indeed my name, human. Please be aware that I am not accompanying you for your sake, but for my queen's. Once you have cried your Heart's Tear, I will collect it and return to the castle." Raman flew alongside the human girl, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

"You are in surprisingly high spirits for one who has to navigate this maze-in-a-maze with only twelve hours to spare... You mean to say that you wasted one hour simply trying to find the way into the Labyrinth proper? How do you expect to make it to the center, much less the castle itself, with your mortal mindset?"

He had to restrain himself from allowing his haughty stare to devolve into a derisive sneer. He reminded himself that this girl was only a human, after all, and--

By the One's Wings. Did she just offer to let him SIT on her?

"Kind as your offer is, human, I must decline. I am a soldier in Her Majesty Jevitha's army, as well as ranked fourth in her personal guard. It would take more than a simple joy-flight such as this to weary one with my training."

As the girl spun around and chose the direction in that manner, Raman could not refrain from lifting one dark eyebrow. The girl was human and foolish, but he had no choice but to come along. He had sworn to his queen that he would guard this girl for her tear, and so he would.

However, that didn't mean that he had to help, he mused as they passed by an entryway that she obviously had not detected. If he couldn't derive any other pleasure from this excursion, he could at least amuse himself with the human's predictable failures.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 01:43 AM

Dawn laughed as she continued down the Labyrinth, now letting her fingers trail across the brick as she walked, "Well, I can't really say how much time has passed, I can only assume it's been an hour. It could have only been ten minutes. Without a clock I'm quite lost with how much time has passed. And please, call me Dawn. 'Human' sounds so.. I don't know.. cruel. If we are to be together on a journey, you could at least try to be a bit kind by calling me by my name. Please? Oh!" Dawn gasped as her hand seemed to fall through the brick.

Pulling her hand back, she looked at Raman and then back at the brick. Slowly stepping towards it, her hand stretched out, Dawn neared the wall, her eyes growing wide as her hand seemed to pass through the wall.

"Oh! How strange..." Dawn mumbled as she stepped father into the wall and came to stone once more. Noticing air on both sides of her, Dawn jumped a bit, "Oh!"

Looking back at Raman, Dawn laughed, "So this is what Her Majesty meant by the Labyrinth is not as it seems! Did you know these were here? Which way should we go?"

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 02:02 AM

Raman remained silent. "When you can give me fit reason to, I shall use your name," he said at length. "Until then, 'human' will do well enough for you."

He crossed his arms and observed her as she discovered the entryway in the wall. The surprise and wonder on her face was amusing and... also rather... refreshing? No, it simply reconfirmed the fact for him that humans were truly unaccustomed to and unworthy of knowing the full wonders of the Labyrinth.

But they were also lowly enough to be forced to run through the dangers? He shook the thought aside and answered the girl's question.

"I did in fact know that this was here... As well as that one, that one, and that other one down there." He pointed out several other entryways set at intervals in the walls on either side of them. "You would have to be worse than blind to not see them, you with your mortal way of thinking. It was only sheer luck that you discovered this one at all. As for which way to go... Well, it is not MY quest, is it? I am under no obligation to help you. I am only here to bottle the Heart's Tear once you shed it."

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 02:23 AM

"If you insist on calling me 'human', 'human' you may call me," Dawn sighed in submission. It was going to take a lot more to win this faerie's friendship. 'However, once I get it, it will surely be worth the lengths I had to take,' Dawn mused to herself as she again pointed her finger in front of her before spinning around. Left. "Looks like we go left again!"

Heading off in that direction, Dawn let her fingers trail along the wall once more as she looked up at the sky, "I promise you, Raman, you will have your tear as soon as I may produce it, then you may be on your way if you truly do not wish to stay. If my tear is as dear to your Kingdom as your Queen says, I do not want to give her a worthless tear. Her help was as significant part of my journey, and I cannot thank her enough for helping me begin it."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 02:43 AM

Raman blinked. He had not expected this human to acquiesce to her "title" so willingly. Most humans would swell up with their mortal pride and rant and fume about how they were better and deserved more than that. A lot of them would throw in some foolish phrase about how they were bigger and so somehow superior to the fairy race.

That, of course, would swiftly earn them a jab in the face from Raman's saber, for by insulting the race of the fairies they insulted him and also his queen.

But this human... If he didn't know better, he would think that she was used to such... put-downs. Why else would she accept it with so little protest?

Then she mentioned his queen and he snapped back to knowledge of his rank and his race once more. "Yes," he replied shortly. "My lady Jevitha is a generous and just ruler. We fairies are fortunate to have her as our queen." He touched his fingers to his forehead in a salute; it mattered not that his queen could not see it. The meaning behind the gesture was all that mattered.

Lowering his hand, Raman squinted, a frown upon his rugged face. What... was that up ahead?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 09:17 PM

Sighing, Dawn wondered how she was to make a friendship with Raman. He truly seemed like a decent creature. If only he would open up and not be so degrading to her.. Though, since humans were so scarce, and were most likely cruel to the faeries had they happened across them, Dawn could understand his harsh words to her. Looking ahead of her as her fingers trailed the wall beside her, Dawn saw that they were coming to a dead end. Sighing, Dawn looked up at Raman, "What are we going to do? We've come to..."

As she looked back at the wall, Dawn's eyes grew wide. In place of the wall, there was a large open area with an hour glass in the center. Behind her, was the dead end she had seen. Looking up at Raman, Dawn whispered, "Th-the Labyrinth changes! It moves on it's own accord!"

Turning back to the hour glass, Dawn made her way towards it, her hand outstretched as if to touch it and see if it were real.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-03-2009, 01:52 AM

Raman looked at the human down his nose. "What did you expect from the Labyrinth? Simple twists and turns?" Putting his hands on his hips, he surveyed the hourglass as the girl approached it, a wondering expression on her face. Humans would never cease to amaze him with their small minds, expecting everything to be predictable--

"Hmm?" A woman's voice suddenly cut through the air. "Oh! A human? How delightful!" There was a merry chuckle, and Raman's attention was drawn to the hourglass itself. It towered over the human girl, and there was a large brass medallion fabricated onto the glass. The face of a breathtakingly lovely woman was crafted onto the medallion.

"And a fairy? Of course I see YOU lovelies around every now and then, but last time I knew, you didn't care to dabble with humans much..." The woman frowned prettily. "Unless times have changed? Dear me, have I been alone for THAT long?"

"No, Time Witch; only forty years have passed since the last--"

The hourglass cut him off with an offended sniff. "Oh! You of all creatures should know that I HATE being called that! Me, a witch? With this face?" If the hourglass had had arms, it would have preened. "Please, my dear fairy, 'Timeless One' will do. It is what I am, after all!" Another laugh.

"Oh, but it is you that I should be concerned about." The hourglass's eyes focused on the human girl. "What a lovely young girl, such a shame you have to be put through an ordeal such as this... Well, there's no help for it. You must answer my riddle correctly, or else I can not let you pass. And since there's no way back--" the hourglass's eyes flicked to the wall behind Raman and the girl. "--and no way forward except through me, I'm assuming that you DO wish to hear my riddle?"

With that, the Timeless One made a sound like clearing her throat, and then in a surprisingly solemn voice intoned:

"What is:
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
And the end of every place?

"Take as long as you need, dear," the hourglass added in its usual merry tone. "Try to puzzle it out any way you can think of... Only, there is a rule." Its eyes went to Raman, who stared haughtily back. "No one can help you... But you!" One more laugh, and the hourglass' eyes closed.

"Ooh, all that talking after years of silence..." It yawned. "Wake me when you have the answer, all right, love?"

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 03:46 AM

Dawn couldn't help but chuckle as she curtsied, "Thank you, Timeless One. Is writing the riddle out against the rules? I do not wish to upset you by breaking them, but it would be very much useful if I could write it out so that I could decipher it bit by bit. I'm afraid I don't remember all of the words though, would you be kind enough to repeat it as I write it? If it's aloud of course.. Also, do I have only one guess? Or am I allowed more? Oh dear, now I'm rambling and talking in circles. Forgive me," she added with a blush and another curtsy.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 08-13-2009 at 09:10 PM.. Reason: wrote 'aloud' instead of 'allowed' by mistake~

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 07:38 PM

"Hmm?" The Timeless One opened her eyes. "Oh, yes, yes, of course, my dear! Try to puzzle it out however you like. Only remember that you must solve it on your own, and no help from the fairy!

"What is:
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
And the end of every place?

"One guess, dear, that's all you get. So answer carefully!"

Her eyes closed once more.

Raman crossed his arms.

"Well, take your time," he told Dawn in a tone of voice that clearly said, 'You're going to need it.'

Settling himself on the wall that trapped them in with the Timeless One, he folded his thin, membranous wings and looked down at the human girl. A test of wits, this was. From what he had seen of her so far, he had a pretty clear indication of how she would fare.


"She's at the first test," he murmured to himself as he gazed into the crystal ball he held in his hand. "But the last time I saw her, she was still stuck outside the Labyrinth. How could she have gotten in this far so quickly...?"

He straightened up in his chair. "What is THAT?" He glared at the crystal. "A fairy? Well then, that explains something... Javitha." He shook his head. "That petty little fairy queen thought to spite me by helping the girl?"

He began to rise, then settled back down, his face contemplative. "No, no. No need to act so hastily. After all, it's only the first test, and she must face it alone. The fairy can not help her. The fairy can be dealt with... later."

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 08-16-2009 at 07:41 PM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 08-21-2009, 02:52 AM

Writing the riddle in the sand before her with a stick, Dawn sat on a rock and began to ponder each line.

"The beginning of eternity.. Well that could be anything.. The end of time and space, even more confusing.. The beginning of every end, how can there possibly be a beginning to an end? The end of every place.. Well that could be a fence, but that doesn't make sense with the rest of the riddle," Dawn said hopelessly with a sigh. Studying the words even more carefully, she noticed a pattern. There were e's in every last word of the phrases. Rereading the riddle with that in mind, Dawn laughed to herself as she stood and curtsied to the Timeless One.

"Timeless One? I have my answer. The answer is the letter 'e'," said Dawn happily as she clasped her hands at the small of her back and smiled at the Timeless One.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 05:35 PM

The Timeless One opened her eyes and smiled widely at the human girl.

"Well said!" She laughed. "That is indeed correct! Oh, but it makes me sad that you solved it so soon... Not that I want you to FAIL, or worry yourself silly, or anything like that," she hastily added. "Oh, no. It's just that... I get so few visitors over the years... It's quite lonely being a giant hourglass, sometimes."

The Timeless One sighed, her expression wistful.

"If you don't mind me asking, my dear... Nobody else ever wanted to, they were all so eager to get through the Labyrinth and get whatever child that had gotten wished away, but..."

The face on the hourglass stopped speaking for a moment, as if afraid of Dawn's response.

"Would you... You wouldn't mind... That is..." The Timeless One finished on a shy whisper, quite contradicting her previous vivacious manner. "When you're quite done with your business with the Goblin King... Would you come visit me again?"

Raman had flown up from his perch upon the Timeless One's declaration of Dawn's guess being correct, and was now hovering impatiently. Why did the giant hourglass have to waste the girl's--and thus HIS--time in such a manner? Then again, upon seeing the Timeless One's plight of loneliness the human might break down in sentimental tears, or some such thing. Then he could collect the tear for his queen and be back home in a shorter time than he'd thought.

He almost--ALMOST--smiled at the thought, before schooling his expression into its customary slight frown. He stared at the Timeless One with a Look that clearly said, "You ARE joking, aren't you? Who would want to spend time with YOU?" Who knew, the hourglass might lose her nerve and just let them pass by sooner.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 06:08 PM

"It must be so hard being kept here for all of your life.. never being able to move about or speak to anyone and have a proper conversation.. For I can surely guess the type of conversation a Goblin must give you.." said Dawn softly as she looked up at the Timeless One with a small smile, pointedly ignoring Raman at the moment.

Feeling a bit of pity for the Timeless One, Dawn smiled as she hugged her as best she could and promised, "I shall come back as soon as I have my employer back so we may have a proper talk. For now I must be on my way, I do not wish to lose my employer forever. His family needs him, you see. But I give you my word of honor, which is something you can surely depend on, that I will visit you again in the near future. However, if Jareth sends me back before I am able to visit you, I will try my best to find a way back so that I may visit you, I promise."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 06:31 PM

Raman suppressed a sigh of mingled disgust and frustration as the Timeless One, NOT the human girl, broke down in tears.

"Oh," gasped the giant hourglass in between heaving sobs. "Thank you! Thank you... You don't know how much your promise means to me! Oh, do forgive me, this is so embarrassing...!"

If the hourglass had had arms, she would have been searching around for a handkerchief. As it was, she simply stood there on the spot and snuffled until she was composed enough to speak without her voice shaking.

"All right then, you'll be on a hurry to be on your way, won't you? Oh, you're such a DEAR, thank you, thank you..."

The Timeless One smiled radiantly at Dawn; her already beautiful face was made breathtakingly gorgeous by the joy that illuminated it.

Then the giant hourglass began to SINK.

Slowly, with much grinding and groaning of stone against stone and metal against stone, the Timeless One revolved and sank and revolved while sinking, until there was nothing left except a large hole in the ground.

"Well, you mustn't stay around HERE any longer, not on my account!" Came the Timeless One's merry voice from somewhere below the human and the fairy. "Just take the steps, my dear, they'll lead you to the next part."

Raman flew down to the hole and saw that there were indeed several steps leading down into the ground, then a tunnel just tall enough for a human to walk through. The tunnel was dark, and there was no way that the human girl could see, except perhaps to feel her way along the walls.

The fairy bodyguard had a solution to that little problem, but as always, he decided to withhold it until he saw what the human would do.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 08:08 PM

"Thank you," Dawn called happily as she looked down the hole and smiled. Peering down, Dawn sighed as she sat upon the edge, her feet hanging over the edge while her elbow propped up her chin, "Oh dear.. What am I to do now? I can't see my way, and if I were to feel my way it would take far too long.. I'm not even sure how much time I have left to spare," said Dawn with a miserable sigh. Straightening, she felt something shift in her pocket. Her reading glasses! How could she have forgotten?

Taking them out of her pocket, Dawn was thankful for the sun beating down upon her. Turning happily to Raman, Dawn inquired, "Do you know of any wood around here?" Standing up, Dawn put her glasses back into her pocket and began searching around for a small branch she could use.

"If I find a small branch, she can use my glasses to start a fire. It is done in all of the books when only one branch is to be found and someone has glasses. It would make the perfect torch to use, would it not?" asked Dawn as she continued to search the small surrounding area, being careful not to walk too far away for fear the Labyrinth would change on her and she would lose the Timeless One forever.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 08:21 PM

Before he knew it, Raman was snapping quite harshly at the human girl.

"Useless! Put those lenses away, human, and let someone who actually knows what he's doing take care of this."

Still frowning deeply, Raman folded his arms, closed his eyes, and immediately began to emanate a pale blue light as bright as a candle flame. He opened his eyes once the light ceased to flicker and began to shine steadily, the frown on his face not softened one bit.

"Follow me," he muttered in a deprecating voice as he began to make his way down the tunnel. "And make sure you keep up, I'm not going to slow down for one such as you."

And he did not. His wings fluttering so quickly that they were a blur, he began to soar down the tunnel at a rate that would make the human have to at least jog in order to keep up with him. He knew this, of course, but it did not matter to him. Much. For some reason, the human girl's surprisingly quick victory over the Timeless One's puzzle, and her complete lack of willingness to treat the giant hourglass as not a magical object but as a peer irritated him to no end.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 08:41 PM

Dawn grew furious as her cheeks blushed a deep scarlet, Raman's patronizing ways finally getting the best of her temper. Chasing after him, stumbling and nearly falling every few steps as she ran. Finally, Dawn caught him by the hand and pulled him to face her, letting go of him immediately as she spoke. "Look, I know you hate me, and I know you hate my kind. But do you really need to act so rude? Can you not be civil for just one moment? Honestly Raman! I have been nothing but kind to you since I met you, despite how poorly you've treated me. Do I not deserve the same courtesy in return? You are so like Mr. Lewton it's ridiculous. If you wish so ill of me and despise me so, then please take your leave and just bug off. Stay in the shadows and follow me waiting for your tear if you like, but I cannot take you patronizing me and being so cruel to me any longer!" finished Dawn as she stalked off down the stairs without another word, passing him without a second glance. Her hand trailing against the wall as she made her way down the stairs.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 09-08-2009, 01:03 AM

Raman could not help blinking as the human girl shoved past him and began to make her way down the tunnel. That was what she thought? That he hated her, and all humans? Hate was... a strong word for what he felt... Definitely not "like," but at the same time, it wasn't "hate."

Although now that he thought about it, he hadn't been doing much to convince her otherwise.

It was true that he held very little to no respect for human-kind. Why should he, when he knew what they were like? But this girl... She surprised him. She was kind without asking anything but the same kindness in return. At the same time, she had obviously not traded away intelligence for congeniality. She was a direct opposition to everything Raman had ever thought about humans.

He did not know what to think about this. So instead of thinking, he brooded and frowned and generally acted unpleasant. But now that the girl, in addition to being kind and intelligent, had displayed that she possessed a backbone as well... Should he be rethinking his strategy of not thinking?

No. What was most important was obtaining the human's Heart's Tear and taking it back to his queen. But still, maybe he shouldn't be too hard on the human from now on...

Wait, was he feeling sympathy for a HUMAN now?

Shaking his head, Raman flew up so that he was beside Dawn; he said nothing, but allowed his light to fall ahead of her path.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-08-2009, 01:21 AM

Dawn's temper diminished as she noticed the blue light beside and in front of her. Offering a small smile, Dawn inquired softly, "Does this mean you're apologizing in your own way? I forgive you if such is the case. Even if you are not, however, I still forgive you. You did come back, after all," she added with a smile at him, clasping her hands at the small of her back. "What made you return?"

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 09-08-2009, 02:00 AM

Raman was silent for a long while before he replied in a low voice. "Your Heart's Tear. And also..." He trailed off.

"...You are not what I expected a human to be like."

He spoke and dimmed his light as another light shined from around a corner. Turning it, he saw that the tunnel ended, leading out into a forest. The trees were tall and lush, the bark alternately rough and smooth tree by tree. Low bushes and wildflowers were scattered here and there; birdsong and animal calls could be made out both nearby and in the distance.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-08-2009, 02:49 AM

"We are even then," Dawn teased as she placed a light kiss upon Raman's cheek, "You're not what I expected a Fairy Guard to be like." Spinning around as if she were dancing through the trees, Dawn laughed before stopping in front of Raman, "Where to next?" she asked rather breathlessly, "Either way we go, an adventure awaits us. You can choose our next direction if you'd like."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 09-11-2009, 05:44 PM

Jareth shot upright in his throne, eyes widening as he saw Dawn--HIS Dawn--kiss that fairy on the cheek. Then his eyes narrowed in such a menacing manner that the goblins frolicking at his feet abruptly ceased frolicking and scrambled as far away from him as they could manage.

"I have to admit, I didn't see that coming," the Goblin King muttered to himself as he continued to gaze into the crystal. He rose from where he sat and began to pace the throne room, the crystal held out before him so that he could still see the going-ons within it. "Then again, I suppose I should have. That girl... that kindness of hers could melt any heart. Even one of a prejudiced fairy."

He laughed abruptly, only half-mirthfully. "She's a treasure that one, isn't she?" He asked the room at large.

The goblins huddled together and stared at him uncertainly.

"Well?" The Goblin King barked at them.

The goblins at once began to nod their heads and cry, "Oh, yeah, yeah, treasure, special that one, yeah, piece of work!"

Jareth grinned and put a hand to his chin thoughtfully as he looked once more into the crystal. "Treasure... Piece of work..." He murmured.

"That gives me an idea."


Raman froze as Dawn kissed him on the cheek, almost falling out of the air as a result. His wings resumed fluttering however, and he managed to stay aloft.

Why... Why had she done that? They barely knew each other, and for most of that time--all right, ALL of that time--he had been insufferably rude to her. He did not want her to like him. He wanted her to think him as disgusting as he thought her.

At least... he HAD.

Shaking his head to clear it, he just barely registered her last words. Always the cheerful one, wasn't she?

"Uh." Raman cleared his throat. "That way. We shall go that way." Feeling rather foolish, a feeling that he rarely felt and was NOT fond of--damn that human!--he flung out a finger in a random direction.

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 09-11-2009 at 08:12 PM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-11-2009, 08:22 PM

Dawn smiled as she followed his finger, "North-East it is!" Picking a nearby flower, Dawn twirled it in her fingers as she walked along the dirt path, tree roots and stones littering it and causing it to become hilly in places.

Looking back at Raman, Dawn inquired softly, a small blush creeping into her cheeks as she spoke, "M-may I ask you something? You will surely find it impertinent to ask such a question, but I've been curious. What makes you glow that beautiful blue light? I didn't know faeries could glow like that." Turning her attention back to the flower held in her finger tips, Dawn's blush deepened as she added, "Forgive me.. I shouldn't have asked."


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