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Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:07 PM


Situated clearly between its brethren Gote and Delos, Aephris spans a rather…narrow strip, roughly four to five hundred miles wide and expanding all the way into the northern ice lands of the Mystics. While Aephris lays claim to this area, the Mystic’s hardly recognize it, instead simply ignoring the kingdom and living as they had been for the past…however long. Stretching back from the icy lands is a rather smooth and clear landscape. Small rivers dot the terrain here and there, and other then the occasional tree on the expanses there is no landmarks, no hills, and nothing but guard outposts and small towns along the strip.

The northern winds blow down a nice, cool air over Aephris, keeping it moderately cooler year round compared to its surrounding brothers, leaving the entire kingdom with a sort of cold and dry feel. Funny how that mimics the ruler. The king of Aephris is but a…

Attention has truly been lost on me; I beg forgiveness for that, as honestly, I had forgotten that the kingdoms were…no more. These alone were the historical entries on each kingdom, and as such, I will move on. Aephris, Gote, Delos, Velucia…they are no more. The Mystic kingdom as well, all destroyed in the wake of Khaine’s wrath, and as such, it is time to focus elsewhere.

I seem to be missing the data on Velucia.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:08 PM


Long ago, however how long is lost, Dirim, patron god of the shapeshifters, birthed the race in a wish to create a race that could mimic anything, an enigma of itself and then…he was never heard from again, some say he went to rest, others claim he was taken by another of the gods in a popular folktale, though the true nature of all of this is unknown…The Society knows, though they do not tell us, or make contact with us, or reveal themselves…

I’ll digress, despite this being my own race, there is still little known of it, though Ezkiel Dondt has been able to impart some of the information he knows onto me in order to allow me to catalogue this into history. I was born outside of The Society, which may conclude my lack of knowledge, though Dondt had been born on the inside, and tossed out. In his time inside, he learned a few things the common man was not meant to know, and here I shall pass them on to you…what loyalty should he hold to a Society that is fundamentally flawed?

The core belief of the society is Pacifism. War and battle, violence in general is essentially poison to a shifter for the pure reason that the average shapeshifter body is so frail. To avoid this, The Society hides itself from the public, choosing to remain eternally hidden from the world of humans, only really conversing, and on short time periods, with the Elves, another immortal race. Ah, immortality, that would need to be explained too, wouldn’t it.

Shapeshifters are not, in fact, eternal, though making use of their abilities natural side effects; they’ll never age, and never become sick. The main point here is to evade the effects of aging, shifters…shift. Using shapeshifting itself, the shifter can be altering their body at regular intervals, even if it’s just to revert the growth that may have occurred since the last time they altered, then making their body eternal. The drawback of this, is the skin and organs don’t have a real chance to toughen with being constantly changed, reformed, and shifted, leaving the average shifter frail in the sense that a common strike, such as a sword slash, would tear through them easily.

Obviously, this is what led to them retreating from the world at large.

While the reasons are clear, the methods are less then pleasant. In an attempt to subdue violence all together within the walls, the harshest of these, and what leads to many being exiled is the suppression and entire denial of emotions. One is to be…stoic, in every aspect, dead inside, and carrying out your task that you’ve been given day in and out for eternity to remain alive. Needless to say, those whom are exiled, and discover the world outside…never want to return. Often, some of these shifters fall into a near mental imbalance with the overrun of new things and emotions, being lost in things that were once denied to them.

To some, this leads them to be serial killers and overly violent in general, giving in to anger, rage, and often destroying themselves. Other fall into a deep depression, or over abundance of joy, once again, going too far and destroying them. Others seem to fall into a period of pleasure lusting, finding out just how good things and emotions can feel, and wanting more and more of them…these people often, by bad luck on those others involved, destroy themselves as well, though some from this category do survive. Those who find their periods brief, often find themselves living, as those whom are longer chance death every day, not that it’s already chanced just be breathing.

Given all these faults, shapeshifters are blessed with what gives them their name…changing their form to match their wants. Is it really all worth it though…?

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:09 PM


Innoka is the patron goddess of this race, birthing them with the intent of making creatures more attune with the forces of nature then the elves themselves, being embodiments of the earth they came from, all in a different elements, weakened and strengthened and counterbalanced so that all Elementals could not band together, in order to prevent war on other races. Truly, an army of all elements would be a force to be reckoned with…

Varied into six different sub-races, elementals tend to live in the extremes of their chosen element, preferring to be surrounded by what makes them them, though often one can seem a few traveling, mingling in with the average people, specifically half-elementals, which makes for the majority of Elementals to look down on them. In such a state, many seek to live among humans, or even if such doesn’t occur, some find it easier to blend in…Or perhaps some have a purpose to their actions, though if that’s the cause, they hardly make it known

The sub-races and their areas of congregation are as follows; Fire elementals tend to stay in the heated wasteland of Mount Meluca located in Velucia where the heats reach far beyond what a human can withstand. With such, they’re guaranteed privacy, and the Fire Lord likes it that way. Located in the Tundra of the Mystics is the Ice elementals, in the coldest parts of the cold, in the twisting caverns beneath the snow, and such is also were the Ice Queen resides, in areas that would turn even the most hardy human into an icicle. In the Laroren Mountain Range lays the Earth elementals, deep in the underground caves in the lakes beneath them, far past where light no longer shines, though it does in their illuminated halls, where the Earth Baron resides. On the windy plains of the grasslands of Delos reside the Wind Elementals and their ever moving court that shifts with the winds, blowing wherever they may, making quite the task of meeting with the Wind Marquis. In the cove of Airroboros, tucked away in the winding watery passageways is the home of the water elementals, which flows with the tide. On high tide, no entry can be made; sealing it off from the world for everyone but the water elementals, and the Water Empress prefers it that way. Located in the circuitry of Gote, or what’s left of it, lays the domain of the Lightning Elementals, tucked away in a world where humans simply cannot reach…actually, no one but Lightning Elementals can, keeping the Lightning Sovereign nice and safe in her home.

Elementals themselves carry rich and varying powers, bending the very elements to their will alongside with other natural gifts. Healing and Clairvoyance for the Ice Elementals, smithing of no equal for the Fire Elementals, Wind being capable of invisibility and telepathy, Earth being able to speak with the soul of the land itself and summon small golems forth from it, water being able to actually change into it’s element alongside empathy, and Lightning being gifted with high speeds that create a blur and telekinesis.

The differences between elements is great, and it’s often said that opposing elements would kill one another should they spend too much time in each other’s presence, as elemental weaknesses are strengthened. And Ice Elemental would find a warm summers day a heat wave, and a Fire a chilled breeze as if they had stepped into a freezer. The point being that they are situated in their own element and do not function well with the opposing element or its climate. Should an Ice Elemental venture into the domain of the Fire Lord, they would perish, and vice versa. It is…an odd sort of balance, but a balance nonetheless.

Clyde and Mai seem to be defying this however…

Notable elementals are far too varied to be listed accurately here without making this far, far too long to simply be a supplement to an existing publication. At the least, one should refer to a later supplement on the long and varied history of the elemental races in each of their entirety, as many journals are already published. I shant cover it all here as well, or the current, as many an elemental simply refuses to give up that sort of information, or doesn’t know it. The limitations on a historian…how tiring.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:10 PM


Aestyru, patron god of the Seraphs, and self-proclaimed only god…He rests in ‘heaven’ a palace in the clouds fabled in legend that few ever see, though the Seraphs on earth tended to build the Winged Tower higher by the year, eventually meaning to reach the palace by means of the tower and connect Aestyru’s rule down onto the world. When such is done, it’s prophesized that all the evil of the world would be cleansed, including the godforsaken vampires.

The holy race of the land, living solely in the Winged Tower in Aephris, though the tower now lies in shambles, the structure that had once rested on the top, giving the building its name now in pieces amongst the rubble. This, however, has not discouraged the Seraphs, or what is left of them. Rebuilding is being done…In either case, I am to speak of Seraphs, and what they are, not what they are doing now, aren’t I?

In general, the Seraph are reserved, excellent magic users, with a fair few fighters, using the great sword weapon, scattered in. All Seraph have wings, ranging in coloring from pure white to soft cream, to beige, to a coffee stained color, spanning about 8 feet, dependant on age; the oldest can have wings that drag the floor when relaxed. Feathers of the wings are often dyed to match ones profession, red for the leaders, black for the warriors, offensive magic being blue, defensive purple, and healing being a rich gold. It’s safe to assume which Shadow was.

While the majority of Seraphs are self-righteous and ‘pure of heart’, there are some whom don’t believe themselves better then everyone else, well they may but not for the same reasons as the majority of the Seraphs. Those whose views conflict are tossed out, outcast, and often their wings shift to a darker color over time away from their homeland and being excommunicated from the rest of the council. This often can lead to many of the Seraphs in the general eye to be…well…considered fallen. However, often they aren’t truly fallen, though more often then not, something else merely makes them appear so.

For the record, Shadow could easily and by all means be counted amongst the fallen Seraphs.

The Seraph history is rather…unknown in this period, and as Dondt refuses to fill me in on such, and Shadow being…Shadow…I suppose it shall have to remain such, and my humble apologies.

With the remains of the tower all that’s left, and those being rebuilt, it’s safe to assume the Seraphs can recover on their own, though the likelihood of the council accepting help from anyone in the construction is…impossible at best. There isn’t really anything anyone else can do for the proud race…they may be worse then the elves, who knows…

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:11 PM


Elven Blood Magic really took off with the creation of the first blood trees about 300 years ago. 150 years ago the elves had finally really gotten going and started the elven expansionist wars, or the elven reclamation wars if you ask them, though they are unlikely to answer anyway…wait…how did you even FIND an elf? Long have they withdrawn from the world, and even if you stumble upon an outcast, it is unlikely they’ll speak. Elves have always held a holier-than-thou attitude, for as long as written history can remember.

For fifty years the elves continued an expansionist program, which halted 100 years ago with the elven schism, a conflict which outsiders still don't really understand. Armies marched against elven targets, and the previously sedate pace of elvish blood magic creation was kicked into high gear by the need to outdo other elves. The war was however much less violent than the wars of conquest, with military might often demonstrated rather than used. After thirty years the schism was resolved and the elves again began to look outward.

It was during the schism when soma became a popular recreational drug due to new cultivation techniques. Within a decade (about eighty years ago), an enterprising priest had noticed its effects on his novices, and the prayer mill was born. A decade later, prayer mills were already widespread, and when forty years ago the elves began another expansionist push, they were met with prayer-powered magical weapons and suffered a humiliating defeat. The brief two-year Dar River War was enough to break the last barriers to acceptance of the prayer mills, so effective were their products in defending human lands.

Since then relationships between the elves and humans have been chilly but with conflict limited to an occasional border skirmish, as elven passions have turned to tending their present lands, and human desires to getting rich. Humans believe that the elves are warming to them, and that there is little chance of another elven war…Well, then by historical means, the current conflict occurred, and with so few forces on either side, there is no chance of any further struggle. The elves are rebuilding, the same as everyone else, and there’s little chance that they’ll allow outside assistance.

Outside of war and conflict, the Elvish have always been at the peak of farming, tending, reaping the bounty of the earth…many humans would give anything for their techniques, which can produce up to twenty times what the average human farmer can achieve, and on the same scale of land. It’s said that it is all done by magic of the elves, using their patron goddess and her will to help nourish the land and produce a bountiful harvest. The true location of their land, or of their patron god, Eodam, however, is unknown…

Elves are far too secretive to lay the true history of their race, and the in-depth look at their past, leaders, and struggles, as this may give someone the upper hand on Elven mistakes, and like they would honestly admit to making any. The troublesome elves make it that much more a bother to have a true thirst for knowledge of the past in our world. Will history be washed away among the tides of time?

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:14 PM


If Seraphs were created to be the light of the world, Vesyl'a created the vampires in her own image to be the dark.

Do not be confused by the folktales and lore you may have heard, or what may have crossed your ears about these nobles beings. Noble is used rather loosely, as the fact remains that vampires sustain themselves from the blood of others due to the curse Vesyl’a gave them with, their bodies constantly deteriorating. The purpose in this was to introduce a leech like being into the world to stave off an overabundance of the other species. In short, she had noble purposes for creating the vampires, to help keep the other populations from growing too large and dominating one another.

The majority of vampires tend to stay around their main food source of the era, and as immortal beings alongside the elves, shifters, seraphs, and gods, the main course for most vampires is the one two species that breed quickly and have short life spans. Humans and Elementals, though the Elementals do live longer. That said, more often then not you can spot a vampire hiding amongst humans, or perhaps elementals, masking what they are as many a mortal fears them. This has led to a great many myths about the beings, the majority of which I shall take the time to dispel.

The Average Vampire show rather amazing physical feats, being quick, nimble on their feet, strong, durable, and good with weaponry. They bear fangs as longer protruding teeth capable of piercing the toughest skin. Creatures more of the night then day, for the single reason that most are often pale from below average blood amount, which leaves a large degree of damage done while being out near the day. Unfortunately, the rumor of them burning up is untrue; however the fact of the matter would be that the average vampire would sunburn easily. They do carry the ability to spread their curse, which leaves subraces within vampires, with few of the originals remaining. The rest are merely ones that have been turned, and suffer the same strengths and weaknesses, though their bodies degenerate faster, meaning they need to ‘eat’ more often. The average vampire has to feed at least once in a two week period, while fledglings and subraces need to feed at least once a week. While the rumor is that they can change into bats, this is mostly untrue, as Shapeshifter vampires have mostly given this one to birth. The myth of garlic is actually due to the fact that certain plants are known to carry magical properties, and due to the way the curse changes a body, garlic works to reverse everything, and as the curse normally infests the dead through blood, reversing it would…kill. They happen to be unable to cross running water due to the magical properties of fresh water as well from the pure mana of the earth, though it must be directly under them to render them unable, not covered, meaning bridges may be crossed.

Other various myths have arisen, though most are widely untrue and birthed from fear. The main haunting ground of vampires would have been the largest concentration of food source, Gote, however with it’s destruction, the current location where one is likely to find a vampire is…unknown. Likely, they are hiding amongst the survivors, or perhaps the higher ups have fled for a location to house themselves now, the truth unknown. Perhaps Vesyl’a has taken them in again to shelter her creations in this time of stress.

Notable vampires in the past would be ‘heroes’ like Razlyn, and her sister Renae, one whom protected the race in war against the Seraphs long, long ago, and the other whom likely caused it, certainly not in that order. Other notable vampires include Lelus and Licanena, sisters whom did personal research on the effects of blood of different races, offering a journal to the vampire society of their findings, along with their notable death in pursuing a more in depth look at Seraph blood. Another would be Tinach, whom single-handedly found new channels for vampire abilities outside of the ones gifted by Vesyl’a by studying Elven blood magic, founding the principle of using their food source…of course, his death was also caused by this as he over exerted his spells. Krorgan, whom perhaps single-handedly led to the great deal of distrust and animosity between vampires and humans, as his own personal campaign to wipe out the ‘inferior race’ left a great deal of humans in his wake. Vampires have a rich and varied history, however the majority of it remains unknown outside of the vampires themselves, and I only have what I was given…

Likelihood by race of becoming a meal is listed below with percentages.

Shapeshifter- 10% Their blood tastes horrible, but can be mistaken for a human. The main reason being the majority of shapeshifter blood is false, created by their power after the first few shifts, leaving no natural blood in it’s wake.

Elf- 75%- Rich thick blood, like wine. Easily can get intoxicated, which, can mean one's life, so the lethality rate is high on both sides.

Mystic- 85% Their blood is a bit less intoxicating but Mystics are harder to keep a hold of. Still, quite a tempting meal for the risk involved.

Human- 100% Humans happen to be the most plentiful, boundless, and oft weakest of all the possible food sources making them a prime target. Get one alone, and more often then not, the vampire will be able to take what they need.

Seraph- 1% Only if they are very, very desperate, as this blood will make them severely ill due to the construction of the race. That is, if said Seraph doesn’t kill them beforehand…

Elemental- 95% Elementals can be a deterrent, as they have powers that can make them a tiny bit more of a threat. Elements in the blood can also send a vampires system out of whack for a few days, but it's slightly richer than a humans.

Many vampires think of humans as Home cooked meals, Elementals as a quicker meal, Seraphs as poisonous berries, Shapeshifters as water, and everything else gourmet to be sampled on rarer occasions, or perhaps when there’s no one else of a more likely food source. Such is the life of a vampire, and such has been…given to me, by sources whom wished for a great deal more to be included in this book.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:14 PM


Mystics and other races don’t necessarily get ‘not’ along, but a lot of people find the mystics to be too moody to handle. Add to that, the mystics hate being dependent on people, this fueled the decisions to retreat to the one place no other people would try to inhabit; the icy tundra of the barren north. Hextus designed a self-sustaining conservatory. Even if the world around them were to entirely fall apart, as in killing each other off, the Mystics could survive on their own. The conservatories main is a tower, and that is where most activities take place. Behind the tower, covered in snow banks to seem invisible, lays the rest. Greenhouses produce all the food needed, and shops create and sell many goods. Outside goods are luxury items, sold through one shop. There is a high tax on those items. It’s as if the mystics had formed a mini world to themselves. Only those with resistance to cold ventured out.

Azanene was the first mystic. He was the child of Kazen, the goddess of Magic herself. His sire was a human, as one could find clear. So, Mystics bear the blood of gods, as do the elementals. But, the Mystics has no particular affiliation. As magic is moody, Azanene, and the later first demigod female, who was sired by the god of magic, Laneis, on a human, Xhera, Other demi gods flocked to these two later. Essentially, that’s what the first Mystics were- demigods. The mixing of god and ‘mortal’ gave these people access to higher realms of magic then other races.

Some people consider them an elf sub-culture, but Mystic Historians decline any truth from this statement. Despite the slightly pointed ears mystics’ exhibit, there is little or no elven blood in the mystic lines. They have a prolonged life span, actual aging process differs. They are no particularly racist, though they have had a few wars with the elves, hence they tend to dislike them more a little more. All other races are welcomed with open arms. They usually take in elven hybrids, as the elves usually won’t take them. Mystics are adept as both magic users, and fighters, particularly skilled wit
h using both at once. They generally have low stamina, and have often been deemed as very trusting as well. They tend to be very open and opinionated, though they have been known to hide a good amount of secrets.

Wars with the elves seem more common than any other creature for the above purpose. Of course, this was before they Mystics moved to he conservatory, and the most interaction they got with the other races were social soirees meant to match off noble children ,and occasionally, royal children, though it was less then just occasionally.

Notable mystics in the past would be Azanene and Zhera for the reasons above, applying the base for the mystic race to grow upon, Eblis whom developed and perfected the spellsword style of fighting, Lym whom started the original war with the elves, of which ties have never truly been resolved, Exri, a temperamental, crazy, but likely most knowledgeable of the mystics, though she chooses to remain outside of the conservatory and still lives to this day, likely, perhaps having evaded Khaine’s Assault, and Hextus, the designer of the mystic stronghold known as the conservatory.

Everstar is offline
Old 11-11-2007, 04:15 PM

Now that the basic races have been covered, it is time for a more in-depth look at the mechanics of the world. To make this more understandable, one must keep in mind that mana lies in all things, living, or nonliving, and it is the chemical makeup of the world, matter in and of it, the mind freed able to reshape this raw material into the desired effect, a spell. Yes, it is how magic works, drawing on forces outside, however, energy is not lost, simply transferred. Say that Sophia were to call upon destructive forces and cast a fireball. When the flame vanishes, the gases emitted, and energy remains in this world. As such, for magic that calls across planes, it could lead to a build-up of matter in this world, which is counterbalanced by the fact that other planes may call upon this one in return, should that happen. Matter, mana, magic, it all transfers across existence in one existential loop that creates the balance that we live in. To better understand magic, let us follow an example and the steps however.

There are many different types of magic, from the nature magic of the elves, drawing on the very land they care for for protection and defense, as well as assault, to destructive magicks called forth from another realm, healing on the holy powers in this own realm, or from another as well. Any magic can be called on should someone know the realm, or simply know the incantation, perhaps spell, as many run on words of power like the destructive spell-set Sophia uses, and many other similar cast spells. Four words, each carrying a specific purpose and altering any one with another of the tongue of the magic could alter the spell in such a manner as to cause a tremendous drawback, or perhaps a whole new spell entirely. Many are rather…afraid of experimenting after hearing stories of sorcerers whom lost their lives in freak accidents by mispronouncing a syllable. Some, however, don’t care for the consequences.

Grun Det Vras Nuah. A simple spell of Sophia’s which summons forth a fireball of immense heat and destructive potential, however simply altering the first word allows for a larger or smaller destructive force, offering insight into the mechanics of Spellcasting. However, without further research or sources, how the others work will have to remain rather unknown, as I lack the means to do proper research myself. Perhaps in time someone will make the effort, when fear subsides of being frozen, burned, or eaten alive, perhaps eviscerated and split in two.

In order to cast the most basic spell, however, one must first gather a symbol of spiritual focus of their chosen field, though relics are scattered about. Some are easier to find then others, though some are oft given through intense focus on the desired field; such a symbol comes in time. The symbol may come in many, many different forms; however the most common is some sort of stone, fragment, metal, or anything else along those lines. At times, the symbol may be a weapon of some sort, or anything, really, so long as it carries a resemblance manawise to the magic it will be used for.

Once one has a symbol to concentrate their mana through, the source of power or mana gathered comes into play. The most common is to draw on energy present in the body, resulting in fatigue with extended Spellcasting, while others may draw –directly- on opposing planes, or perhaps the world, or even the caster’s body in other ways, such as blood magic uses…surprise, blood. Everything has it’s cost, and the costs vary strongly for the strength of the spell, requiring a stronger symbol, or perhaps more mana to accomplish, such like resurrection often requiring a near life given in the process.

Once the mana has been focused, the next question, or rather the next step is to apply a means for the mana to be released after concentrated, and for the spell to take form. The most oft used way to do this, is to focus the focused mana through a wand or rod, something pointed that could allow a direction to be aimed for, which ultimately allows for a better focus in the mind, and thus better Spellcasting success with hitting he intended target. Of course, it’s not perfect, and really greater control of the mind is needed, however such grows with time. It is imperative to have a instructor with incantation magic, however, what with the way it is cast and the ease of mistakes in pronunciation.

The use of magic has alone birthed artifacts, and while most are created by the Mystic race nowadays, the older ones are remnants of power from previous eras, or the pure work of the gods in power, or perhaps imparted power from other source strong in mana, like the Elemental Lords. When these artifacts fall after an era, they are oft kept in the ruins of where they had been, obviously, leading to a great many ruin hunters in search of powerful lost magicks, the most notable being a specific Neikan Turan, though his methods are…

As you may have noticed from the account of the events of the Khaine period, different people have exhibited strange abilities not natural to humans, and magic in nature, such as Clyde’s ice, Mai’s fire, Dondt’s shifting, and the like. Such are actually localized and inscribed spells, basically implanted at birth through the hereditary line as a mark of their race. Abilities, or powers, manifest differently in each person, and more often then not, even humans are born with abilities at times, or are changed to have them, as was the case with Leon, Clyde, Tera, and Sophia. The symbols are not needed, as power is taken directly from the body of the user, causing severe exhaustion, and possibly death from overuse, on the other hand, normally these are highly easier to use than traditional magic for a few reasons, the foremost being that no spells need be learnt. Also it is near impossible to vary the abilities as easily as learning new spells; however powers progress as they are used, logically, and more abilities develop over time and experience. The link is easy to see, in an ability perspective, however how such things occur…………

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Old 11-11-2007, 04:17 PM

Ah the aftermath, I suppose you wished to know what happened to those involved in the events six years prior to the publication of this record, hm? Well, as said, six years have passed, and let us first begin with the shape of the new world to offer a better understanding of where the group has ended up in the rebuilding. Keep in mind the destruction from the Khaine Events, leaving behind no cities but rubble and the palace of Aephris, though the stench of blood still claims the place. As such, places need cleaned up, new cities built, ruling orders established, and this is just for the humans! What shifters were left, what elves, what Seraphs, all are working on their own, the mystics only aiding the humans because…well you shall see.

Delos is no more, despite Clyde’s attempts, and with the number of survivors so low, Velucia had to be abandoned as well to prevent the deaths that would occur in trying to rebuild out there yet. Instead, the focus has been on Aephris with the kingdom of Gote decimated as well. What this has left, was a cleaning up of the town, then rebuilding. As of now, the town in the main city of Aephris is re-established, with a semi-working government, though it works nicely with how willing everyone is to work together now. The human race isn’t alone now, however, as the Mystics are aiding for mostly a single reason…

It appears Selena married the standing heir to the throne of Aephris, which would happen to be none other then Aredhon himself. After the battle, he was taken to the best healer Dondt knew of, and his body repaired. Some things were confessed I hear, some arguments, some crying, and then…a few months later a wedding invitation, funny how those things work, but I hear the two are quite happy together, at times, and that Selena has twins on the way…Amazing…with them together, the mystics and humans are able to cooperate, as the people trust both of their leaders…

Cooperate, not entirely enjoy it, but with so little…what other choice is there?

The Conservatory was destroyed, none of it left, which left what mystics that were still alive well without a home, leaving the situation in Aephris one of convenience as well, with Mystics prepared to…live there. Nindural and the other Delosians are helping out as well, seeking a place to shelter themselves before heading out to eventually reclaim their own lands and rebuild, but for now the focus has been to gather what they have, as it will likely take centuries to repopulate the damage done…maybe less with the rate things have been going.

Leon and Sophia have been heading the Delosian reconstruction, with Devon noticeably…gone…the poor man. Sophia seems to be taking it well however, and was married to Leon shortly after they got out of the desert. I’m told they have a child now, one by the name of Senger apparently. With the way Sophia clings to Leon, however, it’s becoming harder and harder to keep in touch with the man, though I’ve yet to meet him personally either.

The reborn city is kept under control by the Captain of the Guard, none other then Clyde himself who has trained a task force of guards to handle any problems that may arise in the city, and to help anyone who may require it. His legacy, along with his new son, Remi, whom Clyde shares along with his wife, Mai…the two of them married a very, very short time after the end of the events. Happily, they live together in Aephris alongside everyone else, though notably Clyde and Dondt have grown to be close friends.

Something Shadow seems to dislike, though not them being friends, but the fact that it puts her own daughter, Liadon, close to Remi, whom the Seraph doesn’t trust to keep his hands to himself when he gets older. Yes, Liadon would also be the daughter of Dondt, and if you’ve been following you’ll note a trend when I say those two have also married, shortly after working and retrieving Shadow’s heart, though her wings never did change back entirely, feathers fall less often, and Dondt had taken a vow to never use them again…it appears Liadon was born with wings however…

Whom else was in our merry struggle, hm? Ezkiel and Suzume, and while the young inventor wanted to try to patch up Gote and get it running again, Clyde was able to talk him into staying and working on things to help the current generation, with frequent trips to patch up little pieces of Gote here and there. Eventually, their city would be restored, Ezkiel plans on it, and in his young age, he may very well accomplish it. One may not a break in the trend, as close as Ezkiel and Suzume are, they are –not- married, instead finally finding love in one another. Perhaps later down the road, but for now…

That would leave…myself, and my darling wife Kirise. Married for five years now, we have a daughter by the name of Zerine, and she’s growing quite quickly. It’s a miracle, and I count my blessings daily that I can by with Kirise and my child, that we’re alive, and that things turned out alright…The three of us aren’t staying in Aephris, however, as with my constant search for the past and truth, we’re traveling…there are ruins to be found and searched, and ancient civilizations to uncover and learn more about! I can hardly wait!


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