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ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:02 AM

Welcome, welcome! Please make yourself comfortable. Have you ever wondered what the future holds for you? Whether or not a certain special someone likes you back? Have anything in the past you need to take a closer look at? Well, now you can know!

For this event, I am offering tarot readings for only 150g for a 3-card spread, 100g for a 2-card spread, and 50g for a single card draw.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 10-27-2018 at 07:06 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:03 AM

For these readings, I will be using the Wild Unknown tarot deck.

When requesting a reading, it is best to have a question or focus in mind. Below are some examples of things you could ask:
• General reading about yourself/your current situation
• What card(s) represent me (or someone else) as a person?
• What was the significance of [some past event]?
• What will today be like?
• Which option is best for me to take (out of 2 or 3 possible options)?
• What is my relationship like with [person]?
• What will my future be like if I keep doing what I'm doing?
• What kind of person/influence do I need in my life?

Unfortunately, tarot is not great for answering yes or no questions. However, you can compare two options, eg. "What will happen if I do go to school today? What will happen if I don't?" rather than "Should I go to school today?" You're definitely free to ask more than one question or have more than one focus for one reading!

It is totally fine to keep your question/focus private! If that's the case, just put "prefer not to share" in the proper field in your request form. Just keep in mind, that may make my interpretations less accurate.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:04 AM

One Card - 50g
• Past*
• Present
• Future*
• Most dominant personality trait
• Dream Interpretation
• Career/School
• Relationship
• General

Two Cards - 100g
• Past & Future*
• Past & Present*
• Present & Future*
• 2 options
• 2 most dominant personality traits
• Strengths & Weaknesses
• Dream Interpretation
• Career/School
• Relationship
• General

Three Cards - 150g
• Past, Present, Future*
• Situation, Action, Outcome
• Mind, Body, Spirit
• 3 options
• 3 most dominant personality traits
• Strengths, Weaknesses & Advice
• Dream Interpretation
• Career/School
• Relationship
• General

If you can't figure out which category to put, just put general! I'll figure out what works with your question. :>

*note: with any Future and/or Past readings, please specify if you'd prefer near or distant future/past or put a specific time period/event in your question or focus.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:04 AM

[COLOR="Indigo"][size=6][B]I Have a Query for the Cards[/B][/size]
[size=4]Username:[/COLOR] ___
[COLOR="Indigo"]Number of Cards:[/COLOR] (1, 2, or 3)
[COLOR="Indigo"]Price:[/COLOR] (50g, 100g, or 150g)
[COLOR="Indigo"]Type of Spread:[/COLOR] (see post above)
[COLOR="Indigo"]Question/Focus:[/COLOR] ___
[COLOR="Indigo"]Private Reading?[/COLOR] (y/n)

You may pay before or after you receive your reading; the choice is entirely yours.

If you ask for a private reading, your reading will be PMd to you, otherwise it will be posted in this thread.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:05 AM

[COLOR="Indigo"] Slots are unlimited! I'll keep taking orders as long as y'all keep making requests. You may make as many requests as you wish, in fact I encourage you to flood me with as many requests for readings as humanly possible.

Finished readings will be posted in this thread and you'll be tagged. They will also be put in this post under a readmore for quick reference. (Unless you request a private reading.)

1. ghostPastry (example spread)

Completed ReadingX

Number of Cards: 3
Type of Spread: Past, Present, Future
Question/Focus: Focus on myself as a student, past is from 2015-2016, future is between next year and when I graduate.

Past: XVIII The Moon
Interpretation: In the past, I was lost in illusion, and didn't have an objective viewpoint about the situation I was in. I struggled with addiction and poor impulse control. Things seemed surreal, and I felt disconnected from my body and the physical world. My grades didn't reflect my potential, and instead of dealing with the harsh realities I was facing, I chose to escape into fantasy and self-destructive behaviors.

Present: IX The Hermit
Interpretation: Since I'm so focused on school, I haven't been making as much time for socializing as I'd like. The Hermit advises self-reflection and working through your issues on your own, with the hopes that you will come out of your solitude better than when you went into it. So, at the moment, it's probably better that I try to isolate and focus on my studies as much as possible. However, the Hermit also speaks of giving and/or receiving guidance, and I think the main times when I do come out of solitude reflect that. My professors and advisors give me guidance, and I give guidance to my classmates who aren't getting the material as well as I am.

Future: 8 of Pentacles
Interpretation: A lot of hard work and diligence is in my future. It will be steady work, and it will be best if I keep my focus and really give it my all. This card also speaks of gaining knowledge, which is a pretty perfect summary of what I'll be doing in college for the next few years.

2. Shadami

Completed ReadingX

Type of Spread: Situation, Advice, Outcome/Future
Question/Focus: House, luck, bills. Next year.
"Is my life going to be less stressful next year at least on the home and money front."

Situation: The Empress Reversed
Interpretation: You're experiencing a lack of harmony in the home, finance, and luck departments-- probably what you expected. But you aren't doing as terribly as you could be; I didn't draw the Tower or the 5 of Pentacles, so it doesn't seem like you're completely destitute or beyond hope, and it doesn't seem like things are going to get any worse. But you are juggling too much. You are putting others' needs before your own and stretching yourself too thin. This card also suggests you may be feeling uninspired or creatively blocked, and that you may also be being a bit overprotective in your relationships. It also represents a need for a return to nature, and to rest and replenish yourself.

Advice: Mother of Swords
Interpretation: This card describes someone who is honest, clever, meticulous, witty, and experienced. I believe it is calling you to embody these aspects in yourself and utilize them to solve your problems. When you are stretched too thin to help someone out, be honest and tell them so! When you're feeling depressed about the situation, use your wit to cheer yourself up. You have the problem-solving skills you need; you just need to find the time to pay attention to the details and figure out what small things can be changed to make some impact on the future. You'd be surprised, that stuff adds up!

Outcome if you follow the advice: Ace of Swords
Interpretation: This card represents a breakthrough; coming out of the blocked place you're in right now. It represents intellectual and creative passion, truth, clarity, and fortitude. You will have the strength to take care of anything that comes your way, and even if your situation hasn't gotten as much better as you'd like at this point, you are past the point where you allow it to bring you down. This card speaks of self-empowerment, and an ability to face uncomfortable truths with ease.

3. Kent

Completed Reading #1X

Username: Kent
Number of Cards: 3
Type of Spread: Career
Question/Focus: I’d like to know if I’ll ever get a full-time or job I love and move out of my parents place.. so maybe like, what happens if I live with my parents for the rest of my life?

Benefits to staying with parents: 6 of Swords
Interpretation: This card suggests that you're feeling depressed. One of the benefits to staying with your parents is that you'll have time to rest and recover and work on bettering yourself without the pressure of having to pay bills. This would be a really good time to start therapy, or look up resources on your own. Everyone can benefit from therapy, even if they feel completely happy and normal. It always helps to process things with someone who's objective. The 6 of Swords speaks of a journey, but in this context it's a mental journey. If you stay with your parents, you'll have the space and time to reframe the way you think about things for the better.

Advice for getting that job and moving out/Benefits of doing so: The Star
Interpretation: Becoming self-sufficient will make you feel inspired and liberated. But this card suggests that you must be hopeful and optimistic to make this work. You must readily accept the help of others, and offer them help whenever you can. You have to be able to soothe yourself, and stay relaxed even when the going gets tough.

What type of job you will get, if any: Wheel of Fortune
Interpretation: You will get a job where you feel a sense of purpose; a job that pushes you to expand your worldview and discover new horizons. This job is almost like a miracle, and you will feel very lucky. As with any first job, this job is going to completely change your life and make you a different person. It's up to fate the kind of person you become, but I say this looks like it'll be a pretty good job, whenever you get it.

Completed Reading #2X

Username: Kent
Number of Cards: 3
Type of Spread: Potential Relationship
Question/Focus: I wonder what my love life will be like/if I ever meet someone I’d like to spend the rest of my life with.

Type of person who is your soulmate: Son of Cups
Interpretation: The person you'll want to spend the rest of your life with is emotional, intimate, caring, and loving. These are the main aspects of their personality. They can be a bit naïve, but it's endearing. They're the kind of person who will shower you in affection. They're also very intuitive, and may have empathic or psychic abilities, or they are just very in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others.

What does the near future hold for your lovelife? Son of Cups... again... (and 2 of Cups)
Interpretation: UMMMMM???? So, dude, I guess this means you're gonna meet someone like that pretty soon. I drew another card just to be sure, because I don't usually draw the same card twice in a row, and I got the 2 of Cups, which is about connection, attraction, and love, so yeah, it seems like something good is coming your way pretty soon!

What is the overall theme of your lovelife? Temperance
Interpretation: This card is all about balance. There will be good things in your lovelife, and there will be an equal amount of bad things. You may experience some extreme tragedy, but you will also experience immense joy. Try to separate yourself from your emotions sometimes and look at what's going on objectively. Try to find some beauty in sadness, and some ways to remember the good times fondly, even when they're over. On the other hand, try not to go too overboard with your giddiness when you are happy. Show your partner you appreciate them, but don't smother them. Even the closest of couples need a little space. You know what they say; absence makes the heart grow fonder.

4. Cardinal Biggles

Completed ReadingX

I Have a Query for the Cards
Number of Cards: 3
Price: 150g
Type of Spread: the... three card spread?
Question/Focus: what will the new year bring?
Private Reading? n

5. Secretdae007

Completed ReadingX

Number of Cards: 3
Type of Spread: Career
Question/Focus: General reading about my current job situation

Your Projects: The Moon
Interpretation: You've lost your sense of purpose and direction, and you're feeling overwhelmed and afraid. You may be getting caught up in fantasy and feeling that things are worse than they are, or just telling yourself things that aren't true.

Your motivation: The Empress
Interpretation: You have a strong desire for a stable home, material comfort, and safety. This is what drives you in work. You work more for the end result than for the job itself.

Your potential: The Hanged Man
Interpretation: You have the potential to completely change the way you think about things, to find that purpose and direction you've lost. If you take a step back, and allow what is happening to happen without the emotional attachments, it could clear your head and allow you to find your solution.

6. Facade

Completed ReadingX

Username: Facade
Number of Cards: 3
Type of Spread: Strengths, Weaknesses & Advice
Question/Focus: What's my situation looking like in the above three categories?

Strengths: The High Priestess
Interpretation: omg, you QUEEN. this is such a powerful femme goddess vibes card to get for this. you're very good at tapping into the subconscious; do you lucid dream often, or have seemingly prophetic dreams? You're also a bit morbid, and are fascinated by the darker side of life and what's ~beyond the veil~

Weaknesses: 4 of Pentacles
Interpretation: You're stingy and not willing to let go of what you earned, or share with others. You might also be a bit possessive of the people in your life. You're a materialistic person, and value your financial security first and foremost. You also don't do well with change, and in fact may be resisting a change at this very moment!

Advice: The Hanged Man
Interpretation: Stop holding on so tightly, and learn to go with the flow a little. Allow whatever changes that come to happen and know that you'll be able to handle them. This card also suggests being more generous, and putting others before yourself more often.

7. Hadsvich

Completed ReadingX

Number of Cards: 2
Type of Spread: Career & Relationship
Question/Focus: What does the future hold for me, career-wise and relationship-wise?


Career: 8 of Wands
Interpretation: The future sees you in rapid action; you're the center of a storm of opportunities, and everything seems to be falling into place serendipitously. You will receive important news which will shed light on many things you've been unsure or in the dark about, and it will all happen very quickly, so make sure you pay attention! As for the timeframe... it seems like all of this will be happening at the end or completion of something; are you in school? If not, it may represent the end of a relationship, moving out of an old house, or quitting an old job. I just tend to see this card a lot in reference to graduations, since those are times of big, quick change.

Relationship: 4 of Cups
Interpretation: Oh oof. It seems like you're meant to be alone for a while. This card is all about introspection, reflection and focusing on your own emotions and needs. It's also about feeling apathetic and lacking desire or motivation. There is a light on the horizon, however! This card is also about unknown/unseen blessings or opportunities. There might be people who are flirting with you, but you're too self-absorbed to notice! My advice is to take notice when you catch yourself isolating yourself, and try to break out of your shell a bit. And if you think you're hitting it off well with someone, chances are they feel the same. Challenge yourself to make the first move, but make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. It has to be about your love for the person, not about your wanting to be in a relationship. It's better to be alone and have some time to figure out what exactly you want out of a relationship than to jump into something you're not 100% sure on.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 10-30-2018 at 10:06 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:05 AM

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:07 AM

lots of love and lucks

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:20 AM

thank you hummster!! <33

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:22 AM

You are more than welcome. Can I get you to make your 2 posts in RAKaweenie please

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:25 AM

already did! :)

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:27 AM

It looks really good too

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:31 AM

thanks!! :D i hope people enter...

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 07:33 AM

me too

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 08:10 AM

Remind me to fill out a proper order form for a three card spread. I desperately want to know what the cards say about my luck in 2019. .. that is next year right? This year has. Been an overwhelming blur.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 08:13 AM

oof yeah i feel you... this year has been the quickest one in a while... i feel like 2016 & 2017 just draaaagggged on, but this year i barely have time to flip my calendar page before it's halfway through the month. @_@

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 08:17 AM

Yeah... That's exactly how it's felt. And also. I have to find money for ANOTHER bill?!? Already?!?!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 08:57 AM

yeah seriously!!!! and as soon as the laundry is done i have to do another load. it's just too much all at once, this year.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2018, 04:45 PM

Yup. Laundry, dishes, invitations to parties for my kids, birthdays , weddings, funerals, flus,colds, cancer panics, eviction panics, divorces.. man the list goes on and on for the things I've just been watching speed past me like I'm not in my own life and I'm just a viewer it's been blurring past so fast. There has been so much this year.

I Have a Query for the Cards
Number of Cards: 3
Price: 150g
Type of Spread: (I would personally do a full cross spread so take your pick. Past present future might be best here)
Question/Focus: House, luck, bills. Next year. "Is my life going to be less stressful next year at least on the home and money front."
Private Reading? nope. Go ahead and post it here. Good or bad ^^

Last edited by Shadami; 10-27-2018 at 04:51 PM..

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 05:34 PM

Hey Ghostie! :D

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 07:25 PM

wow, that sounds like a lot Shadami. @_@ for me it was mostly moving, getting enrolled in college, and then all the work that comes with school itself.

added you to the queue! i'm thinking that actually a Situation, Advice, Outcome/Future reading might be better in this instance, if that's all right with you.

hi Rubies!!! how are you doing, friend? :>

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 07:28 PM

Happy ghostie I Sunday

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 07:29 PM

happy sunday hummy! up to anything fun?

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 11:23 PM

As good as I can be doing haha I flew back west for the week, its been nice being home again lol how are you?!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 11:32 PM

I talk to my best friend for like two hours, that was a lot of fun. Now I'm making stuffed red yellow and Orange peppers. That will be a lot of fun when I get to eat them tonight! You?

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 10-28-2018, 11:47 PM

Sounds good! I'm not quite sure where we're going today. I'm at my cousins house right now. All i know is that at somepoint we're going to a hotel close to the airport for our flight tomorrow


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