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Kilia is offline
Old 10-15-2012, 03:08 AM

"So your telling me that the fact you look exactly like me is because you have some random power to make you look like others?" Zayne said to him, just as serious as he always been, fingering the staff/spear before he pricked his finger on it. He wasn't bother by it, he had cut himself often to get at the blood inside him, which was clear when people looked at his arm and wrist. He met the dark eyes with his own dark blue eyes, only one was actually bright red but the contact made sure that it was the same color as his other eye.

""Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen? Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come; make her laugh at that.""
he had quoted upon hearing the staff/spear's name, chuckling to him self as he spun it around, not letting his eyes leave Aries, he wanted to know why he was lead to the boy, and why he looked some much alike. Soon a thought crossed his mind, watching as the other male that was there with him, narrowing his eyes lightly before sighing, this school was for the extremely gifted after all.

"Do you have one red eye?" he finally asked bluntly, trying to figure out if he had that birth defect also, if so then he would know for sure if they were related. Though all he knew growing up was that his parents often left to visit someone in the hospital constantly, avoiding him and trying to kill him up til the point that a cop saved him of all things. He finally held the staff/spear out to Aries, not letting it go even when he took it.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-15-2012, 03:07 PM

Kyan watched the other. "Because my father created the blueprints for this exact tech. At the time they were considered unplausable and stupid. He had them locked away." He said as he finally picked up his tablet and started to set it up. So many of his things were gone. It really irritated him. He got up to his desk and pulled out an external hard drive and plugged it in. This was going to take forever to get on his tablet again.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-15-2012, 06:19 PM

"There are many plans for holographic tech out, your father was not the only one by any means. This one is no where near like others, since it is personally set up with...specifics" Shinji says with a small smile. "Unlike people who wait around forever, I prefer to actually do things" he picks up a small case out of his bag. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do of my own" he turned, walking out of the room. He headed down the hall looking for an empty class. As he found one, he walked inside and closed the door locking it. He moved to a plug and opened his kit, pulling out what looked like a calculator but with different buttons. He pulled out a cord from the back that easily fit into the plug. Another holographic screen popped up, numbers flying across it, much faster then any normal human would be able to see. "Now where are you? he whispered. He soon found what he was looking for, the face of the virus popped up on his screen. He smiles "bingo", he downloads it safely, wiping it from the schools system like it was never there. He unplugs the machine and stands.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-15-2012, 10:21 PM

Kyan ended up staying in his room. His mind was completely bothered by the technopath's words. Kyan knew those plans. He sighed and rested his head on his pillow. He stared at the ceiling cursing this school under his breath. He sat up and crossed his legs. After closing his eyes he started to think calm and soothing thoughts. His shoulders soothed a little as he took in deep calming breaths.

Chris was in his office that was linked to his classroom. The door was open but he was in his own worlde. He used his ability to strengthen his feel and he was doing the unbelievable. He was dancing. His body seemed to moved in ways that didn't hurt him. A smiled was on his face as he spun in circles, without getting dizzy. He was so into his moves he spun into someone. He stopped his ability and when his eye sight got better he looked at who he bumped into. "I am so sorry. I thought I was alone in here." He said with a slight blush and sweat on his brow.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 02:42 AM

Chris had been at the school for a while, already having grumbled slightly at his weapons being taken away, now he had nothing to practice in his spare time but he understood the rules about them, after all it wasn't like any of them were not dangerous enough without them. At the moment he was walking around the school in a bored manor, his ice blue eyes seemed to pierce into every person he came into contact with, intimidating them to the point they thought he was going to do something to them with just that look. He sighed, after all this was going to be another year of people fearing him, not something he wanted but he couldn't help it, after all it was just the wolf that was in him that people seemed to sense.

Last edited by Kilia; 10-16-2012 at 03:17 AM..

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 02:51 AM

Kyan finally opened his eyes and smiled. He was much more relaxed them. He got out of his bed and left his room. He closed the door and skipped happily down it's halls. He finally got outside and took in a deep breath. He spun in a couple circles and stopped. "Such a nice day!" he said softly licking his lips. He wished he had his tablet. He was so bored without it. Guess he'll have to get to know people the old fashion way. He skipped a way as happy as can be with his eyes closed. That is until he skipped into a cement pillar and fell down. "Owww."

Kilia is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 03:23 AM

"Hey kid." Chris said, having spotted a student run into a pillar, a serious, strict look on his face as he looked down at him, not offering to help him up as he gave a slight yawn, oh man was he bored. His voice was a bit rough to the ears, but other wise it was pleasant. He rubbed his face before his ice blue eyes locked on him, waiting to see if he was going to be all flustered and run away because of the fact he was one hell of an intimidating guy at six foot three inches. "Are you alright?" he asked simply, automatically scanning him over for any wounds he may have gotten.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 03:34 AM

Kyan over all seemed to be alright. He got up and dusted himself up. "Thanks. I'm fine." He said before looking up at him. His eyes locked onto the others. This guy was pretty tall and very intimidating. Kyan just smiled. "Your eyes are very beautiful. What are six foot or so?" he said looking the guy up and down. "I'm Kyan. I'm a techno- kenetic."

Roka is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 04:06 AM

Nathaniel grunted an affirmative. "Yes... He tends to keep to himself. It would be fine if he were... normal." He rubbed his face in his hands and took a puff on the cigarette. "Not saying that the rest of us aren't. We're... enhanced. However, Aiden's power, or whatever you want to call it, seems to be more of a curse than an... enhancement." He sighed and leaned back, wondering why he was giving so much information to this man. With a wry grin, he realized that it was always the quiet ones. So slow to speak, but seemingly eager to listen....

"What I mean by that is, he was force-fed herbs by his biological father to make him poisonous to the touch. I've been working on an antidote for those who have the unfortunate event of coming in contact with his skin... but I don't believe that I can help him, himself." He grunted and let himself fall back into the leather seat, and sighed once again. "I'm sorry to speak so much... It's been hard on me, and all I can ever think about now is for his well-being. It just sort of... came out."

Aiden stood slightly behind Aries' shoulder, watching the interaction curiously. He longed to grab Aries' hand and pull him into the room once he came in contact with the spear, and glowered at the newcomer. He'd just gotten through to someone, he'd finally made a friend, someone who was as cursed as he was... and this guy had to come along and ruin that. So what if they were related? They could figure it out later. Aiden made the decision to grab Aries' forearm as the male, in turn, grabbed the spear.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 05:31 AM

Shinji stood as the odd man bumpped into him. He tilted his head for a moment, and then looked him over. He had to be a teacher, it was to old to be a student. "Don't worry about it, no harm done. He turned away to the door, opening it and walking out. Odd man, emphasis on the odd part. He shakes his head, they were letting anyone into schoos these days. He looked at the small device and smied, now no one would know what the virus was up to.

Vincent nodded, "you care about him, there is nothing wrong about that, as for what you call enhancements and curses, it depends on how people look at it." He paused for a moment. "Being harmful to touch someone can be very drawing on a person for many reasons, I am sure it is hard on both of you" he glanced over at the man for a moment watching him. He opened his mouth to speak again, when they arrived. He sighed, and parked the car, undoing his seatbelt and got out. "Shall we?" he says, keeping his eyes adverted.

Aries was about to respond as his arm was grabbed. He looked up at Aiden and saw the look in his eyes. He turned back to the male asking about his eyes. "I am me...." he says simply, and moves his hand up to take Aiden's in it. He passed the male, leading his roomate back over to the doors to go inside. His mind pondered over what the other male had said though, he was a bit cuious to how he could have known. Aries' eyes were not red naturally, but at times when his emotions spiked, they had a tendancy to turn that way. Right now they were a dark red, still relatively black, and for that he was thankful.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 05:26 PM

"Well Kyan I am the Drama Teacher. Mr. Wyeth to you." Chris said to him bluntly as he crossed his arms over his chest, it was clear that he was fit. "First off stop hitting on your teachers, second of all shouldn't you be getting some lunch? The cafeteria will be closed soon." he said to him as he ran a hand through his black hair, his ice blue eyes raked over the school, it was clear that he is a Native American. The pure turquoise that adorn him, a simple of his tribe and he wore them proudly.

Zayne never said anything after that, he didn't care about the boy's roommate just the boy himself, he couldn't help but want to know more about him. He watched Aiden, every more he made, every little thing that he was wearing, none of it escaped him. "When you don't have that control freak around, we need to talk." he said to him seriously, tugging the bone closer and the male before he whispered into his ear. "I may have been lead to you by something and we may look alike, and i want to know why....i want to know more about you." he then let it go, watching the both of them walk off towards their room, he then seemed to stare off at something for a few minutes. "Why did you lead me to that male? Even if he is my family whey would he have anything to do with me?" he said more to himself, though it was clear that something was answering him as he nodded his head, walking off, talking to himself, or maybe the dark shadow bat around his head that he didn't know about.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 05:51 PM

Kyan kept his eyes on the other. He shook his head. "I wasn't hitting on you. I was giving you a compliment. The tone of your skin makes them pop more. I was simply starting that you have pretty eyes. It's like if I say, I like that shirt your wearing or you have a nice ass." He said leaning a bit and looking at his butt. "Which by the way you do have a nice ass." He said as he crossed his arms. Kyan wasn't really tall so the other kind of towered over him.

Chris watched the other leave. He followed him and lightly placed a hand on his shoulder. "And what where you doing in a classroom? It's a beautiful day outside. I would think that you would be out and about." he said with a smile as he took his hand away.

Last edited by Bangarang; 10-17-2012 at 01:29 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 02:10 AM

Shinji looked at the teacher as he followed and touched him. He took a breath and tilted his head. "It may be, but I am going to check out the labs" he says, turning down a hall. He headed down the hall towards the computer lab first, sliding the door open to look at the huge hall. There were so many computers, he was glad to see that. He loved computers and tech, it was kind of his thing. He smiles a bit, stepping into the lab and walking along to the desks, running his hand along the tops of the tables. He smiled, moving it over one of the top of the computer that was closest to him. He smiles, loving this room, he thought about what the other labs would look like.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 02:14 AM

Chris smiled as he followed the other. "I'm not sure you should be in here. I heard that the computers were down. Some virus or something." He said as he looked at the computers. He liked computers but he wasn't a genius like his cousin. "Come to the cafe with me. I'll get you something to eat."

Kilia is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 03:02 AM

"I still consider that flirting with me, compliment or no compliment." Chris said to him as he sighed, a flash of gold could be seen in his eyes as he stood there like a bouncer would at the entrance of a club, looking down on the male. "Kyan, I am a teacher and a Native American on top of that and you being a kid and basically hitting on me is insulting." he said bluntly, after all it wasn't like he couldn't smell the arousal on the kid, though it could have been from earlier, but the smell was still very much there.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 03:09 AM

Kyan looked at the other. "Then allow me to apologize. I didn't mean it to be offensive, Mr. Wyeth." He said still blushing. He sighed as he kept his eyes on the teacher. It's like he demanded his attention. "Allow me to show you around to make it up." He smiled a sweet and innocent smile. He wanted to make it up to the other. He did find the teacher attractive, but so was about 90 percent of the student body at this school.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 04:04 AM

"Apology accepted." Chris said to him, a slight growl in his voice that he was unaware of, though if he knew it was there, then he would be aware of the fact that it sent shivers down a lot of people's spine, not in a bad creepy way, more in a sexual way. "Oh and what would you show me?" he asked as he quirked one of his eyebrows, watching his every move, much like a predator would its prey. "Tell me....what do you think is unique about me....if you guess correct i will pay for lunch, if you guess in correct you enroll into my class." he said to him, a slight smile on his face, clearly enjoying this little game he came up with, though the boy only had one guess.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 04:44 AM

Kyan looked at the of the smiled big. The growl seemed to effect him. But Kyan was good at hiding things like shudders. "What is unique about you?" He said as he looked at the other up and down. It was a trick question. "The way you present yourself. You may be tall and very intimidating, but I'm sure if you get to know someone, then you must be very kind and kind hearted." He said keeping the smile.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 05:35 AM

Shinji turned to look at the man who insisted on following him yet again. "The computers are fine" he says, then tilts his head as the teacher offered him lunch. He had a feeling that he was not going to give up so he sighed and nodded, moving back to the door. "Fine, lets go" he says waiting for him to follow him.

Alexzander Byren

The school was busy already, as Alex moved into the dorms. A sigh escaped his lips as he figured for now he would stay out of people's way. He moved to his door, and opened it, to fine the other bed still bare. Seemed he was alone for now, that was a good thing. He moved to the bed, and tossed his bag on top of it. The other stuff was on its way up, and he would have to unpack soon. He thought about going to look around, but was a bit unsure about running into some of the other people around here. Instead, he grabbed a sketch pad and moved back to the door. He headed out to find the courtyard, soon arriving on it with a smile. Not a bad looking place, he looked around for a moment. Finding a tree, he sat down and began to scetch the scene around him.

His mind wandered to why he was here after a moment, he had recieved a mysterious invitation form the headmaster, personally inviting him to come to RavenWood. He had no idea why anyone would want him to come, unless this headmaster had been looking into him. The thought crossed his mind, could they know about his powers? That was impossible, though why he was here. He was here to learn to control them and to keep from hurting others. He clenched a hand, looking down at it. His whole life all he had wanted was to be normal, and yet that was not going to happen at all now. Another sigh escaped him, and he tilted his head back closing his eyes. What he would have given to not be a freak now more then ever.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-17-2012, 04:54 PM

Chris smiled as he turned away and headed out. Luckily he had passed the cafe on his way of getting lost when he came here. "So what's your name?" He asked a he glanced behind his shoulder at the boy following him. Chris wanted to get to know his students. He was a very hand on teacher, in more forms than one. He put his hands into his pockets as he walked with the other.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-18-2012, 03:20 AM

"Hai." Chris stated again, putting more force behind his words to try and get an answer from him, he snorted at the answer that he had gotten from him. Rolling his eyes before he ran a hand through his long black hair, before he tied hit back with a leather thong. "Let me rephrase that. What is my power that makes me so unique? Your a techno-kinetic so you must have looked me up already. Or do you truly want to be in my class?" he said as he gave a wolfish grin, liking of the idea that he would already have one student that he would know and could pick on in his class.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-19-2012, 02:38 AM

Kyan looked lost. He hadn't looked up the teacher. "I'm not sure. I'm trying to stay out of other people's lives and files. But yes, I have taken a sneak peek at your file. Your Indian, turquoise looks amazing on you. And there was something else. Something I'm missing." He said trying to think. Yes he knew what he was missing. He leaned up on his tip toes and whispering in his ear. "You're also a wolf."

Kilia is offline
Old 10-19-2012, 04:40 AM

"Werewolf to be exact. Though considering you have guessed correctly, i owe you a meal." Chris said to him as he chuckled, though he was disappointed that he had not won that little game. With a turn of his heel, he moved towards the Cafe, not waiting to see if he was being followed as he weaved through the crowd, thinking for a few moments before he looked down at the student. "Though i will say that i am very glad that you are trying not to pry into others' lives until they tell you about it them selves." he said to Kyan in a proud voice, that made it seem like he was his father or someone close to him as he lead him into the cafe.


Zayne sighed heavily as he rubbed his face, having fixed his contacts when he had stopped off in a restroom, washing his face and every part of him free of blood, he didn't need it talk to him when he was already having a conversation with him self about the male that looked like him, and he was clearly losing the argument. Durring some point of him talking with himself and people avoiding him, he had made it to the court yard, his eyes drifted around the place before he stopped in front of Alexzander, mumbling about putting a cherry bomb into a toilet.

I am a girl
Bangarang is offline
Old 10-19-2012, 04:45 AM

Kyan smiled at the other. It was more of a smirk. Kyan could have told him more. But the man did know about himself. "Well I think I will sign up for your class anyways. It would be good to have a class that I can't cheat in. I cheat in all my other classes only because they don't know better." He said as he followed the other to the cafe on campus.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-19-2012, 04:54 AM

"My name is Shinji" he says, sliding into a seat once they reached the cafe. "Shinji Naruka" he plucked a napkin from the holder, and began slowly tearing the corners off of it. He did not take his eyes off of the napkin to even glance up at the teacher. He had no interest in him right now, other then the teacher seemed to insist on not leaving him alone right now. It was probrably not a good idea to get on the teacher's bad sides on the first day, so he held his tongue and kept his focus on his napkin in his hands. He wondered if all the other students here were having such an interesting first day.

Alex noticed the guy standing in front of him as his form blocked out the light. He opened his eyes to look up at him for a moment before standing. He thought about going back to his room to do some decorating. He had a lot to unpack, and it would be dinner in awhile. He moved to turn away from the male, heading past him back to the doors of the courtyard. He got a bad feeling about that guy, there was something a bit off about him.


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