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YamiSora is offline
Old 09-26-2015, 02:07 PM

Boy am I psyched about this!
For those that haven't heard, your phone is about to get a whole lot better.

Ever wish you could become a real pokemon trainer? Well, thanks to this game, your wish is going to come true because while you travel around the world or just in your own backyard, your phone is going to let you know what pokemon are around you and you'll be able to battle and catch them, along with battling other people and basically being in the Pokemon realm!

Here's the awesome trailer for it!:

So, opinions/thought/excitedness/etc.


CrotchetyCrab is offline
Old 10-26-2015, 08:32 PM

I am ridiculously stoked for Pokemon Go.

Remember being a kid and running around with your friends, pretending like you've caught Pokemon and you guys were going to have a boss battle in some dark part of the forest? It was so exciting and thrilling.

That exact same feeling is going to come back, and I cannot wait for it. Everyone is going to go back to being a kid, and we're all going to have a tonne of fun, and we're going to get out more and run around the streets and forests and along the beaches and oceans, and we're going to rush out of class randomly to catch a legendary that's appeared.

That entire fantasy is finally going to come true. I can't wait to catch all the water Pokemon >: 0

It's going to be amazing. So many friendships will be created. What better is a bond of kicking someone's butt in a Pokemon battle together? Haha!

What kind of Pokemon are you going to specialize in?

Appalachia is offline
Old 10-27-2015, 04:42 PM

I am super excited for it! Pretty sure I've been dreaming about this exact same thing since I was little and received my first Pokemon card.

I really want to find out more details, see some actual gameplay. Hopefully Nintendo will reveal something soon.

Darkness Within
Darkness Within is offline
Old 10-28-2015, 12:53 AM

I'm baffled how in 3 minutes of footage there isn't a single example of actual gameplay, I seriously doubt that it literally uses holographic projections.

To be honest I'm a little unappealed by this game being for phones since it'll probably take up a massive amount of space but I'm curious as to it's style, storyline and concept.

I've been playing pokemon games since the 7th grade in 2001, my first was Yellow version, I have a lot of great memories with them so as long as this is free to download I'll be trying it.

CrotchetyCrab is offline
Old 10-28-2015, 01:19 AM

The holographs are definitely just for the trailer. No way they have those out. They barely have virtual 3D game consoles (Oculus Rift, for example. Most games are still in development). Almost every game does this for their trailers though... which is a pain, but it works stupidly well to hook people onto the product, haha.

But even if it's just an app that's heavily based on the handheld games system, turn based fighting, etc., it will still be so amazing to run around in real-time and go searching for Pokemon and fight them on your own, or team up with friends.

I will either delete every app on my cellphone for Pokemon Go, or I'm buying an SD card specifically for it, hahaha!

I'm worried that they might have the in-game purchase system. Like the app will be free, and your starter Pokemon are free, but items and higher end Pokeballs will cost money. To be an actual hardcore trainer with legendary Pokemon will cost a small fortune. Hopefully they have the long way around these purchases, since lots of people can't afford it, and are willing to work three times harder to get the same item...

Darkness Within
Darkness Within is offline
Old 10-28-2015, 01:55 AM

Ah a separate SD card, that's a thought.

That's another concern of mine, I actually have heard the term 'in app purchases' used elsewhere which would be a turn off for me if there isn't a long way around it.

CrotchetyCrab is offline
Old 10-28-2015, 02:12 AM

I totally agree. If they make in-game purchases with no other way to get the items, I would probably lose interest in it as well. Pokemon love or not, being scammed by a company that already has billions of dollars and doesn't need the funding is ridiculous. Pokemon fans have more than proven their dedication. They deserve something like Pokemon Go to be completely (or close to) free.

Last edited by Linnea; 12-25-2015 at 01:55 PM..

On Semi-Hiatus
LaVida is offline
Old 10-28-2015, 07:23 PM

I think the gameplay might be like the very end of that trailer. The part that actually looks like it could be on a mobile game XD

But, yea, everyone I know is super excited about the game as well :)

waytodawn is offline
Old 10-30-2015, 12:57 AM

I'm super excited about this! My boyfriend and I were geeking out when we heard/saw the trailer. xD

Darkness Within
Darkness Within is offline
Old 11-09-2015, 05:21 AM

I've done a Google search and found a single minimal shot of actual gameplay:

Which as told by the source is the only shot of actual gameplay shown in a 34-minute press conference.
"Yup, that’s it. I watched a full 34 minute press conference about Pokémon Go, and the only significant bits of footage shown from the game itself were the two Pokémon above being captured on Android and iOS devices respectively."

Source: The Red Flags of Pokemon Go - Forbes

Originally Posted by CrotchetyCrab View Post
I totally agree. If they make in-game purchases with no other way to get the items, I would probably lose interest in it as well. Pokemon love or not, being scammed by a company that already has billions of dollars and doesn't need the funding is ridiculous. Pokemon fans have more than proven their dedication. They deserve something like Pokemon Go to be completely (or close to) free.
Exactly and for me, I'm not able to comprehend the appeal to spend hard earned money on pixels. How is that really worth it?

Last edited by Darkness Within; 11-09-2015 at 05:25 AM..


Kent is offline
Old 11-18-2015, 02:10 AM

Oh, man! Im totally excited for this! But I wonder why it's not a 3ds app. Can't they have made it a 3ds game?


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