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doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-03-2014, 06:35 PM


Hello! I go by Phaena or Phae. I'm nearly 21 years old and I love to write. I've been roleplaying for eight years and can write from one to thirteen paragraphs, depending. I'm looking for long-term rp partners and groups. Though there are some days when I'm busy and can't be online until the afternoon, I try to get replies out asap! My timezone is EST in case that matters to you when finding an rp partner. I welcome all timezones since I'm usually awake until very early in the morning.


Long term rps only and no one-liners please.
All Mewnewsha Rules apply. Please go read them now.
I rp males and females; yaoi, yuri, and straight. Any orientation really.
I will write smut. If things get heated, we can always move to email or skype.
If you have writers block, please message me and let me know instead of abandoning an rp.
I'll play canon characters but I currently want to explore originals more than anything.


I'm into fantasy/romance/adventure these days. Feel free to suggest rps!

Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Sherlock (Johnlock OTP)
The Walking Dead
Sword Art Online
Percy Jackson
Fantasy ocs



Think centaur but in doe form. Started out childish, "the damsel in distress" type but also intelligent. Character developed into someone stronger, less whiny, and constantly wants to protect and help others. Somewhat an adventure/romantic rp with PawnKyoo. Only lasted a few months.


Witness Protection RP -- Modern Day -- Eleonora WoodX

Eleonora had been pacing. It was something she (and surely, most people) did when they were nervous. Though she also paced whenever she talked on the phone... then again, phone calls made her nervous. This one in particular was the most nerve wracking she had all week, but it would be worth it in the end. After speaking with a man named Arthur at the Funeral Home about making arrangements, she felt much better. These things would be out of the way so no one would have to go into debt trying to pay off her funeral later on. It was safer, she thought. In case Luke found her.

A few days passed and Eleonora wasn't sure of anything, but she supposed that's where Arthur would come in. All she really wanted was flowers. A ton of them. The casket would have to have some sort of color scheme... and now that she thought of it, a Will would have to be made out too. It wasn't that she was planning her death but she was sure if she told her therapist, that's what it would seem like. So, she kept it to herself. It was like a secret between her and this mysterious Arthur she was going to meet.

Arriving at the Funeral Home, she took a deep breathe and got out of the car. It was likely he saw people like this everyday; people who also wanted to be prepared for when their last day would come. It didn't help calm her nerves, however. Stepping through the door, she stood to wait for him, wondering how he could be around death and still be happy. Maybe he wasn't happy... Well, she truly hoped he was.

Phaena's Beginning -- Fantasy/Adventure/Romance RPX

The people sent her off with a crown made of wild flowers and a basket full of fruits and nuts. There was a half loaf of bread and some cheese but she wasn't sure how any of them had gotten hold of them, it was scarce to come by. Not all of the Melin went to war. Some were bakers, scholars, mothers. Sometimes she wished she were a mother so she could help teach all the new Melin what life was all about. Sometimes she wished she hadn't gotten picked to be a Queen. Sometimes she even wished she had wings -- and yes, she knew how silly that sounded. It seemed to much easier to fly places rather than walk.

It took her a full day to get to the small tree which was the farthest city away from the main tree, the capital. It wasn't the first time she had been this far away from the place she considered her home, but she always grew weary. The small tree didn't have many people out and about but she slept their for a few hours before starting off again in the morning. She was reaching the point where the younger Melin were told not to cross, the unsafe area. The Elves lived on the left of the boarder (and to the left of them, the fairies) but the right was a whole other matter. That was where the Keramet lived.

There was some land unclaimed but the Melin didn't care too much about it until the war happened. They could use the land, but too many had died trying to get it. Other than land, the war seemed to be mostly about the Keramet wanting to take over Melin and use them for their intelligence. Phaebe worried about the younger Melin who had just been born and only wanted to try to find their way home, to the main tree. What if they didn't make it and fell into the hands of Keramet?

Phaebe spent some time in a warzone, in the swamplands. In the aftermath, it wasn't hard to tell who had won. Her kind were everywhere, though when they died, they turned back into what they were born from (therefore, more land, lakes, and trees appeared so even in death, they had a purpose) but their antlers (if they had any) and clothes were left behind. She was lost in thought, mourning for her fallen people, when she found herself stuck.

She should have known better. Swamplands were a dangerous place for the tree-dwelling and underground Melin. It was a slimey substance and pulled her down the more she struggled, like quicksand. She looked around for anything to pull herself out but found nothing. Calling for help was instantly put at the bottom of her list for 'Things to do at the moment' but she had wracked her brain enough already.


It was at her waist now. Her basket had been flung away, the food spilling out. She'd needed both hands to grab onto something, but there was nothing.


Purposely Misplaced -- Modern Day -- Lenore DuboisX

The brunette could only think that she was crazy for working overtime - sixteen non-stop hours of working with people of all ages with too many sicknesses to remember. Eight hours in, Lenore began to regret her decision and the rest of her time at the hospital, she was sure she had appeared almost zombie-like. It's not like she needed the money from working over-time but with the Winter months she figured the hospital would need her around to help take care of patients, which they took full advantage of. Not that she didn't enjoy helping others, but she had gotten used to getting at least seven hours of sleep. Staying up all night was something she hadn't done since college.

In the break room, Lenore kicked off her uncomfortable work sneakers that pinched her toes in favor of her favorite knee-high boots and shrugged on a heavy coat over her nurse uniform. She made a mental note to go shopping for shoes later in the week and headed out to tell her co-workers goodbye. "Hey, I'm going now." The plump woman behind the desk motioned to her phone and Lenore nodded, waving goodbye to a few other busy co-workers before leaving the building. It took her about ten minutes to find her car and get the heat going.

Lenore missed France. In Paris, their weren't as many snowy days so the weather where she was living now tended to bother her a bit. It was cold and wet but when white covered everything, it made the town look magical, and that made up for it. She missed the local restaurants and Christmas markets most of all. Her friends would send her letters and keep in touch with her through the internet so she didn't miss them so much, but it would be the times when she would see pictures of the group all together that she would wish she could be their with them. Only making two friends in Paisley wasn't a very good start in her opinion, but with working and taking care of family, she was glad she had made at least two.

When she started driving, she didn't know where she was going. Home was the obvious option but it was starting to feel so lonely. No one would be there waiting for her, welcoming her home, except all of her material possessions. Lenore had everything she had ever dreamed of. A job she enjoyed most of the time, a small tight-knit family that didn't abuse alcohol or try to force her to think a certain way, and material things in her rather large house in Bristol Oaks that had stopped being so important lately.

Something was missing. Friends? Possibly. She believed it was something more than that. Something she had missed out on in high school and college, in favor of studying rather than dating. Though she didn't regret her decisions, she was starting to believe that perhaps love wasn't meant for her. Pulling into the nearest parking lot, a pancake house that she had never noticed before, the nurse could feel herself breaking down. The lack of sleep and lonely feeling was starting to get to her.

Sniffling, Lenore pulled out a few tissues from her purse in the passengers seat, wiping the tears and makeup from her face. In the rear view mirror, she noticed how awful she looked. The makeup did nothing to hide the bags under her eyes and after wiping it off, she looked near death. I need sleep. The brunette sighed, shrugging the purse onto her shoulder and stepping out of the car. Coffee first.

It wasn't the best idea - coffee before sleep, but she felt like she needed something warm. Maybe food as well. The last time she ate had been so many hours ago. She couldn't even remember what the food was or what it had tasted like. Stepping inside, Lenore wrapped her jacket tighter around herself, throwing the tissues into the nearest trash bin before sliding into one of the unoccupied booths. The warmth of the pancake house hadn't gotten to her yet and she found herself shaking a bit from the chill still lingering around her.

She busied herself with the menu but nothing seemed appealing to her, except something warm to drink. Step one: Coffee. Step two: Sleep. Step three: Food. Her mother had always been bothered by Lenore's planning, preferring spontaneity over organization and planning. A bit impatient with the service, Lenore raised her hand a bit, catching a woman's eye. "What would you like to drink, miss?" Her high voice bothered Lenore a bit but she suspected it was because she was so tired.

"Coffee, please." Before the woman could ask how she would like it, Lenore added, "It doesn't matter how you make it. I'll drink it no matter what." It wasn't the time to be picky. She realized she was still shaking. It would be her luck if she caught pneumonia or the flu. The woman gave her a worried look before hurrying away, coming back moments later with a coffee, black.

As Lenore sipped it, she could feel her body tingle, the hot coffee fighting the chill away. She glanced up, noticing the woman still there. "Thank you." The woman nodded, smiling a bit before asking, "Your accent. Where are you from?" It took a moment for Lenore to reply, still sipping at the coffee. "Paris, France." The woman nodded, curiosity fulfilled. "We close in twenty-five minutes but I'll keep the coffee coming until then."

Lenore thanked her again and then the woman was gone, back to work. She peered from over her coffee cup around the room. Only a few people were in the pancake house. A small family in the corner, an elderly man flirting with one of the waitresses, and a lone man sitting at the booth in front of her. She wasn't sure how she didn't see him when she had sat down earlier. Her booth was facing his.

He was looking out of the window and she turned to look as well. It didn't look so cold out from where she was sitting in the warm pancake house, but she knew it was and regretted when she would have to run back to her car and drive back to her empty home. She sighed, finishing off her coffee. The cup was still warm so she gripped it in her hands. Why are you sitting here, lonely? This is an opportunity to make friends.

Grabbing her purse, Lenore stood, walking the few steps over to where the man was sitting. She still had the coffee cup in her hand. Unsure about how to go about it, she worried her bottom lip a bit nervously before clearing her throat. "Do you mind?" Motioning towards the empty seat in front of his own, she wondered how he would react to a stranger suddenly approaching him, trying to make friends and get rid of lonely feelings.


World of Asarth
OOC -- group -- d&d/fantasy/adventure

Knots of Business
OOC -- 1x1 -- modern day/arranged marriage

The Taming of Wild Hearts
PMs -- 1x1 -- fantasy/romance/adventure

Experiment Z
OOC -- 1x1 -- sci-fi/war/fantasy/romance

Adventures of Sherly Holmes & Friends
PMs -- group -- teen sherlock -- mysteries

A Dreadfully Festive Christmas
PMs -- 1x1 -- bbc johnlock/mysteries/romance

harry potter ocs 1x1

hunger games ocs 1x1


Please ping me in case I forget.

Questing | Art | Tumblr | RP (closed) | Memories

Last edited by Phaena; 04-07-2014 at 06:03 AM..

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:07 AM

I am most certainly interested in role playing with you.
c: If you need role play samples from me, please let me know~
I'm in the mood to use a male OC, so I'm willing to brainstorm with you!
Is there a particular facet of fantasy you prefer?

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:13 AM

If you'd like to include samples, you can but it's not required. Would you like to do MxM or MxF? I'm up for anything. As for what sort of fantasy, any and all ~ What do you prefer?

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:24 AM

I don't mind either sexuality -- whatever you prefer. If you wish to play a female, than I will be happy to participate in MxF. If you wish to play a male? Than MxM it is!

Does Sci-Fi appeal to you, any?

I have a plot that's sort of experiment x scientist. A bio-engineered character, mostly human with a few... enhanced abilities, birthed in a test tube and engineered to be used as some sort of weapon.

Or, would you prefer something a bit less science-y?
Say, with witches, demons, angels, etc?

Feel free to bounce ideas back and forth. c:
I hope my ideas don't deter/bore you.

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:33 AM

MxM it is then! ^^ You had me at experiment x scientist. I'm up for it! I'm probably going to be heading to bed here soon though.

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:36 AM

Sounds fantastic!
Would you like to take the role of the scientist,
or the experiment? I'm hardly picky. Both roles appeal to me,
so take what suites you best and I will adopt the other role.

And alright! I should have been asleep ages ago.
Sleep well! n wn

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:38 AM

I'm leaning more towards the experiment and we'll discuss more tomorrow? ^^

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:48 AM

I was hoping you'd take the experiment.
Huehuehuehue. All apart of my evil plan~
Not really. Ahem.

Yes, we'll finish this discussion tomorrow.

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 05:51 AM

Great! Goodnight. Talk to you later. ^^


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 04:35 PM

I'm not usually much into fandoms, but I could do something Fantasy OC related.

Have any ideas? Or would you like to hash something out together?

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 04:59 PM

Hey! I've actually talked to Wyrmskyld: about the D&D rp and I've created a character. You're in it, right?

I'm into anything sort of like that but any sort of fantasy will do. I don't have any ideas but I'm literally up for anything.

Little I3ird
Little I3ird is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 07:22 PM

Let me know when you're ready to start discussing our role play.
I hope your day is going well so far.
I just got home from class~ woosh... glad to be home. v_v;

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 07:50 PM

Hey! My day's going well, thanks. I'll message you.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 08:43 PM

Sorry for disappearing, I often respond from my work computer to get whisked away shortly after.

I am indeed in Wyrms RPG, but that's the extent of my groups. Usually I do 1x1 because I can keep up with them a little better.

Let me think on a starter for we want to do a quest of some sort? Or like a kidnapped princess or arranged marriage....trying to think of a starter.

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:07 PM

No worries. I'm not planning on joining any other groups because I feel like I'll stress myself out. I'm already doing an arranged marriage rp but we can do it if you want. Kidnapped princess x bodyguard? I don't know either but we'll figure something out. ^^

Suzulia is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:09 PM

Hello again!
I'm really into either Castaway or Visual Novel/Dating Sim rps these days,and was wondering if you would be interested in doing any or even a combination of both with me in a adventure/romance/fantasy way?

If not, I'm always up for a Harry Potter rp :)!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:11 PM

Kidnapped Princess and Bodyguard....hmmm....does he rescue her?

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:14 PM


He could rescue her or she could escape and he would have to go on a journey to find her to return her to her family for gold?


How would Dating Sim work because that sounds neat! It could be fantasy/adventure as well. Harry Potter is always fun though too.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:16 PM

And she doesn't want to go back so at first they absolutely hate each other.

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:25 PM

Sounds perfect! Which character would you rather play?

Suzulia is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:25 PM

Well, it would be a bit of an excuse to spam OCs on my part, with myself acting like the game and you trying to break it, basically x3.

We would have to decide on the setting, and make a few basic area, perhaps a small kingdom if we do Fantasy/Adventure and basically have fun putting the character of your choice (or his or her bloodline!) through as many wacky situation as we can get away with.

Or we could do this in a Harry Potter-ish world with OCs.

Or just do a HPRP, your choice.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 09:28 PM

I wouldn't mind playing the snotty princess, but I could play either one.

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-04-2014, 10:14 PM


Messaged you!


Haha alright. Being the bodyguard or whatever he'll be called would be a change for me so I'm up for that. ^^


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-05-2014, 01:56 PM

I'll start this later unless you want to start.

We lost power yesterday or I'd have responded earlier.

doe-hearted girl
Phaena is offline
Old 04-05-2014, 04:41 PM

That's alright. Hope everything's okay! I have a few replies to do so I'll wait for you.


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