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the one and only

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Old 10-11-2017, 05:05 PM

We all know that Cecilia has gone off to play with BoqBoq and Xeox in time, but the night watch crew don't know that when they overhear that Cecilia has gone missing. Out on a wild goose chase they stumble upon something far more sinister however. A serial killer has been hiding in secret and they're feeling threatened that they are about to be discovered. Can we survive this Halloween night and uncover who the killer is?

Day 7 results will be released after the closing of the event in the meneverse, along with a form to fill out to guess who the killer is and your reasoning why. Feel free to chat throughout the event about your ideas, or what you think about the story so far. Just remember someone may use your info to solve the crime! <3

Medal of Total Epic Win for the most accurate guess.

Medal of Shiny Awesomeness for the runner up.

Medal of Super spiffiness for the person who has such a convincing wrong answer that even Detective Shadami who wrote the crime is wrong about the killer.

Last edited by Shadami; 11-02-2017 at 10:16 PM..

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:13 PM

Once every 24 hours, you may:
  1. Look at Today's Location
  2. Choose an action from the list.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with your action added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 6 PM Eastern for the results. (Click here for current Eastern time.) I will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," If you miss a day, you can find results for past maps further down the page.
  5. Return to Today's Location for the new map. Rinse, and repeat!


Only one account per person may play.
Exception: Staff-approved charity mules are welcome to play for their charities.

You must accept any trades within 30 days.
Long-unaccepted trades will be canceled and rerouted to active charities.

Q. I'd like to choose a new area on the map. Can I?
A. Sure. Before the round ends, post the form again with your new selection and ping me (Shadami), and I'll make note of it as soon as I can. Obviously you can not change your mind after the round ends.

Q. I missed the first day, can I still play?
A. Of course, feel free! :)

Q. Help I've joined the graveyard! What do I do now?
A. You can still continue to play along and earn prizes and tickets for the remainder of the days. If you get killed again you just won't be in the story a second time.

Last edited by Shadami; 10-27-2017 at 07:15 PM..

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:18 PM

Riley Chase Turner
The local conspiracy nut who volunteers to be a member of the night watch every chance he can get. He takes the job seriously and even wears the hat that is included in the uniform (though no one else ever does). If there is a theory about it, he's probably heard of it and has some opinion on it.

Liza Bethany Lott
Liza prefers to be known as Beth or Bethany than what she considers to be an atrocious first name. She is one of the members of the night watch crew that has volunteered to patrol the streets to keep it safe for Halloween. During the day she has a small hairdresser shop where she gossips with her customers.

Justin Ray Hunter
One of the upper class residents of the town, Justin is a bit of a snob. He hardly ever has a smile on his face and is suspicious of everyone and everything. The truth isn't a thing he believes people use and he scoffs at pretty much everything said to him. Being a member of the night watch is a court assigned project because of his many misdemeanors as a spoiled rich kid.

Paige Sandry Turner
The local librarian and conspiracy theorist as well as Riley's sister. Just a touch of prim and proper runs her daily life. At night she sometimes takes on a shift of the night watch though she is usually busy doing other things.

Lindsey Laura Johnson
Lindsey considers herself to be a fashionista with street smarts. She makes sure her clothes always match and incorporates whatever odd job she's currently interested in. Who knows what's in her purse at any given time, she's always filling it with new things to match her needs and no one is sure if she ever takes anything out. She signed up as a member of the night watch but she hardly ever participates as more than just a member that pays dues.

Jacque Maximillian Stone
Local sports hero. He used to play football professionally, now he just plays pickup baseball games for charity in his off time working for the fire department. When he has days off from being on call at the fire department he volunteers with the night watch.

Johnny Derrick Lake
Runs a cleaning service around town where he takes care of the various businesses like the library, the fire department, and the police station. Helping out those that help the rest of the town. When the town is clean he helps clean up the streets and happily volunteers on the night watch as often as he can.

Diana Louise Nile
Diana works at the school in the photography department. She loves developing pictures in the dark room and sharing them in local newspapers and magazines. She helps the night watch out by working on flyers for them and once in awhile taking a shift on herself. Normally she is far too busy in the dark room though to be bothered going out and watching the streets.

Artimis Theodore Fiscal
Local fisherman who enjoys relaxing since he doesn't need to work for money. The mansion in town belongs to his father and he is quite content not working. It was pretty much required that he stop being so lazy and be a member of the night watch but he doesn't take the job very seriously. More often than not he gets caught telling bad jokes while he's supposed to be looking out for trouble makers. The night watch doesn't ask him for help very often.

Last edited by Shadami; 10-27-2017 at 02:59 AM..

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:20 PM


-In the emergency room-

Hadsvich walks into the Emeregency Room alone muttering to themselves nervously and trying to keep calm.

Hadsvich: This is an emergency situation! This is the perfect place to be. *nervously* But this is also where the biggest emergencies happen. Like car crashes, and domestic violence and broken bones from falling off ladders at work.
Mysterious Figure: Murders.
Hadsvich gasps and let out a scream running for the doors. The serial killer is faster.

Shadami: *Pours some water on top of Riley and wakes him up.* Where is Beth?
Riley: Beth? What? *he sits up groggily.*
Shadami: Your hat was found in a pile of your friends with a note about how to find Beth alive. Where is she?
Riley: What?! No, I didn’t do it! *he touches the top of his head where the hat is missing.* Awww man, now I’m out of uniform.

Shadami: *driliy* I’m pretty sure you’re the only one that follows dress code anyways. Now focus, where is Beth.
Riley:Last thing I remember was going into the gents room with her and some others. I think Justin was there. *he rubs his head trying to think back* Maybe someone else. I don’t remember.

Shadami: *dripping with sarcasm* I guess it’s good that we’re at a hospital. It sounds like you have a concussion. Stay put and I’ll be right back with a doctor.

She hurries inside to go search out a doctor. Oddly, like the rest of the town, the halls seem to be deserted. Suddenly screams echo through the halls from the direction of the Emergency Room. However it seems to be harder for others to tell what direction the screams are coming from as people emerge from their searching areas very slowly. Detective Shadami runs straight for the Emergency room and sees a dark boot as the serial killer flees through the ambulance bay doors. Quickly she gives chase and disappears into the night.

-Meanwhile in the central lobby -
People are meeting up, finally called together by the screams or just finishing up their searching and coming to see if anyone else found Beth.

Jacque: I haven’t found Beth. Has anyone else found her?
Lindsey: No sign of her, or anyone else for that matter.
Paige: I actually agree with you for once Lindsey. Where is everyone in town, things are strange right now.
Lindsey: *stunned* Thanks Paige. Where do you think they’ve all gone?
Diana: *arrives out of breath* Did anyone else hear those screams? I can’t figure out where they came from.
Paige: No, what screams?
Diana: I was over by the Nurse’s station and heard screams coming from this way somewhere.
Lindsey: Oh no! Did the serial killer strike again?

Jacque: I hope it wasn’t Beth.
Artimis: I doubt it was. I found something interesting in the psychology department though. They have some really interesting patients there.
Diana: Why were you digging through some shrinks notes. Those are private.
Artimis: I was curious. It’s not like I’m going to do anything with the information I read.
Diana: *Shakes her head disappointed with him* Shame on you Artimis.
Artimis: What, this entire night is annoying. I had to have some kind of fun.
Diana: *raises her eyebrow at him* Running in fear isn’t good enough for you?
Artimis:Nope, i would rather be fishing.

Suddenly the conversations are stopped short as Justin helps Riley through the front door.

Paige & Jacque: YOU!
Paige: Get away from my brother!
Jacque: Where is my girfriend!
Riley: i’m fine Paige. The Detective said that I just have a concussion.
Justin: I’m just helping him up the stairs. God, do something good and people go insane.
Jacque: Where is Beth?!
Justin: I don’t know, have you checked anyones bedrooms lately. Maybe she’s hiding in fear.
Jacque: That doesn’t matter, I already figured out I’m not her only boyfrind. But she’s in danger, and you’re the killer remember!
Johnny: No he’s not. Riley is! He found out who he wanted had two people, but had turned him down so he went on a crazy murderous rampage.
Riley: No I didn’t! That’s the monster that does that every thirteen years!
Johnny: We all know that it’s a human Riley. Your monster guise is up!
Riley: It wasn’t me! I already told the detective that!
Lindsey: … Where is the detective?

Riley: She came in here to get me a doctor, and than she never came back. Justin came by and helped me inside to get her. I thought she’d be right here.
Diana: Was that around the time someone screamed?

Riley: Oh yeah! You know it was. I forgot about that!
Diana: Was it her that screamed?
Lindsey: *Looking around the room for the detective* Wait a minute… we’re still missing people!
Justin: Why are you all sitting around arguing if someone has been screaming!
Lindsey: How about telling us the reason YOU have been missing for an hour!
Justin: I woke up with a headache at the school and wandered this way to get it checked out, and I found Riley out front.

As they all continue to bicker they take a look in the emergency room and figure out the likely location that the screams had come from. Artimis points across the room at the ambulance bay doors.
Artimis: Look! Bloody footprints! Finally a helpful clue after this boring night.
Paige: Boring night? This has been an exciting night, I can’t wait to see what P.S.Herman writes about it. All the secrets getting revealed tonight. Oh the dirty gossip.
Lindsey: What makes you think that dirty rag article is going to even have anything about tonight in it.
Paige: Oh, well… P.S.Herman always seems to know everyones dirt. It can’t stay covered forever and something like this night is bound to spread.
Diana: if there’s anyone left to hear it…

On that grim note they take off following the footprint trail down the street where it leads to the school’s front doors.The trail gets blurred and heads off in multiple directions.

Jacque: I guess we split up again and follow the trail. Artimis I’m going with you.
Artimis:Whatever, fine by me.
Paige:My innocent brother and I will go together than. *glares at Jacque*
Lindsey: Fine, I’ll go with Johnny. *glares at Paige*
Diana:*shrugs* Whatever, let’s go Justin. We have to find Beth after all.

Location: The School

Search Options:
-- Gymnasium
-- Science Room
-- Nurse’s Office
-- Principal’s Office
-- Dark Room
-- Art Studio
-- Math Room
-- Cafeteria

Paste this form into the thread to play
[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][B]Today is Day 7 : Where did Shadami go?![/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I'm hiding here: [write map area here]

Where are you searching?X

-- Gymnasium

-- Science Room
Professor Lily
-- Nurse’s Office
-- Principal’s Office
-- Dark Room
Miscreant74 -?
Kamikaze Kendra -?
monstahh` -?
*hime* -?
Xogizmoox -?
-- Art Studio
Damia Flagg
-- Math Room
-- Cafeteria
Emma Corrin

Last edited by Shadami; 11-03-2017 at 06:53 PM..

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:31 PM

Location: Hospital
Psychologist Wing
You find a note on one of the patients, sadly the name is blacked out because of patient doctor confidentiality. It reads “She seems a model citizen, helping to bring beauty to her secretive subject matter and is really popular as a result. However I fear that the dark beauty in her work is not actually an artistic flare on things. I believe that the subject matters she focuses on may be real, and that she is not falsifying the situations she displays. I have studied her for years, but I only have my intuition still. Something does not seem right with this patient though she hides it well.”
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

There are rows of glass crib carts throughout the room. It’s a bit eerie walking between them. Every single one is empty which isn’t what you were expecting. Though maybe you should have been expecting it with the emptiness of the entire town. Finally you riffle through a couple blankets for a sign of life and as you pick one up some coins fall out and clatter to the floor.
(+400 gold)

You don’t see any sign of Beth but there is a pile of gold sitting on a table, knowing how much money surgeons make, no one is going to miss it.
(+800 gold)

Emergency Room
You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Padded Room
The moment you step into the room you wonder if you’ve gone insane. Laying all over are baskets of carrots, and food, and bunnies. You half expect the bunnies to mutate into something more terrifying when you realize that everything is soft squishy and fake. What did someone think they were the Easter bunny when they got stuck in here?
(Easter Basket)

Intensive Care Unit
You find a DNA test results and letter page that says that another heir to the Fiscal fortune has been found because of the emergency blood transfusion that Mr. Fiscal needed to live. His son wasn’t a perfect match because of blood type but they had managed to find another, but it would take revealing the family connection if he wanted to have the process done. A return letter confirms that he would like to forgive the families past grievances and welcome the new heir back to the family if he were to agree to the transfusion. “Please let me know their name so I may speak to them myself.”
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Nurse’s Station
You can’t find Beth at the Nurse’s station but you find some nifty scrubs laying on the desk. Hey it’s Halloween, maybe you could go as a nurse! Everything you need for it is laying right here for the taking!
(Clean Teeth)

You find a note. “If they’re complaining about non existent pain to much. Just show them this!” You gulp at the size of the needle and decide the best course of action is to get it away from the hospital so that it can’t be offered to people.
(large bloody needle)

Where is everybody?X

-- Psychologist Wing
Kamikaze kendra
-- Nursery
Professor Lily
-- Surgery
-- Emergency Room
-- Padded Room
-- Intensive Care
-- Nurse’s Station
Damia Flagg
-- Pharmacy

Last edited by Shadami; 11-02-2017 at 10:25 PM..

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:41 PM

Day One
Damia Flagg

Day Two

Day Three
Noone :O
Sacrificial Mules:
Pirate Booty

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

One Day Played
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
Two Days Played

Three Days Played
Emma Corrin

Four Days Played
kamikaze kendra

Five Days Played

Six Days Played
Professor Lily

Seven Days Played

Last edited by Shadami; 11-03-2017 at 01:43 AM..

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:47 PM

I love going out trick or treating but this business with Cecilia going missing and these mysterious noises in the woods, not to mention the graveyard filling up, has put quite a damper on that whole plan. So I will be raffling off the super amazing costume that I pulled together after the event is over.

If you don't want to get in on the raffle you can instead turn your tickets in at a rate of 200 gold per raffle ticket. It's almost like a free refund! How cool is that?!

The CostumeX

  • Basement Dweller for a fantastic witch robe
  • Then add Magical Mysteries for a green eyed witch hat.
  • Now of course I need my black widow’s pin to disguise my face and add the touch of creepy spider. Everything is scarier with spiders don’t you think?
  • And no witch is complete without her trusty witch’s broom.
  • My little familiar from Yin-Yang Kitties couldn’t wait to tag along when I pulled out my broom so of course I have to bring her along.
  • And now to touch up my outfit with a few commons to make it perfect.

IMPORTANT: If you want to trade in your raffle tickets for gold, please send me (Shadami) a PM and let me know. If I don't hear from you by the end of the final round (Day 7), I will assume that you are content being included in the raffle for my awesome spider witch costume.

  • 1 raffle ticket for joining the graveyard
  • 1 raffle ticket for finding a clue to solve the mystery.

Points TallyX

Username - raffle tickets

*hime* - 4 tickets
Damia Flagg - 4 tickets
Divacita -1 ticket
Divineheart -1 ticket
Dragoness129 - 3 tickets
Dystopia -1 ticket
Eastriel - 1 ticket
ghostpastry - 2 tickets
Gummybearkisses - 2 tickets
Hadsvich - 3 tickets
HIM_ROCK - 2 tickets
Kamikaze Kendra - 2 tickets
Kay - 2 tickets
Kent - 2 tickets
Kiari -1 ticket
Midian -1 ticket
Mimmu - 1 ticket
Monstahh' - 3 tickets
Musasgal -3 tickets
Naisou - 1 ticket
nephila - 1 ticket
Razor -2 tickets
Roachi - 1 ticket
Sadrain -4 tickets
Salvete -2 tickets
Star2000shadow - 1 ticket
suona - 2 tickets
Superzombiepotatoe - 4 tickets
velvet - 3 tickets
Vox - 1 ticket
Wish -1 ticket
xogizmoox - 3 tickets
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 2 tickets
zigbigadorlube -1 ticket

* = has traded in tickets for gold

Last edited by Shadami; 11-02-2017 at 10:27 PM..

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 05:59 PM

Day 1 StoryX

Riley: Hey did you hear that? Little Cecilia has gone missing, I wonder what could have happened to her! That little girl loves candy, she wouldn't be missing now of all times.
Beth: *gasps* Do you think she got kidnapped?!
Riley: No couldn't be! I bet she got abducted by aliens... or worse.
Justin: Don't be ridiculous. Aliens? Pssh. The aliens last visit was a long time ago except when BoqBoq comes by to bring us new items occasionally. They wouldn't kidnap Cecilia, it had to be something else that got her.
Riley: I once heard about this crazy flying bat thing... or maybe it was a minotaur. . .
Justin: You really are trying to come up with the craziest possibilities, aren't you?
Riley: *ignoring Justin* No it was definitely some horned creature of the night that goes on a rampage every 13 years. I remember that being said.
Beth: *nervously* A rampage of what?
Riley: *clueless to the interruptions* They feast on meat and come out during full moons to howl endlessly until their prey is frozen in terror.
Beth: Th-That's just a scary story you're making up, right? Because of Halloween?
Riley: And no one has ever gotten close enough to tell what it is, but it has been seen charging through the woods and flying through the skies hunting its prey every 13 years when it goes crazy and attacks the unsuspecting -

They get interrupted as a distant howl can be heard and all three jump
Beth: Ma-Ma-Maybe we should go get some backup. To look for Cecilia, just in case? *swallows nervously*
Justin: You know... I think I've heard this story before. We need to check the woods for scratches on the trees. You know... just to see if one of these creatures is even around. Not that I think it’s real or anything.
Riley: *suddenly looking anxious themselves* Yeah let's go get backup. I don't think our little night watch crew here is big enough for this task. That monster could be anywhere!
Beth: *trying to be brave* Yeah, let's go get some others and find Cecilia. She needs our help!
The three night watch crew members go off in separate directions and meet up at the border of the woods each with two new able bodies to join them in the search. Riley brought along his sister Paige and his friend Lindsey, though the two are obviously clashing with each other already. Shortly behind them Liza arrives with her boyfriend Jacque, and very close friend Johnny. Justin however has yet to arrive with his two friends.
Riley: Where is Justin? Doesn't he know how serious this matter is?
Paige: *rolling her eyes and pulling out a book to read by the light of the street lamp* Yes, my dear brother, I'm sure that spoiled brat knows just how serious it is to go hunting after one of your monsters.
Riley: Oh good, then he should be here soon.
Lindsey: *snickering quietly to herself* Yes I'm sure Justin is excited to be running through the woods to dirty his clothes.
Paige: *glances over the top of her book to raise an eyebrow at Lindsey* Oh and you are ready to go tromping through the woods yourself dear?
Lindsey: *With a pointed glare at Paige* Of course I am Paige. I've brought the proper protection against such an outing, but a little girls life is far more important isn't it.
Paige: *mumbles almost inaudibly* Like you know what proper protection is.
Jacque: 'Course she does. She's wearing it ain't she?
Paige: *raises an eyebrow and opens her mouth to respond and just shakes her head and goes back to her book. *
Justin arrives on the scene out of breath with his two friends Diana and Artimis.
Justin: I had a hard time finding two people that wanted to help with this goose chase.
Diana: Who says it will be a goose chase?
Riley: Justin doesn't believe me when I said that Cecilia might have been taken by a creature of the night.
Diana: Right... If you're the one leading this crew I can see why it's a goose chase then. Guess I'll tag along, better than sitting around reading more P.S. Herman gossip articles I suppose.
Paige: You read P.S.Herman? What do you think of them?
Riley: ladies we don't have time for this. We need to go hunt a monster!
The nine members of the mismatched rescue crew and all their Menewshan friends head into the woods and find signs that there indeed are scratch marks on trees and large portions of the leaf covering pushed aside like something was dragged through the woods. The size doesn't indicate a child, but many of the members can feel hair sticking up on the back of their necks as they delve deeper and deeper into the woods where they stumble upon a forlorn looking cabin. It's log walls are thick like it has been there for many years, and the cobwebs and moss all over its walls and roof tell the story that it has also been sitting in disrepair and in need of some tender loving care for many years as well.
Johnny: Do you all see that? *points to the front porch*
They all look. Cautiously they walk up under the small lantern swinging from the porch roof in the wind casting eerie shadows on the porch like a flickering flame, to see an orange Halloween candy bowl that looks completely out of place in the surrounding area. It has only eight pieces of brand new candy sitting in it like someone has been here recently.
Jacque: Whatcha'll think? Should we head in?
Diana: Yes, I think we should split up and explore. Make sure we're in decent sized groups though just in case.
Riley: Well I'm going with my sister and Lindsey. I brought them on this monster hunt, I shall protect them!
Justin: Seriously Riley... A candy bowl says human not monster. But fine whatever, seems like a good plan. Split into the groups of who we brought with us, night watch crew leading. The rest of you, decide where you're going.

Day 1 ResultsX

Location: Abandoned Cabin
You decide the cabin is just not safe to go into. Its old, its creaky. It’s just plum terrifying! The nice abandoned fire pit seems a much safer choice to you. While everyone is inside exploring and getting terrified running into all the massive number of cobwebs likely to be in there, you are content to sit by the fire pit where a convenient pile of wood is sitting to start a fire with. Anyone bring a bucket of water so we can put this fire out when we’re done? No. Better take the fire wood with you than just in case you need to start a fire somewhere else.
(Cozy Cabin)

Bedroom One
It is a pretty simple room with a sweet little round carpet covering the wooden floor at the end of the bed. But there really is nothing interesting going on in here. The most interesting feature is a little cedar chest under a window overlooking the windowed porch that looks like it would be a wonderful place to sit and read a book and maybe talk to the people through the window sitting at the table below it. If only it weren’t so dark and spooky and covered in grime like the rest of the cabin.
(Comfy Corner)

Bedroom Two
A bed, a bedside table, and a dresser. That’s it? You’re completely disappointed in the boringness of this room, it’s obvious from first glance that you are not going to find anything at all. Grudgingly you check the drawers and the mattress that doesn’t even have sheets on it, and finally with a groan, thinking ‘this is hopeless’, you kneel down and take a look under the bed. Much to your surprise there is a pile of gold just sitting there ripe for the picking. No one can say it’s stealing if no one but those in the room taking their share knows about it right?
(+1000 gold)

You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Living Room
You follow Artimis, Diana, and Justin into the huge living room space. Searching for clues by reaching into the poofy arm chair cushions and searching along the bookshelves lining the walls around the fireplace. Nothing seems to be coming up until someone searches the fireplace and pulls out a feather duster covered in soot. Who would leave something flammable inside a fireplace? That’s so odd.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Windowed Porch
Riley, Paige, Lindsey and you explore the windowed porch which is disappointingly empty. There’s a table, a futon, and a bookshelf and a couple lamps. Paige as the librarian that she is feels compelled to poke around the bookshelf where she finds an old book with many pages dog eared, titled “The Migratory Habits of The Horned Lunar Shadow.”
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Beth, Johnny, and Jacque decide to explore the basement, mostly on the encouragement of Johnny since he isn’t afraid of the spiderwebs that both of his companions keep jumping at. However what is discovered in the basement is far more terrifying than just a few spiderwebs. It’s thousands of spiders and they’re absolutely crawling with them. You and everyone else decide to just hightail it out of there before you have to step foot in the creepy crawly mess. Though a couple still manage to tag along for the ride back up the stairs.
(Spider Rain)

2nd Floor Bedroom
The upstairs bedroom is really cool with its balcony landing overlooking the living room, but there isn’t anything of interest in it. You poke around in the bathroom and the closet and then growing bored check inside the drawers of the dresser where you find some loose change and nothing else. Not even linens! You pocket the change because it seems highly unlikely anyone is ever going to miss it.
(+100 gold)

Where is everybody?X

-- Firepit
-- Bedroom One
Professor Lily
-- Bedroom Two
-- Kitchen
Damia Flagg
-- Living Room
-- Windowed Porch
-- Basement
-- 2nd Floor bedroom

Last edited by Shadami; 10-28-2017 at 10:29 PM..

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 06:00 PM

Day 2 StoryX

Splitting into their designated, or rather decided on groups, everyone wanders off to the rooms they have decided to explore for clues. Though hopes are not high that there will be any at all since it feels like a wild goose chase.
-In the Kitchen-
Star2000Shadow:Think there's any candy in here to make up for being out on a wild goose chase in the woods?
Damia Flagg: Oh probably not. That candy bowl out front was the only thing here not covered in dust.
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: *opening fridge* oh eww. This stinks. It hasn't been cleaned in years by the look of it.
Midian: Darn I really could have gone with a bite to eat.

*Hear a door squeaking behind them*

Star2000Shadow: hey what was –
Damia Flagg: what was what?... Star? *turns around and gasps*
Mysterious figure: Looking for food in a dirty old kitchen is bad for your health you know.

-on the basement stairs-
Jacque: *looking very green in the face* I think I’m going to be sick. *flees back up the steps.*
Beth: No wait!

Nervously looking down at the massive amounts of spiders all over the basement walls and floor.

beth: Well I still have you right Johnny? You’ll protect me from those nasty bugs.

Johnny: Actually love, I’ve cleaned a million things that have been just filthier than a mudbath in a pig stye. But nothing has ever been as revolting as this.

Beth: *crestfallen* Well now what?

Johnny: I’m thinking we just scedaddle on out of here and help them look around upstairs.

-on the covered porch-

Lindsey: This is stupid Riley. Why did you have to drag us out here into the woods searching by flashlight. *jumps as a shadow crosses the room*
Paige: Oh calm down Lindsey. *flipping through a book she found on the shelf* Haven’t you noticed this giant glass window looking into the living room? It’s just someone walking in front of one of their flashlights. *turns a page*
Lindsey: How would you know with your nose always stuck in one book or another?
Paige: I know because I am aware of my surroundings unlike some people.
Lindsey: Oh yeah? What’s that supposed to mean!
Paige: It means that you’re an idiot when it comes to anything but the money in your fashionable pocket.

The argument is interrupted by a distant crash coming from the direction of the kitchen and the group dashes into the main part of the building running towards the kitchen.

-In the living Room-

Johnny: Basement is an absolute waste of time, what’s going on up here?
Artimis: Just a little bit of cleaning
Waves the feather duster that gets snatched away by Justin.

Artimis: Hey man, I was using that!
Justin: You were just trying to come up with some stupid joke I’m sure.
Artimis: My jokes are not stupid. They’re classy.
Beth: Actually they can be pretty terrible Artimis. Sorry.
Artimis: *rolls eyes* Critics the lot of you!
Justin: *waving the feather duster in front of the flashlight to make spooky shapes on the wall* Ooooooo, I’m the spooky goose of the woods out to kidnap and eat people.
Diana: Cut it out Justin. You are just an idiot with no sense of humor.
Justin: *puts the feather duster down scoffing* I have a sense of humor, I just never hear anything funny.
Diana: *sniding* Or have anything to smile about with dear daddy getting mad at you all the time. Is your fortune cut off from you yet?
Artimis: Woah, Justin is that true? Is the big hunter cutting you off from the kills? *snorts at his own bad joke*

The crashing from the kitchen is much louder to this group and everyone spins around to look as people come out from their searching areas and everyone goes dashing for the kitchen at once. In horror they look at a door open to the outside where a stack of cans have seemingly been blown over by the wind knocking over a broom which hit a bunch of glass dishes that shattered to the floor… around a pile of bodies. Everyone in the front is frozen in horror at the sight of their fallen comrades while those in the back are trying to push forward to see what’s going on.

Artimis: Well looks like there is something in these woods after all. A killer.

After a quick debate, the remainder of the searchers flee out of the cabin, back through the woods, and to the police station where they pound on the door foolishly not just opening it in their panic.

Jacque: Come on, let us in! We’ve got something important to tell you!
Lindsey: Yeah, like, some of our friends have been completely murdered and we need protection!
Artimis: Open the door in the name of the law and my father owning everything!
Diana: Oh seriously? Move over you idiots.

Diana shoves everyone out of the way and yanks open the door and they all stumble into the bright light of the front police station lobby. After some frantic explaining they catch the attention of the detective about to go off duty for the night to get in some trick or treating. Because you’re never too old to trick or treat! Or at least dress up in an awesome stylish costume and give away candy. Or maybe just go out to a party in a barn to celebrate the spooky night with your other costumed adult friends that also don’t really have a sweet tooth.

Shadami: I was just about to head off to a costume party, what seems to be the problem?
Diana: *bluntly* People have been murdered.
Shadami: Oh really? *looks around at the collected group and raises an eyebrow.* I’d like to talk to all of you individually. If you’d like you can look around the station.
Shadami laughs lightly at the excitement on some of the faces of the Menewshans who seem excited to be able to explore a police station.

Shadami: I’m not surprised to hear that their is a killer on the loose. I’ve been hunting one myself, but the killings stopped for awhile. Now tell me what you know.

Riley: *excitedly* Oh me first! I think it’s a creature of the night with giant claws that hunts every thirteen years!

Shadami: *raises an eyebrow* Very well I’ll start with you.

Day 2 ResultsX

Location: Police Station
Break Room
Everyone not being interviewed is chilling in here when they’re not wandering around the building. No one is staying place very long due to being a little antsy after the murders in the woods. Those of you choosing to actually stay in the break room though poke into cabinets looking for free snacks. Maybe a plate of brownies or something with a “Shadami’s Do not touch” label on it would be nice. Jackpot! In one of the cabinets is a jar with some Lollys and a sign that says “take one!”
(Random Lolly)

You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Interrogation Room
You pretend to be a detective interrogating someone like they do in those awesome crime shows. It’s a really boring empty room so you have to entertain yourself somehow. Than you let your attention wander to the only thing in the room. A bright orange jumpsuit. Hmmmm, maybe it would be fun to take that for a super realistic cop and robbers dress up halloween party sometime. You’re sure they won’t miss one jumpsuit.

Observation Room
All these buttons and knobs are super cool! It must be really fun to sit back here watching people interrogate perps in the interrogation room, recording every word they say to get a confession out of them. Oh hey what’s this white sheet covering! I bet it's something top secret. You pick it up and are actually disappointed that it’s just a sheet with some holes in it someone left lying around. Did they really think someone was going to be impressed with a basic ghost costume? Psssh…. Of course that’s what you tell yourself as you pocket it to use your self. So simple, so clever!
(Halloween Goodie Bag - yellow)

Captain’s Office
It figures that the Captain’s office would have the most useful thing in it. A generator! On closer inspection though you notice that the tube on it has been punctured and it is slowly leaking out oil. So much for a back up generator, let’s just hope the power doesn’t go out.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Main Offices
You poke around in all the desks looking for candy or loose change that won’t be missed. After all you don’t want to actually see the secret files in the desks. You just want to swipe some innocent things that won’t be missed and you aren’t likely to get in any real trouble for. Like finding a penny on the sidewalk, or getting free candy on Halloween! Sadly it doesn’t look like there are any candy givers here. Just loose change.
(+500 gold)

[FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]Workout Room
Ewwwwww, look at all the sweaty gym equipment! It looks like these get used all the time to keep the police department staff members in fantastic condition to fight crime. Okay, so maybe you’re exaggerating a little bit to yourself. It doesn’t seem to be in terrible shape. Just a little bit of sweaty stink left over and a few coins lying around that must have fallen out of someone's gym shorts.
(+50 gold)

Surveillance Van
You search the surveillance van and discover a night watch members flyer. A bunch of names are circled but you can’t make out which ones because of a giant coffee stain. It seems like it has been here and looked at often. Are the members of the night watch under surveillance?
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Where are you searching?X

-- Break Room
-- Cells
-- Interrogation Room
-- Observation Room
Professor Lily
-- Captain’s office
Damia Flagg
-- Main offices
Emma Corrin
-- Workout Room
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
-- Surveillance Van

Last edited by Shadami; 10-29-2017 at 10:15 PM..

the one and only

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Old 10-11-2017, 06:00 PM

Day 3 StoryX

-In the cells-
Gummybearkisses: so one time I got pulled over by a cop.
Dragoness129: yeah what happened?
Gummybearkisses: he said paper, so I. Said scissors and pulled out.
Superzombiepotatoe: *groaning*
HIM_ROCK: wait wait wait I got one. I was driving along one day and a turkey jumped out in front of my car flipped over the hood and hit the cop car behind me.
Superzombiepotatoe: *excitedly. Yeah what happened?
HIM_ROCK: he pulled me over for flipping him the bird.

Suddenly the power in the entire station goes out and startled screams can be heard throughout it.

Gummybearkisses: hey who turned the lights out?
Superzombiepotatoe: probably these terrible jokes.
Dragoness129: you want to hear more so the power turns back on?
Mysterious Figure: *dryly* I don't think that's going to work.

*All scream*

-In the lobby-

The power has suddenly gone out in the entire building.

Shadami: What in the world? That shouldn’t have happened! Give me just one moment and I’ll be right back.
A thump and a curse says that the Detective has run into the desk as she stumbles in the dark looking for her flashlight. Suddenly screams rake the air and the detectives feet pound down the hall opening doors fast to try to get to the cells even as the screaming suddenly ceases. Whipping around the corner she sees that even the lights in the cells that normally glow red to keep an eye on the prisoners are out. Suddenly flashlights catch up to her and fall on the empty cells hallway. Cautiously the frightened group enter the room and find the missing menewshans laying inside individual cells.

Beth: Oh no! Not again!
Artimis: *unusually grave* I guess the killer has struck again.

Riley: But how would a giant creature of the night have gotten in here and killed them!
Diana: Because it wasn’t a creature of the night you idiot. It was a person!

Lindsey: Oh my goodness! But who would do something like this!?
Diana: *sarcastically*Oh i don’t know. Maybe someone that doesn’t like people and all their secrets.
Paige: Nobody has secrets in this town. P.S.Herman takes care of that.
Lindsey:You listen to that drabble? Why just last week they said I was an insufferable know it all that knows nothing. They clearly don’t know what they’re talking about!
Justin: *rolls eyes* Oh yeah and they’re so clearly wrong about that.

Lindsey: Well of course they are. They’re just a dirty gossip column. None of it is real!
Diana: I beg to differ. The secrets they uncover always turn out to be true.
Lindsey: You read that garbage?
Diana & Paige: *angrily* It’s not garbage!

Jacque: I don’t know. It might be. P.S.Herman reported recently that my girlfriend was unfaithful, and that’s a load of garbage, she would never do that to me.
Johnny: Really? Who’s your girlfriend. I clean so many places I could probably tell you if they are.
Beth: Could we get out of here. You know… away from the dead bodies.

Artimis: *turns flashlight on her face and snickers* Yeah you are looking a little green in the face.

Shadami: *Finally interrupting the bickering Menewshans.* I don’t know why the back up generator hasn’t turned on so we need to get somewhere with light that I can continue these interviews.

Jacque: We can head to the fire department, and report the power outage while we’re at it. I’m sure my mates will happily take on the job instead of sittin’ ‘round bored.

After quick agreements and some stumbling in the dark the remaining survivors head back out of the building and make for the fire department to report the power outage to get some comforting light in their lives. When they arrive however the fire department seems to have been deserted. The firetrucks are still in the bay, but the entire place seems to be devoid of life. The only thing showing life are moths flickering around the lights.

Jacque: What in the world? Where’d they all go?
Diana: I guess we should split up and try to find them. They must be around the building somewhere.

Riley: Just make sure to stick in groups.

Lindsey: *glares at Paige* As long as I’m not with Paige again, I’m fine with this plan.
Paige: *returns the glare* Fine with me.

Jacque: I’ll go with ya Paige.

Paige: *smirks* Why thank you Jacque. Such a gentleman. *shooted glare at Paige again over her shoulder*

The group splits up into smaller searching groups with Diana joining Paige and Jacque. Riley looks around desperately and tags along with Lindsey and Justin; leaving Johnny, Artimis, and Beth as the final group. Detetive Shadami turns to the remaining menewshans.

Shadami: And where are you all heading?

Day 3 ResultsX

Location: Fire Department

Break Room
You go into the break room expecting someone at least to be in there followed by Jacque, Paige, and Artimis. There’s a bunch of food around and a big tv if you wanted to take a break and zone out. In fact, that sounds like a great idea to calm your nerves, so you plop down on the couch… and get stabbed for it! Reaching under you, you pull out a pair of silver soccer ball earrings with the letters J.J. carved onto the back of them.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Bunk House
It seems wrong that even the bunk house is empty like the rest of the building. But when you find a little bit of money tucked into some pillowcases you still feel guilty. You’re pretty sure you saw a vending machine somewhere recently. There’s always a good snack in a vending machine when your stomach is grumbling after a good healthy terrified run through the woods.
(+300 gold)

You can not believe your luck! It looks like someone was recently celebrating a birthday or something and there is a huge cake sitting in the fridge. You grab a slice and quickly devour it. Hmm how did they get the frosting to taste like red velvet cake, but the actual cake like plain vanilla or white cake. Wow! It’s super delicious!
(10th anniversary cake)

Dining Hall
You were really hoping for a plate of delicious food to be served here. Or at least find some people eating food but just like the rest of the place there doesn’t seem to be a trace of life in the building. Suddenly you spot something odd. Laying on one of the tables is a lock of blond hair but it feels extremely weird to the touch.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Radio Room
The radio room is so cool! You almost pick up the mic and call out on it like they do on the tv. At the last second you stop yourself afraid that the police may also be on the same radio frequency and you don’t really want to get arrested for goofing around in the fire department while you’re searching for the missing people. Oh hey look! A jar full of money that says “to give away!” Sweet, you’re here, the fire department shall give it away to you! They’re so kind.
(+800 gold)

Fire Bay
The fire bay is huge and fun to explore. To be honest you were hoping to find a dalmation, and climb up on the fire trucks wearing one of the helmets. Or maybe even playing around with the fire hose and seeing just how strong the water pressure is. You’ve heard its really powerful but you don’t believe it. Sadly the hoses seem to be locked away and you can only find a type of hose you weren’t looking for. Oh well, I guess it’s something right!
(Random Romantic Stocking)

Locker Room
It looks like it can get pretty chilly sometimes in the firehouse; a bunch of the lockers have some fantastically warm looking cloaks. Maybe they wet them and use them to help people get out of burning buildings? There are so many of them! They should be okay with one of them going missing, and you can always donate more later.
(Random fur-trim cloak)

Weight Room
You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Where is everybody?X

-- Break Room
-- Bunk House
-- Kitchen
-- Dining Hall
Damia Flagg
-- Radio Room
Kamikaze Kendra
-- Fire bay
Professor Lily
-- Locker Room
-- Weight Room

Last edited by Shadami; 10-30-2017 at 10:07 PM..

the one and only

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Old 10-11-2017, 06:01 PM

Day 4 StoryX

-in the weight room-

Some randomly grabbed mules that can’t participate in this game are wandering around in the weight room because you were all smart and avoided the Weight Room

Pirate Booty: You know maybe it wasn't anyone from our group at all.
Marnie: yeah but who else was at the cabin and the police station. It had to be one of us.
Inspiration: *looks around suspiciously* was it one of you.*backs away from everyone*
Mysterious Figure: Hey watch who you're backing into.
All spin around*
Pirate Booty: you??! But you're -
Gets cut off as the rest scream and then all quickly fall silent.

-in the Break room-
Paige: Well you know there was once a wife that didn’t know her husband was a bank robber until he was arrested.

Jacque: Yeah so? P.S.Herman is wrong! She wouldn’t be cheating on me!
Paige: I’m just saying. You say these earrings look alot like a pair you gave your girlfriend, but you haven’t brought her in the break room. So what are they doing here huh?

Jacque: I don’t know! But they can’t be hers! Someone else must have gotten the same pair of earrings!
Paige: *shrugs* Two people can know each other without really knowing each other.

Jacque: You’re wrong!
Paige:What about that article P.S.Herman released about you dating a woman named Lisa Jacobs, and how a pair of her engraved earrings with the initials L.J. were found outside another man’s house!

Jacque: Is that where P.S.Herman got her cheating info? What a joke, my girlfriends initials are B. -*stops and looks at her overly interested face.* -
Paige: Oh please, don’t stop now. Who is she?

Jacque: None of your business. But P.S.Herman’s information is wrong!
Diana: *dryly* P.S.Herman has never been wrong before.
Paige: *standoffish but intrigued* Hmph, well, why so secretive about the identity of your girlfriend?

Jacque: *ignores her*
Paige: *slightly annoyed* It won’t stay a secret forever. There’s no reason to hide who you love.

-Meanwhile in the dining hall-

Riley: I wonder if the creature is going to cause another black out here? Hmmm, I wonder how it manages to get inside and knock out the power without us seeing it.

Justin: Oh not this nonsense again Riley. It obviously wasn’t a creature that knocked out the power at the police station.

Riley: Do you think it simply swipes at it with its giant paw? Or does it carefully remove each of the fuses?

Lindsey: *rolls eyes* It would have to be a pretty smart creature to pull out the fuses.
Riley: So it clearly claws at it than! Maybe we should go back to the police station and look for evidence of claw marks there!

Justin: No Riley, you idiot. It’s clearly the work of a human killer. *rubs his eyes annoyed* How did I get roped into this stupid mess.

Lindsey: That’s easy Justin. You keep getting into trouble and your father made you, and of course you agreed to it so you don’t lose your fortune.

Justin: *annoyed* My father is not going to take my inheritance away from me. *Slyly* You know, I bet one of us is the killer. *Holds up the lock of blond hair they found on the table* I bet this is even a clue to who it is.*looks at Lindsey pointedly. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about what is going on would you?
Lindsey: *gasps indignantly* Of course I didn’t do anything! How dare you Justin!
Riley: The hair does feel really weird… *gasps* What if the creature is blond and this isn’t hair, its fur!
Justin: For the last time you idiot! It’s a human killer!

*Justin stomps out of the room and a moment later the power flickers out. There is a clattering of weights and Justin can be heard cursing loudly. *

-meanwhile in the locker room upstairs-
Artimis: *poking through the various lockers chuckling* Think these are like closets and people keep skeletons in them?

Beth: Oh god don’t say that! What if there actually are skeletons in there! All the fire peoples are still missing!
Johnny: *Pats Beth reassuringly on the shoulder* Calm down love, I’m sure they just keep their clothes in here when they’re all on duty. *wrinkles nose* Though they need to wash them more often and work a bit harder on keeping things neater.

Suddenly the power goes out and they hear a curse from down the steps. As they flip on their flashlights again and run to the stairs the light turns back on and they find Justin staring at the bodies of more of their fellow searchers who had been exploring the weight room. His mouth is hanging open in shock. Everyone runs into the room from around the building and disbelieving stares greet the scene before them.

Shadami: I believe you have some explaining to do Justin.
Justin: *surprised*What? No! I didn’t. They were like this when I came in here. Before the power went out! I swear!
Diana: Answer the Detective Justin. What were you doing in here? Why did you kill all these poor innocent people.

Justin: You guys have to believe me! I didn’t do this!
Artimis: I really would have preferred if I had stayed at home in bed. If you knew who the killer was all along Justin did you have to wake me up?

Justin:*Angrily* I don’t know who the killer was because it wasn’t me! I knocked over those stupid weights when I stormed into the room and the power went out!
Johnny: *faraway look on his face* I had been working on reorganizing my closet myself. It would have been nice to stay there, but Beth needed me out here to chase Riley’s monster.I do often organize my closet though. It’s a wonderful feeling to keep things so nice and tidy. Speaking of nice and tidy Jacque, you and your ‘mates’ really need to work on organizing your lockers better.

Riley: *excitedly pipes up! Yeah that’s right! It couldn’t have been Justin since it was the thirteen year monster rampage! And I had to get you all out here on the watch because I was following orders!

Justin: Wait, following orders? From who? I thought it was a routine keep the town safe on Halloween night, watch?

Riley: Oh, i got a call from Jeryck to gather the night watch crew together for the night, and to get as many of them as I could! The rampaging beast signs we found was perfect to get the rest of you lazy butts out of bed to answer Jeryck’s call!

Shadami: Aren’t we missing something rather important here everyone. If you’re all so sure that Justin isn’t the killer, than that means the killer is still here somewhere and we should probably be getting out of here.
Paige: The library is closest, let’s go there!

The group quickly runs to the library where everything seems normal. Shadami shoos everyone inside and stands out front to secure the location. However inside the group takes a collective sharp intake of breath as the tension that was starting to release charges right back in to take ahold of them again. Written on the wall behind the front desk is a message written in red… paint. It says. ”Your Little friend is inside! Come find her!”

Lindsey: That has to be about Cessy! We have to go in and find her!
Justin: Shouldn’t we wait for the Detective.
Diana: No time to waste Justin. We need to go in and find Cecilia.
Riley: Yeah what if the thirteen year beast is in there with her!
Justin: *growls in annoyance* A beast can’t write on walls Riley!

Before Justin can argue any more the group splits up and begins to search the library.

Day 4 ResultsX

Location: Library

Kid’s Room
Bright and cheerful with lots of rainbow colors and smiling suns everywhere as expected for a children’s section of a library, your decision to look for Cecilia here seems really smart. The only thing you find however is a stack of kites that seem to have been part of one last hurrah outdoors event before the snow started falling.
(Go fly a kite)

Newspaper Room
There are a bunch of magazines and newspapers that have articles from P.S.Herman in them all over the Newspaper Room. One article in particular stands out as your searching that indicates P.S.Herman had been doing some research into the thirteen year rampaging creature Riley was looking into. They believe that it may be the work of a superstitious person or persons that have been staging a rampage every thirteen years, and that no such creature exists. At the bottom of the article it says they have credible information about the creature and that it is far more interesting that a certain fireman is oblivious to the charms his girlfriend J.J is putting out for someone everyone thought was gay. He must be only bisexual if anything because he clearly has some affections for her in return.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Media Room
There are all kinds of things in the media room including CDs, DvDs, and these strange things called Cassette tapes. They really have everything in here. One case with a prism on it catches your eye and as you open it to put it in the player to listen to it out of curiosity some gold falls out. Looks like someone thought no one would open the case and discover their hiding place. Well Finders, keepers!
(+600 gold)

You don’t find Cecilia so you poke through the old newspaper articles that have been stored in this musty old back room. Shockingly you find an article from November 1st 2004, written a day shy of thirteen years ago. It seems that there was a killer twenty-six years ago, that just disappeared after killing a bunch of people in an old abandoned cabin and than thirteen years later, possibly the same killer, killing more people in the same cabin. This must be where that superstitious creature story came from that Riley is obsessed with.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Computer Room
The computer room is big and open and there is obviously no children lurking in the corners. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take advantage of the computers and free online access to check your forums while everyone else is searching. Awesome you got enough gold from those posts to get a new item!

Research Room
You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

This room is spotless! It’s super clean and feels well loved and cared for. Not to mention the shelves are piled with book after book. You wander the aisles spotting familiar names of books you’ve read and many new ones that you’ve never heard of. You don’t see any children let alone Cecilia, but you can’t help swiping a few books off the shelf and heading off to find the librarian so you can check them out. Where did Paige get to anyway?

Non Fiction
The books in here are dusty and hardly touched. It seems like the books with the fewest layers of dust are the books on photography and painting. I guess the people in this town are fans of the arts, and not the biographies. You find a little bit of gold sitting on the art books like someone was thanking the artists for reading and hoping to help them not being the infamous “starving artist.”
(+100 gold)

Where are you searching?X

-- Kid’s Room
-- Newspaper Room
-- Media Room
-- Archives
-- Computer Room
Professor Lily
Damia Flagg
-- Research Room
-- Fiction
Kamikaze Kendra
Emma Corrin
-- Non Fiction

Last edited by Shadami; 10-31-2017 at 07:45 PM..

the one and only

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Old 10-11-2017, 06:01 PM

Day 5 StoryX

-In the Research Room-
Velvet: Oh god, who even uses a research room anymore?
Salvete:Well when I was in school it was required for final papers.
Velvet: Google isn’t good enough?
Salvete Of course it was, but we had to use at least three actual physical books as well.
Velvet: I mean at least the books in here smell good.
Salvete: Kind of like that new car smell right?
They both take a deep breath to get a whiff of that old book smell.
Velvet: Oh GROSS what is that smell?
Salvete: It’s metallicy maybe. . . like… like… metal?
Velvet: That kind of simile is why this research room is helpful.
Mysterious Figure: Yes, try a thesaurus.
Velvet: yes exactly…. Wait what?!
Mysterious Figure: Perhaps try under the word blood. *grins wide and silences Salvete and Velvet.*


-Meanwhile in the archives-
Paige: *hands the article over to the other menewshans to look over* I knew I had read something about a possible serial killer at one point.
Johnny: You’ve got to admit it’s a little exciting though. *wrinkles his nose at the dusty room*
Paige: *waves off Johnny’s obvious concern about the dusty room.* Later Johnny. *gets her serious face on* Right now it's important to talk theory! Who do you think it could be? If it’s the same killer as in that article we might have a serial killer in town and we could be the ones to solve it!
Johnny: Well if it is one of our group, my vote is on Justin. He’s so cranky and standoffish all the time.
Paige:*purses lips in thought* Yeah you think so? He’s the one who suggested it was one of our group, and everyone was always with someone.
Johnny: Not necessarily. After all, we did just find Justin standing over the dead bodies and he’d been alone when the power went out at the fire department.
Paige: *shocked* Oh my goodness, you’re right! Anyone could have been moving around in the dark in the police station too! But how does that explain the log cabin.
Johnny: Their was a door leading outside from the kitchen right next to the door to the living room. Remember? He could have slipped in and out easily I bet!
Paige: Just wait until I tell Riley! He’s going to love this.
Johnny: Great let’s go find the others. And Paige, I will be back to clean this disaster when this adventure is over. How could you have let the archives get this dusty.

-meanwhile in the Kid’s room-

Jacque: Hey, how ya handling the evening babe?
Beth: To be honest I’m pretty frightened but it’s comforting to know I’ve surrounded by friends who will protect me.

Jacque: *checks to make sure no one will overhear them* Remember those silver earrings I gave you?
Beth: *uneasily looks around* They’re at home in my jewelry box. Can we not talk about those here please?

Jacque: *nervously* Did you get them engraved?
Beth: *annoyed* Can you drop it? I didn’t get them engraved okay.

Jacque: *relieved he smiles and gives her a quick hug* Why do we have to be so secretive babe?
Beth: *looks away* It’s just going to take some time okay. It’s a little too complicated at the moment.

Jacque: *gives her another quick hug and then pulls away* Okay let’s go meet up with the others.

Back in the reception room Lindsey and Artimis walk in arguing after having been searching the library.

Lindsey: Come on Artimis, one little makeover. You’ll be fine! Your attire is atrociously messy all the time.
Artimis: Not messy Lindsey. It’s casual. And i like my attire how it is. Simple and relaxed just like me.

Detective Shadami walks in from outside the building.

Shadami: All is clear outside. Where is everyone?
Lindsey:*points at the message on the wall* We all went around the library to search.

Shadami: And who is the ‘little friend.’

As Detective Shadami asks her question , Paige, Johnny, Beth, Jacque, Justin, Riley, and Diana all return to the reception area.
Justin: Oh that would be Cecilia. She went missing tonight.

Shadami: *shocked* That’s impossible! Jeryck and Cessy are out of town right now!

Riley: *flabbergasted* What?! But?! He called me tonight to go looking for her!
Diana: Why would he have called you anyways? Who was the call from?
Riley: Well the caller I.D. said it came from a phone at town hall.

Shadami: Well we need to get over there right away and look for clues as to who actually called you! *pauses and looks around* Wasn’t there more of you earlier?

Everyone looks around and realize the group from the research room hasn’t returned yet and everyone runs to the room and finds the next batch of slaughtered Menewshans.

Shadami: This prooves it. There is a serial killer somewhere in this town hunting us down and we need to get to the bottom of this before they strike again! To the town hall everyone! We need to find where the impersonator was calling from and see if we can get any evidence on them!

Day 5 ResultsX

Location: Town Hall
You’re kind of sick of dusty old books that have useless information in them. Why did you decided to go search more of them? Ugh. You flip through book after book, but nothing has anything helpful to get you out of the situation you’ve found yourself in tonight. Some rich town people sure lost a bunch of loose change as they searched through these books though.
(+200 gold)

Janitors Closet
The usual things you expected in a Janitor’s Closet are inside: mops, buckets, brooms, chemicals in squirt bottles, and one unexpected thing. There is a box of lost and found things. You poke through it and find a bunch of things that look like they could belong to some well known people in town. Unless maybe they’re lost Halloween cosplay costumes. No one will really miss them in that case.
(Peeblo’s Laundry Heist)

Meeting Room
You explore the meeting room in the town hall and discover that someone has left behind, a purse. Searching through it out of curiosity you find the very earrings that Paige was arguing with Jacque about! L.J.L.J.L.J is engraved all the way around the silver ball earrings. I wonder who it belongs to? You dig through and find a wallet also left behind. It’s Lindsey’s purse! You look guiltily over at her where she is searching a wall and place everything back in the bag.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Grand Hall
This is a room that is often used for small claims court, or have things redecorated for private parties. You, Jacque, Diana, and Paige have decided to explore the room. There are no phones to be seen, but Diana stumbles upon a book of proverbs on the floor with bookmarks sticking out of it.
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Council Chamber
The council chamber is filled with benches and a big judges table that has a shiny gavel on it. But you should have know there would be no phone here. The only thing to be found is some coffee cups lain forgotten and a bunch of dusty old legal paperwork.
(Office Life)

Court Room
Someone really made a killing in here! Look at that pile of gold someone had to pay out for one of their crimes. It’s already redeemed and is labeled to go to charity! SWEET. You can be a charity recipient! Double sweet, that means you can take some of that sweet pile of gold for yourself right now!
(+1000 gold)

Gents Room
You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Ladies Room
You search the ladies room quickly determining that there’s no one else in there, maybe even getting a much needed break yourself after the crazy night. But when you go to the sink you let out a scream seeing a bug crawling on it. After a moment of panic you realize that it’s actually a pair of earrings. Taking a deep breath you pocket them to find out who they belong to once this crazy night is over.
(Random Scarab Earrings)

Where is everybody?X

-- Library
-- Janitors Closet
-- Meeting Room
-- Grand Hall
Damia Flagg
Kamikaze Kendra
-- Council Chamber
-- Court Room
Professor Lily
-- Gents Room
-- Ladies Room
Emma Corrin

Last edited by Shadami; 11-01-2017 at 10:23 PM..

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-11-2017, 06:01 PM

Day 6 StoryX

-in the Gents Room-
Razor: You know this started as a wild goose chase right?
Vox: Yeah but now it’s a flight of terror.
Razor: Exactly, but it is a little worrying.
Nephila: yeah why’s that? Maybe people dropping like flies everywhere we go?
Razor: Well yes, partially. But I’m talking about the fact that it started with power outages, and the killer was being stealthy. Now they’re taking us out when the lights are on.
Nephila: *surprised* Oh my god, you’re right!
Vox: *scared* that means that any of us could be next!
Mysterious Figure: Not just anyone. You.

-meanwhile in the deputy mayor’s office-

Shadami: This must be the area where the call came from!

Detective Shadami sits down at the desk and checks the phone’s call history. There was indeed a call placed from the phone to the night watch station that night. Aside from this there are no obvious clues inside the Deputy Mayor’s Office. She sits, resting a moment to collect her thoughts.

Shadami: You know there is something strange about this room, but I can’t quite put my finger on it… Oh well I’m sure it will come to me, now where did everyone else get off to.

-Meanwhile in the Grand Hall -

Diana: *looking at the photographs on the walls and scoffs* These photographs are far too typical and uninspired.
Paige:So why not offer some of your own than.
Diana: I have. But apparently those in charge aren’t cultured enough to appreciate true masterpieces.
Paige: *snorts* Perhaps your wig is a little too tight Diana.
Diana: *spins on her heel angrily and opens her mouth to argue with Paige and gets interrupted immediately*

Jacque: *grumbling* You ladies making me wish I’d searched for the phone’s location with someone else.

As Diana walks towards Paige she steps on a book that was laying on the floor. She picks it up and quirks an eyebrow.

Diana: Book of proverbs huh? Who reads this babble I wonder.
Paige: Oh that’s a book Riley checked out from the library.
Diana: *Diana opens the book to a random bookmarked location* Oh, now this is interesting. What do you think of it Jacque?

Jacque: *Grudgingly he takes the book and reads it silently. His eyes grow wide and he quickly shoves the book back at Diana* I need to find Beth.

Paige: *Confused Paige takes the book and reads. “Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but jealousy sees the sharpest of all for it is love and hate at the same time.”* Riley… Confounded she quickly follows Jacque out of the room.

Paige catches up with Jacque as they run into most of the others in the central hallway. Shadami meets up with them here as well having been exploring the more off limit locations like the deputy mayor’s office, and the other upstairs private offices.

Shadami: Has anyone found anything interesting? I found the location that the call came from but beyond that there was nothing special.

Paige: Has anyone seen Riley?

Jacque: Where’s Beth?

Everyone looks around among their group taking head counts, and realize that Name of Menewshans, Beth, Riley, and Justin are all missing.

Jacque: *angrily* Who was with Beth!? Where is she!
Paige: *curiously* Why are you worried about her so much, we should be worried that our main suspect Justin is missing!

Jacque: Main suspect?! Forget Justin, it was Riley! He asked Beth out a while ago and she turned him down!

Diana: Did she? *inspecting fingernails closely* P.S.Herman seems to believe your girlfriend was unfaithful. The way you’re acting, I’d say she’s the girlfriend.
Johnny: No he’s not.

Jacque: Yes I am! She made me keep it secret, and now I’m worried about her being missing with Riley!
Paige:It can’t be Riley! He would have told me if he had a girlfriend!

Jacque: He didn’t tell you his heart was broken! He’s got to be the killer and he’s got Beth!
Johnny: Beth is my girlfriend, not yours.

Jacque: *shocked disbelief* WHAT?!
Johnny: And now we should go find her. Regardless of her hurting both of us, she’s in danger right? We shouldn’t be sitting around here arguing.

Artimis: Do we really have to go dashing off again?
Diana: Yes we do. There are missing bodies to be found.

Artimis: Can I just run to the bathroom quick first. It feels like forever since I was home.
Johnny: We really shouldn’t split up again. I’ll go with you.Jacque, why don’t you come too.

Lindsey: Are we really splitting into girls and guys for this stupid search? *looks over at Paige* Fine, let’s just get it over with.

Jacque: Fine, but hurry!

Artimis drags the men into the bathroom and Detective Shadami and the women suddenly hear a high pitched scream come from the gents room. Forgetting gender laws, they all rush in and see the missing menewshans they had been looking for lying in the bathroom clearly dead.

Jacque: She’s not here. She’s not here.
Johnny: Guys look what I found.
Johnny holds up a night watch hat that only Riley ever bothers to wear, and a piece of paper that reads: “If you want to see Beth alive again, come to where it began.” They all look at each other confused.

Lindsey: Where what began?
Paige: If it’s the cabin, I’m not going back to the cabin.
Lindsey:Well what about the hospital. The serial killer must have been born in the hospital.

Shadami: I guess that makes as much sense as anything. Let’s see if we can find them in the hospital.

They quickly move off to the hospital where they find Riley passed out on the front steps and Shadami quickly steps forward before Jacque can attack him in anger.

Shadami: The rest of you search the hopsital for Beth and Justin while I bring Riley to and question him.

However before she can stop them the entire group runs off and splits up. Distrust between everyone erupting out in waves.

Day 6 ResultsX

Location: Hospital
Psychologist Wing
You find a note on one of the patients, sadly the name is blacked out because of patient doctor confidentiality. It reads “She seems a model citizen, helping to bring beauty to her secretive subject matter and is really popular as a result. However I fear that the dark beauty in her work is not actually an artistic flare on things. I believe that the subject matters she focuses on may be real, and that she is not falsifying the situations she displays. I have studied her for years, but I only have my intuition still. Something does not seem right with this patient though she hides it well.”
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

There are rows of glass crib carts throughout the room. It’s a bit eerie walking between them. Every single one is empty which isn’t what you were expecting. Though maybe you should have been expecting it with the emptiness of the entire town. Finally you riffle through a couple blankets for a sign of life and as you pick one up some coins fall out and clatter to the floor.
(+400 gold)

You don’t see any sign of Beth but there is a pile of gold sitting on a table, knowing how much money surgeons make, no one is going to miss it.
(+800 gold)

Emergency Room
You have joined the graveyard – See story
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Padded Room
The moment you step into the room you wonder if you’ve gone insane. Laying all over are baskets of carrots, and food, and bunnies. You half expect the bunnies to mutate into something more terrifying when you realize that everything is soft squishy and fake. What did someone think they were the Easter bunny when they got stuck in here?
(Easter Basket)

Intensive Care Unit
You find a DNA test results and letter page that says that another heir to the Fiscal fortune has been found because of the emergency blood transfusion that Mr. Fiscal needed to live. His son wasn’t a perfect match because of blood type but they had managed to find another, but it would take revealing the family connection if he wanted to have the process done. A return letter confirms that he would like to forgive the families past grievances and welcome the new heir back to the family if he were to agree to the transfusion. “Please let me know their name so I may speak to them myself.”
(+1 Raffle Ticket)

Nurse’s Station
You can’t find Beth at the Nurse’s station but you find some nifty scrubs laying on the desk. Hey it’s Halloween, maybe you could go as a nurse! Everything you need for it is laying right here for the taking!
(Clean Teeth)

You find a note. “If they’re complaining about non existent pain to much. Just show them this!” You gulp at the size of the needle and decide the best course of action is to get it away from the hospital so that it can’t be offered to people.
(large bloody needle)

Where is everybody?X

-- Psychologist Wing
Kamikaze kendra
-- Nursery
Professor Lily
-- Surgery
-- Emergency Room
-- Padded Room
-- Intensive Care
-- Nurse’s Station
Damia Flagg
-- Pharmacy

Last edited by Shadami; 11-02-2017 at 10:25 PM..


Kent is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:48 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : Firepit

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:52 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : Windowed Porch

the one and only

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Old 10-27-2017, 08:57 PM

My first players welcome to the abandoned cabin :D

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:01 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : Windowed Porch

the one and only

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Old 10-27-2017, 09:07 PM

I'll be updating the "where are we" in a grouping every couple hours i think instead of every post . xD

So don't worry, i shouldn't miss anyone :D But if you can't remember if you've posted for a particular day I'll update pretty regularly.

xoxoAngiexoxo is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:13 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : [bedroom 2]

There will ALWAYS be confusion.....
evilcupcakecat is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:21 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : Basement

\ (•◡•) /
Mimmu is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:31 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : Living Room

(because nothing bad ever happens in the living room!)

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:43 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : [windowed porch


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:04 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : Bedroom 1

the one and only

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Old 10-27-2017, 10:12 PM

Of course not Mimmu ^.~

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:31 PM

Today is Day 1 : Splitting up in typical mystery fashion
I'm choosing : second floor bedroom


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