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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 02:41 AM


This is a private roleplay based on the funtastic SWTOR adventures of Car'a'Carn and zigbigadorlube.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-12-2016 at 04:45 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 02:41 AM


N A M E : Lielieja

A G E : 26

R A C E : Cyborg

A P P E A R A N C E :
E Y E S : Brown
H A I R : Short, Aburn
S K I N : Fair, Red Markings
H E I G H T : 5'4"
B U I L D : Athletic
O T H E R : Cybernetic Implements, Ritual Piercings
P R O F E S S I O N : Jedi Knight: Consular, Shadow

W E A P O N : Double-bladed Lightsaber, Green

P E R S O N A L I T Y : If Lilieja's personality could be summed up in a single word, it would be "snarky". Her brash "no nonsense" attitude has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. As a herald of the Force, she does her duty well, albeit often through unconventional means. Prone to sudden spurts of violence, Lielieja has a different definition of mercy than most Jedi, believing that decapitation is most often the truest form. On top of this, Lielieja is a blatant racist (blue skinned races being the most offensive) and her partner, Dragumand, often voices his confusion as to how she ever earned the title of Jedi Knight.

In her more innocent moments, Lielija loves exploring, though her sense of direction is somewhat lacking. She has a strange affinity for water and a daredevil streak that leaves her with no fear of falling from dangerous heights. Whenever she gets tired of exploring, Lielieja will promptly sit down and laze about until she is once again ready to hit the road. In her downtime, Lielieja enjoys shopping for new robes and dancing.

B I O : Lielieja's origins remain a mystery, even to her closes of friends, Dragumand.


Lielieja’s childhood was an adventurous one to say the least. For the first ten yeas of her life, Lielieja lived and traveled with her father aboard their ship “The Harlequin”. A smuggler by trade, her father chased deal after deal, more often than not just managing to scrape by. That never seemed to dampen their spirits however and despite his questionable parenting, Lielieja turned out just fine. They were living the dream, or so Lielieja thought until everything came crashing down. Eventually some of her fathers “friends” managed to track him down and kill him during a pick up on Torize. Having decided to go off on her own for a bit, Lielieja was spared the same fate but the aftermath was brutal.

Stranded on an rough and tumble outer world planet with no other family to speak of and nothing but the clothes on her back, life was hard after that but her father had taught her well. Street smarts and a knack for hiding in the shadows kept her alive until she attempted to stow away on a certain blue Twi-lek’s outbound ship. As punishment, Leilieja was conscripted to the labor gang and spent the next three years mining volcanic minerals on the planet’s toxic surface. Despite the harsh climate and dangerous conditions, her snarky attitude helped her keep her alive, if barely.

During one incident, a faulty face mask permitted poisonous gasses to leak into her helmet. The gasses burned the skin around her eyes and severely damaged the nerves in her face. If it wasn’t for the help from a crazy old inmate, Lielieja would not have survived. Her last year on planet was agonizing. The pain in her face and dampened sight was nearly debilitating. When the crazy cotter who saved her life offered to teach her some “magic tricks” to help offset the effects, she agreed. Surely it couldn’t make things worse. To her surprise, she excelled in the things that he taught her and was able to finish out her sentence in one piece.

Regaining her freedom was hardly a glamorous affair however. Scarred and yet again with nothing but the clothes on her back, she was rereleased on the system on which she had spent the past three years as a slave. She quickly set to work "earning" her passage off planet, wanting nothing more but to get as far away from that godforsaken place as possible. On the shuttle to Coruscant she piqued the interest of a jedi who did his best to convince her to accompany him to the Jedi Temple for training. She quickly brushed him off however, not ready to enslave herself to a cause after only so recently regaining her freedom. She did however allow him to generously set her up with a contact who was able to fit her with cybernetic implants to help offset the handicap of her injuries from the poison gas.

Lielieja found a place for herself with an underworld gang and spent the next two years working with them until a misunderstanding between herself and her superior (a blue skinned Rodian) nearly resulted in her death. Tired of running from one death trap to another, Lielieja finally decided to seek out the jedi who had previously tried to convert her and despite her age, began training to be a jedi. Her seedy background got her into quite a bit of trouble during her first years of training but none of her elders could deny her skill and eventually she was sent to Tython for further training under the tutelage of master Yuon Par.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-21-2015 at 09:13 PM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 02:43 AM


N A M E : Dragumand

A G E : 28

R A C E : Human

A P P E A R A N C E :
E Y E S : Brown
H A I R : Short, Brown
S K I N : Tan
H E I G H T : 6'2"
B U I L D : Athletic/Heavy
O T H E R : Secret Tattoo
P R O F E S S I O N : Jedi Knight: Guardian, Tank

W E A P O N : Single-bladed Lightsaber, Blue

P E R S O N A L I T Y : Dragumand is the ideal Jedi Knight. A paragon of light. With his nice guy persona, some have even called him a stoic goody two shoes. Following the Jedi Code to the letter, he sees it as his sworn duty to help others no matter the cost and he is always eager to do so. His trusted companion droid T7 fully agrees with him. Nothing is undeserving of his tolerance and protection. No one is beyond redemption no matter how far they've fallen to the dark side of the force. Though, to him, violence is a last resort, he is the first to jump into a fight, taking enemies head on and shouldering the brunt of the attack.

As perfect a Jedi as Dragumand is, there are always exceptions to all things. As such, he is prone to flirting with particularly attractive people, most recently a Twi-lek on Tython. While he may have a somewhat stern and serious demeanor, Dragumand is known to jump upon and around all types of objects just for the fun of it. His most formidable exception however, comes in the form of his partner Lielieja. His unconscious need to protect keeps him running after her all hours of the day, often getting into arguments when she runs off without him. "Where did you.. go...? God Dammit Lielieja!" This unfortunate predicament has essentially turned him into a lemming as he often has to follow her off cliffs in her more death defying moods... Not to mention trying to stay her hand when she wants to decapitate someone or decides to murder perfectly neutral animals. Honestly, how did she become a Jedi? Normally unflappable, Dragumand sometimes shows frustration and emotion outbursts as a result. When not exploring or in battle, Dragumand can be found meditating or improving his armor and lightsaber. Or flirting.

B I O : Woke up on a freighter bound for Tython with no memory of how he go there or where he came from.

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 06-03-2015 at 06:45 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 05:07 PM

((Kay so I prettied up my profile and the first post a bit. I'm kind of at a loss for the title though, any ideas? Feel free to leave your profile as it is if you want, I just like to make things pretty for myself. XD))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 08:59 PM

Shouldn't you be working right now!?!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 09:33 PM

((I wrote that up in the train and typed it out on my lunch break so there!))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 10:38 PM

((Alright alright... But I'm probably totally gonna copy your format cause it looks super clean and nice!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 11:27 AM

((It looks awesome! Now we just gotta figure out a plot. Hmm... Or we could just start out and see where it goes. XD))

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-03-2015 at 12:42 PM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 06:08 PM

((Good question. We could just plop ourselves on some random planet in the middle of a mission or on some passenger liner that gets attacked. Or we could even just like rp though the adventures we've already had on Tython. I'd be happy to make a lose plot too. It sounds like you maybe don't want to do a full on plot or...?))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 07:18 PM

((Actually I really like your passenger liner idea. We can start out with a short downtime and then get thrown into action which could possibly lead to something else for them, etc. I'm not sure we need some big overarching plot to start out with if neither of us has a specific idea and that kind of seems to be the way the game is starting out as well.

Psst... Did you see what I did with my avi there? >.>))

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-03-2015 at 08:33 PM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 02:26 AM

((Ok so that's fine with me. I haven't noticed a real definite plot besides the Sith returning so I'm good winging it a bit. Should we pick a particular destination we are on our way to? Like maybe back to the jedi temple on coruscant or something? And what kind of attack should it be? A mysterious but powerful figure who flees when he can't stand up to the both of us? Or pirates or... ?

Hah! I did see what you did there! It looks awesome!! You really did a good job with your robes!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 03:06 AM

((Coruscant seems like as good a destination as any! And I think...pirates might be more fun to start with. If that works for you we can start. If you want you can do the first post or I can, either way. I'm headed to bed though so I probably won't get a chance to post until tomorrow or if I don't get the time then then the weekend.

Thanks! I'm not 100% happy with the outcome but she looks pretty close to Lilieja.))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-05-2015, 02:08 AM

((Ok! Coruscant, pirates (they picked the wrong freighter to plunder ) and so yes! I can do the first post! I've never started first so we'll see how it goes...

I think it's spot on! Nice sigi btw... I can't believe I didn't think of that first! ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-05-2015, 11:11 AM

((Oh they SOO picked the wrong freighter! *limbers arms for some decapitation* Do eeet! You can make it as long or short as you want, so no pressure! Thanks! I think Lielieja could use a bit of a reminder about the Jedi code. XD))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-05-2015, 04:51 PM

((HAHA! XD she so does! She needs to get the code tattooed on the backs of her hands XD Ok so I tried giving it a little bit of a different back story than the beginning of the game. It assumes we've been Jedi Knights for at least on mission. I picked a jungle type planet that we are returning from to poke a little bit at Lielieja's obsession of water XD. ANNYWAYS... I'm just gonna post it. If there's something you don't like or that bugs you, we can tweak it / change it so be honest! Here goes))

Dragumand sat in his seat, quietly meditating onboard the Heraklon-class transport. He and his partner Lielieja were on their way back to the Jedi Temple on Corucant from their hostage rescue mission to the backwater world of Selvaris. This mission had gone well but Dragumand was glad to be rid of the jungle planet. <So many waterfalls...> He thought to himself with a slight shudder. Sadly not even the flirty hostage they had saved was enough to offset the frustration of having to visit what felt like every single waterfall on the planet. Dragumand cracked an eyelid to glance at at his Jedi partner, a scowl forming on his face. That girl really did like her water... It had taken a whole extra day just to get back to the spaceport!

Trying to regain his composure, Dragumand decided to take a walk and get some refreshments. <At least I don't hate drinking it...> he thought downing his glass of water in large gulps. Feeling his calm returning, Dragumand filled another glass and made his way back to his seat, watching the stars whiz by the view ports. He really did love space travel. The swirling colors of nebulae, the blinding brilliance of stars, there was always something new to see! Reaching his seat, Dragumand handed the glass to his partner, a flat look on his face “Here. I brought you some water.”


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-05-2015, 05:37 PM

Lielieja lounged lazily on an oversized chair in one of the common areas aboard the Heraklon-class transport that had picked them from Selvaris. The mission had been a tad bit boring (not enough action for her liking) but she had greatly enjoyed exploring the jungle planet. So many waterfalls! Lielieja smiled at the memory of jumping off of a particularly lofty one, a happy laugh bubbling in her throat during her free-fall into the warm water below. Though she would miss the landscape, she was also happy to be headed back to Coruscant. She enjoyed the nightlife and shopping of the metropolitan planet.

A familiar voice from above caused Lielieja to open her eyes. ”Thanks,” she said, sitting up slightly before reaching out to take the glass of water that Dragumand held out for her. ”How much longer do you think till we reach Coruscant?” she asked. The captain had mentioned their estimated travel time shortly after they had boarded but Lielieja quite frankly hadn’t been paying attention. Dragumand had a good head for details so she usually trusted him to keep track of the important things.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-07-2015, 09:38 PM

"Shouldn't be more than 18 hours or so now. I wish we could have taken some Jedi Starfighers. They are so much faster than these transports." Dragumand complained. He was eager to get back to Coruscant for a new mission. It's not that the hostage situation wasn't a good mission. It just... Lacked the excitement and adventure of the missions he became accustomed to on Tython when he was still an apprentice. His missions so far as a Jedi knight were lack luster in comparison. He wanted something that required daring and pushed the limits of his skill!

Dragumand sat back down, adjusting his lightsaber when it began to dig into his side. Stretching out, he got comfortable and closed his eyes, starting a simple meditation. Opening himself up to the force he reached out with his feelings like his masters had so continuously drilled into him. 'Let go... Reach out... ' It was almost second nature now. While he did his simple meditation he engaged Lielieja in some small talk. "Where do you think our next mission will be?" He asked, "Hopefully somewhere that's dry as a bone..." he added under his breath. However if Lielieja replied, he did not hear it. Something suddenly tugged hard at his senses, drawing his full attention. It was... A disturbance in the force <I sound just like my masters...> he thought in chagrin. He opened his eyes and turned to look at his partner. "Lielieja... Did you feel that?"

((Dragumand totally loves flying though space in the fastest ships he can get his hands on ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2015, 06:11 PM

”Eighteen hours???” Lielieja groaned. If she wasn’t holding the glass of water she likely would have flopped back dramatically in her chair. She didn’t mind being lazy now and then but eighteen hours? This could get boring fast… At least with Starfighters you had things to do: steering, coordinates to plot, a snarky droid to argue with, racing, and the occasional smuggler to bust; all of which was more interesting than plodding along an a heavy transport that didn’t even have a bar. Even crappy cantina music would have been welcome to this droning boredom. A nap would surely be in order later…

Lielieja felt the force swell around her companion as he did a simple meditation exercise. She didn’t often practice the art herself but when she did, she preferred total silence. Dragumand teased her about it whenever she got snippy with him for talking while she meditated. She could just hear him in her head ’What’s the matter Lielieja? Can’t concentrate? You’re so scatterbrained. Ahahahahaha!’ Just thinking about it made her roll her eyes in annoyance.

”Hopefully somewhere exciting,” she said, holding her emotions in check. She heard Dragumand mumble something else but ignored it. Closing her eyes she let her mind wander to Coruscant—the sights smells and sounds. Thought it was far from “home” it almost felt like her new home. As dirty and crowded as it was the place had a life of it’s own and she loved the energy, the vibrant lifestyle. Now that she had been promoted to Master, she wasn’t confined to the temple. She could come and go at will without her master’s permission though admittedly sneaking out had been much more fun.

Dragumand’s deep voice interrupted her thoughts. ”Feel what? Huh?” Opening her eyes, Lielieja was in the process of sitting up when the ship rocked violently, throwing her from her chair and onto the ground, spilling the contents of her cup on her lap in the process. ”What in the name…?” Lielieja grumbled angrily, seemingly offended at the ship itself for having caused the disturbance. An earsplitting alarm cut off any further commentary however.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-01-2015, 04:41 AM

“ 'Feel what?!' Honestly, are you actually just a trooper in disguise?” Dragumand demanded of Lielieja before the ship roughly shook him him to the floor. “What's going on with the stabilizers?” He mumbled when he chuckled noticing the stain on Lielieja's lap. “You know, there are these things called bathrooms...” He quipped before a blaring alarm interrupted him. Glancing out the viewport Dragumand saw the transport ship drop quickly out of hyperspace, the mottled blur of motion being replaced by fixed points of light.

Dragumand pulled himself up and braced himself against his chair as the ship rocked violently again. A streak of light passing the view port caught his attention, “INCOMING!” He yelled. This time he was ready for the shock. Regaining his balance, Dragumand rushed over to the viewport to assess the situation. Outside, a small battle was underway between the transport and a small group of Rihkxyrk assault fighters and a beat up Ton Falk class carrier. He even spotted a few Ugly ships amongst the heavy assault craft. The carrier looked far from prime condition as Dragumand spotted many gashes in it's hull that opened the ship interior to space. No military would be caught dead with a damaged carrier let alone Ugly assault craft. It could only mean one thing, “Pirates! Lielieja, this is serious! We're under attack by pirates!”

Turning his attention back to the battle, Dragumand could tell the transport's autoturrets were quickly being picked off one by one from the coordinated Pirate assault. The ship rocked again from a hard hit, blown power junctions throwing out sparks behind their panels. It would only be a matter of time before they were able to send in the boarding parties. Dragumand's mind raced trying to come up with a plan. "We should get to the bridge and coordinate with the captain. It won't be long before they begin boarding." He said turning to Lielieja. "Are you ready to go?"

((fun info on pirates! Pirate - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki We could totes use once of the names of the pirate gangs unless you have a better idea
Also these are the ships I was talking about. I'm probably REALLY mixing my eras / factions but without being an expert this is the best I can do lol
Rihkxyrk assault fighter - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Ugly - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Ton-Falk-class escort carrier - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
*flails* I always have such a hard time ending my posts >.<))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 05:10 PM

If she wasn’t so busy trying to pick herself up off of the floor, Lielieja probably would have clobbered Dragumand on both accounts. Finally managing to regain her balance, she opened her mouth to make a quip but both Dragumand’s shout and the blaring alarms drowned out whatever she was planning to say. Following her companion more slowly, she watched as tiny ships flitted around in battle with distant interest until Draumand practically shouted in her ear about the pirates. ”I’m right here,” she said, ”And despite these annoying alarms I’m not deaf yet…or blind for that matter,” she added, rolling her eyes.

Lielieja reached out to steady herself on the view port as another blast rocked the ship, her mind working at the problem the same as Dragumand however she had come to a different conclusion. ”The bridge? That’ll take forever!” she said in exasperation. ”I say we head for the hanger bay and skip the bureaucracy.” Lielieja’s patience was limited and her diplomatic skills even more so. She was ready to chop down some pirates.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 08:23 PM

Dragumand shook his head at Lielieja's snarky comments. "Yes! The Bridge! That's where the Captain is!" Dragumand argued, his hands gesturing wildly. "He'll know where the attackers are going to board and we'll be able to coordinate with security!" Dragumand started running for the bridge when he heard Lielieja's response. Stopping, he turned to her and immediately saw the stubborn look in her eyes. "Ooor we could go to the hanger bay..." He said resigned to the fact that she was going no matter what.

Dragumand ran off in the other direction, speeding past Lielieja, sure she would catch up with her quick bursts of speed. "Try not to run into any tight corners!" He yelled to Lilelija over his shoulder, chuckling to himself. Bringing his focus back to the moment, he pulled out his saber, preparing his saber form and mental buffs as they headed to the hanger bay lift.

((It's kinda short but I didn't want to go to far otherwise I feel like I'm leading the story. I can write more if you prefer though!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 10:06 PM

Lielieja rolled her eyes, both at Dragumand’s explanation and hand gestures. She was tempted to mimic them just to be a pain in the ass but the ship was still lurching beneath them and so she decided not to risk her balance doing so. Without so much as a warning, the other jedi dashed off as soon as she finished speaking. He stopped pretty quickly in his tracks however when he realized she wasn’t following. One look at her stubborn expression was all it took for him to agree with her course of action and set off in the proper direction.

Watching him speeding by her, Lielieja just shrugged and jogged off after him. Leaping over a light fixture that had fallen across the way, she put on a burst of speed to catch up to her companion. A nearby blast pushed her into the wall but she quickly pushed herself off of it and still managed to lap Dragumand with little effort. Despite being smaller than him, Lielieja was quite agile, more often she led the pack. Part of it was her speed, the rest of it was the fact that she tended to go wherever her feet took her, whether it was in the direction of their final destination or not.

Out in front now, Lielieja lead the way towards the hangar bay. The hallway was narrow and it seemed that half of the light panels had stopped functioning. The crew and passengers were pretty much nowhere in sight but that was to be expected. Any passenger in their right mind would be holed up in their room and any crew member would presumably be at their post. Up ahead a heavy metal plate had come partially detached from the ceiling but Lielieja didn’t seem to notice it as she sped down the hall towards the lift at the end.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-20-2015, 07:59 PM

((I added the bio to my profile by the way, let me know what you think! Just keep in mind that Dragumand doesn't know any of that, though it might be interesting to have it come up in conversation at some point.))

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-20-2015 at 08:37 PM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-24-2015, 06:01 AM

Dragumand didn't bother looking behind to see if Lielieja was following as he could sense her running after him. Sure enough, a few seconds later she sped on past him just before a blast rocked the ship causing him stumble and almost fall. He chuckled as he saw Lielieja was pushing herself off a wall having stumbled herself. "Do you need to hold onto my hand?" He quipped as he tried desperately to keep up with his much faster companion. It was no small feat whilst dodging around the fallen debris that had begun accumulating on the floor from the bombardment.

While Lielieja was lithe and agile, Dragumand's own tank like bulk was no match for her speed as the distance between them began to grow. He was quite sure that by the time he caught up, Lielieja would already have the area ahead scouted. Grumbling to himself Dragumand ran on down the deserted corridors of the ship. Entering into a more narrow passage, he had to rely on the force to navigate the path ahead as the dim light from the failing fixtures was not enough to see by. Later he would think back to that moment and realize how fortuitous it was that the corridor was so dark. With his sharpened focus, Dragumand sensed a weekend metal roof plate up ahead of him. He was about to stop and carefully approach it when he sensed Lielieja was about to run right into the death trap.

"Lielieja! The roof!" Dragumand screamed at her just as he saw the plate lurch downwards hanging by a few thin cables. There was no way to reach her in time running as he was. With so much ground between them there was only one choice. Calling on his force jump ability, Dragumand put as much energy into it as he could. Then he jumped, pushing himself to his limit just as the metal plate fell. Time slowed to a crawl as he watched the chunk of roof fall while he flew though the air. The wind was oddly silent as it rushed past his ears. The sound of his heart beating was the only thing he could hear in the deafening silence. What seemed to him like an eternity in fact only lasted seconds. The world rushed back to normal speed in a roar of sound. Dragumand slammed into Lielieja, pushing her to the floor at the same time the heavy roof panel feel upon his back, pinning him against Lielieja. Dragumand was breathing heavily as he bore the weight of the roof so as not to crush his petite partner. "So... you come here often?" He flirted with a wink.

((Hehe! That was fun!! I'm so heroic!!! ))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-24-2015, 01:09 PM

Hearing Dragumand shout behind her, Lielieja paused mid stride to look back at him. "What do you mean 'the roof', we're on a ship!" she shouted back. She was barely able to catch sight of him behind her before he force leapt at her. Lielieja's small frame slammed down onto the deck, her head bouncing quite painfully against the durasteel floor. Stars swam across her vision momentarily before the shadowed face of Dragumand came back into focus in front of her, so close his nose was nearly touching her own. Her partner's flirtatious comment didn't surprise her in the least. "Of course. I always hang around places like this hoping to be pounced on by big guys like you." she said, rolling her eyes.

Lielieja scrunched her nose up as Dragumand's hot breath blew against her already warm face. "Oh my god...what did you EAT!" she asked in exasperation. If she was in the least bothered by her close brush with death, she didn't show it. Neither did she express any gratitude towards her companion for his actions.

((Let the fun begin! ))

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-25-2015 at 03:39 AM..


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