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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 02-28-2010, 10:22 PM

many years ago angels and demons did not get along until they had children the goddness of the heavens made this school for angels to come here and be strong like their parents.

no goddmoding ok
you have to be angels or fallen angels it is ok.

classes you can think of it

username :xserenityxninax
name: kiki yuki
race: angel
age: 15
bio: she is a full angel both her parents are angels of the goddness she was born as one. she is a freshman in the school she is a smart girl.
Classes: math,art,english,music
what she likes: she likes sweet and music
what she doesn't like: she doesn't like making fun of her a lot.
what she lookes like:

please join

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 10:29 PM

username : Potterfangirl13
name: Terri Arini
race: Fallen Angel
age: 17
bio: She was kicked out of heaven because she fell in lust with somebody.
Classes: Art, home ec, Music
what she likes: Chocolate, cats
what she doesn't like: Jerks, goody-two-shoes
what she lookes like: (Angel form) dark angel by *Amuria on deviantART
(Human form) Lady Lightning by *ALF874 on deviantART

May I join?

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-18-2010, 10:08 PM

Terri yawned as she walked through the gate to the school. Why do I have to go to school. I'm a fallen, we don't DO school. Shaking her head she walked to the main door of the school.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 04:27 PM

(i'm assuming you can just jump in. Here's my pro)
username: Mr Crowly
Name: Kite Crowly
Race: Fallen Angel, half human
bio: Was kicked out because he messed around with time. He saved a life that wasn't meant to be saved. He wandered around the earth until he stumbled upon a gateway to another realm. That's when he found the school. Some say he's insane, but he's really good at solving problems. He can be a bit naive at times. Even though he is 17, he acts like a child.
Classes: Physics, Mythology, Mathematics
What he likes: cats, the little yappy dogs, sushi, books, fog, swords
What he doesn't like: big dogs, bullying, guns, onions
What he looks like:

I'll just start...
Kite was reading a book on the school steps. He was in a fairly cheery mood. He had a new life to live, much better than roaming the streets of earths cities. He was happy to be alive. He noticed someone approaching the school. "Hello, person!" He yelled grinning ear to ear, waving his hands frantically.

Last edited by Mr Crowly; 03-21-2010 at 04:31 PM..

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-22-2010, 11:07 AM

Terri turned and saw the boy there, blinking she shook her head. "Yo, " she said in reply to his welcome.Her black hair hung loosely down her back. Sighing she stretched and looked around the school grounds.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-22-2010, 08:50 PM

"Someone seems a bit grumpy." Kite said, looking over to the newcomer. "No one's here yet because school doesn't start for another 2 hours." Kite closed his book and stood up. "I'm Kite, who are you?" He said, holding out his hand.

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-23-2010, 11:07 AM

"Terri Arini," Terri replied with a brush of her hair. Sighing she sat down. If school didn't start for two hours she might as well sit down.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-23-2010, 07:37 PM

Kite lowered his hand from being left hanging (for lack of better words), but he still had a smile on his face. He sat down a couple feet away from her and pulled out his book. Something told Kite this person didn't like to be bothered...

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 06:17 PM

username: dragonlily14
name: Tina Camora
race: fallen angel
age: 16
bio: Mom was an angel dad was a fallen angel so she has no wings. She looks evil but dont let her looks fool you or her likes and dislikes she a very up beat happy girl. She is a Jr.
Classes: art,mythology,music,reading
what she likes: sweets,the darkness, moonlight
what she doesn't like: ice, sunlight
what she lookes like:

Tina walked through the school gates. She was a few people sitting at the bench and she wanted to go say hi but she felt extramly shy so she just stood there. She saw some really pritty flowers and one that was wilting so she went over to it and helped it.

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 06:27 PM

Terri sighed and pulled a piece of gum from her bag, popping it into her mouth before pulling a violin from her case. Making sure it was tuned she played a few nots before starting up a tune.

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 06:36 PM

Tina heard music and turned around wondering were it was comming from. She recognized the tune and began to humm along with the girl. She smilled and walked over pulling a fold up electric piano out of herback pack. She set it up on its stand that was also a fold up and began to play along with the girl. It sounded amazing. The violin and electric piano complamented each other's sounds. She smilled and hummed along with their playing.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 07:17 PM

Kite closed his book shut with one hand and slipped it back in his bag. I kind of feel left out a bit... He thought, looking at the two making music. He wasn't sure if he should join them. Usually people started to yell whenever he played his harmonica in the subway. He decided there was only one way to find out. He pulled out an old, beat up tin harmonica and proceeded to play along. Even though he didn't know the song, he improvised.

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 07:42 PM

Tina heard the harmonica. It complamented the song even though it was an improve. She smilled even more.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 09:59 PM

Kite continued to play the harmonica. However, memories popped into his head and he had to stop. He flashed back to when he lived in the subway tunnel, playing the harmonica for coins. People either insulted him or threw money AT him. He looked down at his instrument, his saviour, his voice, his soul, and cried. Not the loud crying, but the soft kind. A tear drop fell onto the tin.

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 01:01 AM

Terri let out a grin as she played the last few chords with the people. "Nice."

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 05:45 PM

Tina smiled and said "Thanks." then she heard the slight crying that was hard to hear. She looked over at the boy and thought he might need a friend she didnt want to make him feel akward but sat down next to him and hugged him anyways. "What ever it is it will be okay." she wispered to him.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 07:08 PM

"I've been told to let the past go, but the past wont let me go..." Kite said to the girl, not knowing why. It felt nice to be hugged, the only friend he had back in the subway was in his hand right now. His wings appeared to be made out of wood, yet they curled around him like normal wings would.

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 10:58 PM

Not knowing what to do Terri patted his back. Her wings ghost-like around her. Flicking her hair from her eyes she brushed her face, trying to erase the scars there.

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 05:21 PM

Tina smiled. "Its hard to let go of the past. I should know." she said taking her gloves off. She held up her right hand. "Its a scar for me even though its a tattoo. It was givin to me by my father.... To show i have no right to be an angel. Theres ones on my back too were my wings should be. they look like scars of were wings get removed." she said shareing a little bit of her self with them. She then put her gloves back on recovering her scar. She smiled at them. "It doesnt bother me anymore. People just ask to many questions when i dont cover up my scars." she stated.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:17 PM

Kite's wings lifted a bit. "Thanks...who are you?" He asked, the pep in his voice slowly coming back. He wiped the tears from his eyes.

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:34 PM

Terri sighed, they were just banished angels. She had excepted work as a bounty hunter.

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-27-2010, 01:36 AM

((my girl isnt a banished angel. She would hav been excepted except for her father's torment.))

"My name, Kite, Is Tina. It's a seriously bad name. Seriously but I got it from my dad." she said. She smiled at the boy.

Mr Crowly
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Mr Crowly is offline
Old 03-27-2010, 02:46 PM

"Tina....that isn't a bad name at all." Then his eyes widened. "How did you know my name?"

potterfangirl13 is offline
Old 03-27-2010, 06:48 PM

Terri sat down on the stoop and pulled a chocolate bar from her bag. Taking a bite of it she looked at them. That was a good question, how had she known his name. Leaning back she slowly let her wings fold back and sighed.

(Oh... 'k)

My Bad Temper Can Beat Up Your T...
dragonlily14 is offline
Old 03-27-2010, 09:59 PM

((oooopppsss didnt mean to make my girl a mind reader uh-oh))

"Thanks Kite... Its uh... Complicated... You wouldn't believe me if I told you...." she said. "I inherited it from my dad... You could say I can read minds.... But its.... Not major. Only certin things like names and... Uh.... Basic feelings like anger..." she said and wondered if they would believe her. She began to blush."Umm..." she started to say something then stoped.


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