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Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:05 AM


Through yonder gates is a world beyond rhyme and reason, of struggle, of mayhem, of heaven upon earth and hell mixed within, where looks can be deceitful, and those hiding underneath said looks more so, where one must watch their back, lest a knife be thrust into it for shelter, and watch thine front, lest it be used as a cutting board. ‘Tis a world of sword and shield, myth and magic, and all in-between, yet none at the same time, thus create paradox unto itself of existence without existence. Such must surely be a world of magic…

Nay, ‘tis a world of demons.

One may expect, from such a name, to find the local inhabitants all of the damned themselves, but while some may wager they still are, within racial attribution, they are far different. Elf, Mankind, Dwarves, the Seraphic Angels, the Shapeshifters, the Mages, the Kindred, and all in-between, heaven and hell within one, a world of wonder without equal. But lo, such a world is not to be taken lightly, for within it’s worn path’s and bright villages lies a darker underbelly. Tread not foolishly, or you may not outlive the moon’s waning.

Tell me, good sir or madam, or anything in-between, are you courageous, wit-filled, intelligent, or plotting enough to survive in such a world? While these are bet a few traits, and many other exist within the world, do you simply carry what is required to stand within Rokgora?

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:05 AM


Rokgora is far from your normal place, and is divided among five kingdoms ahead, the kingdom of Akrath of the Elves, the kingdom of Tsundane of the Seraphs, the kingdom of Drakoth of the Demons, the kingdom of Aephris of the Humans, and lastly, the melting pot known as the kingdom of Demos. This, this be where our story will take place, though I will touch upon the others briefly, for those of you whom like to be wise of lore.

Akrath – Nearly forested through and through in it’s entirety, the kingdom of the elves is a hidden one, and takes no prisoners of trespassers. None who aren’t invited within are ever seen coming back out, and none that are invited within are often seen coming back out as well. A land of secrecy, hidden among the trunks may be the salvation of the world…or some hidden scheme abrewing. However, given how arrogant your common elf is, and how little they care of the other races outside of their homeland…they likely care not and simply wish to be left alone.

Tsundane – The land of light. Light snow falls in the northern plains of the region, while the middle and southern are dotted with pleasant weather and long, flowing grasslands speckled with wildflowers of beautiful origins. Gothic designed city with tall, looming towers carved beautifully from stone in their construction make up their cites and even beyond the gates of the realm, one can see some of the towers should they be gifted with such length of sight. The Seraphs are much more welcoming if you are not a child of the night, or a demon, in which case…find yourself scorned. Often, Seraphs tend to be arrogant as well with a more ‘holier-than-thou’ flair, and truth be told, from their religion they are indeed holier than thou. They believe all the other races require their expert assistance…and are often in league with a race known as the Mystics, hidden within the southern stretch of their kingdom. The mystics are more of a kingdom unto themselves, but much much smaller in size, as to be more of a protectorate of the Seraph’s. Mystic’s are known to be hot blooded, defiant, sarcastic, and remarkably intelligent…moody as well, be careful not to cross one, as you may find a fireball nosing it’s way into your body. Mystics tend to be quite skilled in the arts of magic, and often distrustful or biased AGAINST the elves.

Drakoth – Dare thee not venture within if thou wishes to escape with thine life. While not all demons are harsh, cruel, unforgiving monsters, a many are, and anyone caught within these lands not of demon blood is likely to find themselves outside of the plane of existence through being relieved of the mortal coil. The eternal enemy of the Seraph’s, the demons do not openly wage war as a whole, but rather taking more of a clannistic society, different clans seek to conquer and destroy, or perhaps simply create mayhem. There are all kinds, just as one would find among humans, though many carry not anything resembling the traits of humanity within them, discarding them for the way of the Beast. The land is rotten in most areas, dead or dying, and areas that do grow do so bleakly…though there are havens where the ground is fertile, which are oft controlled by peace-loving demons.

Aephris – Allies to the Seraphs, through and through, as the blood of Seraphs tend to run in the veins of the king (or Queen of the time, as in this day and age we hold a queen in Aephris), and loosely to the Mystics from a marriage between leaders long, long in the past. Aephris is more of an expansionist nation, seeking to wage war onto Drakoth as Drakoth does in return. Always looking to expand it’s borders, it holds a long lineage of being a military nation, though great compassion is shown to the people, there are many who would die for their country. The royal family tends to abuse this…taking their faithful soldiers to battle in the name of claiming more lands for the kingdom! The ground is fertile, grasslands throughout with natural mountain ranges carving the borders due to the last great treaty. Aephris’s time is coming, though…

Demos – The mixture of all, as any race is welcomed in the more…free…government. A kingdom, of course, however the king is a human, and honestly wishes to create a haven for those who wish not to be caught within the struggles and wars of other societies, or those whom have been cast out or downtrodden for other reasons. A land of agriculture, artwork, and glory, Demos is a prime example of coexistence! By day, at the least, for the political structure is a dangerous one, people disappear by the night, Aephris looms over the borders as if poised to strike at the throat of Demos, and money is growing so scarce in some places, that peasant are breaking out into fighting in the streets over bread. Demos as well has fallen on dark times…and all must be careful of who they trust.

There is but one main city in Demos, the city of Inno. A sprawling metacenter of the medieval era, Inno is the largest town within the world, boasting a population of five million. The streets are paved, the economy is thriving, if nor barely, and the citizens are happy, upon the surface. Trouble has been brewing recently in Inno, and with calls for arms to fend off the threat of an invading Aephris front, and calls to depose what is called a corrupt king and government, even Inno is a city of turmoil. Peasants can be seen openly ranting about the situation and king on the streets, and public debates are commonplace (often proceeding to debate whether the situation is horrid or hellish), and trust for authority is waning. A criminal underbelly is working its way into the city, and the city once claimed to be strong is faltering. This is our locale, and within it we shall take stride. Will you assist in destroying king and country, or aid in saving it? Will you simply create chaos, or bring order? The answers are left up to you, and to the future, let us journey down the well lit path.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:06 AM


I am rather simple in my rules…I do not require much.

1. Abide by the rules of Menewsha and of the ToS.
2. Be kind to others (OOC, of course, as IC is fair game as always! Drama within character is a true spice to an RP)
3. Four coherent sentences at least (The longer the post, the better, though do not drone on too long (As I have a tendency to!) no simply skimp on important details. There is a lot one can say or do, don’t let your roleplaying fall short of your potential!)
4. Check your grammar and spelling, and please try to avoid frequent errors. There are online spellcheckers, so please use them.
5. I reserve the right to remove a problem user’s ability to roleplay within this thread.
6. PM All profiles to me as in the format listed below.
7. If your profile is not approved, you cannot play.
8. A maximum of two characters are allowed per player.
9. Godmodding and general rudeness in that manner is punishable by death.
10. If you are caught godmodding I will include a ‘Reality Check’ post after yours to show what ‘really happened’. An example is listed below.

PWRPLAYR8826 writes:With Ulzr’s might, he blows up the world and kills everyone in it as they run screaming in terror before his almighty wrath! All of your character’s tremble before his power!

Everstar writes: Ulzr’s delusions of grandeur are undisturbed as his daydream continues, lost in a world where he is king. Perhaps someone will snap him back to the present reality before too long.

MzPrty writes: Sarabella walks into the shop, overwhelming the shopkeep and everyone within with her beauty as they all quickly rush to give her things. Particularly, Ulzr rushes to give her his trusted broadsword.

Everstar writes: Sarabella walks into the shop flaunting herself…all that occurs is some of the females made snide remarks, while some of the less then moral males remark about their apparent ability to bed her. (‘I could hit that’)

Player Name:
Character Name:
Brief History: (If you would like, this section is not required)
Abilities: (Within reason. I do reserve the right to restrict or deny abilities, and will quickly work with you to reach an agreeable means. The times I deny abilities are rare, I would like you to be able to play what you wish, I simply must moderate it to allow it to be fair to everyone)

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:06 AM

Accepted Characters

Player name: Everstar

Name: Ezkiel Dondt

Age: Unknown

Race: Shapeshifter


Ezkiel is of normal height and always seen (if he's seen) in casual attire. Normally something grey, to match his short grey hair and eyes. The only thing on him that stands out is his blood red scarf, which he is never seen without. He is rather muscular, and tends to ignore his looks, which others think highly of. His usual look is that of disinterest, and his usual tone is that of sarcasm. He'll appear and disappear as he pleases, and if he is seen, it's because it suits him. His eyes are cold, and don't often show any look of kindness, unless he's around a certain someone.


Dondt is an elusive one, intent on his own purposes and reclusive in his own right. He hardly ever opens up, and he hardly ever gives light to his intentions. His mind is usually wandering more than he is, though he has found a central area of focus lately, on that he thoroughly enjoys. His mind has been occupied a lot lately, and it's led to him walking more aimlessly then before and often he'll wind up in certain places for no reason. He tends to prefer being alone at times, and often looks down on others, referring to them as inferior. He considers the entire human was to be inferior, if only because it allows such things as greed and corruption. He is not evil however, and as shown by his grey, is instead neutral, preferring to search after his own goals rather than work for the greater good, or evil as it may be. His mind is his own, and he prefers to keep it that way.

Brief History: Ah ah ah, words are not yet ready for this! Simply think of him as a storyteller!


Shapeshifting - The ability to change Ezkiel's shape to any that suits the moment. He can assume any form he's previously seen, be it living or non living, and fit the part to a 't', though the male can only shift a total of 7 times throughout the day at his age and ability.

Voice Mimic - Ezkiel's pride and joy. Upon hearing someone's voice, he can mimic it, though only using the sounds he has previously if someone says 'no', the only thing he can say as their voice is 'no'. This usually is automatic upon changing form, though he can trigger and untrigger it at will.

Advanced Teleportation - Ezkiel can cross distances as far as he can see, and pull others with him, using this, he seems to come out of nowhere, when he decides to talk to someone, though in that same vein the male tends to appear when he deems it necessary. If one sees the grey wanderer, trouble must be afoot. Note that he can only travel where he can see, and such will be sufficient. This ability is on reflex, as soon as the male can react, so it is truly what has kept him alive…

Weakened Form – Being a shapeshifter, it’s only natural. The body is put under great strain in it’s constant changing, never having the chance to harden and make itself durable to the elements and so forth, leaving Dondt with the strength of an infant in all things considered. A strong wind, of an upwards of thirty miles per hour could rend his flesh from the bone, and such simple things as falling could bruise, injure, or perhaps kill. A hit on the male means certain death for him, thus why he is thankful for his teleportation…though should he ever be taken off guard…Other then the thin state of his skin, and rather frail constitution, Dondt is rather normal. He doesn’t require more rest then others, and his organs are healthy and on par. It’s his skin which stays at the state it was in when the male’s shifting awakened. Weak. Truth be told…he has some stamina to him.


Player Name: Kaderin Triste
Character Name: Kaderin Triste
Age: 19
Race: half-elf
Appearance: Tall and slender. Kaderin has a slim, but slightly muscular build. Her ears are delicatly pointed and are visible most of the time as she keeps her long orange colored hair tied up in a messy bun.
Personality: Kaderin tends to be more of a loner and doesn't often trust or get along with other people unless forced to. When foreced to talk with someone she often tries to keep her answers short.
Brief History: (If you would like, this section is not required)
Abilities: Major control over darkness: She can manipulate any physical darkness in an area if she chooses.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:07 AM

Plot Log

We shall see what unfolds~

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:08 AM


You may begin! Entrance and beginning post due shortly.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 05:22 AM

Silence…eternal silence unbroken. From the secret societies in white walled halls, some were cast out for not wishing to be white, nor wishing to be black, but the grey between as seen through the whole of the world. Truthfully, that is not what happened, simply merely a metaphor for good and evil residing within the same man. In truth, the history, and why one such as Ezkiel Dondt was tossed outward from a fine upstanding, if not dead, society of stubborn shapeshifters was manifold, though with a singular result. No good came from his transgressions, that was certain, at least not in the eyes of what used to be his superiors. In Dondt’s own, it became the good of the world, for eyes were opened to the truth…the sad, twisted truth that would have made a lesser man fall onto his blade.

No shapeshifter was a lesser man.

They were any man.

“Hmm, hmm, what pray tell, lies within this city so fair. Ah…I see it, there be the light through which the darkness will break…and alongside it the veil that can be thrown over the light to engulf it. Both are alongside one another, hidden within yonder city, I see…fools, see they not how close they be to the brink of destruction? I suppose, within my wisdom…I see fit to save them from oblivion.”

Perhaps a little arrogant, he was, and sarcastic if seen speaking with another, but such was the cynical and witted assistance of the shapeshifter from the shadows. Was he to be trusted? Who knew, as who could honestly tell? Would it be darkness, or light, that wins, or would it be something in-between? It was time to gather the pieces, for the game of chess was simply dying to begin. Dondt would wield one side of the board…while the future would wield the other, the question was, which side played ‘white’, and which to ‘black’? Or did Dondt play grey…or perhaps scarlet?

The bustle of Inno was apparent, let us see where our ‘hero’s’ take their lives in hand, and grip destiny by the reins.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 12:56 AM

The street around Kaderin was busy, but she still felt so alone. The noise only magnified the sense of lonliness she felt as she walked and she didn't even know why.

"Inno." she whispered the city's name to herself, half hoping that it would toss her fully into the life of the city, but all it really did was earn her a few strange looks. She smiled in reply and searched the buildings for any place that she might be able to stay.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 01:10 AM

Down the road, a bit to the right on the next crossway was a small building known as the Four Songs Inn, which, although it wasn’t the best place in the world to stay, it wouldn’t commit highway robbery with it’s prices, so more often then not you could find some kind of niceness from the staff. Quite a contrast from the rest of the city though, as people and wagons roamed up and down each street, heading too and fro, but not so clustered that you couldn’t walk, instead lightly spaced to give rise to a feel of a busy city, without the chocking feeling of a truly busy city.

Street urchins sold their wares in makeshift stands outside of shops with witty names in an attempt to pull in customers. The Razor’s Edge, Slash and Smash, Three Hole Tavern, and the ever popular Rusty Nail, where one could fetch all sorts of supplies from the second hand general store. The street itself was rather nicely paved, leaving little room for dirt or mud to cloud the walkway, and done so in a nice ashen shade, though it dulled, faded, and dirtied with time. Even the sky itself seemed to close in a bit when inside the city…and for some unknown reason, you could never see the stars at night within city limits.

This was Inno, or just the surface.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 01:24 AM

Finally, tired of searching, Kaderin turned and headed up to a building. It was small and had a sign that read Four Songs Inn. Compared to the other places she had seen, it looked much cleaner and she suspected that the prices would be a bit higher than she could afford, but something about it seemed right, so she headed in.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 01:38 AM

It was better then sleeping in a place where the risk of being stabbed in your sleep ran high. You do get what you pay for, after all. Inside, there was a small tavern, mostly serving food to the guests, and drink should they desire, a few of the people who made this their home hanging about. Not necessarily seedy folk, but no one you’d want to find in a dark alley. A male at the corner table watched the entering female, before going back to the mug of ale in his hand. Not exactly lean, nor too muscular, something about the scars underneath the man’s dark brown, and on his face, just made him seem…

The counter was present, though, and behind it a man looking of about sixty or so, certainly old enough to be the grandfather of most of the people in here, and the male took to that. A kind smile dotted his features as the male waited with patience for some sort of order from the female, whether food and drink, or a place to speak. Idly, some people within the building were speaking with one another, conversations that just sorta blended together in a hard to hear and jumbled mess. Think a sort of crowded street effect.

“Yes, milady?”

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 01:50 AM

Intrigued by the atmosphere of the place, Kaderin glanced around quickly before turning to the man behind the counter.

"Oh, um...I was just wondering how much a room for the night would cost?" her voice was quiet and seemed to tremble slightly. Hurridly, she cleared her throat and took a deep breath to calm herself.

For some reason this whole town unnerved her slightly. Perhaps it was the unfamiliarity of it. Or perhaps it was simply because these were uncertain times in which she was living.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 01:59 AM

Perhaps it could be either. The old man smiled every so slightly, nodding as he bent over a bit, reaching under the counter. “Oh yes, oh yes, a room. We have a few, always have some vacancies, you know. This used to be such a lovely place!” The male seemed to be lost in his own thought, eyes looking afar a bit before he took a key, standing back up and blowing on the dusty piece of a bronze tool. It looked like it hadn’t been used in a while, but…meh, it’d do. The breath itself seemed to take a lot out of the old man, as he wheezed a bit before setting the key on the desk, taking a deep breath himself.

“Whew! Now then let’s see here…Margaret charges about five gold a night for the youngin’s. Less for a single bed, one that can only fit one, eh! That also include the breakfast, lunch, ‘n dinner here, milady. That sound fair to you?”

The talking around the place had quieted a bit, but a simple look would show that was because of the leave of a few individual’s. Most of the people had cleared out at the sun hit it’s peak for the day, but the man in the corner continued to look with his piercing green eyes at the female, then at his mug as he drank. In either case, it didn’t take long before he stood, making his way out as well.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 02:04 AM

Kaderin nodded absently and pulled out some gold. She counted outfive pieced and handed them over. Aware of the silence, she turned and glanced over her shoulder, noticing that many people had left.
Curious she thought to herself, turning back.


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