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"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 12:56 AM


Remember when you were young and the boys used to tease and make fun of the girls they liked? Well how come the girls never teased them back or made fun of them? Is this because girls are weaker then boys? Not exactly.

Deep,deep in the thick woods of a small town a school was built for the soul purpose of training female assassins. The school has even gone as to so much only hire female employers to keep the school 100% free of any male interference. The school makes the students attend regular classes along with 'special classes' targeting the students greater skills and sharpening them for combat. Often times female students go out in small groups or even out alone on missions to gain experience before graduation. However all female students are required to stay on school grounds unless they are given missions.

Now here is were the plot thickens. 6 boys ,each unique in their own ways have infiltrated the school disguised as girls. What will happen during there time at the school filled with female assassins? Will the boys be discovered and killed or will they go through life changing events...better or worse? Who decide.


Insecure Girl: She's the one roaming the halls with her head low. She always gets picked on due to her scary shy personality and is often times picked on by the popular girls. She can never make eye contact with the people she talks to and easily gets embarrassed. [Xx I-RAWR xX]

Bitch Girl: Whenever she sees someone that's not part of her group, she raises that beloved middle finger of hers up high. Everyone, including the teachers,dislike her and many try not to make as much as eye-contact with her. [Darkest Hour]

Romantic Girl: She's naturally confident and automatically fits in with the girly girls. In every situation of her life, she compares to some romantic book she's read. [Reserved for Forever_Trapped]

Boy-stuck-in-a-girl's-body: You know her. Maybe you are her. She's that girl that doesn't care what the heck she wears, doesn't do mani-pedis, and does every sport possible. She usually strays away from the pack, but many girls adore her. She will openly tell you the truth, not caring if it hurts. [ Palmoun]

Smart Girl: Kind and respected by many, she always has a book with her. Though her head's often in the clouds, all her tests put her in the top branch of the school. She shies away from the attention, however, and prefers to take naps in the middle of the day then be with huge groups of people. [Eiiri]

Slutty Girl: She's slept with to many people to count on your fingers and there are rumors that she has snuck out several times and slept with the boys on the outside. Her friends are the only ones who don't tease her about her bad habit....well not most of them anyway.[flamethrower1391]

Party Boy: This boy was the first of his friends to try alcohol. Once he did, it was love at first sight. He often went partying with the married women of the town, only to break their hearts later on. For some reason, he is afraid of commitment. [princessofdarkness101]

Shy Boy: Just generally quiet, he's often mistaken for being anti-social. Truth is that he hates talking to girls and would rather be somewhere else. He's the most practical of the boys. [ happydeath]

Bad Boy: From trespassing to vandalizing to slapping a police officer, he never seems to be out of jail. Now he's out of juvie on probation and is looking for ways to do whatever he wants. He hates authority with a passion and goes out of his way to break all the rules he can. [Reserved for Forever_Trapped]

"Sissy" Boy: He loves sewing, baking, and reading girl books. At first he was ridiculed by many for this, but eventually they just accepted the fact he wasn't going to change for who he was because of a few people. He's very stubborn. [HarukiAi]

Artsy Boy: He's crazy about everything that has to do with art. This includes playing instruments, drawing, and writing awesome stories under different pseudonyms. He can be very flirtatious at points, knowing exactly what makes the ladies crazy. [ flamethrower1391]

Jock Boy: Loves any type of sport, even some that are dangerous. He's totally awesome at them as well! He feels the most out of place in the girl's school. He loves watching the girls fight though and is a bit of a perv. [Reserved for dragonjake]


1.) Please follow all Menewsha Rules

2.) No Mary Jane's, Godmodding,and all that good stuff. Be a human.

3.) Please be literate. Five sentences at minimum and no text talk.

4.) PG-13. I encourage romance that's totally fine but enough is enough. Also please don't detail deaths to much if your an assasin. I totally love blood and gore but I'm just following rules.

5.) PLEASE PLEASE if your just wanting to make a character and leave don't bother. I would like you to post at least once every couple days. That means in a week I should see at least 4 posts....minimum.

6.) Please PM me your Skeletons with the topic "I Like To Eat PopCorn" just so I know you've read the rules.

7.) I have the right to redo,change and all that good stuff to the rules if I need to. I'll inform you all if I've made a change to the rules.

8.) Have Fun!! ^^

Character Skeletons

Real Name:
Fake name:
Age: (high schooled please)
Eventual crush: (can't be the same as someone else. This will happen gradually)
Spot: (Ex: Slutty Girl,Party Boy)
Reason For Coming:
Real Self:


Age: (high schooled please)
Eventual crush: (not the same as someone else)
Spot: (Ex: Slutty Girl,Party Boy)
Favorite thing to do:
Personal Uniform:


Character Profiles


Name: Peyton Reed
Age: 15
Bio: Raised in strict household her Father was a high ranked General,and Mother a lawyer. Being the only child Peyton was brought up with constant harsh rules put upon her. Her training started at a young age when her Father came home after one of his tours. Seeing the potential within her ,Peyton was brought to the school and hasn't seen her parents since. She was able to make her first and best friend Zoey but even so she still keeps many things to herself.Even though she has great potential Peyton was always a shy,insecure girl making her lack in many skills.
Personality: Quiet,Shy,Insecure,Sweet,Serious,Mature,Soft-Spoken,and Caring
Weapon: Poison Tipped Sewing Needles,Daggers
Strengths: She Doesn't Think She Has Any
Weaknesses: Sweets,Stuffed Animals,and Baby Kittens
Eventual crush: "Sissy" Boy
Spot:Insecure Girl
Favorite thing to do: Read,Draw,Sew,and Eat Sweets
Personal Uniform: Uniform

Originally Posted by Darkest Hour
Name: Zoey [Nickname Z]
Age: 17
Bio: Zoeys history is not that long, for she is only 17.But shes had enough experience to make someone wonder why or how shes still even around.Zoey grew up with nothing and nobody but boys.Her mother abondoned her at the age of 8 and her father died when she was 3.Zoey doesn't have too many memories with her father but a picture she carries around.Zoey quickly learned how to fight when her brother made fatal attempts to kill her off.She took it was a sign of hate, but truely her brother was just trying to help her get out into the world and face its dangers.When Zoey was about 14, teachers kept a good eye on her.The guidance counslors knew about her, and they loved her.But the teachers hated her with a passion for the simple fact she took up for what she believed in regulardless.As all of this took place, a riot started in the hallways at some point.Zoey was caught in the middle of it all and had to face down her on peer.Grumbles and glares all set on her.She took her peer down no problem, and the teachers saw how swift she was and wondered why she was even here.Eager to get rid of her, they went on ahead and sent her on out to somewhere else.Somewhere, where she could get her career started but still academically keep herself up held.To this day, Zoey still keeps things botteled up and never lets anyone in.Not even her bestfriend Peyton.
Personality: Zoey comes off as bitchy, and she is.No doubt about it.Zoey is sarcastic and ticks her teachers off most of the time with her whatever-ill-do-it-later attitude.Most teachers dont like her because academically she can do better then them.For instance, she'll zone out and when the teacher calls on her she'll still get the anwser right.Zoey always thinks up random things, random words, ect.Shes your typical average girl until you make her mad.Shes quick to anger but always asks questions and wants anwsers.Zoey is a curious girl and infests many strengths and weaknesses.Her jokes can either make someone laugh, or just tick you off.But Zoey knows who she is and likes who she is reguardless of what people have to say or think.
Weapon:Zoey has two hidden guns in her upper thighs.Usually she carries knives incase she runs out of bullets which hang around her waist.
Strengths: Shoot a gun really well. Good at meeting new people and her charm appeals to most people. Sarcasm is extremely fluent sometimes. Knows when and when not to be serious. Helps people out with they're problems easily. Adpts to things and new surrounds quickly.
Weaknesses: Clearly, she can be a total bitch. Does not get along well with people when they first meet. Tends to push people out without reliazing it. Sometimes she has mental break downs and doesn't know what to do. Her mind can switch from one subject to the next way too quickly.(ADHD).
Eventual crush: Party Boy
Spot: Bitch Girl
Favorite thing to do: Swimming.
Personal Uniform:

Originally Posted by Eiiri
Name: Lily Ashburn
Age: 16
Bio: Lily was a quiet child, always having her nose in a book. Everything she read, she remembers, having an eidetic memory. She excelled through school and was recruited into the school. She became an expert planner, but not as good in some physical activities. That was one of the few things she never does well in school. To make up for it, she works hard after hours to improve, as insomnia often haunts her. She naps during her other classes to make up for it.
Personality: Most say that she is anti-social, but if you can catch her attention enough, she can be engaging. When she speaks, it is soft, but sincere. She can be blunt and straightforward, especially if irritated. She is also honest, not fond of telling lies.
Weapon: Explosives, saber
Strengths: Stealth, planning, escape, chemistry, fencing
Weaknesses: Books, her own clumsiness, cats especially black ones, over analyzing a situation
Eventual crush: Bad Boy
Spot: Smart Girl
Favorite thing to do: Read, nap, write
Personal Uniform: Uniform

Originally Posted by flamethrower1391
Name: Akira Hasegawa
Age: 17
Bio: Both of her parents were CIA Operatives (She didn't get to see them much.) which made the whole assassin thing come to her easy. She learned many skills from her parents before she was admitted to the school. Her weapon of choice had always been her fists and feet. She prefered hand-to-hand combat to guns. Anyone could kill someone from a distance, but it took someone with guts to do it face-to-face and against someone who clearly looked more likely to win.

There had been numerous rumours going around the school of her sneaking out and sleeping with some boys. Well, none of it is true. Because she made out with some guy the first day of school outside the front door, everyone thought she was a slut. Rumours began spreading, and things started going out of control. She thought about ending the rumours, but if the students want to think she's a slut, she'd let them. It could be useful in the future.

Personality: Confident, doesn't take crap from anyone, doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, flirtatious
Weapon: Fists and feet, kunai, katana
Strengths: Acting, hiding things from people
Weaknesses: Playing with guys, stringing them along, lying
Eventual crush: Jock Boy
Spot: Slutty Girl
Favorite thing to do: Make herself look like the biggest slut there is (and laughing the whole time)
Personal Uniform: Uniform

Originally Posted by Palmoun
Name: Alexandra (call her Alex) Quinn

Age: 17

Bio: She never knew her parents, only her brother. For when she was young her parents had been killed in a car accident.. or at least that was what they said. Her brother then started to take care of her and he taught her everything. Slowly she became a small version of him, she was girlish on the outside but on the inside she acted like a man. When she turned 12 her brother decided that it was time for her to know the truth, her parents had been killed. The next day she came home to find her brother dead on the floor.

After that day she was taken to the school and she was trained to be the assasin she is now. Her dream is to find the man that killed her family and in return rip out his heart. She still acts boyish most of the time, nothing girly really remains.

Personality: She acts as tough as any man and can take a hit. But under that she is very nice.

Weapon: Snipper gun, swords, and throwing knives

Strengths: She will never give up on anything and will find a way to kill her target, she favors her snipper gun.

Weaknesses: She doesn't know how to act when around guys she like, anger.

Eventual crush: Artsy Boy

Spot: Boy-In-A-Girl's-Body

Favorite thing to do: Sharpening her knives, karate and hockey

Personal Uniform:



Originally Posted by happydeath
Real Name:
Akio Takahashi
Fake name:
Hikari Suzuki
Akio was originally born into a normal family in Japan; originally his life was perfect and he was never really a shy type of person. He loved to talk a lot with other people and loved making friends. Both his parents had a great job and life almost seemed as though you could consider it..perfect. That all changed on one night though, one day he was heading back home from going to night school in high school due to him ending up getting detention. He had came into class a bit later than he meant to and due the teacher being so strict; she kept him after school. By the time Akio had came home, he had realized that his own home had been broken into. The windows and doors had been broken down and there were police all around his home. Staring in shock Akio had tried to run into his home but was pulled back due to the police doing some inspecting. Soon enough, two men and women came out of the front door carrying two people in a small bed with a white cover over their faces. Seeing that, Akio just needed common sense to tell that was his parents as he broke down from just seeing that. When the police had found out that those two dead people were his mother and father; they had taken him to an orphanage where Akio could at least live under a roof. A year later, he was about 15 years old and the police came back to the orphanage to tell him the name of the people who killed his family. It just so happened that it was one of his own best friends. Hearing the name in shock, he swore revenge and on that person that he once considered his best friend. Although ever since that day, he never really spoke that much due to the fact that he didn't know who to trust and let alone the fact he was still a bit traumatized.
Akio is a really shy kind of person, although since it had been about two years already since of that problem, he still hadn't gotten his revenge but his thoughts were now a bit more calm. So even though hes shy, when he does speak hes really kind to everyone around him. He never really gets angry at anyone unless they insult his family or his past. Other than that, he tends to love to help others that are in need of any kind of help; whether it be homework or dealing with any kind of problem at all.
A cold-steel made katana, a couple of shurikens hidden in a pouch behind him.
Can cook well, knows how to use a sword as if he had been using it all his life, quick on his feet, stealthy.
Tends to get scared easily, is on edge most of the time, thinks no one likes him, self-conscious, tends to always go to pick black or white roses when he sees them, the sight of blood causes him to go nearly insane sometimes. Being reminded about his past.
Eventual crush:
Romantic Girl.
Shy Boy.
Reason For Coming:
The reason Akio decided to come to this all girl school for assassins was originally for the fact that he could learn how to kill more silently and not lose control when he would finally one day meet the person who killed his family. As time went by on going to this school; he soon began to be able to collect himself more easily. So most of the reason why he went here now was because he wanted to try and make friends and possibility go back to the way he was before he became so shy. If that was even possible anymore.

The long hair is due to extensions.
Real Self:
Originally Posted by HarukiAi

Real Name:
Hiroki Sato
Fake name:
Kazumi Iko

Hiroki was raised by his mother in their small apartment in a Japanese town. His father had left his mother shortly after his birth and his mother would never let him live it down. He grew up being degraded by his very own mother and the other children at school for his feminine personality. Hiroki was forced to do the housework because his mother refused to do a thing for an unworthy child such as himself. He grew to love his household chores do to the fact they were the only thing he could find comfort in. This added to his already girlish personality. His mother had become ill within the last few months of his middle school years and he was forced to often stay home and take care of her. Even while on her death bed she cursed his very existence. When his mother finally passed he was forced into a series of foster homes. Every foster home seemed to get worse in his eyes. No one would simply accept him for who he was and they would always demand he do house work to earn his keep. After being let out of his foster home to attend school Hiroki vowed to seek out his father for causing his mother and himself so much grief over the years.
Hiroki is a very stubborn boy, who likes to have his way when it comes to cooking and housework. He doesn't like things to be out of place and messy, but he won't voice his complaint. He would rather quietly fix the problem than upset others by his view. He enjoys reading books when he has time for them and he loves to read a good romance novel. Sometimes he is teased by the other kids, but he shows no signs of it bothering him from so many years of his mother’s verbal abuse. He knows who he is and doesn't need someone else telling who they think he is. He is a very level headed kid, but he has his down falls such as his uncontrollable addiction to lollipops.
Arm blades attached to his fore arms that extend about a half foot past his hands. Throwing Knives.
Calm composure when in a tough situation, cooking, cleaning, disguises, and speed with a knife, able to control emotions well.
People in need of help, water, cute items, sweet candies, colorful objects, and lollipops.
Eventual crush:
Insecure Girl
"Sissy" Boy
Reason for Coming:
Hiroki has vowed to seek out revenge for his mother and himself. He wants to find his father and show him how much pain they have both been through. Hiroki would have enrolled in a all-boys academy, but he knew he wouldn't make it a few days within the school. He needed a place he would fit into better and an all-girls academy was exactly what he needed to do his training in peace.

He has dyed his hair to a darker brown and curled it slightly to make himself more feminine.
Real Self:

Originally Posted by flamethrower1391
Real Name: Setsurou Iragashi
Fake name: Yuki Nakamura
Age: 18
Bio: The guy was always into art. His parents always joked around, saying that he was born with a brush in his hand. The boy did everything. Wrote poems and songs, played numerous instruments, painted, sketched, sung, acted, everythign that had was considered as art. His parents were never famous, no one else in the family had an artistic abilities. Many times, Setsu wondered if he was adopted. Of course, he wasn't (sadly for him).

A group of guys had decided to infiltrate the all girls' assassin school for who-know-what reason (he wasn't paying attention). He only decided to go with to make sure the boys could get in. They had to look like girls since they didn't have the supplies to make themselves look like elderly women or the smarts to be any of the staff. He picked out the clothes and showed them ways to make their face look girlish. One would ask if he was gay because of this knowledge. He just had a few sisters who played makeover with him when he was little.

Personality: Can get a bit depressed and 'emo-like', flirtatious, a bit of a romantic
Weapon: Highly sharp pencils, pens rigged to fling tranquilizer darts (sometimes poisonious)
Strengths: Acting (injured, weak, etc), playing a person's emotions
Weaknesses: Emotions, music
Eventual crush: Boy-In-A-Girl's-Body
Spot: Artsy Boy
Reason For Coming: Someone needed to design the disguises or they'd all be caught.
Disguise: Disguise, Uniform
Real Self:

Originally Posted by princessofdarkness101
Real Name:KIOSHI Nakaru
Fake name:IZUMI Nakaharu
Age: 17
Bio:Kioshi was born in a large family. He was one of the middle children. His parents never paid much attention to him so he became a trouble maker as a call out for attention. He was invited to a party that served Alcohol. He instantly fell in love with it. It made all his pain disappear and he felt whole again. He was kicked out of the all-male school so he disguised himself as a girl so he could attend an all-girl school to meet the ladies.
Personality:He is a fuun party type guy. He loves to go out and have fun and break hearts to make him feel better.
Weapon:Bows and daggers
Strengths:Archery, able to hold his alcohol, nocturnal, ladies’ man
Weaknesses:Alcohol, commitments, parties, school
Eventual crush: Bitch girl
Spot: party boy
Reason For Coming:He was kicked out his school and he is searching for a place to fit in.
Real Self:

Last edited by Xx I-RAWR xX; 05-14-2011 at 10:34 PM..

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
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Old 05-13-2011, 02:14 AM


"We had to learn how to bend wit...
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:08 PM


Last edited by Xx I-RAWR xX; 05-14-2011 at 12:22 AM..

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
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Old 05-14-2011, 12:22 AM


"We had to learn how to bend wit...
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Old 05-16-2011, 12:26 AM


"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 12:01 AM


It was so small...Peyton could hardly breathe. Looking around she could barley see anything. Spreading her arms apart she could feel the walls around her slowly but surely pushing themselves towards her. Feeling the unwanted fear begin to crawl into her Peyton started to pushed on one of the walls with all her might. Her actions went unrewareded as she could still feel the walls pushing closer. Now she could barely move and finally.......snap!

Peyton woke in her bed,panting heavily. That might have been one of the worst nightmares yet. Sitting up Peyton looked around the dimly lit room and finally settling her gaze to the bed across from her own. Scooted out of her bed Peyton shuffled across the floor before slowly sneaking into her roommates bed. Clutching her roommate,Zoey's shirt for some releif Peyton began to finally calm down. Zoey and herself had been good friends and roommates ever since she had been dropped off by her Father a few years back. Lightly pulling on Zoey's shirt Peyton's gaze stayed firmly on her roommates back. "Hey awake?"She whispered in a shaken tone.

Last edited by Xx I-RAWR xX; 05-17-2011 at 12:16 AM..

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 12:30 AM

Alex smiled as she marched down the girls hall as loud as she could. It was the middle of the night but in her mind it was as if it was one in the afternoon. She had to much energy to sleep right now and she watned to beat the crap out of something or someone. Like her brother use to say, 'if you have to much energy go run a mile.' So the best way to fall asleep was to either run your heart out till you pass out or beat the living daylights out of a dummy. So that was exactly what she was going to do, head straight of the gym and grab a dummy.

She smiled as she pulled her ipod out of her pocket and started to scroll through the songs. When she finally came to one of her favorite rock songs she turned up the volume all the way. She then pressed play and her rock filled the hallways as she walked down the hall. She then stuffed her hands into her pockets and slowly made her way through the hall way. She bobbed her ehad slightly as she walked down the hall and towards the exit. Listening to the music and watching where she was going through half closed eyes.

\ (•◡•) /
HarukiAi is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 12:53 AM

The sound of the city was a loud and constant reminder to Hiroki that he was indeed in the slums. His make shift apartment, if he could even call it that, was falling apart around him and he could do nothing to stop it. It had served him well the past few months while he was living on his own, but now it was time to move on and start a new chapter in his life. Well, maybe this chapter wasn’t one of his favorites, seeing as he would be cross-dressing as a girl to get into academy. It was better than trying to fight his way through an all-boys academy. Of course he knew he could make it through the years, but the time being teased would amount to a number he did not want to think of. Considering his luck his whole life he was lucky to even make it into the all-girls academy with no problems. Then again he hadn’t stayed too long or at least long enough for them to inspect him thoroughly.
Hiroki grabbed his bags and slug them over his shoulder and looked one last time at his home. He wouldn’t be coming back. When he pushed open the door with his foot he took a glance in the mirror hanging on the wall and was staring at a girl with short curly hair close to the color of rust. He hadn’t expected his disguise to work so perfectly, but I guess his luck was changing for the better, at least for now. He had gotten train tickets to the academy or at least as close as they would take him. The ride to the last station was the longest out of all of his rides and when he jumped off the train he stumbled from the weight of his bags. He still had to travel through the woods surrounding the school and he dragged his bags behind him until he reached the end of the platform. The woods weren’t nearly as long has he had envisioned them to be and he was soon standing at the front gate. The dorms were not too far and he rushed up to them wanting nothing more than to sit down and rest his sore feet. He found his way to a hall and read each door looking for his name, but he had to stop and turn around to look at a sign that read ‘Kazumi Iko’. He had almost forgotten that he wasn’t going to be Hiroki any more, but Kazumi. He pushed the down open with his hip and threw his bag on to the floor and stopped in the middle of his next action to turn around and peak his head around the corner to where the music he had heard was coming from. What he saw was a girl walking off with headphones, but what suprised him the most was that she was so awake. Maybe it was just from his early trip, but it was far to early to be up and about at least that pumped.

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Old 05-17-2011, 01:02 AM

Akio at this point was actually still dead asleep in one of the rooms in the girls dorms. Luckily for him when he had first come to this school, and had signed up to become part of it. He was lucky enough to get a room that had no other roommate with him just yet. He basically shared a giant room all for himself, he didn't mind that at all anyway. There were great things that came with living in an all girl school while having a room of his own to not have to share with anyone. For one, he didn't have to worry about his roommate finding out he was actually a boy and end up reporting him to the office and getting him kicked out of school. Two, Akio was never really one to like to talk to others after the incident with his parents anyway, so not having to share a room with any other girl made his problem of having to speak with others even easier for him.

While he slept there peacefully on the bed and under the covers; he had taken off the extensions that made his hair look like a girl's hair so that they wouldn't bother him while he slept. Originally, the first time he had come to this school; he wasn't too sure about how to sleep with the pain of having the extensions stuck to his head all night. The first night he had was horrible as the extensions of his own hair were basically pressing against his head while his own head was against the pillow. It felt as though they wanted to rip through the back of his head and dig into his own skull. Although, when Akio took off the extensions to sleep; it felt great to have his semi-short hair against the pillow once more.

Although Akio may had looked peacefully physically while he slept; within his own dreams, he was going insane with both pain and sadness. Even though it had been a couple of years since the incident with his parents, the feeling within his own heart was fresh as though it had only happened a couple of days ago. Ever since than, his dreams were always filled with the samething as he kept reliving that same day he came home from school to see the police all around his home. There were several news reporters around about two ambulances were there and about four police cars were parked in the front of his own home. Two men and two women had stepped out of his front door with one of each gender were carrying a stretcher with two bodies on them and both the bodies were covered up by a white sheet. As Akio slept there on the bed, seeing those images he began to sweat a bit as he clenched his fists tightly than began to toss and turn on the bed. There was noise right outside his own room that sounded like music, but thanks to his door being locked; he wasn't really ever worried about someone breaking into his room.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 05-17-2011, 01:40 AM

Zoey had been dead asleep from all the classes she had been working hard on lately.She grumbled under her breath as she felt something tug on her shirt.Then she heard her name.'No.'Zoey muttered as she rolled over, and as she rolled over to her surprise, she rolled over on her room mate and then off the side of the bed.Cursing under her breath, she stood up and glanced at her unique Peyton.'Okay, im awake now.'Zoey groaned tiredly as she crawled back over into her spot.Now, as her senses begun to get abit clearer, she stared down at Peyton.'Why are you in my bed, and sweaty?Did you try to touch me in my sleep again?!'Zoey teased with a slight humor in her eyes.Knowing Peyton she'd probably had another nightmare, but Zoey wasn't one to judge.Peyton was her bestfriend even though she kept certain things to herself.Zoey didn't like being too open about her family junk.Yeah, she was a pain but..she just didn't like people in general.She was anti-social yet out going.How did that work?'What was your nightmare about?'Zoey stated bluntly, as she slipped one of her arms under her pillow and stared at Peyton in the dark.Zoey had grown so use to these nights that her eyes easily adjusted to her features without a problem.And being here, learning how to fight and all that jazz.Well, lets just say they taught you well.

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 01:52 AM

Feeling the sudden weight of her best friend on her body appear then disappear as her friend stumbled off the bed made a small smile appear on Peytons lips. Waiting for Zoey to get back into her bed and get comfortable Peyton sat up in the bed and hugged her legs tightly. Hearing the dirty comment from Zoey only made her eyes roll. "You wish."She whispered with a soft chuckle. Suddenly hearing the true question about her nightmare Peytons smile quickly disappeared. She wasn't really surprised that Zoey knew she had a nightmare since it happened almost every night. Most nights she could handle it but tonight since the nightmare was oddly more graphic and plus today was the opening ceremony for the new school year she just couldn't handle it. Rubbing the back of her head Peyton inhaled deeply before exhaling. "Well...I was basically being pushed in by two walls until I got squished." She said in monotone. Just imagining it again sent shivers down Peytons spine. She really didn't want to think about it. "Anyway...what type of things are you looking for to this year....I mean...since today is the first day of school and all."She whispered,curiosity clearly in her tone.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 05-17-2011, 02:09 AM

Zoey stared at Peyton for a brief moment.Yeah..a nightmare like that would freak her out too considering shes clastrophobic.'A girl can dream, cant she?'Zoey taunted.Thats just how she was, always messing with Peyton.They were like big sister and little sister.'We really need to find a way to get rid of your nightmares.'Zoey yawned.Clearly she had to get up wether she wanted to or not.Sitting up and running her fingers through her hair to get it off her face, she then stared at Peyton.'This year im just going to throw myself into my swimming class.I've made time for everything else except that, and lately i've been able to block them out.'She stumbled over the word them.Peyton knew that by 'them' she meant her so called parents.Zoey had been on her own for so long she just stoped caring.The only person she cared for anymore was Peyton.'What about you miss thang?'Zoey asked softly as she yawned.One of the things Zoey hated with a passion was the mornings.It was always hard for to wake up.And facing another day of puting on a fake smile just annoyed her.To be honest, she prefered to be swimming, drowning people out while she could just dive..futher..and further below..Thats when she was snapped out of her trance and she was focused on Peyton again.Yeah, great Z.Spend your first day zoning out.I bet the teachers will love that.Zoey thought to herself as she yawned again, but was focused on Peyton for most of the time.All Zoey wanted to do was go back to sleep but she knew once she was up, she was up and she wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep until later.'We might as well get our day started.'Zoey stated as she shrugged off what just happend.

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 02:45 AM

Peyton only nodded in agreement when Zoey mentioned her nightmares. She truly wished she could stop having these horrible nightmares but unfortunately you couldn't just stop dreaming. She often grew jealous of Zoeys laid back but tough personality. Peyton,ever since she was young was never able to stand up for herself and even to this day wasn't able too. Hearing Zoey's question about what Peyton's new school activities would be Peyton shrugged. "I don't know....I suppose I'll continue experimenting with different dishes and maybe even sew a few more blankets and sweaters."Peyton replied with a sweet smile. Even though she was pretty spineless Peyton really enjoyed baking and sewing. She basically enjoyed a lot of girly things that most of the assassin females could care less about. Suddenly out of the blue Peyton heard the obnoxious alarm on her clock. Scrambling out of Zoey's bed Peyton quickly turned the alarm off before looking back at Zoey. "Should we get ready for school now?"She asked with a nervous laugh.

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happydeath is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 02:48 AM

As Akio's own dream progressed even more, he began to witness all the painful times of his past all over again. He went from the very night his parents had died all the way to his life in an orphanage. Life there wasn't exactly the best thing ever since the people that owned the place didn't really treat any of the kids like they were actual kids; but rather treated them as though they were adults as well. Akio was no exception for this fact. The true adults that owned the orphanage had forced the kids there to clean the entire place from top to bottom almost everyday, though no matter how much they scrubbed, mopped, or even swiped the floors; the floor itself would still be dirty as ever. Basically life in the orphanage was easily compared to a prison for young kids that were either forgotten about their parents or had no parents due to either the same reason as Akio's or similar to that.

Soon enough, his own dream just stopped as everything within his mind just froze as though time itself had stopped. It just had to stop right as soon as the rich man and woman had approached Akio; they had a strange smile to their faces, as at the time he hadn't really realize the fact that they would become his foster parents. Immediately, his own eyes flung open as he sat up onto his own bed panting heavily with a cold sweat covering his entire face and part of his upper body. Akio quickly placed a hand right over his own forehead as he felt the sweat on his own forehead. Looking right at his palm and seeing how it was drenched he looked right around the dark room he was in. The only light that actually shined into his room was the light coming from the moon through his own windows that had the curtains pulled together. "Not that dream again...dammit. I hate that one." he spoke to himself; turning his own attention right over to the digital clock he had on his own nightstand. It had seemed to be around five in the morning and it was almost six.

By the time Akio had caught his breath once more, he slid the fingers on his right hand through his semi-long hair. Most of the time, when he didn't have the extensions on him to make his hair longer than it already was. He usually kept his own real hair in a slight ponytail. The only time when he didn't have it in a ponytail would be when he was taking a shower or bath, by than he would take the ponytail off and let his hair out a bit. The full length of his real hair would reach down about half way down his own back; but with the extensions on him, his own hair would reach down about to the point where it was near his own butt. The two main things he never really decided to change about his hair were the bangs that always hung on both sides of his head.

((Just wondering; but do we have an ooc thread? Do we need one? O.O))

Last edited by happydeath; 05-17-2011 at 02:32 PM..

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 03:15 AM

Even though it late into the night, way past the point where most people would have gone to sleep, Lily was still awake. This wasn't unusual, she didn't like to sleep at night, it never ended well. She could never relax enough, so she had stopped trying and stayed up through the night. Lily was lucky, though, she hadn't had a roommate for almost a year, so her late night antics never bothered anyone, even though she had a double room. She wasn't looking forward to the day where she she had to get another roommate. She had made sure to take up precisely half of the room, to make it easy for whoever could be a roommate for her.

Her room was silent, not wanting to have music wake the others in her floor. It was a normal night, until she hear the sound of music filling the halls. She stood up from her desk and stretched, her slender arms reaching out above her. Lily was small for her age, having sleep issues can stunt growth, and thin. She often forgot to eat regular meals. She moved to her door, trying to see who might be playing music. Peaking into the hall, she could see two girls; one she recognized and another she didn't.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 03:31 AM

Kioshi was at his prime. One more beer. Just one more he thought to himself. He ended up drinking six more. It was late at night and he was partying like an animal. "Hey Kioshi! Wanna come home with me tonight" voice from the corner came. It was a beautiful girl with long black hair. Kioshi ginned. "Nah! I have things to do anyways" he yelled back as he stumbled his way out the door. He was so drunk at this point. He was walking down an alley when he tripped and fell. The minute he hit the ground he was out cold. Kioshi didn't care where he ended up. He didn't want to go home anyways and it wasn't like he had school anymore since he was expelled earlier that day.

Kioshi laid on the ground. He moved to his back. It was then he realized he hadn't completely passed out yet. He could people whispering around him, but he just ignored them, until he heard one the he recognized. All he could make was something about a brother. Before he knew it he was being lifted up off the ground as one of Kioshi's brothers was carrying him home.

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 03:45 AM

Alex continued to walk and then noticed for once that she was t alone in the hall. There where two other girls in the hall and the smirked when she saw lilly. The then reached down and slowly turned the music down and waved over to her. "hey Lilly, early morning prectice beating." she called over happily. She then saw a girl in the hall she didn't notice and wondered who she was. Most of the girls here knew Each other bur she didn't recognize this girl once but. Maybe Lilly would have a idea of who this new face girl was.

Slowly she made her way over to Lilly and smiled at her, "have any idea who the hell that chick is?" she asked as she looked at her and then pointed at the girl down the hall. She hoped that Lilly wouldn't mind her coming by. She may act all tough and rude like a guy but she was nice... Most of the time. She had slight anger issues and that was probably due to being raised by her brother. "oh and sorry bout the morning wake up. Can't sleep so need to go beat somethin up." she said

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 04:08 AM

"Morning Alex," Lily replied as the other girl approached her, fully leaving her room. She was glad to see that someone else was up early as well. After Alex asked her about the unknown girl, Lily looked more carefully at her. She didn't look familiar at all. "I don't recognize her, she must be new. The new term does start today," Lily mused, both voicing her opinions and answering Alex's question at the same time. She figured that there might be a few new students around, there were usually a few a the beginning of the year.

"Don't worry about the music, I was awake anyways. Others might have an issue, but its good with me," she replied grinning. Lily's frequent in-class naps made it well known she didn't sleep at night, though no one really knew why. Lily wouldn't answer if she was asked anyways.

\ (•◡•) /
HarukiAi is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 10:44 AM

Another girl had poked her head out of her own door being curious like him, but he was surprised when he was pointed out by the female student with the loud music. She had been pointed out as Alex and the other girl was Lily. Hiroki decided since he had been pointed out and neither of them knew who he was it was a pretty good idea to introduce himself to them. He didn’t want to just stand there like an idiot while they talked about him. “Umm…My name is Kazumi Iko. It’s nice to meet you.” He bowed to them and came back up with a smile forming on his lips. He was a like weary that they might harass him, but he notice that his thought was pointless. He had been harassed his whole life and it didn’t matter whether these two girls did the same as almost everyone else his own age.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 05-17-2011, 12:38 PM

Zoey sighed and was ready to do a back flip off her own bed.It was time to go already?Sighing heavly, she stood up and stretched.'We might as well, unless you want to ditch today?'Zoey taunted as she shot Peyton her dare-devil grin.Walking towards the raideo, she played All The Small Things by Blink182.Zoey played it softly because she knew how Peyton was about music in the mornings but the music was on Zoeys side of the room and she kept it down to where she atleast could hear it.'I already took my shower last night, so im good to go.'Zoey remarked as she walked over and started geting into her uniform.Today was going to be one of those days where she just didn't care and all she wanted to do was get through the day.Already so many people were up that it didn't matter anyway.

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Old 05-17-2011, 02:31 PM

By the time Akio was finally able to catch his own breath, he looked right on around his room a bit. Even though it was only slightly lit up, it was enough for him to see everything in his room; and that was just perfect the way it was. Sliding himself out of bed; Akio stood up wearing his midnight blue and white stripped pajamas as he scratched the back of his own head. Most of his own hair was all over the place at this point due to him tossing and turning most of the night because of that dream. Giving a long yawn he stretched his own arms right over his head as he headed immediately to the shower. If he was going to leave his room while in an all girl school; he would need to take a shower so he could hide his obvious true identity of being a boy. As he stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him, Akio just immediately undressed himself and stepped into the shower. As soon as the water touched his own hair and body; he reached onto the back of his own hair and untied the ponytail that he wore most of the time. Letting his hair flow down half way his back, Akio just stared at the floor with his eyes slightly open. "I cant own best friend did could he?..what did I do wrong..for him to kill my parents?" He whispered quietly to himself before biting his lower lip and shaking off the thought; they were no longer best friends but rather at this point. Enemies.

After about ten minutes of being in shower, Akio finally turned off the water as he stepped out from the tub grabbing his towel and drying off his semi-dark purple hair. Soon as that was done, he wrapped the towel right around his own lower waist and left the bathroom; straight back into his own room. Though this time when he stepped into his room, he made sure to turn on the light so he could get dressed into his girl outfit and fit on the extensions so that his hair wouldn't look too much like a boy's hair. Not to mention he was going to have to work on his face by using some of the make-up to make himself look like an actual girl. So stepping over to his own drawer, Akio pulled out his school girl's uniform. It wasn't exactly something he really liked to wear since it had a skirt and all, but it was something he simply had to wear so that the other girls here at the school wouldn't figure out his own identity. Throwing that onto the bed, he pulled out a small little bra from a separate cabinet as he just tilted his head at it. This was basically so that when he walked around as a girl; it wouldn't seem like he was flat chested. Even though he knew there were still girls out there that were flat chested; guys are always that way. So it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to a disguise.

Drying off the rest of his own body, Akio just threw the towel onto the other side of his own bed as he slipped into his boxers rather than female panties. It wasn't like he was going to be taking off his clothes in the middle of class anyway; so why would he need to wear something so uncomfortable as that underneath? As soon as he got that right on, he wrapped the bra right around his own chest and made sure to tighten it up to the point that it wouldn't just fall off while he was running or jumping. Once he had that on, it was finally time to put on the uniform; which ended up being a bit harder than he expected it to be. Akio originally thought he could've just slid through the bottom of the uniform and up through the head part of it, but that ended up failing horribly. So what he did was take the skirt first off and slide into that rather easily; the shirt however wasn't the same case as he had to unbutton the entire thing than put it on and re-button it all. Once Akio was finally done with getting dressed he walked right on over toward the mirror of his dresser; where all the parts of his extensions laid there on the counter of the cabinet. Giving a little sigh, he began to grab one by one and attach them to his own hair which took about another five minutes to finally finish up. Now that was done his body, clothing, and hair was finally done as he grabbed some of the blush make-up that tapped it onto both his cheeks lightly. Using the rest of the make-up he went on and made sure his own facial expression looked exactly like a girl's. The main thing Akio hated about doing this was that every so often, he would have to always fact a smile onto his own face so that no one would ask him if anything was bothering him. He always hated having to tell people about his problems since he never really saw a point to it all.

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 04:13 PM

Peyton rolled her eyes as Zoey's normal morning attitude as she started towards there bathroom. "You know I wouldn't skip class if my life depended on it."She replied. Grabbing two towels from the small linen closet she set the towels on the bathroom counter before turning on the water. Since Zoey didn't have to take a shower and Peyton was all sweaty from her nightmare she actually really wanted to take a shower before school started. Closing the bathroom door she quickly undressed and stepped into the shower. The warm water immediately calmed her as it hit her body. Knowing she didn't have forever Peyton quickly washed her body and hair within a twenty minute period before shutting off the water. "So much better." Peyton whispered as she grabbed one towel to wrap around her body and the other to dry off her hair. Since she was already in the bathroom Peyton brushed her teeth before exiting. Walking back to her side of the room she quickly opened the second drawer of her small,wooden dresser were she kept everything included in her daily school uniform. Scooping up everything in her arms she walked casually back to the bathroom and shut the door once more. Even though Zoey and her were both girls Peyton had never liked to undress nor dress in front of anyone...ever. Just the thought of it was embarrassing enough. Setting her uniform on the bathroom counter Peyton quickly dried her body before dressing in her undergarments and finally her uniform. Once Peyton was fully dressed she took one good look at herself in the darkened mirror before exited the bathroom for the last time. "The bathroom is all yours."Peyton said to Zoey as she brushed through her damp hair. Clipping it her usual black bow she received from her Mother on her second birthday and fixing her thick spectacles on her face Peyton was finally ready for school. "Alright I'm done. You better hurry up Zoey."She added with a motherly tone. It was strange since Peyton was a few years younger then Zoey she had always looked out for her. Mostly because Zoey was so laid back about most things Peyton was always being her making sure Zoey was doing everything she needed to. "Zoey I'm going to go to the cafeteria to eat. I'll meet you there."Peyton said as she grabbed her plain,purple backpack from on top her bed. Despite her small frame Peyton was always into eating something,especially sweets. If Peyton didn't receive three meals a day with snacks in between she was quite grumpy. Leaving the room and roommate behind Peyton began down the hallway and towards the cafeteria. She could already see some people awake and even have small conversation but Peyton ignored it all. She wasn't really into speaking with new people she didn't know. She liked her some-what solitude behavior despite everything else.

Darkest Hour
I really don't like you right no...
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Old 05-17-2011, 08:42 PM

As usual, Zoey ignored Peyton.The easy part in her mornings was puting on her uniform.That was no big deal.It was the mental part that was the challenge.After Peyton left, Zoey heard towards her raideo and blasted Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold.Avenged Sevenfold was her all time number one favorite band no matter what anybody had to say.Someday, adventully she wanted to get a tattoo of bat wings going down her spine.It would never be seen, but it would be symbolic to the music she had grown up to.While this blasted, she walked into the bathroom and decied to let her hair be curly today.After doing this, she applied make up.Zoey hoped by playing loud music she'd be able to drown out the fatal memory of her parents but even she knew it was impossible.They were always there, in the back of her mind, haunting her.But Zoey would never let Peyton know that, nobody would ever know.She couldn't help but be secretive, by doing so she remained partly sane.Sometimes Zoey had her slip ups but when she did she remained hidden away from everyone and everything.As the guitare solo started playing, a smirk replaced her once depressed face.Avenged Sevenfold always reminded her of her brother.Perhaps this was for the best..or so thats what she kept on telling herself.Puting on a pair of comfy shoes and preparing herself for the long day in the room.She walked over and turned the raideo off but picked up her ipod.Always, Zoey needed music.Through music she felt distent from everyone else.Detached and centered.As Zoey turned her ipod on, Bad Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman started playing.The smirk turned into a grin.Feeling light headed and so far gone, she grabed her bag that with held her supplys and headed for the cafe, not too far behind Peyton.Whatever happens, happens.Zoey told herself as she left the room, taking on a new day.

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 11:11 PM

It was only a matter of minutes until Peyton reached the large cafeteria. Since many still weren't even up the cafeteria was at the rare peaceful,quite state as Peyton walked inside and started towards the line. Quickly ordering a simple egg sandwich,Peyton finally grabbed a bottle of orange juice before settling down at one of the empty tables. As she began to unwrap her egg sandwich she suddenly heard loud laughter from a few feet away. turning around Peyton sighed deeply when she saw the most popular girl,Jessica and her groupies. Quickly turning around she prayed they hadn't seen her yet. Ever since Peyton arrived at this school it was like there personal pleasure to disrupt her day anyway they could. Taking a few large bites from her egg sandwich she quickly chewed and swallowed. Now knowing that her bullies were here Peyton just wanted to get out of the cafeteria as fast as she possibly could. Reaching over she quickly unscrewed the lid from her orange juice and began to take large gulps. Suddenly before Peyton had anytime to react she felt someone push her,hard from behind,making her begin to choke and spilling some of the orange juice on her lap. Jumping up Peyton held her stomach as she began to recover from her choking session. Looking down at her skirt a large frown settling on her lips when she saw the large wet,dark spot. Looking behind her she narrowed her teary,red eyes at the girly giggle fest before returning her gaze to her now ruined skirt. She knew she didn't have time to change into anything else so the best she could do was try and dab most of it out with paper napkins. Such a lovely first day.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 12:11 AM

Lily looked over at the new girl. "Hello, I am Lily Ashburn, nice to meet you as well," she replied, introducing herself as well, doing her best to be polite. She had been told many times that she appeared cold and distant, especially when meeting new people, so she as trying to correct this. She looked the girl over again, taking a better look now that she as closer. She seemed normal enough, though hard to believe than she wanted to train to become an assassin, then again Lily didn't look the part either. "So, why did you decide to come here of all places?" she asked, trying to strike up a conversation. Only after she asked did she realize that that might have been a sore subject for the girl, many of the girls at the school did not want to discuss their reasons for attending the school. She saw a couple of the other girls in the hall, looking like they were going to the cafeteria, dressed for classes. It reminded that she needed her bag. Lily had already put on her personal uniform the night before, figuring she wasn't going to sleep anyways.


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